Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 25, 1924, Image 1

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—1Isn’t it about time to hear some-
‘thing as to the condition of the peach
trees in Delaware.
—About every element of the Re-
publican party in the State seems to
have taken a crack at the Governor.
—The handle of a lawn mower is
productive of quite as good exercise
for the muscles of the back as is that
of a golf stick.
—_The “Afaletics” have started well
and we'd be wonderfully encouraged
if we could only forget how well they
started last spring.
—Of course the Goveronr blames
his overwhelming defeat for National
delegate to the Republican convention,
on everything but himself.
—As long as the water stays high
and the weather acts like it was Feb-
ruary we have a fairly good alibi to
offer when friends inquire as to how
many trout we have caught this sea-
—The Governor may get some con-
solation out of his defeat through the
blasting of the aspirations of his arch
enemy, Charles “Pickle” Snyder to
get back to the Senate from Schuyl-
kill county.
—The Hon. Wm. H. Noll will sound
very fine after the gentleman who
made such an enviable record as Coun-
ty Commissioner goes to Harrisburg
to represent Centre county in the Gen-
eral Assembly.
— The Senate has passed the sol-
diers’ bonus bill, 67 to 17, and it is
up to the President. The dope is that
he will veto it. Senator Pepper voted
against it and Senator Reed was ab-
sent, but paired against it.
—The Republicans of Delaware
county failed to take the “Watch-
man’s” advice. Evidently they didn’t
want a real Representative in Harris-
burg, so they failed to nominate Noah
H. Swayne II for that office.
— While it is impossible to state at
this time who have been elected dele-
gates-at-large to the Democratic Na-
tional convention the returns compil-
ed up to noon yesterday indicated that
they would be split about even be-
tween the organization and Bonniwell
—Seventy-seven per cent. of the
farmers of Centre county used com-
mercial fertilizer during 1922. They
averaged about two and one-half tons
to the farm and paid in all for it
$108,241. In the number using it
Centre county was five per cent. be-
low the average in the State.
; aE what they did in the
_ hospital drive all
“join Kiwanis in their
“It jsw't any trouble just: Cokie te
If ever you're in trouble
It will vanish like a bubble
It you’ll only take the trouble
just to smile.”
—OQut of the thirty-one Republican
votes polled at the primaries in the
West ward of Bellefonte Mr. Holmes
got only fifteen. Neither he nor his
friend Pinchot seem to be over popu-
lar with the Republicans of the West
ward. William H. Noll got over a third
as many votes on the Republican tick-
et as did the gentleman who said he
wouldn’t make any pledges—then
went and made one.
—Only a few years ago all the ag-
ricultural land in Russia was divided
among the peasants. That was So-
cialism. Today about twenty-six per
cent. of those peasants control their
own and all the land that was given
to the other seventy-four per cent.
That is the survival of the fittest,
which, in the last analysis is the bed
rock on which all theory of govern-
ment must be founded.
—1If you use soft coal and have the
money to do it we'd advise putting in
your next winter’s supply now. The
only things that could make it lower
in price are reductions in freight rates
and delivery charges. Many opera-
tors are selling coal at less than it
costs to produce it for the reason that
they lose less operating at a loss than
they would if their mines were idle
altogether. Money invested in your
coal bin right now will earn ten per
cent. and more before next November.
—The poor turn out of women at
the primaries on Tuesday is rather a
blast to the hopes of those who ad-
vocated suffrage for the gentler sex.
The strong point of the argument for
suffrage was that the women would
do what the better class of men had
failed to do—go to the primaries and
insure the nomination of only the best
men on both tickets. While Tuesday’s
primary was relatively unimportant
there was enough in it to interest
more women than went out to vote
and the only conclusion to be drawn
is that they are content to let the men
name the ticket and they will express
their opinion of it at the election.
—The Democratic vote in the coun-
ty was so light on Tuesday as to in-
dicate that there was very little inter-
est. This, of course, can be partially
accounted for by the fact that there
wasn’t a contest for any county office,
unless the eleventh hour effort of some
friends of Lawrence Redding, of Snow
Shoe, to name him as State commit-
teeman might be called one. The par-
ty had no nominee for the office, but
it was generally understood that coun-
ty chairman Gray would accept the of-
fice if his name were written on the
ticket. Mr. Redding’s friends sprang
their coup late Monday night, and
had it not been for the fact that chair-
man Gray had sent out a few stickers
of Centre county |.
. 5 no | ——1t is true that President Jack-
* {son and F
“It isn’t any trouble just to smile, 3
for himself, would have gotten away
with it. : !
wr aS
yy Vy
RIL 25. 1924.
VOL. 69.
NO. 17.
Governor Pinchot Humiliated.
The result of the primary vote for
delegates-at-large to the Republican
national convention surprises no one.
Even if Congressman Vare had not is-
sued his manifesto and even if Pin-
chot’s part in the investigation of
Secretary Mellon had not been reveal-
ed, the result would have been the
same. The machine managers had
milked the Governor to the full extent
of his ability to yield and he had be-
come a damaging liability rather than
a valuable asset. The necessity of
getting rid of him was generally felt
and freely expressed. There was no,
other way of achieving this result ex-
cept that adopted. He was placed on
the slate for the purpose of humiliat-
ing him by defeat.
The chances are that the defeat of
the Governor will work his ultimate
elimination from the public life of the
State. That is what it was intended
to achieve. His patronage having
been exhausted he is without even the
semblance of a magnet to attract fol-
lowers. During the last session of the
Legislature the smaller bosses were
glad of a chance to “eat out of his
hand.” Now they are not willing to
sit at the same table with him and
they availed themselves of the oppor-
tunity his ambition presented to de-
stroy him. Whether they succeed or
not is a question the answer to which
depends upon himself.
It is true that the patronage of the
administration for his term had been
practically exhausted. But the ten-
ure of no employee of the State is
firmly fixed, and if the Governor
chooses to do so he may remove many
if not all of the present job holders
and appoint others in their places.
This will give him a chance to bring
the friends of the present job holders
as well as those of the expeciants to
his feet and we shall be greatly sur-
prised if he does not avail himself of
it. Pinchot is an. expert trader in
politics and dispenser of patronage
and he is likely to do his best work in
that line in the near future.
Fee ident a refused
formation asked for by res-
guor te
not accuse the Senate af lawlessness
or deny its right to investigate.
True Story of an Important Event.
in which Senator
Watson, of Indiana, threw a monkey
wrench into the Republican machine
of Pennsylvania the real bugaboo of
the Coolidge administration was re-
vealed. A Senate committee of which
Watson is chairman had been engag-
ed for some time in an investigation
of some alleged irregularities in the
internal revenue bureau of the Treas-
ury Department. Little was being ac-
complished for the reason that the
chairman was bent upon concealment,
rather than exposure, and the inves-
tigator, Senator Couzens, not being a
lawyer, is not skilled in questioning.
Governor Pinchot, for one reason or
another, suggested to Senator Cou-
zens the employment of a capable
lawyer and that caused a panic.
So long as the inquiry ran along
lines that were fully protected, the
administration gave it no concern.
Secretary Mellon is a business man of
keen intelligence and knew that his
books must balance. He had careful-
ly guarded every weak point in the
matter of collecting and disbursing the
revenues. But he had been more care-
less or less scrupulous in the admin-
istration of the bureau for the en-
forcement of the Volstead law and
Senator Watson dug out of his sub-
consciousness a suspicion that the
lawyer employed would probe into the
affairs of that bureau and reveal the
fact that there had been no attempt
or intention to enforce the Volstead
law or the prohibition amendment to
the constitution.
Thus there was revealed to an as-
tonished world the spectacle of a
great party in control of a great gov-
ernment deliberately deceiving the
people upon a question of widespread
interest, and Senator Watson hasten-
ed to warn the President and the Sec-
retary of the Treasury of an impend-
ing calamity. The Secretary wrote
the President that it must be stopped
and the President ordered the Senate
to stop it. Subsequently Senator Wat-
son, speaking for the President, in-
formed the Senate that Congress
never intended to enforce the prohi-
bition legislation, which was enacted
only to fool the people. This is the
true story of the speech that threw a
monkey wrench into the machinery of
the Republican party.
In the speech
Premier McDonald says his
government “is doing its best” but
that “its tenure is precarious.”
Strangely enough its greatest danger
comes from those responsible for it.
——1It speaks well for the Demo-
cratic Congressmen for Pennsylvania
now in commission that they are all
running without opposition for re-
# But they did" of _party.workers that it seemed a
' $300,000,000 within a single year,
Got What Was Coming to Him.
The break in the relations between
Governor Pinchot and the Vare ma-
chine which occurred last Saturday
was inevitable. The friendship be-
tween these elements in politics was
founded on fraud and maintained in
false pretense. Both parties to it
were influenced by selfishness. Pin-
chot covets power and Vare wants pa-
tronage and each kept faith with the
other just so long as it seemed to be
advantageous. In other words, while
Mr. Pinchot had patronage to bestow
and conferred it on Vare, they worked
together amicably. When the supply |
was practically exhausted Mr. Vare
felt free to form other alliances and |
the Norristown millionaire, Ralph
Beaver Strassberger, became a willing
instrument to his purpose.
Of course both Pinchot and Vare
misrepresent the reasons which cul- |
minated in the Vare declaration of
Saturday. Mr. Vare declares it was
because Mr. Pinchot had made “a gra-
tuitous attack upon Secretary Mellon
and the Coolidge administration.” If
he had been truthful and candid he
would have said that the Governor,
having exhausted his patronage fa-
vors, is no longer a political asset and
the Vare followers are averse to sup-
porting a lost cause. Mr. Pinchot
states that liquor or law enforcement
is the issue. “That is what lies under
the fine words of Congressman Vare’s
statement. At the eleventh hour
liquor is showing its fangs and de-
manding the punishment of its ene-
my,” he adds. That is a plain sub-
terfuge. If he had been candid he
would have said he was thrown down
for the reason that he is a dangerous
party liability.
It may safely be said that Governor
Pinchot’s attitude on the liquor ques-
tion had little, if anything, to do with
his repudiation by the Vare machine.
So far as the bootleggers are concern-
ed they are not opposed to Pinchot.
He is their best friend. His enforce-
ment policies have created their mar-
ket. But his demoralization of the
State police, his crippling of the hos-
pitals and other public charities and
his open traffic in party patronage has
alienated so many of the better class
menace to success to present him as a
representative of the party in a cru-
cial period like the present. As a
matter of fact Mr. Pinchot has just
gotten:about what was coming to him.
——————— A ——————————
— There were fifty-one investiga-
tions of the Wilson administration by
the Sixty-fifth Congress and not a
dishonest act was revealed. There are
a half dozen investigations now in
progress and the Republican news-
papers refer to them as “an orgie of
scandal mongering.”
Mellon’s Stature Diminishes.
In his great speech delivered in the
Senate the other day Carter Glass, of
Virginia, stripped off a good deal of the
gold braid with which the President
and others had been decorating Sec-
retary of the Treasury Mellon. They
have been holding him up to popular
admiration as a financial wizard who
has saved the country vast sums of
money by his masterful management
of the treasury. The last great
achievement with which his eulogists
credit him is the conversion of a defi-
cit of $900,000,000 into a surplus of
which, if there had been any founda-
tion for the story, would have been
“going some.”
The trouble with this accomplish-
ment is that “it isn’t so.” In order
to influence Congress to vote against
a bonus for the world war soldiers
and justify President Harding in ve-
toing the bill when passed, Mr. Mel-
lon juggled treasury accounts so as to
create an apparent deficit for 1923 of
$900,000,000. It was a wild guess
from a man who either didn’t know
what he was talking about or was
willing to misrepresent in order to
compass a sinister result. A year lat-
er, for the purpose of justifying his
demand for decreasing the income
taxes of millionaires, he adopted the
same juggling processes to show a
treasury surplus of $100,000,000. Both
were guesses and the second is no
more likely to be accurate than the
Senator Glass, who was Secretary
of the Treasury during the last year
of the Wilson administration, points
out that the laws and not the Secre-
tary of the Treasury, are responsible
for increases and decreases of reve-
nue. During the last year of the Wil-
son administration there was a sur-
plus of nearly $300,000,000, and it was
during that period that the treasury
policies were laid which are still in
force. Mr. Mellon has made no chang-
es and whatever has been effected are
ascribable to Glass rather. than Mel-
lon, if the credit is due to the man-
agement of the Treasury. In view of
these facts the Mellon superman
fades away.
——Don’t jump at conclusions.
You might light on a tack.
Senator Wheeler Vindicated.
On Thursday last the Senate com-
mittee to investigate the charges
against Senator Wheeler, of Montana,
began taking testimony. A number
of citizens of Montana were sworn
and copies of all telegrams and letters
which passed between Senator Wheel-
er and those who were his clients be-
fore he went to Washington were sub-
mitted and examined. Among the
witnesses was Senator Wheeler's
partner in the practice of law, who of-
fered the books of the firm in evi-
dence. The solicitor of the Depart-
ment of the Interior at the time the
offense is allegd to have been com-
mitted was also sworn. Not a scin-
tilla of evitlence inculpating Senator
Wheeler was given.
This confirms the opinion expressed
in these columns last week to the ef-
fect that the accusation against Sen-
ator Wheeler was a malicious “frame-
up” resorted to by former Attorney
General Daugherty for the purpose of
discrediting Senator Wheeler in pub-
lic estimation and in the hope of
stopping the investigation of Daugh-
erty’s administration of the Depart-
ment of Justice. That is to say, the
testimony of the dozen or more wit-
nesses examined plainly revealed the
fact that the Department of Justice
had been prostituted to the base pur-
pose of protecting criminals at the ex-
pense of the reputation of a faithful
public official. That was a proceeding
as dastardly as it was dangerous.
The facts of the matter, as we indi-
cated last week, are that previous to
his election as Senator in Congress
Mr. Wheeler had professionally served
a client who is in litigation with the
Standard Oil company. After his
election to the Senate he notified the
client in question that while he could
continue to serve him in the State
courts he would rot be able to appear
for him in the federal courts or be-
fore any of the departments of the
government. A check in payment of
services rendered in the State court
subsequent to the election of the Sen-
ator was made the basis of the prose-
cution now pending, which was
brought by an enemy in a court pre-
sided over by a judge appointed by
{le Attorney General.
Notwithstanding the fact that
Easter was unusually late this year,
in fact within three days of being as
late as it could possibly be, it was
only natural to expect fair weather,
but Easter Sunday was just about as
disagreeable a day as it was possible
to have this time of year. Unusually
cool, with numerous showers accom-
panied by thunder and lightning pre-
vailed from morning until night. Of
course the weather didn’t prevent the
ladies from coming out in their spring
finery, but the parade was not as great
as it would have been had the day
been nice and warm. The Easter
showers continued on Monday when
flying snow flakes were also in evi-
dence. While the weather may have
interfered to a certain extent with
the church attendance on Sunday, it
did not keep many away, as good con-
gregations were present at the Easter
services in all churches.
A freight wreck near Curtin,
on the Bald Eagle Valley railroad on
Saturday, necessitated diverting the
Pennsylvania-Lehigh train east over
the Lewisburg and Tyrone division to
Montandon. The wreck was cleared
up so as. to permit westbound trains
getting through, though they were a
little late in reaching Bellefonte.
During the spring months of
this year it is the intention of the de-
partment of Forests and Waters to
distribute nine and a half million trees
from the nurseries of the State. The
number to be shipped, it is estimated,
will reforest 10000 acres of idle land
and when grown to maturity will pro-
duce 350 million feet of lumber.
Im ————— A ——————————
Owing to the indisposition of
one borough councilman and the fact
that two others were out of town, the
regular meeting of council was not
held on Monday evening.
Speaker Gillett admits that a
trunk was sent to his office but denies
that it contained whiskey. In that
event it was probably full of disap-
Of course Coolidge will be nom-
inated and probably on the first bal-
lot. But it is a safe bet that two-
thirds of the delegates know he is un-
The experts report that Ger-
many is able to pay the reparations.
Nobody ever doubted its ability to
pay. It's willingness that’s wanted.
—————— A —————————
One of the witnesses in the
Thaw case said that Harry is “mor-
ally insane.” In other words he is a
moral pervert.
Im ——— A —————
—1It is said that electricity trav-
els 11,600,000 miles a minute, and that
is certainly going some.
Several days ago this office received
a letter from a very old gentelman
who resides in Florida. He was mak-
ing inquiry as to incidents that oc-
curred in Bellefonte so long ago that
we were unable to find any one whose
memory carried back to the years he
was delving into.
The “Watchman” answered as best
it eculd, considered its duty done, and
Sonsigned his letter to the waste bas-
Last Friday we received another
letter. This one came from Santa Fe,
New Mexico, and is published below.
After reading through it we were
struck with the recollection that some-
where we had but recently seen the
name “Starkey.” Then the brain cells
opened a bit more and we remembered
that the letter from Florida was sign-
ed by a Mr. Starkey. And the thought
came into our mind that these corres-
pondents, neither of whom we know,
though so widely separated in loca-
tion, might be brothers.
The one in Florida wrote to know
some of the very things that the one
from New Mexico has stated in his
letter. Unfortunately we have lost
the former’s address but we shall try
to get a copy of this edition through
to him, for it may be that the strange
coincidence will be the means of put-
ting two separated brothers or rela-
tives in contact with each other.
Santa Fe, New Mexico
: April 14th, 1924.
Editor “Democratic Watchman,”
Bellefonte, Pa. :
Dear Sir:
A copy of your paper of late date
came into my hands through Miss
Illsworth, of Bellefonte, who is a
teacher in the Allison-Jones Pres-
byterian Mission school, a few days
ago, in which there was notice of an
old copy of the Democratic Whig of
1858, that some old subscriber found
among the relics of the past. He no-
ticed so many names of the princi-
pal business men of the little town,
especially, who have passed into the
beyond and been forgotton.
As I read it I remembered an old
£opy of Je Conire Democrat that I
ad carefully put away in rge en-
velope for many y as dee of
this copy is April 28th, 1852. It con-
tains a notice of my mother’s death:
. “Died—In Bellefonte, on the morn-
ing of the 20th wult.,, Mrs. Sophia
Starkey, consort of Warren Starkey,
in the 37th year of her age.”
Her body lies under a large, flat
marble slab laid on marble sides com-
pletely covering the grave. I was in
Bellefonte in 1885 and found the grave
in fine condition, showing good care
of the cemetery. I hope it is so to-
day. a
Looking over the pages I find many
names that I well remember, that I
knew as a boy. A. G. Curtin, after-
wards War Governor of the State;
Col. James Burnside, H. N. McAllis-
ter, Jas. T. Hale, Samuel Linn, Esq.,
among the members of the bar,
which had the reputation, at that time,
of being the best lawyers in the State
outside of Philadelphia. At that time
the father of Col. James Burnside,
was Judge in the Supreme Court of
the State. Among the business mens’
ads. I find Daniel Derr and John
Brachbill, as overseer of the poor.
George Livingstone, book store; Lam-
bert & Kulp, plasterers; S. T. Shu-
gert, appointed an auditor by the
Court of Common Pleas; John Mont-
gomery, the city tailor; Wm. J. Stein,
in Brockerhoff row, with a complete
stock of watches, clocks and jewelry;
James H. Rankin, attorney at law,
and Martin Stones Cheap Store at
Graffin’s old stand, Allegheny street.
Many other names are there of men
who passed into the great beyond
many years ago. The paper was
printed 72 years ago. I was not quite
twelve years old at that time.
There is an article from the State
Central committee appealing to the
people to support James Buchannan
for the Presidency.
I believe Buchannan -vas defeated
and Franklin Pierce became Presi-
I was born in New York but my
father moved to Bellefonte in 1844,
when I was not quite four years old,
and left there in 1853, but the nine
years that I spent as a boy in the lit-
tle town endeared it to me, and it has,
ever since been my “home town.” A
few days ago I learned of another cit-
izen living here who could tell me
many things about Old Bellefonte;
Rev. Mr. Riter, Presbyterian minister
of Santa Fe.
We have the healthiest climate in
the world, right here in this Santa
Fe valley, and the purest water—ex-
cepting the big spring at the foot of
Academy hill. We can discount you
in every other respect. We are rap-
idly losing one of the old attractions.
The old adobe city is fast disappear-
ing and large brick buildings, plaster-
ed with adobe are replacing them, the
little mud palaces.
Come out and see the oldest city in
America, and the oldest government
palace in America, before Yankee
push destroys them.
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
————— ————
——The people are not getting
tired of investigations as Republican
contemporaries allege. That which
looks like the “tired feeling” fs dis-
gust at the rottenness in Washington.
—With the injunction to “get a man’s
job, cut out the sissy employment of a so-
da clerk, and keep away from the girls,”
Judge Miller, of Norristown, suspended
sentence on Frederick McClenahan Jr., for
rifling a baby’s bank and stealing furs and
other things from his own family at Wynd-
—While the family of B. F. Ruble, a
merchant of Lewistown, was crossing the
Seven mountains, Saturday, Mr. Ruble
was compelled to leave his car and chase
away a herd of five deer lying upon the
roadway. The deer were so tame that they
did not budge as the automobile approach-
ed them.
—When Mrs. William Anderson, of Al-
lentown, was unable to find the key to her
home upon her return late Sunday night
from the hospital, where her husband is
in a serious condition, she tried to climb
in a window. The sash fell, breaking her
back and causing almost instant death, ac-
cording to Dr. Fred R. Bausch, the coro-
ner, who made an investigation.
—After compelling Lawrence Johnson,
manager of a gasoline service station, at
Chester, to turn over $95, a roughly dress-
ed white man forced Johnson into a closet
and locked the door. The bandit, armed,
then fled from the scene. Johnson pound-
ed on the door of the closet, and the noise
attracted Edward S. Fry, who resides op-
posite the place, who released him.
—Mrs. Sallie Deily, of Bethlehem, who
can still recall hearing her forebears talk
of Washington and the Revolutionary war,
celebrated her 102nd birthday on Saturday. -
She is the oldest person in that city. Her
infirmities are few despite her years, poor
eye sight being her only handicap. She at-
tributes her long life to hard work. She
had eight children, six of whom are still
~—*If the Judge won't take it out of you,
I will,” was the comment of Mrs. Earl V.
Moyer, of Allentown, as she began te be-
labor her husband with a handbag in the
corridor of the court house on Saturday,
after Judge Reno had reduced her allow-
ance in domestic relations court from $50
to $30 a month. Moyer fled, as did his at-
torney, and the woman was not molested
by the court officers.
—Having refused to pay a fine of $5 im-
posed on him at the last meeting of West
Hazleton borough council by acting pres-
ident Schneider, because it is claimed he
became disorderly in a debate over the wa-
ter question, councilman John Gatski was
barred from last Friday’s session. Coun-
cil adopted a resolution that he shall not
be permitted to take part in any delibera-
tions of the body until he has satisfied the
—Tax collector C. A. Goodhart, of Ship-
pensburg, has opened a drive on all delin-
quent taxables in the borough, both men
and women. Pay tax or go to jail is the
collector's order to all delinquents. He
has taken 109 delinquents before justices
of the peace during the past week and
forced them to pay their taxes and plans
to do the same with 50 more this week.
He has received many letters threatening
his life, damage to his property and bodily
harm, but he is not discouraged, declaring
that he will see the job through.
—(Commissioners of Northumberland,
Union and Snyder counties, at a meeting
on Saturday voted down a proposition to
assume $38,000 of the cost of the erection
of a $400,000 bridge acress the Susquehan-
na between Northumberland and Blue Hill.
The State has appropriated $350,000, but
the bid is $38,000 in excess of the appro-
priation. The commissioners asserted that
they were willing to assume the indebted-
ness, but they did not know if they would
be sustained by the courts. The old struec-
ture was burned and a new bridge is bad-
ly needed. :
—An appeal to the Supreme court from
the plan of distribution by Judge Biddle,
of Carlisle, specially presiding in Berks,
county, of the reward for the capture of
the Wyomissing bank bandits fwo years
ago was withdrawn on Monday when it
was due to be heard. An appeal was: filed::
by John J. Moyer, of New York, where,
several of the six bandits were captured
and much of tke - loot recovered. The
awards totaled nearly $6500. Helen Davis,
a stenographer, and police detective Geo.
Kemp will receive the larger share among
the twenty-one claimants recognized.
—Bob-haired school teachers are not de-
sired in the public schools of New Castle.’
Contracts to be submitted to school teach-
ers for the next term have incorporated in
them this clause: “The teacher who wears
her hair up will be given the usual $100
increase in salary. The teacher who bobs
her hair will be paid on the same basis as
during the past year.” The petition will
result in the elimination of bob-haired
teachers in the New Castle schools. Dur-
ing the present term many teachers wore
bobbed-hair and numerous complaints
have been registered with the school board.
—Two boys playing on a raft in the
Delaware river in the northwestern sec-
tion of Philadelphia, lost their lives on
Tuesday night when the waves from a
passing tug upset the raft and after a row-
boat which had picked up the lads also
had been capsized. The victims were
James A. McDonald, 12 and William
Brown, 15 years old. Emanuel Tramm and
William Burns, who manned the rowboat,
also were thrown into the river, and were
rescued with difficulty. They were taken
to a hospital where physicians said their
condition was critical as a result of ex-
posure. i
—The Mifflin county commissioners at
their meeting Saturday decided to sell the
old bridge structure now used as a tem-
porary crossing over the Juniata river at
Lewistown, while the new $300,000 bridge
was being erected. The new structure will
be completed within the next few days and
then the dismantling of the old iron bridge
weighing about 300 tons will be begun.
The officials of the Lewistown & Reeds-
ville Electric Railway company and the
county commissioners have not yet reach-
ed a compromise on trolley franchise priv-
ileges over the new bridge, although the
negotiations have been in progress for al-
most a year.
— (Governor and Mrs. Gifford Pinchot had
a close call from possible injury late Tues-
day afternoon while passing through Al-
lentown en route from Milford, where they
had voted, to Harrisburg. While the ma-
chine bearing the gubernatorial party was
threading its way through the business
section the top of one of the large boule-
vard lamps along the street was blown off
by the heavy wind. The globe, with part
of its metal base, landed alongside the
Pinchot car, which was showered with the
splintered glass. The chauffeur hesitated
but a moment, and when he realized the
occupants of the car were unharmed he
continued driving westward.