Benoa] in INK SLINGS. —Mr. Attorney General Daugher- ty is not quite on the slide, but cer- tainly he must feel himself slipping. —When it comes down to getting the country back to “Normalcy” that seems to be what our friends, the Re- publicans, are trying to do everything but. —The Methodists surely ought to fire their Conference booking agent. Here he’s gone and billed them for a session in Williamsport the week after the Evangelicals have been there to eat up all the chicken. —The Republican delegation from Pennsylvania to the Cleveland con- vention has pre-empted three hotels. ‘We presume one for Senators Pepper and Reed; one for Harry Baker and one for Gifford and Cordelia. —In fourteen days spring will be here. When winter arrived, three months ago, the spectre in the season- al procession was the snow shovel. Now the fly in the ointment of ap- proaching spring is the lawn mower. —Incidentally, who’s heard of Her- bert Hoover lately? Before he was invited into the Cabinet there was some question as to whether Herb. was a Democrat or Republican. We wonder what he wishes that he was now. —If we are to put any credence in the signs of the times and believe the suggestions we hear from significant sources on the side there is a political snit waiting for the right Democrats in the Legislative and Congressional contests in this district. his code modified by the next Legis- lature so that it won’t give as much power to his successor as it has be- stowed on him looks to us a good bit like marching the Commonwealth up the hill; then marching it down again. —The country isn’t sore at govern- ment. It’s sore at the kind of gov- ernment. When we give a dollar in indirect taxation to a soldier we do it cheerfully. But when we learn that he gets only fifteen cents of it just naturally we rise up on our hind feet and want to know where and why the other eighty-five go. —We note with interest the first | meeting and luncheon of the recently organized Kiwanis club of Bellefonte; all the while wondering what Kiwa- nis is really going to do to justify its existence. Such organizations through- out the country are doing big things in the way of community welfare and we are hoping that Kiwanis here will do the same. : — What's the use of sending Repub- first two devote to messin things up and the next two—because they are found out—they make a pre- tense of cleaning up and when they don’t get that completed they have the nerve to stand up and ask the country to keep them in power until they do do it. : —1Isn’t it funny how misguided some people are? If we were to propose Senator Walsh for member- ship in the Ku Klux Klan there wouldn’t be enough black balls in the box to express the feelings of Klan as to his eligibility. Yet, what the Ku Klux has or will do for the country will be forgotten long before it will have fully appraised the stupendous service of the Senator from Montana. —We are not worrying about the effects on the government of the ter- rible scandals that are daily being re- vealed at Washington. President of the United States will be a Democrat, confidence will be restor- ed and the Republicans will clean their own house if they hope to have a look in in 1928. It was ever thus. Over- whelming victories like the one that swept Harding into office in 1920 are invariably interpreted as licenses to loot, but they are not that; even though those who jockey themselves into the control of the Republican party think so. —By way of suggestion to those who think of running for the position of chairman of the Democracy of Cen- tre county let us exude this: The oth- er day a gentleman suggested that there is a remote possibility that we might meet with favor as a candidate. Waiving discussion as to the why of that “remote possibility” we want to say right here that we wouldn’t ad- vise any one to take the office with a thought of getting results unless every one who votes for him would thereby pledge himself or herself to give at least fifty cents a year toward paying the bills. —Those closest to those who really know in Washington are of the opin- ion that all the orgie of corruption that is shocking the country today was framed in Chicago, four years ago, when that mid-night conference was held and the Presidential nomi- nation handed to Senator Harding. They do not imply that the late Presi- dent knew anything of it. But it is the conviction of the best informed that his sense of gratitude for the great honor conferred on him blinded . him to the game that was being play- ed. The half has not been told of the corruption of the traitors to the confiding trust Mr. Harding reposed in them. Revelation may yet be ex- pected of such scandals as will black- en the pages of American governmen- tal history forever and shake the con- fidence of the country in the Repub- | lican party to pieces, all because it! has offered the only asylum to those whom Elihu Root once declared to be the “corrupt and criminal masquerad- ing as Republicans.” emacs yA - & STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 69. BELLEFONTE, P wenn A., MAR Daugherty Will Resign. It is practically agreed among the Republican leaders in Washington that Attorney General Daugherty will re- sign his office about the first of May. Like Denby he protested loudly that he would not resign and like the Sec- retary of Navy he will resign to “save the face” of the administration. Those directing the affairs of the gov- ernment imagine it will make a differ- ence in public sentiment whether Daugherty and Denby are out or in. They betrayed the country and were protected in the iniquity as long as it was possible. If they had not been exposed to public reprobation they would have remained in as long as the party continued in power. Their going out is no evidence of improved party morals. The next! Next to former Secretary of the In- | terior, Albert A. Fall, the most cul- pable of the conspirators to rob the Navy of its oil reserve is Attorney General Daugherty. It is true that he had no part in the actual transactions | with Doheny and Sinclair, but he must | have had guilty knowledge of the ne- —The Governor’s proposal to have | gotiations from the beginning, and it i was his duty as law officer of the gov- ! ernment to protest and prevent. Near- ! ly all the subordinates in his office are _inculpated in one way or another and it would have been impossible for i them to have acted as they did with- | out his knowledge. His resignation now will not absolve him from blame. ‘He might as well have brazened it out to the end and gone down with the : others. | The Harding administration brought "into control of the government at Washington a group of corruptionists and incompetents who set about at once to plunder. Fall in the Interior Department, Daugherty in the De- partment of Justice, Denby in the Na- vy Department, Forbes in the Bureau winked at looting almost the mo- ment they were inducted into office. Now that a few of them have been ' found out they hope to appease pop- ular indignation by making goats of Daugherty and Denby and convicts of Fall and Forbes. But the people will i £ exposure there’ would have been no resignations. All the people can’t be fooled all the time. ——A . Michigan Congressman threatens to form: an automobile bloc in the House. That is a dangerous proposition. Anything that might in- | terfere with the right of any body to should be discouraged. Pinchot Wants Code Modified. Governor Pinchot stands appalled at the vastness of the power conferred upon him by the “administrative code” enacted by the last Legislature. It is not that he is afraid of abuses during the period of his tenure of the office. On the contrary he is still sublimely confident of his own wis- dom, forbearance and patriotism. But i there is a limit to his commission and | the menace lies in what may come i afterward. Some selfish and sordid | politician may be chosen to the office iin the near or remote future, and . what such a creature might do under ! with dismay. | intelligence and less egotism might ; do much harm. For this reason the Governor in- i tends to ask the next Legislature to materially modify the measure and bring it within reasonable disteace of | constitutional authority. At wane re- ‘ cent conference held in the office of Senator Pepper and called for the purpose of selling Pinchot a place on the slate of delegates-at-large to the National convention, he submitted the proposition and was led to believe it had been acquiesced in. But the Sen- ators and chairman Baker contradict this statement. They emphatically declare that they have agreed to no legislative program of the Governor . or any one else. They probably want ! the code preserved now for the same | reason that Pinchot doesn’t. When the measure was pending in the Legislature the “Watchman” pro- tested against its passage for pre- cisely the same reasons that the Gov- ernor now wants it modified. But a servile Legislature, influenced by a lust for spoils and enticed by prom- | ises of official favors, enacted the law and Pinchot employed it with the zeal and ingenuity of a huckster to pro- mote his selfish ambition. Now that the period of his opportunity to prof- it by it is drawing to a close, and the result of his use of it has been disap- pointing, he wants it changed so that no man of greater capacity in polit- ical manipulation may achieve what he failed to accomplish. It is to be hoped, however, that he will procure the modification. ——It may be true, as Senator Lodge says, that “President Harding gave his life to the nation.” But he first gave the nation over to a gang of corruptionists. of Veterans, and others seem to have put additional taxes on automobiles the provisions of the “code” fills him A Governor with more | Tax Bill a Democratic Victory. As we expected, the insurgent Re- publicans of the House of Represen- tatives yielded, in part at least, to the lure of spoils. On the final vote on the Mellon bill the Longworth com- promise as between the Mellon and the Garner bills was adopted. It wasn’t much of a victory for the ma- chine but it serves as a meagre meal to the vanity of the Republican floor leader. The Mellon bill fixed the max- imum tax on big incomes at twenty- five per cent. and the Garner measure provided a tax of forty-four per cent. The Longworth compromise is thirty- seven and a half per cent. On the smaller incomes the Garner schedules are maintained, so that as a matter of fact, the victory is to the Democrats. The Mellon bill was a rich man’s measure. Senator Couzens, of Mich- igan, declares that if it had been in force from the beginning of the in- come tax levy it would have saved him $4,000,000. In the same period of time it would have saved Secretary Mellon probably double that amount. It was the result of an implied agree- ment. between the Republican party managers and the multi-millionaires of the country in consideration of slush funds contributed in 1920 and expected in 1924. Because it decreas- ed the total volume of income tax sev- eral million dollars it was called a tax reduction measure. But as a mat- ter of fact it didn’t reduce taxes at all. What was taken off big incomes was put on other articles. The Garner bill not only increased the exemption upon small incomes but decreased the levy from four to two per cent.: Like the other measure it provided for taxation of subjects not heretofore taxed, but in less propor- tion. It was in reality a tax reduc- tion bill and will decrease the tax levy of the country on all subjects a mat- ter of nearly half a billion dollars a year. Of course it has to run the ' gauntlet of the Senate yet, and the trading propensities of the Republi- can machine will have another chance. But in any event whatever tax reduction is effected by the pres- ent Congress will be ascribable to the efforts of the Démocratic minority and in spite of the Republican major- ity. : | ——An esteemed they had solemnly sworn to protect of the i contemporary | suggests that Jim Reed’s aspirations for the Democratic nomination be far have not been encouraging so far “laughed out of the convention.” We as prices bid on either stock or imple- for , ments are concerned. It takes a $300 ‘move to substitute ‘“hooted” “laughed.” Fight Against Pinchot Revived. | There have been some indications : within the past week of a revival of the opposition to Governor Pinchot as a candidate for delegate-at-large to the Republican National convention. Frank McClain has had himself inter- viewed two or three times within that period and in each interview he has declared that Republican sentiment is being aroused on the subject. The statement is not corroborated by any other evidence direct or circumstan- tial. There are no perceptible signs of activity in any of the centers of population. But it may be true, nev- ertheless. Recent incidents might easily be made to contribute to such a result. During his recent sojourn in New : York the Governor has been rather free with his tongue as well as heret- ' ical. He has openly charged the Re- publican leaders in Washington with responsibility for the oil scandals and other crimes against the country and on one occasion, at least, declared that greater crimes than those al- ready exposed have been perpetrated by the same gang of corruptionisis. He declared that the vast coal depos- its of Alaska have already been se- cretly sold to speculators and that the timber resources would have been dis- ' posed of in the same way except for an unexpected circumstance. Such statements must be unpleasant to the ears of his proposed colleagues in the convention. Then there is a probability of another reason for reopening the fight which had practically frittered itself out a week ago. Mr. Straas- berger may have “loosened up” a bit to make him the candidate against the Governor he revealed signs of an attack of financial constipation which : was necessarily discouraging to those ! who expected so much of him in the | way of “sinews of war.” Naturally | this cast a damper over the enthu- : siasm of his backers and created a lull in the activities of their friends. { The renewal of interest in the con- i test may be ascribable to this chang- | ed condition. ——Senator Pepper blames it all on the late President Harding. That is | “safety” if not actually “first.” Harding being dead can’t answer. ——Congressman Andrews, of Mas- sachusetts, says the veteran service men don’t need cash. Wonder where he “gets that stuff.” | recently. Soon after the agreement | | | | Futile Effort to Involve Democrats. There seems to be a thoroughly or- ganized movement on the part of the Republican managers and newspapers to involve Democrats in the oil scan- dals. The effort is especially directed against such conspicuous members of the Democratic party as might be con- sidered available for the nomination for President. The first shot was fired at William G. McAdoo but it failed to disturb his friends in the least. Since that a futile aim was di- rected toward Mr. Underwood and a regular machine gun barage has been opened upon Josephus Daniels, who was Secretary of the Navy during the Wilson administration, who, though not considered an aspirant for the nomination, is regarded as a possible candidate. The obvious purpose of this organ- ized misrepresentation is to confuse the public mind and divert attention from the criminal operations of Re- publican officials. Even if what they have said of Mr. McAdoo, Mr. Under- wood and Mr. Daniels were true there would not be the least trace of crim- inality in their actions. Mr. McAdoo had been out of the public service nearly a year when he was retained as counsel for Doheny. The only thing said against Underwood is that some one else had been asked to ap- peal to him to do something that he didn’t do and was never asked to do, and the charge against Mr. Daniels is so completely refuted by the public records as to appear absurd. No man outside an insane asylum could be de- ceived by such false stories. The turpitude in the scandals lies in the perfidy of public officials in be- traying interests of the people which and conserve. No charge of this sort has been or can be made against any official of the Wilson administration. It may be true that Mr. Doheny pro- fessed to be a Democrat but he held no official position as a Democrat and the fact that he contributed liberally to the Republican campaign fund in- dicates that his profession that he was a Democrat was false. As a matter e oil scandals are solely and setiially Republican products and prove the rottenness of the Republi- can party. There can be no evasion of the facts. — Public sales in the county thus horse of three years ago to get a bid of more than $100 today and cows, very good ones, rarely go higher than $70. Shoats weighing one hundred pounds have been knocked down for $5.00 and implements, unless in un- usually good condition, seem to be in very poor demand. nny lp ——Tuesday night's rain was very spring-like and just hard enough to wash away a good portion of the filth accumulated on the streets since the deep snow of several weeks ago. With only one more week of ground hog weather it won’t be long until the rob- ins will be here and other summer birds twittering in the tree tops. —Governor Pinchot is back at his- CH 7. 1924. desk in Harrisburg with twenty pounds more flesh on his bones and ! oodles more juice in his batteries. | Watch Gif! He might stampede the | Cleveland convention with a Forbes cross and a crown of tea pots. ——Last week’s term of court was a little hard on sheriff Dick Taylor’s boarders. With four regulars sent to the penitentiary he has only six left to answer the roll call at meal time. ——Governor Pinchot has returned to Harrisburg in restored health and in fighting spirit. There ought to be several hot times in that old town in the near future. ——Mr. McLean, the Washington millionaire, employs too many “handy- men.” He seems to have as many secretaries as “Grant had soldiers.” —— “Keep Coolidge” has been adopted as a slogan by Republicans of Iowa, and in the fact of the oil scan- dals it may be a difficult task. ——1It is said that the snow fall in February was much below normal but we are not referring to the matter in the form of a complaint. ——Mars will be within 30,000,000 miles of the earth in August of this year, which is all right of he doesn’t “rattle his saber.” ~——March came in very lamb-like, but let us all hope it will not go out like a roaring lion. ~——Only thirty-nine more days un- til the opening of the trout fishing season. —— fm ——————— —When you see it in the man” it’s true. “Watch- NO. 10. A LITTLE FAIRY TALE. The following pretty little fantasy in verse was written as a solace to two chil- dren whose illness necessitated their being taken to Florida. Their little hearts broke when they found they had to leave their “fairy garden” where they daily hunted the wee sprites and always hoped to find one under a stone. A dear little fairy came just now From out the sun’s warm rays, And said he’d been hunting some little folks For days—and days—and days. He perched so light on my window sill That I feared he'd be wafted away By a soft snow-flake on the merry breeze, And, of course, I wished him to stay. I told him just where you all had gone; While he fluttered and preened his wings, He was dainty and sweet, and beautifully pink ; He must have been fashioned from dreams! Well—after a while—it seemed not long He turned and made a bow; And while I looked he fluttered away And I can’t see a trace of him now. He's flying South—I'll tell you why I'm so certain and sure of that For right through the rays of the morning sun I see a wee fairy track. : WINIFRED B. MEEK-M., 1924, Tax Bill Compromises. From the Philadelphia Record. Democrats can afford to view with equanimity the passage by the House of Representatives of the so-called Longworth compromise tax reduction bill, inasmuch as the compromise is virtually an acceptance of their point of view, the maximum surtax rate, 37.6 per cent., being much nearer the Garner bill figure, 44 per cent., than that sponso by Secretary Mellon, ‘which was 25 per cent. At the same time, we are told, ‘adoption of the plan was the cause for much jubila- tion on the Republican side,” which has lately had nothing but defeats and rebuff for its portion. Thus it appears that both sides have: ground for satis- faction, and this was shown in the final vote, where but -eight members rsisted in their opposition to the last, while 408 favored the measure. There really ought to be no politics in a tax reduction bill, and there would probably have been none in this case if the Administration had not ad r of, “bill of its own and announcing that if it was materially changed a Presidential veto might be expected. This was so obviously a political play, intended to appeal to tax-payers on the eve of a national election, that Democratic an- tagonism was immediately aroused, and the Garner bill appeared as a sub- stitute. This, backed up by the solid Democratic strength of the House and the Western insurgent element, was so much nearer the popular conception of what a tax bill should be that the Republicans were forced to abandon the Mellon schedules and accept the principles of the Garner bill in a slightly modified form. Probably the Senate, which in many respects is inclined to be more rad- ical than the House, will make many changes in this compromise measure, but these are likely to be rather away from, than toward, the Mellon figures. After all, the American people are not greatly concerned whether the surtax on large incomes shall be 37.5, 40 or 44 per cent. What they want is a re- duction in the tax on moderate in- comes, and they would like to see Con- gress enact such legislation without regard to politics. A compromise be- tween extreme views is the natural outcome of such a situation, and that is why the Republicans have backed down from their first position. There is little reason to fear that President Coolidge will make good his threat of a veto. The people want tax reduc- tion, and no President will be so rash as to disapprove of a bill which sat- isfies both branches of Congress in this respect and therefore may be sup- posed to be in accord with dominant public opinion. Strange Bedfellows. From the Vienna Neue Freie Presse. What compensation has Serbia re- ceived for its acceptance of this so- lution of the Fiume question? And is it true that Italy promised to enter into closer relations and, in case of an attack, assist Serbia, and thereby avert danger on the Macedonian fron- tier? Such a reversal would be one of the most daring in history. Hith- erto Italy has openly or in secret sup- ported all opponents of Serbia. The good relations between Italy and Bul- garia and the striking Italian benev- olence toward Hungary are generally known. Perhaps all these things were only methods of exerting pressure on Serbia and of impressing it with the importance of coming to terms with Mussolini. The Geography of Morality. From the Chicago Evening Post. Our Chinese missionaries, who are exercised over our best Americans taking up Mah Jong, which is a terri- ble gambling game of sin in China, | should remember that virtue is geo- graphical. Parchesi, played by many of our mose correct Methodists some years ago, is nothing but faro in In- dia—or is it parently simple game of lotto, which we remember toying with as an inno- cent Presbyterian child, is, of course, identical with the original Wild West- ern vice of keno. We shouldn’t be a bit surprised to hear that the devil jrventad tiddly-winks, croquet and au- ors. Egypt 7—while the ap- | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Returning from a neighboring town to his home at Kittanning Point, John Good obligingly gave a stranger a ride in his sled but on the way the stranger set upon him, violently choking him and stole $57 in money, a judgment note for $70 and val- uable papers. ] —Daniel K. Shadle, of Lock Haven, nar- rowly escaped fatal injuries when he fell while carrying a crock of sulphuric acid down the stairs at his garage. He sustain- ed burns to his eye, neck and back, while the other parts of his body were protected by the clothing he wore. —Inspecting the county jail at Holli- daysburg on Monday, warden William Reifsteick found that James Williams, colored, of Tyrone, had dug all but through the three-foot jail wall, conceal- ing the opening with his clothes. A pipe and screwdriver were used. —John Williams, one of the six convicts who escaped from the eastern penitentiary last July, was captured in Geneva, N. Y., after he had shot and killed a policeman who detected him and a man said to be his brother-in-law in the act of blowing a safe in the station of the New York Cen- tral Railroad last week. —A well known farmer in Wayne coun- ty bid in an old lounge at a sale recently for 25 cents. It was twice re-covered and then thrown on the junk pile. A thrifty daughter of the farmer took the lounge home the other day. She varnished it and later started to upholster the old couch. As she ran her hand in the seam of the head rest she drew out a $20 bill. —Declaring that the liberation of bears and other destructive animals in certain sections of Blair county are becoming a nuisance and menace to many farmers and others by their depredation in destruction of crops and farm animals, Blair county Pomona Grange, at its meeting on Friday, adopted a resolution protesting to the State Game Commission against further liberations. —The fate of Henry Percibolla, 23 year old Italian youth who came to this coun- try two years ago to make his fortune, and located in Shamokin, was death by blood poisoning last Friday. Several weeks ago he received a cut on the back of his left hand, and regarding it 1ghtly, neglected to receive medical attention. The result was blood poisoning developed, causing his death. He is survived by his wife and several children. —Russell Snyder, of Mill Hall; E. W. Zelle, of Castanea, and Meyer Hodes, of Lock Haven, were each fined $25.00 and costs at a hearing before Alderman Wil- liam Rathgeber, in Lock Haven on Sat- urday, on the charge of dealing in raw furs without a State license. Dean Mec- Cauley, of Salona, was committed to the county jail in default of $300 bail for a hearing on March 8th, pending a further investigation on the same charge. —Dr. J. K. Rishel, president of the J. K. Rishel Furniture company, of Williams- port, has made a memorial gift of $100,000 to the Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, of which he is director and treasurer. The gift is a memorial to his wife. This is the largest gift ever made to the Seminary, which is just now entering upon a pro- gram of expansion in building and scho- lastic curriculum, and which can now be carried out on a broader scale than at first planned. rk ¥ —One of the largest car orders received in recent years was awarded on Saturday to the American Car and Foundry compa- ny, at Berwick, 2000 steel box cars for the Pennsylvania Railroad company and 750 steel frame automobile cars for the Del- aware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company. Construction work will be started as soon as material is on hand. With the orders recently received, Satur- day's bookings are sufficient to keep the plant busy for nearly nine months. —Testifying that her daughter, Jennie Scotko, 18 years old, had stolen clothing belonging to mourners at a funeral at her home and that she had not yet recovered her best coat, which was among the stolen articles, Mrs. Scotko, of Shamokin, influ- enced the Northumberland county court jury at Sunbury, on Monday, to send her daughter and a companion, Marie Bartko, also of Shamokin, to a reform institution. She testified that she is the mother of thirteen children, nine of whom are yet at home, and was unable to control her eld- est. » —Having 2,300 volts of electricity pass through his body without killing him, was the frightful experience of Michael Stis- hock, a Shamokin miner employed at the Hickory Ridge colliery, on: Friday. - Stis- hock is employed at the colliery: engine house, and while leaning over a guard rail making adjustments to the machinery, ac- cidentally came in contact with a high ten- sion wire. His screams attracted the at- tention of another employee who rushed to the switch box and shut off the current. Stishock dropped to the floor unconscious, but was revived a short time later by a physician. It was found that he suffered burns about the abdomen and left shoul- der. —Shamokin officers and State police are searching for an automobile truck, believ- ed to have been responsible for the death of John Purcell, aged 23 years, who was found along the Shamokin-Mount Carmel road a short distance east of Shamokin at 6 o'clock Saturday morning, with his chest badly crushed and unconscious. He died an hour later in the Shamokin State hos- pital without having regained conscious- ness. Purcell was employed as a driver at the Burnside colliery and was on his way to work when he was apparently run down. It is believed that a heavy log truck or similar vehicle struck him and run him down without the driver know- ing it. An official investigation is being conducted by Dr. Joseph Fisher, coun- ty coroner. —Official notice has been given by N. R. Buller, commissioner of State fisheries at Harrisburg, that all streams in game ref- uge No. 30, located in Norwich township, McKean county, will be closed to fisher- men for a term of five years, the streams to be used during that period for the prop7 | agation of brook trout. The brooks which j are closed under the order include Indian run, Havana brook and Long Hollow run. Twenty years ago these were among the most prolific trout streams in the State, . prior to the building of the town of Nor- wich in that vicinity by the Goodyear | Lumber company, of Buffalo, N. Y. An immense sawmill was erected there, other industries flourished and for fifteen years Norwich was a thriving village of 1500 people, with churches, schools, theatres and stores. Today bears, deer, wildcats and foxes roam the brush-covered streets of Norwich, which is gradually going back to the forest from whence it came,