Dewan ac Bellefonte, Pa., April 18, 1924. R ——— TRUE. When he began it Many sneered But when he conquered Then they cheered. The quickest ones To give applause Are those who never Help the cause. Heed not the jeers, Be brave, be strong; Only the victor Draws the throng. What can be done Men never guess, Until it’s proven By success. And those who sneer As you begin Will boldly cheer The day you win. —Exchange. ICE MINES IN PENNSYLVANIA. The topographic and geologic sur- vey of the State of Pennsylvania, through Dr. R. W. Stone, assistant ge- ologist, has sent to Col. Henry W. Shoemaker, chairman of the State Historical Commission, the following: “In reply to a request in the Serv- ice letter of the Department of For- ests and Waters of January 3, I am enclosing the following notes regard- ing so-called ice caves in Pennsylva- n ia: Aitch P. O. or Marklesburg, Hunt ingdon county. Along former roadbeds of Juniata and Southern railroad is a cave near a picnic ground in State forest land. Recently reopened after being closed with cinders. Free to public. Con- tains ice, which some years remains all summer. Coudersport ice Potter county. A shallow shaft in Sweden Valley about four miles east of Coudersport has been a commercial exhibit for several years. It is a 20-foot pros- pect shaft on a hillside, contains ice the year round, and is visited by thousands of people every summer. Farrandsville ice mine, Clinton county. On the side of the mountain at Riverview opposite Farrandsville and six miles west of Lock Haven a cave containing ice is reported. Pine Grove Mills, Centre county. Ice cave close to road between Spruce Creek and Pine Grove Milis, meat public camp ground in State for- est. Troutville Clearfield county. Two miles south of Troutville on farm of G. N. Rishell is an abandon- ed coal pit or drift in which ice has accumulated. Mentioned in press July 1923. The few persons living near have been getting ice there for years. The locality is known as the “Wilderness.” mine, ice mine, Person Killed on Streets in United States Every 35 Minutes. Every time the clock recorded 35 minutes last year a person was killed on the highways of the United States, and each minute approximately three persons injured, delegates to .the con- vention of the American road build- ers were told, says Popular Mechanic. In twelve months highway accidents claimed a total of 15,000 lives and caused 1,700,000 injuries, according to the figures given. Uniform traffic regulations established by all States, strict enforcement of these laws, sys- tematic maintenance of roads and safety education in schools were urg- ed to curb the ever-mounting number of fatalities. In Wisconsin a survey of accidents the last two years was said to have provad that most of them occurred on straight roads, largely due to at- tempts of drivers to pass one another. Fallway grade crossings, however, were said to be the most dangerous. a——————————————— 1,000,000 Quit Farms in Yeav. In the year ending March 1, over 1,000,000 people left the farms in this country and went to the cities, accord- ing to a report of the Sears-Roebuck Agricultural Foundation. The Foun- dation points out that during the same period the population of this country increased 1,400,000. This means that there are 2,400,000 less producers than there were the year before. “This condition,” declared the report, “war- rants industrial and commercial lead- ers doing something definite and con- crete to help the farmer get on his feet. ———————— er — Suspicious. Jack—“So your father demurred at first because he didn’t want to lose ou?” Ethel—“Yes, but I won his consent. 1 told him that he need not lose me; we could live with him, and so he would not only have me, but a son-in- lay to boot.” Jack—“Hm! I don’t like that ex- pression ‘to boot.’ ”—Boston Trans- cript. ——————————— The Scarf Returns. Scarfs, the vogue of which seemed to diminish last summer, but has a renewal now, are worn fitting well to the neck and not loose as last year. They may be tied in a knot, especially the handkerchiefs, or worn with two long ends falling in front, or with one end thrown over the shoulder, the oth- er falling multicolored nosegay de- signs in vivid hues embroidered in wool on crepe de chine. An Applicant. A weary looking fellow who had opened ali the doors looking for work happened to see a huge police adver- tisement headed: “Murderer wanted.” "Well,” he said, scratching his head, “it’s better’'n nothing, anyhow. I'm going in and ask for the jo — has been designated by President - = | announces the forest service, United FOREST PROTECTION WEEK PRQCLAIMED BY PRESIDENT. Forest Protection week for 1924 Coolidge for April 21-27, inclusive, States Department of Agriculture. In his proclamation, President Cool- idge calls attention to the appalling losses that occur each year from forest fires, and urges all citizens, either in association or as individuals to protect all wooded areas from fire. Governors of many States will issue proclamations supplementing the one issued by the President, and Arbor day in several States will be observed during Forest Protection week. Secretary of Agriculture Wallace and W. B. Greeley, chief of the forest service have many times em- phasized the importance of prevent- ing forest fires, about 36,000 of which every year sweep 11,000,000 acres of land. Secretary Wallace has stated that eight out of every ten forest fires re- sult from human carelessness and will not happen once the public is brought face to face with the serious losses these fires cause. These loss- es fall especially heavy on the Ameri- can public since United States uses more saw timber than all other nations combined. Chief forester Greeley says it is not difficult for every one to be careful with fire while in wooded areas. Here are simple rules which if observed will go far toward reducing the appalling number of man-caused forest fires re- ported every year: Be sure your match is out before throwing it away; don’t throw cigars, cigarettes and pipe ashes along the roadside; build small camp fires away from brush and small trees; never leave your camp fires unwatched; make sure your camp fire is dead—then bury it; keep in touch with forest rangers and fire wardens and report all fires you may see, no matter how small; be as care- ful with fire while you are in wooded areas as you would be in your home. Dug His Own Grave. The body of Joseph Mawhiney, aged gravedigger of Susquehanna county, rests today in a grave which he dug years ago in the Montrose cemetery, beside that of his wife, whose last resting place he also made ready be- fore she died. “Joe” Mawhiney was known throughout the county where he had dug graves for many years—more graves perhaps than any man who ever lived in that section. Several years ago he turned over his pick and spade to his only son, William, but before he retired he went to the local he and his wife were to be buried. The sides of the excavations were careful- ly laid with bricks and above them flagstones were placed as a protec- tion. Three years ago Mrs. Mawhiney died and her body was placed in the grave her husband had prepared. A few days ago the aged man followed her to the grave he had made ready for himself. “Joe” was not a long-faced sexton. His occupation did not depress or trouble him. His favorite entertain- ment was a circus and he never missed any which came to the nearby cities. But he took pride in his occupation. He dug the graves broad and deep and spent hours caring for the sod that covered them after their occu- pants had been laid to rest. Her Choice. Old James Denn, who was head of the firm and a widower, had noticed for some time that his son seemed in- terested in the lady secretary. The young man had only recently joined the firm in order to learn the business, and so his father did not care for the prospect of an engage- ment so soon. He determined to speak to his son about the matter. But he was forestalled by the young lady herself, who approached him timidly one morning and announced that his son had proposed to her, and that she had accepted him. «Well, I really do think that you might have seen me first,” said old James Denn. «I did,” she replied, “but I prefer- red your son.” — ———————————— Not Him. Shop Foreman—You ain’t one of them blokes wot drops their tools and MEDICAL. Help for Old Folks Old Age Should be Happy—Not a Time of Sickness and Suffering. Too many people begin to suffer at Middle age with constant backache, urinary ills and rheumatic pains and aches. Weak kidneys are usually the cause and, if neglected, there is dan- ger of hardened arteries, dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease. Help your weakened kidneys with a stimulant diuretic before kidney disease gets a firm hold! Use Doan’s Pills. Thous- ands of old folks recommend Doan’s. Here is Bellefonte proof: Joseph Alters, carpenter, 310 E. Bishop St., says: “My back ached so badly I could hardly keep on the job. It was hard to do any heavy lifting and sawing. My kidneys acted too often at times and the secretions were scanty. I used Doan’s Pills from the Parrish Pharmacy. My back is now well and strong.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N.Y. - Fine Job Printing o0—A SPECIALTY—o AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE There is no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices cemetery and dug the graves whete || er " scoots as soon as knock-off blows are you? have to wait five minutes after I put me tools away before the whistle goes.—The Sydney Tulletin. Ins Caldwell & Son BELLEFONTE, PA. Plumbing ad Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fittings AND MILL SUPPLIES me ALL SIZES OF Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished. SAMPLE FRE Send us your name and ad- : dress, a post card will do, and we will mail free and postpaid, a sample copy of the most wonderful magazine pub- lished. It contains the never enaing story of the Events of the World an Lily White—Not me. Why, I often | 400 PICTURES 160 Illustrated Pages every enteriain every mermbet og the fart RA is a special department for Radio fan; for the Handy Man and Farmer who like to use tools; for the Amateur who wants tips on how to do and make Hhings, and Women are delighted with the * 1d Tools” pages. Each issue contains something to interest v. You do not obligate month from any N your subscription—$2,60for one year. Popular Mechanics Company 200-214 E. Ontario St., Chicago, lil. WE PAY the largest commission to subscrip- tion Agents, and wantone Announcement Having purchased the Furniture and Undertaking business of O. A. Bittle, 19 South Allegheny Street, we solicit a share of your valued patronage. It 1S our intention to carry such lines as are demanded by this trade, at a price that will be attractive to you, giving you service second to none. Undertaking Department his Department is under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Widdowson, of New York City. Mr. Wid owson is a graduate of Eckels’ College, Philadelphia, and has been connected with the oldest Undertaking Establishment in New York City for the past few years. We Want to assure the pleasing and kind disposition of both Mr. and Mrs. Widdow- son will meet With your approval. F. W. West Company Naginey Building . . . 19 South Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Penna. Both Telephones Houtson Post. consistent with the class of work. Can on or communicate with this ce. are of the Feet Foot Trouble is Unnecessary, unless caused by some Physical Ailment. he trouble with the average person is that they do not give foot trouble the proper attention. Ill-fitting shoes usually cause foot trouble—and fitting feet RR A Akko ang rgl? Easter Wearables This Week will be Banner Week for those who Wish to Save on Newest Coats and Suits Every Spring color and style, with quality and price to please everyone. ad a a SE Se SIRI an on a BE i isa profession. Thirty-seven years at the H I d D i game of fitting feet eliminates all guess onaay resses § i . . 2 work as to our proficiency in that respect. Tub Silks, all the new Crepes—Beaded and Plain—in I; Mr. Wilbur Baney, our clerk, has had twen- } many styles, at our very remarkable prices, $16 to $20. $ 2 ty-five years experience. We do not guess 3 $ A Sh $ Novelties 3 I We know how to give you the proper size, { $ I =n and the kind of shoes that your feet need. $ New Long-Bead Necklaces. Barrets and new Combs. $ fi $ Collar and Cuff Sets. Collar Laces. $ re Q 2 ob ¢ ° ) 5 FE | $ Childrens Dresses 3 1 Oc { Q oh : ; ir $ Hand-Made Childrens Dresses in Voiles; all colors; § 0 The Next Time you are in Need 0 $ sizes 2t0 6. Price lowest. 3 SI ic | ¢ an of Shoes, and your | $ 3 Ic . Oe | § $ I Feet are in Trouble—try Yeagers I 3 Whatever you have in mind for Easter—a Lovely $ Ic LE . : i fo 3 Coat, a Smart Suit, a Frock for Every Occasion— 3 T = | 3 ) i Yeager's Shoe Store [}|§ these you will find gathered here in Delightful § S11 3 HE Ic 2 Variety. $ [l THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN [g|$ $ Te ie | 2 i 12 e 2 Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. [5|2 3 = Bt Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.} Tr ilii[= | EE LC LC Ld LS Cod ot LB Ct St Ne A AAARARAARAARAAAAA NENT EPPA - AAAA RINT