= Church Services Next Sunday. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Services next Sunday morning at 10:45; fifth study in the Apostles’ Creed. Evening service at 7:30, Hol- man Hunt’s “The Light of the World.” Dedication of new art window. Sun- day school at 9:30 a. m. and union C. E. society at 6:45 p. m. Services every Wednesday and Friday evening at 7:30 during the Lenten season. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worsnip, 10:30; subject, “Hidden Wealth.” C. E. 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30; subject, “Is There Any Profit in Being a Christian?” Stran- gers will receive a warm welcome at any of these services. A church-going people the strength of a democracy. Frank B. Hackett, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCM. Services for the week beginning March 23rd: Third Sunday in Lent, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist; 9:45 a, m. church school; 11 a. m. Mattins and sermon. Children’s vespers in the afternoon omitted. 7:30 p. m. even- song and sermon. All the services this Sunday will be in charge of the Rev. R. S. Radcliffe, D. D. Tuesday, feast of the Annunciation of Our La- dy, 10 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Wednes- day, 7:30 p. m. Thursday, 7:30 a. m. Friday, 7:30 p. m., Lenten sermon by Rev. C. E. McCoy, rector of Trinity church, Williamsport. Visitors cor- dially welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Dr. Emerson Karns, superintend- ent of the Home for the Aged, at Ty- rone, will bring the message at 10:45. The pastor will speak at 7 :30 on “Our Goal for the New Conference Year.” The new song books will be used at the Sunday school hour, 9:30. Jun- iors 2; the two Leagues 6:30. A serv- ice of praise and prayer Wednesday night at 7:30. is E. E. McKelvey, Pastor. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH. «The Friendly Church.” Third Sunday in Lent. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship 10:45, “A Hymn of the Cross.” Ves- per service with sermon 7:30. Vocal solo by Cecil Walker, tenor. Visitors are always welcome. Rev Wilson P. Ard, Minister BOALSBURG. A. W. Dale spent Tuesday in Belle- fonte. A little daughter arrived at the Webster home on Friday. Mrs. Luther Dale, of Oak Hall, was a visitor in town on Friday. Frank Hosterman, of Penn State, spent Sunday with his parents. Miss Gladys Hazel came home from Petersburg for an over Sunday visit. Mr. Wilt, of Tyrone, was a guest at the home of William Young recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarlane transacted business in Bellefonte on Saturday. ‘Squire and business trip day afternoon. Mrs. Alice Magoffin returned last week from a visit among relatives in the Pittsburgh district. Ernest Hess and family moved from their farm at Shingletown to their home on Main street, on Tuesday. Miss Anna Sweeney returned home, Friday, after a four week’s visit with friends at State College and Centre Hall. Miss Maude Houtz, of Greensburg, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Houtz. Mrs. Lee Brooks and daughter Eve- lyn, of Spring Mills, spent Friday and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer. Mrs. Caroline Geary, of Centre Hall, and Mr. William Sweet, of In- stanter, were visitors at the home of William Meyer recently. Prof. Cyril Zechman, of Avonlea, spent several days at the home of his parents, ‘Squire and Mrs. John F. Zechman, driving to Avonlea Sunday in his Buick runabout. The women’s bible class of the Re- formed Sunday school spent Wednes- day at the home of Mrs. A. J. Hazel, making garments for the children at the Womelsdorf orphans home. Mrs. Zechman made a to Bellefonte on Mon- CENTRE HALL. Mrs. W. F. Colyer is again at her home in this place. Mrs. Calvin Hockman, of Zion, spent the week-end with her son Nevin. Mrs. John Stuart, of State College, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs. The Juniors gave a St. Patrick’s day party to the Seniors and Sopho- mores on Monday evening. Mrs. H. W. Kreamer returned from Lewistown on Sunday, where she had spent two weeks at the home of S.S. Kreamer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boozer and two children, of Chicago, spent several days at the home of Mr. Boozer’s fath- er, D. A. Boozer. Mrs. Bingman returned to her home on Sunday, from Williamsport, where she had gone to visit her mother, who is in the hospital there. Mrs. Ida Sweetwood Bramhall, of New Jersey, spent a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Sweetwood, helping them prepare for their sale and moving. The Reformed congregation of this place re-opened their church on Sun- day evening with appropriate dedica- tory services. It has recently been re-frescoed and re-carpeted, and pre- sents a very beautiful appearance. Marriage Licenses. Earl D. Harter, Bellefonte, and Catharine Shuey, Curtin. Carl E. Geuther, State College, and Helen M. Widman, Philadelphia. John F. Reish and Ethel M. Zettle, Potters Mills. R: 10 PROGRAMS. WPAB, State College, Pa. 283 Meters. Friday, March 21, 8 D. m.—Music by male quartet from Faith Reformed church of State College. “A Helpful Point of College Student Contact,” talk by Rev. E. H. Romig, pastor of the church. Final talk in House and Ground Series ‘“Inter- jor Decorations for the New Home,” by A. L. Kocher. News Items. Saturday, March 22, 11 p. m.—Results of first intercollegiate boxing tournament with U. of P., Navy, Syracuse and Penn State teams participating for champion- ships. Monday, March 24, 8 D. m.—Farm and Garden program—*‘Weeding out the Board- er Cow,” by RE. B. Fitts; “Producing Quality Potatoes,” by B. L. Nixon; *Dis- eases Menacing Livestock,” by Dr. J.B Shigley. Music and Farm and Garden Hints. Wednesday, March 26, 8 p. m.—Student orchestra selections. “Building State High- ways,” by J. E. Kaulfuss, civil engineer- ing department; Review of Penn State Winter Sports season, by Hugo Bezdek, athletic director, and 6G. W. Sullivan, sports writer. RUNVILLE. Miss Iva Lucas visited with friends in Tyrone last week. Revival services were opened here on Sunday evening. Everybody wel- come. The P. O. S. of A. meeting held in the church on Monday evening was well attended. Miss Edna Rodgers, of Snow Shoe, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Alice Rodgers. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Johnson spent Monday afternoon at the home of George Shirk, at Plum Grove. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ASINET FOR SALE.—White wicker B Basinet and Go-Cart, both in fine condition. Inquire of Mrs. PHILIP GROSS, Garman house, Bellefonte, Pa, 2-2 story frame of ground, cheap for OUSE FOR SALE.—2 house, 6 rooms, J% acres good fruit, electric light, cash—1 mile south of Bellefonte. Inquire of CHAS. BE. WETZEL, Bellefonte, Pr a OST WRIST WATCH.—Last Thurs- L day night, somewhere between 155 east Curtin St. and the Scenic, la- dy's gold wrist watch, with Swiss move- ment. Finder will please return to ofiice of WM. B. RANKIN, in Crider's Ex- change. 69-12-1t OR SALE.—One fine range, oil stove, EF oil range, kitchen cabinet, kitchen table and chairs, electric grille, electric table lamp, and general household goods. All of the best. but will be sold reasonable. Call at Colonial Restaurant, Bellefonte, Pa. 69-12-2t L Jumberman wanted to cut, stock, saw and load, either or all, 400,000 feet of lumber with mine material on 75 acre tract, on the J. M. Brockerhoff and Prof. Gardner farms in Buffalo Run, be- tween Fillmore and Briarly, Patton town- shin, Centre county Pa. : UMBERMAN WANTE D.—Experienced 69-12-2t* R. A. SMITH, Tyrone, Pa. OTICE.—My application for pardon will be heard by Board of Pardons at Harrisburg, on Wednesday, April 16th, 1924, at 10a. m. 1 was sen- tenceds by the Quarter Sessions Court of Centre County on July Sth, 1921, to serve from one and one-half years to three years in Western penitentiary at Pittsburgh, for “Breaking and escaping from penitentiary.” 69-12-2t* LENCY BROWN. telectiarctO adtrehsxetshaoliuadtrhescehins 2 S writ of al Levari Iacias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, Pa., on SATURDAY, APRIL 5th, 1924, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate to wit: All that certain mes- suage and tract of land situate in the Township of Howard, Centre County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: The Second Thereof, beginning at a post on the line of the Cemetery lot, on North- eastern side of the public road, thence by said lot South 63 degrees 30 minutes West 30% perches to post; thence by land of S. I. Reber South 36 degrees 30 min- utes East 17 perches to post; thence by land of William Long North 64 degrees 45 minutes East 9 perches to post; thence South 24 degrees East 4 perches to post; thence North 64 degrees 45 minutes East 1.8 perches to post; and thence South 23 degrees East 2 perches to post on said public road, and thence by same the sev- eral courses thereof about 29.6 perches to the nlace of beginning; containing about 9 acres more or less, being part of prem- ises conveyed by Emma S. Cook et baron to said Howard Brick Company. The Third Thereof, beginning at a point on the Northern side of public road and corner of William J. Haagen; thence by same North 61 degrees East 161% feet to a stone; thence by land of Thomas Butler North 24 degrees West 28 perches to stones; North 2215 degrees West 43 perch- es to stone, and North 32 degrees West 15 perches to stones; thence by land of Em- ma S. Cook North 59% degrees West 16145 perches to public road, and thence by said public road South 26914, degrees East 86 perches to piace of beginning, containing about 1% acre more or less. The Fourth Thereof, being the clay, fire clay, and all minerals of every kind what- soever, being on, in and under all that certain piece of land, beginning at a post corner of late Montgomery Brothers, {hence North 601% degrees East 89 perches to corner of B. Lauth, deceased; thence 30% degrees West 62.6 perches to corner lot of Thomas Butler, deceased, thence South 61 degrees West 101.7 perch- es to turnpike; thence along said turn- pike its severral courses and distances to place of beginning; together with full and perpetual and unrestricted right of in- gress, egress and regress for the purpose of mining, quarrying, cutting and dig- ging and removing out of, in and from said premises, of any part or all of said clay, fire clay and all other minerals at any rate and as fast as may be decided on and with the use of so much of the surface as may be reasonably necessary for the mining, quarrying, digging and removing of said clay and other minerals and with- out liability for any damage done to the surface, etc. : The Fifth Thereof, being a right of way for the course and maintenance of a track or tramway or road, starting at the Mont- gomery property thence crossing the pub- lic road in the Township of Howard at or near said Montgomery property, thence along said public road of Southwestern side thereof to be opposite or near the plant of the Howard Brick Company, and thence crossing said road to said manu- facturing plant, said right of way to be in no place more than 6 feet wide and to be as close to one side of the road as possi- ble and not to interfere with said road for public use except as so occupied and to keep off the main road bed except when it will be necessary to cross said road; the distance of said tramroad to be about 200 perches in length; said tramroad to have its cross-ties sunk with the level of the road, and to be used by the Brick Company in transporting its clay and oth- er minerals. Seized, levied upon, taken into execn- tion and to be sold as the property of the Howard Brick and Tile Company, of How- ard, Pennsylvania. Terms of Sale: No deed will be ac- knowledged until the purchase money is HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a paid in full. B. R. TAYLOR, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, Bellefonte, Pa., March 5th, 1924. 69-11-3t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ORD SEDAN—Will be sold cheap to guick buyer. LLOYD SAMPSEL, Bellefonte, R. F. D. 38. Bell Phone 69-10-3t* 256-R ANTED.—Two women for _dormi- tory cleaning work_from July 1st to August 14th. Inquire of Mrs. L. E. KATZMAIER, McAllister Hall, State College, Pa. 69-11-2t DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Let- ters of administration upon the es- tate of Andy Onder, late of Snow Shoe township, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for set- tlement, ANDY ONDER Jr., 3 Box 31, Clarence, Pa. W. Harrison Walker, Attorney. 69-10-6t HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of al Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed. there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, a., on SATURDAY, APRIL 5th, 1924, at 1 o'clock p. m,, all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the township of Rush, Centre County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: _Beginning at a stone heap which is the North corner of the Henry Pinkerton sur- vey and the West corner of the Jacob Dil- ler survey; thence along the line between the said Henry Pinkerton survey and another survey in the name of Hugh McIn- tire South 55 degrees, 40 minutes West 195 perches to a post on the bank of Cold Stream Run; thence along the said Run by the various courses thereof along other land of the Mercantile and Realty Com- pany in a Southerly direction 364 perches, more or less, to the line between the daniel Ehler survey and what is known as the Munson tract; thence thence along the said line South 34 degrees, 20 minutes East 227 perches, more or less, to a common corner of the said Ehler tract or survey, and a survey in the name of David Fitzgerald: thence along the line between the said two tracts North 55 degrees, 40 minutes East 340 perches to common corner of the above last named two tracts and two other sur- veys in the names of Isaac Britches and Christian Ehler; thence along the line of the said last named survey North 34 de- grees, 20 minutes West 466 perches, to the place of beginning; Containing 890 acres, more or less, and comprising all those por- tions of two surveys originally warranted in the name of Henry Pinkerton and Dan- iel Ehler, which lie on the South and East side of the said Cold Stream Run. Excepting and reserving thereout and therefrom all that certain portion of the above described tract, bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the West bank of Cold Stream Creek, South 68 a East 92 feet to a point; thence South 21 degrees, 53 minutes West 136 feet to a point; thence South 37 degrees, 26 min- utes West 330 feet to a point; thence South 37% degrees West 77.8 feet to a point; thence South 11 degrees, 9 minutes West 265.6 feet to a point; thence South 47 degrees, East 516 feet to a point; thence South 51 degrees, 40 minutes East feet to a corner of Centre Street; thence South 56 degrees, 47 minutes West 1500 feet to the West bank of Cold Stream Creek ; thence by the natural courses and distances of Cold Stream Creek to the place of beginning; containing 66 acres more or less. : Seized and levied upon, taken into - cution and to be sold as the iti ig the, Mereantile and Realty Co., Mortgagor, ennsylvania Mining a 1 ac- turing Co., terre tenants. g and Mannine Terms of Sale: No deed will be acknowledged until the purchase 1 pd kno none 5 paid in full, ! : gusy 1s oh E. R. TAYLOR, i Sherifi’s Office, Bellefonte, EA Shend. March 5th, 1924. 69-11-3t ——— NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OST.—Dunhill pipe. Liberal Call 32 State College, Pa. reward. 12-2t* the Bellefonte, stockholders of Trust Company, Board of Directors to be held on April 11th, 1924, at 2 o'clock, P.M, purpose of voting pany from $125,000.00 to $200,000,00. BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY. 69-6-8t OTICE.—A special meeting of the Sellefonie Bay has been called by proper resolution of the Friday, for the FOR or AGAINST an increase of the capital stock of the Com- N. E. ROBB, Secretary. DMINISTRATRIX'S A those must present them, for settlement to JANE H. VAN PELT, Administratrix, James C. Furst, Atty. NOTICE.—Let- ters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Rachael W. Harris, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to same are requested to make prompt payment, and having claims against said estate duly authenticated, Care of John McCoy, Bellefonte Pa. 69-10-6t XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters test mentary upon the estate of A. Markle, late of the undersigned, all themselves indebted to quested to make prompt payment, those having claims against persons settlement. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF a- Fr State College Bor- ough, deceased, having been granted to knowing said estate are re- and the same must present them, duly authenticated, for STATE COLLEGE, State College, Pa. E and testament of S. late of Ferguson township, deceased, hereby notifies all debted to said estate payment thereof and to present them, for settlement. JOSEPH F. FLEMING, Executor. Pennsylvania Furnace, R.®D, Spangler and Walker, Attorneys. Bellefonte, Pa. W. Harrison Walker, Executor. Attorney. 69-8-6t XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—The under- signed Executor of the last will W. Fleming, Centre county, persons _in- to make immediate those having claims properly authenticated, Pa. 69-8- 6t Bac-te-lac Costs no more than ordinary Buttermilk Is superior to ordinary Buttermilk because of its Delicious, Velvety Smooth- ness, Appetizing, Creamy Richness, Uniformity, Puri- ty, Keeping Qualities, Pal- atable Flavor and High Food Value. SPLENDID RESULTS IN COOKING and BAKING BAC-TE-LAC Highly recommended by physicians as a healthful bev- erage and general conditioner. SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY Western Maryland Dairy 66-24-tf Bellefonte, Pa. Opera House...Monday and Tuesday March 24 and 25 “New York 0 Bagdad” THE THREE--RING ircus of Magic presented by LEROY ---TALMA ---BOSCO and their Unseen World Company Europe's Latest, Amazing, Sensational Illusions Full of Comedy, Thrills, Mystery and Laughter SEE an ad TRI nd udu ud ssn BAYONETTING A WOMAN The INTRODUCTION of NAPOLEON The GREAT HINDOO ROPE TRICK 100 Other Startling and Baffling Tricks —— a an an SSRI NP UPUINIIUIIT ITT aS You will Gasp with Wonder and Astonishment, ! Don't Miss this Wonder Snow a an RPT Bdfd edd dN Prices . . . . 50c., 75¢c., $1.00---Plus Tax | PS aa oa a a a a aa a a a a a a et at TTT RAI VIII INS SITTIN nS T INI WANAAANAAANINTI NT NTT POV. JULIA MAE KLUGH Psychic and Trance Medium will answer two questions by mail free of charge if you will enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Advice on changes, investments, marriage, health, lost articles, etc. Address Julia Mae Klugh, 69-11-4t* MORGANTOWN, W. VA. IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 South Eleventh St. PHILADELPHIA. Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY ..Scenic Theatre.. Two Weeks-Ahead Program SATURDAY, MARCH 22: Special Cast in “THE HOOSIER SCHOOLMASTER,” js a very good play that will please all, with comedy and human interest all through. Also, 2 { reel Comedy. Saturday matinee, “Where the Pavement Ends.” ) ) ) MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MARCH 24 AND 25: ) VIRGINIA VALLI in “THE LADY OF QUALITY,” in eight reels, with ) Milton Sells. One of the most dramatic plays in costume seen in years. ) Many thrills of suspense. A story of lady of rank who falls in love with ) an unworthy young man. , He jilts her and threatens her when she falls in love with a fine fellow, but in defending herself kills him. Don’t miss this ) fine production. Also, Pathe News and Topics. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH 26 AND 27: BLANCHE SWEET in “ANNA CHRISTIE,” is an excellent eight reel dra- ) ma that will please the women. A story of the double standard produced ) by Thomas Ince. It is very well pictured. Based on Eugene O’Neil’s suc- y cessful stage play of the same name. An intense drama in spots. Also, 2 ) reel Sunshine Comedy. ) ) ) FRIDAY, MARCH 28: : WILLIAM DESMOND in “BREATHLESS MOMENT,” a story of two ex- ) ) ) crooks, one of whom becomes the hero who passes a burning building and rescues a woman and son, who are wife and child of the detective who is after them. He forgets it and they make good. Also, the second episode of “THE GHOST CITY,” the new mystery serial. See it. OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 21 AND 22: ALICE TERRY in “WHERE THE PAVEMENT ENDS,” an eight reel Metro super picture. Support, Raymond Navarro. A finely produced dra- ma of life on a tropical isle. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 28 AND 29: TOM MIX in “SOFT BOILED.” This is a big one, filled with comedy in addition to the hair raising thrills, and is one of this star’s best produc- tions. Also, 2 reel Semon Vitagraph. TCA OF FIRFRETMIET | 9 wont on AfEOL Ea | ee sl Toe ee tar rn 40 1 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Up-to-date List of Subscribers Seats Jems rps pte NALHEIN H8WE EA Wage dh. PRY, - 1 u Classified List of Advertisers AN ARAENEY ¥ var. oing to press New listings or changes of present listings should be received for the next issue of the Bell Telephone Directory before March 29th. So if you are planning to move, desire your listing changed or want advertising space in the new direc tory, call the Business Office at once. Place Your Advertising Now THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. NAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAANNAA From the Old to the New TT NN RUINS ~~ NUNS IIIT ITNT REN Old style Wedding Rings remodeled into the new Narrow, Engraved Models. Yellow Gold re-made into Green or White Gold. a TTR RIINN We can also cover with platinum any Wedding Ring of any size. Estimates furnished. F. P. Blair & Son Jewelers and Optometrists wzt BELLEFONTE, PENN’'A I | Bi 1 i | 1 PINT RFI TNS B a STITT