e———————— ce e————————————— Deworraic ala = Bellefonte, Pa., February 29, 1924. ————] Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. PLEASANT GAP. Miss Alice Rhoads was a guest of Miss Anna Knoffsinger over the week- end. William Grove and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Grove’s sister, Mrs. Harry Bilger. The Lutherans of this place antic- ipate making some needed improve- ments in their church in the near fu- ture. The “Loyal Workers,” a Lutheran organization of this place, were enter- tained at the J. T. Noll home last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Jodon has been con- fined to her bed the past week with the grip, but happily, is much improv- ed and on a fair way to speedy recov- ery. Miss Bertha Rimmey, our efficient and over-worked trained nurse, spent last Sunday with her sister and friends at Altoona. She reports as having enjoyed a most agreeable time during her brief absence. Yes, while there is a great affini- tive energy permeating the world— society, making friends, brothers and associations of such, the world is full of things with which honest men can- not harmonize and to be true to him- self he is bound to oppose them. Mrs. J. T. Noll, Mrs. Grace Bilger and daughter Sarah attended the card party given by the Catholic Daugh- ters, in their lodge rooms Friday night. Mrs. Bilger won first prize. Only two weeks ago her daughter won first prize at the same place. Evi- dently some players. Mrs. J. Sumner Miller was a guest of Mrs. Jack Noll from Friday until Saturday, having come from her home at State College to attend the card party in Noll’s hall. Mrs. Miller's nu- merous friends here are always glad to see her as she is an unusually gen- jal and friendly woman. Mr. Henry Noll, our Ford garage man, spent a few days in Williams- port on a business trip. Henry says that notwithstanding the dull season of the year in his business, he has about all the work he can handle ju- diciously. A born hustler can and will succeed in most any kind of busi- ness. Deep, thorough plowing, with a good point is the initial act in the business of every farmer, and to make his vocation a success, this signal in- strument needs not only to run into the soil of his field but must also be made to run through every area—so- cial, political, financial and commer- cial—that bears any relation to him. The Sportsmen’s wives will have their meeting in the Sportsmen’s hall, Thursday night, February 28th. This meeting is open to all sportsmen’s wives, sisters, mothers, or sweet- hearts. Go and have an enjoyable time; this is the only place where you need no invitation. Should you not play five hundred, go anyway and be a real sport. Conscience is a righteous governor midst the social activities of men, and would in its reign prevent those im- moral extremes to which he is liable to swing by reason of the gift of free- dom; but God in His consideration for humanity’s welfare has not left us solely dependent on conscience and its solicitous dictates; but failing to heed it permits us to fall back onto nature, which employs the most rigid laws in all her operations. The sweeping assertion is some- times made, that modern marriage is a failure, is a grotesque exaggeration. The phenomena which gives color to this view, proclaims itself from the house-tops and shrieks in public print. On the other hand, the normal happy marriages do not proclaim themselves, but rather shun publicity, and bring the Woman’s Auxiliary, $30.00. The ladies wish to publicly thank Mr. Walter Wolford and Earl Lego for their assistance; Mr. Frank Goodhart, of Centre Hall, for the loan of 75 chairs, and Mrs. William Emerick, of Bellefonte, who so nobly rallied to their aid in procuring tables, and to all who assisted in any way to make the party a success. Now is the winter of our discontent, etc. Nearly everybody has been dis- contented since the snow was so slow about materializing. Now, then, since we have an abundance of snow they still continue to be disappointed. Just before the recent fall of snow T. E. Jodon motored to DuBois on a busi- ness trip. When the beautiful began to cover the earth Tommy thought it advisable to return home. He pulled through all right until he reached Philipsburg where he was obliged to run his machine under cover and pro- ceeded home via. the railroad. Tour- ist Raymond Melroy was up at Altoo- na about the same time and on return- ing home was held up on arriving at Tyrone. He left his car in the garage there and like Jodon returned home by rail. Now they say, if it’s not one thing it’s another darn thing. Boys, remember, when the tempest gathers and clouds roll over the soul, where may rest be found in the moments of dejection but in Him who knows every infirmity, who can “satisfy the long- ing soul.” There is no affliction but his love can soothe and alleviate. Dresses that leave zero to imagin- ation are still in evidence at Pleasant Gap. Although the Apostle Paul di- rected that the women adorn them- selves in modest apparel. Isaiah found ‘it necessary to caution the haughty daughters of Jerusalem against their fanatical customs and habits. Paul’s counsel should be ap- preciated in respect of the women of the day, for it was due to him more than to any other Apostle that women had been so far emancipated. Being liberated from rigorous seclusion the christian women felt not only at lib- erty to assert their new-born rights but bound to do so. It is to be regret- ted that much of the costume of our women of today is the direct cause of the temporal and eternal damnation of hosts of our men. Hundreds are striving to see how near indecency they can go without falling over the line. The present style of dress can- not help but form a leading factor in the horrible tragedy of immorality and the breaking of the moral code. When grown up girls are allowed to wear stockings half way to their knees and then go naked up to their hips, they are losing all of their maid- en modesty; when young women and older ones wear such low neck apparel that there is no room for the imagin- ation, skirts up to their knees, waists and hose so thin that they might as well have none; all this tends toward immorality. Even Mrs. Joseph is dis- gusted and alleges this abominable habit must be an abomination in the sight of God. Our Methodist congregation is hap- py now, since on Sunday last they paid up their arrearages in full for minister’s salary. It is to be presum- ed that Rev. Kepler is likewise happy, as he had quite a neat balance due him, and since the laborer is worthy of his hire the most of this balance should have been liquidated before this late day. However, - when you arouse our christian brethren to a du- ty incumbent upon them they, as a rule respond, even if at times they are a little tardy in doing so. The ques- tion that now agitates the minds of the members of the Methodist con- gregation is, will this able and belov- ed young man be returned to this charge for another term. Under the stringent discipline of the Methodist conference that is an unknown quan- tity. Rev. Kepler is a hard worker and is highly regarded by his congre- gation here. He is master of his pro- fession. He uses, in the best way, proper means to good ends; he puts ideas into organizations; he wields with skill and power the complicated affairs of society; he subjects the will of others to his own will; he foresees the train of events that are coming through opening of events. Such a man, with nerve and brain and heart is a natural ruler of men; since the men of thought and the men of action are the natural leaders of mankind. their homage to the penates in the | Here’s hoping that the young man guarded precincts of sacred privacy. Fortunately, the great majority of marriages, though not perfect, as nothing is perfect, are the brightest aspect of the life of the human race. Mrs. Jack Noll and Mrs. Grace Bil- ger were hostesses at a “500” party in Noll’s hall, February 20th, for the benefit of the Bellefonte hospital. The ladies were prepared to entertain thirty-nine tables but only sixteen were filled owing to the severe snow storm. The enterprise proved a social and a financial success. After paying all incidental expenses the ladies paid over to Mrs. W. S. Katz, treasurer of HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS EF A MAN COULD JES’ HEAH ALL DE NICE THINGS FOLKS SAYES BOUT ‘Im ATTEH HE DAID, HED DIE ENNY-HOW --- JES’ THINK BouT ALL DEM FOLKS HE MOUGHT ER BORRIED MONEY Fum!! Copyright, 1921 hy McClure Newspaper Syndicetes i | i will be assigned here for another term. Learning and eloquence, com- bined with talents and a genius for the Gospel, have given him an envia- ble position in the hearts of his con- gregation. BOALSBURG. William Goheen is attending court as a juror this week. Mrs. William Meyer spent a few days last week in Centre Hall. Harold Coxey, of Altoona, spent Several days at the Coxey-Ishler ome. Rev. W. J. Wagner visited the Ben- ner Walker home at Oak Hall on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Gilliland and children enjoyed a day’s visit in town on Tuesday. Miss Lillie Dale, of Harrisburg, spent last week in town storing her household goods. Miss Nora Miller recently purchas- ed a rug loom and is learning the art of rug weaving. Daniel Meyer went to Altoona on Monday, to attend thc funeral of his son-in-law, J. P. Wagner. Mrs. Alvah Johnstonbaugh and daughters, Esther and Pearl, spent Tuesday at State College. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarlane and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith and daugh- ters visited friends at Lemont on Sunday. Miss Mary Hazel, accompanied by several friends, came up from Lewis- burg on Thursday for a visit, return- ing Monday. The William Stover family attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Stover’s moth- er, Mrs. Mary Page, at Linden Hall, on Wednesday. On account of the badly drifted roads the instructors, high school stu- CENTRE HALL. Received too late for last week. Cold weather and piles of snow are at last in our midst. Better now than next April or May. A number of our people drove to Millheim, on Monday night, at which time the Meeker garage burned to the ground. George Alfred Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crawford, and an overseas man, is in a Philadelphia hospital at this time. Miss Helen Ward, of near Pine Grove Mills, a teacher in State Col- lege borough schools, visited Miss Nancy McWilliams, last week. The dental hygienist, Miss Cora Mitchell, spent the past week in our town working on the mouths of 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade pupils. Her work is surely commendable. Kathryn Gleixner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Gleixner, is able to walk around alone, after being sadly afflicted with useless, (or nearly so) limbs for a few months. J. H. Puff announces that he is the pround “grandpa” to his first grand- son, John William, who arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. LeRoy Puff, of Tyrone, over a week ago. Mrs. Sadie Gfrerer is now Mrs. Benjamin F. Corl; the wedding hav- ing taken place recently. The sere- naders were out in force on Monday evening, and were given a fine treat of ice cream and cake. The sad intelligence reached here on Sunday that George Robertson, of Hartford, Conn., had died of pneumo- nia on the Friday previous. He will be remembered as the husband of Miss Roxanna Brisbin. The Rebekah Lodge gave a social on Tuesday night which was voted a great success. Owing to bad roads, the Bellefonte Lodge could not be present, but the local ladies and their friends had a good time, and most ex- cellent “eats.” Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sheffer, of Wat- sontown, were in town last Saturday afternoon. They came to Mrs. Wali- ter’s funeral at Millheim, on Satur- day morning, bringing with them Mr. Sturgis, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Wal- ter, and his wife. Miss Helen Tressler, who attends State College High school, from the home of Dr. P. H. Dale, has suffered intense agony from blood-poison, re- sulting from a cut on her finger. At present her condition shows great im- provement, and hopes are entertained for her speedy recovery. AARONSBURG. Rev. J. P. D. Bowersox and bride, of Baltimore, Md., have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. F. Bower- SOX. . Miss Sara Cunningham spent the week-end in Lock Haven, with her sis- ter Margaret, who is a student in the Central State Normal school. Mrs. Grenninger came down from State College to attend the sale of household goods which her mother, Mrs. Nora Bailey, disposed of Satur- day. W. E. Orwig, who is employed in Northumberland, had the misfortune to injure his ankle, but how seriously has not been learned, as the X-ray had not as yet been used. He arrived home Tuesday evening. It is to be hoped the injury may not be as ser- ious as at first feared. Miss Mary G. Forster on Saturday received a box from Mrs. James Bre- on, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., which contained sprays of orange blossoms, which she cut from their own trees. Mr. and Mrs. Breon are former resi- dents of this place. Mrs. Breon will be better remembered as Miss Kate Frank. The sick in town are not gaining as could be wished. C. W. Wolfe is slightly better; Mrs. Burd confined to bed and suffering considerably; Mrs. Benjamin Stover, also confined to bed and suffering great pain; Ruth Win- klebleck has been housed up, having contracted mumps; Mrs. Effie Weaver somewhat better. Rev. C. B. Snyder on Sunday preached his last sermon in the local church for this conference year; which marks the close of a six year pastor- ate here. It is the sincere desire of his parishioners and many friends that he may be returned for at least another year. During the six years he has dwelt among us he has won many friends, not only in his own church but in all denominations. mn — A ———————— OAK HALL. William Gramley visited over the week-end in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Colyer and family, of Linden Hall, spent Sun- day at the Jacob Zong home. Harry Wagner departed on Mon- day for Altoona, to attend the funeral of his cousin, Pickard Wagner. Miss Pearl Martz returned home on Wednesday, from Philadelphia, where she has been engaged in nursing for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Houser and son visited recently at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Markle. Miss Grace Gramley has returned to her home at Altoona, after having spent a month at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. Ross Lowder. RUNYVILLE. Miss Mary Shawley, of Yarnell, spent the week-end with Miss Cathe- rine Rowe. Mary Heaton went to Altoona, last Sunday, to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. E. R. Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Walker and two children, of Williamsport, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Walker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McClin- cy. . , Those who attended the quilting party at the home of Mrs. Boyd John- son, last Thursday, were Mrs. Nettie Poorman, Mrs. Irene Walker, May McClincy, Sallie Furl, Mary Heaton, ' dents, and persons engaged in var-| Mrs. Harry Johnson and Mrs. Lee ious occupations at State College ex- | Johnson. perienced some difficulty in traveling to State College last week. | —Get your job work done here. Coal Tar Is Source of Numerous Products When William Murdock first made gas from coal in 1792, the slimy black coal tar that remained was merely an objectionable by-product. Today coal tar is the source of al- most countless products, from per- fumes to medicines, and from high ex- plosives to delicate dyes. The most recent product to be made from coal tar is a weatherproof paint for metal roofs that will stretch as the roof ex- pands under the sun and shrink as the roof contracts. This new paint, which is made of coal tar, a melted rubber compound and varnish, promises to do away with the cracking of roof paints that has been a source of trouble and expense. One ton of coal, distilled in a gas retort, produces about twelve gallons of coal tar. Because it was an un- avoidable part of gas manufacture, chemists have been experimenting with it for a hundred years. Thus far more than two hundred compounds have been discovered in it, and a his- tory of its products is in large part a history of modern chemistry. In 1823 napthaline was produced from coal tar, and two years later ben- | zine. Aniline, orginally distilled from indigo, and the base of a thousand and one coal-tar dyes, was discovered in 1834, and, four years later, carbolic acid. : The earliest aniline dye, a deep pur- ple, was made by accident in 1856, as the result of experiments designed to produce synthetic quinine.—Utility Bulletin. Columbus First Pirate in American Waters Christopher Columbus is said to have been the first person who prac- ticed piracy in American waters. It is sald that his second voyage was noth- ing less than an expedition for the sake of plunder. Natives were en- slaved, and subjected to the greatest hardships, so that they died in large numbers. A pack of bloodhounds, which Columbus brought with him for the purpose, was used to hunt down the poor Indians when they endeav- ored to escape from the hands of their oppressor, and in every way the island of Haiti, the principal scene of the actions of Columbus, was treated as if its inhabitants had committed a dreadful crime by being in possession of the wealth which the Spaniards de- sired for themselves. Queen Isabella was greatly opposed to these cruel and unjust proceedings, and she sent back to their native land about 300 slaves which Columbus had shipped to Spain, and gave positive orders that no more of the inhabitants be enslaved and that they all be treated with moderation and kindness. According to Frank R. Stockton, in his “Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coasts,” it was because of his alleged atrocities that Columbus was super- seded in his command, and sent back to Spain in chains.—Detroit News. Tests Equipment It is said that whenever a car wheel breaks on a certain great trunk line the fragments are taken to the com- pany’'s laboratory and carefully stud- fed so that when the next order for car wheels is made up, if structural weakness caused the accident, it may be guarded against. All the pur- chases by this railroad of iron, steel, oil, lumber or what not are tested by the chemists it employs and they draw up the requirements to which persons who sell the road supplies must con- form. This is not an isolated instance. It illustrates the practicability of ap- plied science and the reliance of acute business men upon the expert opinion that insures them against wasting ma- terials. time and money. i? : 8 Le 1S § TOMORROW INN =ITeT hs And Happy —and you have Nature's eatest iat Nature's emedy (NR Tablets) a vegetable laxative, tones e organs and relieves Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headaches. renewing that vigor and good feel. ing so Bodog 4} BE well oe happy. Used for Over i 30 Years Chips off the Old Block NR JUNIORS==mLittle NRs The same NR —in one-third doses, candy-coated. For children and adults. . Sold By Your Druggist C. M. PARRISH BELLEFONTE, PA. Fine Job Printing ' o—A SPECIALTY—o AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE There is no atyle of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can mot do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Cal on or communicate with this ce, NATIONAL PERIL SEEN IN MATING OF WEAK MINDS. Oswego, N. Y.—Permanent incar- ceration of the mentally unfit in State owned institutions where it will be ! impossible fcr them to marry and add to the nation’s insane is urged by Judge Francis D. Culkin, of this city. Judge Culkin’s statement is embod- ied in his annual Children’s court re- port to the Oswego county board of supervisors. In it the leading up- State jurist says: “I have been appalled at the terrific number of subnormal children who have been brought into this new court. It indicates a serious situation in our community and one which, if not cor- rected, perhaps will be a menace to the future of popular government. It is authoritatively stated that 23 per cent. of the draft was subnormal. This statement seemed to me to be absurd, although it was made by gov- ernmental authority. My experience in the Children’s court has led me to believe that this statement is true. “A weak strain in live stock— whether it is a horse, cow or pig— . is eliminated by artificial selection.’ The community permits the unfit to mate with the fit, and huge families of defectives are the result. These types have no place in a republic. It is imperative that this problem be met and handled, and handled vigorously. i It is now the accepted policy to han- dle these cases by commitment to cus- todial institutions, where the sexes are | segregated and thus permanently eliminated from the procreative field.” The jurist condemned the practice of sending such defectives to State prisons and urged they be sent to i comfortable institutions where the sexes would be segregated so that “the type will pass and cease to be a load upon the nation civically and ec- onomically. “It is a lamentable fact,” he assert- ed, “that these unfortunates have large families, and there is no numer- ical counter-balance by the children of the fit. The latter are contented with one or more children; with the former | the sky is the limit. The State has | just been authorized to spend $50,- ' 000,000 for custodial homes for these | types. This will help the situation somewhat.” Auto Drivers Must Secure License. Harrisburg.—Of the two million persons who, it is estimated, will ap- i ply for licenses to operate motor ve- ‘ hicles in Pennsylvania in 1924 less than 125,000 have made application, ithe Department of Highways an- nounced recently. - . ; “Unless prospective drivers make early, application,” said secretary P. D. Wright of the Highway Depart- ment, “it looks like March 1st will see scores of thousands of them subject i to arrest should they attempt to drive i without a license. Our automobile division can care for all applications if it is given time, but it cannot issue | a million cards the last week in Feb- ruary. The fact that a man has a ti- ‘tle to his car and that his car is reg- i istered and has tags does not entitle him to drive after March 1 without a license.” | — am sat MEDICAL. Have You Uric | Acid Trouble? mem Many Bellefonte Folks Are Learning How to Avoid It. | Are you lame and achy; tortured - with backache, and rheumatic pains? Feel nervous, depressed, and all play- ed out? Then look to your kidneys! When the kidneys weaken uric acid accumulates, poisoning blood and nerves, and many mysterious aches and ills result. Help your kidneys with a stimulant diuretic. Use Doan’s Pills! Your friends and neighbors : recommend Doan’s. Mrs. HA W. Raymond, Reynolds : Ave., Bellefonte, says: “My kidneys were weak and I had a dull aching and soreness across my back. I could hardly sweep. I tired easily and had nervous headaches. My kidneys act- ed too often and annoyed me. I used Doan’s Pills from Runkle’s drug store and was relieved of the backache. My kidneys were in good order, too.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney Ley Doan’s Pills—the same that TS. Raymond had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y 69-9 Caldwell & Son: Plumbing aud Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fittings AND MILL SUPPLIES ALL SIZES OF Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished. 66-15-tf CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAN] les! Ask your oF years SOLD BY DRUGGISTS ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. ELINE WOODRING — Attorney-at- S Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im 18 Crdups all courts. Office, room Exchange. AT B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law, N Praetices in all the courts. Come sultation in English or German. Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Belletoate Pa. J Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt tention given all legal business em- trusted to his care. Offices—No. 6 East High street. 57-44 M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive group: attention. Office on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law, Consultation in English and Ger- man. Office in Crider’s Exchan Bellefonte, Pa. KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- PHYSICIANS. R. BR. L. CAPERS, OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte Crider’s Exch. 8. GLENN, Surgeon, county, State College 66-11 Holmes Bldg. Sid oiuiay fad e ege, Pa. Office x his resi. dence. VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licen E by Ae Seate Boer : Siate Cotiend exce] ur Bell fonte, rooms 14 and Pls Temple Co 9 Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Both Phones. A TWO BAGS OF STOCK EFFICIENCY Two bags of our good stock feed will go far and produce better and longer-lived animals. Your animals will be worth more in the market also, if fed our goods regularly. As a matter of business, you should try our feed. It's economical as well as efficient. “Quality talks” C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc. 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1918 It Makes Insurance Comme ory. e specialize in plac Pe such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. 3 JOHN F. GRAY & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State Collegd Fire! Get Protection. The following Lines of ’ Insurance are written in my Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE (All Kinds) BOILER (Including Inspection) PLATE GLASS BURGLARY COMPENSATION LIABILITY ACCIDENT and HEALTH EVERY POLICY GUARANTEES YOU PROTECTION When you want any kind of a Bond come and see me. Don’t ask - friends. They .don’t want to go on your Bond. I will. H. E. FENLON Bell 174-M Temple Court Commercial BELLEFONTE, PA. 56-21 Get the Best Meats You save nothing by buying r thin or gristly meats. I use only the LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the freshest, choicest, best blood and mus- _cle making. Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than the poorer meats are elsewhere. : I always have —DRESSED POULTRY— Game in season, and any kinds of goed meats you want. © TRY MY SHOP P. L. BEEZER, High dtreet. 34-34-1y Bellefeats, Px
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