Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 01, 1924, Image 1
Beno tdpan. INK SLINGS. —There seems to be very much more pink eye in the community just now than there is “red eye.” —It doesn’t matter much whether his hogship sees his shadow tomorrow or not. We have had so little winter weather that most every one would welcome six weeks of the real thing. —While the speculators in New York were greatly excited, on Satur- day, by the rise in the rails, steels and coppers the spectators in Washington were electrified by the Fall in Tea- pots. — Maybe the late President’s idea of “normalcy” was to restore the con- ditions that developed the Whiskey scandal during the Grant administra- tion and the Timber scandal of the Taft regime. —Isn’t it funny how everybody is tramping on somebody else’s heels? The financial pyrotechnics of those Woods boys no sooner got onto the front pages than the sons of Teddy came trampin’ them off. —“Jackie Hill Crest,” the experi- mental baby at The Pennsylvania State College, was just beginning to steal a large share of Jackie Coogan’s popularity when he was torn from the arms of those twenty-five embryonic mothers and put into a real home, where he stands a better chance of es- caping the misfortune of developing into a spoiled kid. —The announcement that Mrs. Fleming Allen, of Williamsport, would accept a place on the Democratic slate for delegate-at-large to the National convention will surely please a lot of Democrats in Centre county. Mrs. Allen has been here twice, and on both occasions her sterling Democracy, ex- pressed in such fascinating manner, completely won her audiences. Won them so completely that we feel al- most secure in the belief that Centre will be moved to demand that she be given a place on the ticket. —It would be too bad if State chairman McCullough should permit the use of the machinery of our party organization in furtherance of any particular aspirant for presidential nomination. Mr. McCullough has done much in the way of moulding our party in the State again into a cohesive, militant body. No one will gainsay him the right to have a per- sonal preference in the pending con- test, but as the chairman of the whole party he would inspire greater confidence in his leadership by not us- ing his position to give strength to the cause of one candidate when there are others in the field whom some mem- bers of his party might favor. —Editor John F. Short, of the Clearfield Republican, has announced his aspiration to represent this Dis- trict in the Democratic National con- vention. We understand that Mr. Short is for William Gibbs McAdoo, but we haven’t been advised as to whether he will run on a “pledged to McAdoo” platform. However that may be the “Watchman” sees no reason why Mr. Short should not prove very acceptable to the Democrats of the District. © He has been foremost among them in service to his party and we feel certain that his interest in its welfare is great enough to ac- tuate him to support the candidate in New York who shall generally be be- lieved to have the best chance of elec- tion; whether the aspirant be Mr. Mc- Adoo or any of the others who may enter the race. —Dr. B. E. P. Prugh, chairman of the Pennsylvania State Prohibition party, has delivered himself of the conviction that William A. Anderson, superintendent of the New York Anti- Saloon league, isn’t “straight goods.” Mr. Anderson is in trouble. He is in court to defend himself against charges that he has grafted the League’s funds. Personally we don’t know Mr. Anderson. Nor have we met Dr. Prugh. We heard him once. That was enough. On a September Sunday morning in 1918 this Prugh man, this bombastic egotist, stood in the pulpit in the Methodist church in Bellefonte and said “If I were Pres- ident of the United States * * * we would have better government than we have today.” Woodrow Wilson was the President at the time. He is revered by the Nation today. Dr. Prugh is only heard of when he pub- licly declines to cross the road to throw a cloak of charity about one of the fallen workers for his own cause. —Casting about over the State for some Republicans upon whom we might cast a fleeting glance of admi- ration we happened to lamp the ven- erable Dave Lane, of Philadelphia; Ed Kenna, leader of the Second, and P. J. Sullivan, leader of the Sixth wards of Pittsburgh. Of all the satellites who yet think they reflect a little of the scintillating leadership of Penrose they are the only three who have the courage to stand right up on their hind feet and tell the world they won’t support Pinchot, even if Mellon, and Pepper, and Reed, and Baker do in- clude him on the organization slate. Out of the maize of subterfuge, pus- sey-footin’, bombastic declarations and ignominous retractions that have characterized the making of a Repub- lican slate for Republican National delegates it is refreshing to discover that there are at least three Republi- cans who know where they're at and have the courage to say so. Neither Mellon, Pepper, Reed nor Baker are any more for Pinchot than are Lane, Kenna or Sullivan. They haven’t the makin’s of leadership else they would go to the mat and beat Gif or get | licked and come up smilin’! > fo aR" el STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL U. VOL. 69. BELLEFONTE, PA.,, FEBRUARY 1. 1924. Responsibility is Firmly Fixed. Under the leadership of President Coolidge the Republican press and politicians are trying to shift part of the responsibility for the Teapot Dome oil scandal upon the Democrats. Mr. Doheny, they say, is or was a Democrat and at times has contrib- uted to the campaign fund of that party. This statement is based on testimony given by him before a Sen- sometimes he contributes to the Dem- ocratic fund and other times to the Republican treasury, accordingly as his interests are served. It will be re- membered that the late Jay Gould made a similar confession once. “I am sometimes for the Democratic candidates and sometimes for the Re- publicans, but always for the Erie railroad.” But even if Mr. Doheny were an ac- tive and earnest Democrat there could be no division of the responsi- bility for betraying the government of the United States by fraudulently disposing of a source of fuel supply essential to the mantenance and ope- ration of the navy. Mr. Doheny was not an officiel charged under oath to defend and protect the interests and resources of the government. He was a speculator in oil property as Jay Gould was in railroads. Governments are organized and maintained to pro- tect the people and public from men of the Doheny type and government officials are the instruments by and through which this result is to be achieved. If the government is de- frauded through the venality or in- competency of its agents the agents are responsible. If this claim of divided responsibil- ity had been set up by some petty- fogging lawyer to shield an obviously guilty client it might be dismissed as an insignificant and unimportant in- cident. But coming from the Presi- dent of the United States, morally re- sponsible for the conduct of his su- bordinates in office, it assumes a much graver aspect and compels the im- pression already widely prevailing ‘that luck rather than merit is respon- sible for the elevation of Calvin Cool- idge to the high office he is striving to prostitute. Former Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall; Secretary of the Navy, Edwin Denby, and Attor- ney General Harry M. Daugherty are responsible for this outrage, and there can be no shifting. ——An esteemed contemporary de- clares that either the tax reduction bill or the soldiers’ bonus bill must be “be just rather than generous.” Pinchot Dealing With Vare. Governor Pinchot has opened nego- tiations with Congressman Vare, of Philadelphia, in order to secure a rat- ification of his deal with chairman Baker for a seat in the Cleveland con- vention as a delegate-at-large, accord- ing to gossip. The rumors of opposi- tion in all sections of the State have alarmed the Governor and admonish- ed him of danger. He probably imag- ines that Mr. Vare can stem the tide and thoroughly understands the meth- ods of reaching Vare. Spoils of of- fice are the only currency that appeal to him, and since the gubernatorial primary of two years ago appear to be the only “medium of exchange” known to Pinchot. In the bargain with Baker to get a place on the slate for delegate-at- large the Governor is believed to have placed an irredeemable mortgage on upward of five hundred choice places. He had already disposed of a consid- erable number and Philadelphia has its full quota. There is trouble in Pittsburgh, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Pottsville, so that it will not be age of those sections. Of course it is possible that the offer to Vare, like the agreement with Baker, is simply to retain in place those of his friends already fixed. In that case, however, it will be necessary to disappoint a during the primary campaign. Whether the Governor succeeds in his ambition to sit in the convention as a delegate-at-large or not it must be admitted that he has broken all records as a commercializer of poli- tics. vania has so openly traded in prom- ises of office or in actual spoils to half the extent that he has. During his primary campaign, it is alleged, he supplemented his promises by actual cash payments with a liberality that surprised his friends and appalled his enemies. But since that he has de- pended entirely on patronage to meet his political obligations and in doing so has betrayed nearly every promise made befere his nomination and elec- tion. ——It may be safely assumed that the recent developments in the Teapot Dome scandal are not worrying Sen- ‘ator Hi Johnson very much. ate committee when he said that defeated. That is not necessarily a | fact but even if true it is a duty to advisable to cut much into the patron- good many who were promised places | No other Governor of Pennsyl- The Entire Bunch Involved. | The public will cordially agree with Senators Walsh and Robinson that Secretary of the Navy Denby, and At- torney General Daugherty ought to be forced to resign their offices on ac- count of their connection with the disgraceful oil scandals. Secretary Denby inherited from his predecessor in office an immensely valuable asset in the shape of oil deposits in reserve. This splendid asset was acquired by | Secretary of the Navy Daniels as a i guarantee of fuel for the navy in fu- | ture emergencies. Secretary Denby, | with the help of Attorney General Daugherty, gave it over to Secretary Fall to administer and he apparently used it as a pawn to induce specula- tors to loan him money without secu- rity. It has been suggested that Secre- tary Denby was deceived by his col- league in the Harding cabinet. Pos- sibly that is true but it is not an ade- quate excuse. If he is so stupid as to be thus made a victim of such trans- actions he ought never to have been given the opportunity to betray his trust. The same excuse cannot be of- fered in the case of Daugherty. He is not a great lawyer but he has cer- tainly a sufficent knowledge of the law to restrain him from a glaring mal- feasance in office, and the question of the expediency of shifting the control of the property from the Department of the Navy to that of the Interior as well as the legality of the lease was submitted to him. The truth is that the entire Hard- ing administration was involved in this scandalous transaction. It was repeatedly discussed at sessions of the cabinet, with all the accused members and President Harding and Vice Pres- ident Coolidge present. The shrewd oil speculators who had visions of hundred million dollar profits to urge them on either deceived all the mem- bers of the administration or de- bauched them as they admittedly did Secretary Fall. There was no bi-par- tisanship in the matter at all. All the public officials involved were, and those still living are, orthodox Repub- licans. Mr. Coolidge cannot shift the responsibility and it will be hard for him to persuade thinking men that he is blameless. —We may be just seeing things, but it looks to us very much as if some powers were working under cov- er to depreciate the franc to the point where France will be so economically crippled that she can’t force Germany to pay. Hiram Johnson’s Great Chance. “Ill blows the wind that profits no- body,” Shakespeare wrote long ago and it is, or ought to be, verified in the nasty scandal now being revealed in Washington. That filthy mess, in- volving as it does all the members of the Harding cabinet as well as Calvin Coolidge, who “sat in” as a represen- tative of the “best minds,” ought to be a boon to Hiram Johnson, of Cali- fornia, Mr. Coolidge’s only competitor for the empty honor of the Republican nomination for President. President Coolidge’s hysterical effort to divert public attention from his part in the transaction will not deceive anybody with an unprejudiced mind, and his identity with it is likely to make par- ty managers look for another candi- date. { Thus far Senator Johnson is the only other candidate for the nomina- tion. If in his anxiety to get a seat in the Cleveland convention Governor Pinchot had not given a solemn pledge he will not allow his name to be in- troduced, the delegates might have | turned to him as the available sub- | stitute for Coolidge, the slated candi- date. But unfortunately for himself | Pinchot is tied up and locked in so completely that he can have no hope of acquiring freedom to act. The ma- ' chine managers might release him if : he had anything to offer in the way of recompense. But in his deals with Baker and Vare he has probably mort- gaged all his patronage to the limit. With Coolidge thus discredited and Pinchot thus tethered there would seem to be a great opportunity for | Senator Johnson in this State. As | we have heretofore said, there is a: good deal of kindly feeling for him among the rank and file of the party in certain sections. Wherever the memory of Theodore Roosevelt is fondly cherished the voice of Johnson | would arouse a thrill, and Hiram takes | his voice with him wherever he goes. ! While we are not authorized to speak for him, therefore, we feel at perfect liberty to say that he may turn his attention to Pennsylvania any time between now and the primary, and if he does there will be a “rattling of | the bones” wherever he appears. | A As. ——Of course every sane person | favors tax reduction, but there is a vast difference between a tax reduc- | tion that benefits a few and one that helps millions of men and women who work for the property taxed. to the Pennsylvania organization that Chairman Baker’s Wise Deal. Many of those Republicans of Penn- sylvania who are opposed to Gover-' nor Pinchot are inclined to censure Mr. W. Harry Baker for yielding his assured seat in the Republican Na- tional convention as a delegate-at- large, in the interest of harmony, to the Governor. Nothing could be more unjust. Mr. Baker is essentially a politician. As the official head of the party organization his personal as well as his political estate is promo- ted by harmony. Therefore if he had no other reason for his apparent self- abnegation than preserving harmony, he is fully justified in a step obvious- ly necessary to his purpose. But as a matter of fact Mr. Baker was influ- enced by a vastly more compelling reason. The Baker-Beidleman machine has its home as well as its hopes in Har- risburg. In the nomination of Gifford Pinchot, for Governor, two years ago, it received an exceedingly hard jolt. The State government gives employ- ment to upward of five hundred of the adherents of this machine residing in Harrisburg. Removing this force of supporters from the pay-roll would paralyze the machine. Mr. Baker, therefore, relinquishes an empty hon- or which he has previously enjoyed but secures the tenure of office of his followers. In fact he strengthens his hold on the party fvaors, as is shown by the record that two or three of his henchmen have had their salaries in- creased since the bargain was struck. Besides there is something more than an even chance that his little “deal” with the Governor will not ma- terially benefit Mr. Pinchot nor hurt the organization. Mr. Baker has sim- ply given up his place on the slate and inferentially pledged his personal support to the Governor at the pri- mary election for the party favor so highly coveted. The other leaders are not obligated by Mr. Baker’s abne- gation and the indications are that the tide of opposition already formi- dable will increase to preportions that will sweep Pinchot out of the running. According to current gossip at Har- risburg even the benefitted followers of the Baker-Beidleman machine will east their votes against the Governor. l { —Mellon, Pepper, Reed and Baker probably know that you can catch more flies with sugar than you can with vinegar. What they don’t seem to understand, however, is that the Governor ain’t one of them candy hounds. Also, that reminds us to stop | at the gossip counter long enough to | see if we can find out how the guber- | natorial apostle of righteousness and | the senatorial vestry man are going | to square that purely political confer- ence in Pepper’s Philadelphia office on Sunday afternoon with their own con- sciences and the really good folks of Pennsylvania. If they don’t know how to do it, we might suggest the extenuating truth that both their horses were in the pit. | Conference to Discuss Law Enforce- ment and Legislative Condidates. Miss Rebecca Naomi Rhoads has is- sued a call to members of the Anti- : Saloon League, W. C. T. U., and all persons interested in law enforcement (in Centre county to meet for an all | day conference in Bellefonte on Tues- , day, February 5th. | The conference will convene in the ly M. C. A. here at 10 o’clock, a. m. | It will be open to the public and the | presidents of all local W. C. T. Us, as ‘well as an adult member from every | Bible class and every church in the county are specially urged to be pres- ent. The topics for discussion will be law enforcement, candidates for the | primaries, methods for electing dry candidates and ones who are in sym- sympathy with the Governor's en- | forcement program. ——1It looked for a while on Wed- ‘nesday as if the “Watchman” office might be in for another ducking, but | fortunately it quit raining in time to avert the danger and let us hope that it will never threaten again. Tax free securities are not entirely without merit either. They enable cities and boroughs to make improvements and employ labor and afford safe investments to “old maids,” male and female. ——Probably the mysterious per- son who gave William H. Anderson, of the Anti-Saloon League, $25,000 is the same man who “struck Billy Pat- terson” many years ago. Thermometers in Bellefonte dropped to 8 to 10 degrees below ze- ro on Monday morning, which stands as the record cold snap so far this winter. stm mor ——Henry Ford got into the Cool- idge band wagon at an inopportune time. NO. 3S. | Not a Daugherty Job. ' From the Philadelphia Record. The first duty of President Coolidge in relation to the oil land scandals, as we see it, is to give the country ade- quate assurance that he appreciates their enormity and will so deal with them as to establish at once the pur- pose of the government vigorously to prosecute those who are tainted with the odor of corruption by the revela- tions at Washington. This assurance is not conveyed by the emanations from the White House as formulated by the newspaper correspondents in their own language, which represent the President as observing the course of the proceedings, resolved to punish any possible violators of the criminal laws, and determined to investigate, but “loath to believe that any one has been guilty of criminal intent.” The conditions uncovered by the Senate investigating committee are shocking. They indicate the existence of conspiracies to corrupt a public servant and to despoil the government on a hitherto unheard-of scale. The evidence already adduced is damning, and convincing attempts to explain it away can only be made, if at all, in courts of law. The people demand not only that those who tossed around enormous sums of money in the bar- ter and sale of naval oil reserves shall be prosecuted, as promised, but that they shall be prosecuted by a govern- ment agent in whose zeal the public may have the utmost faith. We have seen enough of Fall’s friends in this business. It would be absurd, prepos- terous, to put another of them in charge of the government’s punitive measures. Attorney General Daugh- erty is Fall’s personal friend. That fact should disqualify him from di- recting the prosecutions or exercising any authority over those who may di- rect them. And that is the point which the President does not seem to appreciate. There is no partisanship in this matter. One might think there was from the studious abstention of most Republican organs from denunciation of the scandal; from the attempts of one local contemporary to establish the status of Doheny, contributor to the campaign funds of both parties, as a Democrat; and from the ridicu- lous effort of the Republican Nation- al committee to throw a smoke screen around the bribery and jobbery by vague talk about unproved war scan- dals under Democratic adminizfgation. Crookedness is not a party monopoly. | The party allegiance of the culprits to whom this investigation points is be- side the mark. The only partisan question involved is whether a Repub- lican President who exercises supreme power in the premises shall see and do his full duty. We trust that President Coolidge will appreciate the pressing necessity for placing an independent prosecu- tor in charge of the civil and criminal actions that are bound to eventuate, and for immediately apprising the public of his intentions to that end. This is not a time for the soft pedal. Attorney General Daugherty is not . the man to clean up this mess. | | Knows No Politics. { From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. | E. L. Doheny is a recognized Dem- | ocratic leader of power and party in i the southwest and his voice is potent iin his party councils. Harry F. Sin- | clair has been a contributor to the war | chest of both the Republican and the | Democratic parties. Albert B. Fall is a Republican who has stood very high in the inner circles of his party. Gav- in McNabb, a Democratic war horse of the Pacific coast, is doing what he can to wipe the dark, oily smears from both Republican Fall and Demo- cratic Doheny. i One of the significant revelations of | the oil scandal is that the oil business knows no politics. As a matter of fact, Big Business has no politics. In its secret heart it is as nonpartisan as a balance sheet, but it is by no means non-political. All is grist, or nearly ‘all, that comes to its mill. Its net | takes all manner of political fish. Big Business cares little whence its favors come just so they come. There is a wealth of classical in- stances, but one will serve. When Mark Hanna went down the line “fry- ing out fat” he took them as they came. A Democratic contribution was neither more nor less acceptable to | the Ohio boss than a Republican do- nation. It has been the fashion in rails, steels, mines, finance and man- ufacturing, as well as in oil, to play the game both ways from the middle and both ends to the middle. There also is a kind of bipartisan- ship, long existing, among men of large affairs, who ‘sometimes find themselves working with either par- ty. Such instances are not always shouted from the political housetops, although there may be nothing secret about them. By and large, political lines tend to ' disappear in the worlds Big Business. When business empires are at stake or even when a minor principality is threatened, Big Business does not concern itself with such external mat- ters as party labels or political insig- nia. ——0On the principle that “a lie well stuck to is as good as the truth,” Governor Pinchot continues to claim that he is saving the State $40,000 a day. ——There was no necessity for an alienist to pass upon the sanity of a woman who had seven living hus- bands. i SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Milton’s newest industry, the oxygen plant of the United Oxygen Manufactur- ing company, was placed in operation late last week. The capacity of the plant is 25000 cubic feet per day. —An iron box, containing from $20,000 to $25,000 was found buried in the roots of an aged tree by a woodcutter of Little Valley, not far from Bedford, Pa., accord- ing to a story current in that region. Rob« ert Boyer about 45 years old, says the re- port, found the box. —Six men, all residents of Mainville,, Pa., were arrested on Tuesday by detec- tive Kurtz, of Wilkes-Barre, a former state trooper and Troopers C. J. Brennan and Mazonky of Troop B, state police, om the charge of burning the breaker and dy- namiting the commissary of the Beaver Valley Coal company in Columbia county. —Suit for $3000 damages was brought against the town of Bloomsburg, on Mon- day, by William Frederick, driver of an automobile which went through a bridge over a mill race there several months ago, when William Yocum, his companion, was drowned. Yocum’s widow filed suit against j the town for $10,000 damages a few days ago. —Mrs. Matilda Myers, aged 70 years, was burned to death in her home in Lock Ha- ven Thursday afternoon, when her dress ignited from an oil stove she was lighting. | She lived alone and when the neighbors ! saw smoke coming from her windows they ! investigated. She was found lying dead | near the door, which she had evidently tried to open. —While he stood at a distance of 200 yards waiting for the explosion of a charge . of dynamite at a clay bank near Martins- | burg, Blair county, Irvin Dilling, aged 50 years, was almost instantly killed last Wednesday, when a second blast behind him hurled a shower of earth and stones at his head. Dilling was not aware a charge was being sent off near him. He was married and is the father of six chil- dren. | —The will of the late Mrs. A. F. Boyn- ! ton, of Clearfield, provides that annuities | of $400 each shall be paid to her nephews | and niece, Ira M. Showers, of Philipsburg; J. Emmot Harder of Clearfield, and Mrs. Emma Boynton Craig, of Philadelphia. The balance of her estate, amounting to $100,000, is given to the Missionary socie- ty of the Methodist church, incorporated by the Legislature of the State of New York. —Frank Stalker, employed at an oil- pumping station at Guffey, fifteen miles from Kane, had his right arm amputated at the Summit hospital on Monday as the result of an accident last Thursday. A pipe, through which oil was being pumped at high pressure, burst and a stream of oil was forced through Stalker’s hand and into the muscles of his arm. Physicians declared they have never treated a simi- lar case. —A contract for the erection of two new steel bridges across the north branch of the Susquehanna river at Sunbury, has been awarded by the Pennsylvania Rail- road company to the Bethlehem Steel com- pany. Work will be started about Ieb- ruary 1st. The bridges will make availa- ble three tracks from Sunbury to the | Northumberland classification yards as the old bridge will be retained for single track traffic. The piers for the new bridges were built last year. —“I am going to take one more dive and then go out,” remarked Anna Elizabeth Cornelius, 17 year old Senior in the Mo- nessen High school, to companions who were leaving the swimming pool last Wed- nesday afternoon. It was noted fifteen minutes later that she was not in the dressing room and her body was found at the bottom of the deepest part of the pool. Miss Cornelius, who was a daughter of Dr. George T. Cornelius, was considered proficient in swimming and diving. —Mrs. Frances Chamberlain the only’ woman automobile salesman in Williams- port, was fatally injured when she was struck by a Pennsylvania passenger train at a street crossing in Williamsport last Friday afternoon. There had been a con- gestion of vehicles at the Hepburn street crossing and Mrs. Chamberlain’s car had been the last to get moving again. The engine of the Pittsburgh-Easton flyer, eastbound, struck the car, shoving it fo one side and crushing the woman as she sat behind the wheel. —Dorothy Wellover, aged two and a half years, daughter of George and Mary Fields Wellover, of Mount Union, was fa- tally injured on Monday evening when she was run over by a large truck as she was crossing the street in front of her home. The wheels of the truck passed over her abdomen. The child was taken to the of- fice of a physician, but died on the way. The little girl had found a penny and was crossing the street to purchase candy when she was struck. The parents and an older brother survive. —Patrick Walsh, of Phoenixville, plead- ed guilty to manslaughter in the criminal court at West Chester, on Monday, and was sentenced to serve six months in the Chester county prison. During a drunken orgie in a shed at Cromble near Phoenix- ville, on December 1, 1923, Walsh secured a shotgun, and to show his control of the weapon shot the hat from the head of Frank E. Walter, a guest. He then placed the hat on the head of his brother-in-law, Michael O. Toole, but his aim had grown unsteady and he shot off the top of the head of the wearer of the hat. —With the depositing in the bank at Oil City, last Thursday, of approxi.nately $10,000 in currency, Henry and Joseph Rhoades, farmers of Canal township, Ve- nango county, who were robbed of mon- ey a week previous when their home was ransacked by three men posing as prohi- bition agents, announced that the robbers had several times stepped right over the hiding place of the hoard of bills without discovering them. The Rhoades brothers, bachelors, had no liking for or belief in banks, but after this experience decided the safest place for their money was a financial institution and the cash was ac- cordingly deposited in the bank. —When women of East Rockhill town- ship, Buck county, saw constable E. L. Benner call for bids on a flock of thirty chickens that belonged to a woman who had refused to pay her taxes, resulting from equal franchise they weakened and paid up. So did Mrs. D. Frank Hendricks, owner of the chickens. When Mrs.’ Hen- dricks refused to pay her taxes Constabie Benner levied on thirty chickens she own- ed. When the advertised sale was called last Friday, many women and men were present. Up to the last minute, the wom- en believed the constable was bluffing. However, when they found that he was a | serious-minded officer, they stepped up and paid their taxes.