a en a FE Bona in. INK SLINGS. —“Serve Centre’s Sick.” —Fall has gone. Denby has gone. Daugherty has gone. Who will be next? —The hospital will be satisfied with $100,000, but it could use $150,000 very handily. The weather man seems to have put it all over everybody on April fool’s day this year. Possibly Jake Hamon used one of Sinclair's pipe lines to send that bank roll to Penrose. That Columbus crowd in Wash- ington during the Harding adminis- tration was a bad bunch. Ned McLean must feel lonely now that his “easy access to the White House” is temporarily impair- ed. — Daugherty accepts the dump- ing philosophically. It was the most popular act of the Coolidge adminis- tration. It cannot be said that Rocker- {eller is a popular idol but he had more sense than some of the other oil millionaires. No matter what happens Will Hays “gets his.” Hamon and Sinclair money looks alike to the moving pic- ture magnate. —Take it from us Tuesday’s was the onion snow. The robin snow is vet to come and we’ll have it or lose the “brown derby.” The adage “better late than never” may be substantially true, but it must be admitted that Coolidge waited a trifle long in the Daugherty case. The average wage earner should keep in mind the fact that Mel- lon’s tax bill cut the income tax rate one per cent, on small and fifty on big incomes. —April 1st was about as bad a day for moving as any one could imagine. With snow falling all day long it cer- tainly was unpropitious, but April 1st, 1923, was fourteen degrees colder. —You had no immediate satisfac- tion out of Tuesday’s freak of nature. But, oh boy! forty years from now, how you'll be harping over and over about shoveling a foot of snow on April 1st, 1924. —Harlan Fiske Stone, formerly dean of the Columbia University law school succeeds Harry Daugherty as Attorney General of the United States. He has a great reputation as a lawyer and he has a great opportu- nity to show whether it is merited. —Just naturally we are wondering what Gif or Cordelia did to brother McQuown, of the Clearfield Rafts- man’s Journal. In its issue of March 26th it says: “There will be many persons hunting for Pinchot’s name on the primary ballot, not because they want to mark it, but to be sure they do not mark it.” —The police records prove that Al. Jennings was a d good train rob- ber. St. Peter’s book may reveal that he has been a whale of an evangelist since he got out of prison for train robbin’, but his testimony in Wash- ington on the oil scandal convinces us that he is a d——d poor sport. We have no use for any man who seeks to get into the lime light by violating the confidences of friends. —What old man Coolidge did on the seventy-ninth anniversary of his birth has a lot to do with what will become of this country during the next two years, hasn’t it? The piffle that Republican papers drag in to make atmosphere for their candidates ought to disgust everybody with any- thing more than bone above their Ad- am’s apple. John is a nice old gentle- man, but his son Cal. is the accidental President of the United States and Cal. is the fellow the people are look- ing to to do something. Up to this time, however, he is still traveling on his reputation for having settled the police strike in Boston. —By way of making an offer to Capt. Emerick we will wager a mess of trout for his family against bus No. 28, or any bus that he doesn’t need, that the Snow Shoe district will be over the top in the hospital drive before Bellefonte. We have a lot of respect for Bill’s ability to do, but we remember that it was Snow Shoe that was the first district in Centre county and in Pennsylvania to go over the top in one of those Liberty loan drives and we're leanin’ heavy on Larry, and Oscar and Dave when we make such a proposition to a fellow like Bill Em- erick, who has only $50,000.00 to raise in his Bellefonte district. If he ac- cepts this wager we'll need Willis Shuey and Patsy Bathurst to help us make good, should we lose. —At last our Congressman has spoken. The Hon. William I. Swoope has broken the seal that has been on his lips ever since he went to Wash- ington. On Monday, March 17th, the wind moved, the lungs expanded and the organs of articulation functioned, but there was no mellifulous flow of wordy gems molded into well round- ed phrases, no thunderous peroration of oratory. Nothing that we had ex- pected in the maiden effort of our pet orator. The Hon. William I. spoke on House bill No. 7303, introduced by Representative Fuller, and gracefully and earnestly urged its passage to the effect that the pensions of all the surviving Civil war veterans be in- creased to seventy-two dollars a month. As oratory our Congress- man’s speech was far below what we had expected. As earnest pleading for a meritorious measure it was far above. Qi STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 69. SERVE BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 4. 1924. CENTRE’S NO. 14. SICK! Promise or Threat, Which? The Pinchots, Gifford and Cordelia, have recently developed a deep-seated concern for the safety of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon as a candidate for delegate-at-large to the Cleve- land convention. For several months all their speeches have expressed hos- tility to the Secretary, and by innu- endo have accused him of fostering opposition to the enforcement of the Volstead law. The obvious purpose of this line of action was to enlist the ultra prohibition element of the party against Mr. Mellon and thus reduce the level of his vote at the primary to a plane below that of the Governor's. It seemed to be admitted that one of the slated candidates would fail of election and Mellon or Pinchot must suffer. The weak points in the Pinchot prospects are Pittsburgh and Phila- delphia. In Philadelphia register of wills Campbell, coronor Knight, city chairman emeritus Dave Lane, magis- trate O’Connor and many other de- voted friends of Secretary Mellon are openly and vigorously fighting the Governor’s aspirations. In Pittsburgh Senator Max Leslie and his contin- gent, equally warm supporters of Mel- lon, are pursuing the same policy. It is firmly believed that the danger sig- nal recently raised by the Pinchots is a tender of mutual help if the Phila- delphia and Pittsburgh recalcitrants are willing to deal or an abomination of destructive war in the event that they refuse to accept the olive branch so freely offered. The Pinchots are marvelously ex- pert traders. Gif. can discern an op- portunity for a political bargain to his advantage at as long a distance as Cordelia can see a bargain in an Eas- ter bonnet. In the impending contest for party favor they are “up against” a hard proposition. - Failure means more than political oblivion. It in- volves popular and permanent con- tempt. This tender of sympathy and offer of help to the friends of Mellon contains a threat of reprisals in the event that it is rejected, and the re- sult will be watched with interest by thoughtful men and women in both parties, for it makes inevitable a “fight to the knife and the knife to the hilt” between a couple of multi-mil- lionaires. Work of the Committee Unfinished. If the Senate committee charged with the investigation of the Depart- ment of Justice at Washington were to abandon its work now the plunder- ers in Washington would be left in the enjoyment of a substantial victory. Its work is not half done. Mr. Daugh- erty has been forced to resign and a good deal of corruption has been re- vealed. But the rotten mess has not been cleaned up. Those concerned in it and the perfidious officials who prof- ited by it have not even given signs of penitence. They are ready and willing to engage in another orgie of crime. They are anxious to organize another conspiracy to loot and plun- der. The serpent has. been merely scotched. : What happens to former Attorney General Daugherty is of little or no consequence. An obscure lawyer, he was appointed to an office he was unfit to fill as a reward for sinister service in a crime against the country. Suf- ficiently learned in the law to evade the penalty of infraction he gathered about him, almost at the moment of his induction into the office, a gang of pirates skilled in looting operations. The work of the committee will not be complete until all or most of these criminals are apprehended and pun- ished. This result can and will be achieved if the purpose of the com- mittee is pursued to a logical conclu- sion. The abandonment of the work before that is accomplished will be a miscarriage of justice. The Republican party organization is culpable in all these nefarious op- erations. Every crime committed by the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of the Navy and other department heads, or with their sanction, was in pursuance of the conspiracy formed at the Chi- cago convention of 1920 when the of- fice of President and the resources of the country were sold to the oil spec- ulators. A considerable part of the plans of these traders has been expos- ed but there is much still in conceal- ment. The investigation of the De- partment of Justice and the other in- vestigations now in progress will not be finished until all the facts are laid open for public inspection and popu- lar reprobation. This will be accom- plished in time. GENERATIONS ARE MARCHING—OLD NAMES ARE PASS- ING—BUT MEMORY STILL CLINGS. Reminiscences of the Old Days in Bellefonte and Centre County Brought out by a Paper of 1858, a Few Letters from Friends and a Casual Talk with a Convalescent. Before us on the desk lies a copy of “The Democratic Whig.” It is dated Wednesday, May 12th, 1858. We have scanned its four pages curiously with the hope of finding one person mentioned in this paper of sixty-six years ago who is living in Bellefonte today, but we have found none. : Often the “Watchman” talks of the passing of old Bellefonte. The men who gave it its preeminent place in business and political circles in Pennsylvania have all gone and an entirely new generation, one with only here and there a lineal connection with the leaders of yester years—is carrying on in their places. The great names of half a century ago are not forgotten, but no longer is Bellefonte known throughout the State as the home of Governors, Jurists and others prominent in affairs beyond its own confines. Today those names are only cherished memories in the minds of the few, while the great trout in Spring creek are giving the town the publicity that great men once gave it. In December, 1856, Andrew Gregg Curtin and Edmund Blanch- ard, had just formed a co-partnership for the practice of law. Drs. George A. Fairlamb and James H. Dobbins were practicing medicine together opposite the Temperance hotel on Bishop street. Drs. George L. Potter and J. B. Mitchell were practicing on Spring street. The Deposit bank of Humes, McAllister, Hale and Co., was paying 5 per cent. interest on time deposits. Samuel Linn, William P. Wilson, James H. Rankin, Ira C. Mitchell, D. G. Bush were the leaders of the bar. Green and McMeen were operating the drug store they had pur- chased from George I. Miles in 1856. William L. Raphile, the bass horn soloist, of the famous Bellefonte band, was following his occu- pation as a painter and paper hanger. William S. Tripple was a mer- chant tailor with shop on the corner of the Diamond where Hever- ly’s new building now stands. The old hardware firm of Harris, Shoft & Co., had just been dissolved and continued business under the name of J. D. Harris & Co. William McClelland was producing sartorial investiture for men in “The Brockerhoff Row.” Charles McBride had opened a new general store at the corner of Allegheny and Bishop streets. Thomas Burnside was advertising “hide, leather, boots and shoes.” John and Joseph Harris were in the drug business. J. E. Thomas was principal of the old Pine Grove Academy and Seminary and Rev. D. Moser was his German teacher and using his own lan- guage of last Sunday Capt. W. H. Fry was “hostlin” for Rev. Moser. J. Montgomery and Son were tailors and also handled ready-made clothes. In 1858 bids were being received by J. M. McMinn, chief en- gineer, of the Tyrone and Lock Haven railroad (the Bald Eagle valley) for the grading and masonry of the eastern division of that line and bidders were offered only stock in the new company for their work. Little did they know then that forty years later that stock brought par in cash and three shares of Pennsylvania for every share of it. The Union Regiment commanded by Col. R. H. Strohecker was or- dered for review on the 18th of May. The Centre Guards, The Centre Dragoons, The Philipsburg Guards, The Warriorsmark Cavalry, The Pennsylvania Cadets constituted the regiment and their captains were respectively Noah Weaver, R. D. Cummings, James A. Ganoe, John Fugate and George M. Kepler. Of all this long list of professional men who were leaders in 1858 not one survives and only three of their names are perpetuated in bus- iness here today: The Montgomery and Co. store, the Blanchard law office and Charles McClelland, tailor. In that year building of The Pennsylvania State College was begun. A committee from the Agricultural Society of Berks county had just visited the site of the proposed Farm School and reported that “there is perhaps no other spot in the Commonwealth so appropriate as this” for such an institution. : : Among other items of interest that arrested our attention in the old Whig were the frequent notices of Temperance meetings in the county. One was held at Harrisonville, in Spring township, where Rob- ert V. Miller presided and L. D. Read and T. N. Boyle were the speak- ers. Another was held at Pine Grove Mills, the same evening, and the “Free Liquor Law” passed by the preceding Legislature, was flay- ed by Ira C. Mitchell Esq. J. H. Mitchell, William E. Meek and W. E. Burchfield were appointed to form a glee club and ninety persons signed the pledge—We wonder how many of them kept it when liquor was “free.” The Bellefonte town council held a meeting on Saturday, May 8th, 1858, and fixed the wages of workers for the borough at 873% cents per day during the summer. Adam Hoy was then chief burgess and he was advised by council to “enforce the hog law.” Pigs were chased off the streets then, but the cows continued to roam at will thirty years longer. The borough had published no financial statement since 1854 when it was $1111.00 in debt. In May, 1855, four years later, it had decreased this indebtedness to $466.48, but from August 8th, 1854, to January 1st, 1858, it had spent only $4,170.72 for all maintenance pur- poses. This reminiscent review has been by way of introduction to an interesting article received some weeks ago from the “Watchman’s” only living “Pioneer Reader,” George W. Rumberger, of Unionville. It follows. bia “THE PASSING OF GENERATIONS.” When a person is born into this life he at once joins with the gen- eration that is born on that day, in his march to the tomb; while the generation that was born thirty-three years before, passes over the great beyond and in a few years is forgotten, as an average generation is said to live thirty-three years. This passing of the generations has been going on steadily for thousands of years and it was never more forcibly impressed on my mind than when I recently came into possession of three old copies of the “Democratic Watchman” dated respectively August 14th, 21st and 28th, 1868, almost fifty-six years old. They were preserved by Mrs. John C. Rumberger, who was a daughter of the late Samuel Brugger, who kept that paper on file from the first issue, and are said to still remain in the old homestead here. You may rest assured that I pe- rused the pages of the “Old Reliable” with eagerness and deepest in- terest and when I glanced over the advertisements and saw more than a half hundred names of those whom I was familiar with in life I dis- covered that every one of the advertisers, except two, have passed (Continued on page 4, Cols. 4 and 5.) -— Hot Dog. My father is a butcher, My mother cuts the meat; I'm the little weenie who runs around the street. The Enemies He Has Made. From the Philadelphia Record. Harry M. Daugherty retires from office with an earnest plea to the Pres- ident and the public to love him for the enemies he has made—“the pow- erful individuals and organizations who resent my successful action, in conformity with my sworn duty, to save this country from violence and anarchy during an industrial erisis far more serious than the general public has ever known; second, from the equally powerful individuals and organizations guilty of graft upon the government during the world war.” This effort to draw a red herring across the trail won’t work. The at- tack upon the recent Attorney Gener- al began with the exposure of the leasing of the naval reserve oil lands, and it was clearly the duty of the At- torney General, as the law adviser of the government, to prevent A. B. Fall from sacrificing the public interests. Other matters that are minor or inci- dental have come up in connection with the oil investigation. Mr. Daugherty’s service to the com- munity in the railroad shopmen’s strike is of much less value than he would have the country suppose. He did secure an injunction against the strikers, but his part in the injunction proceedings has been severely eriti- cized on professional grounds by emi- nent lawyers, and it came at a time when it was of little or no value, be- cause the settlement of the strike was then far advanced. It is doubtful if Mr. Daugherty’s intervention accom- plished anything except to excite the enmity of the labor unions and make the settlement of the strike more dif- ficult. ; : Mr. Daugherty is even less happy in his reference to the profiteers. A large special fund was appropriated by Congress to enable him to prose- cute them, and after three years in of- fice it would be interesting to know what he accomplished. In January the members of the War Industries Board were vindicated by the Supreme court of the District of Columbia from the accusations set forth in his bill. Certain persons were held for trial, but others, including the members of the War Industries Board, were dis- charged with remarks from the court on the insufficiency, not only of the evidence, but even of the allegations, which reflected very seriously on the professional competence of the then Attorney General. In two other notable cases the gov- ernment, represented by the Attorney General, was defeated, and the re- marks of the courts on the nature of the charges and the lack of evidence convicted Mr. Daugherty of being pro- fessionally incompetent. One of these was against the Sugar and Coffee Ex- change, in New York, and the other was the suit against the Chemical Foundation to set aside the sale of German chemical patents by the Cus- todian of Alien Property. In these three notable cases the government was defeated, and the decisions of the courts stamped Mr. Daugherty with being a very poor lawyer. Germany’s Wild Man. From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. It was about time for a John the Baptist to proclaim himself in Ger- many. Just as the vaunt of a super- state made Germany want to become one, so all the blather about a super- man has made poor, crazed Louis Haeusser believe that he can do what the egocentric Wilhelm failed to ac- complish. He will be that “leader, dictator and saviour” for which the plagued and distracted Reich is clam- oring. He will settle all problems, from the depreciated marks to the emaciated bodies. Leave it to his ad- dled pate and his flaming gutturals; he will guide the bedraggled caravan out of the wilderness to the smiling meads of plenty. Profiteers, coining the very blood of the people into “valuta,” are too cun- ning to heed the ranting incendiary; but, of course, his large, vague prom- ises count heavily among the credu- lous people of the villages and win them over by the deluded thousands. The pity of it is, in any land, that such demagogues are able to gain the public ear when sober.counsel and constructive statesmanship appeal in vain. Republican contemporaries are constantly iterating that Coolidge is the popular choice of the party, while they know that if the support of the office holders were withdrawn he wouldn’t have a ghost of a chance. It isn’t a question of fitness that is considered in the selection of an Attorney General. What the President wants is a man who will help him get the nomination and election. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Sneak thieves, operating during the ab- sence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Shoener from their home in Shamokin, ransacked the premises and made their escape with cash and jewelry valued at $300. —Carl Sager and Thomas Walizer, of Mackeyville, were moving a truck load of hogs last Saturday when engine trouble caused the truck to back over a bank, up- setting the hogs which had to be driven a mile before they could be reloaded. —A coal mine owned by John Hollen- back, of Philipsburg, located near the Centre and Clearfield county line, was wrecked by dynamite, last Friday, causing a loss of about $3,000. As there is no la- bor trouble at the mine, the owner is at a loss to know why the place was dyna- mited. —When George Walker, of Sewickley, makes up his mind, he sticks to his con- victions. Because he had neither horse nor automobile, he refused to pay a road tax. “I'll go to jail and stay there for- ever first,” he told deputy tax collector Buffum. Buffum took Walker to the jail “to think it over.” —From his death bed in the Shamokin State hospital on Monday John Detz, 19 year old Atlas youth, related a complicated and much-doubted story of how he had been attacked by two Italians near the At- las brewery, on the outskirts of that town. He died at 3:30 o’clock Monday afternoon without having shed any clues as to the identity of his assailants. —A sentence of four years in the feder- al penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga., for robbing the United States mails was given Edward Howard, alias Samuel H. Schwartz, the man arrested at York, Pa., a few weeks ago when he tried to cash a raised check for $280 at the Guardian Trust company. He was sentenced to the United States court for the Eastern District of Penn- sylvania, at Philadelphia, by Judge Mc- Keehan. —Just as he was starting on his day's work at the West Virginia Pulp and Pa- per mill at Tyrone on Monday morning, Harry Biddle, aged 35 years, had his hand caught in a clay mixing machine, and be- fore he could be released the flesh and bones of his hand and wrist were badly crushed and mangled. After being given first aid at the mill offices he was taken to the Altoona hospital where the arm was amputated near the elbow. —Miss Anna Engle, of Detroit, Mich., 23 years old, was awarded a $5000 verdict in a breach of promise suit against Raymond May, of Shamokin, by a jury in the Nor- thumberland county court. According to her testimony, she met May eight years ago and, after four years of courting, he propesed marriage and she accepted. His love grew cold, however, she said, after all plans for the wedding were made and the date set. She never gave him any reason, she said. —Michael McDade, 70 years of age, a wealthy farmer living at Crosby, McKean county, has been made defendant in a breach of promise suit filed by Mrs. Nellie Haley, a widow, 45 years old, late of St. Johns, New Brunswick, at present resid- ing in Smethport. Mrs. Haley avers that McDade persuaded her to leave her Ca- nadian home upon promise of marriage, and when she arrived in Crosby he refus- ed to fulfill the contract. Mrs. Haley asks $30,000 heart balm. —Mrs. Nazarene Maldino, of Steel City, Lehigh county, proved a heroine Saturday night. Absolom Bloss, it is alleged, point- ed a revolver at her husband, who con- ducts a store, and commanded him to put up his hands. Maldino complied with the request. Then his wife sneaked behind Bloss and sank her teeth into the bandits hand, with the result that he dropped the gun and took to his heels. The Maldinos turned the gun over to the local police and had a warrant issued for Bloss’ arrest. —James Ray, 21 years old, of near Punx- sutawney, met death at an early hour on Monday morning when he fell from an ex- cursion train a half mile east of Port Roy- al on the Middle division. His headless body was found at 1:45 a. m. by a track walker. Ray had been on the excursion to Baltimore and Washington, the train carrying many people from the vicinity of Punxsutawney. It is believed that Ray, when he fell from the train while passing between the cars, was struck by a train on the adjoining track. —A small mantel clock that suddenly stopped over thirteen years ago on the day and almost on the minute that its owner, Jonas Brown, of Allentown, died, and which refused to run, although members of the family had sent it to the repair shop many times, on Sunday suddenly re- sumed its task of ticking off the seconds, minutes and hours of the day, and at present maintenance of the schedule it promises to keep good time. Members of the household say that no effort had been made for many months to induce the clock to run and that it started of its own voli- tion. —Equipment and supplies for the pro- posed nursery at the Rockview penitentia- ry has been ordered according to Dr. El- len C. Potter, Secretary of Welfare. The work on the project will be started as soon as the weather becomes favorable. The estimated cost of establishing this new feature at this institution is estimated at $15,000. According to the plans of the Welfare Department the nursery will give employment to additional prisoners on the penitentiary farm. Trees raised from seedlings will be sold to the Department of Forests and Waters and also to munic- ipalities. . —Without warning, Joseph Houghton, of Sunbury, a painter, fired twice with a revolver at the Rev. LeRloy F. Derr, pas- , tor of St. Luke's Lutheran church, as he was going to preach in that town on Sun- day. Both shots missed their mark, and Houghton fled into his home. Later he gave himself up. He told the police he was laboring under . the belief that the preacher wanted to take his four children from him. Friends say illness caused Houghton to lose his mind, and a com- mission has been appointed to inquire into his sanity, which will decide whteher he goes to jail or an asylum. —~Several interested Curwensville and Clearfield people are contemplating =a movement looking to the erection of a marker for the late Brooks Hyde Pear- son, the government air mail pilot who lost his life on the Porter farm between Cur- wensville and Lumber City when his ma- chine was forced down into the woods in the recent March blizzard. It is the thought of some of those interested that the marker should be located on the Lakes-to-Sea Highway, near Stronach for the purpose of acquainting the traveler with the fact that the intrepid airman met his death two miles south of that spot.