Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 14, 1924, Image 3

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Deora Wilda. |
Bellefonte, Pa.,, March 7, 1924.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
Never advise, to appear wise.
Humility is a great virtue, and it
always associates itself with plain
Henry Noll and Earl Lego, last
Thursday, took an auto run to
Waynesboro, Pa., and Hagerstown,
Md. They were absent three days.
The trip was a strictly business ven-
Miss Bertha Rimmey, our efficient
nurse, was called to Pittsburgh a few
days ago. It is rumored that she ac-
cepted a position in one of the large
hospitals in the Smoky city, and will
in all probability be stationed there
A very pleasant and agreeable 500
card party was held a few evenings
ago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
uel Noll. Twelve intimate friends
were the participants, constituting
three tables. A most enjoyable time
was the result. After a sumptuous
luncheon all repaired to their homes,
delighted with their evening’s enter-
Because men debar the outside
world, and carry on their deliberations
in secret, does not prove theirs is of
a different nature than other bodies,
or that they are a different order of
beings, or that they dip deeper into
the mysteries of the universe; it sim-
ply serves the purpose of protection.
All worthy things must be protected
to be preserved.
On Monday night and Tuesday
morning we had a thirteen inch fall of
snow. It looked as though we might
have a repetition of what happened
on April 18th, 1854, at which time
snow began falling on the evening of
April 18th and continued snowing for
two straight days when by actual
measurement the snow had reached a
depth of twenty-two inches.
It is not always true that a rolling
stone (man) gathers no moss. If you
roll with the rising tide you are all
right, but if in declining times you
start, you will only roll the lower.
Remember our remedy for hard times,
which is to save money in good times,
and the safest place to put your mon-
ey is into a safe, responsible bank. In
hard times it will not pay to spend
your money running around the coun-
try hunting for things that are just
as scarce abroad as at home.
The guys who were busily engaged
in poking fun at Billy Ross for buy-
ing an old shack for his future home,
since retiring from farming, are now
amazed at the transformation. The
old portion of the premises was re-
modeled throughout and new additions
were erected, so that now the future
home of Billy Ross is a model of archi-
tecture. It goes to show what brain
and cold cash can accomplish in the
way of changing an old shack into a
palatial and up-to-date home.
Frank Kanaar, of the Beatty Motor
company, moved into the well equip-
ped home of Mrs. Rachel Zimmerman
on Wednesday last. The premises
have been remodeled throughout and
are in most excellent shape, taking
comfort and convenience into consid-
eration. The Kanarrs have many
friends at the Gap, hence it is that
our community is delighted to have
them for permanent neighbors. De-
sirable people are always welcomed at
the Gap, while undesirables are de-
Parents too often express the idea
that boys and girls should not play
together at school, nor associate with
one another in any way. This is
wrong. The ordinary school girl is
looked upon as one to be subjected to
other treatment than the rest of the
world, closely guarded, reproved and
reprimanded and chaperoned. She is
denied the society of her school boy
friends, or is not allowed their pres-
ence in her home, the freedom and
sweetness of youth and its enthusi-
asm and innocence are absolutely
locked out. The watchful eye and list-
ening ear of the mother is directed to
all that is going on, and thus the
youthful conversation loses the pecu-
liar grace and flavor of innocent
youth, and the behavior of young peo-
ple becomes constrained and unnat-
ural. Would it not be well for moth-
ers to realize that the youth who can-
not be trusted with their daughters is
not a proper person to be allowed the
entrance of their homes? There is
as much honor and sincerity and in-
tegrity among school boys as there is
AH wuz Uv A GUN, BUT
Copyright, 1921 by mcClure Newspaper Syndicate
among school girls, and has not the
real mother watched and trained and
guarded the sons of her household as
she has her daughters? The mother
of the girl is tender of her own, but
like the hen, too often seeks to smoth-
er another one’s chickens. The girl
denied the pleasure of associating
with her boy classmates usually be-
comes a wilful and disobedient girl.
It is during the years of school life
that the sweetest ties are formed; ties
that the after years of burden-bear-
ing cannot destroy or dim. The fresh,
sweet, early love becomes the staple
and enduring comradeship of life’s
The numerous applicants now in the
field for political advancement should
remember that he, only, is a true
statesman whose labors are devoted to
the preservation of liberty, and that
man who enters the field of politics
for the purpose of furthering some
private scheme of his own concoction,
or engages himself in the interest of
any one class of the people, unless it
be for the purpose of counteracting
some untoward policy of another, is
not deserving the honor af statesman,
nor should he be entrusted with the
affairs of a people whose happiness
depends upon the preservation of their
liberties. If the truth shall make you
free, liberty is therefore the truth,
and the Creator cares not what opin-
ions you hold or what actions you per-
form, so they do not infringe upon the
rights of others. This is the triumph
of the Golden Rule, and when man-
kind reaches the zenith of their exist-
ence they will tolerate with profound
respect, all men’s opinions favoring
liberty and, just as sternly oppose
those savoring of tyranny.
Miss Keziah Calhoun, of Fleming,
is visiting with her uncle, Jacob Shirk.
Quite a number of our people at-
fondled John Kelley’s sale on Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Johnson spent
Sunday afternoon at the home of Lee
Rev. J. C. Erb, of New Paris, called
on his many firends in this place on
W. T. Kunes and Pete Swisher, of
Mill Hall, visited at the home of L. J.
Heaton, Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Paul Tuful, after visting with
her parents for three weeks, returned
to her home at Milton on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Johnson, Helen
Kauffman and Mary Heaton attended
Mrs. Frank McKinley’s birthday par-
ty Saturady evening, March 1st.
Mrs. Lydia Irwin and two daugh-
ters, and Mrs. Katie Miller, of Win-
gate, spent Tuesday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Witherite.
Mr. and Mrs. James Flick and son
Robert, of Altoona; Miss Lulu Me-
Clincy, of Williamsport, and Mrs.
Clara Davidson and three daughters,
of Milesburg, attended the funeral of
little Bertha Walker on Saturday.
Those who attended Mrs. Boyd
Johnson's quilting party, last Thurs-
day, were Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs.
John Watson, Mrs. Edward Heaton,
Mrs. Lee Johnson, of Moose Run; Mrs.
Wynn and Mrs. Clayton Slacker, of
Milesburg; Mrs. Lew Fetzer, Mrs. D.
F. Poorman, Mrs. William Walker,
Mrs. John Furl, Mrs. E. D. Rowe, Mrs.
Paul Tuful, Mrs. Michael Witherite,
Mrs. Charles Reese, Mrs. L. J. Hea-
ton, Mrs. Alice Rodgers, Miss Jennie
Tagert, Mrs. Joseph Reese, Mrs. John
Lucas and Mrs. Thomas Poorman, all
of Runville.
Walker.—Bertha Alice, the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Walk-
er, died at Williamsport on March
5th, of pneumonia, aged 11 months
and 25 days. The body was brought
to Runville on Friday, to the home of
its grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mec-
Clincey. Funeral services were held
on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock,
conducted by Rev. E. D. Rowe. Inter-
ment was made in the Advent cem-
Bertha, thou hast gone forever; can it be
That we no more thy face shall see?
Thy cradle stands there as before,
But no dear baby any more.
Her voice is hushed and her grave is filled,
And in her home fond hearts are chilled;
Though we must toil on as of yore,
And dream of our loved one gone before.
Our darling Bertha is safe from harm,
As she sleeps in the Saviour's loving arm;
But in that home on the other shore,
There will be parting there no more.
And in our sorrow we can tell
Our Father doeth all things well.
In the beautiful hereafter—
In the life that is to be—
Somewhere in God’s sweet forever,
Bertha, we hope to meet with thee.
A goodly number of children have
been afflicted with mumps.
Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Stover have
had as guests their daughter, Mrs.
Lester Spotts and her daughter Dovo-
thy, of Sunbury.
Mrs. Henry Mowery is at present
in Altoona, where she is the guest of
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles McVey.
Mrs. Walter Orwig and small
daughter, Olive, went down to Nor-
thumberland, Monday, on business, re-
turning home Tuesday.
Wednesday of last week Mrs. Os-
car J. Auman went to Danville, where
she entered the Geisinger hospital. A
letter received by Mr. Auman states
her condition is such that she hopes
soon to return home. May she fully
Mrs. F. P. Bower is seriously ill at
her home on Front street. Heart
trouble is the cause of her illness.
Little hope is entertained for her re-
covery. However, as long as life re-
mains there is hope. Let us trust she
may recover.
The pupils of the High school will
render a play entitled, “The Farm
Folks,” in Wolfes’ chapel, March 24th;
Aaronsburg, March 27th, at 8 o’clock.
Admission: Adults, 25 cents; chil-
dren, 15 cents. They solicit the pa-
tronage of the public.
Services for Sunday, March 16th:
Salem—Sunday school 9:30; regu-
lar services 10:30.
103 Nas il
LN wr |
| ns 3
ess is made available
material dealer—and th
method devised.
through an ample suppl
of the Atlas dealer is
St. Louis
Millheim—Sunday school 9:30; C.
E, at 6; regular services at 7.
Theme of the sermon: “Jesus and
the Syro-Phoenician Woman.”
Special serviées in the interest of
the Near East relief. Union meetings
will be held as follows: Sunday, |
March 16, Millheim Lutheran church, |
10:30 a. m.; Coburn Evangelical
church, 2:30 p. m.; Aaronsburg Re-
formed church, 7 p. m.
The speaker who has been selected
to present the facts and appeal of this
urgent and recurring need is Dr. J
W. Bailey, whose extensive experience
as an educator and preacher is ample
proof of his qualifications for the oc-
casion. Dr. Bailey is of the Presby-
terian faith. He served in the capac-
ity of an evangelist in a number of |
churches of that Communion. He
will speak on the subject of “Our
Work and Conditions in Bible Lands.” :
Since the relief of our christian
brethren should be a desire of your
heart, and since you have the oppor-
tunity to hear a learned and able man,
you can not conscientiously stay away
from these services. Think it over.
Rev. John S. Hollenbach, Pastor.
How to Be Book Collector
The book collector must, in the first
place, cultivate his literary taste, says
Arthur Machen, He must altogether
shut his ears to the babblers and their
He must keep his eyes upon the book
lists of publishers, marking down the
authors who appeal to him, looking al-
ways for that glow of beauty which
enchanted Rossetti as he stood outside
the shop in Castle street. Then he
must become a devout student of the
second-hand catalogues.
He has his list of the men whom he
is following. He notes when a book
published at $1.75 a year ago is priced
at $2.50. In another year’s time that
title will have risen to $5, and so on.
The collector who buys on these prin-
ciples will never find that his fairy
gold has turned to dead leaves. He
has mastered the true craft of the col-
lector.—McNaught's Monthly.
How to Make Marble
A process for making imitations of
statuary marble, onyx and other multi-
colored stones, has been devised in
France, About 1,000 parts of alum,
from 10 to 100 parts of heavy spar
(barium sulphate) and 100 parts of
water are mixed with the requisite
pigments, and the liquid mass is boiled
down and cast in a mold. The amount
of heavy spar used varies with the
degree of translucence desired. After
being molded and dried, the artificial
stone thus produced can be polished
and finished as desired.
How to Make Hole in Glass
It is said that a hole may be made
in thin glass by pressing upon the
glass a disk of wet clay. Make a
hole through this clay the size of the
hole desired in the glass, being sure
that the glass is clean and bare. Now
pour molten lead into the hole and the
lead and glass will drop through at
once. The qulck heating of the glass
at one point causes a circular crack
to form, the outline of which cor-
responds to the hole made In the clav.
1922 ans.
ECONOMY-Despiteunprecedented demand, Portland Cement
remains the most economical building material. Com
of prices of building materials and Atlas
Building material prices from U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Atlas Portland Cement prices from the records of the Company.
Insure Building Economy
T= cheapest of all products under-
going a complete manufacturing proc-
economical distribution to the user.
Between the Atlas plants and the user
there is but one distributor—the building
marketing serves to bring Atlas to the
buying public cheaper than any other
The Atlas dealer with his warehouseand
yard storage safeguards building operations
with his trucks and general facilities he can
make prompt emergency deliveries. Back
storage capacity, greater than the output
of the entire nation twenty years ago.
1923 aus
Portland Cement. Source:
two points.
through simplified
e directness of this
y of materials, and
the Atlas reserve
AI ot
I a period of advancing costs, the price of Atlas has remained consistently low. Today jt js
cheaper than it was thirty years ago. All Atlas plants, operating under one central control,
make only one grade of Portland Cement— the best that science and skill can produce—-and
every member of the operating group takes pride in helping to maintain Atlasas—
“The Standard by which all other Makes are Measured”
Des Moines Darron
OmaHA Burraro
The way ATLAS is
DISTRIBUTION—Distribution of Atlas Portland Cement is
direct and economical through close co-operation of efficient
local dealers. A straight line is the cheapest distance between
Thus, the one building material having *
the widest variety of uses, making possible
rapid construction and providing fire- ‘
safety and permanence for any building, is
brought to the user a few bags, or thou-
sands of bags, through a distribution
method that sustains building economy.
Ask your dealer for
Atlas Building Helps
Through its dealer, Atlas supplies free
books on concrete construction, written
by Atlas Engineers recognized nationally
as authorities. You are also invited to cone
sult these Engineers on any building
problem without charge.
If your dealer can’t supply the book you
want, write our nearest office.
As it might be
s—— A
Kansas Cry Jacksonviree, Fra,
ATLAS ____
From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The formal indicttiiéitt of Colonel
Forbes and the whole receiit #dminis-
tration of the Veterans’ Bureau by EF:
Fedzral grand jury in Chicago was
expected. The evidence on which this
action is based—now withheld by the
grand jury because of the utter base-
ness of the official misconduct which it
disclosed—relates to a condition of
public affairs that is far more humil-
iating to the American people than
any detail of the oil melodrama in the
The case of the Veterans’ Bureau,
with its revelations of abominably
cruel betrayal of sick and helpless sol-
—— =
diers and a ruthless waste of money
with which a really grateful country
sought to proteét and care for men
disabled in thé war, should force the
peoplé 6f the Uiited States to realize
that mare than politics and politicians
is involved in current national scan-
dals, Bribérs are no more to be ex-
cuséd than he bribéd: And there
seems to have béén an astounding in-
crease of bribers in the United States
during the last féw years.
What will the Senate and the Fed-
eral grand juries do about them?
—It is the contributor to a news-
paper who first learns how many sen-
tences can be cut out to the great im-
provement of an article.
Auditor’s Statement
Continued from page 2, Col. 6.
Recapitulation of State Licenses for the Year 1923.
Retail Mercantile Licenses..........00...
Wholesale Mercantile Licenses..........
Wholesale Liquor Sellers and Dealers...
Brewers LiCenses....... io didi deaisi.
Billiard and Pool Licenses
Brokers Licenses..... .
Circus Licenses, Pte... i icivvvieoeeiiive,
Rating House and Restaurant Licenses.
Resident Hunters Licenses..............
Non Resident Hunters Licenses.........
Resident Fishermans Licenses.......
Non Resident Fishermans Licenses.
Dog Law (1921)
o Fines Collected
Balance due County Treasurer from 1922....
By Sundry Commissions............cs0va0.,
Sundry Exonerations
vy Sundry Printing..
y Sundry Postage..
Sundry Vouchers... odiiviii dc vaininisses
Dr. Cr.
ste irna rv tesa nso ar ns $10641 08
ie tid ii ary ess 2196 96
iets iri sais oad 20 82
ares dai eves 499 92
Avert 1350 00
ss ener ive 100
titsirstarsersasrssnines 3
ts er es ens es heeres 76 72
dads 7142 50
. 375
et ic iri ricer, 610 00
rarer tse se ves $ 5 52
sisevrtvessreanninanris 855 90
eli beaut... 198 36
fiiaie ese dn sain einie vv beh 915 90
RRs tie etree essai 61 96
sik live sted, 27961 86
$20999 50 $29999 50
Statement of County Funds from Duplicate 1919 to 1922.
Year | Collector | Distriets ~~ | ~
1919—Crin Heaton.......... Milesburg Boro.......$3 7124 § =
1919—John A. Mann....... Curtin Twp a 113 2 37
1920—Roy Wilkinson....... _ Philipsburg 296 37
1920—John Harnish........ Boggs Twp 71 54
1920—Jesse Shuey........., College MWD. .covsere 30
1920—S. A. Bierly.......... Miles Twp...,........ 115 369 36
1921—Roy Wilkinson...... Philipsburg Boro..... 6 50
1921—J. B. Hoffman........ S. Philipsburg Boro... 16 41
1921—John Spearly..... sees BONNE TWh eves eeeee: 06
1921—Grant Davidson...... Halfmoon Twp....... 26 94
1921—J. K. Johnston......., Bellefonte Boro....... 821 01 Lay
1921—0. J. Stover.......... .faiberty Twp.....c0vee 4 92 1725 8 =
1921—J. T. Beckwith...... Taylor Twp 95*
1921—W. R. Dunkle........ Walker Twp 8 30*
1921—H. K. Mattern....... Huston Twp. a 12 17
1922 Duplicate, ....oievccavinn earns iis aisniel sens dikinieisiwaaies $ 7005 73
2923. DupHeate.c...cetncicssserersersssenascnnrrnisnsesnns 28708 47
L $37881 17
* Items marked thus are overpaid.
TE Liabilities >
To Qutstanding Bonds at 4 per cent......c.eeervrasrsssensssenss 100000
To Balance due Harry Dukeman, Sheriff.............c00vene ose 2119 42
To Balance due Roy Wilkinson, Prohtonotary..............0uut. 75 16
To Estimated Commonwealth COstS.....cccevvsettiiriniinrennnss 2508 55
To Estimated CommissionS.......c.cotiinesrrtitriiaiinsenisnnes 1894 0S
To Outstangiing NOLES. .c.iee rs rinrescnivrnsssrerrsrssnsarnses 54300 00
By Cash in hands of Treasurer Jan. 7, 1924.........c0000000i0aa0n $ 43311 17
By Cash In Sinking Funl@.c.osceecciriesnsoisssisisesrsrssssansss 6269 00
By Outstanding Dupleates........ccoieecntessissrnsrtsensdannns 37881 77
By Tax Loins Filedeeessconcrsacsinsssnsivanessee 323 94
By Tax Leins Entered Prothonotarys Office.. 491 93
By Asylum Bill due County......coconveveeseas 759 60
By Escaped Convict Account, Different Counties 1168 02
© $1600ST 21 $120205 43
Total Indebtedness Centre County January 7, 1924............ $ 40781 78
NOTE :—A careful investigation into the correctness of the Loan Account has been
made by the Auditors and are certified correct as published herewith, and any person
not satisfied is at liberty to investigate from the Records at the Court House.
We, the undersigned Auditors of Centre County, having carefully examined the ac-
counts of the Centre County Commissioners, Sheriff and Treasurer of said County, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the receipts and ex-
penditures and of their respective accounts for the year 1923.
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, March 1st, 1924.
Auditors of Centre County.
ELINE WOODRING — Attorney-at~
S Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices. im
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. b1-1y
AT B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law.
N Practices in all the courts. Come
sultation in English or Germam,
Office in Crider's Exchange, Belle'onte:
Pa, 40-
J Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business em-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. §
High street.
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law
J and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
rompt attention. Office on second floor of
emple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law,
Consultation in English and Gere
man. Office in Crider’s Exchan
Bellefonte, Pa.
R. R. L. CAPERS, }
Bellefonte State College
66-11 Holmes Bag
M. D.,
Crider’s Exch.
Physician and
State x
B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed
Surgeon, College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his resi.
by the State Board. State Colle,
every day except Saturday.
fonte, rooms 14 and 15 Temple Cour
Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays
a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Both Phones. 8-40
[SU 5 JON 4
BREAD supports and nourish-
es life as no other foodstuffs
can do. Your cue in buying the
material that goes into that
important table item should be
to buy the best. It means bet-
ter health, more strength. Buy
our flour then,
Try out flour—you’ll like it
C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc.
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes Insurance Com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State Collega
Get the Best Meats
use only in
You save nothing b
thin or gristly meats.
and supply my customers with the
est, choicest, best blood and mus-
making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere.
I always have 3
Game in season, and any kinds of goed
meats you want.
High dsreet 34-34-1y Bellefonte, Pa
Get Protection.
The following Lines of
Insurance are written
in my Agency
(All Kinds)
(Including Inspection)
When you want any kind of
a Bond come and see me.
Don’t ask friends. They
don’t want to go on your
Bond. I will.
Bell 174-M Temple Court
Commercial BELLEFONTE, PA.