Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 28, 1923, Image 4
“Bellefonte, Pa., September 28, 1923. P. GRAY MEEK, Editor Pe ————— Te Correspondents.—NO communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further motice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance Paid before expiration of year 1.75 Paid after expiration of year - 200 Published weekly, every Friday morn- ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class mail matter. In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the pa- per discontinued. In all such cases the subscription must be paid up to date of cancellation. A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. $1.50 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. For Judge of the Superior Court, CHARLES D. McAVOY, of Montgomery County. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. For Sheriff, E. R. TAYLOR, of Bellefonte. For Prothonotary, S. CLAUDE HERR, of Bellefonte. For Treasurer, LYMAN L. SMITH, of Centre Hall. For Register, FORREST S. OCKER, of Miles Twp. For Recorder, SINIE H. HOY, of Benner Twp. For County Commissioners, JOHN S. SPEARLY, of Benner Twp. JAMES W. SWABB, of Harris Twp. For District Attorney, ARTHUR C. DALE, of Bellefcnte. For County Auditors, JONATHAN S. CONDO, Marion Twp. HERBERT H. STOVER, Miles Twp. For Coroner, Dr. E. L. JONES, of Philipsburg. For County Surveyor, . H. B. SHATTUCK, of State College. Dr. Rothrock’s Sons, of West Chester, Hurt in Auto Accident. Harry and Addison Rothrock, sons of Dr. Rothrock, of West Chester, both of whom are students at State College, were victims of an auto acci- dent at Centre Hall, on Saturday night. The young men were return- ing from a trip home and were on their way to the College. The acci- dent happened at the railroad station at Centre Hall shortly before twelve o’clock at night. Russell Digan, of near Mifflinburg, driving a Chalmers car, was on his way home from State College and as he neared the railroad at Centre Hall he saw a car in front of him, the dri- ver of which held out his hand and Digan, supposing he intended to stop, pulled out to the left to pass the car. As he did so he saw an approaching motorcycle and though he swung quickly to the left side of the road he failed to get out of the way and the motorcycle struck the running board of his car with such force that the two young men were thrown seven feet into the air and landed fourteen feet away. Digan stopped as quickly as possible and went to the assistance of the un- fortunate young riders, who proved to be the Rothrock brothers. Other peo- ple who happened to be at the station waiting for the return of the excur- sion train from Niagara Falls helped pick the young men up and they were taken to a physician at Centre Hall who sent them to the Bellefonte hos- pital. Burgess Thomas Hosterman, of Centre Hall, took Mr. Digan in charge and brought him to the Centre county jail where he remained until Monday morning when he was taken back to Centre Hall and gave bond in the sum of five hundred dollars pending the result of the injuries to the Rothrock boys. Harry was hurt the worst, having received a cut on the head and concussion of the brain, but latest re- ports are to the effect that both are getting along satisfactorily. Native Centre Countian Killed in Auto Accident. Dr. John T. Twitmyer, a native of Centre county but for many years a practicing physician at Sharpsville, Mercer county, was killed in an auto- mobile accident near Lorain, Ohio, last Thursday afternoon. With Howard Carpenter and family, of Kinsman, ‘Ohio, he was returning home from a two week’s trip to Michigan when the . accident happened. Dr. Twitmyer was a son of Emanu- el and Lucy Gephart Twitmyer and was born at Zion, this county, on April 26th, 1844, hence was in his eightieth year. He was educated in the public schools of Walker township and at the Rebersburg Academy, after which he took a course at the Univer- ‘sity of Pennsylvania, graduating from the medical school in 1872. Shortly thereafter he located at Transfer, Pa., but later hung out his shingle at Sharpsville, Mercer county, where he lived ever since. He is survived by two brothers and one sister, J. V. Twitmyer, of Bock- ford, Wash.; Edwin Twitmyer, of Olympia, Wash.,, and Mrs. Mary Schreffler, of Pittsburgh. Burial was made at Sharpsville. BURD.—Following an illness of three years Ezra Burd died at his home at Millheim on September 18th, aged 64 years, 10 months and 23 days. He is survived by his wife and one brother, Charles Burd, of South Da- kota. Burial was made in the Mill- heim cemetery last Friday afternoon. FOX.—Mrs. Mary Teresa Fox, wid- ow of the late Joseph Fox, died at her home on east Bishop street shortly after two o'clock on Saturday after- noon, following only two week’s ill- ness. : - "She was a daughter of Lawrence and Mary Cooney and was born in Ireland seventy-five years ago. When an infant she was brought to Ameri- ca by her parents who first took up their residence at Burlington, Ver- mont, but three months later came to Bellefonte and this had been her home ever since. When a young woman she married Joseph Fox, who met his death in a railroad accident a number of years ago. She was the mother of eight children, six of whom survive, as follows: Mrs. Howard F. Gear- hart, of Millville, N. J.; Mrs. E. LeRoy Plumb, of Newton, Kan.; Miss Anna M., Joseph I., Alice C. and James A., at home. Her daughter, Mrs. Rose Genevieve Parrish, died last April. She also leaves one sister and three brothers, namely: Mrs. William Dil- lon, of Braddock; Martin Cooney, of Bellefonte; Michael and L. H. Cooney, of Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. Fox was a woman whose life reflected all the better qualities of her ancestry. Well informed, courageous in adversity and sorrow and always progressive in her ideals she was none the less a gentlewoman whose innate refinement was paramount. Her’s was a life of which those who follow after will have many precious memo- ries and not a single regret. Mrs. Fox was a life-long member of the Catholic church and funeral mass was held in St. John’s at ten o’clock on Wednesday morning by Rev. Father Downes, after which bur- ial was made in the Catholic cemetery. The pall-bearers included her five nephews, William, Sydney, L. M. and Paul Dillon, and Paul Brennan, of Pittsburgh, as well as J. H. Dillon, of Coatesville, and John Martin, of Bellefonte. In addition to Mrs. Fox’s nephews, who acted as carriers, and the mem- bers of her immediate family, those from a distance here for the funeral included her sister, Mrs. William Dil- lon, of Pittsburgh; Howard Gearhart, of Millville, N. J., and William Flynn, of Hazleton. = y ih : COMFORT.—Mrs. Susan Comfort, widow of the late William Comfort, died at her home at State College on Monday at two o'clock following a lingering illness with a complication of diseases. ; Her maiden name was Susan Raup and she was born at Pine Hall in 1836, hence was eighty-seven years old. At the age of twenty years she married William Bloom and a good part of their married life was spent in Kansas. Two sons and two daugh- ters survive as the result of this mar- riage, namely: John Bloom, of Den- ver, Iowa; Charles and Mrs. G. W. Campbell, in .Kansas, and Mrs. J. B. Heberling, of State College. After the death of her first husband she married D. S. Erb, and one son, Ed. S. Erb, of State College, survives as the result. of this marriage. Her third husband was William Comfort, who also preceded her to the grave. She was a member of the Lutheran church for seventy years and a pious, christian woman. Rev. J. F. Harkins will have charge of the funeral serv- ices which will be held this afternoon, burial to be made in the new cemetery at Pine Grove Mills. 1 i MARTZ.—Mrs. Mary Ann Martz, widow of the late William H. Martz, died last Saturday afternoon at the home of her son-in-law, G. C. Corl, in Ferguson township, following a long illness with dropsy and heart trouble. She was a daughter of Gilbert and Elizabeth Archey, early settlers in the White Hall region, where she was born November 21st, 1853, making her age 70 years, 10 months and 1 day. Her husband died five years ago but surviving her are one daughter, Mrs. G, C. Corl, and one sister, Mrs. H. M. Snyder, of White Hall. Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick had charge of the ‘funeral services which were held on Tuesday, burial being made in the new cemetery at Pine Grove Mills, il I GEPHART.—Mrs. Catherine Gep- hart, the oldest resident of Millheim, died on Sunday, aged 93 years, 5 months and 6 days. She was a daugh- ter of Adam and Margaret Decker and was born at Hublersburg. Her hus- band, Jacob Gephart, died in January, 1893, but surviving her are the fol- lowing children: Rev. Calvin F. Gep- hart, of Ickesburg; Mrs. Margaret E. Schoch, of Telford, Pa.; James M., of Seattle, Wash.; A. J. Gephart and Mrs. Salina Goodhart, of Millheim. Burial was made in the Millheim cem- etery on Tuesday afternoon. i d FYE.—William Fye died last Sat- urday morning at his home at Orvis- ton as the result of heart trouble and dropsy with which he had suffered the past two months. He was seven- | ty-one years old and had been a resi-| dent of Bald Eagle valley the past: forty-five years. He is survived by’ his wife, three daughters and two sons, namely: of South Philipsburg; Robert Fye, of Blanchard; Mrs. Harry Bickel, of Or- viston; Clarence and Annie, at home. Burial was made at Orviston on Mon- day afternoon. Y Il STAUFFER.—Robert Stauffer, six month’s old son of Ray and Catherine Cooney Stauffer, of Hazleton, died last Saturday afternoon of spinal meningitis, brought on, it is believed, by teething. In addition to the par- ents one sister survives. Burial was made at Hazleton on Sunday. Mrs. Samuel Dalton, Boys’ Potato Clubs Demonstration will be Feature of Centre County Teachers’ Institute on Thursday, October 25th. A special and unusual feature of the Centre county teachers’ institute this year will be introduced by the junior farmers of the county (the boys’ potato clubs) who will hold their first annual potato day on Thursday, October 25th. A selected team of the boys carrying the potato growing pro- jects will give a demonstration before the institute on the afternoon of the above day, and the boys and girls will have their potatoes on exhibit, in com- petition for prizes to be awarded by the business men and banks through- out the county. Early this year each one of the one hundred members of the various clubs was given from two and a half to five bushels of certified Michigan rural russet potatoes for seed as a starter toward growing this high quality po- tato. Many business men in the coun- ty contributed five dollars each to act as sponsor to one boy. Every con- tributor visited his boy during the summer season and became acquaint- ed with him and his family, and with his farming methods in general. It was an eye-opener for some of the | men, who never realized that modern business methods had been introduced in carrying on agricultural pursuits of Centre county. Due to the good graces of the busi- ness men who so cheerfully contribut- ed to the work the boys have received a start early in life growing qual- ity products. They will have a limit- ed number of potatoes to sell this fall and any one desiring to buy Michigan rural russetts, either for table use or seed next spring, should get in touch with John B. Payne, at the court house, Bellefonte, Pa. On the evening of the demonstra- tion before the teachers’ institute the business men will likely give a potato banquet for the boys in the junior farmers association, the place and ‘hour to be decided upon later. Following is a complete list of the boys who are carrying potato pro- jects, with the name and address of their father and the men who are sponsoring them: STATE COLLEGE Member William Strouse Gilbert Fleming Walter Johnson Bond Brungard Glenn Strouse William Neidigh John Royer Maynard Peters Cloyd Grenoble Norman Corl Business Sponsor Hamill Holmes W. L. Foster G. T. Graham Harry Leitzell Morris Baum Albert Deal Eugene Lederer Peoples Nat'l Bank J. M. Faust J. Fred Harvey W. R. Gentzel LeRoy Corl Breon & Stover Charles Harpster Harry Behrer Ralph Corl Morris From Nevin Fisher Parent Address Charles Strouse Pine Hall J. T. Fleming Pine Grove Mills O. A. Johnston Pine Hall A. B. Brumgard Pine Hall Luther Strouse Pine Hall Sidney Neidigh Pine Hall Elmer Royer White Hall Arthur Peters Oak Hall (2) H. N. Grenoble Mrs. W. K. Corl Alvin Corl Edward Harpster P. M. Corl Pine Hall Pine Grove Mills White Hall Glades School State College George Fisher Boalsburg W. M. Hoy John O. Kline W. E. Kline Boalsburg John T. Taylor Charles Campbell J. M. Campbell Pine Grove Mills David Kapp Mack Mothersbaugh Geo. Mothersbaugh Boalsburg Charles M. Foster Harold Albright A. F. Albright State College W. E. Smith James Meek John B. Meek Waddle John L. Holmes James Bohn D. C. Bohn Boalsburg W. A. Fye Kenneth Wert John B. Wert Boalsburg L. D. Fye Harold Callahan Daniel Callahan Boalsburg Paul J. Smith Franklin McClellan Harry McClellan Boalsburg First National Bank Herbert Way William F. Way Stormstown William Kennedy Allan Green H. L. Rockey Linden Hall Walter R. Mason Roy Close C. E. Close State Colllege Struble’s Grocery Charles Moyer W. H. Moyer State College Mrs. E. Hurwitz David Brumgard A. B. Brumgard Pine Hall L. K. Metzger Fred H. Ross C. N. Ross Linden Hall W. W. Knox Rodney McClellan R. G: WeClellan Boalsburg Park Homan Russell Bohn D. C. Bohn Boalsburg J. H. Musser Miss Fay Bohn D. C. Bohn Boalsburg E. L. Nixon Paul Campbell J. M. Campbell Pine Grove Mills A. I.._Baker Walter Johnson A. O. Johnston Pine Hall Brandon Wright Ralph Corl P. M. Corl State College R. H. Bell Franklin McClellan L. F. Albright Centre Hall H. D. Munroe D. Smeltzer Orvis Smeltzer State College T. I. Mairs Norman Corl Mrs. W. K. Corl Pine Hall C. E. Fox Marcellus Royer W. J. Royer Centre Hall J. M. Vial Edgar Jodon Centre Hall BELLEFONTE Business Sponsor Member Parent Address George T. Bush Ray Corman Harvey Corman Bellefonte R. D. Willis Wion Nevin Lee Charles Lee Snydertown Henry C. Quigley John Lutz Victor Lutz Bellefonte R. D. R. R. Blair Harry Eckenroth William Eckenroth Bellefonte R. D. James H. Potter Alvin Shamp Kline Neff Zion G. Oscar Gray LeRoy Koch James Koch + Zion H. C. Yeager Earl Barnard Harry Rockey Zion George H. Hazel John Wright Snydertewn Montgomery & Co David Fry Frank Fry Zion H. H. Ruhl Joseph Tressler Boyd Tressler Zion Dorsey Hunter. Wilbur Kerstetter Merle Kerstetter Bellefonte Charles Schlow Paul Kerstetter Merle Kerstetter Bellefonte John Knisely Gerald Tressler Harry Tressler Zion William Brouse Ralph Ishler L. M. Ishler Zion First National Bank ulenn McCaleb Perry MecCaleb Tylersville Cohen & Co James Brooks Richard Brooks Centre Hall C. Y. Wagner Edgar Jodon Centre Hall S. D. Gettig Harold Bloom B. C. Bloom Bellefonte R. D. Ralph Mallory George Blair John Blair Bellefonte R. D. Toy Wilkinson Joseph: -Méyers=s Earl G. Meyers Waddle - Bellefonte Hardware Charles Sellers Waddle Sim Baum Joseph Ebbs Harry Ebbs Waddle Ralph Mallory Fred Blair John Blair Bellefonte R. D. TP, Brown Merrill Taylor J. C. Taylor Bellefonte R. D. BOYS AND GIRLS IN POTATO Port Matilda—Sponsored by the business men of Port Matilda and the Community Bank :—Andrew Johnson, Gilbert Wood- ring, Jessie Woodring, Glenn Peacock, Verna Thomas, Maude Williams, 8. y Gray, Earle Woodring, Howard Woodring, Gerald Williams, Lee Stiver, Jacob Cole, LeRoy Williams, DeLaun Williams, James Murray. WORK IN CENTRE COUNTY. Millheim—Sponsored by the Business Men's Association of Millheim:—Harry Burd, Orvis Hosterman, Maurice Whitmyer, Ray L. Bright, Milford Hazel, William Winkleblech, Ralph Beahm, Roy Vonada, Charles Cummings. MILLER.—Mrs. widow of Joseph B. Miller, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Fred Herman, on east Bishop street, Thursday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. She had been visiting at the home’ of her brother-in-law, F. P. Miller, at State College. While there she fell and injured her side and was brought to the Bellefonte hospital for exam- ination. There it was revealed that she had suffered no more serious in- jury than shock and was taken to the Herman home where she suddenly collapsed, Wednesday morning, and passed away the following day. Mrs. Miller was a daughter of John and Elizabeth Eckenroth and was born near Oak Hall on September 12th, 1857. She married Joseph B. Miller and together they wert to farming, occupying the Hale farm below Belle- fonte, an occupation they followed un- til moving to this place some years ago. After Mr. Miller's death, in 1902, she closed her house and there- after made her home with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Herman. ' Of her family of five children three survive: Frank A., of State College; Ella E. Herman and Margaret B. Hill, of Bellefonte. Mrs. Miller was a life-long’ member of the Methodist church, a most gra- cious and lovable woman whose devo- tion to her family and to the service of her Master leaves memories of her sainted life that will ever be fresh in the minds of those who knew her. Services were held at the Herman home, on Saturday afterncon and in- terment' was made in the Union cem- etery. i Il I McKINNEY.—Miss Sadie Martha McKinney, for many years 'a resident of Centre Hall, died at 9:30 o’clock on Saturday evening at the home of her niece, Mrs. Edward Glenn, of Lemont, | where she had gone about ten days previous to spend an indefinite time. Her death was due to Bright’s dis- ease with which she had suffered for some time. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. * William McKinney and was born in Mifflin county, her age being 70 years, 4 months and 20 days. She was a life-long member of the Presbyterian church and a woman who was esteem- ed by all who knew her. Surviving her are two sisters, Mrs. Mary Jane Goodhart, of Centre Hall, and Mrs. Hannah Meyer, of Sunbury. The remains were taken to her late Sara E. Miller, | : the new landlord. home at Centre Hall where funeral services were held at 10 o’clock on Wednesday morning by Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, of the Presbyterian church, after which burial was made in the Centre Hall cemetery. Il I THOMPSON.—John A. Thompson died at his home in Tyrone on Sunday morning, following an illness of sev- eral months with sarcoma. He was born at Howard, Centre county, on June 23rd, 1866, hence was in his fifty-eighth year. In 1886 he married Miss Tillie Gross and eigh- teen years ago they moved to Tyrone where they had lived ever since. In addition to his wife he is sur- vived by four children, Mrs. Anna Summers, Mrs. Margaret Snyder and Mrs. John Reigh, all of Tyrone, and Harold, a student at the University of Delaware. He also leaves three broth- ers and two sisters, Parker, William and David Thompson, Mrs. Thomas Confer and Mrs. Charles Walizer, all of Howard. He was an active member of the First United Brethren church, of Ty- rone, and a teacher in the Sunday school. He was a member of the P. O. S. of A., of Howard, the Bellefonte tribe of Red Men, the Pocahontas P. 0. S. of A., Fraternal Mystic Circle and Blazing Arrow hook and ladder company, of Tyrone. Funeral serv- ices were held in the United Brethren church, Tyrone, at 2:30 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon, burial being made in the Eastlawn cemetery. I] J EMERICK.—Mrs. Julia Alexander Emerick, widow of S. K. Emerick, died just before the noon hour last Thursday at the home of her niece, Mrs. Parsons, at Unionville, following an illness of some weeks. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Al- exander and was born in Union town- ship seventy-two years ago, being the last of the family, her only svrvivors being nieces and nephews. She was a sister of the late Mrs. Nannie T\wit- mire, first wife of W. T. Twitmire. of Bellefonte. Funeral services were held on Sunday, the anniversary of " her birth, and burial made in the Un- ionville cemetery. ——On October first Henry Kline will quit the Garman hotel and move to his home on east Bishop street, and - Jacob Knisely, who was recently de- feated for: the nomination’ for sheriff on the Republican ticket, will become OFFICIAL PRIMARY VOTE. _ Count Develops No Change in Candi- dates from Those Announced Last Week. An error of the computation board ‘in making the official count of the vote cast at last Tuesday’s primaries resulted in the announcement on Sat- urday morning that D. Wagner Geiss had been nominated for Recorder on the Democratic ticket over Sinie H. Hoy by a majority of six votes, and the error was not discovered until late Monday afternoon, and when it was corrected it was discovered that Mr. Hoy was nominated, as originally an- nounced, but by a majority reduced down to twenty-one, instead of sixty- one, as announced last week. Most of this discrepancy is accounted for in the returns from one precinct where Mr. Hoy was credited with having re- ceived 27 votes on the triplicate sheet from which the report was taken last week, while the tally sheet showed that he had received but seven votes. While the official count shows minor changes in totals and majorities they do not make any changes in candi- dates from those announced last week. The computation board consisted of Judge Quigley, prothonotary Roy Wilkinson, D. R. Foreman and Mrs. Donald Potter, and the official count as compiled by them is as follows: DEMOCRATIC. For Judge of Superior Court: Charles :D. IMCAVOY. For Sheriff: BR. Bayior. 30. cuvide i sveme snd Elmer "Broo se ces sicrrrnsresoses For Prothonotary: 1692 704 8S. Claude Herr, ..ocveivirs..ivisss. 2002 For County Treasurer: Wi A CAISON. ccc vn rvradssvains ans 762 Lyman 'L, Smith, ;................ 1542 For Register: Forrest: 8. Ocker.i..¢..... 00.0... 2103 For Recorder: Sinte H, HOV....... onssicnsmrni D. Wagner Geiss.................. For County Commissioners: James W. § John 8. Spearly Burdine Butler..... 1169 1148 1409 For District Attorney: John G. L Fer County Auditor: Jonathan 8. Cord0.........cc0n..s Herbert 8. StOVer. coi vis onesies For Coroner: Dr: WoO. Irwin... iit. hoiu add 10 Dr. W. R.. Heaton... o:vi.vousvs 18 DP. FB. Li. JONeS.. .conveinrvenssis 55 For County Surveyor: H.B. Shattuek.....0. vo... 0000 1872 REPUBLICAN. For Judge of Superior Court: John J. Henderson............... 2193 Arthur McDade... ca. h.usises 1213 For Sheriff: JacoD KNSely,.).. vos iuresssprisass 1746 William H, ‘Brown, ......... ..... 2270 For Prothonotary: Roy Wilkinson....... J... 0 .. For County Treasurer: Je: O., Heverly../ieetosvecncrarcres Irh G.Burket), aHlo0, Sh iG Edward , J. For Register: Thomas Morgan George W. 3639 Bees oii. oledevies Frank Sasserman.. res . George W. Eaton........... Foie Harry ROSSMAN. ...... ...... vere For Recorder: Mrs. Rebeeca C. Tuten............ 110YA ZA, SSLOVe. wv svieinesisnsinsense For County Commissioners: Harry P. Aust... eccasnsies nse 1990 John 1. Harnigh.. ni. 0 0... 1643 George H. Yarnell....... i. oue040 1914 JORN A.: WHY... cavers vnesvrsrisles 1539 For District Attorney: John G/ Eevertl............... 70. 2264 Arthur 0. Dale........ 5h 00h 1717 For County Auditors: Samuel: B. Holter... .. cis .0000000 2600 Robert D. Musser.........veessers 2709 For Coroner: Pr. WR, Heaton: is), Sill! 0000 310 Dr. RB. 1. Jones....i.. udiiv aaa iin 305 Walter. G. Tallhelm...couvvicenses 43 For County Surveyor: H., B. Shattueke,...\. .ciececnsres 3095 Reformed Church Reopened for Services. Last Sunday was a red-letter day for the members of St. John’s Reform- ed church. After a period of six weeks, during which time no services were held, the church was reopened Sun- day morning. The entire interior of the church has been renewed. The walls repainted, a body-Brussels car- pet placed on the floor and a large central steam-heating plant installed. A new roof was placed on the chapel and other minor improvements made in both buildings. At the morning service $2,810.00 were pledged in fifteen minutes. To this amount must be added the $1,200 contributed by the Ladies’ Aid socie- ty for the carpet, and a bequest of $500 received from the Harper estate, making a total of $4,010. At the evening service $125 were added, making a final total of $4,135. Less than $500 need to be raised to pay the total cost of all the improve- ments. This will be raised within the next few weeks, is the assurance of the officers of the congregation. Dr. Schmidt announced at the morning service that another memor- ial window would be placed in the church in the near future by Mrs. Jared Harper and her son John, as a memorial to Jared Harper, who for thirty-seven years was an office- bearer in the congregation. Sunday School to Help Hospital. Last Sunday, the Milesburg Baptist Sunday school voted to make next Sunday Bellefonte hospital Sunday, and make an effort to raise the sum of one hundred dollars for this worthy institution. ; The attendance is about sixty-five but they feel assured that as the sum of thirty five dollars was raised for the Japan relief Sunday before last, that the appeal for our local institu- tion of mercy and help in affliction should warrant a three-fold response. Starting on October . first the G. R. Spigelmyer & Co. news agency will discontinue delivery of daily morning papers, owing to their ina- bility to secure the service of carrier boys. Subscribers can get their pa- pers at the news stand, or can have them sent direct by mail, whichever they prefer. 5 | the big reunion day. This 1 | fourth annual homecoming for gradu- Driving for the Spangler Hospital This Week. For several weeks the trustees of the Spangler hospital have been pian- ning for a drive to raise funds for adding a wing to that institution, tak- ing out an open stair case that is re- garded as a fire menace, and other- wise improve the property. They needed $125,000 for the work. Spang- ler is a small community but that sum never stalled the hospital officials a moment. They went to it, made a perfect organization, engaged a cam- paign manager and, on Monday night, launched the drive at a dinner given for final instructions to all commit- tees and solicitors. Charles M. Schwab was at the dinner and made a speech: which is said to have set every one on edge for the completion of the work this week. We are interested in the Spangler undertaking for these reasons: Belle- fonte’s hospital is built after the same plans as that at Spangler. The late Robert Cole was architect of both and used practically the same speci- fications in their construction. The Bellefonte institution could use ad- vantageously as much as Spangler is driving for. James A. McClain, a native of Bellefonte, has been the father of the Spangler hospital ever since it was built. We notice in the Johnstown papers of Tuesday that the opening of the campaign almost closed it, for the coal operators of the community en- gaged to raise $55,000, the miners $36,000 and the balance was left for general contributions. 15,000 Expected to Visit State Col- lege. State College, a town which nor- mally boasts a population of less than 3500, is making preparations to en- tertain a visiting crowd of five times its size. The occasion will be the an- nual alumni homecoming day celebra- tion at the Pennsylvania State College on Saturday, October 20th. There will be room for 20,000 peo- ple at the Penn State-Navy football game that day, this event being the chief attraction. Upwards of fifteen thousand of the crowd will be from outside the town and campus, and the problem of housing and feeding is a big one with town and college peo- ple at this early date. It is said that all hotel space is already reserved in Bellefonte, the nearest sizable town, and a special alumni committee on housing is facing the local situation. Fraternities, boarding and rooming houses will have to care for the bulk of the crowd which will be largely stag, including hundreds of alumni and former students coming back for is the ates and the occasion is now one of the greatest events on the college cal- endar. The Lycoming County Fair Hughesville, at The Lycoming county fair to be held at Hughesville on October 9th to 13th inclusive will close the out-of- door fall attractions of this kind in this section. It offers assurance of a very large showing of horses, cattle, hogs and poultry, with the agricultural build- ing already too small to accommo- date the exhibits. Twenty-five new race horse stables have been erected to take care of the increasing number of race horses. Racing on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, with big auto races on Satur- day, under the auspices of the North- ern Central Auto Racing association, eight cars with seven events. Corey’s Carnival company with five rides and ten shows, will occupy the midway. Sanger’s pigs, the Hori Japs, and the Great Cahil, free before the grandstand. ————————— More Japanese Relief. The following additional contribu- tions to the Japanese relief fund have been received: Previously reported .............. $1,637.14 FH. B. Bealy,.....oocivioisanacisiai 10.00 Miss. R. G. Frostburg.........aoe.. 2.00 Miss Helen E. C. Overton.......... 3.00 Miss M. L. McManus........oceeu.. 1.00 Miss Ruth Fulton...c..ccovnnvses-s 1.00 Total contributions to date........ $1,654.14 This amount has been remitted to the American Red Cross. The officers of the Bellefonte Chap- ter wish to thank the several contrib- utors to the fund, for their quick and generous response to this appeal. That Hospital Benefit. The beautiful drama, “The Coming of Ruth,” which is being prepared as a benefit for the Bellefonte hospital, is becoming more and more interest- ing as the play develops. A few of the principal soloists have been heard and have given great pleasure to the company by the quality of their ren- dition. The director is to be congrat- ulated upon his wise selection of the characters portrayed. The scenes thus far studied embrace the Baal- worshipers and the departure of Elim- eleck’s family into Moab. The date has been set for October 15th and 16th. \ ——Just 245. tickets were sold at the Bellefonte station for the Penn- sylvania railroad excursion to Niag- ara Falls on Saturday night. ——The ladies bible class of the Lutheran church will hold a bake sale on Saturday, October 20th, in H. P. Schaeffer's hardware store.