Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 28, 1924, Image 1

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    Deworwaic Alten
—Sunday was the day that gave us
our first touch of spring fever and
spring feet.
—The most popular stream on the
15th will probably be the one the most
moon shine’s on.
—Isn’t it strange that the middle
name of both Fatty Arbuckle and Ma-
bel Normand should have been Ob-
—We know Centre county has the
$100,000 to give to her hospital. What
we are hoping most for is that she
will have the impulse to give it.
—Right or wrong we can’t with-
hold admiration for Mr. Vanderlip. A
million dollar libel suit hasn’t caused
him to falter a moment in his desire
to purge his party of its exploiters
or do his duty, as he sees it, to his
—Grover Cleveland Bergdoll wants
to come back to America and take his
medicine. Why? Because he has
lived long enough in Germany to find
out that the country he refused to
fight for is the one that he really
ought to have fought for.
—The Washington Star is reassur-
ed by returns from various parts of
the country that indicate confidence in
President Coolidge. We see no ex-
pression of confidence in the mere fact
that he is gathering in the delegates.
There seems to be nobody else ser-
iously after them and, in the light of
what is happening in Washington, it
locks like nobody other than one who
has the bear by the tail could scare up
nerve enough to get after them.
—The Department of Agriculture
has just discovered painted fish in the
Philadelphia markets. White salmon
have been dipped in coal tar dye so as
to give them a reddish tint and make
them salable as red salmon, a varie-
ty that is in greater demand and com-
mands a slightly higher price. Isn’t
it awful, what tricks the fish men re-
sort to to make suckers out of the
public. Fishermen and horse jockeys
have been licensed, it seems, to put
anything they can over on the public.
—At a public sale at Lemont last
week a wheelbarrow brought more
than a sleigh, a buggy and a set of
harness combined. On the face of it
the disparity looks ridiculous, but if
you had to move something some-
where wouldn’t you rather get between
the handles of a wheelbarrow and
push than throw the stuff into a bug-
gy or sleigh, the harness on yourself
and pull it along. All of us “played
horse” when we were kids, but most
of us prefer pushing a wheelbarrow to
doing it now.
—Always the tax problem has been.
Always it will be the one most difficult
for government to solve equitably for
the individual. Our system of collect-
ing federal taxes, indirect in every re-
spect except that on incomes, has had
a tendency to befog the taxable on a
matter on which he should have a
very clear knowledge. Recently pub-
lished statistics on the taxes collected
by the federal government on automo-
biles and accessories reveal how one
class really unknowingly pay far more
than is fair. This tax has been col-
lected under the general belief that
the federal government is returning it
to the States in the way of appropria-
tions for roads. As a matter of fact
over half a billion dollars have been
added to the cost of the automobiles
we drive by these taxes while the fed-
eral government has returned to the
States, up to this time, only forty-
five per cent. of this vast sum.
—We’re off radio parties for good.
Some weeks ago we told you how we’d
been kept so busy maintaining our
equilibrium while being shot through
the air from Springfield to Zion, to
Atlanta and thirty other places that
we: never heard anything else than
wind whistling in our ears. Well, the
other evening we accepted a hurried
invitation to “come down at once, it’s
coming in just wonderful.” We went.
It was wonderful. The Rev. Dr.
Somebody up in Schenectady was just
launching what promised to be a fine
sermon when all the ladies in the par-
ty were handed papers indicating sta-
tions that were casting at that hour.
Then the bargain counter claque be-
gan. Until they had decided whether
WSB offered the best Sunday evening
program the poor preacher up in Sche-
nectady couldn’t be heard and then he
was pronouncing the benediction and
from sheer force of habit we got up
and marched out when the postlude
—Mr. George S. Bliss, meteorolo-
gist at Philadelphia, may be talking
from the book when he says “the cli-
mate is not changing, the winters
are now not less cold than former-
ly,” but we, for one won’t be convinc-
ed until he tells why the Carolinas
are no longer the orange growing
belt of the Atlantic coast and why for
the past fifteen years we haven’t had
any real winter up here until after
Christmas. As a boy—forty years
ago—we don’t recall a Thanksgiving
day from school that wasn’t spent
skating on the “car works dam.”
Since we passed from those days of
achievement in cutting “the grape
vine,” and our initials in the ice we
can’t recall one Thanksgiving day on
which there has been skating. How
is Mr. Bliss going to explain that?
Don’t tell him that the dam went out
about the time we had to give up skat-
ing to earn our own meal ticket and
haven’t been so interested in hunting
places to cut the grape vine on
Thanksgiving day since that calami-
ty befell us.
VOL. 69.
Shameful Record of Venality.
Mr. Will H. Hays, who was chair-
man of the Republican National com-
mittee in 1920 and set a pace in bood-
ling politics which will probably never
be matched, was a witness before the
Walsh committee, on Saturday, and
in a tone of righteous indignation de-
nied that Harry Sinclair had given
75,000 shares in one of his cil com-
panies to cancel the debt of the com-
mittee. He didn’t give 75,000 shares,
Mr. Hays protested, he only gave
seventy-five thousand dollars. Here
is the difference between tweedledum
and tweedledee. The Ropublican Na-
tional committee wouldn’t accept oil
stock from Mr. Sinclair but was de-
lighted to accept the money which he
received from oil stock with all the
taint on it.
Mr. Hays, who poses as a christian
gentleman and church worker, was
equally emphatic in a declaration that
he had no relationship with the Sin-
clair oil operations. It is true, he
admitted, that while he was Postmas-
ter General the firm of Hays and
Hays, composed of himself and his
brother, attorneys at law in Sullivan,
Indiana, were serving as counsel
for all the Sinclair oil interests in
that State though Sinclair had no oil
interests in Indiana. The law firm
had some dealings in bonds of the
Sinclair corporations but that was a
purely personal affair. No doubt Mr.
Sinclair put the same construction on
it. He wasn’t much concerned about
law. He had plenty of real lawyers
to look after his legal matters. But
Hays could help him in his dealings
with the government.
Thus one after another of the Re-
publican managers are brought into
the web of corruption woven by Har-
ry Sinclair and aided much or little
according to circumstances in robbing
the government of its most precious
resources. Beginning at the Chicago
convention which nominated Harding
not only the assets but the honor of
the government were sacrificed to
feed the rapacity of a group of spec-
ulative pirates who set out to get con-
trol of the oil, coal and timber of the
country, and to achieve the dastardly
purpose corrupted the official life of
Washington from the White House
down to the menials. It is a shame-
ful record of official venality. It has
no parallel in modern history.
——— A toe eset
Organized Efforts to Stop Inquiries.
There seems to be in process of or-
ganization a movement to check the
congressional investigations now in
progress. Leading Republican news-
papers are protesting that needed and
necessary legislation is being delayed
and may be defeated because so much
time is being spent in investigations.
It is true that the present session of
Congress has accomplished little or
nothing in the way of legislation.
Hardly any work has been completed
though nearly four months of the ses-
sion have elapsed. But as Senator
Robinson, of Arkansas, declared the
other day, this default is not ascrib-
able to the investigations.
the majority party in both chambers
of Congress.
The reason for this “false alarm”
is equally obvious. The investigations
are wrecking the Republican party
and the leaders want them called off,
not for the purpose of advancing the
pending legislation but in the hope of
saving the political bacon. The evi-
dence brought out in the oil lease in-
quiry and that of the Attorney Gen-
eral has drawn so close to the White
House and involves so many of the
Republican leaders that the party
managers realize impending disaster
unless the exposures are stopped.
Senator Borah raised the danger sig-
nal a few days ago and the smaller
fry are echoing his cry of alarm. But
it will fail of its purpose. Neither the
Democratic leaders nor the people are
The investigations have not inter-
fered with the process of legislation
in the least. They are conducted in
the mornings and discontinued each
day at noon, the time fixed for the
sessions for purposes of legislation.
But they are making trouble for the
Republican party and also making
things bad for the crooks in and out
of Congress who have been exploiting
the resources of the people and loot-
ing the treasury of the country ever
since the inauguration of the Harding
administration. It may be that the
disclosures have had some effect in
the way of paralyzing the leadership
of the Republican party but that is no
reason for abandoning the investiga-
tions. They are serving a useful
It is be- |
cause of the absence of leadership in U X
' just reason for thus betraying his
Impending Fight of Interest.
Now that the candidates are lined
up and their places on the ballot fixed
we may expect a pretty fight for the
honors of the Republican machine
during the brief period from this time
until the primary election. It is safe
to predict that the feature of the fight
will be the contest between million-
aire Strassburger and multi-million-
aire Pinchot for the seventh seat in
the delegation-at-large. There is a
possibility that both these candidates
might “nose-in” ahead of multi-mil-
lionaire Mellon, who is strangely un-
popular. But the fight between Pin-
chot and Strassburger will be more
than political. Strassburger is the
representative of the wet element in
the party and Pinchot the antithesis.
Moreover, both these gentlemen will
be fighting for their political lives in
this contest. If Pinchot is defeated
he will be as helpless during the re-
mainder of his term of Governor as a
crippled child. All Governors exper-
ience a waning of popularity as well
as power after the middle of the term
has passed. The patronage is prac-
tically all disposed of during the first
half of the term and while there are
spoils to distribute there is servility
in proportion. But Mr. Pinchot will
feel the contact of “cold shoulder”
more acutely than any of his prede-
cessors for the reason that he failed
to a greater extent during the period
he ought to have been strong. He
was too commercial even for the
There is one chance that the Gover-
nor may come out of the scrap a big
winner. It depends largely on the ac-
tivity of the women. By some strange
process of reasoning Gifford has re-
tained the confidence of the women
voters, notwithstanding he has done
less for them than any prominent
politician in the State. During the
time that Senator Pepper and chair-
man Baker were fencing with the
question of ignoring the women in the
make up of the list of delegates, Pin-
chot remained as quiet as a mouse
when one emphatic declaration in jus-
tice to the women would have sent the
machine managers scurrying to cover.
But Giff never made a sound. He was
looking after his own interests, and
vet the women stick to him.
Where there is so much oil the
places must be slippery. :
Sinclair Denounced Roosevelts.
It is not surprising that Harry Sin-
clair has fired a broadside into the ar-
mor of assumed righteousness in
which the Roosevelt family has envel-
oped itself. It was really Archie’s
revelation that “spilled the Sinclair
beans” and may ultimately send Sin-
clair to prison. When he notified
chairman Walsh that Sinclair’s secre-
tary had informed him that a large
amount of money had been sent to
Secretary Fall’s foreman, he opened
up a floodgate of scandal which has
already condemned Fall and is quite
likely to submerge Sinclair. Under
the Sinclair philosophy Archie had no
employer. Mr. Sinclair had been good
to the Roosevelt family.
It has been said, and the statement
has never been denied, that young
Theodore Roosevelt was appointed
Assistant Secretary of the Navy at
the request of Harry F. Sinclair who,
as a liberal contributor to the cam-
paign fund, had large influence with
the administration. It was exactly
the favor young Theodore wanted.
His aim was to “follow in the foot-
steps” of his illustrious father who
held that office in the administration
of President McKinley. Then Sinclair
gave Archie a job at $5000 and then
$10,000 and finally $15,000 a year,
and as he declares in his open letter
to “the family,” “notwithstanding all
the opportunities and encouragement
that had been given him he never
could have made good.”
It may be assumed that Mr. Sin-
clair was not entirely influenced by
affection for the Roosevelt family in
thus bestowing favors on Theodore
and Archie. While he was generous-
ly benefitting them he was diligently
striving to get favors for himself in
the shape of a lease of the navy oil
reserve at Teapot Dome in which The-
odore had considerable influence. But
men of the Sinclair type don’t meas-
ure accurately or balance nicely in
calculating favors received and be-
stowed. He got what he wanted from
the Navy as certainly as Roosevelt
got what he coveted in the form of of-
fice, and in opening up the floodgate
of scandal Sinclair thinks Roosevelt
“welched” and possibly that is true.
Senator Spencer's Futile Effort.
Senator Spencer, of Missouri, is do-
ing his best to serve the crooks who
have been exploiting the resources of
the government since the return of
the Republican party to power three
years ago. Spencer is a member of
the committee investigating the Tea-
pot Dome iniquity and from the be-
ginning of the inquiry has been striv-
ing to prevent disclosures that might
incriminate the accused members of
the cabinet. Upon the announcement,
the other day, that the treasurer of
the Republican National committee be
subpoenaed Mr. Spencer jumped to his
feet and moved that “we subpoena the
chairman and secretary of the Demo-
cratic National committee.” It was
intended to infer that Democrats are
involved in the scandal.
In the course of this investigation
it has been shown that some. promi-
nent Democratic lawyers have been
employed by oil corporations to ren-
der legitimate legal services. Some
of these lawyers had previously been
in the service of the government. But
their official relations with the gov-
ernment had been terminated long be-
fore they accepted retainers for out-
side work, and so far as the facts
have been revealed none of them has
engaged to serve clients against the
interests of the government. On the
other hand members of the Republi-
can cabinet have actually trafficked in
the resources of the government and
the trail has led right into the White
It was asserted, on apparently re-
liable authority, that Mr. Sinclair had
settled a debt of the Republican Na-
tional committee by contributing
shares of one of his oil companies.
The then chairman of the committee
admitted that he had contributed a
large sum of money to cancel the
debt. That was the reascn the treas-
urer of the committee was subpoe-
naed, and Senator Spencer’s effort to
divert attention from the truth was
as futile as it was contemptible. Like
every other grave scandal which has
been developed within the last half
century those now under exposure are
purely Republican. Senator Spencer
may not be well informed but he
knows that much.
—Those Republican Senators who
are running around in circles, yelling
their heads off about nothing being
done don’t seem to have sense enough
to stop and ask themselves the ques-
tion: Why isn’t anything being done ?
They are in the majority. They
could go on with their regular pro-
gram—if they have one. Walsh and
Wheeler are Democrats and on any
other occasion their absence from the
Senate would be welcomed by these
panic stricken Republicans if they re-
ally had anything they wanted to
——James R. Paul and Charles F.
Schwab having withdrawn as candi-
dates from this District to the Demo-
cratic National convention there are
only two aspirants before the coming
primaries. They are John F. Short,
of Clearfield, and Robert M. Foster, of
——There is a strong suspicion
among well informed voters that Gov-
ernor Pinchot is still secretly cher-
ishing a hope that he may be nominat-
ed by the Cleveland convention.
Srp sts
There are 2009 resolutions to
amend the constitution of the United
States on the calendars of Congress
and one or two of them may be worth
I ————— A A —
President Coolidge will hardly
find in the Dakota primary great
cause for rejoicing. He got a plural-
ity but far from a majority of the
Secretary Mellon denies that
his corporations got large income re-
bates. May be that is the reason he
is so anxious to cut the rates.
Edward R. Benson, of Mt. Jew-
ett, McKean county, is the only Dem-
ocrat seeking the nomination for Con-
gress in this District.
——The old shibboleth, “turn the
rascals out,” is particularly appropri-
ate this year, and the job should be
well done, at that.
Republican newspapers which
pretend to be independent are having
a hard time to maintain their balance
these days.
Wheat Competition.
From the Philadelphia Record.
It is probably true that Canada and
Argentina can undersell us in wheat.
Transportation from Argentina is
mostly by water, and a larger propor-
tion of the route from Canada to Eu-
rope than the route from American
wheat fields to Europe is by water. It
is also true that the Canadian roads
have reduced their rates to something
like the prewar level, while in the
United States the rates, though some-
what reduced, are still 45 per cent.
higher than they "vere ten years ago.
The land values also increase the
cost of raising wheat in this country,
but it is necessary to bear in mind at
this point that the selling price of
land is its capitalized earning capaci-
ty. If land is worth more here than
in Canada or Argentina it is because
our population is much greater, our
industrial development is proportion-
ately much greater, and owing to the
climate and the population there is
far more diversification of agriculture
here than in Canada, where the ex-
pansion of wheat raising has been
enormous in the last 20 years, and in
Argentina. The climate of the North-
west provinces of the Dominion,
where nearly all the wheat is raised,
admits of few crops besides wheat.
Argentina has a vast area and a
sparse population, and there is not
much market for its produce except
the foreign markets for wheat and
animal products like wool and meats.
It is quite possible that we shall
give up raising wheat for export.
This is suggested in the President’s
proclamation increasing the duty on
wheat; in Secretary Wallace’s report
at the end of last year on the wheat
situation, and in a report made last
summer to a convention of wheat
growers in the Southwest. It is not
yet certain that wheat growing for
export will be given up here, but it
is very probable. If our land is too
valuable for wheat raising it is due
to the fact that with so large a popu-
lation as ours, and with so great a
proportion of it living in towns, great-
er profits can be made from animal
industries, dairy farming and the
raising of fruits and vegetables.
It would be hardly correct to say
that Canadian and Argentine compe-
tition was driving our farmers out of
wheat raising; it would be nearer the
truth to say that our farmers are be-
ing drawn away from wheat raising
by the greater returns from the other
forms of agriculture. But the grow-
ing of wheat for export has so long
been one of our staple industries—
perhaps the most conspicuous feature,
after cotton, of our agriculture—that
it is hard to imagine the United
States out of the world’s wheat mar-
kets. And when we raise no more
wheat than our own consumption re-
quires, and the price of wheat is no
longer controlled by a worldwide com-
petition, the price of bread for more
than half our population will be per-
manently raised.
Fritz is Found Out.
From the New York Tribune.
The ease with which the Germans
hav: always financed their raw ma-
terial purchases in this country was
pretty convincing evidence of an
ample volume of German dollar de-
posits. American citizens were
swindled out of about $750,000,000 by
the unloading here of worthless paper
marks. That was a mammoth nest
egg. Hugo Stinnes, who has inter-
nationalized his colossal fortune as
far as possible, has always been able
to keep generous credits in the Unit-
ed States and in South America, as
well as in Holland, Switzerland, Scan-
dinavia and Great Britain.
The reparation experts are discov-
ering exactly what a common-sense
view of the situation indicated would
be discovered. Also exactly what the
Germans and their apologists espe-
cially wanted to keep in the dark.
German default has been a systemat-
ic fraud. Stinnes himself once admit-
ted that it was. It was a good piece
of mendacity while it lasted. But
German mendacity has already seen
its best days.
mt ——— fap eee
~——The Governor will be in fifth
place on the ballot, but to voters who
can read and write one place is about
as good as another.
——The people of Philadelphia are
enthusiastically for good government
‘| every day of the year except election
——Poor old Missouri! With Jim
Reed and “Sap” Spencer representing
her in the Senate she is a subject of
——In a crowd of Republicans if
anybody should shout “Third Party”
the whole bunch would be scared stiff.
——When a commitment is present-
ed to him Mr. Sinclair will probably
change his mind about testifying.
—As he shut off the power and applied
the air brakes on the incline cars of the
Pittsburgh & Castle Shannon railroad, in
Pittsburgh, at 4:10 o'clock on Saturday
morning, Conrad Orris, 68 year old engi-
neer, was stricken with apoplexy and died
before a physician arrived.
—Fire on Sunday morning destroyed the
Nickle Alloy plant, causing a loss of about
$25,000. As the fires in that department
were drawn Saturday at noon, the origin
of the fire is unknown. The entire plant
was threatened with destruction.
—An old flour mill in Montoursville is
being transformed into an apartment house
and the water power which was formerly
used to turn the wheels of the mill will be
used to manufacture electric current for
lighting the structure and furnishing pow-
er for electric appliances for the tenants,
—The Tyrone Gas and Water company,
which owns and controls the gas and wa-
ter supply in that city, has authorized an
expenditure of $200,000 to repair and ex-
tend the present gas and water facilities.
To add pressure to the gas mains in the
extension of the present lines, a new gas
reservoir tank is being constructed.
—Northampton county officials are an-
gry over the return of Walter Moline, con~
victed murderer of officer Rush Stehlin to
the Northampton county prison from the
eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia. The
penitentiary officials have twice claimed
that Moline is insane and commissions
were appointed, which found him to be
—Announcement that he is about to re-
tire to private life has been made by Dr.
John Howard Harris, for the last five
vears president emeritus of Bucknell Uni-
versity, and for the preceding thirty years
head of the institution of learning at Lew-
isburg. He intends to make his home in
Scranton following commencement in
June. ‘
—A rehearing on the application of the
Philipsburg Motor Bus company for a
certificate of public convenience to operate
as a common carrier between Sandy Ridge,
Centre county, and Tyrone, Blair county,
has been refused by the public service
commission. The commission also reaf-
firmed its approval of the application of
the Fullington Auto Bus company amend-
ing its charter by covering an extension
of a motor bus route from Philipsburg to
Tyrone, \
—Members of the James Banks family,
of Mifflin county, have served the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad company a greater number
of years continuously in the aggregate
than any other family on the records.
Eight sons were born in the Banks fam-
ily at Ryde, Pa., fifteen miles west of Lew-
istown, in Mifflin county, where they all
learned telegraphy at the same tower,
started in life on the same basis, and now
the eight all hold responsible positions in
the railroad service.
—Rex Jewell & Co., drilling for gas on
the county home farm, half a mile south
of Butler, Pa., have brought in a seven-
barrel oil well in the 100-foot sand. The
well is a surprise, as it was believed there
was no oil in that locality. Paying gas
wells have been obtained on the county
home farm years ago, but they have long
since become exhausted. The county owns
190 acres in a solid block, and if the pres-
t oil well holds up developments are ex-
“aed in that section this summer.
—According to a dispatch from Vancou-
ver, B. C., Thomas Gemmell, Scotch coal
miner, at one time a resident of Janes-
ville, Clearfield county, is heir to a $200,-
000 estate, left by a brother, John Gem-
mell, who died at Nanaimo, B. C., in 0Oc-
Gemmell resides in Swissdale. He has ‘a
number of friends in Clearfield and was
mine foreman at Janesville,
ing of the coal fields in that section.
sheriff of Blair county, will receive $20 fa
month less than she has been getting, ac-.
county salary board.
ed $150 a month by the board and appeai-
county offices.
county. In the jar was found $2800 in bills
of various denominations, which Gusic ad-
to his old home in Europe. This amount
and $2000 additional, which he had sent by
land, he said, had been made
moonshine in less than a year.
—Appearance of two cases of smallpox
at Clearfield within the last few days,
added to cases in other localities, caused a
general warning to be sent out through-
out the State on Monday by Dr. J. Moore
Campbell, chief of the bureau of commu-
nicable diseases, Department of Health,
advising county medical authorities and
employers to see that all new employees
are vaccinated. One or more cases now
are under quarantine in Braddock, Jean-
nette, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Darby
township, Delaware county, and Washing-
ton county, he said.
—Fire which started in the Jamison
block, in the heart of the business section
of Williamsport about 8 o'clock Thursday
night, burned until Friday morning, and
caused a loss of more than $100,000. Three
stores were almost entirely burned out.
They are the F. H. Patchen company dry
goods store, the Electric Shop and I. Blon-
der, ladies’ wearing apparel shop. A num-
ber of offices on the second floor were dam-
aged by smoke and water. The fire start-
ed in the basement and had gained cons
siderable headway before discovered. Sev-
eral firemen were overcome by the dense
smoke trying to fight the flames in the
—T can whip any man in Washingloft
county,” declared Mrs. Paul Waselko, of
Atlasburg, when her husband failed to re
sent an alleged insult by Frank Kolsh, a
boarder. She immediately proved her as-
sertion by punching Kolsh around the
room, finally knocking him unconscious
and then kicking and stamping him until
his ribs, nose, jaw and other bones were
broken. The woman, standing six feet
tall and weighing more than 200 pounds,
her husband and Andrew Gober, who was
in the house, were lodged in the county
jail to await the result of Kolsh’s injuries.
Previous to jumping on Kolsh Mrs. Wa-
selko used nothing but her fists, witness-
es said.
finishing department of the Hyde City:
tober, 1922. At the present time Thomas
Clearfield §
county, during the early days of the open-"
—Instead of getting the increase in sal-$.
ary, for which she applied to the court,
Mrs. Gertrude L. Haagen, chief deputy :
cording to Saturday's action of the Blair we
She had been award-
ed to Judge Thomas J. Baldridge for $179, :
which is the salary of other deputies "in >
He remanded the matte pe
to the board, which fixed her pay at $130. iE
—~Searching in a darkened cellar for Vas
idence of violation of the prohibition la v,.
officers last Friday unearthed a glass ja T° ol 0
beneath the basement floor at the home of Ts X
Joseph Gusic, at Mather, Washington £n sy
mitted he had buried preparatory to going
mail last week to relatives in his native ie
R= Pee