Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 12, 1923, Image 8

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"Bellefonte, Pa., October 12, 1923.
EE —————————
Keep in mind the bazaar to be
held in the Presbyterian chapel Thurs-
day, November 15th.
— Governor Pinchot has named
Friday, October 26th, as fall Arbor
and bird day in Pennsylvania.
Yes, we will have big eats.
Hot dogs, sandwiches, doughnuts, cof-
fee. Hallow-een. Woman’s Club.
— The ladies of “the Milésburg
Presbyterian church will hold their
annual Christmas bazaar December
7th and 8th, in the firemen’s hall.
———While playing with some boy
«companions, last Friday, Kenneth Ul-
rich, eight year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ulrich, fell and broke his
right arm.
Frosty mornings with the ther-
mometer six degrees below the freez-
ing line, have characterized the
weather of the past week in this sec-
tion of the State.
D. M. Walters, of Altoona, who
has opened an auto repair shop at
Pleasant Gap, has moved his family
into half of the house recently pur-
chased by Arthur Houck from G. Nor-
man Good.
Rev. T. W. Young will hold
‘services in the Presbyterian church,
both morning and evening on Sun-
day, at the usual hours. The Holy
Communion will be administerred at
‘the morning service. .
——Judge Henry C. Quigley has
set Friday, October. 19th, as the date
for a special session of court to hear
surety of the peace and non-support
cases, quite a large list of which will
be called up for disposal.
The storm doors were put up at
‘the Bush house entrance on Tuesday
mering, and a decided improvement
made by cutting out the solid panels
in the double doors at the ladies en-
#rance and replacing them with glass.
Included in the delegation of
Pennsylvanians appointed by Gover-
mer Pinchot, last Friday, to attend the
mational convention of the Anti-Sa-
loon League at Birmingham, Ala,
December 17th to 20th, is Miss Rebec-
«a N. Rhoads, of Bellefonte.
——Gettysburg and Penn State will
«lash on the gridiron on Beaver field,
at State College, tomorrew afternoon.
The battlefield kickers have shown
«wonsiderable strength in the two
games already ‘played, and while State
ought to win the game by a fair mar-
in the visitors will likely make it in-
Mr. G. R. Spigelmyer, who re-
«ently sold his house on Howard
street to the Methodist congregation,
nade sale of his household goods on
Saturday and in the near future will
zmake his home with Mr. and Mrs.
DhHard Hartswick,
street from where he has lived for
many years.
Today there is to be another
wisit of inspection to the new opera-
#ioms of the Blanchard-Moshannon
Mining company east of Karthaus.
_All stockholders and any others who
imay care to accompany them are in-
wited. The party will be guests of
#he company at a “real dinner” and
will ieave here about nine o’clock this
morning in order to reach the opera-
&ien by noon.
Rev. E. Roy Corman, of Cres-
sona, Pa., has accepted a call to the
pastorate of the First Reformed
church in Sunbury, Pa., as successor
£0 Rev. Charles E. Roth, who goes to
Reading. The item is interesting to
Centre countians because of the fact
that he is a native of Spring Mills,
this county, and Mrs. Corman is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
Fisher, of Centre Hall.
A summer camp now in the
course of erection on a small island
one mile above the Masonic camp at
the Snow Shoe Intersection, will have
a joint ownership of eleven families,
iincknding the John M. Bullock family,
that of John Payne, Wilbur Baney,.
¥rank P. Hoag, G. Oscar Gray, S.
Clande Herr, Harry Murtoff, Edward
Owens, Van Jodon, Rev. DePui May-
-mard and Mark Williams. :
-Football is now the prevailing
‘sport while the motion pictures at the
Scenic is the one dependable source of
enfertainment in Bellefonte. Every
evening in the week, excépt Sunday,
£big programs of superior films are
= ghown at this popular place of amuse-
« myenit, andl the big attendance every
« evening iis proof positive that the pic-
‘mres are appreciated by the regular
. patrons. Be a regular and see all the
. good ones.
-Miss Gertrude Taylor, who on
<zgceourit of ill health was obliged to
= pesign her position as instructor of
-.Figpfish in the schools of Bellefonte,
“several months ago, is now critically
ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. W.
D. Zerby. Miss Taylor’s condition be-
@ame so grave during the past week
tthat her mother, Mrs. Hugh S. Tay-
lox, -and her sister, Miss Bernice Tay-
Tor, a professional nurse, were called
home from Pittsburgh.
Six candidates on the Demo-
ardtic county ticket attended a get-
waeguainted meeting in Philipsburg,
3ast Thursday evening, and were
greeted by many loyal Democrats in
Philipsburg and every precinct of
Rush township. There wasn’t any
JSuke-warmness in the reception giv-
«en the candidates but such genuine
enthusiasm as to warrant the belief
#het that section of the county will
wriake a good showing for the whole
@emocratic ticket at the polls in No-
just across the |
Red Cross Nursing Service
be Discontinued?
The annual Red Cross roll call will
begin November 4th and continue for
one week, ending November 11th. It
was decided to hold the roll call in
October but, since there are several
entertainments for the hospital dur-
ing this month, the Red Cross com-
mittee selected the date above an-
nounced. Hardman P. Harris has
| Shall Our
charge, of the roll call and’ will soon’
publish a list of his helpers for the
| different sections of the town. It
, must be remembered that not a cent
“collected for the Japanese relief went
' to the Red Cross and if the nursing
| service is to be continued, at least
' sixteen hundred dollars must be col-
lected. At the close of the war there
|'was a surplus in the Red Cross treas-
ury which, with the amounts collected
‘in the annual drives, has financed the
nursing service for three years and a
half. That surplus is now exhausted
and only enough money remains to
continue the service through this
year. The question for us, as a com-
munity, is whether or not the nurs-
ing service is worth continuing. Let
us not evade it but consider carefully
the reports published monthly and
then decide. The columns of this pa-
per are open for communications on
the subject and its discussion is earn-
estly desired by the officers and com-
mittee—M. DeP. Maynard, chairman;
Wilson P. Ard, vice chairman; Charles
i M. McCurdy, treasurer; Mrs. Max
Gamble, secretary; Mary Blanchard,
Mrs. Brouse, Mrs. Charles Kurtz,
John Love, Elizabeth Meek, Mrs.
Blanche Schloss, Mrs. J. D. Seibert,
Dr. J. L. Seibert, Kline Woodring.
The report of the Red Cross com-
munity nurse, Mrs. Merrill Hagan,
for September:
Nursing care visits - - -
Instruction visits - - - -
Investigation visits - - - 4
Miscellaneous visits - - - 51
Visits to schools - - - - 18
Total - - - - 163
Number of bdbies at well-baby clinics 18
Individuals treated at office - 7
Number of hours spent in office - 24
Total upkeep of automobile - $19.16
Serubbing - - - - 3.00
Gloves and washing - - 3.90
Fees collected - - - - 10.00
Elk Will be Legal Game to Kill
This Fall.
Upwards of half a million hunters
‘go to the woods every year in Penn-
season and at least half that num-
sured of bringing down a lordly elk.
This species of game will be legal
killing this fall, from December 1st
to 15th, but the specifications require
that the animal be a male with four
or more points to one antler. Inas-
much as the elk are not very plenti-
ful, even in the regions in ‘which they
were transplanted five. years ago, the
chances of being able to kill one are
so remote that few hunters are bank-
ing on getting any.
The only worth while game that is
now in season is raccoon, and already
quite a number have been captured in
Centre county. But the greater num-
ber of hunters are waiting for No-
vember first when squirrel, wild tur-
keys, pheasant and rabbits will come
in. Only the male bird of ringneck
pheasants can be killed, but inasmuch
as these beautiful game birds are still
quite scarce in Centre county it would
be a gracious act on the part of all
hunters to voluntarily abstain from
killing them.
The ordinary pheasant (ruffed
grouse) are said to be quite plentiful,
while various flocks of wild turkeys
have been seen on the mountains.
Rabbits are also numerous but squir-
rel hunting does not afford the sport
it did a quarter of a century ago
when various nut trees were more
plentiful. However, enough small
game will probably be found in the
woodlands to afford sport for the
small army of hunters during the
month of November, and then will
come the universal exodus to the
mountains in quest of deer, which are
reported as numerous this year as
last, when the kill in Centre county
was the largest in many years.
Golf Association Organized.
The Central Counties Golf associa-
tion of Pennsylvania was organized
by representatives of seven country
clubs in the central territory last Sat-
urday, following an invitation inter-
club tournament at the new Centre
Hills Country club, of State College.
Blairmont, of Hollidaysburg; Altoo-
na Cricket Club, Birch Hill, of Lewis-
town; Huntingdon, Tyrone, Nittany,
of Bellefonte, and Centre Hills are
the charter members. The Lock Ha-
ven, Philipsburg, and Clearfield clubs
will be invited to join the association.
The purpose of the new association
is to arrange inter-club matches on a
uniform basis, hold an annual individ-
ual and club championship tourna-
ment, and in all other ways to further
the interests of the game in Central
Pennsylvania. The business of the
association will be conducted by a
board of delegates, composed of two
representatives of each club.
At the first meeting of the board of
delegates the following officers were
elected: President, R. H. Smith, of
Centre Hills; vice president, O. C.
Skinner, of Birch Hill; secretary-
treasurer, A. R. Warnock, of Centre
Hills; chairman of the tournament
committee, L. Cannon, of the Altoona
Cricket club.
S————— ff ———————————
——A little daughter, who will be
named Ethel, was born Saturday, to
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Gettig.
sylvania during the game hunting
If You are Going to Gather Walnuts
—Here’s a Tip.
The fellow who said “there’s noth-
ing new under the sun” pulled that
bit of philosophy long before this age
of progress and ingenuity.
Every day some new way of doing
an old job is turning up. Alert minds
and modern devices are working to-
gether to make the burdensome jobs
of years ago a snit today.
| When a'boy we took a flour sack,
a worn out baby carriage or a wheel-
barrow and started for the hills to
gather walnuts. Being too small to
climb the large trees and too light to
shake or bump the walnuts off with
a stone, we spent most of the day
throwing clubs at the branches near-
est the ground and would come home
in the evening with a peck or so of
the nuts and a right arm so sore that
we could scarcely raise it next morn-
ing. :
The boys of today know little of
how the boys of yesterday did things.
And the boys of yesterday never
dreamed how the boys of today would
do them.
On Monday three youths were
going to Snow Shoe in a small truck.
As they neared Gum Stump one of
them noticed three walnut trees load-
ed with nuts, standing by the road-
side. They stopped the truck, made
a quick survey of the situation and
then started to back. Quicker, almost
than we can tell it, they had backed
speedily and bumped the walnut trees
with such force that the nuts fairly
rattled down. The real work, the
tiresome, tedious work of other days
that required hours, was over in a
| Jiffy and the lads jumped off, gather-
ed up the nuts and were off with half
a truck load of them before the owner.
of the trees, who had been so inter-
ested in their unusual maneuvers,
wakened up and remembered that he
had been planning to have those wal-
nuts for himself.
' Agriculture Community Days and
Potato Round-Up.
Four agriculture community days
and potato round-ups will be held in
Centre county next week, in the High
schools having a course in vocational
agriculture. The round-ups will be
preliminary exhibitions of the sum-
mer’s work of the boys’ potato clubs
in preparation for the big potato
show to be held in Bellefonte on
Thursday, October 25th, during the
week of the teachers’ institute. Each
boy will exhibit one peck of potatoes
from his project as well as his record
eas y book. The public is cordially invited
ber would be willing to forego all to attend these meetings and exhib-
other shooting if he could only be as- its, which will be held as follows:
Court house, Bellefonte, Tuesday
afternoon, October 16th, for all boys
in Nittany valley from Pleasant Gap
to Lamar, and those in Buffalo Run
valley up as far as Waddle. Prizes
of $5.00; $3.00 and $1.00 will be
awarded. ro
Port Matilda, Wednesday, October
17th, at. 1:30 p. m., exhibits of all
schools in Worth and Halfmoon town-
ships. Prizes, $10.00 by Community
bank for boys’ potato projects, and
$15.00 by business men for general
school exhibits.
Aaronsburg, Thursday, October
18th, at 1:30 p. m., exhibits of all
schools in Haines township, and pota-
to show of boys in Penn and Haines
townships. Prizes, $10.00 by Mill-
heim business men for boys’ potato
projects, and $20.00 for general ex-
hibits by the Millheim banks and cit-
izens of Haines township. :
State College, Friday, October 19th,
at 1:30 p. m., in the High school build-
ing, for all boys carrying potato pro-
jects in Potter, Harris, College and
Ferguson townships. Prizes by the
Business Men’s association and the
Dr. J. Finley Bell Got Photograph of
Spring Creek Trout.
Time and again amateur and, pro-
fessional photographers have tried to
take a photograph of the many big
trout in Spring creek but never suc-
cessfully accomplished the feat, and
because of this fact the “Watchman”
editor, in an item last week, rather
discouraged the idea that the mov-
ing picture operator who reeled off
several hundred feet of film for the
purpose of catching the big trout in
the creek, would get anything worth-
while for his efforts: .But this week
we received ample proof that fish in
a flowing stream can be caught by the
camera in a photograph sent us by
Dr. J. Finley Bell, of Englewood, N.
J. The picture, taken on a recent trip
to Bellefonte, includes Spring creek
above the falls and very plainly
shows three trout. In a letter accom-
panying the photograph the doctor
“I notice in your news department
that a movie photographer attempted
to photograph the trout in Spring
creek. Your reference to the matter
was one of doubt as to its success,
you stating that it had never been
done. On the morning of September
2nd, 1928, at 10 o’clock, I took a pic-
ture of Spring creek, above the falls,
which shows three trout, a print of
which I enclose. I used a reflex focal
plain shutter camera, with a Tessar
Zeist lens 4.5, stopped to 18 and speed
of one twenty-fifth of a second, and
super-speed cut films.”
——The Fire and Police committee
of borough council has secured two
“stop and go” signs, with red and
white lights, which for the present
will be used to control traffic at the
intersection of High and Spring
streets and Allegheny and Bishop
streets. The signs will be in opera-
tion only on Wednesday and Saturday
evenings when traffic is the heaviest.
All Aboard for Hallow-een and the
Harvest Queen!
. The Harvest Queen contest for the
Elk’s big Hallow-een celebration open-
ed on Wednesday morning of this
week, instead of next Monday morn-
ing, as advertised last week, and from
the interest manifested on the first
day there is every indication that
there will be some lively competition
among the girls of Bellefonte and
surrounding places for the queenship
honor. As stated in the “Watchman”
last week, the contest is not limited to
Bellefonte girls but is open to any as-
pirant in the county, and the one way
to add excitement to the enterprise is
for other towns and villages to put
their popular girls in the running.
Inasmuch as the contest has only a
little over two weeks to run it be-
hooves all entrants to not only get
busy at once but work hard until the
final vote is cast.
Capt. William H. Brown has been
chosen chief marshall of the big pa-
rade which will form at 7:30 p. m. on
Hallow-een evening, and all organiza-
tions entering in a body, or individ-
uals who intend to enter floats, are
requested to notify Capt. Brown of
their intention so to do on or before
Saturday, October 27th, so that a
proper place in the parade may be as-
signed them.
The committee has secured the
services of Achenbach’s famous nine
orchestra, of State College, to furnish
music for the big charity ball to be
given in the armory after the parade,
a fact that will please all lovers of
the dance.
¢ Inasmuch as the celebration - this
year will be given as a benefit for the
Bellefonte hospital everybody in Cen-
tre'county should lend a hand in mak-
ing it a great financial success.
DeMolay Officers Installed.
At the last regular meeting of
Penn-Centre chapter Order of DeMo-
lay, the following recently elected offi-
cers were installed for the ensuing
Master Councillor—J. Malcolm Aikey.
Senior Councillor—Warren L. Cobb.
. Junior Councillor—Nelson Zimmerman.
Treasurer—Charles BE. Williams.
Scribe—Mahlon Robb.
Chaplain—Edward Willard.
Senior Deacon—Nelson Jones.
Junior Deacon—Russell Hill.
Senior Steward—Allison Hollobaugh.
Junior Steward—Edwin T. Tuten 3rd.
Almoner—George Scott. :
Marshal—Jack Yeager.
Standard Bearer—Sherman Confer,
Sentinel—Herbert ‘Bilger.
First Preceptor—Joseph Hoy.
Second Preceptor—William Garbrick.
Third Preceptor—Hoy Royer.
Fourth Preceptor—Sherwood Hollobaugh
Fifth Preceptor—Kenneth Mayes.
‘Sixth Preceptor—Robert Raymond.
Seventh Preceptor—Paul Dubbs.
The Chapter is progressing finely,
considering the fact that it is less
than six months old. The member-
ship roll contains the names of one
hundred and sixteen young men from
all over Centre county, and petitions
are constantly coming in for admis-
sion. "A new class will probably be’
initiated the fourth Tuesday of this
month, and regularly every month
thereafter. Subscriptions are now
being solicited for the band uniforms,
and a three act play is in prospect for
the latter part of November for the
benefit of the band.
Noted Orator to Speak in Bellefonte
on Sunday.
Hon. Clinton N. Howard, the little
giant of the American platform and
one of the most eloquent speakers in
this country, will be at St. John’s
Lutheran church Sunday morning at
10:45, and in the Methodist church at
7:30 p. m. In the morning Mr. How-
ard will take as his subject “God Re-
making the World,” and in the even-
ing will speak on “Peace Through the
Prince of Peace.”
Mr. Howard comes to Bellefonte as
the representative of the National Re-
form association, which has for its
1923 program the following objec-
tives: National obedience to Christ
as Supreme Ruler; enforcement of na-
tional prohibition; equal rights for
men and women; industrial justice;
religious education; the reading of the
Bible in the public schools; Sabbath
observance; abolition of polygamy b
constitutional amendment, and a fed-
eration of nations for world-wide
Mr. Howard speaks to more people
in a year than any living American,
with a possible single exception, and
is noted for his brilliant talents as a
lecturer and orator. Do not fail to
hear him Sunday.
Bellefonte High Overwhelms Phil-
In their opening game on Hughes
field, on Saturday, the Bellefonte
High school football team simply
overwhelmed the Philipsburg High
eleven, the final score being 42 to 0.
A number of Philipsburgers accom-
panied their team to Bellefonte feel-
ing confident of an easy vietory but
they never had a chance from the be-
ginning to the end of the game. The
Bellefonte boys played excellent ball
and showed splendid team work.
The Bellefonte Academy team lost
their game with the Penn Freshmen
in Philadelphia by the close score of
6 to 0. An arbitrary ruling of the
referee literally gave the Penn Fresh-
men their only score, otherwise the
game would have been a scoreless tie.
State College defeated North Car-
olina, on Beaver field, by the score of
16 to 0.
——— A —————————
— Stop! Look!! Eat!!! Watch
for the good things to be served on
Hallow-een by the Woman’s Club.
—Miss Nina Lamb returned home last
Friday from Chicago, where she had been
for a two week's visit with Mrs. Miles
—Mr. and Mrs. Alter Ulsh had as house
guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bowman and their small son,
friends from their former home at Millers-
—DMr. and Mrs. G. Willard Hall, of Har-
risburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kase, of
Sunbury, were in Bellefonte on Saturday
for the G. R. Spigelmyer sale of house-
hold goods.
EE — — — — — meme /
—Miss Virginia Hilton, of New York
city, is a guest of Miss Helen Valentine.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Richard left yes-
terday for their annual fall visit to At-
lantic City and Philadelphia.
—Mrs. LeRoy Plumb, who was called
here by the death of her mother, Mrs.
Joseph Fox, left Monday to return to her
home at Newton, Kansas.
—Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fenlon and Mrs.
James B. Lane are east for a stay at At-
lantic City and a visit with relatives in
Philadelphia and New .Jersey.
. —Mrs. H. 8. Meyers, who had been in
Bellefonte with Mr. Meyers’ sister, Mra.
Edith Knoff, and with the Kephart fam-
—Among Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Houser's {ly at Fillmore, for a week, returned Mon-
October house guests have been Mrs. Wil-
liam Wert, of Millersburg; Mrs. Benton
Negley, of Killinger, and Miss Sue C. Len-
ker, of Lemont.
—Albert Jones motored up from Balti-
more and spent the week-end with friends
in Bellefonte being accompanied on the
trip home on Sunday by his brother Law-
rence, who returned home on Monday
—Miss Janet Potter is expected in Belle-
fonte within a few days for a short visit
home, intending then to return east. Miss
Potter, who has been in ill health, spent
the summer at Ashbourne, Atlantic City,
Boston and Baltimore.
—In addition to the delegation from
State College in attendance at the annual
dairy and stock show at Syracuse, N. Y.,
this week, other Centre countians who ara
helping to swell the crowd are county
agent Joseph N. Robinson, of Bellefonte;
Robert P. Campbell, of Centre Hall, and |
J. Will Mayes, of Howard.
—Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Young returned
on Tuesday from a three week's visit with
their daughters in Pittsburgh and with
old friends at Washington and Prosperity,
Pa. At Washington Rev. Young had the
pleasure of preaching to his old congre-
gation and was the central figure in a!
general reception after the church serv-
—Mrs. Wells L. Daggett was obliged to
postpone her visit to Cleveland until next
Monday; her plans now being for a two
week's visit with her nieces, Mrs. Murch
and Miss Georgie Daggett; the latter will
then accompany her home, expecting to
stop in Bellefonte for a short time with
the Daggett, family, before returning to
her work in New York.
—Mrs. C.. G. McMillen spent the early
part of the week in Bellefonte with Col.
and Mrs. J. L. Spangler, having driven
here Sunday from Altoona, with her
daughter, Mrs. Roxey McMillen Moore and
some friends. Leaving Tuesday, Mrs. Mec-
Millen joined the party in Altoona, expect-
ing to start on the drive back to Dayton,
Ohio, Wednesday morning.
—Mr. and Mrs. William Strausbaugh
have returned to their home at Sparrow’s
Point, Md., after a brief visit with Mrs.
Strausbaugh’s mother, Mrs. Emma C.
Bathgate, at Lemont, being accompanied
by the latter, who has closed her home
and will spend the winter with her daugh-
ters, Mrs. Strausbaugh, at Sparrow's
Point, and Mrs. Ora W. Seeley, in Phila-
delphia. :
—Mrs. P. H. Fairlamb, of Philadelphia, :
who had been here for a visit of three
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wea-
ver, of Ridge street, returned to her home
in the city on Saturday. Mrs. Fairlamb
enjoyed her visit here very much, having
met many friends who were her school-
mates when she was a girl in Bellefonte
and while here also made a trip to Clear-
field fora short visit with her sisters,
Mrs. H. C. Crissman and Miss Jennie
Weaver. s
—Mr. George Kirk, of Luthersburg, was
an over-Sunday visitor with his cousin,
Dr. M. A. Kirk. Ordinarily we would stop
this item right here but unusual interest
attaches to Mr. Kirk because of the fact
that he is eighty-six and a half years old
and the oldest surveyor in the State on
active duty. Notwithstanding his extreme
age he thinks nothing of traveling eight
or ten miles a day through rough, moun-
tainous country while running lines of old
surveys or making new ones.
—Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Geis were
guests at the Brockerhoff house over the
week-end and Sunday. Mr. Geis is a
nephew of Mrs. M. A. Landsy and spent
the past five years in Colorado and Mis-
souri. Tiring of the west he decided to
return to his old home in Philadelphia and
disposing of his interests in Missouri he
and his wife left that State last Monday
morning and made the trip east in a Ford
coupe, traveling 1260 miles in four days
at an expenditure of less than thirteen
dollars for oil and gas. 5
—A driving party which included Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Gilliland and Mrs. E. M.
Broderick, of State College; Miss Grace
Smith, of Centre Hall, and Miss Mabel Al-
lison, of Spring Mills, left Sunday in the
Gilliland car for a drive to Philadelphia.
Mr. Gilliland drove the car as far as Har-
risburg, Mrs. Gilliland taking it there for
the remainder of the trip down and the
drive home Wednesday. During their stay
in the city Miss Allison was a guest of
Miss M. Eloise Schuyler, while Miss Smith
spent the time at Ardmore, with J. Wit-
mer Wolf and his daughter, Miss Emma.
—Perry L. Powell, head of the employ-
ment bureau of the Viscose enterprise at
Lewistown, was in Bellefonte the latter
part of last week looking for girl opera-
tives. Viscose products are artificial silk
and the industry at Lewistown is a very
large one. Construction work "has been
completed and at present there are 1750
workers in the plant. The plans are for
enlargement until they employ 38500 peo-
ple. The company ‘is building a model
village near the plant so that attractive
homes for operatives will be provided
and employment for all members of the
family who are legally and physically
competent to work.
—Wednesday afternoon we had the
pleasure of a short chat with J, M. Ward,
of Akron, Ohio. He came in for the fun-
eral of his sister, the late Mrs. David Beh-
rer, who was buried on Tuesday, and in-
asmuch as he hadn't been in Centre coun-
ty for some years was very busy getting
‘round to see the places and people he
knew when here. Mr. Ward is a son of the
late John Ward, of Stormstown, and like
his respected old father before him, was
for years the village blacksmith there.
day to ner home at Olean, N. Y.
—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wieland, of Lin-
den Hall, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFar-
lane, of Boalsburg, were in Bellefonte yes-
terday, going from here to State College
to hear the concert by Sousa’s band. ' '
—H. Freeman Stecker, instruetor in
mathematics at Penn State, is seriously 111
at his home at State College. J. M. Wil-
lard, head of the department for many
years, resigned his position during the
Summer, owing to ill health,
—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shattuck will
{ drive to State College this week from
Nashua, N. H., for their first visit with
Mr. Shattuck’s brother and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Shattuck, whose guests
they will be until after the Navy-Penn
State game.
—Mrs. Walls, who had been in Belle-
fonte for a month with her grandmother,
Mrs. Mitchell Lieb, and the Osmer family,
returned Saturday to her home at Oberlin,
Ohio. Mr. Walls had accompanied Mrs.
Walls here, but remained only for a two
week’s visit.
—Charles Atherton, son of the late Dr.
and Mrs. George W. Atherton, of State
College, is at present with his sister, Mrs.
C. E. Govier, and will continue his visit at
State College until after home-coming day.
Mr. Atherton has for years been in the Y.
M. C. A. work of New York city. !
—Miss Florence Gebhart, of Dayton,
Ohio, is a guest of her cousins, the Misses
Parker, at their home on Howard street.
Miss Gebhart arrived in Bellefonte Monday
evening, having stopped here for a ten
day’s visit en route home from the Blue
Mountains, where she spent the summer
with relatives.
—The Misses McCurdy have had as a
guest for the week, Mrs. Buck, a friend
from their former home at Gettysburg;
she being the honor guest at the McCur-
dy dinner given at the Country club Mon-
day night. Mrs. Buck will return home
with her son, who will be up with the
Gettysburg people for the Penn State
game tomorrow.
—Miss Alice Tate was discharged from
the Bellefonte hospital Wednesday, and is
now making plans to go to Lycoming
county, for an indefinite visit with rela-
tives in the vicinity of Jersey Shore. Miss
Tate had been a medical patient in the
hospital twice during the past year, cov-
ering a period of six months, but is now
very much improved in health.
—Mrs. Birckhead Rouse, whom it was
thought would go to the south-west for
the winter, will be taken to Sylriaville,
Md., in the Blue Ridge mountains, hoping
the climate there will benefit her health.
Her mother, Mrs. Forrest Bullock, ex-
pects to return to Bellefonte shortly,
bringing with her Mrs. Rouse’s two small
sons, who will be here with the: grand-
parents until their mother recovers her
—~Celebrating the seventy-sixth anniver-
sary of his birth and vowing that he was
just as good a man as the two stalwart
sons, Harry and George, who accompanied
him, our old friend and former resident,
George Wolf spent yesterday shaking
hands with Bellefonters. The trio motored
down from their homes in Altoona and had
a busy time of it. The name of Wolf is an
old one here and forty years ago, when-
ever the tin business was mentioned, of
course it came into mind, for the older
Wolfs were leaders in that work
George is still doing an occasional job,
but only for the exercise, as he has land-
ed on Easy street and doesn’t have to
work if he feels disinclined. His sons are
connected with the Altoona fire depart-
ment. t
Help the Hospital. ' :
All arrangements for the presenta-
tion of “The Coming of Ruth,” at the
Garman opera house next Monday and
Tuesday evenings, are now complete
and a splendid rendition is assured.
Those who have attended the rehear-
gals aver that the music is wonderful.
The tickets are going fast and there
is every indication of crowded houses
both nights. ‘The Penn State mando-
lin club will play between acts. The
chart will -open this (Friday) morn-
ing at 9 o’clock, at the Mott Drug Co.
Jackson—Rearick.—Jacob E. Jack-
son, of Lemont, and Miss Edna" M.
Rearick, of Zion, were married on
Monday afternoon, at the Reformed
parsonage in Bellefonte, by the pas-
tor, Rev. Dr. Ambrose M. Schmidt.
House Coal for Sale.
Having leased the coal land on the
north side of Horne’s Heights, Phil-
ipsburg, from J. E. Horne & Co, I
am now offering to the public a very
superior quality of house coal.”
Sale of Household Goods.—At G. R.
Spigelmyer home, Howard St., Satur-
day, October 6, at 2 o'clock p. m. All
kinds of furniture in, good condi-
tion. -39-1t
For Rent.—Two unfurnished rooms
and a bath. Apartment unsuitable
for children. Inquire at this urges, i
——The Last Resort is now serving
a b5c plate luncheon from 11:30 to
Finally he closed the shop that father and 1:30. Supper from 5:30 to 7. 68-40-4t
son had run for so long and moved to AK-
ron. There he went into the work of
making auto tires at one of the big plants
but soon got tired of that business and
joined the forces of the local traction com-
pany, where he has been ever since and is
Bellefonte Grain Market,
Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner & Co.
‘Wheat - - - - -
«iit 181.00
now in charge of all the blacksmithing Corn - - - - - - »
work on its entire system. He has a fine|Rye =~. = . = =. == " -
job, looks well and, best of all, is appar- Oats = ow tw tenn ow »
ently very happy with the way the world | Barley = = = = =
Buckwheat - - - = J0
is using him.