pm Demoralc apn. Bellefonte, Pa., March 7. 1924. PURNELL BILL PROVIDES MORE RESEARCH WORK. Latest reports received in Centre county from Washington, D. C., state that the Purnell bill calling for addi- tional funds to support agricultural research study in the State agricul- tural colleges has met the approval of the Agricultural committee of Con- gress. It is expected that the bill will be reported out of the committee in the near future and will soon some to a vote. . Because the passage of this biil means so much to the future of agri- culture, farmers of the county are showing a keen interest in the prog- ress it is making. By its provisions, Pennsylvania will receive $15,000 the first year to be used in solving farm problems at the experimental station at State College. This fund, accord- ing to the bill, will increase $10,000 each year until each State will receive $85,000 annually for agricultural re- search purposes. Prominent farmers of the county point out that the experimental work on the station farm at State College, despite a lack of sufficient funds, has returned far more than the total ex- penditures the Purnell bill would en- tail. They state that the development of Pennsylvania 44 wheat by C Noll, agronomist at the experiment station, has resulted in an increase in the annual income of the farmers which is greater than the annual ex- FOR penditure of $4,000,000 called for in the Purnell bill. It has been estimat- ed by prominent authorities that the development of this wheat has been worth at least $5,000,000 to the State | of Pennsylvania. Agricultural leaders point to the studies of animal feeding conducted in the calorimeter at State College as ' evidence of the value of research and experimentation. The feeding stand- ards worked out in this apparatus have meant an immense saving, %o not only Pennsylvania farmers, but livestock men the world over. Other research findings that have resulted in more economical produc- tion are cited by farmers supporting the Purnell bill.” The development of new strains of tomatoes and cabbage, the experiments in disease and insect control have resulted in a spraying program for potatoes and fruits; the experiments in steer feeding proving .the value and economy of feeding si- lage, they point to in their arguments for more research funds. One reason for the favorable senti- ment the bill is creating among the farmers of the country is because it enlarges the scope of agricultural re- search to include the studies on the ! | { | economic and marketing problems | confronting the farmer. At the pres- ent time, they say, there is a great need for information along this line. Problems of farm management, grad- ing, standardization, transportation, storage, marketing of farm crops and social problems of country life can be | investigated under the provisions of the new bill. ; Authorities of The Pennsylvania State College state that the funds now received for agricultural research are entirely too small to carry on the research demanded by the farmers of the State. Hundreds of requests, they say, are coming in each year for research work on problems of produc- tion and marketing of farm products. The lack of funds makes possible the solution of only the more important problems. emr———— A eetee— Forage Crops Best for Pigs. Results at the various experiment stations, including the animal hus- bandry department at The Pennsylva- nia State College, indicate that forage fed pigs are thriftier and are produc- ed more economically than those fed in dry lots. Tests conducted on over 1000 hogs on 75 farms in various parts of Pennsylvania give practic- ally proof of this experiment. A summary of these farm tests shows that where 451 pounds of grain were required to produce 100 pounds of gain in dry lots only 315 pounds were needed when the porkers had good forage crops. Authorities esti- mate that one-third of the grain bill can be saved by the use of a proper grain ration with pasture such as al- falfa, dwarf Essex rape or clover. A good forage crop like alfalfa fur- nishes minerals, necessary vitamins, considerable proteins and carbohy- drates and insures a high degree of digestibility for both forage and grain according to veteran swine feeders. This they say, is the reason why for- age makes the pigs thrifty and cuts down on the amount of grain requir- ed. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that pigs can thrive entirely on forage crops, they add. Provide plenty of grain and see that a rich protein feed such as tankage, fish meal or a milk by-product is included in the ration. Forage crops are not a substitute for these concentrates but merely cut down the amount of high priced feeds necessary to produce healthy profita- ble pigs. New Lethal Gas Will Last More Than Week. London.—Discovery of a new poi- son gas that will persist for seven cr eight days after its discharge is re- ported by F. N. Pickett, who has di- rected the breaking up of thousands of gas cylinders and shells in France since the world war. The new gas is described by Pick- ett as a “lethal gas persistent,” and he states he has offered the entire discovery to the British war office. Hitherto deadly gases have lasted for a very short time. Seed Potatoes. It is quite a common fault to plant too small pieces of seed potatoes. The most successful potato growers are using seed pieces that are not smaller than one and one-half to two ounces. This is equivalent to about eighteen bushels of seed per acre. SAHARA WAS ONCE FERTILE Pictures of Forgotten Civilization Dis- covered on the Desert by Explorers. The Sahara was not always a desert, parched by the blazing sun, says Ham- burger Nachrichten. This great ex- panse is, to our minds, nothing but a land of scorching heat. We know that the entire region, although it is as big as Europe, has no move inhabitants than a medium-sized European town and that the endless plain of the Sahara holds nothing except sand and soli- tude. Yet the immense desert of sand and bare rocks was in the dim past a fertile and well-developed country. Traces have been found of forgotten civilization which prove that the Sa- hara was not always a desert. The German explorers Nachtigal and Rholfs found pictures of fishes and plants carved in the rocks; pictures of plows and other agricultural im- plements, were also found. Recently ruins of enormous cities have been found in the northern part of the desert. These ruins show an incredible splendor of architecture. The most important ruins were found near Damugadis which was founded during the time of the Roman emper- ors. Damugadis lay south of Tripoli in the northern Sahara. There a city F. ' of white marble of marvelous beauty was excavated. Its buildings had pil- lars in the Greek style, broad streets which would be the delight of any modern city architect, an intricate water system and all those attributes which characterized Roman civiliza- tion. BADGE WORN BY TOREADOR Spanish Bull Fighter Proud of His Pigtail or Coleta—Objects to Impostors Wearing It. It is a saying in Spain that to be a great matador one should have Triana blood. Several families of the town have supplied three and sometimes | four generations of bull fighters. The conservative toreador wears a small pigtail or coleta. He allows his coleta to grow as soon as he has passed his novitiate and has been ac- cepted by the authorities as a real torero. The bull fighter is immensely proud of this traditional badge of his calling and has little mercy on those who wear it without the right to do so.— Detroit News. Great Sea Waves. Waves of extraordinary height, mis- called “tidal waves,” are sometimes encountered at sea or along the coasts. They are due either to earthquakes under the sea, or to a combination of several ordinary waves, which, if a heavy sea be running, is sufficient to account for a wave of unusual height. Such a one was recently encountered by the British steamship Maine near the southern edge of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. The wind was ris- ing after a hard blow and an ugly swell, about twenty-five feet high, was running. Then a huge wave was seen towering above the other seas a mile away and rushing toward the ship. It swept the vessel from end to end and was estimated by the officers to have been from 50 to 60 feet in height. Softeners for Hard Water. The problem of bard water is one which confronts a great many house wives on wash day. There are muny chemical agents used to soften the water. Washing soda is the cheapest agent, and perhaps the most generally effective. Two points only must be re- membered in employing it. that it is entirely dissolved before adding it to the washing water. Any tiny undissolved particles will go to work enthusiastically where they fall, and in their zeal are apt to eat up {fabric and all. This is the explanation of the occurrence of holes and weak spots where washing soda has been carelessly used. extreme care. Use even more than ordinary precaution. The nose is an excellent court of last appeal to judge whether linen has been sufficiently rinsed. If it smells soapy, or alkaline, return it for another swim in clear water. Some kinds of bluing will make rust spots on the clothes if the soapy water is not thoroughly rinsed out before immersion in the bluing water. Borax is a most satisfactory water softener. It acts as a mild bleach to whiten linen and it has a slight germi- cidal action. It is entirely safe to use, and is less dangerous to colored fab- rics than washing soda. Ammonia and kerosene are also use- ful. Two tablespoonfuls of kerosene in a tub of hard water will save soap and rubbing, but will make care in rinsing more than ordinarily needed. Am- monia, like borax, is so mild as to be harmless to fabrics.—Modern Priscilla. Gratified At a church conference a speaker made a number of disparaging re- marks regarding the universities, final- ly expressing gratification that he him- self had not been corrupted by con- tact with a college. “Do I understand that the gentle. man is thankful for his Ignorance?” asked the chairman, “Yes,” said the other, “if you wish to put it that way.” “Then,” continued the chairman, “all I have to say is that you have much to be thankful for.” —If it really happened you will find it in the “Watchman.” First, see ! Preparing the Hotbed Is Regarded Grow Your Plants | Gardeners Find It Pays te Have Supply for Their Own Use. Prices of vegetables on the market are always higher in the spring of the year while certain of the most sought after kinds are still scarce. This is especially true of the crops classed as greens and salads, because everybody seems to need more of this kind of food in the spring, and, therefore these vegetables find ready sale. The ! home gardener can save this much . by having his own crops coming on early. To do this it may be necessary ! to start some of the plants in a window ' box in the house and to have a small coldframe along the south side of the garage or in some other well protected place where both the early crops and the early plants for setting in the gar. den may be groin. Lettuce, radishes and beets can be grown right in the frame while plants like tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, are being prepared for setting in the open. Very little can be gained by starting beet plants in the hotbed or coldframe; however, some gardeners make a fair success of growing early beet plants in the hotbed then transplanting them to the open ground. Im the opinion of the United States Department of Agriculture, the important point, how- ever, in having an early garden is to have thoroughly prepared the soil in _ the fall so that it will dry out quickly ‘in the spring and be in shape for plant- ing just as soon as the frost is out of the ground, | Among the crops that can be planted extremely early in the open ground are potatoes, peas, radishes, beets, onions, spinach and the so-called frostproof cabbage plants, which after all, are nothing more than ordinary cabbage | plants that have been grown in the open and well hardened to withstand , the cold blasts of early springtime. { In some places lettuce, spinach and ' onions can be properly planted in the : fall and will mature very quickly when the first warm days of spring appear. It is really not safe to plant beans and other of the more tender crops until the soil is thoroughly warm and Second, rinse with | Tools for Use in Hotbed. all danger of frost is past and yet a small packet of seed costs very little and it is werth the hazard of planting them early. Every garden of any size should have jn it a patch of asparagus as the tender shoots of this permanent vege- table are among the first of the green growth that appears in the spring. In addition, the asparagus bed does not have to be planted but once in 10 or 15 years, if given the prope! care and treatment. Early crops in the garden pay best, because they yield a supply of fresh | vegetables when most needed and when they cost most in the grocery. FRAMES FOR VINES Frames or trellises for flowering vines not only add beauty to the home surroundings, but give the vines a bet- ter chance to get the air and sun, thus more flowers, srohe ne in Box or Hotbed J by the Practical Cottage Gardener as One of His Most Important Duties—for He Must Have His Own Supply of Piants If He Wishes to Have Early Vegetables and Flowers. Indoor Gardening in Pots and Boxes Small Containers Will Sup- ply Ample Space for All Plants Needed. Now is the “time to begin looking around for seed ‘boxes to start seeds for the earliest crops if you have not already provided them. The most con- venient boxes are known as “flats,” usually made by cutting an ordinary soap box in half and placing a bottom on the top half. These flats should be from three to four inches deep, with holes bored in the bottom at six- inch intervals to provide drainage. These holes should be covered with broken crockery or flower pots, so that the soil will not leak through. For seed raising in the ordinary window of a living room or warm kitchen these flats may be too wide. In this case the cigar box is a very SEEDLING IN PAPER. GROWN IN DRINKING CUP. PAPER POT. Ug Sa Sl ql [rs] “Le 3 SECTIONS OF EGG CRATES ARE IDEAL AS A TRANSPLANTING DEVICE. convenient seed box. Empty cigar boxes usually can be secured for the asking at retail tobacco dealers. It is a good plan to reinforce the fasten- ing of the sides and bottom with a few fine tacks of sufficient length to pene. trate, as they are likely to warp after the seeds have been planted. This may also be checked by binding three or four strands of wire tightly about the box before the seeds are planted. Four holes should be bored in the bottom of the box for drainage, as in the flats. While a cigar box does not hold as much seed as the fiat, it | will grow a comparatively large num- { ber of plants, often all the average gardener will want, especially toma- ' toes, peppers or eggplants. i Where only a few plants are desired a flower pot is ideal, being built for drainage and for economy of space. Also it ‘does not dry out quickly. The ten-inch pots will hold eight plants of large growing plants like castor beans, cucumbers or melons, and the plants may be allowed to remain until ready to transplant into the open provided the seeds are spaced in the pot when planted so they will not crowd ' for some time after germination. Panes of glass to cover flats, cigar boxes and pots are recommended, al- though not essential. The glass pre- vents too rapid evaporation and con- trols the danger of the seeds drying | out. Paper cut to fit or cloths which may be kept moistened may be used | to cover the seed boxes, watching care- | fully until germination begins, when they should be removed at once. The seed boxes need not be exposed to the light until the seedlings begin to prick through.—National Garden Bu- | reau. FOR EARLY FLOWERING Annual flowers that can be started to advantage in hotbeds and coldframes for early flowering, whether they are ' to be used for bedding purposes or for cut flowers, include ageratum, China aster, calliopsis, castorbean, calendula, | cosmos, cockscomb, chrysanthemum, | godetia, lobelia, marigold, petunia, | Scotch pink, scarlet sage, spiderflower, and verbena. Clean-Up Sale of Satin Pumps AANANANS RERERERERE Now on sale—my entire stock of Ladies Satin Pumps, including all styles and prices. We do not have all sizes in the different styles, but you will doubtless be able to fit your feet out of the many pairs iL on sale. = LE CREAR <<&K o D> Yeager’s Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. A RS RARER Job work. Lyon & Co. Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Lyon & Co. Spring Display of Ready-to-Wear New Coats---New Suits In all the New Plaids, Checks and Stripes —Tans and Greys in the lead. Sweaters Just received a fine line of the last word in Sweaters—Corn Flower, Blue, Chinese Red, French Grey—with Silk Borders. Prices very reasonable. : New Dress Weaves Cotton Crepes in Plain Mixed and Fig- ured; all the new wanted shades, from 50c. per yard up. Voiles—Plain, Dotted and Embroidered ; all colors. Pongees In Silk, part Silk and Cotton; natural colors—-Rose, Brown and Blue. For draperies and dresses. LO ENPASS NIA. OPAL UING APA NIN SNPT NINN fn We can give you New Ideas, Low Prices and High Qualities for your Spring Outfits { Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.