Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 12, 1923, Image 1

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    an INK SLINGS.
—For a man who said he was com-
ing over here only to see and hear and
not to talk Mr. Lloyd George has said
a lot already.
—A vote for Claude Herr for Pro-
thonotary will be a vote for as clean,
capable and courteous a man as has
ever held a county office.
——They are issuing marks in five
and ten billion denominations in Ger-
many now. These notes are probably
intended for use in making change
for American dollars.
—With Centre county annually get-
ting deeper in debt don’t you think it
is about time that control of the Com-
missioner’s office is changed. Let us
get a new board in there and see a
real statement of the condition of the
county. :
—Of course everybody knows that
Bill Brown has had enough, but that
isn’t the real reason that Centre coun-
ty should defeat him for sheriff.
Dick Taylor should be elected as a
public expression of gratitude to all
of the boys who were in the service.
—DMa Bergdoll is back from Germa-
ny with announcement that Grover is
coming back to take his medicine. It
ought to be a stiff dose, but however
it may turn out the chances are ten to
one that the draft dodger regards it
as a lesser evil than living in Ger-
-—Col. George Harvey is coming
home from the court of St. James. Of
course we will probably never know
why, so we throw the cloak of charity
over the incident by surmising that he
voluntarily resigned after demon-
strating to the world that a little peg
always rattles round in a big hole.
—In talking over the defeat of
Dick Taylor, four years ago, with a
distinguished Republican leader of
Centre county, we suggested the
thought that there ought to have been
something more than mere partisan
politics in Dick’s candidacy. We in-
sisted that his appeal was to a higher
sense of public duty. Our friend ad-
mitted that it should have been and
offered as apology for the part he had
played the explanation that Dick was
on the wrong ticket. “Wait,” said he,
“four years from now we’ll show the
soldiers how their services should be
appreciated.” The gentleman had a
hand, a very full one, in framing the
ticket that his party has'in the field
now in Centre county. = This is the
time he set, four years ago, when he
and his lieutenants would give the
soldiers the recognition they deserve
ahd what has happened? Aside from
one of the minor places there is not a
soldier ‘on the boss’ ticket. ’
—We note that Roland S. Morris is
again seeking the political limelight
in Philadelphia. Roland is disgusted,
alarmed and alienated because ‘his
party . organization in his home city
has been trafficking with the Repub-
licans. We sympathize with the gen-
tlemen in trouble just as we sympa-
thize with and pity all the ladies who
are so occupied saving other people’s
children that they don’t see their own
going to the devil. Roland, a few
years ago, was a prominent member
of the little coterie that set out to re-
form and reorganize the Democratic
party in Pennsylvania. They all got
jobs as compensation for their ef-
forts and the young sister from Phil-
adelphia went off to the cherry blos-
soms and tea houses of Japan as Am-
bassador-—or dress, whichever way
you care to put it. His political chil-
dren at home, deserted, fell into bad
company and now Roland is trying to
come back with another reformation
and going even so far as to disown his
offspring.” The progenitors of reor-
ganization having nothing to point to
with pride in past performance are
evidently now beginning to pass the
buck and get ready to grab what fa-
vors the coming Democratic Presi-
dent may have to grant.
—Isn’t it’ awful how the Bellefonte
Republican sobs over the political fu-
ture of Arthur Dale. It said recently
“had he been strong enough to resist
temptation, had he proved himself
loyal and true to his party, his polit-
ical future might have been richly
blessed with honors.” Weep, Niobe,
weep! Let tears as big as horse-
chestnuts course down your cheeks
for what poor Arthur Dale has denied
himself as a consequence of winning
a place on the Democratic ticket that
John Love fought to the finish to get
for himself.. When the Republican
gets all of the sob stuff out of its sys-
tem, and wipes the tears away from
its eyes so that it will have clear vis-
ion we would suggest that it look
back over events in its party in Cen-
tre county and point to any act of
gratitude or appreciation that a Dale
might point to and think that there
is anything more than “bull” in the
rich blessings and honors that it says
might have been Arthur's. Every
time Clement Dale Esq., Arthurs
father, or A. A. Dale Esq., his uncle,
or John 8. Dale, his cousin, or any
other Dale essayed to be a candidate
for anything they were double-crossed
and kicked around like the proverbial
houn’ dawg. One of the oldest fami-
lies in the county, one of the most
representative and reputable; the only
failing we have ever noted the Dales
to have had has been their unyielding
Republicanism. Every time one of
them has asked for an office he has
been shoved aside for some one, pos-
sibly less deserving and less capable,
always because the Dales were such
good Republicans that they'd “go
along anyway.” Cheer up, Charley!
It’s Revelations not Lamentations the
voters want.
VOL. 68.
Pinchot Denies Interest in Lame |
Governor Pinchot resents, and ac-
cording to inside information, with
considerable asperity, the widely pub-
lished statements that he and his ad-
ministration were repudiated in the
results of the recent primary elec-
tions. It is true that the Vare ma-
chine scored an overwhelming victory
in ‘Philadelphia and the Max Leslie
road roller ran roughshod over the op-
position in Pittsburgh and Allegheny
county. It is equally certain that
State Treasurer Snyder jumped on
the neck of the Governor’s friends in
Schuylkill county and that Charlie
Johnson wiped up the mud roads of
Montgomery county with the follow-
ers of the “holier than thou” chief
magistrate of Pennsylvania and as-
pirant for President.
Mr. Pinchot frankly admits the
“triumphant march” of Vare, Leslie,
Snyder and Johnson, and the complete
rout of their opponents. But he pro-
tests that he was not concerned in the
contests. While in Harrisburg last
week he called W. Harry Baker, chair-
man of the Republican State commit-
tee, and declared to him with much
positiveness and some vehemence that
he took no part in the primary con-
tests in those counties and had little
interest in them. “It is true,” he
added, “that his name was used to ad-
vance the interests of certain candi-
dates, and that he wrote a letter of
praise to the anti-Johnson leader in
Montgomery county,” but otherwise
he had no part in the fights or inter-
est in the results.
Obviously the Governor is trying
to “hunt with the hounds and, run
with the hare” in the impending con-
test for delegates to the next Repub-
lican National convention. If his
friends, those who used his name to
advance their interests and the anti-
Johnson leader in Montgomery coun-
ty, had won, he would have hailed the
result as a personal triumph and com-
plete endorsement of his administra-
tion. But in view of the opposite is-
sue of the contests he “turns tail” on
his friends by secretly betraying them’
to their enemdeg in the hope of thus
securing favor in his own ambitious
It was a scurvy trick and
more than likely to fail in its pur-
pose. ‘The State chairman is not a
novice, "=" =
——In a speech at Erie Governor
Pinchot said “we are making public
welfare mean the welfare of the pub-
lic and not the advantage of a polit-
ical machine.” Thus the Governor de-
lights in punching his predecessor in
the short ribs.
Pinchot Completes the Job.
In 1907 the General Assembly of
Pennsylvania created the Railroad
Commission composed of “three com-
petent members,” and defined its du-
ties and responsibilities. In 1915 this
commission was abolished and the
Public Service Commission created by
the same authority. The number of
the commissioners was increased tc
seven and the salary increased to
$10,000.00 each. In the reorganiza-
tion the members of the old commis-
sion were continued in office and four
additional members appointed. Mar-
tin Brumbaugh was Governor at the
time and he named two Democrats,
John S. Rilling, of Erie, and Michael
J. Ryan, of Philadelphia, as minority
representatives on the board.
When Mr. Ryan’s term expired, he
having been a short termer, Governor
Sproul named a Republican to succeed
him. That left one Democrat, Mr.
Rilling, to represent the upward of
half a million Democratic voters of
the State, in a body which ought to
be absolutely non-partisan. The
framers of the present constitution
contemplated absolute freedom from
partisanship in all judicial bodies, and’
the Public Service Commission is at
least semi-judicial. But Governor
Sproul did his best to make the com-
mission partisan. Like Pinchot he
was indulging in absurd ambition to
be President and wanted all patron-
age distributed among Republicans.
It may safely be said that he weak-
ened the board by his act.
Some time ago the term of Mr. Ril-
ling expired, which gave Governor
Pinchot the opportunity to completely
turn the commission into a partisan
body. Mr. Rilling has long been rec-
ognized as the representative of the
people on the commission. His capa-
bility as a lawyer and his devotion to
the principles: of justice ' influenced
him to decisions which at times disap-
pointed the corporate interests involv-
ed and the party machine always obe-
dient and mostly servile to corpora-
tions. So Governor Pinchot has nam-
ed a Republican to succeed Mr. Rilling
and made the commission a purely
and not too intelligent partisan polit-
ical instrument. Possibly this may
help Pinchot. It will not help the
———Mr. Jack Dempsey is not likely
to worry much about the price of coal.
' He can go south as far as he likes.
Let the Statements Tell the Story.
The Commissioner’s office is the business office of the tax-payers
of Centre county. The Commissioners are the managers for the peo-
ple who pay the taxes to keep the
county government going. If the
management is good the people have reason to be satisfied. If it is
careless and wasteful they owe it to themselves to oust the old and se-
lect new managers.
Without waste of words let us show you here some figures that
are mute evidence of the necessity for a change, if we ever hope to
have lower taxes and get out of debt.
When a Democratic board of
Commissioners, Messrs. Noll and
Grove, went into office, January 1st, 1912, the county was in debt, in
addition to the bond issue of $100,000 for court house improvements,
the stupendous amount of $139,505.84. When they went out on Janu-
ary 1st, 1920, and turned the office over to the present board the total
debt of the county, outside of the bond issue above referred to, was
only $45,503.73.
In other words a people’s board, that was not under the domina-
tion of a political - machine; a board that played no favorites and
worked for the best interests of all paid off $94,002.11 of the county
debt in eight years. They did it on a 6 mill levy for three years and
"only 4 mills for the last five years they were in office.
When the present Republican board, Messrs. Austin and Yarnell,
took charge, January 1st, 1920, the
county debt, outside of the bonds,
was $45,503.73. Their last statement published in April of this year
shows that the county was in debt
they have been able to reduce the
then $41,283.65. In three years
indebtedness only $4,220.08 or an
average of only $1,406.69 per year whereas their predecessors paid off
debts at the rate of $7,833.50 every
year they were in office. And the
present board has operated on a higher valuation and a higher
millage for it has levied 6 mills against 4 the former beard levied dur-
ing the last five years of its tenure.
Some might say the present board has done more in the way of
indirect returns to the tax-payers.
Let us see about that.
The last year there was Democratic control in the Commissioner’s
office $9,166.59 were paid for new bridges and bridge repairs. $8,958.-
15 were paid for various public road accounts. While during 1922,
the last year we have any record of their expenditures the present ad-
ministration spent only $7,114.41 for bridges and $5,003.46 for roads.
Where has the money gone?
you ask. That is a fair question
and we’ll answer it in part by publishing here a few items taken from
the County statements of 1920 and 1923. They speak stronger than
any words we might use.” They ought ha convince you that a change
is needed. ‘ lw BRR NR Si Re ded + hinge A pat Cd MARRS
For 1919 For 1922
Assessors were paid.............. $ 7008.13 $10624,21
. Road Viewers were paid........ we. 882.20 1242.90
Upkeep of Court House........... 2513.82 4421.87
Clerks to Commissioners......... . 2355.23 3573.76
Janitors '.......... i... ei ess . 1668.10 1757.47
Commissioners delivering Ballots.. 100.00 201.51
$14527.48 $21821.81
In six comparatively small accounts it cost the county $7294.33
more in 1922 than it did in 1919 when we were in the peak of post
war-time inflation.
Need we say anything more to you as a tax-payer, than that all
of these figures can be verified at
the office of the County Commis-
Coolidge Solid for Corporations.
The trend of President Coolidge’s
mind is revealed in the selection of a
successor to George Harvey, as Am-
bassador at the Court of St. James.
The first tender of the honor was to
Elihu Root, of New York, who is easi-
ly leading corporation lawyer of the
country. Mr. Root, who is upward of
eighty years old and has already
served as Senator in Congress, Secre-
tary of War and Secretary of State,
had nothing to gain by acceptance.
The office is said to be an expensive
luxury but Mr. Root had no need to
hesitate on that account. He has
abundance to indulge in any extrava-
gance which appeals to his fancy or
his ambition. After service as Secre-
tary of State, . however, Ambassa-
dorial honors are stale. a
After Mr. Root had politely declin-
ed the tender of appointment it is said
that the President next turned to Mr.
James M. Beck, who has been: bask-
ing in the sunshine of favor ever since
he left the Democratic party and join-
ed the Republican machine. Mr. Beck
is now holding down a job in Wash-
ington. In fact he has been holding
down some sort of a lucrative job in
Washington or elsewhere ever since
he joined the party. He had the same
habit while he was a Democrat. He
left the party in 1896, while still in
commission as a Democrat because it
looked at that time as if the future of
the Democratic party was hopeless.
After 1912 a life line would likely
have brought him back.
Mr. Beck’s mind runs along: the
same lines as Root’s. He is neither
as eminent nor as able as Root but he
is a servile corporation tool, and as
Amabssador in London he could be a
great help to the corporate magnates
in this country. Of course this is the
principal if not the only reason that
his name has been taken under con-
sideration for the office. John Pier-
pont Morgan would hardly need an
agent in London if Mr. Beck were
there as Ambassador and corporate
interests would be served as efficient-
ly by him as Ambassador as they
could if he were a paid attorney oc-
cupying offices in that capacity. It is
clear that President Coolidge intends
to take care of the corporations.
Who Can Answer This?
At the close of 1920 the
county owed notes amount-
Ing foi... 0000. $ 7161.68
At the close of 1921 the
county owed notes amount-
At the close of 1922 the
county owed notes amount-
At the close of 1923 the
county will owe notes
amounting to......
—Just as we expected, the Re-
publican bosses of Centre county are
launching their fight to keep their
grip on the county offices by another
attempt to herd the voters under the
Presidential coat-tail. Every Repub-
lican is to vote straight this fall so
that the Democrats can’t carry Cen-
tre for President in 1924. What poor,
miserable, piffle it is, but it got them
several times in the past and they
expect it’ to work again. What
does it matter if the Democrats do
carry Centre for President in 19247?
Pennsylvania will go Republican as
usual and a victory in Centre county
would be as void of results as if no
election had been held at all. It’s
1923 the local bosses are working for.
They don’t have a thought or a care
for 1924. They want to continue
some of their pets in office for life and
if they can do it by buncoing their
party voters they’re going to do it.
A ————— A ——————————
——1If you are one of the soldiers
who feel under obligation to Bill
Brown because you think he recorded
your discharge paper for nothing—as
many have been led to believe—go up
to the Commissioner’s office and you
will find that the county paid him for
every paper he recorded and you are
a taxpayer and paid him your share
without knowing it, but Bill did.
——Now that a Philadelphia court
has ordered the opening of suspected
ballot boxes Harrisburg is the only |G
safe haven for fraudulent voters.
————— fr na—————
——Germany is almost persuaded
that the world war resulted in defeat.
NO. 40.
The Farmer Might Think it Over.
From the New York Evening Pest.
To the outcries of the . distressed
wheat farmer there are two conceiv-
able rejoinders. The harsher answer
would be to tell the farmer that his
present troubles are largely of his own
making and that relief must: come
largely through his own efforts. Mag-
nus Johnson, in an interview printed
on this page recently, said of the flush
times of three years ago: “It was a
period of speculation, and we specu-
lated with everybody else.” The far-
mer’s plaint against violent and un-
just deflation by the federal reserve
is the plaint raised by manufactur-
ers and merchants two years ago.
But in the case of business men the
protest did not go beyond the regis-
tration of a temporary grouch.: Bus-
iness men took their losses and buck-
led down to the task of rebuilding,
with results apparent in the commer-
cial field today. The harsh reply to
the farmers would be to go ahead and
do likewise.
- That, however, would be too harsh
an answer. The wheat farmer is in
distress, and we must do something
more than throw his past sins in his
face. But what the farmer should be
very definitely told is that he cannot
expect relief from the outside until
be Bas himself decided what is best
or him in the present . emergency.
Yesterday, for instance, Gray Sil-
ver, representative of the Farm Bu-
reau Federation, suggested that the
War Finance Corporation should buy
or guarantee fo securities to en-
able foreign countries, notably Ger-
many, to Ie hase our icultural
products. But only a few ago in
this town Magnus Johnson sniffed at
the statement from foreign trade and
was willing to let our whole export
business go by the board if only we
had the right “domestic policies.
Where, then, does the western far-
mer stand on this question of condi-
tions in Europe as affecting his own
welfare? For many painful months
and from many sources he has been
reminded how intimately ‘his own
well-being depends on the restoration
of order and health in Eurepe. But
the farmer has given himself over to
the isolation preachers and the en-
tanglement shouters. Efforts to re-
store to him the foreign market which
he needs so badly have been denoune-
{ed by him as the
: Wall street. He tions, of
in for tariff nostrums that have AA
raised the prices he has to pay, with-
out affecting the prices he receives
for his products.
The very least one can ask of a
man in distress is that he shall have
an intelligent understanding of his
case. And the simple fact is that the
farmer has not been intelligent. Co-
operative marketing will help ' him.
Freight rates adjustment may help
him. But one definite form of relief
will come when the farmer rids him-
self of that stupid fear of “entangle-
ment” with which the politicians have
inoculated him and recognizes that
everything the United States can do
to help Europe promises substantial
relief for himself,
———————————— pe e—————————
Choosing Diplomatists.
From the Philadelphia Record.
‘Senator Pepper some months ago
wrote a characteristically candid let-
ter to “The Record” in which he told
the story of the transfer of Cyrus E.
Woods, of Srmhos from the em-
bassy at Madrid to Tokyo, to make
way for the appointment of Alex P.
Moore, the Bull Moose newspaper
publisher of Pittsburgh, who had Hi
ram Johnson’s backing for the Span-
ish Ambassadorship. Although. the
two appointments were distinetly
Pennsylvania patronage, neither Sen-
ator Pepper nor Senator Reed had the
slightest knowledge of what was
about to happen. This was probably
due to a slip-up at the White House
or by the State Department, for there
was no evidence whatever that the
President intended to ignore the
Pennsylvania Senators.
With the accession of Mr.. Coolidge
to the Presidency the resignations of
all our chief diplomatic representa-
tives automatically were placed in his
hands, and with the falling of the au-
tumn leaves some of the deserving
Republicans who have been designat-
ed as Ambassadors and Ministers in
foreign parts will soon lose their offi-
cial identities. With a number of de-
sirable places available, Pennsylvania
may be favored again; but if Wash-
ington etiquette be set aside again
and Senators Pepper and Reed left in
the lurch, look out! There will be
something doing when confirmation
day comes along.
No Democrats Wanted.
From the Philadelphia Record.
The failure of Governor Pincliot to
continue John Rilling, of Erie, as one
of the Pennsylvania Public Service
Commissioners, and the appointment
in his place of a Bull Moose Republi-
can and an original Pinchot man,
hardly squares with the claims of the
Governor that he is reforming things
at Harrisburg.
Mr. Rilling, the only Democrat on
the Commission, had the qualifications
necessary when first named a mem-
ber of the Public Service Commission.
His record in the service is an open
book, and this, with his years of ex-
perience, entitled him to reappoint-
ment. But he is a Democrat, and
Pinchot is trying to qualify for the
. 0. P. nomination for President.
——1Italy hasn't grown in public
estimation much since the “strenu-
ous” government began functioning.
—While attempting to kick a small can
of: burning gasoline from ‘a frame out-
building, ~ the clothing of Mrs. Annie
Snavely, aged 44 years, of near Middle-
town, caught fire. She was burned so se-
riously that she died early on Sunday in a
Harrisburg hospital. 2
—One week as a policeman was enough
for Harvey Kitch, of Lancaster. He didn’t
like the night work. “Just think of it!
With all the fun up town Saturday night
I was tied up in the Seventh ward,” he
said. So he resigned and quit on Monday
to work in a wire mill.
—Dorothy, 16 month’s old daughter of
Adolph A. Dudeck, of Nanticoke, was
drowned in the kitchen of her home on
Saturday, when she fell into a tub of wa-
ter. The mother had been out of the
kitchen, ‘and upon returning she found the
little one beneath the water.
—Franklin and Marshall College alumni
on Sunday uniquely honored Dr. George
Fullmer Mull, who has occupied the chair
of Latin for forty years, when Judge
William H. Keller, of the State Superior
court, Dr. Charles P. Stahr, and Prof. J.
Nevin Schaeffer presented him with a gold
watch and a purse of money. :
—Harry, 15 year old son of John Krum-
bine, of Northumberland county, is be-
lieved to be recovering, after having been
in a serious: condition, as a result of be-
ing kicked in the abdomen while playing
football. Several weeks ago he was run
down by an automobile and was uncon-
scious for 48 hours. Four years ago he
fell under a street car and lest in arm.
—Christmas trees from the lew Eng-
land States cannot be shipped into Penn-
sylvania under a quarantine notice issued
last week by the State Department of Ag-
riculture, which became effective Monday.
The quarantine was announced to prevent
the spread of the gypsy moth and follows
similar action taken by New York and
New Jersey, it was said at the department.
—Men accepted for jury service in the
Lebanon county courts in the future are
not to chew tobacco, the use of which was
discouraged last week by Judge Heary,
president judge of the court, in an ad-
dress from the bench. The court said the
practice of chewing tobacco by male mem-
bers of the jury was detestable to the
women who are chosen to sit with them,
and should be discontinued at once.
—The Sunbury Health board has decid-
ed that cockroaches are not subject to
State laws and, therefore, cannot be chas-
ed out of a house by a representative of
that organization. According to health of-
ficer Koble appeals were made to him to
force landlords to do battle with roaches
or to kill them. After looking up the law
the board decided that it would be tres-
passing to enter a man’s property for this
—Superintendents of : State-owned insti-
tutions have been notified that no new em-
ployees are to be engaged where known to
be antagonistic toward the present admin-
istration, Dr. Ellen C. Potter, secretary of .
the Department of Welfare, which has su-
pervisory power over the institutions, said
on Monday. In a letter sent institution
heads, Dr. Potter said that any new em-
pleyees unfriendly toward the administra-
tion are to. be dismissed immediately.
_ i——Alterations under way at the Lock
“EHaven hosiptal ‘will cost. $50000, which
amount has been provided by friends of
the institution. The kitchen and dining
room will be removed from the first to the
third floor to provide room for a receiv-
ing ward, an X-ray department, steriliz-
ing room and operating room. Twenty-
five more beds will be installed, making
the total 100. There will be 16 beds for
children, an increase of 12; and a nursery.
—Bears, swooping down out of the Pot-
ter county forests, stole several hundred
pounds of honey from eighteen hives in
theapiary of Almeron Lyman, forester,
hunter, trapper and bee-keeper, of that lo-
cality. The honey: was all ready to be
harvested and Mr. Lyman had planned to
lift the bee fruit the day after the night
the bear paid their visit. Anticipating trou-
ble, Mr. Lyman had scattered heavy steel
traps among his bee colonies, but the foxy
bruins had avoided all of them, although
one trap was sprung without catching its
intended victim.
—Dr. Hugh Hamilton, a leading physi-
cian of Central Pennsylvania, historian
and author, died at his home in Harris-
burg on Sunday morning after a brief jll-
ness. In addition to being president of
various district medical associations, he
was at one time vice president of the State
Medical society and a frequent contribu-
tor to medical journals. He was a former
president of the State Federation of His-
torical societies, and like his father, A.
Boyd Hamilton, the late publisher, wrote
on varied historical subjects. Dr. Hamil-
ton was 76 years old. :
—William Bradford the new manager
of the Williamsport office of the Bell Tel-
ephone company has assumed charge.
Prior to going to Chambersburg Mr.
Bradford was connected with the Harris-
burg office. During the world war he
served in the 406th Telephore Battalion
which was recruited entirely from Bell .
Telephone employees. William 8S. Malla-
lieu, who has been in charge of the office
in Williamsport since leaving Bellefonte
several years ago, has been placed in
charge of the directory advertising work
in the entire Williamsport district office
under district manager K. C. Raupp.
—George Beamesderfer of Schaeffers-
town, Lebanon county, has filed a petition
in court to have his son, Raymond Beam-
esderfer, declared legally dead so that he
can take out letters of administration on
the estate of his widow, the boy's mother,
who died on September 26th, 1922. The
petitioner says young Beamesderfer was
last heard from on May 18th, 1907 when,
in a letter to his parents from Benson,
Arizona, he expressed the desire to go to
California. Since then no word has been -
heard from him although frequent in-
quiries have been made in Benson and Los
Angeles. The court has fixed Monday,
November 26th, as the time for hearing the
—John H. Conway, formér chief of po-
lice of Malvern, pleaded guilty to second-
degmee murder for the fatal shooting of
William Mitchell, 13 vears old, a colored
school boy, on April 19th. The court re-
fused to listen to a plea made by Conway
and sentenced him immediately to a term
of from eight to sixteen years at hard la-
bor in the eastern penitentiary. It was al-
leged Conway was intoxicated and shot
the boy deliberately while the latter was
going to a railroad station to meet his
mother, and afterward endeavored to shoot
his brother Harvey, who accompanied him.
He was also charged with attempting the
life of Coropral Lewis, of the state police,
who arrested him.