Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 11, 1924, Image 1

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Serve Centre’s Sick.
—Help the hospital drive over the
—The drive is going over the top.
Are you helping to make it go?
— All Republicans appear to be
for Coolidge except those who enjoy
seats in Congress.
— Happily the “Columbus crowd”
is no longer potential in Washington
and some of the assets of the govern-
ment are left.
——The principal cause of com-
plaint against the pending congres-
sional investigations is that they are
proving the charges.
——1It’s well enough to avoid temp-
tation but there is no real merit in
hunting them up in order to boast
later of the avoidance.
There is and always will be in
every community a small minority of
the opinion that the Eighteenth
amendment will be repealed.
——The accounts of Jake Hamon’s
expenditures at the 1920 Republican
convention differ widely but they all
show that he paid too much.
—Bellefonte and Spring township
are teetering. They are so near the
top that a few big gifts to the hos-
pital would push this district over the
——Reduced to the last analysis
Senator Pepper probably thinks Hard-
ing’s most “terrible” mistake was his
refusal to appoint Pepper solicitor
——Speaking of Burchard it may
be remembered that former Governor
Sproul “wished” both Pinchot and
Pepper on the Grand Oil party of
——If the proposition to jail all
who buy alcoholic liquor were adopt-
ed the average jail would become “a
rich man’s club house,” for only rich
men can pay the price.
—South Potter was the first pre-
cinet over the top in the hospital drive
and Worth township was second, hav-
ing completed its quota on Wednes-
day. Which one will be next?
—To those people who won’t give to
the hospital drive because Pinchot
cut its appropriation to the bone we
might suggest a better way of getting
satisfaction. They know they need
the hospital so why don’t they give
generously. Then turn around and
thumb their noses at Giff. and tel! him
they can have one whether he tries to
wreck it or not.
—Senator Borah’s recent address
before the Y. M. C. A., in Washing-
ton, was the most sensible utterance
we have ever heard that fanatical
gentleman give voice to. His declara-
tion that great campaign contribu-
tions, from whatever source they
come, can not be regarded in any oth-
er sense than as a form of bribery is
all too true. When a man or corpora-
tion gives fifty or a hundred thousand
dollars to his particular party cam-
paign certainly he expects to be fa-
vored in some way; either by prefer-
ence in naming office holders or spe-
cial benefits through legislation.
—Many funny incidents have come
out of the hospital drive, but the best
one of them all happened in a section
of Pennsvalley and we must tell it to
you. A worker called at a house down
there, was cordially received by the
husband who evidently anticipated the
visit and knew the mission of the vis-
itor. When he was asked to put his
name on the card for the suggested
amount he stated that he always con-
sulted his wife in such matters and
would have to call her in before doing
anything. So Nora was called. When
she came into the room and was told
what was expected of the pair she
said: “Why John, you know we are
not in a position to sign that card for
anything. I have just come from the
10spital and it cost $500 and we can’t
{o it.” Then John said: “That’s true,
Nora, but you know that they said
you couldn’t pull through when we
;00k you over there and they pulled
you through and if you’d a stayed
1ere you’d a died and the undertaker
ind the tomb stone maker would have
1ad the $500 anyway and I wouldn’t
1ave you either.” As Nora fled to the
sitchen she called back: “John sign
he card.”
—The man or the woman who tells
ny one that the Bellefonte hospital
ver “soaked” him, or any body else,
s not telling the truth, though he or
he may not know it. The hospital
as fixed rates. Use of the ambu-
ance costs the same to everybody, so
oes use of the operating room, the
{-ray laboratory or the pathological
aboratory. The ward beds are $10 a
reek if the patient wants to pay it or
ot a cent of he doesn’t want to or
an’t pay, the private and semi-pri-
ate rooms are at fixed rates that the
atient is advised of before entering
rem and there is no other charge to
ny patient, unless some special serv-
'e outside the regular hospital offer-
1g is required. No physician receives
cent for service rendered to a ward
atient. If any have paid anything
1ey have done it of their own voli-
on. But when a patient elects to
ike a private room he or she is in the
ume relation with the attending phy-
cian as if in his or her own home.
he hospital has nothing to do with
iat. So that if any one tells you
iat the hospital has “soaked” him
11 him to come to this office with the
oof and we'll volunteer to try to re-
ind every cent of his claim.
VOL. 69. _
4. NO. 15.
Republican Fight in Confusion.
The confusion which envelopes the
contest for delegates-at-large to the
Republican National convention at
Cleveland increases as the primary
election day draws closer. Last week
the Pinchots sounded an alarm in be-
half of Secretary Mellon, whose pop-
ularity is limited to the wealthy ele-
ment, but they failed of their purpose.
Their appeal for Mellon was interpre-
ted by Mellon’s friends as a proposi-
tion to trade rather than a tender of
help, and influenced by the admoni-
tion “beware of Greeks bearing gifts,”
failed to respond. An overture to the
friends of Mrs. Martin proved equally | nouncement that the goal is within
unsuccessful. As the only woman on
the slate she feels reasonably safe.
There are seven delegates to be
chosen and eight candidates in the
field. One of the eight must be dis-
appointed. In the beginning the signs
pointed plainly to the Governor as the
victim. But various developments
during the progress of the fight have
cast doubts upon the issue. There is
something more than a shadow to the
weakness of Mrs. Martin, not that she
is personally unpopular but for the
reason that she is a hand-picked can-
didate of Mrs. Barclay Warburton,
who treated the rest of the women in
the party somewhat cavalierly. Be-
sides there is an undercurrent of op-
position to sending a woman to the
convention in that capacity. The
managers were literally forced to
“slate” one woman and the rank and
file of the party is not yet reconciled.
The recent speech of Senator Pep-
per, in Maine, has caused considera-
ble opposition to his candidacy, more-
over. His blundering attempt to be-
smirch the character of the late Pres-
ident Harding has incensed the many
friends of that popular idol in every
section of the State, and it would not
be surprising if their resentment
would be expressed at the primary
polls in sufficient volume to snow him
under., He has never had a strong
hold on the affections of the people
and his rather awkward efforts to
pose as a strict partisan since his in-
duction into public life have disgusted
a large part of the element which ad-
mired him as an independent voter
and an active churchman. It is pos-
‘sible that he may fall “outside the
Another element of doubt is trace-
able to the inefficiency of Mr. Straas-
burger’s campaign work. Reputed to
be worth millions of money and in-
clined to play the part of “angel” to
a group of politicians he has not ful-
filled expectations in any direction.
His campaign manager, former Lieu-
tenant Governor Frank B. McClain,
has been loquacious and vociferous
but the public has not responded free-
ly. Great strength is claimed for Mr.
Straasburger in the coal regions by
his friends in other sections but to the
cursory observer it is not a substan-
tial growth. In view of this fact it is
possible and even probable that the
entire “slate” will go through and the
attempt to “rush it” fail.
Delaware’s Opportunity.
Several weeks ago we were inform-
ed that Noah H. Swayne II was a re-
ceptive candidate for the Legislature
from the Second district of Delaware
county. We did not accept the infor-
mation seriously for the reason that
we could scarcely reconcile the idea of
a man of Mr. Swayne’s ability aspir-
ing to an office where such men are so
sorely needed, yet so rarely recog-
nize it as their duty as citizens to go
if the opportunity presents.
It seems that Mr. Swayne is serious
in his aspiration.
would seem that the voters of Dela-
ware county must have an opportuni-
ty rarely presented them. He is the
type most to be desired in legislative
halls in these days of governmental
travail and his candidacy should be
espoused by every one in Delaware
who really desires the uplift of our
General Assembly—and God knows it
needs that.
Mr. Swayne is of the best type of
American citizenship. Endowed with
great intellectuality he has the moral
courage to advocate the big things,
the clean things, the worth-while
things. His wide experience in bus-
iness enterprises, his knowledge of the
problems of society and his recogniz-
ed leadership in public affairs wher-
ever he hes been fit him peculiarly to
give service to his county and the
State such as is all too infrequent in
our Legislature.
Mr. Swayne is a Republican. This
is a Democratic paper and such ful-
some praise might appear inconsist-
ent on our part. It is not, for the
“Watchman” fully recognizes that a
grave crisis confronts us. There must
be sound men in charge at Harrisburg
if the future is to be secured and
knowing Mr. Swayne to be one of
them we urge the people of Delaware
county to submerge factional strife
and political expediency by a deluge
of ballots for a Representative who
will certainly bring honor to them.
Ser — A ——
——Boost the hospital drive.
In consequence it |.
Will the Goal be Reached?’
Only Four Days More in which to Put the Hospital
Drive Over the Top and Thousands of Dollars
are Needed. Two Districts are Over.
The public response to the cam-
paign for $100,000 for a Centre Coun-
ty Hospital has been wonderful in
spirit, but not strong enough in ma-
terial gifts thus far to justify an an-
reach. From all quarters come stories
to the effect that there is general rec-
ognition of the need for enlarged and
more modern service at the institu-
tion and the response to the call for
funds has been almost unanimous on
the part of those to whom giving
means a real sacrifice.
Gifts of large amounts have not
been so many as were anticipated but
it may be that some are holding off
to throw large contributions in at the
last moment when they might be nec-
essary to push the drive over the top.
There is optimism everywhere
among the workers. The spirit of the
people has been so fine that they can’t
see the possibility of failure. And
there won’t be failure if prayers and
hard .work are of any avail in this
great cause.
The canvassing organization for
Bellefonte and Spring township met
for luncheon at the Brockerhoff house
at 12 o’clock on Tuesday. The meet-
ing was presided over by Rev. Wilson
P. Ard, president of the Kiwanis club
in the absence of Colonel Henry C.
Quigley, who was spending the day in
Philadelphia looking for subscrip-
tions. At the conclusion of the lunch-
eon Mr. Ard called on the division
chairmen for reports. The chairmen
all reported progress: Except for
Bellefonte and Spring township it
was not possible to report definite
subscriptions. Each division leader
believes that his division will go over
the top by next Monday night. Mr.
Ard then called on Mr. Emerick to
have his Lieptenants report and the
result -of these reports is as follows:
Lieutenant John M. Bullock $ 4832 |
Lieutenant George Hazel - 4,096
Lieutenant A. H. Sloop - - 5,530
Lieutenant Harry C. Yeager - 4,508
Lieutenant George Carpeneto - 4,445
Lieutenant Oscar Gray - - 177%
Total - - - 25,186
These contributions represent sub-
scriptions from 90 per cent. of the
prospective givers who were asked
| William McKinney,
real personal sacrifice. This same
spirit of sacrifice on the part of every
citizen would put the campaign far
over the top. By the time this report
appears in the press it is the hope of
the campaign workers that a number
of generous gifts will have been re-
ported to headquarters.
The regular Kiwanis meeting re-
solved itself into a meeting devoted
entirely to hospital matters.
The campaign will close with a din-
ner at the Brockerhoff house next
Monday. evening, April 14th, at 6:45
o’clock. This dinner will be attended
by workers from all parts of the
county and it is hoped that when the
reports are turned in every division
will have secured its quota. At this
occasion a silver loving cup will be
given to the division securing the
largest percentage of over-subscrip-
tions. ;
Mr. Stephen C. Pohe, whom we had
hoped would be present at the open-
ing dinner of the campaign, has writ-
ten that unless he is called out of the
city on company business, he will be
with us Monday evening at the clos-
ing dinner. Mr. Pohe has been invit-
ed to speak on the problem of manag-
ing a hospital. His experience in the
campaign for the Memorial hospital
in Johnstown, and as president of
that hig institution, assures the work-
ers in this campaign that they will
hear a very helpful message. Outside
of his business as vice president of
the Penn Public Service Corporation
Mr. Pohe devotes most of his time to
fe interests of the Memorial hospi-
The surprise of the campaign came
witksthe announcement that the Seuth
precinct of Potter township had raised
- its quota, turned in all cards properly
signed ‘and filled in on a typewriter,
before any one else had started.
Frank Carson, merchant at Potters
Mills, is the lieutenant over there and
his workers were Miss Mildred Brown,
Frank Palmer,
George McCormick, Frank Harshbar-
' ger and Edward Bressler, of Potters
for amounts less than $400.00 and in- :
cludes a number of subscriptions from
those who have given amounts in ex-
cess of $400.00. It was evident to the
captains and lieutenants, in fact to all
the workers, that if the campaign is
to be a success and $50,000 is raised
from Bellefonte and Spring township
by next Monday evening, those who
can give large subscriptions will have
to do so before that time to assure
the success of the drive.
After the reports were made by the
lieutenants president Ard compli-
mented the workers on the thorough-
ness with which the canvass had been
made and urged them to complete
their work at the earliest possible
time. It was agreed that every ef-
fort should be made to secure a num-
ber of large subscriptions before Mon-
day evening. Hundreds of gifts have
been made in amounts ranging from
$5.00 upwards where the gifts mean
Mills, and Albert S. Allen, of Centre
The quota was not large, but that
doesn’t detract a bit from the glory of
this wonderful achievement. Lieut.
Carson knew he had the job to do and
“Do it Now” must be his motto for he
went to work twenty-four hours be-
fore any one was thinking of moving
and with the aid of his seven enthu-
siastic helpers and the wonderful spir-
it of interest in the hospital shown by
the people of that precinct put them
over the top, with $25.00 surplus, in
just four hours and a half. It was
some work. In that time they saw
225 people, not one refused and some
voluntarily increased the gifts sug-
gested. When you come to consider
what the condition of the roads in that
locality must have been last Friday
morning you'll have to join us in a
rousing round of cheers for Lieut.
Carson, his helpers and the good peo-
ple who rewarded their efforts so
A Word of Explanation.
Bellefonte, Pa., April 7th, 1924.
To the Citizens of Bellefonte and Spring Township:
It has come to my notice that there is some criticism from cer-
tain persons because of the letters sent out from Campaign Head-
quarters by the Committee conducting the Hospital Drive; that it
was an attempt on the part of the Committee to arbitrarily say what
each person should contribute.
This is a misapprehension of the facts.
In the first place a pe-
rusal of the letter will show that the amount indicated was not to be
construed as an assessment and was suggested by a committee of
“your friends” (made up of twenty or thirty business and professional
some basis to work upon.
Discordant Keynotes.
From the Philadelphia Record.
The Republican orchestra would
make sweet music if the musicians
could agree upon the key. There is
no leader, and every fiddler and every
tooter upon a horn and every twang-
er of the harp strings is hitting a dif-
ferent key and beating a different
While the Republican women of this
locality were dining on the oratory of
two Senators and an Assistant Attor-
ney General, who were assuring them
that nothing was the matter in Wash-
lington, Senator Pepper was down
East telling the Maine folk that two
of Mr. Harding’s appointments were
“terrible mistakes” and a third was “a
serious error of judgment.” In the
opinion of Senator Pepper there is
nothing the matter with the Republi-
can party except a President who is
now dead.
But while Mr. Harding is not in a
position to defend himself, and per-
haps the “Columbus crowd” has no
interest in doing it, the “serious error
of judgment” announces that he is
. nothing of the sort, and though Sena-
tor Pepper has designated him as the
scapegoat of the party, he refuses to
play the part. The great moral dra-
ma of a Republican Presidential cam-
paign may slump for all he cares; he
positively refuses to be the goat.
i The harmony of the performance is
further impaired by the impassioned
| speech of Assistant Attorney General
| Mrs. Willebrandt, who vindicates the
management of the Department of
Justice by Mr. Daugherty. But Mr.
Daugherty left. the department most
unwillingly, and at the imperative de-
mand of a Republican President.
If Mr. Daugherty is a “serious er-
for of judgment,” the error was com-
mitted not only by the dead Mr. Hard-
ing, but by the living Mr. Coolidge,
who took over the cabinet with the of-
fice and retained Mr. Daugherty for
some time after Mr. Denby concluded
' that “this is the time for disappear-
ing.” Mr. Coolidge must have real-
ized some time ago that he had made
a “serious error of judgment,” but he
| made no effort to correct it till Mr.
Daugherty refused to furnish certain
documents which a Senate committee
demanded. As the Attorney General
is a subordinate of the President, se-
lected by him, removable by him, the
i President had to correct the “serious
error of judgment” or make himself
responsible for the refusal of the pa-
pers. Of course, it was important to
the President to stand in well with
the friends of the deceased President,
but at this point the President had to
choose between throwing a Harding
man overboard or engaging in an al-
tercation with a Senate committee,
and of course the Harding man had
to go. ’
. There is nothing wrong in Wash-
ington, according to the Senatorial
orators before the Republican women.
| There is a good deal that is wrong,
according to the Republican orator
before the Maine convention, but the
| man who was responsible for it is now
‘dead; surviving Republicans are all
right. And when the Republican
President decides that the “serious er-
ror of judgment” must go, Assistant
Attorney General Willebrandt stands
up for him and insists that his man-
agement of the Department of Jus-
tice was commendable in every re-
| spect. .
| If Mr. Stokowski should be desert-
. ed by his orchestra, he might get an
engagement to lead the Republican
orchestra and make the performers
! play the same tune.
Women and the Tariff.
From the Milwaukee Journal.
Bits of beads, bits of lace—any-
thing in trimming—double and treble
| the price of goods dear to a woman’s
heart. This is not “protection” to
: American industries, for they do not
compete in this sort of wearing ap-
parel. This is not legitimate protec-
tion when women are forced to pay
$1.87 a pair in tariff taxation on long
kid gloves. For no such gloves are
made here, and women refuse to wear
the clumsy glove which is made here,
despite the duty intended to force
them to give up the ones they prefer.
This tariff is a principal reason why
a $20 a week wage goes no farther
now than $12 before the war. Yet in
all the fuss made by the administra-
tion about lowering by $222,000,000
the income taxes of those best able to
pay, not one word is said about cut-
ting down some of this $3,000,000,000
tariff tax that falls upon the poor and
the better-to-do alike. This is why
about 99 women out of every 100 must
If $100,000 was to be raised the proposition had to be put on
a business basis and the committee was told by our expert that every-
body of giving power should first be listed and afterwards rated ac-
cording to the best judgment of the committee so that there would be
Naturally in such a big undertaking mis-
takes have been made—a very few have been rated too high and some
too low, as evidenced by the fact that many have voluntarily increased
the amount indicated when called upon for their subscriptions.
Don’t confuse the issue by making a personal matter out of it.
Keep in mind “hat it is your hospital making a plea for funds—not
myself or any inember of the committee.
look into the entrancing windows and
! pass on with a sigh—to the plainer,
| machine-made clothing that is not put
on display.
lp prem ——rs
Give Us the Dandelion.
From the Pittsburgh Post.
That school of thought which would
have spinach made the national herb
might enlighten us on whether it ever
heard of such things as spinach bit-
ters, spinach wine or spinach coffee.
The dandelion sees spinach as greens
and then raises it several by perform-
ing stunts of both a tonic and pleas-
urable character. Then there is its
flower as one of the first gladsome
signs of spring. Spinach, with its one
——A hard rain Saturday night and quite high enough to
Sunday filled all the streams in Cen- |
ty county. Spring creek carried a
three foot flood but fortunately oot!
reach the
“Watchman” press room. Bald Ea-
gle creek overflowed its banks in some
of the lower section of the valley.
' quiet when the dandelion is around.
little trick as a pot herb, should keep
——A contemporary wonders why
the late Mr. Wallingford never got a’
cabinet - appointment. Probably he
didn’t have money enough to compete
with the oil speculators.
—With a gas well producing 1,500,000
feet daily near Cross Fork, that town is
likely to grow again to the 2,000 or more
of population which it had in the lumber-
ing days of Potter and Clinton counties.
—Lewis McGill, who is a patient at the
Wills Eye hospital, Philadelphia, follow-
ing injuries sustained in an explosion in
the clay mines at Monument, will lose the
sight of one eye, but physicians are hope-
ful that the sight of the other eye may
not be lost.
—Evidently transferring their operations
from Hazleton to Freeland, church thieves
broke into St. Mary's Greek Catholic edi-
fice in that place, on Sunday night, and
securred $100 left in collection boxes. They
overlooked $200 in silver. At St. John's
Roman Catholic church they got nothing.
—Miss Jane Leonard, 83 years old,
known to thousands of the alumni and stu-
dents of the Indiana State Normal school,
died while asleep in her apartment at In-
diana on Sunday night. She was precep-
tress of the school for 46 years and con-
‘tinued to reside there after retiring three
years ago.
—“Hand over the money in the cash
register, or I'll put a bullet through you,”
ordered a lone young unmasked bandit,
walking into William H. Burgoon’s drug
store in Altoona, on Monday night, and
leveling a revolver at him. Burgoon, who
was alone, handed over $40 in change and
the bandit fled.
—When Howard Brennan, a 10 year old
Port Carbon boy, was operated upon at
the Anthracite hospital, at Pottsville, his
hearing was perfectly restored. For four
vears he had been almost totally deaf.
Surgeons found that the boy had stuck
wads of paper into each ear and forget
about the obstruction. The paper worked
down toward the ear drum and produced
—The Columbia county auditors have
made their final report, surcharging coun-
ty commissioners Knittle, Croft and Un-
angst $1000 for a subscription made by the
county to insure placing of two pedestal
lights in front of the court house. The
auditors in their statement said they ‘“per-
sonally regret we are unable to find
any legal authority that would warrant
our approval.” ‘
—Ogden M. Hoaglund, formerly of Ridg-
way, and son of Mrs. Anna Beck, of that
place, who ten years ago was one of the
leading musical comedy stars, has spurn-
ed a legacy of $250,000 left him by Mrs.
George B. Wilson, aged 72 years, of Phil-
adelphia. Papers filed last week in surro-
gate’s court disclosed that he had renounc-
ed the legacy and assigned the money to
Mrs. Wilson's three sons, Mrs. Wilson left
an estate worth several millions, and the
bequest was made to Hoaglund, known as
Jack Henderson on the stage, as a token
of his friendship at a time most needed.
—William 8. Mayes, of Lock Haven, was
thrown under the wheels of a car on a
wood train which was backing through
the yard at the paper mill in that place on
Saturday. His left leg was almost severed
and had to be amputated, while the toes
on his right foot were so badly crushed
that they also had to be taken off, He
sustained severe lacerations on the face be-
low the right eye and of the right hand.
He had been engaged in sanding the track
and attempted to board the train when his
foot slipped and he was thrown under the
‘wheels. He is an employe of the paper
mill. sien :
—Plant diseases and insects will have a
hard summer in Northumberland county.
The spraying program just issued by
county agent J. M. Fry states that twen-
ty-four combination pressure spray ma-
chines will operate in the county this year.
In addition, fourteen traction machines
will work largely on potato spraying and
six large orchard machines are prepared
to fight the diseases and pests in the orch-
ards. It is estimated that 400 acres of po-
tatoes will be sprayed on about eighty
farms this summer. Between forty and
fifty farm orchards are also due to receive
their periodic “bath.”
—Charged with branding Miss Ruth
Hauck, aged 18 years, of Connellsville, Pa.,
with a hot curling iron when she refused
to carry out orders he gave her, Andrew
Galos, of McKees Rocks, a suburb, was
turned over to county authorities last Sat-
urday by a police magistrate. The girl
told detectives that Galos lured her from
her home by promising her a life of luxu-
ry in Pittsburgh. Miss Hauck was remov-
ed from a train several days ago when she
fainted. It was believed that she was suf-
fering from poison, but an investigation
disclosed scores of burns on her body.
Her condition is serious.
—One hundred and seventy-seven men
paid fines totalling $3,750 following a spec-
tacular raid by state troopers late on Sun-
day on “the Paddock,” an alleged gamb-
ling resort near Chester, Pa. Receiving
word that Major Lynn G. Adams, and sher-
iff Thomas Allison, at the head of twenty
troopers, had captured the proprietors and
habitues of the place, police magistrate
Thomas Barry removed his records to the
entrance of the building, but two blocks
from the city hall, and held court. The
alleged proprietors, Thomas McCoembs
and Michael Larkin, paid $1,000 each. The
other 175 were fined $10 each.
—John Harrier, 35 years old, clay miner
employed by the Harbison-Walker Refrac-
tories company, at Woodland, Clearfield
county, met almost instant death Friday
when a charge of dynamite he was pre-
paring exploded. Harrier was kneeling
over the charge, tamping down the ground
about it, when the explosion occurred. On
his bed in the Clearfield hospital, he ex-
plained to physicians he had pierced the
cap with a needle and caused the charge
to go off prematurely. He died at seven
oclock Friday evening. Harrier is sur-
vived by his widow and four children, the
oldest of whom is 9 years old and the
youngest only a year. {
—Two men were killed, another proba-
bly fatally wounded and a score of others
more or less seriously hurt in a Sunday
evening riot between townspeople at Lilly,
Cambria county, and members of the Ku
Klux Klan, a close check-up by the state
police and deputy sheriffs disclosed on
Monday. Four residents of Lilly are held
by the state police on charges of rioting
while at Johnstown, 25 men, said to be
Klansmen, are being held by Sheriff Kel-
ler pending an investigation. The rioting
occurred when a stream from a fire hose
was turned upon the Klansmen as they
were boarding a special train for Johns-
-| town, after having paraded in the dark-
ness through Lilly from an adjoining hill
where a ceremony attended by some 600
Klansmen had been held. According to re-
borts all the Klansmen had gone to the
meeting armed, and a bushel basket full
‘of revolvers were confiscated by the offi-
cers in Johnstown.