Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 21, 1923, Image 3
Bona fapn Bellefonte, Pa., September 21, 1923. Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted ° Correspondents. PINE GROVE MENTIONS. A light vote was cast at the prima- ry Tuesday. Joseph Fleming and J. F. Meyers are among the sick. Rev. J. W. McAlarney is holding a series of revival meetings at Dungar- vin. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Whitmer, of Linden Hall, spent Saturday evening in town. r Harry Bickett, of Fairbrook, visit- ed his mother, Mrs. Emma Bickett, in town, on Sunday. Aaron C. Kepler, our potato cultur- ist, is busy raising and carting his tubers to market. The many friends of Maggie Hill will be glad to learn that she is re- covering from her recent illness. Alarge crowd of rooters accompa- nied our ball team to Petersburg last Saturday and we won to the tune of 9 to 6. David Houser and family motored to Altoona last week to spend several days with their former neighbors, the Coleman families. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Miller, of Niles, Ohio, spent last week visiting their former neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Em- ory John, near this place. After spending a month with her mother at the old Kepler homestead Mrs. Florence DeVoe Meade has re- turned to her home in Maryland. Mrs. Wight Bierly ‘has arrived home from the University hospital, Phila- delphia. She underwent an operation while in the city and is convalescing nicely now. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller and son Ray and Mrs. Stere and Mrs. Emma Nelson and daughter Cora, of Belle- _fonte, were callers among relatives here on Sunday. While threshing at the D. G. Meek farm at Fairbrook, Saturday, the rear end of John Miller’s machine broke through the barn floor and was con- siderably damaged. Charley Custaborder, C. Y. Wag- ner’s right hand man in the big Belle- . fonte mill was in town last week. He was using a cane, but is getting bet- ter of his lameness. Charley Stuck and family and Jas. Kline and family, motored to Mc- Clure, Snyder county, to attend the annual reunion of the Kline clan, at which one hundred and fifty were present. A big layout was the fea- ture. James Hoover, a former Pine Grove Mills resident but of late years living at Snow Hill, Md., is § ending a week among relatives and old neighbors. He has a hankerin’ to come back to Cen- tre county and there is no doubt but that they would receive a royal wel- come. Dr. Stork has been very liberal with our people lately. He left a little daughter with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gearhart. The grandad, proprietor of “Bells Inn” is all puffed up over the advent. Sunday morning a little sol- dier boy was left at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lauck, it being No. 3 in their happy family. Pennsylvania Uses 1,000,000 Gallons of Gas Daily. Gasoline consumption in Pennsylva- nia has for the first time reached the enormous amount of one million gal- lons daily, according to estimates pre- pared by the statistical bureau of the Atlantic Refining company. This new high mark, brought about by the in- creased number of automobiles, is co- incident with the additional one cent tax on gasoline. From the State tax of two cents a gallon the revenue is therefore $20,- 000 a day, of which one-fourth goes to counties for road building, and three-fourths into the State general fund. The Atlantic Refining company bas- es its figures for total gasoline con- sumption on an estimated registra- tion of 918,000 passenger cars and 71,000 solid tire trucks on July 31st. The gasoline consumption, in July, of each passenger car registered, is 23.14 gallons. The July consumption of the average truck is 137.28 gallons. These figures have been arrived at by tab- ulations kept throughout a period of ten years. ——We can die of old age at thirty- six. HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS DEY5 PLINTY O° FOLKS WHUTS GOT BRAINS, BUT DEY AIN' GOT MUCH O' WHUT You CALLS 'BiLivy i : rel 7, Copyright, 1931 by MeClure Newapsper Syndicates - — res ms — Changing Farm Conditions, It is a fact well known among those who have made a study of the subject, that dairy products such as milk, but- ter, cheese, etc., which are sold from the farm do not take from the land very much of its fertility. The ni- trates, the phosphates, and the potash are important elements of soil fertili- ty, and when it is necessary to put . | these back in the soil, it is found that they are the most expensive ones to supply. As has been said, these ele- ments are not contained te any great extent in dairy products, and so when they are disposed of by the farmer, he is not robbing the soil, and it is not necessary to buy fertilizers to bring his farm back to normal pro- ductiveness. When grain, such as wheat, corn, oats and even hay is sold from the farm, these contain all those valuable elements, that is the nitrogen, the phosphorus, and the potassium. In order to keep the farms up to a prof- itable productiveness we must put these back in some form of fertilizer. With its tremendously rich resoure- es, America has been wasteful in much of its industry. In their effort to se- cure the largest financial return, our citizens have stripped from the land many of these valuable resources. The timber, the ores, the oil, and many of the farm products can never be re- placed. As a result much of America has become permanently impoverish- ed. Some of the countries of the world have been wiser than we have been. This wisdom has not always been practiced conscientiously. Often it has been the result of necessity. In- stead of selling raw material with the least possible expenditure of labor, they have used their rather limited resources, have used their skill and have expended much labor, and have sold the resulting finished products. Thus they have ‘been disposing to a. large extent of their labor, and at a profit. Switzerland, with few natural re- sources, has sold what? First, its wonderful scenery to visitors who bring their money and in exchange get the marvelous mountain views. Switzerland is thus enabled to accom- plish that which the old adage says cannot be done, that is to eat its cake and have it too. While they sell their wonderful views, their scenery is still retained. Switzerland has also a lim- ited amount of wood. Instead of sell- ing this as lumber, the Swiss have learned to carve beautiful objects from the wood which they sell. They are thus in reality disposing of their labor and not of the raw material. Denmark also is an example. She has not exported grains or even cat- tle to any great extent, but she has exported great quantities of dairy products so that she is known over the world as one of the foremost export- ers of these products. We in America need to study these lessons. Especially here in Pennsyl- vania do we need to consider care- fully what we are doing. This is what is being done. We sell, or have sold, our timber. We are selling our coal. We are selling our oil. We are sell- ing our grains and farm products which, as previously shown, contain those valuable ingredients which can be replaced only at great cost. When we stop to carefully consid- er these matters, we cannot fail to clearly see that it is time for many farmers to call a halt in some of their methods and to reconstruct them on more intelligent lines which conform to the changing conditions. More than they have done they should turn to dairying as a basic industry. By so doing they will be increasing instead of depleting their farm fertility, and will be fostering an industry the de- mands for whose products is bound to increase. The farmers are destined to receive increasing returns in nion- ey, for there can never be any great slump in the demands for dairy pro- ducts. In Centre county, and to a great ex- tent in other parts of Pennsylvania, the farms are owned by men or by the estates of men, whose money has been made in producing and selling grains and cattle. In many cases the original owners of the land have made their money and have retired, having re- moved to the cities and towns. They have leased their farm holdings to younger men or to men who have not been so financially successful. These original owners, having been success-| ful in making money by raising and) selling hay, grain and cattle, are con- servative and are not inclined to change their methods of farming even when the : general conditions are changing. The farms are leased with the idea that the tenants shall pursue the same methods which have been used before on the farms. The in- creasing demands for the products of the dairy, call for new methods of farming. Especially is this true since the cities demand that the conditions which surround the production of milk shall be improved. The tenants of the farms cannot afford to make the physical changes necessary, and the owners are adverse to making the changes. If the owners could be led to see that dairying presents a more encouraging field of endeavor to the eastern farmer than do some of the older methods of agriculture, a great and marked step would be made in ad- vance. Owners would then encourage and would aid at least in the financing the reconstruction of barns to meet the demands of the dairy industry, and they would aid their tenants in providing the equipment necessary and in following the methods requir- ed for producing an increasing volume of milk to be sold in the fluid state as well as in the manufacture of other dairy products. There is an increas- | ing demand for these things to be con- sumed in the rapidly growing cities and towns. The west is the logical field for the location of our great grain fields, and for the growing of cattle. The east must gradually produce less and less of these things, and must continue to be increasingly the producer of dairy products. Let us get in line with these facts, and act accordingly. BOALSBURG. Mrs. McIntyre, of Altoona, is visit- ing among friends in this vicinity. Miss Mildred Gingrich went to Wil- liamsport to enter business college. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kimport, of El- mira, N. Y., are visiting friends in this vicinity. Cyrus Wagner, of Altoona, enjoyed a week-end visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wagner. Mrs. Paul Stairs, of Greensburg, was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Stuart, and other friends. Mr. John Wagner went to Gettys- burg on Monday to resume his work in the Theological seminary. Miss Marjorie Slagle, of Altoona, was a recent visitor at the home of her grandfather, D. W. Meyer. Nevin Meyer is making some im- provements, about his residence among them being a new porch. Mrs. Wenden Busch, of Washing- ton, D. C., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarlane. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kern and baby, of Lemont, spent Sunday with Mrs. Kern’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith. Mrs. John Harkins and sons, John and William, of State College, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wag- ner last week. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Zeigler, Mr. and Mrs. Heverly and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coxey and ‘children, of State College, spent Sunday with friends in town. The, ‘ladies "of class No. 9 of the Lutheran Sunday school will have a conundrum social at the home of Er- nest Hess, at Shingletown, on Satur- day evening, September 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hazel and daughters, Misses Mary and Jane, went to Lewisburg on Tuesday, where Miss Mary enrolled as a student in the musical department at Bucknell. The Reitz and Lonebarger families spent Sunday at Crystal Spring park; Mrs. Henry Reitz and son Fred and guest, Mrs. Hattie Miller, continuing the trip to Sunbury, Williamsport and other points. AARONSBURG. After spending a week or ten days with his daughter, in Northumberland, C. G. Bright returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Charles, of Har- tleton, and Mrs. Feese, of Mifflinburg, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. G. Mingle. Monday the Misses Margaret Cun- ningham and Irene Musser went to Lock Haven where they entered Cen- tral State Normal school as students, for the winter term. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Ardery, of Bellefonte, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver, in this place and with Mrs. Ardery’s other sisters, in Woodward and Coburn. Sunday, ’Squire and Mrs. Stover, their son John, and Frank Burwell motored to Milroy, where they spent a few hours among Mr. Stover’s niec- es, among them Mrs. Shem Aurand. Mr. and Mrs. William Nevil and family, of Clarence, spent the week- end with Mrs. Nevil’s mother, Mrs. Henry Mowery. They were guests Sunday of Mrs. Nevil’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Burd. Mrs. Thomas Hull was the motor guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McHose, of Millheim, who were also accompa- nied by Mrs. McHose’s mother, Mrs. Augusta Edmunds, on a one day trip to Huntingdon, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Pat- ton and Mrs. C. C. Bell and son Earl. OAK HALL. A. C. Peters purchased a Ford tour- ing car last week. Mrs. E. C. Rodel was a recent vis- itor with her parents at Millersburg. Philip Dale, of State College, trans- aoied business at this place on Tues- ay. F. E. Reish was a guest at the home of John Korman, near Bellefonte, on Sunday. Miss Martha Smith, of Spring Mills, was a week-end guest of her friend, Miss Eliza Gilliland. Mr. and Mrs. William Ross, accom- panied by Miss Bell Ross, of Pleasant Gap, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ross and children, of Bellefonte, were Sun- day visitors at the L. K. Dale home. ——— ee ———— Real Estate Transfers. J. L. Winegardner, et al, to Samuel Frankenberger, tract in Millheim; $500. Samuel P. Orndorf, et al, to Wash- ington Camp, No. 357, P. O. S. of A,, tract in Haines township; $450. Miriam I. Dreese, et al, to Mary Mo Shope, tract in State College; $4,- Mary M. Shope to Mabel J. Gentzel, tract in State College; $7,000. Samuel T. Williams, et ux, to S. Augusta Gray, tract in Worth town- ship; $1. Philipsburg Coal & Land Co., to 3 ohn Goldthorpe, tract in Philipsburg; Thomas B. Charles, et ux, to Wil- liam E. Smith, tract in College town- ship; $12,500. Michael Woomer, Admr., to Eliza- beth C. Taylor, tract in State College; $3,900. Elizabeth E. Taylor, et bar, to Hen- ry A. Garner, et ux, tract in State College; $6,100. Reed R. Randolph, et ux, to George M. Nearhood, tract in Ferguson town- ship; $2,000. Elsie M. Mingle, et bar, to Ellery Wo Tice, et ux, tract in Howard; $1,- POLITENESS IS A SUPERLATIVE TRAIT. By L. A. Miller. It is an undeniable fact that polite- ness is the best trait or characteristic a man can possess, and if it is not born in him it can be readily acquired. It goes a long way in smoothing over the rough edges of life and has been the means of enabling many a young man to rise in the world who other- wise might have remained in the low- er strata. : While it is not necessary to fawn upon the rich and the great or influ- ential; for a man should at all times preserve a proud independence, but if one is considerate of others he will find, often to his surprise, that these |b kindnesses bear unexpected and grate- ful fruit. A man need not go through the world shoving all others aside and trampling the weak under foot. At the same time he should not permit himself to be imposed upon. To woman, particularly, to whom the social atmosphere is life itself, the few bits of caution, advice, warn- ing and general information given above will not come amiss, although we do not wish to intimate that the majority of ladies are unfamiliar with the rules and regulations of society; for they are not. The idea of devoting so much space to apparently trivial matters in con- nection with social life is merely to aid in the observance of those laws, the intricacies and details of which no one can retain in the memory. Ladies are adepts in conforming to the slightest, and, to the average ob- server, the most insignificant forms laid down by the autocrats of socie- ty, but it sometimes comes to pass that they need recourse to the letter of the dictum and cannot trust to what they think is the proper thing to be done in the circumstances and under the conditions then prevailing. As people are known and judged by their manners and the way they con- duct themselves when in the company of others, it should ‘always be born'in mind, therefore, that politeness ought to begin at home. Isnt. it strange that men are not more polite to their wives, who are certainly” more to them than other women. The man who takes off his hat as politely to his wife when he parts from her on the street as he would to a lady ac- quaintance of yesterday; who opens the door for her to enter; who would no more speak harshly to her than to any other lady, is very likely to re- tain her first affection, with the addi- tion of that similar, closer love which comes of close companionship. Wom- en admire men who are genuinely in- terested in them and who never fail in anticipating their slightest wishes, wants and desires. At a dinner given in New York, at which the best society of the Metropo- lis was represented, a lady bantering- ly asked United States Ambassador Choate, who had just been selected for the English Mission, what he would prefer to be if he were not Mrs. Choate’s husband? “Mrs. Choate’s second husband,” was the prompt and gallant reply. In the domestic social cirele do not fail to talk with your wife and chil- dren; tell them the interesting hap- penings of the day, but do not bring your business cares home with you; children are always pleased when papa talks to them or notices them in" any way, and are eager to know about things which are new. The wife, on the other hand, should be a husband’s confidant, for her advice is often of the soundest and most practical sort. She knows little or nothing of busi- ness, it is true, but she has a level head, just crowded to overflowing with common sense. All wives are not sages and philosophers, it is true, but you can depend upon it that when a woman advises her husband it is with a heart filled with love and af- fection, and an overwhelming desire to be of benefit to him. Remember, women are the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of men, and they should command the respect due them by virtue of their exalted station. And again, man is the nat- ural protector of woman, by reason of his superior physical strength, and he should, at all times and in all places, see that she is protected from harm of any kind. Any youth, young man or adult man who is tenderly re- gardful of the wants of mother, wife or sister, is one to be trusted; he has a good, kind heart and is one of na- ture’s noblemen; he is a gentleman in sincerity and truth, and his reward is the consciousness of having per- formed the obligations imposed upon im. Every Ninth Person in Pennsylvania : Has Automobile. One out of about every nine inhab- itants of Pennsylvania owns an auto- mobile now. The population of the State under the 1920 census was 8,- 720,017, and at present there are ap- proximately 912,000 passenger cars licensed in the State, according to Register Eynon, of the automobile di- vision. At the close of 1922 there were 746,797 passenger cars registered in Pennsylvania, which meant that about one out of every eleven persons in the State owned a machine. Since 1922 the number of passenger cars in Pennsylvania has increased more than 140,000. On an average of five per- sons to a family there is a registered passenger car in the State for one out of every two families. The State Highway system, which does not include county and township roads, embraces approximately 6000 miles of improved highways, accord- ing to State Highway Commissioner Wright. Fine Job Printing o—A BSPECIALTY—o AT THR WATCHMAN OFFICE There is no style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. 1 on or communicate with this office. MEDICAL. ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. Act Quickly Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidney danger, Doan’s Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of Bellefonte evidence of their worth. Ask your neighbor! Mrs. Susan Lyons, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 49, Bellefonte, says: “I know there is no better remedy for kidney and bladder trouble than Doan’s Kid- ney Pills. I suffered a great deal with disordered kidneys. My back gave out and ached as if it would reak. I was hardly ever free from nervous, dizzy headaches and inflam- mation of the bladder caused me to suffer terribly. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills bought at Zeller & Son’s drug store and I have never had anything do me so much good. The aches and pains left my back and I was relieved of the bladder trouble.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Lyons had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 68-37 ——=Subscribe for the “Watchman.” Caldwell & Son Plumbing and Heating By Hot Water “rsa. AND MILL SUPPLIES ALL SIZES OF Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished. 66-15-t¢ HIGHESTER SPILLS Fills ia od ‘and Gold ‘metalic ake me lu boii Soh en e known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ww SIVERTCO og; a 2 2 2 9 CORD TIRES Beezer’s Garage LIRR L Rl = KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im all courts. Office, room 18 Crider'’s Exchange. 51-1y N B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law. Practices in all the courts. Come sultation in English or German. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellezonte, a. P J Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate tention given all legal business en- trusted to his care. Offices—No. 6 East High street. 37-44 M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Office on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law. Consultation in English and Ger- man. Office in Crider’ Fachaiie Bellefonte, Pa. CHitere KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- PHYSICIANS. R. R. L. CAPERS, OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte St Crider’s Exch. By Go llede 66-11 Holmes Bldg. 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre demce county, Pa. Office at his resi- nm @ coallTY] SONCITELR SNCS CHICKENS DEVOUR OUR FEED Of course, chickens have a hab- it of eating anyway, but feed them on our feed and watch them grow! It will make you as satisfied as they are! Give the chicks a-chance, pleads our little songster! “Quality talks” C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc. 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Com- pulsory. We specialize in plac- ing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College Get the Best Meats You save nothing by buying ,poor thin or gristly meats. I use only the LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the freshest, choicest, best blood and mus- cle making Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than the poorer meats are elsewhere. I always have —DRESSED POULTRY— Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP P. L. BEEZER, High Streed, 34-34-1y Bellefonte, Fan Fire! Get Protection. The following Lines of Insurance are written in my Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE (All Kinds) BOILER (Including Inspection) PLATE GLASS BURGLARY COMPENSATION LIABILITY ACCIDENT and HEALTH EVERY POLICY GUARANTEES YOU PROTECTION When you want any kind of a Bond come and see me. Don’t ask friends. They don’t want to go on your Bond. I will. H. E. FENLON Bell 174-M Temple Court Commercial BELLEFONTE, PA. 56-21