Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 28, 1924, Image 4

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    im —
Bellefonte, Pa., March 28, 1924.
P GRAY MEEK. - - -
To Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
mame of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
notice this paper will be furnished to sub-
scribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50
Paid before expiration of year - 1.75
Paid after expiration of year - 2.00
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa., as second class matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be no-
tified when a subscriber wishes the pa-
per discontinued. It all such cases the
subscription must be paid up to date of
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
Political Announcements.
We are authorized to announce that John
F. Short is a candidate for Delegate to
the National Democratic Convention from
the 23rd Congressional District. Subject
to the primary election laws of Pennsylva-
nia and the Rules of the Democratic party
in the State and District.
Mr. and Mrs. North Guests at Chinese
Mission Home.
China Inland Mission Home,
Ichang, China,
Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1923.
Dear Home Folks:
We are now in Ichang, where we
change boats the last time before we
reach Chungking. We anchored sev-
eral miles below Ichang last night,
because the captain of our boat, a
nice: fellow in many ways, wanted us
to have a quiet night and if we had
come on up to Ichang there would
have been so many small boats around
our boat all night that we wouldn’t
have gotten a minute’s sleep.
We were up but not dressed this
morning when Mr. Squire, of this Mis-
sion Home, came on board and told us
they were expecting us to come ashore
for breakfast. We had intended to
have breakfast on boat and so were
not hurrying any, but we rushed
around and managed to get here a lit-
tle after eight. The ships do not
come up to shore here. They anchor
a little distance out, then you have to
transfer to a native boat or “sam-
pan” and came ashore in that. The C.
I. M. have their own boat and boat-
men so we were well taken care of.
Nobody coming through Ichang likes
to have to stay over here, but this
mission home is a God-send when you
“have to stay. We will have to stay
till Friday, anyway, and we may not
get out before Saturday. We have
engaged passage on the Robert Dol-
lar boat, an American company; (the
first American boat we will have been
on since we left home). The Robert
Dollar is supposed to be here now, but
it is being held up at Wanhsien, a
place that has been taken by a Chi-
nese General who recognizes no gov-
ernment, not even the Chinese govern-
ment. They are holding {wo Japan-
ese men prisoners now and are asking
a million dollars ransom. The Japanese
gunboats are up there and can’t do a
thing. There are also American and
British gunboats there. The, reason
the Robert Dollar hasn’t gotten down
is because this General and his army
have built a pontoon bridge across the
We are having the only really
gloomy, bad day today that we’ve had
since we arrived in China. Just now |
it is raining hard, a steady downpour,
and it’s damp and chilly, the kind of
chilly that goes clear into your bones.
You should see the Chinese streets in
this kind of weather. Bill has been
out this afternoon and his trousers
are mud almost to the knees. In the
short time that he was out he got his
feet soaking wet. Fortunately he has
a change of shoes and socks, but he
has no other suit to put on. We
brought only hand baggage up to the
house with us.
I had a very interesting experience
this afternoon. Right after I had fin-
ished tea, I walked out onto the porch
and there were three Chinese ladies
and a little boy. They were dressed
beautifully in silk jackets and foreign
skirts and shoes. They began to chat-
ter away in Chinese and I know just
enough to be able to say “bu-dong,”
which means “I don’t understand.” I
called Mrs Squire, the lady of the
house, and while she finished serving
tea, she left me stranded in the parlor
with those three ladies. It seemed
ages that I sat there and couldn’t say
a thing. The Chinese ladies looked
me over and pointed to my feet and
talked about them. I suppose they
were remarking about the size. After
Mrs. Squire came back, we had a love-
ly time because she acted as interpre-
ter. It turned out that the Chinese
ladies know a little English but were
afraid to use it, and they were think-
ing that I could speak Chinese but
wouldn’t use it. These ladies were
all officials wives, one being the wife
of a General, another a Major's wife,
and I don’t remember what position
the third woman’s husband has.
We are having our first experience
with oil lamps in China. We realize
now that we really are in China. The
old thing smells and the wick isn’t
trimmed evenly. I almost wish I were
back in the States.
I must close now. You'll be tired
out by the time you peruse all these
epistles. We are hoping that we'll
find some home mail for us at Chung-
king. Do write often. You can’t im-
agine how we hunger for mail from
STRUBLE.—A notable career in
professional nursing was terminated
last Friday afternooa by the sudden
death from acute dilatation of the
heart of Mary Belle Struble, at the
home of her cousin, Olive B. Mitchell,
with whom she has lived the past nine
About four years ago, while nurs-
ing in Washington, D. C., she suffered
a nervous breakdown but, after a
year’s vacation, resumed work under
the U. S. Veteran’s Bureau, being as-
signed field duty covering five coun-
ties, with headquarters in Erie, Pa.
This position proved too strenuous and
last May she had a serious heart col-
lapse and came home to rest, hopeful
of ultimate recovery.
A daughter of the late Conrad and
Sarah Mitchell Struble, she was born
and grew to womanhood at Struble’s
Station within sight of The Pennsyl-
vania State College, where she was
later a student for four years, a mem-
ber of the class of 91. At the end of
her Sophomore year she left Penn
State to enter the nurses training
school of the Woman’s hospital in
Philadelphia from which she was
graduated three years later. From
that time she has nursed continuous-
ly until her recent illness, having been
for many years a special nurse of the
late Dr. Roland Curtin, in Philadel-
phia and through his interest made
superintendent of nurses in the
George Washington University hos-
. pital, Washington, D. C., where she
| remained five years, then resigned to
| be superintendent of the Hebrew hos-
| pital in Baltimore, but finally return-
i ed to private nursing in Washington.
| Entering the nursing profession
| when there were few compared to
| the present time, she knew no limit of
| hours nor devotion to duty, always
giving unstintedly to her patients,
rich or poor. The writer has known
her, when superintendent of nurses,
to spend entire nights by the bed of
i a patient unable to afford a special
nurse, and whose life depended upon
her service. A list of her patients
{ would include women and men distin-
| guished in the social, professional and
i political world. Few nurses are rich-
, ly endowed as was she with the qual-
ities essential for success in the pro-
fession—of commanding presence,
| with a sweet and pleasingly modulated
_ voice, gentle, sympathetic and a heart
| full of sympathy and love for all af-
| flicted ones it is slight wonder that
she was beloved by patients wherever
she served.
She was a member of the Bellefonte
Chapter D. A. R. through one of her
| maternal ancestors after whom Fer-
'guson township was named; her
{ Mitchell ancestry in this county dat-
{ing back to 1812 when David Mitch-
ell came here from Milroy.
| Two half-brothers, Andrew and
' Clayton Struble, of State College, are
her only surviving near relatives.
| After funeral services conducted by
| the Rev. DePui Maynard of the Epis-
‘ copal church of which she has been a
‘ devoted member for thirty years, in-
| terment was made Tuesday afternoon
in the Pine Grove Mills cemetery,
, where members of her family are laid
i within sight of the old Mitchell home.
“Sleep after toil, port after stormy seas,
Kase after war, death after life, does
greatly please.”
ii li
LEWIS.—Mrs. Myrtle Irene Lewis,
. wife of Clair Lewis, died at her home
in Tyrone on Sunday evening follow-
ing a brief illness with lobar pnea-
She was a daughter of W. J. and
Rachel Hamler Wiser and was born
at Port Matilda on November 17th,
1 1886, living there until her marriage
to Mr. Lewis in 1912. Practically all
her married life had been spent in Ty-
rone. She was a member of the Bap-
tist church, of Tyrone, and always a
faithful attendant. She is survived
by her husband and four children, ali
at home; her mother, seven brothers
and sisters and three half-brothers,
Mrs. Pearl E. Harris, W. E. and Clair
Wiser and W. T. Patton, all being res-
idents of Port Matilda.
The remains were taken to Port
Matilda where funeral services were
held in the Baptist church at two
o’clock on Wednesday afternoon by
Rev. King, of Tyrone, and Rev. Par-
sons, of Port Matilda. Burial was
made in the Presbyterian cemetery at
Port Matilda.
i 4
KANE.—Miss Margaret Kane, for
many years a resident of Bellefonte,
died on Tuesday morning at the
home of her nephew, John Brown, at
0il City, Pa., as the result of a brok-
en hip sustained in a fall seven weeks
previous. She was a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Kane and was born
at Hecla Park eighty-one years ago.
When a child she came to Bellefonte
and was a familiar resident on Qua-
ker Hill until leaving here in 1910 for
Oil City to make her home with her
nephew. Daniel Kane, of New Ken-
sington, Pa., is her only surviving
brother. She was a lifelong member
of the Catholic church and funeral
mass was held over her remains yes-
terday morning, burial being made at
Oil City. Her nieces and nephews
here were unable to attend the funer-
al for the reason that their mother,
Mrs. James Kane, is so seriously ill at
her home on Lamb street that little
hope of her recovery is entertained.
i |!
SUNDAY.—George H. Sunday, of
Bellwood, died at the Mercy hospital,
Altoona, on Monday afternoon, fol-
lowing a prolonged illness with cancer
of the liver. He was a son of Mr: and
Mrs. Andrew Sunday and was born
at Tusseyville, Centre county, over
sixty-six years ago. He is survived
by one daughter, two sons, three
brothers and two sisters. Burial was
made in the Logan Valley cemetery
on Wednesday afternoon.
DALE.—Clement Dale, nestor of
the Centre county bar, passed away
at his home on north Allegheny street
shortly after two o’clock on Wednes-
day afternoon, following several
month’s illness with pernicious ane-
mia. Mr. Dale’s death follows close
upon that of his brother, A. A. Dale,
Esq., who passed away on January
A son of Christian and Eliza Neff
Dale he was born on his father’s
farm at Oak Hall on February 25th,
1851, hence had reached the age of
73 years, 1 month and 1 day. His
boyhood days were not unlike those
of all farmer’s sons, going to the pub-
lic school in winter time and doing the
chores on the farm during the sum-
mer holidays. After he reached the
age of twelve years he attended a
private school taught by the Rev. Dr.
Hamill, at Oak Hall, and at the age
of sixteen years he entered the Boals-
burg Academy and prepared for col-
lege under the tutorship of G. W.
Leisher. In 1870 he matriculated as a
Freshman at Pennsylvania College
(now Gettysburg College) where he
graduated in the classical course in
1874. Immediately following his
graduation he came to Bellefonte and
entered the office of A. O. Furst Esq.,
where he got his legal training, be-
ing admitted to the Centre county bar
for the practice of law on August
29th, 1876. Mr. Dale entered upon
his life’s work with such enthusiasm
and energy that one year later he was
made the choice of the Republican
party for district attorney but was
defeated by his Democratic opponent.
In 1880 he was elected chief burgess
of Bellefonte, and served one term
very creditably. For ten years he
served as borough solicitor for the
town council. An enthusiastic Repub-
lican he was always willing to do any
work assigned him in the interest of
the party and its candidates. As a
young man he became a member of
the Lutheran church and on two oc-
casions sat as a delegate in the Gen-
eral Synod of the church in the Unit-
ed States. He was for years a mem-
ber of the board of trustees of the
Bellefonte Academy and a director of
the Theological Seminary at Gettys-
burg. He was a charter member of
the Bellefonte Camp P. O. S. of A,
and always took a prominent part in
all its activities, having on several oc-
casions gone to the State convention
as a delegate from the local camp.
On May 15th, 1884, he married Miss
Sarah Davis Wilt, of Philadelphia,
who survives with two children, Ar-
thur C. Dale, district attorney of Cen-
tre county, and Miss Marion Ethel.
He also leaves one brother, Austin W.
Dale, of Boalsburg, and a half-broth-
er, Philip Dale, of State College. The
funeral will be private, burial to be
made in the Dale lot in the Union
Il I
ALLISON.—Dr. J. R. G. Allison, a
well known resident of Millheim, died
quite suddenly last Friday morning
as the result of an attack of acute in-
He was a son of Archibald and Jane
Allison and was born at Clintondale,
in Nittany valley, on April 2nd, 1856,
hence was almost sixty-eight years
old. He was educated in the public
schools of Nittany valley, at the Kish-
acoquillas Academy and the Jefferson
Medical College, Philadelphia. Fol-
lowing his graduation he began the
practice of medicine at Northumber-
land, going from there to Canton,
Bradford county, where he remained
until about twenty years ago when he
came to Centre county and located at
Centre Hall. In April, 1916, he moved
to Millheim and became landlord of
the hotel at that place, retiring
from the active practice of medicine.
A year or so ago he quit the hotel
business and moved into a comforta-
ble home in Millheim. He was a mem-
ber of the Presbyterian church, the
Centre County Medical society and
the Centre Hall Lodge of Masons.
He married Miss Anna Runkle,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Runkle, of Centre Hall, who survives
with one son, Gross Allison, a civil
engineer located in New Castle, Ky.
He also leaves two brothers and two
sisters, Harry Allison, Mrs. H. S.
Braucht and Mrs.
Funeral services were held at his
late home at Millheim at 1:30 o’clock
on Tuesday afternoon by Rev. J. Max
Kirkpatrick, of the Presbyterian
church, assisted by Rev. C. B. Snyder,
of the Evangelical church, interment
at Centre Hall being in charge of the
Masonic order.
1 4d
WESTON. — Mrs. Sarah Louise
Weston, wife of Thomas Weston, of
Rush township, died at the Cottage
State hospital, Philipsburg, last
Thursday, following a serious opera-
tion. She was a daughter of Jona-
than and Martha Forshey and was
born in Philipsburg forty years ago.
Surviving her are her husband, four
children and seven brothers and sis-
ters. - She was a lifelong member of
the Baptist church and Rev. Charles
Kulp had charge of the funeral which
was held on Saturday afternoon, bur-
ial being made in the Philipsburg
il I]
DOWNING.—M. Ellen Downing
died at the home of her brother,
Thomas W. Downing, in East Down-
ingtown, on Tuesday, March 25th, at
the age of eighty-five years. She was
a daughter of Miller and Sara Down-
ing and was born at Caln, Chester
county. Deceased was a sister of the
late Mrs. Jacob Valentine, of this
place, and became well known here
through frequent visits to the Valen-
tine home. Interment will be made
in the Friends burying ground in
Downingtown today.
C. P. Long, of!
Spring Mills, and Merrill Allison, of
a native of Centre county, died at his
home in Altoona last Thursday night,
following a prolonged illness with a
complication of diseases.
He was a son of Robert W. and
Lavina B. Downing and was born on
the old Downing farm near Loveville,
in Halfmoon township, on June 18th,
1870, hence was in his fifty-second
year. His boyhood life was spent on
the home farm but later he engaged
in the lumbering business in upper
Bald Eagle valley. In 1911 he took a
chance in the political arena by be-
coming a candidate for sheriff on the
Republican ticket but received less
than seven hundred votes. In 1918 he
located in Altoona and for a number
of years was employed as an orderly
at the Mercy hospital.
He married Miss Linnie B. Hoover
who survives with six children, Mrs.
Anna Walters, Mrs. Ella Rorabaugh,
Jennie M., Delbert H., Hayden J. and
Clark G. Downing, all of Altoona. He
also leaves his mother, two sisters and
one brother, Mrs. J. B. Nearhoof and
Miss Blanda Downing, of Altoona,
and Norton H. Downing, of Holli-
daysburg. Funeral services were held
on Monday afternoon, burial being
made in the Grandview cemetery, Ty-
il n
EISENHUTH. — Samuel Ecisen-
huth, a native of Penn township, died
Sumner E. Eeisenhuth, at Mifflinburg,
sustained ten days previous.
He was a son of William and Sarah
Eisenhuth and was born near Coburn
on August 18th, 1837, making his age
86 years, 7 months and 7 days. In
young manhood he learned the trade
of a carpenter, an occupation he fol-
lowed a number of years then engag-
ed in farming. He resided in Centre
county until three years ago when he
In 1869 he married Miss Susan Ev-
erett, who died six years ago, but sur-
viving him are two sons and one
daughter, Alvin C. Eisenhuth, of State
College; Sumner W., of Mifflinburg,
and Mrs. Elizabeth Sheesley, of Jor-
dan Mines, Va. He also leaves one
sister, Mrs. Caroline Baker, of Mif-
The remains were taken to Mill-
heim, where funeral services will be
held tomorrow and burial made in the
Fairview cemetery.
——A varied assortment of rugs
Seal congoleum, all moderately priced,
at W. R. Brachbill’s. 13-2t
Centre County Track Meet.
Plans are well under way for the
fourth annual Centre county track
and field meet, which will be held on
new Beaver field, State College, on
May 10th. Interest and enthusiasm
are unusually high for so early in the
season. This year’s meet is especial-
ly important to Bellefonte High school
and another victory by the local boys
will bring the big cup of Class A to
them for the third time, when
it will come into their posses-
sion permanently. They realize, how-
ever, that the competition will be un-
usually strong this year and have
started practice to prepare them-
selves for a hard fight.
——With Bellefonte ripe for all
plinds of sensational developments it
| seems that some people have seized
upon a little personal item that ap-
peared in the “Watchman” last week
as foundation for a story to the effect
that John McCoy has some great in-
dustrial enterprise up his sleeve. We
announced that he had been in Pitts-
burgh looking up some business mat-
ters that might favorably affect this
community. He was there to sell
props and lumber and received assur-
ance that ere long he will receive or-
ders sufficient to start up his lumber
mill, that has been idle most of the
winter, to capacity. Of course this
would help, but not in the great way
that some people seem to imagine.
sign in rugs found in the new rug de-
partment at W. R. Brachbill’s. 13-2t
——Edward E. Cain has taken the
agency for Josephus Daniels’ book,
{ “The Authoritative Life of Woodrow
{| Wilson.” It is authoritative because
| Mr. Daniels served inthe late Presi-
dent’s cabinet for eight years as Secre-
tary of the Navy. It is written in splen-
did style because the author is one of
the country’s ablest journalists. He
reveals many incidents hitherto un-
published of the trying war times dur-
ing which the martyr President serv-
ed. The volume is one that should be
in every home and Mr. Cain will be
glad to receive your order.
——Twenty-five by fifty inch hit or
miss rag rugs Saturday special at 69c.
W. R. Brachbill’s furniture store. 13-2t
——Editor Thomas H. Harter, of
Bellefonte, was appointed a member
of the State Fish Commission by Gov-
ernor Pinchot, last Thurslay. . Tom,
of course, took the Pinchot pledge but
the disciples of Izaak Waltcn here-
abouts will not be as much interested
in that as they will be in the influ-
ence he can wield in keeping Centre
county streams well stocked with
trout; and being an enthusiastic fish-
best in this respect.
——A marriage license was grant-
ed in Cumberland, Md., last week, to
Harman Harris Gray, of Milesburg,
and Miss Katherine Marcella King, of
DOWNING.—Delbert O. Downing, |
on Tuesday at the home of his son,
as the result of a stroke of paralysis
accompanied his son and family to |
from the finest Wilton down to Gold !
——New beauty in weave and de-'
erman himself he will likely do his
I ——_,N no. —
Kiwanians Entertain Guests at Regu-
lar Luncheon on Tuesday.
At their weekly luncheon meeting
held at the Brockerhoff house on Tues-
day the local Kiwanians had as guests
superintendent J. O. Stutzman and
chaplain C. J. Krahnke, of the west-
ern penitentiary at Rockview; Horace
Hartranft, W. M. Bottorf and C. D.
Casebeer, local business men.
Mr. John Roy reported that the
campaign for the big drive for the
Bellefonte hospital is moving along
smoothly and that the captains for the
outlying districts will have their lieu-
tenants selected and ready to an-
nounce within a few days.
At this point in the meeting Ki-
wanian John G. Love rendered the
beautiful solo, “Sweet Genevieve.”
J. W. Griest, general manager of
the Retail Merchants’ Institute, of
Chicago, Ill, was the speaker of the
meeting. He gave a very interesting
and instructive talk on retail mer-
| chandising and its relation to the life
| and existence of the community. Ow-
ling to the limited time Mr. Griest was
i unable to cover his subject thoroughly
and was persuaded tc give another
talk before the Business Men’s associ-
ation, in the court house, that even-
Kiwanian W. P. Ard, president of
the organization, was presented with
a very handsome Kiwanian button by
the international headquarters, an in-
' signia worn by all club presidents,
and which is passed en from retiring
presidents to their successor.
The next meeting of the club will
be held on Tuesday evening,
1st, at seven o’clock, at the Brocker-
hoff house, and will be known as char-
ter meeting. Every Kiwanian should
make a special effort to be present,
as the charter will be presented to the
! Bellefonte club by Mr. Herbert A.
Moore, district Kiwanis Governor, of
Pennsylvania. It will be received by
Kiwanian president Ard. Charles F.
Taylor, of DuBois, district secretary,
will also be present. The address of
welcome to the distinguished guests
will be made by Kiwanian Henry C.
— Nationally advertised lines of
rugs of known merit now on sale at
W. R. Brachbill’s furniture store. 13-2t
em—— eesti.
Woman’s Missionary Society to Meet
in Bellefonte.
The forty-ninth annual meeting of
the Woman’s Missionary Society of
the Huntingdon Presbytery will be
held in the Presbyterian church, Belle-
fonte, Tuesday and Wednesday, April
1st and 2nd, beginning at half-past
two o’clock on Tuesday. The execu-
| tive meeting will be held at half-past
ten on Tuesday morning. A strong
program has been prepared. Mrs.
Homer Campbell, who has worked in
Arizona and Utah, and Miss Gertrude
Schultz, of New York, executive sec-
retary of the “home base” depart-
ment, will speak at the popular meet-
ing on Tuesday evening at half-past
seven. Miss Eva J. Smith, of La-
hore, India, who is supported by the
Young Women’s societies of the
Presbytery, will speak at the after-
noon meetings. Adjournment on
Wednesday will be in time for dele-
gates to leave on the 5:10 p. m. train.
Luncheon will be served in the
chapel Tuesday noon. On Wednesday
at noon, the Women’s Auxiliary of
the Y. M. C. A. will serve a luncheon
at 60 cents a plate. All interested
women in this vicinity are cordially
invited to any of these meetings.
Macker is Back.
W. H. Macker, taxi man, who left
here last fall with his family to spend
‘the winter and probably the rest of
their lives in Florida arrived back in
Bellefonte yesterday. ;
The fact that he made the run all
the way from Richmend, Va., to Mill-
heim in one day is evidence that
Macker wanted to get back to good
old Centre county pretty badly.
As they cannot get possession of
their home here now they expect to
remain in Millheim for a while.
The annual spring inspection
of Troop B, 52nd machine gun squad-
ron, was held last Friday, the inspec-
tion officer being Capt. Hoger, of the
U. S. army. On Saturday Troop A,
(Boal machine gun troop) of Boals-
burg, was inspected and on Sunday
Troop C, at Lewistown. The inspect-
ing officer was accompanied to Lew-
istown by Capt. Russell T. George,
instruction officer; Capt Herbert S.
Miller, First Lieut. Gideon C. Payne
and Second Lieuts. Ralph T. Smith
and Herbert Beezer, all of Troop B,
Notwithstanding the bad weath-
er the Valentine farm sale, east of
Bellefonte, on Wednesday, attracted a
great crowd and grossed $4500.00;
the best from the point of returns that
has been reported thus far this sea-
son. Horses and implements brought
only fair prices. It was the register-
ed Jersey cattle that ran the total up.
The best price for a cow was $175.00.
——The Rev. M. S. Kitchen, pastor
of the Church of Christ, at Howard,
has accepted a call to the Northside
Church of Christ, in Cincinnati, Ohio,
and will leave for that city in the near
future. The Northside church is one
of the oldest and most influential in
Cincinnati, and Rev. Kitchen is to be
connratulated on receiving a call to
such an important field of labor.
——G. Oscar Gray has filed nomi-
nation papers for re-election as chair-
man of the Democratic party in Cen-
' tre county.
April |
Church Services Next Sunday.
A special memorial service will be
held at 10:45 in loving remembrance
of those who passed to their reward
last year. It is hoped that all the
friends can be present. Juniors 2. The
first quarterly conference at 3. The
two leagues at 6:30. Sunday school
at 9:30. Dr. E. A. Pyles will speak
at 7:30.
Class Tuesday night; Wednesday
night, April 2nd, the graduation serv-
ice of the teacher training class.
E. E. McKelvey, Pastor.
Services next Sunday morning at
10:45. Sermon, “True Conservation.”
Evening service at 7:30. Sermon,
“Memories of Galilee.” Sunday
school at 9:30 a. m. and union C. E.
meeting at 6:45 p. m. Services every
Wednesday and Friday evening dur-
ing Lent.
Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister.
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning
worship, 10:30; subject, “Out of the
Darkness.” C. E. 6:30. Evening
7:30; subject, “Into the
Frank B. Hackett, Pastor.
Services for the week beginning
March 30th: Mid-Lent Sunday, 8 a.
m. Holy Eucharist; 9:45 a. m. church
school; 11 a. m. Mattins and sermon,
“The Duties of a Christian: III. Obe-
dience;” 2:30 p. m. children’s vespers
and Catechism; 7:30 p. m. evensong
and sermon, “A Soul to Save.” Tues-
day, 7:30 p. m. Rev. F.T. Cady.
| Thursday, 7:30 a. m. Friday, 7:30 p.
i m. Rev. Floyd Appleton, Ph. D. The
Bishop will visit the parish to admin-
ister confirmation on Sunday, May
4th. Confirmation instructions will
be given to children Sunday after-
noons at 3:30, to adults Sunday even-
ings at 6:30. Visitors always wel-
come. -
Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector.
“The Friendly Church.”
Fourth Sunday in Lent.
school 9:30 a. m.
10:45, “Barabbas.” Fourth sermon in
a Lenten series. Following this serv-
ice a congregational meeting will be
held for the purpose of electing church
officers. Vesper service with sermon,
7:30. Visitors are always welcome.
Rev Wilson P. Ard, Minister
Morning worship
——The board of viewers appointed
to assess damages suffered by Sinie
H. Hoy by reason of the Keystone
Power corporation’s high tension line
being run through his farm, have
awarded him $4,500.
Governor Pinchot has designat-
ed April 11th and April 25th as Arbor
days and bird days.
R. W. Reed and wife spen* Tuesday
in Tyrone on a business mission.
Coi. D. W. Miller and W. B. Ward
are among the sick at this writing.
H. L. Dale is in Altoona where iis
son Jack is quite ill with pneumonia.
Fred Corl has gone to Altoona to
accept a good job with the Pennsy -
vania Railroad company.
J. H. Bailey and wife, with Mrs. i.
M. Krebs and Mrs. C. S. Corl, spont
Saturday and Sunday in Altoena.
Alf Baum, of Bellefonte, shipped a
car load of horses and mules from this
section to the Philadelphia markets
this week.
W. E. McWilliams, our retired mail
carrier, and Mrs. Isabelle Musser,
motored to Centre Hall on Tuesday
and spent the day at the Frank V.
Goodhart home.
Charles L. Homan and son spent
Monday in Juniata, bringing home
from there a fine team of mated roan
horses which he will soon give a try-
out in front of the plow.
J. W. Williams, our popular sad-
dler, spent Saturday evening in Belle-
fonte and while there visited the hos-
pital and chatted with old friends now
patients in that institution.
Miss Nellie Shuey, of State Col-
lege, and who for several years was
one of Ferguson township’s most ef-
ficient school teachers, spent Monday
night at the R. S. Musser home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowersox, of
State College, with Prof. and Mrs. A.
L. Bowersox and family as driving
guests, motored through the valley on
Sunday and tarried for a short time
with old friends and neighbors at
Rock Springs.
G. W. Rossman and wife spent
Wednesday at the Rev. McAlarney
home assisting the pastor and his wife
in their preparations to move to Hol-
lidaysburg, where he was transferred
by the Methodist conference. May he
meet with wonderful success in his
new location.
Ross Gregory, a well known stock
dealer of Petersburg, and E. K. Woo-
mer, the successful miller of Grays-
ville, were two jolly fellows among
the bidders at the Daniel Wagner sale
on Tuesday, where horses sold up to
$125 and cows $65. The sale amount-
ed to $1600.
Mrs. C. M. Fry and Mrs. T. A. Mal-
lory, of Altoona, spent Saturday
afternoon in Bellefonte, visiting Capt.
W. H. Fry, at the Bellefonte hospital.
The Captain is convalescing in fine
shape and looking forward to the day
when he can get back onto his old
stamping ground.
The Brotherhood of the Grays-
ville Presbyterian church held their
third meeting for the season, in the
church at that place last Friday even-
ing. The gathering proved a success
socially as well as in the interest of
the church. Refreshments were serv-
ed and Judge Bailey, of Huntingdon,
delivered a splendid talk.
“Jimmie Johnson’s Job,” the little
playlet given in the I. O. O. F. hall
last Friday night as a benefit for our
| baseball team, drew a crowded house
and the treasury was enriched to the
extent of $124. This gives a good
nest egg with which to start the sea-
son and when the time comes we’ll all
root to beat the band. .