Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 07, 1923, Image 6
BemeraiWalda. Bellefonte, Pa,, December 7, 1923. “OTHERS.” Lord help me to live from day to day In such a self-forgetful way That even when I kneel to pray My prayer shall be for—others. Help me in all the work I do To ever be sincere and true And know that all I'd do for you Must needs be done for—others. Let “Self” be crucified and slain And buried deep; and all in vain May efforts be to rise again Unless to live for—others. And when my work on earth is done And my new work in heaven's begun May I forget the crown I've won ‘While thinking still of—others. Others, Lord, yes, others Let this my motto be Help to live for others That I may live like Thee. —C. D. Meigs. TYPICAL SCHOOL-MASTERS. By L. A. Miller. Is school teaching a healthy busi- ness? Few teachers grow fat and few become fresher or fairer as the years go by. Whether it is the fault of the business or a natural development of the teachers is not so easy to de- termine. Scholars—that is special- ists or, as more commonly called, cranks on special topics—are almost universally thin, lank and angular. Are they thus because they are schol- ars, or are they scholars because they are thus? A fat philosopher is a freak, a rara avis. The old-time pedagogue was thin, crabbed and cranky. He believed that soberness, austerity and dignity were the chief attributes of a good teach- er. To smile was to lose his grip on the school; to perpetrate a joke was to become undignified, or to yield a point, even if fairly beaten, meant nothing less than the surrender of his supremacy. He wore a solemn face and a long, solemn coat, kept his hair combed behind his ears, usually wore glasses, and invariably carried a stout rod of correction under his arm. The school house in those days was a solemn place, except when the mas- ter’s back was turned. He intended it should be so all the time. If there ‘was a smile or a whisper during stu- «dy hours and the master got wind of it, the culprit had to suffer. To suffer in those days meant something more than being taken into a private room :and talked to until tears flowed free- ly. Instead thereof the Master ap- plied a tear starter that for efficiency :and promptness will double discount ‘the most pathetic talker in the Com- monwealth. School masters—they were called masters because they were masters— usually had the dyspepsia or were bilious. They blamed it on having to ‘board around; one week at one place and another at another. In so doing they necessarily struck some humble homes and very humble fare. How- ever, it was generally found they had the dyspepsia when they commenced teaching; which led to the conclusion ‘that dyspepsia and biliousness were as much a part of the school master’s outfit as his knowledge of reading, writing and cyphering. There is scarcely positive evidence enough to justify the assertion that ladies and gentlemen become teach- «1s because they are dyspeptic or bil- ious; while investigation has not gone far enough to warrant the broad state- ‘ment that teaching makes them dys- peptic, bilious and cranky. It leaves one in quandary, as there is not only «danger of falling into error by decid- ing either way, but also of doing great injustice to some very worthy people. "The disposition, however, is to find a verdict of not guilty and divide the Osis. Since womankind has invaded the «domain of the schoolmaster and driv- en him out, lug and luggage, there has been less “hickory oil” adminis- ‘tered, but the question is an open one, ‘whether the tougher classes are as ‘well served as under the old style of treatment. The new style is decided- 1y homeopathic. The doses are small and generally heavily sugar-coated. Think of being sent home an hour before the usual time, or being kept in for twenty minutes after school is out, for placing a “Johnny-jump-up- quick” on Bill Gramley’s seat. An hour’s extra play on the street or twenty minutes’ pleasant conversation with a pretty teacher! Where is the boy who would not cry for more? "Twere not so under the master. The festive youth was made to stand up in the middle of the floor, take off his coat and submit to a good thrash- ing. None of your dainty paddlings, but a dozen or more sound, ringing ‘cuts with a hickory switch, leaving welts which would not disappear for a week. The whipped would yell like a good fellow, while the whipper would wipe the sweat from his brow, conscious that he had made an im- pression that would last. Do female teachers impress boys “with many ideas? Can it be that the «decline of manliness complained of by ‘the strong-minded sisterhood is due to effeminate ideas inculcated by lady teachers? The thought is shocking, yet it bobs up every time the effeminacy of the rising man is broached. Banished be the thought! That was what Sady Macteith said to the blood spot, but that was all the good it did. If a boy grows up among thieves he is likely to be a thief; if raised among In- dians he will partake largely of the Indian nature, or if nurtured among dudes he. will naturally be dudish-- what is to hinder him from being soft and womanish if his rudimentary ed- ucation -is obtained from women teachers? What a field is opened here for the speculative, philosophical woman hat- er. School teachers are not more prone to die than other folks, yet as a class, they complain a great deal -of their killing duties. They say they pick up like everything during vaca- tion; sometimes gaining as much as twenty pounds in weight, but one month in the school-room reduces them to their former state of wan- ness. Whether it is the expenditure of vital energy in moulding the youth- ful mind, or its waste in scheming to get invitations to the opera, oyster suppers, or moonlight drives, is a question that none but an expert dare tackle; and he had better have his hammock swing high. If many of our lady teachers are not unhealthy it is due more to good luck than good management. They starve themselves. No wonder they lose their plumpness, and no wonder their blood is thin, eyes either droopy or starey. It is almost a miracle they are not tortured with dolereux and neuralgia. Blotched faces, smoked complexions and shriveled skin should not be complained of, because they come in obedience to their bidding. All these are results of starvation. The interior of the average teacher’s lunch basket is a curiosity. There are a few cookies, a piece of pie, a slice of cake, a taste of cheese and an ap- ple or an orange. Anything would grow sickly, thin and pimpled on such a diet. There is searcely any nour- ishment in it, particularly of the kind necessary to repair nerve waste. School teaching may be unhealthy work for some women, but a major- ity of those who become debilitated have no one to blame but themselves. They are either too proud, too prud- ish or too finnicky to eat food such as is necessary to supply the waste ‘of vitality caused in the discharge of their duties, and to take proper care of themselves in the matter of dress and habits of life. School teachers need more muscle. A flabby muscle is indicative of a flabby brain. THE RAVAGES OF FASHION. The fad or fashion of wearing furs in summer is hastening the doom of many kinds of animals. How to awaken the devotees of this cruel and senseless craze for fur to the reali- ties of the present day situation, is a problem calling for the most serious consideration and concerted action by statesmen, economists, humanitarians and wild-life conservators. It requir- ed the combined efforts of the Nation- al Association of Audubon societies and their allied sympathizers and sup- porters, and years of strenuous activ- ity to educate our people in the value and importance of the living birds. The obliteration of entire species of fur-bearing animals is near. Nothing but a complete cessation of that cru- el and hysterical habit of buying and wearing the costliest of animal pelts will ever repair the ravages already committed. Here are some facts and figures, furnished by the San Diego Sun that are little short of appalling: The pelts of fur-bearing animals taken by the fur trade in 1919, 1920 and 1921, numbered 95,745,437. The winter auctions of 1921 added enough more to make the grand total of 106,- 000,000. Even this does not tell the whole and awful story of ruthless blood-letting that the fashion de- manded, because the auction sales represented only a proportion of the animals destroyed. The sea-otter, whose fur is the most beautiful known to the trade, is very close to extinction. A few years ago it crowded its habitat. Today the few that remain are being given tardy and, probably, ineffective protection. In three years only 76 of these ani- mals gave their pelts to the market. Trappers should secure no more. Siberia, Australia, Canada and the United States are being swept clean of fur-bearing mammals at the pres- ent time. The finer animals already are so near extermination that trap- pers and furriers are now seeking and taking the lesser animals that four years ago were considered valueless as fur bearers. Thousands of squir- rels are being slaughtered. Over 50,- 000,000 mole skins found their way to market from 1919 to 1921, inclusive. Muskrat skins, once worthless, brought $7.50 a piece in 1920. Some 7,000,000 skunks and 4,500,000 ermine gave up their lives and hides in the three years mentioned. The peak of the killings was in 1919, but the pres- ent destruction is only 10 per cent. below the highest point. If the devo- tees of fashion do not relent, and that soon, fur-bearing animals the world over, will disappear entirely.—Ex. Night Prowling Rabbits Elude Penn- sylvania Hunters. Harrisburg, Pa.—Educated rabbits which roam forth at nights and lay low in secluded spots during the day have proved a great disappointment to hunters in many sections of the State, according to Seth E. Gordon, secreta- ry of the State Game Commission. In other sections where the rabbits have neglected their education the hunt- ing is much better. ; “In some sections,” said Secretary Gordon, “rabbit hunting has been dis- appointing this season. There are plenty of rabbits, but they are not to be found during the day, although at night they venture forth. The only reason we can ascribe is that the rab- bits have become educated and are not venturing forth when the hunters are about.” Gordon declared that reports from game wardens and refuge keepers in- dicated there were more deer than ever before in Pennsylvania, and that there would be plenty of good sport for the deer hunters during the sea- son, which opened December 1st and runs to December 15th. Elk, which can be shot in Pennsylvania for the first time in seventy years, also are reported to be plentiful in the regions which the commission stocked. The Intelligent Animal. Harris prided himself on a thorough knowledge of horses and their habits and so he was interested when, on a visit to the country, he saw a farmer having some trouble with his mount. It would start, amble along slowly for a short distance, and then stop. Then the farmer would have great difficulty in getting it started again. Finally Harris approached the farmer and asked kindly: “Is your horse sick?” “Not as I know of,” was the short reply. : “Is he balky?” “No. But he’s so afraid I'll say ‘Whoa!’ and he won’t hear me that he stops every once in a while to listen.” Why Horses Are Shod. The horses which run at large in the plains country go barefoot, yet they have foot-health. It is only un- . der the artificial conditions imposed by man that the horse requires shoes. A good deal of this necessity for shoes arises from hard pavements and roads which the horse is worked on. But there is another reason. The stabled horse does not get at night a foot dew-bath.” He needs that dew- bath. The moisture can be supplied, and sometimes is, by packing the foot each night in wet clay, a method so wasteful of labor that it is only re- sorted to in exceptional cases, usually when the need is acutely manifest. To maintain a healthy condition and dur- able texture, the horse’s hoof must have moisture. This the dew-bath en- A oR CS LR ROR LAUR CURR SF TR GAMMAANGAMAN EMANATE AN ERR Eee no) Service The First National Bank places at the disposal of its range of service. service—the kind every transaction. in having your Checking pleased Account with us. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE, PA. MEMBER FEDERAL joyed by the pastured horse through- out the night, effectively supplies. Night dew is recognized by horsemen as the best of all medicines for hoofs. Soaking in, it invigorates the .whole structure. The hoof becomes much tougher, more rounded, and better spread. It is not uncommon for horses which are pastured at night through the summer season to stand ap under daily work without being shod. The horse which runs constant- ly in pasture develops sound, tough hoofs, which, though lacking shoes, do not chip, or crack. Time Not Up. “How long did it take your wife to learn to drive?” “It will be ten years this Decem- ber.” customers a wide It is personal that is helpful in You will be RESERVE SYSTEM 0 yy Scenic Theatre.. Week-Ahead Program SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8: Fine All Star Cast in “THE AGE OF DESIRE,” is a wonderful heart throb feature made by the maker of ‘Humoresque.” A story of a woman who sacrificed a son on the altar of selfishness in the craving for luxury. An excellent picture by a big star cast. Also, comedy, “So Long Buddy.” MONDAY, DECEMBER 10: ALICE BRADY in “THE LESPARDESS,” a six reel interesting tale of the tropics, with Alice as the tropical belle, and the great climax when a leop- ard kills his keeper instead of the victim intended. Also, Pathe News and Topics. : TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11: WILLIAM HART in “THE COLD DECK,” is one of the star’s good ones, in which he puts one over in a gambling deal in his usual solemn way. Also, 2 reel Metro Comedy. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12: All Star Cast in “BRASS BOTTLE,” is a romantic adventure story of a young man with a Genii imprisoned 1000 years in a brass bottle. Fine cast, with Harry Myers, Tully Marshall, Barbara LaMarr, Ford Sterling, etc. Don’t miss it. Also Harkinson Comedy, “The Four Orphans.” THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13: POLA NEGRI in “MAD LOVE,” a foreign-made 6 reel feature of this tragic actress, in which her acting is superb and the picture entertaining. A story of flirt who meets a tragic end at hands of a mad lover. Also, Pathe News and Review. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14: HOOT GIBSON in “THE RAMBLIN’ KID,” is a spirited action, good west- ern picture, with roderos and wild riding stunts that thrill with their dar- ing in his race for girl he loves. Also, the second episode of “THE STEEL TRAIL.” OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8: BUCK JONES in “BIG.DAN,” one of this wild west favorite’s best. 2 reel Universal Comedy, “Vamped.” SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15: TOM MIX in “THE LONE STAR RANGER.” Enuf sed. Also, fine Met- ro Comedy, “When Knights Were Cold.” Also, The “Watchman” gives all the news, all the time. Read it. light, heat population growth. DIVIDENDS QUARTERLY Keystone Power Corporation First Cumulative 7% Preferred Stock $100 per share TAX EXEMPT IN PENNSYLVANIA DIVIDENDS ARE NOT SUBJECT TO NORMAL FEDERAL INCOME TAX UNDER PRESENT REVENUE LAW USINESS: Keystone Power Cor- poration supplies electricity for and power purposes in some 34 boroughs and communities having a in excess of 65,000. RRITORY : The territory which the Corporation is authorized to serve exceeds 2,300 square miles and is situated in the counties of Elk, McKean, Clinton and Centre. This district in- cludes prosperous and growing commu- nities having large industrial establish- ments. It is noted for its abundance of natural resources, such as clay for both building and fire brick, coal, glass sand, limestone and timber suitable for wood pulp and tan bark. Excellent railroad facilities assure continued industrial PRICE $100.00 {par value] PER SHARE Cash or monthly payment plan. Additional information gladly furnished. Call at any Keystone office or write Keystone Power Corporation Securities Sales Department 14 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. f J orERTY: The Corporationowns three electric generating central stations with an aggregate installed capacity of 19,840 Kw., 29 high tension sub-stations, having a total transformer ca- pacity of 13,930 Kw., 188 pole miles of high tension transmission lines (in ad- dition to low tension distribution lines). ARNINGS: Gross earnings of the Corporation are showing constant increases, having trebled in the last five years. IVIDENDS: Dividends at therate of 7%, per annum have been paid on the Preferred Stock since incorpor- ation. The Preferred Stock is followed by 12,500 shares present outstanding Common Stock (no par value). RIDGWAY, PA.