Dewortaic Wan, Bellefonte, Pa., December 14, 1923. A NATIONAL FOREST FOR PENNSYLVANIA. A new national forest to be known as the Allegheny has been created in Pennsylvania pursuant to a Presiden- tial proclamation dated September 24. This is the first national forest to be created during President Coolidge’s administration and brings the total number of forests under the super- vision of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, up to 146, em- bracing a total net area of about 157,- 337,000 acres. : The Allegheny National Forest is also the first forest under Federal control to be established in Pennsyl- vania, although the State has several state forests and has always been one of the foremost States in matters re- lating to forest conservation, water- shed and game protection. Unlike the national forests, which were created out of the public domain, this newly created forest is to be built up entirely of land to be purchased from private owners and about 100, 000 acres are now under purchase agreement. The outside boundaries of the new forest embraces a gross area of about 740,000 acres in War- ren, McKean, Forest and Elk counties. This acreage is situated on the water- shed of the Allegheny river, a tribu- tary of the Ohio river and a trouble- some factor in the frequently recur- ring floods, which menace navigation, industry, property and lives in the re- gion entering at Pittsburgh. The government’s purchase pro- gram contemplates the eventual ac- quisition of all forest lands within the proclaimed area for the primary pur- pose of affording protection to this section of the Allegheny river drain- age. A secondary purpose is to as- sure the highly industrialized region a continuous supply of locally grown essential forest products. Department of Agriculture officials state there is probably no other sec- tion in the United States, where for- est resources are as closely utilized as in this region. Practically all forest growth down to two inches diameter can be used, making it possible to dis- pose not only of mature trees for lum- ber, structural timbers, and railroad ties, but also of the limbs and small branches for manufacture of charcoal, wood-aleohol, and other by-products. The region as a whole has been closely cut and much of the watershed has been repeatedly devastated by fires. Possibilities for future timber growth are excellently illustrated, however, by a magnificent stand of virgin white pine timber, which is still to be found in one section of the new forest. It is said that this stand of white pine represents the maximum development ever attained by this species in quantity per acre and qual- | ity of wood. WHERE SILK ORIGINATED. According to Chinese authority the use of silk dates back to 26560 B. C,, and it is generally conceded that the great textiles with which the world clothes itself were discovered in the following order, viz: Wool, cotton, silk, flax (linen) and hemp. The first patron of the silk worm was Hoang-Ti, Emperor of China, and his Empress, Si-Lung-Chi, was the first practical silk worm breeder, and the first to reel silk. She discovered the silk worm while walking in her garden and watched its development into the cocoon. Then she interested the Emperor, and at his suggestion took the fine silk web which she found in the cocoon, and succeeded in reeling it. She also successfully wove it in- to cloth. : Silk culture then became an indus- try and one of the cherished secrets in China.' For a thousand years Chi- nese merchants sold silk in Persia, from where it reached the nations of the western world, without disclosing the secret of how or from what it was made. Aristotle is said to be the first in Europe to learn the secret. When the silk worm is ready to weave his cocoon he becomes one of the busiest and most persistent work- ers in the world. The silk in a form is generated in a fluid condition in two long glands. Near the head the two glands unite at an opening under the mouth, and from this the silk issues in a glutinous state. The gummy liquid, which combines the two strands hardens immediately on exposure to the air. In weaving his cocoon the worm makes sixty-five elliptical motions of his head per minute and keeps it up day and night for the entire seventy- two hours required to complete it, without stopping. At the end of this time he has produced about one thous- and yards of silk.—Ex. Shows Great Growth. The live stock industry of Pennsyl- vania has discovered the road that leads to improvement and success. It is the highway paved with community breed association and co-operative owned purebred sires. A recent report of the agricultural extension department at The Pennsyl- vania State College credits the Key- stone State with at least 150 commu- nity breed associations. These organ- izations make possible the use of carefully selected purebred sires on more than 2,000 farms. Swine asso- ciations have made a rapid growth in the past year and now number over 100 with at least 1,600 members. Bred-for-production dairy bulls have been introduced on at least 500 farms through the 32 bull associations now operating in the State. Crawford county has one association that brings the services of purebred sires to more than 100 farmers. A great improvement in the mut- ton and wool industry is noted in sev- eral communities where co-operative- ly owned rams are being used. The reports show eight ram associations in operation last year with a total membership of 30 farmers. It has been estimated that the com- munity breed association idea has re- duced the cost of using purebred sires on these farms by at least 76 per cent. ' SASTE RULES INDIA SCHOOLS ‘Untouchable” Children Are Not Per mitted to Mingle With Their “Betters” There. The public school as we know it is hardly a possibility in India, because the children of India are not permit- ted to enjoy anything that remotely resembles free association. There are a great many such schools, to be sure; but the children who attend them are either caste equals or they are held to the strict observance of caste regulations, The children of the depressed classes are not allowed to enter anywhere, says Eleanor F. Egan in the Saturday Evening Post, and I myself have seen numbers of them in groups—eager, in- telligent and sadly conscious of their disabilities—squatting on schoolhouse verandas, absorbing such instruction as they could get through open win- dows and schoolhouse doors. None could by any chance cross a school- room threshold. Yet in one way, and as far as the advantages go, the depressed classes enjoy better educational advantages than any class in India, because it is to them that the Christian mission- aries devote their parti ular atten- tion. It is to be understood, of course, that the communities and casées are all mixed up in the general population, and are not, except in occasional in- stances, domiciled en masse in sepa- rate areas. A Hindu and a Moham- medan may live in adjoining houses; but it is just that they may not bor- row each other's frying pans, so to speak. The castes and the communities may all enjoy a certain measure of social intercourse; they may meet together and talk and argue and d— the British raj in unison if ther are so minded—and this is what they have been doing to an increasing extent dur- ing the past few years—baut it must all be in the epen places of public assem- bly. It is the habitation that is invio- lable; the person that must be guard- ed against pollution. MAKING PAPER FROM ASPENS Industry Suggested for Utah, Which Has About 100,000 Acres of Those Trees. fn Utah the manufacture of paper ‘rom aspens is no new idea, as some of the pioneers in that state produced a fair grade of paper from wood pulp and rags suitable for news print. From time to time the shortage of pa- ' per supply has brought attention to the possibilities of employing the quaking aspen trees of Utah for reduction to pulp for paper manufacture. Now there are appreximately 100,- central Utah. Their usefulness con- | sists of serving as a cover for young and to a certain extent ' evergreens. they ald in controlling the flow streams, and for that conserved by foresters. The timber is soft and not of value commercially, and without denuding the aspen areas, the mature trees, it is averred, would furnish sufficient annual paper supply for the entire West. The trees grow rapidly, maturing at twenty to forty years of age on the gentler slopes and in flat regions, where they could be of HOW OLD AGE CAN BE EVADED Keep Insisting That You Are Young, and Resist the Suggestions of Others. Doc Henneberry has just proven the excellence of a long-held theory. For as long as I can remember Doc has insisted that age can be evaded, within limits. Nothing, he says, will grow hair on a bald head. But if the owner of the hairless caput will say to him- self: “lI am not old. I will not be old. I shall remain a man of hale middle age—" He will not know he has over- ripened until the day the reaper gets him with his hook, says a writer in the Kansas City Star. Doc points out that not ene man in a million realizes he is old until his younger friends be- gih to exhibit needless consideration for him. “It is a shock for any man when he first hears himself referred to as ‘the old man.” But if he is not a per- son of sturdy character he soon begins to act old. He has not been able to resist the power of suggestion.” Doc has been preaching and acting this for years. But last week his fa- ther dug himself out of the living groove he has been occupying for years and came to the city to visit his son. Doc says the old fool is a viru- lent proof of the truth of his theory of the essential youthfulness of man. 'WAYS OF COM ‘the He rolled forty years off his shoulders the first time he heard his son’s ideas about being young. “I'm going to send for mother,” said Doe. “Young or old, she always had his number.” JAPANESE TAKE REAR SEATS Attitude of These People in Public One of Modesty and Humble Apology. On entering a meeting late (church, address or public gathering) a Jap- anese invariably pauses at the door to bow in the direction of the platform— a combination of innate politeness and humble apology for the discourtesy of his tardy presence. The Japanese shows a marked pref- erence for a seat at the rear of the room and a position on the nearer end of a seat, his modesty occasioning those who follow him increasing incon- venience—“For when thou art bidden to a feast, sit not down in the chief seat; lest haply a more honorable man than thou be bidden. But go and sit down in the lowest place. For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” A person who is forced to make a way for himself through a crowd or in front of others does so in a cross | between a crouch and a bow, expres- 000 acres of the slopes in northern and |; reason are | easlly and cheaply gathered for the ' pulp mills. Only trees three inches or more in diameter would be taken. Not Interested. “It says in the paper here,” began Mrs. Johnson in the midst of her read- ing, “that an airplane traveling at the rate of two hundred miles an hour would take fifty-three years to go from the earth to the sun.” “What's that?’ returned Gap John- son of Rumpus Ridge, aroused from a doze, “You wasn't listening, torment it! It would take an airplane going at two hundred miles an hour fifty-three years to reach the sun.” “What's the difference? You ain’t aiming to go there, are you?’—Kansas City Star. Wouldn't Commit Herself. Numerous ladies now study law, are | admitted to practice and become orna- ments of the bar. A Supreme court Judge met one of the youngest in the corridor of a public building. He bowed and paused to remark: “You are the prettiest lawyer I ever saw, and, I may add, one of the best.” She thanked him and passed on. “Which compliment did you prefer?” asked a friend who had overheard. But the lady, being a good lawyer as well as a pretty girl, refused to ! commit herself, Hattonchatel Rebuilt. dattonchatel, one of the most pic- wuresque villages in France, held by the Germans for four years, and later captured by American troops, has been rebuilt by Miss Belle Skinner, a wealthy resident of Holyoke, Mass. The place has a new town hall, with a school, 2 new library and—a thing anknown before in the long history of the village—a water supply system, as well as a monument to the war dead. New Crop Diseases. Fifteen new diseases of field ana vegetable crops were reported in the United States during 1922. Twelve erops were affected. They were car- rot, radish, Swiss chard, lettuce, po- tato, radish, Chinese cabbage, bean, watermelon, sweet potato, tomato and tobacco. Most of the new diseases appeared In very restricted areas, reeming to be the result of abnormal climatic and similar conditions. sive of supreme humility, murmuring the while, “Osore irimasu” (“I go in trepidation”). Two Japanese quite out-hesitate Alphonse in debating prec- edence at narrow gate or door— “Dozo, o saki ye” (“Please, to the honorable front.”)—Stewart B. Nichols in the Outlook, Wants Dole Receivers to Work. he British government!, finding the system of doles for unemployed per- sons becoming more and more burden- some and demoralizing, is considering ways and means for getting some work done in return for the help that the unemployed classes need. Gratuity merely subsidizes unemployment, in- creases idleness and lowers the self- | respect and the morale of the com- munity. The government is now urg- | ing railways to electrify, farmers to drain and improve land, towns to ex- ! tend their public service enterprises, ! mills and factories to repair and re- new equipment. The government will lend its credit to encourage all such ! work and use public money if neces- | sary to finance it. The idea is to deal with unemployment by making employ- ment rather than by distributing charity. french Villages Were Wiped Out. It is sometimes forgotten that parts of France are really destroyed. One was reminded of this fact by a notice in the Journal Officlel the other day, which sets out that the village of Ailles, Beaulne-Etchivny, Moussy-sur- Aisne, Courtacon and Grandela-et- Malval in the canton of Craonne, are merged in other communes. This means that they no longer exist, They are completely wiped out. It is not another Carthage, which is obliterated, but nevertheless one should remember that many French communes have been as utterly lost as Carthage. Timber Sources Moving Westward. The center of the lumber industry i8 migrating to the West, which move | ment has been going on quietly anc steadily since about 1900, when the cut in the Lake State pineries begar to dwindle. The South has been the chief source of lumber for the greatei portion of the country; now this source of supply is failing rapidly anc production in the West Is increasing This means among other things that the national forest lands will be more and more drawn upon for supplying timber far various purposes. Imposition Upon invalids. The health board of New York ha, discovered that in several instance: bakers have been turning out breac labeled “Genuine Gluten, for Dia! betics,” which has been found to con tain a high percentage of starch a which had been