Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 30, 1923, Image 7

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    “Bellefonte, Pa., November 30, 1923.
Charles Dara Gibson Says This Form
of Art Originated There
in 1688.
In the modern sense, the cartoon
originated in Holland, stimulated by
the revolution of 1688, says Charles
Dana Gibson in the Mentor. From
there it migrated to England and there
found fertile and congenial soil. The
most significant cartoons of the Eight-
eenth century were directed against
the “bubble mania,” the speculative
madness engineered by the South Sea
company in London, Cartoons such
as the famous one picturing fortune
riding in a car driven by folly, were
displayed in London shop windows and
influenced the art of Hogarth, who is
accepled as the father of the modern
cartoon. Following Hogarth came
Rowlandson, who devoted himself to
social satire, and James Gilray, who
stirred public opinion against Na-
Benjamin Franklin was the first
American cartoonist. His work was
crude; still it inspired the colonists.
His most famous cartoon was that of
a snake cut up into sections and named
after the thirteen colonies. Under this
cartoon were the words “Unite or Die.”
America’s first great cartoonist,
Thomas Nast, was the product of the
Civil war and for years afterward he
continued to influence public opinion.
It was Nast who finally drove Boss
Tweed out of New York. Another
great cartoonist of that period was
Tenniel, who drew the reverent and
splendid “The Nation Mourning at
Lincoln’s Bier,” printed in Punch just
after the death of the martyred presi-
Following Nast came Keppler, Victor
and Gilliam, Rogers, Walker and Iler-
ford, followed by men who have given
the American cartoon a permanent
place in our national history.
Psychology Teaches Him Where to
Play to Get Coins From
the Public.
It is the fad to talk psychology
these days, but few put it to such
practical use as does one blind fiddler.
Somebody told him that a well-
known violinist was to give a recital
at one of the large concert halls, A
half hour before the recital, just as
the early birds were arriving, the old
fiddler chose the curb in front of con-
cert hall for a recital of his own.
He unpacked his well-worn instru-
ment, dropped his shabby black hat
and started his repertoire. “The Last
Rose of Summer” was followed by
“When You and I were Young, Mag-
gle,” “The Old Oaken Bucket,” and
others of the same school.
The enthusiastic crowd grew so
large pedestrians had difficulty in pass-
ing, says the New York Sun and Globe.
As time for the recital inside the hall
drew near, the crowd regularly dis-
persed, but not without first filling the
old hat with bills and coins.
Nobody knew what the old fiddler
muttered as he packed up his fiddle
and went on his way. Maybe it was
“They know good music when they
hear it.” But just as likely it may
have been “You've got to know when
and where to catch em.”
Queer Probation Suit in India.
Twin babies of unequal size are the
starting point of a unique probation
suit. A rich Indian merchant, Dev-
karan Nanji, died leaving his fortune
to his male children, of which he had
several by his first wife. His second
wife, a young Indian woman of thirty,
gave birth to twins soon after her be-
reavement, while traveling in a train
from Bombay to Baroda. It was given
out that the twins were a boy and a
girl, and the widow Immediately en-
tered a claim for a share of the for-
tune on behalf of her son. The ap-
" parent difference in the ages of the
children, however, aroused suspicion
among the other heirs, and it is now
alleged that the woman exchanged one
of the twins, both of which were girls,
for a boy baby from a foundling asy-
tum, The case Is In the courts.
World's Onion Seed.
In Santa Clara valley, Cal.,, on the
sowlands the world’s onion seeds are
produced. The seed is not, of course,
employed for edible purposes, inas-
much as they are allowed to grow un-
til they are far too “old” for such use.
Nearly 20,000 acres of land are used
in the culture of the product. It is
reported that one cultivator has under
way a process whereby the stalks can
be made into paper, much as wood-
pulp has been for many years. About
2,000 fiat-carloads of stalks are turned
out each year.
The Victim.
“Yes, my ’‘usband’s laid up, a vie
dm of football.”
“But I didn’t know ’e ever played
the game.”
“'H doesn’t. 'E sprained 'is larynx
at the match last Saturday !”"—The
Passing Show (London).
The Snowshoe Glide.
“Are you from the Far North?”
“No, why do you ask?”
“You dance as If you had snowshoes
on."—Dartmouth Jack o' Lantern,
Pay as You Go.
Paul—I'd go through anything fo.
Pauline—Let’s start on your bank.
ing account.—Meibourne Punch.
udent of Toulouse Makes Remark
u-iz Discovery While Swimming
in an Underground Stream.
A romantic discovery has just been
made by a student of Toulouse uni-
versity who swam along an under-
ground stream for a mile with an elec-
tric torch in his hand, and found some
relics believed to be at least 25,000
years old.
In the south of France and in Spain,
and to a less extent elsewhere, draw-
ings on bone, and modeling in clay,
and painting on rocks have shown that
20,000 to 30,000 years ago men who
lived in caves had the knack of repre-
senting, by a rude kind of art, the anl-
mals they knew.
They scratched on flat bones the
outlines of reindeer, bison, mammoths
and other animals, and painted them
on the dry walls of caves; and it is
interesting and important to know
what other animals were roaming
about Europe then, as it throws a light
on the changes which have taken place
in the climate.
The student of Toulouse university,
Carteret by name, discovered what
might be called the studio of an artist
of the cave-dwelling period.
On the walls of the cave were rough
drawings of animals, and around were
models made in clay, some in the early
stage of being shaped and others more
fully formed.
Among the animals represented
were lions, tigers, wolves and bears.
This is the first time lions have been
found among the animals known to
the cave artists who once lived in
The animals of
and it is believed the hunters must
have damaged the models before set-
ting out on a hunting expedition, be-
lieving that in doing so they were ren-
dering the real animals vulnerable to
their weapons.
Chinaware Was So Beautiful That It
Was Never Exported, but Was Re-
served for Emperors.
The Arabs mentioned porcelain fac
corfes and stores in their writings
about 800 A. D. The Arabian geog-
rapher, Mohammed-el-Efridi, who lived
in Sicily at the court of Roger 11, pub-
lished, about 1154, a geographic work
in which he told of the town of Djan-
kow, where “Chinese glass” was made.
He added that there was ‘no finer and
more esteemed profession in Djankow
than that of a potmaker or a pot de-
signer.” Toward the middle of the
Fourteenth century, Ibn Batuta, the
Arabian traveler, described Chinese
ceramic as the most beautiful in the
world. The Chinese manufactured
dishes and porcelain ware for a very
long time. In the history of the great
Chinese empire one reads that oniy
certain towns and villages went in for
porcelain industry. The finest china-
ware was made in the province of
Saxij. It was so beautiful and so
much like the finest crystal that it
never was exported, but was exclusive-
ly reserved for the use of the Chinese
Lady Nicotine's Star Part.
Why leave Lady Nicotine out of the
dramatis personae of the modern
drama, when she plays such an im-
portant role? She figures large in the
action and situations of comedy and
tragedy, of farce and melodrama. She
is the silent herald of deep thought
to be uttered, of an epigram to be de-
She gives away the villain in the
manner in which she goes up in smoke
from his sneering lips. She helps the
comedian put across his “stuff.” She
fills in gaps in action and in lines. She
labels the beautiful woman who holds
a cigarette between her pink fingers
or red lips as a vamp or an adven-
turess. The male trifler would be
nothing without her help, and the
flapper might be mistaken for a sen-
sible girl.
Lady Nicotine identifies them all, In
some plays she has the star part. Why
not put her name in the cast?—Wash-
ington Post.
Stymied at Lunch.
Jolf Is a game that has a special
vocabulary of its own, and beginners
are at first a little at sea with re-
gard to the meaning of some of the
terms. You are ‘stymied,” for ex-
ample, when your opponent's ball lies
directly in the path your own ball
must take in order to drop into the
hole, The Tatler says:
A gentleman was playing on a cer-
tain links in Scotland when he turned
to his caddie and sald: “I say, caddie,
why couldn't that fellow get his ball
into the hole?”
“He was stymied. sir,” was the re-
“He was what?”
“He was stymied, sir,” repeated the
“Oh, was he?’ replied the other,
‘T thought he looked rather funny at
lunch.”—Youth’s Companion.
Tough on Daddy.
Daddy was confined to the house
~ith Spanish influenza, and mother
was busy sterilizing the dishes which
had come from the sick-room.
“Why do you do that?’ asked four-
year-old Donald.
“Because, dear, peer daddy has
germs, and the germs get on the
dishes. I boil them, and that kills all
the horrid germs.”
Donald turned this over in his wind
for several minutes. Then: ‘Mother,
why don’t you boll daddy?”
the prehistoric |
sculptor appear all to be wounded, |
- reer
U. S. Weather Bureau Sends Out
Warning to Certain Regions
When Earthquakes Occur. *
While seismological or earthquake
records cannot be used directly in pre-
dicting quakes, they have other prac-
tical uses. When the records are col-
lected and studied they throw a great
deal of light on the nature of earth-
quakes generally, and it is conceivable
that at some future time this informa-
ton may lead to successful methods
of prediction.
In one way, however, which is illus-
trated in the practice of the Hawaiian
volcano observatory, conducted by the
weather bureau of the United States
Department of Agriculture, seismolog-
ical records are of immediate practical
utility. Severe earthquakes within
oceanic areas frequently are attended
by so-called tidal waves. There may
be an interval of many hours between
the occurrence of the quake and the
arrival of the destructive oceanic wave
at any given place. When a violent
earthquake appearing to have occurred
in the Pacific ocean is registered at
the Hawaiian observatory, the officials
send out warnings by cable or other-
wise to the regions likely to be affect-
ed by the accompanying tidal waves,
so that the people may not be caught
unprepared. This service said to
have resulted in a great saving of life
and property.
Enormous Difficulties Experienced in
| Construction of Underground
Railway Opened in 1863.
fn October, 1860, London's first un-
derground nmailway was approaching
completion, but it was not until Janu-
ary 10, 1863, that the first passenger
"train ran. Enormous difficulties were
experienced during construction.
i The third-class passengers traveled
in trucks, but the first-class carriages
were lofty and comfortable. The car-
_riages held ten persons, and were light-
"ed by gas. They were high enough
, to allow a tall man to stand wearing
his silk hat.
| Sir William Hardman, in “A Mid-
i Victorian Pepys” (Cecil Palmer), de-
i scribes the first time he took his wife
i to visit “The Drain,” as the new Un
. derground was called.
“It goes very smoothly and rapidly,”
ke writes; “it feels very safe and
quiet, T am spirited away to Bays-
water before IT know we have started.
The only difficulty is not to pass your
station, for the stations are all pre-
cisely alike, without any distinctive
features of surrounding streets or
country to guide you, and if you are
not carefully looking out you are car-
ried farther than you intended to go.”
St. John River Falls.
Jne of the show places of Canada
is the famous “Reversing FKalls” in
the province of New Brunswick, at the
mouth of the St. John river, although
they are really not “falls” in the ordi-
nary acceptance of the term.
The “falls” result from the narrow
and shallow outlet through which the
tide, which rises with great rapidity.
~and to an altitude of twenty-eight feet,
has to pass. The outlet is not suf-
ficiently bioud or deep to admit the
tidal waters with their rise. hence a
fall inward is produced during the
At the ebb the tide recedes faster
than the outlet of the river can admit
of the escape of water accumulated
within the inner basin; hence a fall
The falls are passable four times
in twenty-four hours, about fifteen
minutes at each time, when steam-
ers, sailing vessels and rafts pass up
or down.—Montreal Gazette.
Taking No Chances.
an Engiishman staying at a Nevada
‘ ranch suggested that his host should
take a walk with him to a mountain
| that looked close at hand, The Eng-
lishman was deceived in the appear-
ance of the distance owing to the rar-
ity of the atmosphere. After walk-
ing several hours the mountain seemed
no nearer,
Returning by a different route, the
pair came upon an irrigated field.
At the first ditch the Englishman
sat down and began to remove his
“What are you going to do?’ In-
quired the Nevadan,
The Englishman contemplated the
ditch and said, “Why, I'm going to
swim this blooming river.”
Tell Time by Cat's Eyes.
ihe Chinese peasant, who has neith-
.r watch, clock nor sundial, tells the
time from the eyes of a cat. The de-
gree of dilation of a cat's eye varies
through the day, contracting and ex-
panding as the light grows strong or
dim. The Chinese peasant has mere-
ly to note the size of the pupil in or-
der to know at once the hour of the
day. This method, which has not a
little originality, must, however, be
somewhat inconvenient if the feline
timepiece should happen wv bs wid
somewhere on business of its own.—
Le Petit Parkinson.
Sticking to Ethics.
The professor swims from the sink.
.ng boat and climbs up on the bank.
Then, dashing in «unin, he returns to
the wreck and rescues his wife.
“But why didn’t you save her be-
fore?’ asked the listener-in in won-
“Ah, my dear sir,” was the learned
man’s reply, “I was bound to save
myself first. Self-preservation is the
frst law of nature.”—Pittsburgh Post.
Increased Consumption of Fish WIV
Lessen the Thyroid Disease,
Doctors Claim.
According to a fisheries service bul-
letin of the Department of Agricul-
ture, it has long been known that the
proper functioning of the thyroid
gland in man and animals is condi-
tioned upon the presence of an ade-
quate amount of iodine and that the
lack of iodine is associated with
disorders such as goiter, cretin-
ism, etc. Iodine usually is adminis-
tered in some form as a preventive of
or treatment for thyroid enlargements,
but as a general preventive of such
troubles in a whole population it is
recognized that some more generally
applicable means must be found.
Physiologists and physicians recently
have called attention to the probabil-
ity that sea foods might constitute an
agreeable and convenient source of
iodine for the public at large. If so,
it would be necessary only to encour-
age the consumption of sea foods to
prevent the thyroid troubles referred
In order to supply exact information
on this subject an investigation of the
iodine content of sea fcods has been
undertaken in the fishery products
laboratory of the bureau of fisheries.
The iodine In oysters, clams, lobsters,
ete., several important species of food
fishes from salt water and fresh wa-
ter, and those that pass. part of
their lives in salt water and part in
fresh is being determined quantita-
tively. Dr. Donald K. Tressler is
conducting the investigation, which is
expected to continue for two or three
months, At present the only precise
information available on the subject
deals with species of fish found in
Lorelei, Its Guardian, Dragged Down
the Misers of Old to Their
According to the story, at the bot
.om of the Rhine was the vast Rhine-
gold, a treasure of incalculable rich-
ness. It glistened beneath the waters
and the Lorelei were its guardians.
Those crabbed masculine souls who
prized the beauty of gold above the
beauty of charming women, who pre-
ferred gold in metal to the golden
skins and golden hair of the Lorelel,
were dragged down to their fate.
The hair of the Lorelei was said to
be spun of impossible fine strands of
the golden store and the gold of their
lovely cheeks was supposed to be
a powder made of the mass of gold at
the bottom of the stream, beaten by
But this gold the miserly did not
see, and their punishment was to
sée the treasure helow them on the
clear bottom of the river and be-
coming crazed with the sight of it,
to try to dip their hands in it and
fall in, lamented by nobody.— Detroit
Over the Fence Is Out.
A Scottish farmer was noted for his
strength and skill. A young peer, a
great pugilistic amateur, had come
from London to fight the athletic Scot.
The latter was working in an inclos-
ure a little distance from the house
when the amateur arrived. His lord-
ship tied his horse to a tree and ad-
dressed the farmer thus:
“Friend, I have heard a great deal
about you and I have come a long way
to see which of us is the better
The Scotchman, without answering,
seized the young man by the middle
of his body, pitched him over the
fence and returned to his work. When
his lordship recovered his breath he
stood silent.
“Well,” said the farmer, “have you
anything more to say to me?”
“No,” was the reply, “hut perhaps
you'll be so good as to throw me my
horse !”—Edinburgh Scotsman.
Some Block System. .
4 man traveling in a train that had
nade several abrupt stops and sud-
on jerks, became a bit anxious. There
had been numerous accidents on the
line of late, so he had been told, and
there was cause for fear. Calling the
porter aside, he said: “George, is
this train safe?”
“Safe as any, suh.”
“Is there a block system on the
George's grin extended from ear to
“Block system, suh? Why, boss, we
has de greatest block system in de
world. Ten miles back we was blocked
by a load of hay, six miles back we
was blocked by a cow, and I reckon
when we gets farther south we'll be
blocked by an alligator. Block sys-
tem, suh? Well, I'll say it is!”"—
Country Gentleman.
That Was Different.
O'Halloran rushed up to a cottage,
shouting: “Lend me a spade! Lend
me a spade!” :
“What for?” asked the owner of the
“To dig my friend out of the bog,”
replied O'Halloran. “He's just fallen
in and he's up to his ankles!”
“Up to his ankles!” replied the other,
“Then you don’t need a spade. I'll lend
you a rope.” :
“Begorrah, but a rope’s no good,” re
plied the would-be rescuer. “He
couldn't catch hold of it!”
“Why not?”
“For several reasons,” replied
O'Halloran; “but the chief one is that
he went in head first.”—Pittsburgh
f Work Shoes
oh Every pair guaranteed to be
gs solid leather, or a new pair
LH given in their stead.......
Yeager's Shoe Store &
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= Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. 2]
office for High Class Job work.
~ Lyon & Co.
Lyon & Co.
Come to the “Watchman”
Gift Suggestions
Madeira Luncheon Sets
. “ Tea Napkins
Linens | «pip Cases
| “ Handkerchief Cases
Stamped Linens
Table Scarfs, Guest Towels, Lunch-
eon Sets in white andfecru, Chil-
~ drens Dresses
0Cll Holiday Prices
on Winter Coats----for the Ladies,
Misses and Children
| Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.