Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 12, 1923, Image 4

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    Bera fap,
x Bellefonte, Pa., October 12, 1923.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Editor
Teo Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
mame of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until
aotice this paper will be furnished to sub-
seribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance - -
Paid before expiration of year - 17
Paid after expiration of year - 2.00
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa., as second class mail matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be no-
tified when a subscriber wishes the pa-
per discontinued. In all such cases the
subscription must be paid up to date of
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
For Judge of the Superior Court,
of Montgomery County.
For Sheriff,
E. R. TAYLOR, of Bellefonte.
For Prothonotary,
S. CLAUDE HERR, of Bellefonte.
For Treasurer,
LYMAN L. SMITH, of Centre Hall.
For Register,
FORREST S. OCKER, of Miles Twp.
For Recorder,
SINIE H. HOY, of Benner Twp.
For County Commissioners,
JOHN S. SPEARLY, of Benner Twp.
JAMES W. SWABB, of Harris Twp.
For District Attorney,
ARTHUR C. DALE, of Bellefonte.
For County Auditors,
For Coroner,
Dr. E. L. JONES, of Philipsburg.
For County Surveyor,
H. B. SHATTUCK, of State College.
John Noll.
For no man in this community had
the lamented former editor of this pa-
per a higher regard. P. Gray Meek
and John Noll were friends, political-
ly and socially. They were contem-
poraries in Democratic politics in
Centre county and in Pennsylvania
and came to know and esteem one
another so highly that the bond that
drew them together was broken only
when the former was laid to rest in
We have known few men, not
inspired by personal or selfish aspira-
tions, who have kept so intimately in
touch with governmental affairs, lo-
cal, State and National. Mr. Noll was
of the old type; one of the men who
contended for principle. He was
blunt, outspoken and fearless in the
expression of his convictions and un-
falteringly true to them and his
friends. Socially he was most com-
panionable. With a wonderful facul-
ty of remembering faces and names
and a disposition that was, in a sense,
magnetic he knew and was known all
over Pennsylvania and that was prin-
cipally because until the end he was
as young in heart and spirit as he was
when he gallantly marched away to
the defense of his country in 1864,
when only eighteen years old.
We who are left to carry on in this
office know that a shadow has fallen
over the trail. A light that guided
and cheered has been withdrawn. Al-
ways his counsel was good and his
hopeful, happy disposition an inspi-
The “Watchman” pays sincere trib-
ute to the character and the works of
John Noll.
——Judge Thompson, of Philadel-
phia, has put a crimp in Governor
Pinchot’s plan to close the saloons.
This fixes Judge Thompson among the
traitors in the mind of Mr. Pinchot.
——Mr. Firpo has abandoned his
purpose to become a citizen of the
United States but so far as we are
able to learn “the government at
Washington still lives.”
——Big business is butting into af-
fairs in gcvernment in Germany in a
way that may do vast harm. Big bus-
iness makes big profits out of war and
prefers war to peace.
——We are getting along fairly
well: without a Vice President, which
encourages the belief that there are a
good many other redundant officers on
the pay roll.
——A contemporary thinks the only
safe place to go on Sunday is the
church. But you take some risk in
going to and returning from church.
——Two Senators and five Repre-
sentatives in Congress have returned
from Russia within a week and the
air will soon be filled with talksky.
——Governor Pinchot is looking for
a coal operator who is willing to cut
his profits for the benefit of the pub-
lic but his searchlight is too weak.
—~——All pity should not be sent to
Oklahoma. The Ku Klux is bad
enough but in Arizona they have
started the marathon dances.
——Probably the early migration
southward of wild geese is to escape
the increased cost of coal.
——Jolly old King Coal has resum-
ed his throne and Gifford Pinchot is
his Prime Minister.
further | |
NOLL.—John Noll, who has been
so intimately identified with the his-
tory and material upbuilding of Belle-
fonte during the past half century, |
passed away at his home on east
Bishop street at 9:30 o’clock on Wed-
nesday evening. For the past eigh-
teen months or more he had been a
| sufferer with hardening of the ar-
teries which of late had developed in-
to a series of heart attacks. Not-
withstanding his debilitated condition
he was down town as late as Satur-
day and on Sunday walked out into
his garden. Sunday night he suffer-
ed another attack and he had not the
power of resistance to overcome it.
Mr. Noll was a son of Samuel and
Rebecca Tibbens Noll and was born
on the farm near Pleasant Gap in
1845, in fact he celebrated his seven-
| ty-eighth anniversary on September
{ 20th. His boyhood days were spent
on the farm but when he grew to
manhood he learned the trade of a
stone mason. When less than nine-
teen years of age, or on February
25th, 1864, he enlisted in Company A,
19th Pennsylvania cavalry, for serv-
ice during: the Civil war, the greater
part of his activities being in the de-
partment of the southwest. He made
a splendid soldier and won promotions
to corporal, duty sergeant and quar-
termaster sergeant, being honorably
discharged on June 5th, 1866.
Returning to Bellefonte he resumed
his work as a stone mason and many
buildings in Bellefonte and surround-
ing community are enduring monu-
ments of his skill. He assisted in the
building of the present residence of
Col. W. F. Reynolds and helped in the
remodeling of the Hastings and Col.
J. L. Spangler homes. With advanc-
ing years the work was too strenu-
ous and he purchased the laundry on
south Water street which he conduct-
ed for five years, or until it was de-
stroyed by fire a few years ago, since
| which time he had lived a retired life.
* A Democrat of the Jeffersonian
type he’ always took a great interest
in politics with the result that in 1904
he was elected a member of the Leg-
islature from Centre county and was
re-elected in 1906, serving two terms
with faithfulness and fidelity. In
1918 he was again nominated for the
same office but was defeated by I. L.
Six years ago he became a member
of the Presbyterian church and had
since lived consistent with its doc-
trines. He was a member of Gregg
Post No. 95, G. A. R., the Centre
county Veteran Legion, a Mason for
thirty-five years, a member of the
Royal Arcanum and the B. P. O. E.
As a young man he was united in
marriage to Miss Mary Hamilton,
who survives with three children,
Charles T. Noll, of Altoona; Mrs.
George N. VanDyke, of Wilkinsburg,
and Miss Roberta, at home. He also
leaves a number of grand-children
and one sister, Mrs. Lucy Stine, of
Revs. T. W. Young, E. E. McKel-
vey and Dr. Ambrose M. Schmidt
will officiate at the funeral services
which will be held at his late home at
2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, after
which burial will be made in the
Union cemetery.
fl I
TURNER.—Harry Elwood Turner,
a well known drayman of Bellefonte,
died very suddenly and unexpectedly
about 9:30 o’clock last Saturday
morning as the result of heart fail-
ure. For- several days he had been
suffering with a cold but went to work
on Saturday morning as usual. About
9:30 o'clock he drove his wagon to his
home on south Potter street and asked
several men ‘standing there to help
him out of the wagon and into his
home, as he was very sick, but he
died before they reached the house.
Mr. Turner was a son of William
G. and Elsie Peters Turner and was
born at Unionville on February 24th,
1856, hence was in his sixty-eighth
year. He followed farming in Union
township most of his life, coming to
Bellefonte about fifteen years ago.
He married Miss Catherine Sharp, of
Unionville, who survives with four
children, Hugh E. and Rena, at
home; Mrs. Frank Handley and Clar-
ence, of Buffalo, N. Y. He also leaves
two grand-children, Helen and Donald
McCoy, and the following brothers
and sisters: George, of Munson;
Stewart, of Malaga, N. J.; Mrs. John
Askin, of Unionville; Miss May Tur-
ner, of Washington, Pa., and Miss
Louise, of Unionville.
Funeral services were held at his
late home at ten o'clock on Wednes-
day morning by Rev. E. E. McKelvey,
after which the remains were taken
to Unionville for burial. :
Mrs. Turner and family take this
means of thanking all those who so
kindly befriended them during their
bereavement. ;
i BEHRER.—Mrs. Eva Behrer, wid- {FOR SHERIFF OF CENTRE CO.
{ow of the late David Behrer, died at
her home on the Hicks farm, a short
distance west of Stormstown, on Sat-
urday afternoon, following several
years’ illness with diabetes.
She was a daughter of John and
Sarah Ward, and was born in Storms-
town in 1868. All her life was spent
in that vicinity. Her husband died
a number of years ago but surviving
her are three children, Ira, on the
farm; David and Esther, at home.
Since her breakdown in health she
had made her home with her son Ira.
She also leaves three sisters and three
brothers, namely: Mrs. C. F. Mey-
ers, of Chicago; Mrs. David Cupp and
Mrs. G. W. Fisher, of Warriorsmark;
Isaac T. Ward, of Youngstown, Ohio;
Guyer, of Lewistown, and J. M., of
Akron, Ohio.
She was a member of the Methodist
church and Rev. Kahler had charge of
the funeral services which were held
Tuesday afternoon, burial being made
in Gray’s cemetery.
Il il
KRAUSE.—James B. Krause, past
grand master of Masons, of Pennsyl-
. vania, who died at his home in Wil-
| iamsport on Saturday, was born at
Aaronsburg, Centre county, sixty-
nine years ago. He started life as a
school teacher, later studying law and
i residence there he was prominently
| identified with the development of the
| Vallamont district; organized three
trolley companies which are now
component parts of the Williamsport
| passenger railway system; was presi-
dent of the North Branch Telephone
! company, now under lease to the Unit-
ed Telephone and Telegraph company;
a director in the Northern Cen-
| tral Trust company, the Williamsport
Water company, the Pennsylvania
Power and Light company, the Wild-
wood Cemetery association, and vice
president of the Grit Publishing com-
pany. He was a thirty-third degree
Mason and leaves a wife and two chil-
il fl
ECKENROTH.—Mrs. Rella Ecken-
roth, wife of James Eckenroth, died
very suddenly on Sunday evening at
her home at Pleasant Gap. She had
been a sufferer for some time with
heart trouble and asthma but was
able to be up and around and was sit-
ting in a chair talking to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Herman, of Bellefonte,
when she suddenly collapsed and died
before assistance could be obtained.
She was sixty-seven years old, was
born at the Gap and spent her entire
life there. In addition to her husband
she is survived by the following chil-
idren: Dorsey, Joshua, Harry, Mrs.
| Calvin Lontz, Mrs. Harvey Hoy, Mrs,
Walter Houtz and Mrs. Harry Confer,
all of Pleasant Gap. She also leaves
three brothers, Joshua Armstrong, of
Pleasant Gap; Frank and Daniel, in
Missouri. Burial was made in the
Lutheran cemetery at Pleasant Gap
on Wednesday afternoon. :
Il Il
~~ SWARTZ.—Mrs. Mabel S. Swartz,
wife of Lincoln E. Swartz, died at her
home at Hublersburg at eleven o’clock
on Wednesday morning, following an
illness of six months or more with a
complication of diseases.
She was a daughter of the late ex-
sheriff Benjamin and Sophia Schaef-
fer and was born at Nittany fifty-six
years ago. In February, 1889, she
married Mr. Swartz and all her mar-
ried life had been spent in Hublers-
burg. In addition to her husband she
is survived by two sons, Benjamin, of
Erie, and Lewis C., of Nittany. She
also leaves one sister, Mrs. J. H. Alli-
son, of Chicago, Ill., and two broth-
ers, W. E. Schaeffer, of Mifflinburg,
and L. A. Schaeffer, of Bellefonte.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
morning, burial to be made in the
Cedar Hill cemetery.
Management Appreciates
The management of the Bellefonte
hospital wishes to thank the pupils of
the public schools of Milesburg and
Boggs township for a generous dona-
tion of four barrels of potatoes and
cabbage. Also the following house-
keepers for canned fruit and vegeta-
Mrs. Harry Diehl, Mrs. G. B. Alexander,
Mrs. Blair Alexander, Mrs. Ella Calhoun,
Mrs, F. B. Slack, Mrs. Lee Lyons, Mrs.
Earl Cartwright, Mrs. J. D. Knass, Mrs.
Eva Wagner, Mrs. Charles Caldwell, Mrs.
Samuel Stanley, Mrs. Harriet McClellan,
Mrs. R. B. Wallace, Mrs. Winfield Lose,
Mrs. Howard Neff, Mrs. E. J. Horner, Mrs.
Wilson Heaton, Mrs. Orin Heaton, Mrs.
Walter Smith, Mrs. Chester Miles, Mrs.
Toner E. Hugg, Mrs. M. C. Piper, Mrs. F.
E. Zimmerman, Mrs. George Newman, Mrs.
E. Whiteman, Mrs. Mary Hibler, Mrs. M.
Estright, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. Jennie
Zimmerman, Mrs. Jennie Shope, Mrs. Har-
riet Zimmerman, Mrs. Mabel Austin, Mrs.
John Baird, Mrs. Herman Ort, Mrs. Sam-
uel Heverly, Mrs. M. BE. Flynn, Mrs. James
Bryant, Mrs. Caroline Jodon, Mrs. Emma
Barber, Mrs. John Scholl, Mrs. Hilda
Haupt, Mrs. Charles Scheckler, Mrs. Roy
Bryant, Mrs. F. L. Wetzler, Mrs. Al-
exander, Mrs. M. Greist, Mrs. John Bryan,
Mrs. H. A. Heaton.
The donations were delivered to the
hospital by John Scholl, the Miles-
burg store company and Harry Diehl,
——Don’t forget the rummage sale
to be held in the Undine fire company
building on Wednesday, October 24th,
at 2 o'clock p. m., for the benefit of
the Bellefonte hospital. All articles
can be sent direct to the above build-
—Workman began ‘on Monday on
making the much desired improve-
ments at the Lutheran church. ‘The
enlargement o itchen and other
changes in the basement will be the
first work dofie.
at her late home at two o'clock on!
| locating in Williamsport. During his
Capt. E. R. “Dick” TAYLOR.
Capt. Taylor was born in Belle-
fonte, November 27th, 1878, and all
, of his life has been spent in this com-
‘munity, with the exception of the
years he has served abroad with the
army of our country. His education
was secured-in the public schools and
at the age of sixteen he entered an
apprenticeship for the plumbing
trade which he mastered in such a
way as to earn for himself the reputa-
tion of being a splendid mechanic.
For a man not yet forty-five years
of age he has a military record which
we feel is scarcely equalled by any
man living who has not made soldier-
ing his profession. On July 2nd,
1895, he enlisted as a private in Co.
B, 5th Reg. N. G. P. and served with
that organization until the outbreak
of the Spanish-American war, in
1898. On April 27th of that year the
regiment was called into service and
he was with it until it was mustered
out on the 11th of the following No-
When President McKinley called
for volunteers to put down the Phil-
ippine insurrection in 1899 Dick re-
sponded. He enlisted September
9th, 1899, and was assigned to Co. D,
47th Reg. as a private. Before sail-
ing for the Philippines he was pro-
moted to a sergeant and on November
2nd shipped for the scene of a long
and hazardous campaign. He was
fighting insurrectos for nineteen
months. In that time he took part in
twenty-nine major engagements and
after returning to the States was hon-
orably discharged on July 2nd, 1901.
A month after his return he took
charge of the repair work at the
Beilefonte gas and steam plant and a
month later was made assistant su-
perintendent, which position he capa-
bly filled until the fall of 1909, when
he resigned to accept the position of
military instructor in the Pennsylva-
nia Industrial Reformatory at Hunt-
ingdon. This position he filled with
marked ability until the call for pa-
triotism again brought him to Uncle
Sam and he enlisted with Troop L,
1st Penna. Cavalry, on June 25th,
1916, for service on the Mexican bor-
der. There he served with rank of a
Lieutenant for seven months and up-
on the return home of his command
he resumed his position in Hunting-
don. While drilling with Troop L, at
this place, on May 6th, 1917, he was
accidentally kicked by a horse and
suffered a broken leg. But two
months later we find him volunteer-
ing for service in the world war and
going off to Camp Hancock with his
troop. There it was disbanded and
“Dick” was assigned to Co. K, 110th
Inf., of which organization he was in
command. They sailed for France
May 2nd, 1917, and were fifteen days
His first work on the other side
was in support of the British, French
and Marines and digging trenches
which kept him busy until July 12th,
when his command was sent to the
front line. Two days later, when the
Germans started their last big offen-
sive, he was in the fighting.
He was’ in the front line acting
with the French and was out recon-
noitering a position near Courthiezy,
on the Marne, that his company was
to take over on July 18th, when he
was surprised by a squad of Germans
and taken prisoner. He remained in
the hands of the Huns until Novem-
ber 27th, when he was released, but
was in such a condition that he could
not rejoin his command for a month.
After his capture he was promoted to
the rank of Captain and when he was
mustered out of the service, May
24th, 1919, his men presented him
with a gold watch as a mark of their
esteem for him as a commander and
as a man.
In infancy he was baptized in the
Episcopal church by the late Rev.
John Hewitt and has been a commu-
nicant member of that denomination
ever since. Capt. Taylor is married
and has a family of five children.
——A Ku Klux Klan cross was
burned on the grounds of the Belle-
fonte hospital, about eight o’clock on
Monday evening. The cross was put
up on the brow of the hill just south
of the laundry and so quietly was the
work done that no one ahout the hos-
pital heard or saw a thing until the
cross was on fire. Let us 2'l hope
that the burning of the cross so close
to the hospital means that a concert-
ed effort is to be made to help that
institution financially.
——According to tentative plans of
the Methodist congregation pastor E.
E. McKelvey and family will move
into their new home, the Spiglemyer
house recently purchased by the con-
gregation, on or about November
first. Several parties are now con-
sidering the purchase of the present
parsonage on east Linn street.
An Appeal in the Interest of Sports.
| A chain is as strong as its weakest
! link. . A mind is only strong if the
body is developed to withstand the at-
tacks of disease and the inroads of
| fatigue. The importance of physical
training has long been recognized by
i the educators of the present day, and
the Bellefonte school board has al-
ways endeavored to emphasize that
part of the training of the boys and
girls in the schools of Bellefonte.
In the past, however, physical train-
ing has been restricted to the few
who have competed for positions on
the football, baseball and basket-ball
squads. That is no longer the goal.
The ultimate aim of athletics in the
Bellefonte High school is mass athlet-
ics, that is, to have every boy and
girl in High school interested in, and
competing in a sport of some kind.
There are practically twenty-five
contestants for" football honors this
year. In basket-ball not only are
there varsity boys’ and girls’ teams,
but the inter-class league affords op-
portunity for participation in this
sport to over thirty additional stu-
dents. Track activities in the past
two years have created considerable
interest and each spring finds numer-
ous candidates out practicing for po-
sitions on both boys’ and girls’ teams.
| And the baseball squad draws its full
quota of enthusiasts upon the dia-
{ mond.
These are but the beginnings of
what it is hoped to obtain in the line
of athletics in the Bellefonte High
school. Boxing and wrestling classes
| make their initial appearance this
year. Field hockey for the girls is no
longer a mere dream of the future,
but nearly an actual realization;
while tennis and golf teams are al-
ready in the making.
In passing it should be emphasized
that the value of competitive sports
lies not only in the physical benefits
derived therefrom, but in the charac-
ter moulding. The idea is not merely |
to build up teams that win, but to |
teach to the coming generations the
values of preparation, training, co-
operation, and obedience, and the es-
sentials of fair play and sportsman-
In order to bring to completion
these plans it is necessary that a cer-
tain amount of capital outlay be fur-
nished. A practice field has been se-
cured at the cost of one hundred dol-
lars per year. Equipment for protec-
tion of the players and for their prop-
er instruction, is always needed. The
Bellefonte school board cannot possi-
bly render assistance in this matter.
Therefore it devolves upon the towns-
people to determine whether or not
they wish this physical and character
development to continue.
If you do wish it, will you not make
a substantial contribution to the
Bellefonte High school athletic asso-
ciation, so that the good work may
carry on?
Information for Members of D. A. R.
The information given below is es-
sential to all Daughters of the Amer-
ican Revolution desiring to attend the
State conference to be held at Lancas-
ter, October 22nd to 25th, inclusive.
The railroads have granted a reduc-
tion of one-half the regular fare on
return trip under the following con-
Two hundred and fifty members
must hold certificates of identification.
Certificates must be secured at the
time of purchase of tickets to Lan-
Certificates must be endorsed at
headquarters in Lancaster by the
chairman of transportation and vali-
dated by the special agent of the rail-
roads who will be in attendance on
Thursday, October 25th.
No reduction will be made in fares
of less than 67 cents. No refund will
be made on account of failure to ob-
tain proper certificates of identifica-
tion when purchasing going tickets,
nor on account of failure to present
validated certificate when purchasing
return ticket.
If ticket agents are not supplied
with the usual certificate, request a
receipt when purchasing ticket.
Note carefully: Tickets to Lancas-
ter may be purchased October 18th to
24th inclusive. Tickets will be vali-
dated by special agent October 25th.
Return tickets will be honored until
midnight October 29th.
Present yourself at the railroad
station for tickets and certificates at
least thirty minutes before departure
of the train on which you will begin
your journey to Lancaster.
Certificates of identification are
available for all members of the
Daughters of the American Revolu-
tion and dependent members of their
——The wedding of Miss Katherine
Lukenbach, only child of Frank Luk-
enbach, of Tyrone, and Edwin Lloyd
Tyson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam E. Tyson, of the same place, will
take place in the Trinity Episcopal
church, at Tyrone, on Saturday, Oc-
tober 20th, at 7:30 p. m. The cere-
mony will be followed by a reception
at the home of the bride's father,
after which the young couple will
leave on a wedding trip west, at the
conclusion of which they will locate in
Detroit, Mich.,, where Mr. Tyson is
employed and has an apartment al-
i ready furnished for his bride. Both
| the contracting parties are well known
in Bellefonte, the prospective bride
bein~ a graduate of the Tyrone High
school and the School of Design in
Philadelphia. During the past two or
three years she has been teaching
drawing in the schools of Ellsworth,
Pa. Mr. Tyson is an old State Col-
lege student and for several years
past has been located in Detroit.
There is not a candidate on the
ticket our party offers the voters of
Centre county whose life will not bear
the acid test of public scrutiny. Feel-
ing that the voters have a right to
know all of the history of the men
who are seeking to serve them in of-
fice we purpose to publish brief bio-
graphical sketches of our candidates
so that any one who reads will know
ig who they are being urged to vote
S. Claude Herr, Democratic nomi-
nee for Prothonotary of Centre coun-
ty, was born at Salona, Pa., April 6th,
1877. He is a son of Martin W. and
Lydie Burrell Herr, his father having
been a school teacher and was a mem-
ber of the faculty of the Bellefonte
Academy in 1876. Mr. Herr’s early
life was spent in the vicinity of Sa-
lona, where he attended the public
schools and afterward went to the
Lock Haven High and Normal.
At the age of thirteen he started a
farming enterprise with his brother
and stuck to the soil until he
was twenty. Then he took employ-
ment with the Bellefonte Lime Co., at
Salona; having been the time and
book-keeper at that operation for the
five years just prior to coming to
On August 6th, 1906, he located
permanently in this place as time-
keeper and shipping clerk at the Ar-
mor Gap operation of the American
Lime and Stone Co., later becoming
superintendent of the plant.
On April 15th, 1915, he purchased
the Robert Morris grocery store in
the Eagle block, and formed the part-
nership of Herr and Heverly which
has been so successfully conducting
the business ever since.
Mr. Herr is a member and trustee
of the Bellefonte Methodist church, a
trustee of the Y. M. C. A., president
of the Business Men’s Association,
treasurer of the Centre Building and
Loan Association and active in every
public movement in the community.
He is married and has three chil-
Certainly there has never been a
man of higher type nominated for of-
fice by either party in Centre county.
By nature, by mental qualifications,
and by sterling integrity he is splen-
didly equipped for the office he seeks.
Clearfield County Woman
Chicago Priest.
Walking down through a congrega-
tion of three hundred devout worship-
pers in St. Michael’s Greek Catholic
church, in Chicago, on Sunday, Mrs.
Emily Strutynsky, wife of Rev. Fath-
er Nicholas Strutynsky, rector of the
Greek Catholic church at Ramey,
Clearfield county, walked behind the
altar and knelt at the confessional
and when the rector in charge, Rev.
Father Basil Stetsuk approached her
she fired five shots into him from a
revolver she had secreted in her cloth-
ing, inflicting wounds which caused
his death a few minutes later while
on his way to a hospital in an ambu-
Brooding over real or fancied ac-
cusations made against her husband
by the Chicago priest Mrs. Strutyns-
ky left Ramey, her husband and two
children two weeks previous on the
ostensible excuse of going to Roches-
ter to visit friends, but instead went
direct to Chicago and waited for an
opportunity to “avenge” her hus-
band. Mrs. Strutynsky is a Lithua-
nian. and her husband was formerly
rector of the church in Chicago where
she committed murder on Sunday.
——Mrs. Oscar Zimmerman, of
Bush’s Addition, was taken to the Jef-
ferson hospital, Philadelphia, on Wed-
nesday, by her husband, where she
will consult a specialist and undergo
treatment for her health. She has
not been well for a year or more and
during the past month has been a pa-
tient in the Bellefonte hospital. Al-
though feeling much better than she
has for some time she accepted the
advice of her physician and went to
Philadelphia. .
At the annual meeting of the
Central Pennsylvania Synod of the
Lutheran church, held at Loysville
last week, Rev. Wilson Potter Ard,
pastor of the Bellefonte church, was
chosen ministerial representative to
the general convention of the Luth-
eran church in the United States and
Canada to be held in Chicago in Octo-
ber, 1924. The convention is held
every two years and it is quite an
honor to be elected a member thereof.
——Word has been received in
Bellefonte of the birth of a daughter
to John D. and Mildred Grimm Kist-
ner, at North Tonawanda, Thursday
of last week. This is Mr. and Mrs.
Kistner’s third daughter.
——The executive board ' of the
Mother’s Assistance, which has been
called to meet the Commissioners to-
day, will be guests of Miss Mary
Linn at a luncheon given at the Last