Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 28, 1924, Image 2

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    "Bellefonte, Pa., March 28, 1924.
By L. A. Miller.
“No, daughter, you cannot go to
Montgomery’s party tonight, because
there will be dancing, which you know
is very wrong.” ;
“But I will not dance, I will only
look on. Now, mother, say yes; that’s
a good old mother, say yes!”
“No, no, my child, I will not say
yes. It is for your own good I say
“But mother dear, I am just home
from the seminary, where we girls
were shut up like a lot of Nuns or
convicts, and I so much desire to get
into society.”
“That’s just the point,” chimed in a
maiden aunt of uncertain age—cer-
tainly above forty—“that’s just the
point. You must make the change
gradually. They do not take frozen
people directly into heated rooms.”
“I am not cold, I am hungry for so-
ciety,” urged the pretty young lady.
«Precisely. Neither do they give a
starving man -full meals at first.”
“Well, I don’t care, I want to go to
the party,” panted the pride of the
“Mamie is breaking her heart to go
to Montgomery’s party,” said the
mother to her husband when they
were alone.
“Tet her break it, if she will. She
will not go to the party,” promtply re-
plied the old gentleman.
“Mr. Wagner has invited her,
she is in a perfect fever over it.”
“Mr. Wagner is of a very good fam-
ily, but he is a dude, and, therefore,
unfit to be the associate of the only
daughter of the head deacon of the
leading church in the city.”
“I am bothered to know whom we
shall get for her to associate with,
the young folks all seem so giddy,”
mused the mother.
“Giddy! Sinful you had better say.
They dance, go to picnics, concerts,
theatres, and will eventually go to the
devil.” .
“But don’t you think she will have
to have some company?”
«Qf course, where is her aunt? She
can keep the dudes away. They never
bother her.”: ;
«1 don’t know what to think.”
“I do. She shall not go out unless
accompanied by her aunt, and if any
of these dudes come around they will
get kicked out.”
“No indeed, Mamie, none of the
naughty men ever succeeded in tak-
ing my thoughts off my christian du-
ties,” observed the ancient aunt.
“Did you ever have and beaus, aun-
tie?” .
“No, not regulars. Some of the
young men used to shine around me a
little, but they never bothered me
very much.” Strange as it may seem,
Aunt Millie blushed a pleased sort of
a blush. It was probably the first
time the blood-vessels in her face had
been fully distended for years.
“Did you ever love any of them 2»
«Love! What silliness! I had no
time to fool with such nonsense, and
1 hope you will never get your head
full of it. Study your books, read
your uncle Titus’ sermons on the du-
ties of the young, and let the men
“I mean to be good, and shall en-
deavor to put my learning and talents
to the best use possible, but I do not
think a life such as yours will suit me
at all. I am of a different tempera-
ment and my tastes differ from yours,
therefore, I must act differently from
you in order to obtain the best re-
sults.” :
“There you go on that everlasting
temperament nonsense again. Right
is right, and wrong is wrong, and all
you have to do is to do right. You
say I do right; therefore, if you do as
1 do, you will not be wrong.”
“But I don’t want to do as you have
done, and be an old maid.”
“An old maid is a mighty sight bet-
ter than a young grass-widow.”
“Your daughter is certainly a mod-
el of propriety, Bro.” remarked Pas-
tor Pulpit, during one of his pastoral
“If she is not there is no virtue in
discipline. I am a business man, and
have always made it a point to en-
force the strictest discipline among
my employees, and I have not failed
to do so at home.”
“Discipline is great!”
“Tt is, and I am more strict at home
than I otherwise would be, perhaps,
on account of being an officer of the
church, and, therefore, one looked to
as an example.”
“I have often had occasion to re-
mark your exemplary deportment and
christian teaching. Some think you
are too strict.”
“Not a bit of it, not a bit of it, Sir.
You cannot have too much of a good
thing. Keep your people away from
danger and they will not be endanger-
ed. That’s my plan.”
“You are wise, deacon, very wise;
people cannot handle pitch without
being defiled.”
“True. Besides the Scriptures say,
‘Evil communication corrupt good
manners.” I prevent the corruption of
good manners by preventing evil com-
munications. My daughter is crazy
to go to parties, have company at
home, and she even went so far as to
ask her aunt, my sister, if she thought
I would allow her to have a little par-
ty at my house. My rules, and my
position as a deacon, preclude any-
thing of the kind.”
“It is better; it
“I know it is; I don’t think anything
about it.”
“Jt is not best to think too much,
deacon, it is liable to get one confus-
is better so, I
“I do think Mamie is the greatest
chatterbox I ever saw,” said Aunt
Millie to Mamie’s mother.
“Why so?”
“She just chatters and talks to the
coachman from the time we start on
our round of visits to the poor until
we get back. Then, she is so anxious
to see everything that is going on that
1 cannot keep her in the seat with me,
but she must sit in front with the
coachman.” |
“She alwavs seems so much more
cheerful and-lively after being out
that it delights me to have her go,”
replied her mother.
“She does so enjoy society. What
a pity society is so much against
spiritual growth, and so damaging to
“It is a pity. Sometimes I think
father is a little too strict with Ma-
mie. No matter what young man she
mentions he is sure to have something
to say against him. He is a dude, or
a snipe, or a sport, or a squirt.”
“He is right sister; sister he is
right. The men are very alluring and
just as deceitful as they are alluring.”
“We should not forget, sister Mil-
lie, that we liked young men ourselves
“] never did—that is, I was not
foolish about men.”
“And is this life?” soliloquized Ma-
mie as she sat looking out over the
multitude of chimneys. “Is this what
I spent year after year at school for?
Here is home and all that money can
buy. Here are father and mother and
Aunt. They are the best in the world
to me, but still there is unrest. I am
disappointed. I hoped to go into so-
ciety, mingle with those who were
pleasant and agreeable and enjoy the
company of those I could love. All
this is denied me. I am thankful to
Longfellow for translating this from
the German, it suits my case so well:
“Something the heart must have to cher-
Must love and joy and sorrow learn;
Something with passion clasp, or perish,
And in itself to ashes burn.”
“The coachman is my most intimate
male friend; not from choice, but
from necessity. Sometimes I almost
fear I am fascinated. No. I do not
love him, but being denied the privi-
lege of going into society and ming-
ing with the gay throngs I feel my
pent up affections going out toward
even the coachman.”
“Zounds, don’t I tell you no. Open
my doors to her again? As soon open
them to any strumpet on the street.
Didn’t I educate her, didn’t I provide
everything for her comfort, and
wouldn’t I have done well by her in
the future?”
“But you must remember father,
she is your daughter.”
“She is not my daughter. I would
not recognize her on the street, and I
never want her name mentioned in my
hearing again.”
“Why so bitter?”
“Why did she run away with the
coachman ?”
“Heaven help and guard our poor,
erring Mamie,” sobbed her mother.
“I will not say Amen!” said her
father angrily.
“Nor I,” snapped her maiden aunt,
with whom even a coachman would
not run away.
This is not a tale of fiction, but re-
ality. The writer was present when
this unreasonable controversy was in-
dulged in, and never can forget what
was said on that heated occasion.
Mamie was a very intelligent, highly
educated girl, and everybody who
knew her entertained the highest re-
gard for her. The father and mother
were highly respected people, but
were extremely fanatical in their re-
ligious views. The old maid was a
meddler and a crank. The result is
that the unreasonable objectors came
out second best. It is gratifying to
know that the coachman, through his
industry, and Mamie through her
good sense and judgment, coupled
with economy are now the happy pos-
sessors of an up-to-date brick resi-
dence and not one penny of encum-
brance against it. In this home they
are living happy and enjoying super-
latively the comforts of home.
One dollar bills of a new design
have been put into circulation by the
United States Treasury Department.
The bills of the new issue have the
likeness of the eagle which adorns the
face of the present ten dollar silver
The one dollar bills of the latest de-
sign are the first of a series of chang-
es in the paper currency of the Unit-
ed States designed to make counter-
feiting more difficult. Bills of each de-
nomination will be radically different
in appearance from all other denom-
inations, and bills of the same denom-
ination, but different legal origin will
resemble each other more than at
present. Under the new plan ten dol-
lar federal reserve note and a ten dol-
lar gold certificate will have a family
likeness; but ten dollar gold certifi-
cates will look less like $50 gold cer-
tificates than now.
This is the latest of many steps
taken to safeguard the paper money
of the United States. For many years
extraordinary precautions have been
taken to that end both in the prepa-
ration of the bills and the pursuit and
punishment of counterfeiters, with
the result that tampering with the
currency becomes more dangerous
and less profitable year by year.
Germans Ask Price for Disease Cure.
Unconditional restoration of Ger-
many’s colonies and prewar rights is
the price demanded by the German
Colonial society for a new remedy for
the prevention of sleeping sickness.
The society expresses the belief that
Germany in the remedy has a power-
ful political weapon in hand which
places her in a position to force revo-
cation of the colonial mandates exe-
cuted under the Versailles treaty.
“Germany holds the key to Central
Africa in the remedy,” says Doctor
Zache, well known as a colonial ex-
pert. He expresses the belief that the
remedy for sleeping sickness and
tsetse fever is destined to convert
Central Africa into a prosperous, fer-
tile country, inhabited by industrious
“No colonies, no remedy,” is the ul-
timatum of Edouard Achelis, chair-
man of the Bremen section of the Ger-
man Colonial society. He suspects
that this stand may provoke the
charge of inhumanity, but he reminds
his critics of the allied “hunger
German Colonial enthusiasts have
demanded that the German govern-
ment immediately protect the remedy
against undue exploitation by the en-
tente powers.
Life insurance was and is intended
for the masses. It is an institution
whose benefits can be and should be
obtained by the bread winner. In or-
der that ex-service men may obtain
the benefits of standard life insurance
at reasonable rates, the United States
government is offering six types of
policies; namely, ordinary life plan,
30 payment life plan, 20 payment life
plan, 20 year endowment plan, 30
year endowment plan, and endowment
plan maturing at the age 62.
Every one of the above plans pro-
vide for liberal guaranteed values—-
liberal in the true sense of the word—
for after a policy has been in force a
year or more and should a person be
unable to pay premiums thereon be-
cause of financial difficulties, he could
obtain the cash surrender value; or
obtain a loan equal to 94 per cent of
the surrender value; or receive pro-
tection under extended insurance; or
turn in the policy for paid-up insur-
For example, suppose a man is car-
rying United States Government life
insurance for $1000 on the 20 pay-
ment life plan issued at the age of 22.
The monthly, quarterly, semi-annual
and annual premiums on this policy
are $1.82, $5.44, $10.84 and $21.50 re-
spectively. Now were the policy hold-
er to carry this insurance for a year
and then find that he could not con-
tinue payments of premiums on ac-
count of financial difficulties, he couid
cash in his policy for $14.36 or obtain
a loan of 94 per cent. of the aforesaid
amount; or become automatically pro-
tected for the full amount of the pol-
icy for a period of one year and 329
days; or he could turn in the policy
for paid-up insurance protecting him
for $48.00 for the rest of his life.
The longer that one continues the in-
surance the greater become the guar-
anteed values. It naturally follows
that the more money that is put in
the more can be taken out.
These policies also contain the to-
tal permanent disability clause for
which there is no extra charge, and
there is no restriction as to residence,
travel, or occupation.
In addition to these liberal features
For Liver Ills.
to tone and strengthen
the organs of digestion and
elimination, improve appetite,
stop sick headaches, relieve bil-
iousnes correct constipation.
They ac romptily, pleasantly,
mildly, yet thoroughly.
Tomorrow Alright
25¢c. Box
a dividend is paid on all policies. In
fact United States Government Con-
verted Insurance has paid dividends
from its very inception. These divi-
dends have increased from year to
Insurance cultivates the habit of
saving; creates an estate; and affords
protection to the insured and his ben-
Pa., or any of the
Ex-service men should not overlook Philadelphia,
so valuable an institution as Govern- branch offices.
ment Converted Insurance, but should
take immediate action to reinstate |
their war time insurance to one or Modern Kansas Reformers.
more of the plans enumerated above.
Full particulars and information can
be obtained for the mere asking, if
they will communicate with the Insur-
| ance Division, U. S. Veterans’ Bureau,
An Atchison young woman is trying
| to make her young man friend quit
drinking, and he is trying to make
her quit smoking.—Atchison Globe.
we must add.
Plant-and more Plant
During 1922 we added twenty
millions of dollars’ worth of
equipment to our plant in Penn-
sylvania. Last year the figure
was thirty millions. Those were
record-breaking years. This year
it will be forty millions. As far
as we can see now, the coming
five years will require about
These figures are not of our mak-
ing. The people of Pennsylvania
by asking us for telephones—
more and more telephones—are
telling us how much new plant
These millions must be raised largely in the form of new invest.
ments in the property.
Our business is not alone to spend this money as economically
as possible. We must also, by sound business management,
continue to hold your confidence, for it is to you that we must
come for these new investments.
Fourth of a series of adve.
tisements regarding the
present telephone service
program in Pennsylvania.
Although the figures are large,
we're in this business to give you
all the service you need when
you want it and where you
want it.
That’s why we're spending 3
these millions of dollars in
And all of it is for construc-
tion—none of it goes for oper-
ating expenses. None of it goes
for maintaining the equipment;
although, of course, both mainte-
nance and operating expenses
increase as the telephone plant
L. H. KINNARD, President
—1If it really happened you will find |
it in the “Watchman.” !
I order to accomplish any desired ob-
ject one must have not only the am-
bition but the willingness to work for it.
Set your mark high.
Open an account now with the
First National Bank.
39% Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
HE business of the world is done on credit.
Credit is based on faith—on the belief that
promises will be kept.
Hence the most important thing a business
man can have is CHARACTER.
The first question asked about him is, ‘What
is his reputation for honesty, for reliability ?’’
The lack of these qualities is not long con-
Ones neighbors know.
The First National Bank
Bellefonte, Pa.
The Big Surprise
Fauble Suits and Top Coats
And the Price
$e Them--a Real Surprise
Store open all day Thursday
through April and May
A. Fauble