Church Services Next Sunday. AARONSBURG REFORMED CHARGE. Services for Sunday, March 2: Millheim—Sunday school 9:30; services 10:30; C. E. at 6. Salem—Sunday school 1; church services 2. Theme or sermon: Jerusalem.” Lent begins next week so we should prepare ourselves for this season in the church year. Rev. John S. Hollenbach, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for the week beginning March 2nd: Quinquagesima Sunday, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist; 9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. Holy Eucha- rist and sermon, “Holy Lent.” 7:30 p. m. evensong and sermon, “The Psalm of Love.” Ash Wednesday, services at 7:30 a. m., 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Thursday, 7:30 a. m., Fri- day, 7:30 p. m., sermon by Rev. A. H. Ross, Holy Trinity church, Hollidays- burg Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Services next Sunday morning at 10:45. Second study in the Apostles’ Creed. Evening service at 7:30; ser- mon, “A Student’s Experience.” Sun- day school at 9:30 a. m. Union C. E. meeting at 6:45 p. m. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. “The Friendly Church.” Quinquagesima Sunday. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship 10:45, “Glorious Day.” Vesper serv- ice 7:30, “Majestic Night.” Visitors are always welcome. Rev Wilson P. Ard, Minister “Going Up to METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The pastor will speak at 10:45 on “The Condescension of Christ,” and at 7:30 on “Ideals and what They Cost.” A Missionary program in the Sunday school at 9:30. Juniors 2; the two Leagues 6:30. . Official board Monday night; class Tuesday night; a study in Pilgrim’s Progress Wednesday night. All the money for this conference year should be paid this Sunday. Give your order for a copy of the confer- ence minutes. E. E. McKelvey, Pastor. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Science Society, Furst building, High street, Sunday service 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o’clock. To these meetings all are welcome. An all day free reading room is open to the public every day. Here the Bible and Chris- tian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARM FOR RENT.—148 acre farm 1% miles west of Centre Hall. Good house and barn. Will rent on shares or hire good man by month. In- quire of C. I. GOODLING or W. H. TOM- HAVE, State College, Pa. 69-9-2t. RADIO PROGRAMS. WPAB, State College, Pa. 283 Meters. Friday, February 29, 8 p. m.—First of a weekly series of talks on House and Grounds Improvement, by F. C. Disque, “Household Remodeling for Spring.” Mau- sic by male quartet composed of students in the architectural engineering depart- ment of The Pennsylvania State College. Reading on “Pennsylvania and Its Wom- en.” Monday, March 3, 8 p. m.—Farm and Garden program with music by piano, banjo and mandolin trio. “Get Out the Tools,” by R. U. Blasingame; “Profitable Pruning,” by Paul Thayer; “A One-foot Bookshelf for the Home,” bi-weekly home economics contribution, by Miss Elizabeth Lofberg. Wednesday, March 5, 8 p. m.—Music by a student dance orchestra. “Planning the New Home,” talk by A. L. Kocher, of the college agricultural engineering depart- ment. “Activities of a Modern College Un- dergraduate,” talk of special interest to prospective college students, by Hummel Fishburn, assistant to the dean of men at Penn State; Music. : Glycerine Mixture Prevents Appendicitis Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, cte., as mixed in Adlerika is excellent | to guard against appendicitis. Most medicines act only on lower bowel but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all gases and poisons. Brings out matter you | never thought was in your system. | Helps any case gas on the stomach in | TEN minutes. Sold by all droggisie NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | OTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE SUTTON-ABRAMSEN CO.—The annual ENGINEERING Stockholders’ meeting will be held in the jury room in the court house, Monday evening, March 3, 1924, at seven-thirty. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—The 12 | H room frame homestead of the Mil- ler estate, on Reynolds avenue, Bellefonte. In splendid condition with good yard, garden and barn large enough to store three cars. House designed for double dwelling. Inquire of W. H. MIL- | LER, Bellefonte, Pa. hdl OTICE.—A special meeting of the! stockholders of the Bellefonte Trust Company, Bellefonte, Pa., has been called by proper resolution of the Board of Directors to be held on Friday, April 11th, 1924, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of voting FOR or AGAINST an increase of the capital stock of the Com- pany from $125,000.00 to $200,000,00. ZPLLERONTR: TRUST COMPANY. - 69-6-8 E. ROBB, Secretary. XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upon the estate of A. F. Markle, late of State College Bor- ough, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re- quested to make prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATE COLLEGE, State College, Pa. W. Harrison Walker, Executor. Attorney. 69-8- SPECIAL TOURING Symphony Orchestra of 20 Selected Musicians NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OMES FOR SALE.—The two dwell- ings known as the Bradley prop- erties on north Spring street, Bellefonte, are offered for sale. Inquire of Miss MARY BRADLEY, 156 South Ave, Bradford, Pa. 69-8-3t XECUTOR’'S NOTICE.—The under- | signed Executor of the last will and testament of 8S. W. Fleming, late of Ferguson township, Centre county, deceased, hereby notifies all persons in- debted to said estate to make immediate payment thereof and those having claims to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement. JOSEPH F. FLEMING, Executor. Pennsylvania Furnace, R. F. D., Pa. Spangler and Walker, Attorneys. 69-8-6t Bellefonte, Pa. “Last Resort” Tea Room Chicken and Waffle Supper Thursday and Saturday, 5.30 to 7 p. m. 69-8-2t Price 60 Cents IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 South Eleventh St., PHILADELPHIA. Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY —When you see it in the “Watch- man” it’s true. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANTED.—Boys to sell vanilla after OR SALE OR RENT.—Residence, 203 Bac-te-lac Costs no more than ordinary Buttermilk Is superior to ordinary Buttermilk because of its Delicious, Velvety Smooth- ness, Appetizing, Creamy Richness, Uniformity, Puri- ty, Keeping Qualities, Pal- atable Flavor and High Food Value. SPLENDID RESULTS IN COOKING and BAKING BAC-TE-LAC Highly recommended by physicians as a healthful bev- erage and general conditioner. SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY Western Maryland Dairy 66-24-tf Bellefonte, Pa. PPA PS PPI APSA AES E. Linn St., Bellefonte. Inquire of H. N. CRIDER, 110 Roosevelt Place, Atlantic City, N. J. -4- school; send for free sample bot- tle. Wakefield Extract Co., San- bornville, N. H. 69-2-8t* ..Scenic Theatre.. Two Weeks-Ahead Program SATURDAY, MARCH 1: JOHNNY HINES in “THE FASHIONABLE FAKIR,” is a fine comedy by Holmes & Edwards Super-Plated Sterling Silver Inlaid Flatware Reinforced at points of hardest wear. Positively the finest Silver Plated Flat- ware manufactured. F. P. Blair & Son Jewelers and Optometrists BELLEFONTE, PENN’A 6122 tf Prices: Matinee . . . 50c., 75¢., $1.00 Night . . . . 50c., $1.00, $1.50 PLUS TAX Bellefonte Opera House...Friday March 7... Matmee and Night Direct from its Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore Triumphs! Positively your Only Opportunity to see “The Covered Wagon” in this vicinity this season. Now in its 52nd week at Criterion Theatre, New York-and still running. Jesse L. Laskey Presents the Great American Picture ( t % A Paramount Production Founded upon Emerson Hough’s Splendid Story of Life Along the Overland Trails A Vivid Picturization of the Trials of the Pioneers of 1848-1849 in their Winning of the West. All Seats Reserved Seat Sale Opens at, Mott Drug Store Wednesday March 5 Mail Orders with Check or Money Order, Accompanied by Self-Addressed Envelope, filled as soon as received. ' this excellent screen comedian, in which he foozles the public. Also, 2 reel Comedy. MONDAY, MARCH 3: HARRY CAREY in “DESERT DRIVEN” (110), is a prison feature which a man accused of murder gets in prison, escapes and goes west. A love romance is woven through the story. Also, Pathe News and Topics. TUESDAY, MARCH 4: BEBE DANIELS in “WORLD'S APPLAUSE,” assisted by Lewis Stone, is a seven reel good murder mystery drama. A beautiful actress has passion for publicity but loses it all quickly when implicated in a murder mystery. Bebe’s best acting. Also, Comedy. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH 5 AND 6: LIONEL BARRYMORE in “UNSEEING EYES,” is a story of a man’s struggle to rescue girl in snow blizzard in northern Canada. Nine reel fine picture with snow effects and excellent photography. Lena Owen is the heroine. A good family drama. Genuine photo scenes of the Canadian lockies. Also, 2 reel Sunshine Comedy. FRIDAY, MARCH 7: RALPH LEWIS in “THE FIGHTING STRAIN,” is a story of the descend- ants of a line of warriors and how it is shown up in the later generations. Also, 14th episode of “THE STEEL TRAIL,” with some more of its thrills. OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, SATURDAY, MARCH 1: All Star cast in“RENDEZVOUS” an eight reel drama with big cast of Conrad Nogel, Elmo Lincoln, Sydney Chaplin, Richard Travers and others. in A Russian story well played and very good. Also, 2 reel Semon Comedy. SATURDAY, MARCH 8: WALLY VAN in “THE DRIVEN FOOL” is a dandy thriller in which a Also features dainty Patsy Ruth Also, 2 reel Sunshine Comedy. six day race across the U. S. features. Miller, Alex Francis and Wilfred North. PATTI TTT ras WFP UIUPRP UIT UII IPI P TUT UIT GGG NG WNW WW Love, Adventure Romance, Comedy, Tarif WAIN SA ALA AAA AA ASSP
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