Auditor’s Statement OF THE Receipts and Expenditures of Centre County For the Year 1923. Receipts. Balarce in treasury ury Jan. 1, 1923..8 Amt from Oounty Commissioners .. 2: 10 Amt from Collectors 10170 33 Am or nseat 1198 98 22 51—$183191 94 55679 02 1890 c.ccecennsanse Amt, from Seated Bal. in hands of J. O. Heverly, Co. Treas. Jan. 7, 1924 $43311 17 Expenditures. Appropriation Acct...$ 2795 2 Assessors Acct 0601 45 Auditers Acet......... 702 90 Asylum Acct ........ 3931 88 Be] sfounte hospital unt 587 50 Bor of Road "View account ........... 387 Bridge account ...... 8279 83 Children’s Aid Acct.. 867 Com, of Penna Acct... 75 00 Com. costs Acct...... 5110 67 Constables account.... 74 00 County Road Acct..... 9317 38 Court expense Acct... 6551 26 Court ouse Expense account .......... . 5010 8 County Omcers’ pay account ........... 10214 35 Detective account .... 54 50 Damage, Road A account ....ievavsen 768 50 Election account ..... 8942 69 Eastern Penitentiary account ........sen 172 15 Glenn Nits School /eCOUNL vs vines 2444 26 Huntingdon Reforma- tory account ...... 826 14 Int.on Bonds Acct.... Inspector of Weights and Measures..... 1488 70 Inquest account ...... 28 25 Insurance account..... 708 87 Jail account........... 1788 99 Janitors account...... 2268 00 Jury Commissioners secount .....c..... Juvenile account. Librarian account..... Loan account.......... Law Library account.. Laurelton State Vil- lage account...... 18 75 Mothers Assistance fund account...... 1906 50 Miscellaneous Acct... 3189 10 Pennsylvania Training School *.......... 169 67 Printing account...... 6048 09 Registrars account.... 503 75 Soldiers and Burial gecount ........... 3931 40 Stationery account.... 1496 23 Sinking Fund Acct... 2200 00 State Highwav Acct... 61625 State Industrial Home for Women........ 1343 85 Sheriff's Acct.......... 4958 20 Telephone account. 810 43 Roy Wilkinson, Pro- thonotary Acct.. 639 07 Western Penitentiary gecount ........ 0. 5390 08—S$139880 77 By balance........ 43. i1 17 $183191 94 CR ERR Ray Harry P. Austin, Geo. H. Yarnell and John W. Yearick, County Commissioners, in account with the County of Centre for the year 1923. Appropriation Account. W. C. Smeltzer, Agricultural Ex- tension WOIrK....ccsvceesonsses$ 1 Teacher’s Institute..... Memorial Appropriation..... Centre County Pomona Grange... Assessor's Account. Sundry ASSeSSOr'S PAY............$10601 45 Asylum Hespital Account. inmates, (Polk)......$ 177 15 inmates, (Danville)... 2698 72 inmates, (Warren.... 586 29 inmates, (Fairview).. 469 72 for inmates, (Laurelton Village.eseeeeeeanncennes 18 75 $ 3950 63 Bellefonte Hospital Account. Maintenance of Sadie Delige......$ 577 50 Maintenance of Timpo Kapeluch.. 10 60 $ 587 50 Eastern Penitentiary. Maintenance inmates..............$ Laurelton State Village. Clothing for inmates..............$§ 1875 Penna. Training School. Maintenance of inmates...........$ 169 67 Western Penitentiary. Maintaining inmates..............$ 5390 08 172 15 Loan Account. Loan AccouUnt.....c.eeveeceesee....$16723 46 Annual Assessment Account. Bellefonte Boro, W. W.$ 235 50 Bellefonte Boro S. W... 465 25 Bellefonte Boro N. Wi. 28 50 Centre Hall Boro Philipsburg Boro 1 W. Philipsburg Boro 2 W. Philipsburg Boro 3 W. Snow Shoe Boro...... 8. Piijipspure Boro... State College Boro.... Unionville Boro....... Benner TWD.....coeuae BOEZS TWD.rvevesvoens Burnside Twp......... College Twp. Curti rh soma h 588 RES2882IURRRSLRASSRSBRRAGRISIRESIRAED ganbac > ARBAB IRSRZE Halfmoon Perenses Harris TWP...c....... Howard Twp....... tee Huston TWp.......ce0n Liberty TWp....eovees Marion TWp........... Miles TWD... . uve. Patton res Penn: TWp......... Potter Twp. BogaBal 2 canis Worth PwP....coecvess. fd - —$ 6045 56 ® @ n Registration As Bellefonte Boro W. W..$ Bellefonte Boro 8. W... Bellefonte Boro N. W Milesburg Boro.. Millheim Boro..... Philipsburg Boro 1 w.. Philipsburg Bore 2 W.. Philipsburg Boro 3 W.. Snow Shoe Boro....... S. Philipsburg Boro... State College Boro..... Unionville Bordeerrinss aangeda B os: g = 8 2 S es Boggs a he FRE wm ang 3 4 = ud ped ft © es Twp... . Halfmoon TWD. .oesouen Harris TWP.cecsresvaes Howard Twp........... Huston Liberty RRND: es zseese . Marion Twp.. . Miles. Twp.... . Patton Twp.. . Penn Twp.... . Potter Twp. Rush Twp.. Snow Shoe TWpP........ Spring TWDeorcossonsne Taylor TWD ess eseessss on TWP .cesvensnnase Wanker TWD. osssssssnn Worth TWpD.ceesescesss 3224 41 « —— Postage and Assessors supplies..§ 1331 48 County Auditor's Account. T. A. Pletcher, services and MIICARO .ovvsiesshossnsanssns ad 200 8% C."H. rey services & mileage 246 90 H. H. Stover, services & mileage... 255 16 $ 702 90 I5RE3SR&E2A 8 EERE RISRIR22RSRRRSSSSLIASBRRIRS B33 - guaRsd 8 Be Board of Road View. A. C. Dale, services & mileage....$ H.P. Slaps, services & mileage. . John G Love, services & mileage. L. BE. Swartz, services & mileage. . Kline Woodring services & mileage M. NS Fleming, services and mileage ..... 0000 es Helen M. Be hasiter: stenographer. Go 85333 g3 83533 $ 387 60 Bridge Account. Sundry Bridge account........ ...5 8279 83 Childrens Aid Society of Western Penn- sylvania Maintaining sundry inmates...... $ 169 67 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Account. G. W. Rees, Auditor for Pro- _ thonotary, Recorder and Reg- ister ..... tases Str rruiranans $ 7500 County Road Account. Port Matilda road...... lala ss iued $ 683 14 Boalsburg pike.................... 509 08 Marion and Howard road....... on 66 10 Miles and Walker road.......... . 3732 34 Huston and Rush Twp road...... 3085 76 Union and Rush Twp. road....... 1240 96 $ 9317 38 Court Expense Account. Gilbert S. Burrows, stenographer $§ 637 62 Winifred M. Gates, stenographer. 1200 00 Margaret Lutz, stenographer...... 5.00 Grand and Traverse Jurors pay.. Court Officers pay............ Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotar Sundry Court expense............ County Officers’ Pay. Geo. H. Yarnell, Co. Com.. Harry P. Austin, Co. Com. John W. Yearick, Co. Com. I Frank Mayes, Co. Trea «2000 C. Furst, District Attorney..... 1250 00 Tiaces Keller, County Solicitor. . 600 M. J. Locke, County Physician, .. 100 00 R. W. Irwin, clerk, Jan. 1 to Feb. 13, 1 Pes 395 00 Ww. C. ‘Armstrong, chief clerk, ‘Feb. 13 to Jan. 7, 1924...... ssevnes 300270 Harriet Smith, Asst. elerk. ii: 934 Rachael Lambert, Asst. clerk. .... Margaret Mignot, services........ Bal, dre J. C. Furst, salary from edi seesecstrscessessssssserane 50 00 $10214 35 County Farm Bureau Account from Dec. 1, 1922 to Jan. 1, 1924, Bal. oh hand Dee. 1, $ 248 30 To a opie at” ounty Commis- sioners (13) months 1950 00 2 oS Labor and Auto supplies. Gas and oils csssesssasssns Storage charges for car... {eam SCRIBE. vrai ir fspress, postage and telephone OHB ii ind ri di da dd re ees Furniture and fixtures Seiia staan Purchase of new Car............. Automobile license ed ‘Be. tan Miscellaneous ......ccvesserrencnss Bal. on hand Jan. 1, 1924........ $ 2198 30—$ 2198 30 NOTE :—Farm Bureau accounts were formerly audited from the first of Decem- ber to the 1st of December each year. Th audit has been changed to begin with the first of each year and end with the first of the year succeeding, which accounts for this year showing 1 ’ months. 8.18.3 seash 333338 BINS o Commonwealth Costs Account. Sundry witnesses, Justices and Commonwealth costs...........$5110 67 Constable’s Pay. Returns to Court......c.cviceee..$ 74 00 Court House Expense Account. Electric light and supplies.......$ 749 80 Fu 2 4 ’ 2113 24 Sane cveenes 164 78 Material and repairs 692 03 Paint and painting. 23 9 Plumbing .....eeeee 452 23 Water rent........ 191 24 Disinfectant ........ 174 62 Mops and brushes........cceoeeee 30 27 Laundry bills....eeeeecieesscensss 12 45 Binding DOOKE. ec: ssesrsrirnssaes 20000 Repai court yard fence....... 60 40 Seaary HAE. i ersssverrsaninenns 3G 00 $5010 85 Jail Expense Account. a Bghtivsessrs resaneens rd 367 42 Material and su plies 182 47 Beds and bedding 16 50 Labor on jail. 86 66 Plumbing .. 10 50 Water rent. 63 85 Drayage ...ccoesveeessecccsescnces 6 00 $ 1788 99 Glenn MiHs School. Maintaining sundry inmates......$ 2444.26 Huntingdon Reformatory. Maintaining sundry inmates......$ 826 14 0 ——— -—— Election Expense Account. Primary General P. Austin, deliv- ering ballots......$ 30 00 30 00 Geo. H. Yarnell, deliv- ering ballots....... 51 00 58 00 John . Yearick, de- livering ballots. ... 30 00 30 00 Election suplies...... . 712 39 p71 61 Election Officer's pay for Primary and General .....:..iv. 6999 17 Expense on booths, ete. 10 32 Booths and guard rails 70 80 Amy Potter, tabulat- ing returns........ 90 00 50 00 D. R. Foreman, tabu- lating returns..... 90 00 50 00 W. C. Armstrong, vot- ers check list, spe- cial election Phil- ipsburg Boro.. 10 00 H. P. Austin, deliv- ering ballots, spe- cial election Phil- ipsburg Boro..... 17 00 Printing ballots for special election Philipsburg Boro 42 40 § 8153 08 § 789 61 Janitor’s Account. John D. Love, janitor, salary to Jan. 4, 1924.. Eaward Rane, engineer, salary to .$ 1036 50 an. 4, 1924,.............. 1036 50 Joseph Gdrdon, Asst. janitor May ecember ......... raaiedvere. 195/00 $ 2268 00 Juvenile Court Expenses. Emma Jones, maintenance of Ju- vepiles .......occhvsiierinie, 537 14 Clothing for Juveniles............ 83 43 Rev. DePui Maynard, salary..... 300 00 $ 920 57 Jury Commissioners. John D. Decker services and MIBAZE uiiinvnnisnnraiiai a. 224 10 Jos. A. Emerick, services and mileage i ..viiiiiiene ee veiw 157 80 Amy Potter, clerk.......c. svnsss 172 00 $ 553 90 Miscellaneous Account. Postage and tax notices.......... 162 14 Express, drayage and freight.. 22 04 Postage for Co. Supt. office. ...... 59 89 Expense Co. Com. State convention 00 Tax refund, J. T. Beckwith.. 35 64 Maintenance Simon Hildebrant and Tony Timko............. 13475 Burial of Sadie Delige............ 90 00 Making unseated land tax "dupli- cate and voters check list.. 203 82 W. H. Brown recording deeds and discharges ... 191 05 District Atty, light, “rent ‘and ‘heat 490 395 Gorden, Asst. janitor Feb to a Exp. Co. Supervisors convention. 113 83 Treas. deeds to Commissioners. . 287 Dues State Asso. Co. Commission- er's convention........ y's vere 50 00 Transportation charges........... 24 75 Clothing for county dependents.. 58 05 Sundry accounts..........ceeocene 144 10 $ 3189 10 Inspection of Weights and Measures. W. A. Bowes, Bal due from 1922......... $ 53 00 W. A. Bowes, salary for 792% .......... 1000 00 W. A. Bowes, expens- es for 1923........ 435 70 | Amt paid for Bal QUE ii, 53 00 Amt. . paid for “salary, as Avaliie rees 1000 00 Amb Jud expenses, 1 eevee anh 435 70 $1488 70 $1488 70 Interest and Sinking Fund. Int. on semi-annual bonds........ $ 4000 00 Bellefonte Trust Co. sinking fund "ACCOUNL cores, Sess inarees 2200 00 $ 6200 00 Insurance Account. H. E. Fenlon, insurance policy...$ 505 00 W. Miles Walker, compensation INSUranNee '.......iveves FAO 45 W. B. Rankin, insurance......... 7 50 General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance C0. vailinsans 15 92 John F. Gray & Son, insurance POHEY : ..vvriressssnncesian ce iewi 1100.00 $ 708 87 Printing Account. Ke Stane Gazette, sundr rint- a Ts 2159 = The Rem ublican, sundry printing. ed Centre Democrat, sundry printing 3 Philipsburg Ledger, sundry print- ing shseveeses B78 67 Democratic “Watchman, sundry printing ...cceviiiiienns vevers 1200-98 Nivany Printing Co., ., sundry rin % 599 00 w. & ps i Tg i 45 70 $ 6048 09 Librarian of County Library Account. John G. Love, salary..............$ 60 00 Registrar's Account. Reporting 1684 births and 691 deaths ..... Filannevees serena d 50390 Stationery and Supplies. william G. Johnston Co..........$ 66S 03 Baltimore Office Supply Co....... 33257 Kee Lox Manufacturing Co...... 43 94 American Ribbon and Carbon Co. 77 02 Sundry supplies..........c.ceeees 202 40 Gazette and Republican stationery 167 20 Freight and drayage....... cerhes 507 $ 1496 23 Mothers Assistance Fund. Sundry expenses to Mothers fund$ 1906 50 State Industrial School for Women. Maintaining inmates and trans- portation ........... censresnd State Highway Account. State Treas. final payment State aid road, Philipsburg Boro...$ 616 25 1343 8&5 State Highway Damage Account. Route 56...... ...$ 515 00 Route 219. . 246 00 Route. 27...... . 7 50 $ 768 50 Telephone Account. Bell Telephone Co................5 433 19 United Telephone Co.........c..e. TT 24 $ 810 43 Detective Account. George Marks case...............$3 ©5400 Law Library Account. Books for Court House library...§ 403 75 Inquest Account. Sundry inquests... ...civosiverrves $ 2825 Soldiers and Widows Burial Account. John 'T. Lueas........... $1000 Marv Rapp..... 75 00 Irving Achmood 75 00 William Packer.. 75 00 Margaret Raudenbuch. 75 00 William B. Luecas........ - 75 00 Daniel Weller...............:u0... 5 00 Ira © Lytle... ouociioviicannin 7% 00 William A. Bagley..........c..c..s 50 00 Sarah F. Gibbs... ..coccvvvuvnvai. 75 00 Henry Vanderpool............. veia ™ 00 David 1. Ross Jr...... conven. ven 75 00 Philip WORMS... cc. cceicvicnisin 75 00 Catharine WOPS.......cooevnsvsss 75 00 J.P. Meckley,......... 5 00 Mary A. Kellerman 7 00 James Stine..... 7% 00 George C. Miller 75 00 Guy Lucas.... 75 00 Matilda Edleman 75 00 Annie E. Miller...... 7 00 Hz Uzzell. .c.ocie incu nerensnns 75 00 George C. Willlams............... 7 00 Margaret Billett. .... co..ovneevs 75 00 Augustus A, Smith................ 75 00 THOMAS. BUNS. svc racsserresrnsss 7 00 Mary A. Bequeath..........0vas. 75 00 Lavina Sharp..eesceecs ios. Sarees 75 00 Peter Bondzenas.........eseeeesss 7 00 William BR. 75 00 James KNnoX.....v.». . . 7% 00 William S. Hunter. 75 00 Clarence FE. Elliott 75 00 John: Noll....... 75 00 Elizabeth Barr... 75 00 Rebecca James.. 7 00 Nancy J. Weller). oi es ™ 00 Nancy McClelland, .-oreei vein 75 00 Michael Holter............... eile 75 00 John C. Rote,.................. os ™ 00 H. C Pennington................. 75 00 Susan Hudson......... FE REN 7 00 Robert Hudson......... Fetsssens . 75 00 Thornley Hudson................. 5 00 Headstones and markers......... 656 40 $ 3931 40 Harry Dukeman, Sheriff, in Account with the County of Centre for the year 1928. To 35383 days boarding prisoners at 50 cents per day........... 1769 00 To 27 days boarding ‘Juvenile at $1.00 per day........ciueines 27 00 To 32 days boarding insane at $200 per 64 To 307 Turnkey fees at 50 cents.. 185 00 To conveying prisoners to varios Institutions o Ledger account........ La indictments and cos $ 4794 34 August 1, to order on account .......... 1000 00 Dee. 5, to order on HOCOUMNL ,..vivierss 1000 00 Sundry ! maictments and costS........ . 57492 Bal. due Harry Duke- man, Jan. 7, 1924.. 2219 42 $4794 34 $4704 24 Roy Wilkinson, Prothonotary’s Account. To Commonwealth account.......$ 809 00 By Voucher...........$ 733 84 Bal. due Roy Wilkin- son, Jan. 7, 1924.. 7 16 $ 80900 $ 80900 Statement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1922, Bal Due Jan 1 1928, Including Amount Due Districts Collectors 5 per cent. Added Jan. 7, 1924 | County | State | County | State Bellefonte Boro.. Herbert Auman........[$ 2098 go’ 557 58|$ 604 Se 209 LE Centre Hall Boro C. D. Bartholomew.... 98 Ti 17 90 1071 8 41 Howard Boro..... T. A. Pletcher......... 26 50 Milssoure Fg Anna Hall, cevseeee 202 95 m Boro........ |J. W. O. useman... Phy sburg Boro......| Charles Freeman.......| 1882 708 20] 271 74 Paid sburg Boro... I B. Hoffman......... 226 77 117 Sucey oe Boro.......|L. M. Kelly.........c0 19 63 State Colle e Boro..... 2 J. YE illie1ns. co bue og 2018 15 onville Boro.,...... Anna Hall............. Benner TWpD....c...... |John 8. Spearly.......| 1029.26 387 04] 4 53 Boggs TWpP............ | Harry Curtin... 1020 73 Burnside P.. R. F. Barger.. 356 College Rp. Jesse Shuey... 1457 20 Curtin Tw John A. Mann 77 99 i Ferguson J. E. Elder.... 1464 39 Gregg Twp. 8. G. Walker...... 1093 03 368 75 Haines Tw | Wilson Haines.........| 1326 Halfmoon My Grant Davidson....... 962 2 60) Harres Twp.... Geo. BE. Meyer.........| 368 312 22 Howard TWD eae eras S. R. McCartney.......| 369 137 88 307 Huston TWp...........| H. K. Mattern........ 355 38 81 Liberty TWD......o....|0. J. Stover...........| 208 193 43 30 28 Marion TWP.......c.0o |C. A. Dolan........... 819 189 20 2 53 Miles TWP.c.veeeeesees | 8: Al a ed 68 68 76 21 44 Pann Twp | 3 Reuben Crust....... Sa 29 94 758 enn Passesensnsssse Potter Twp.. 1228 408 87 43 68 Rush Twp..... 831 275 11 22 67 Snow Shoe Twp 946 348 43 Spring Twp.. 1518 566 76 26 98 Ta Jor, TWD. 3 = 72 84 nion AA .e Walker vl W. R. Dunkie..........| 1220 60 1220 60] 271 38 Worth TWD. oo ceeseee E. T. Spotts...........| 460 55 |$26366 37$ 2008 77|$ 6062 02|$ 943 T1 eee eee meee eee Statement of Taxes Outstanding on the Duplicate for the Year 1923. Amount Amount Due Districts Collectors Levied Jan, 7, 1924 County | State | County | State Bellefonte Boro.. “Herbert Auman......../$11609 61 4941 61|$ 2297 50|$ 497 11 Centre Hall Boro C. D. Bartholome 1213 97] 794 87 77 61 49 Howard Boro.... T. A. Pletcher.... 1088 78] 319 43 5 00 Milesburg Boro Anna Hall.............] _641 43] 106 51 252 93 26 Millheim Boro... J. W. O. Houseman...| 1577 29 92{ 335 30 54 4 Philipsburg Boro......| Charles ¥reeman......| 10235 39 1974 97| 2321 31] 148 26 8. Philipsburg Boro... |J. B. Hoffman.........| 421 57 56] 237 55 Snow Shoe Boro...... |L. M. Kelly ..........d 830 92 21 92 273 State College Boro.... |B. J. Wil S.......4 11038 95| 3434 09 2198 38| 190 48 Unionville Boro....... |Anna Hall.............] 527052 347 119 90 30 15 Benner TWpD........... | John 8. Spearl Feraveres 2828 44| 79 1085 79) Boggs TWD.ocoeuseenss Haly Curtin. 1836 56 58 884 93 14 78 Burnside Twp... F. Barger 346 19 30 135 66 30 10 College AL Tons Shuey.. 3620 94| 624 1374 1 Curtin Tw, John A. Mann 3 53 40 3 96 Ferguson J. BE. Elder... 4277 79 842 1307 81] 21 20 Gregg TWD.... 8S. G. Walker. 4487 863 986 68] 126 40 Haines Twp... Wilson Haines......... 3719 18f 492 1204 73 15 00 Halfmoon Twp.. .| Grant Davidson.......| 1408 71 808 22 il 52 Harris TWD..ceoveceoes Jee, BE. Meyer..c.ceoeee 372 377 60 TT 08 Howard TWD..cceeoee |S. R. McCartney.......] 927 03 51 333 40 22 + Huston TWpD....ceooeo. | HH. K. Mattern. ........| 742 01 59 359 83 Liberty TWpD..eccseeees| 0. J. Stover........... 1610 99| 163 278 32 a Marion FWDs1 cccendy C. A. Dolan............ 1836 22 95 764 76 6 47 Miies TWD..c.caeseeeee. |S. A. Bierly.. 3276 49] 371 1060 43] 371 29 Patton Twp..... T. M. Huey.. 73 710 97 38 79 Penn Twp..... J. M. Weaver. 399 431 37 Potter Twp.. J. B. Fortney 300 1265 31 110 97 Rush Twp..... . | R. J. Barnett 199 992 19 29 33 Snow Shoe Tw .|8. H. Lohr... J 841 47] Spring Pesses D. A. McDowell... ..... 5379 26] 796 1530 6 22 aylor Twp. «|B. B. Gulich.....e000s 681 88] 42 367 20 87 Wnion Twp.. . EB. T. Hall.............]| 163212] 105 433 19 5 61 Walker TWD.cseeeosees| W. R. Dunkle.........] 3369 89 673 1 680 20 WOrth TWD..sesesesssel Ba T. Spotts.ce........ 1266 88 131 361 566 88 20 36 1$99757 32|$19306 16]$26706 46/$ 2002 03 A EA TT ARE SIC I, L. FRANK MAYES, in Account with Road, School, Poor and Interest Funds Arising from Umnseated and Seated Lands. ROAD UNSEATED | | | " » a | oF Er 2 of g g & : g se ’ 2 FE - os ne na 5s g DISTRICTS gs £8 gz : =z z B34) = 5 3 | 1 } Benner Twp .......c.oues es smtssssanesis $ 12 45|$ 3 00i$ 15 45|$ 14 68!$ 7 Boggs Twp ...... 240 05) 95 23] 335 28] 318 52 16 76 Burnside Twp. 397 59 291 61 689 20, 654 74 34 46 College TWP. ..c.cerevisccsssiostssnsinnaes 182 1 82 1 73 09 Curtin TWP. '..v.cnovnn 186 46 97 08] 283 54| 269 37 14 17 Ferguson Twp. . 55 53 3 69 59 22 56 26) 2 96 Gregg Twp. .. 31 67 8 82 40 39 38 29] 210 Haines Twp. . 7 23 723 6 87 36 Halfmoon Bor: 194 762 9 56 9 08] 48 Harris Twp. .... 42 46 71 43 17 41 01 218 Howard Twp. 15 07] 36 65 51 72 49 14 258 Huston Twp. 68 46) 40 68 86 65 42 3 44 Liberty Twp. ....... esins sinned ne sane nine 54 11 25 38 79 49 75 52 3 97 MATION TWD. .osae snsmronsmséingenss aren 39 84 16 39 56 23 53 42 2 81 Miles TWD. ' + vavensies Cross unirnee sary. 135 99 68 32| 204 31] 194 09 10 22 Patton Twp. .....cciviceancnsnrsess vou 70 41 9 43 9 8 75 85 399 Penn Twp. .....: Ee ee Resse “sexs 9 97 9 97 9 47 50 Poftel TWD, ......conriseeisssvsssonseses 72 97 2 03 75 00 71 25) 37 RUSH DWI, vias hinsdenshnnsssss, FA 935 05| 935 05] 888 30 46 5 Spring Twp. i. iit vanes 26 67 1 28 27 95) 26 55 1 40 Snow Shoe Twp. ........ 567 01 567 01 538 67 28 34 Taylor Twp. . 86 65 28 42 115 07 109 32 575 Union Twp. 151 49 90 64] 242 13] 230 03 12 10 Walker Twp. 57 33 33 65 98 86 43] 4 55 Worth Twp. .. 190 74 23] 190 97] 181 42 9 55 I$ 1949 57|$ 2320 S7|$ 4279 44|$ 4065 43|$ 214 01 UNSEATED Benner Twp. 08 23 05}$ 60|$ 23 65}$ 22 47[$ 118 Boggs Twp. . 0 83237 119 57] 451 94] 429 34] 22 €0 Burnside Tw 1 87 78 09] 379 96] 360 96 19 00 College Twp. 4 11 ? 4 11 3 90 21 Curtin TWp.. c.cove. caesarean nah 410 19 126 76 536 95) 510 10| 26 85 Ferguson TWP. ii.ovesevnssenvasanesinies 74 66 22 43 97 09 92 24 4 8 Gregg TWD. ici ocrnnvminssmssensvsesanee 58 30 14 78 73 08 69 43 3 65 Haines TWD. oc corrinnrsnrsnsdossscsiees 18 15 18 15] 17 24 01 Halfmoon Twp. vovevess RR 154 92 620] 161 12] 153 06 8 06 Harris Twp. ..... sean No vive Were tite 50 51 98| 56 49 53 67 28 Howard. Twp. ......cee assess v es nant 20 84 12 56 33 40 3173 167 Huston TWD. ..covsiesvrsoesnvesesceiin 1 00 00 00 90! 10 Liberty Twp. . 140 72 34 44 175 16] 166 8 76 Marion 'wp. %...... 39 08 18 82 57 90 55 01 28 Miles Twp. .. 73 93] 152 95] 226 88] 215 53 11 35 Penn Twp. 15 04 15 04 14' 29] 5 Potter Twp. 101 93 1 103 98 00 5 16 Rush Twp. 3180 78 3180 78| 3021 74] 159 04 SOring TWD. caer ensndsssssrnios 97 82 1 99 94 4 98 Snow Sho Twp. evavadw es 1984 62| 1984 62 5 88 23 Taylor TWD. su rssevsis 89 29 35 29] 124 58 118 36 6 22 Union Twp. . 621 73] 306 17| 927 90] 881 51 46 39 Walker Twp. 147 99 60 97] 208 96] 198 51 10 45 Worth: TWP. cieinecvesise See tenienisaie ry 345 85) 446] 34831] 33090] 17 41 I$ 2808 20|$ 6482 57|$ 9290 77|$ 8826 24|$ 464 53 POOR UNSEATED. Benner TWD. ....c..coieveenessnsrossnns $ 7 40/$ 7 941% 7 54 40 Boggs Tw Adsense estsesinnrinsraaniy 44 77 18 43 20) 00 od" 3 16 Burnside ‘Wp. es Tn = 346 88 212 75| ©5659 63] 531 65 27 08 College Twp. ...... tnd CAAA vars 82 8 04 Curtin: Twp. “o..ovi.e ree bees Cah 128 98 21 22{ 150 20{ 142 69 75 Ferguson 4 10] 80 4 90 4 65) 25 Gregg Twp. 5 69 43 6 12 5 81 3 Haines Twp. 35 12 2 06 37 18]. 35 32 1 86 Harris Twp. . 8 96 17 9 13 8 67 46 Howard Twp. T14 6 74 13 88 13 19 69 Huston Twp. 6 98) 24! 7 22 6 86) 36 Liberty Twp. 24 60 10 10, 34 70 32 96 174 Marion TWD. ......eonceeese 23 34 4 50 27 84 26 45] 139 Miles Twp. ive veoenn sesnrrees reac erie 130 88] 21 94| 152 82| 145 18 7 64 Patton . TWD... civcrsnsssnsitmsioesionssssss sins 14 9 15 80 15 01 9 Fenn Twp. ..o.o00ihs Cie ars Hsien 3 94 3 94 3 4 20 Potter TWD. cvoserscsnes Cees asia tens 21 56 51 22 07 20 97 110 Bush Twp. ..oov oecieniss ees tlane i snay 511 67] 511 67] 486 09) 25 58 SPring TWD. .cv.tvisnvrnses ved es ee . 19 61 10! 20 71 19 67 104 Snow Shoe ‘WD. Visas nsavddac i nsve inns 96 339 96] 322 96 17 00 Taylor Twp. 16 58 2 16 18 74 17 80 94 Union Twp. 60 60) 29 16 89 76 85 27 4 49 Walker Twp. ©... 22 66 1371 36 37 34 56 18 Worth Twp. : 10 30 10 30] 9 78 52 I$ 945 96|$ 1198 94.§ ¢ 2144 90i§ 2037 64|$ 107 26 INTEREST 'UNSEATED. Gregg Twp. . ..I$ 833% |1$ 8 33|% 7 911% 42 Haines Twp. 82 1 oo 9 21 8 wo 46 Rush Twp. 584 59 59 884 59| 840 36 44 23 I$ 01 1B 1 1 00s 902 13)$ 857 02] 45 11 SEATED. Tellefonte Boro § 51 zs 166)$ 5291/8 026% 265 Milesburg Boro . 12 126 120 06 Benner. Twp. . 9 5 9 54 9 aa 48 Boggs Twp. .. 55 n 2 18 57 56 Fos 2 88 Burnside Twp. 29 07 29 07 21 G2 145 College Twp. ...... 4 90 4 90) + 65) 25 Curtin. TWD... sevrrirrrrvnsnscssnimnsnsnrses 30 75 84 31 59 30 01 158 Howard Boro ........... Es veeerienns vas ny 13 26 13 26) 12 60 66 Huston TWP. s.ccevecreconcencesaceannns. 1 06 1 06 101 On] LIHOTEY TWD. Le cesicsanvactvnosvevasernss 52 30 52 30 49 68 242 Marion TWD. ccicessvtnsirceioivecee insane 2 2 32 2 20 12 Miles ‘Twp. ...ce0sines 11 11 Patton. Twp. ...... 19 20 5 20 24 40) 23 68 he Penn Twp. ..... . 2 94 2 94 2 94 2 79! 15 Potter Twp. .... " 6 76 1126 16 G42] 34 Rush Twp. ..:... . 58 90 58 90) 55 95 295 Snow Shoe Twp. . 76 67 6 67 72 84 3 83 Spring Twp. ... ‘ 4 74 70 04 Taylor Tog ey . 233 73] 130] 23503 223 28 11 75 Worth TWD: siviiisiisvicsescananssinnnses 12 66 12 66 12 03 63 |$ 660 48]$ 13 50|$ 673 98|$ 640 66]$ 33 21 * Miles Twp. on Jan. 7, 1924, had on hand in this fund the amount of 11 cents. INTEREST SEATED. Bellefollte BOr0 i... us... ssesssvsresrasnly 43 2$ 83[$ ny 41 87] 220 Milesburg BOTO ....cccieeeecrccasncsncnas 7 88 ? 140 39 8S. Philipsburg BOI'O ...ovucrvesscsesnnses 5 20 55% 4 94 Ho i28 $ 56 32)$ 83l§ 5715/F 54305 285 BOROUGH SEATED. Bellefonte Boro ............ crvaseasnsens|S” 28 6019 1 66l$ 30 26] 28 75 15 Milesburg Boro ............ 12 14 12 or 11 8° 61 Philipsburg Boro ......... 6 20 6 20 5 89 31 S. Philipsburg Boro ....... : 15 24 15 24 14 48| 6 I$ 62 18% 1 66]$ 63 84|$ 60 65($ 319 Benner TWD. +c... 7 16 66/$ 88 Boggs Twp. .. 131 124 71 6 H6 Burnside P. 31 29 97] 158 College Twp. . 6 6 33 Curtin Twp. .. 105 99 83 525 Howard Twp. 19 18 41 97 Huston Twp. . esvecevesssenaiensnsevs 23 22 27 117 1iberty TWD. ..vcicrnncercassnssncnasess 1 1 08 MAriON TWD. veersvrossrecssserssonsncers 8 761 40 Mile8 TWP. coevioccecssoscsasssncsvvsnense 19) 01 Paton TWD. eoaseensssctesssssssrvnssnses 23 22 57 119 N- TWD. cececesrsenssscssvesisnsssanee 4 399 21 Potter TWD: sssesssssecsvecsssssssavssase q 6 35 Bush Wp. .oiieceevsvensss 47 44 2 37 Snow Shoe Peli’evesnvne 205 195 10 29 Spring Twp. .. 4 4 24 Taylor Twp. 163 155 8 20 Walker Twp. 5 b 29 Worth TWD. ceceeees 19 81] 18 82 99 827 785 79|$ 4136 Bellefonte Boro ..... Philipsburg Boro . S. Philipsburg Boro Benner T esevrecs Boggs TWD. eceeeeeees Hosasids WD. ssnsessssccssssesnssssnses College TWP. cccvevevecasssscecescncannns Curtin. TWD. ceceevecscasccnsnsccnnncsanns SHAarris TWD. cccoeceeresesstcrrascasenes Howard TWD. .cecevecccsssscsssascsceess Huston TWP. .cveceeeessscsceccsssnsnanns Liberty TWD. cecessecsscscsccccsssse Marion Twp. .. Potter Twp. . Rush P. Snow Shoe Twp. Spring TWD. +osxs+ css snsisnnnanesen Taylor TWD. ccvecrcesescscsscsccnssnnses Walker TWD. cccocescvacescsssassnsnecnne Worth TWD. ececesecrccscsacssscssscssesss $ 206 53% 67s 27208 25 136 159 180 1 08 10 35 10 9 52 5 02 502 4 25 16 15 ssl 1699 186 8 8 30 830 7 42 1 60 1600 1 08 49 09 74 4983 47 249 13 13 5 94 594 5 30 148 148 3 07 15 47 1547] 14 14 1s] 1621 15 81 04 04 3 48 oe] 406 3 20 42 42 02 271 271, 2 14 32 57 3251 30 163 41 11 41 11 39 2 06 1 03 1 03] 05 27 26 2726] on 136 78 7 ; 04 120 1 20 RT 0a $ 265 93) © 42/8 211 808 267 6A§ 13 56 * Miles Twp. on Jan. 7, 1924, had on hand in this fund the amount of 4 cents. * Harris Twp. on Jan. 7, 1924, had on hand in this fund the amount of 13 cents BOROUGH SCHOOL SEATED. 5 vee *Philipsburg Boro .v . S. Philipsburg Boro. .......cceeeevneseecs BL) "1438 8 3 66/8 147 50|$ 140 12) 338 100 50 Fas |. 102 0 3 32 19 10 19100 1814 98 5183 65) 3 66|$ 187 31|§ 177 6318 D0 36 * Philipsburg Boro. on Jan. % 1921. had on hand in this fund the amount of 32 cents. (Continued on page 3, Cols, 4 and 5). EE ER Er Ci BOALSBURG. E. W. Hess and family spent Sat- urday in Bellefonte. A number of ladies were entertain- ed at the Ishler-Coxey home on Sat- urday evening in celebration of Mrs. Coxey’s birthday. Last Thursday, while Jerry Dun- klebarger and Fred Reitz were engag- ed in tearing down a building at Sco- tia, a piece of timber struck Mr. Dun- klebarger on the head inflicting an ugly gash. He was taken to the Bellefonte hospital where the wound received attention. Returning home Monday, he is convalescing at the Reitz home.