Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 24, 1923, Image 3
i Bellefonte, Pa., August 24, 1923. Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. PLEASANT GAP. Mildred Sampsel, of Niagara Falls, is visiting with her parents. Mrs. Nelson Wayard is spending a few days with relatives at Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. T. Jodon left Satur- day on a visit to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Gough, of Philadelphia, is vis- iting here with her son, Austin Gough. Mr. and Mrs. William Kerstetter left on Sunday on a motor trip to Get- tysburg. Russell Fisher, of Pitcairn, is vis- iting at the home of his uncle, Chas. Schreffler. Miss Ruth Whitman, of Lewisburg, is visiting with her cousin, Louise Eckenroth. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, of Salts- burg, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Ross. William Bilger, who is attending school in Seranton, is spending his vacation with his parents. Misses Helen and Henrietta Gettig are enjoying a two week’s vacation with friends in Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. John Millward, of Os- ceola, were week-end visitors here with Mr. Millward’s brother. Mrs. Harry Armstrong and daugh- ter are visiting with Mrs. Arm- strong’s parents, in Lewistown, this week. Wallace Horner and wife, of Me- Keesport, arrived here Monday, to spend a few weeks with Mr. Horner’s parents. : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Twitmire, of Wilmerding, are spending a two week’s vacation here with friends and relatives. As people are known and judged by their manners and the way they cen- duct themselves when in the company of others, it should always be born in mind, therefore, that politeness ought to begin at home. The story is told of a young wife who was unfortunate enough to have a crank for a hus- | band; one of those who do not consid- er it obligatory to treat wives with respect, tenderness of deference. He was “a good provider,” as it is called, but he thought his duty stopped there. | Before marriage he was devotion it- self, to the fair creature who gave him her heart and hand, but after the honeymoon trip—in fact, before it was ended—his true nature asserted itself and he treated her as though she were of the smallest consequence. She bore all this with patience, but at last her spirit rose, and she deter- mined to assert herself. One night as he was putting on his coat prepar- atory to spending a few hours at the club, she said, “John, they say that; when you are away from home you| are one of the pleasantest and most ' delightful men in the world.” He said nothing, but looked at her strangely as he opened the hall door to go out. He returned from the club at an early hour, which was very un- usual with him, and the following day his demeanor toward his wife was changed, and, for the better. His manner was affected, he was never petulant, he deferred in everything pertaining to domestic and household affairs, and, as she afterwards ex- pressed it to her most intimate friend, “A better husband than John was never born.” BOALSBURG. Miss Flora Shyder is visiting friends at Milroy. Mrs. Sarah Hazel is a guest at the home of her son, A. J. Hazel. Mrs. William , Sweet and sons, of Instanter, are visiting at the home of William Meyer. Miss Marguerite Roush, of Read- ing, was a guest of her cousin, Mrs. A. J. Hazel, recently. . Dr. and Mrs. Hall returned to Wil- mington, Del., on Tuesday, after a month’s visit in town. Mr. and Mrs. Fearon Russell, of Lewistown, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Ellen Young. Dr. Ham and A. E. Gingrich left, Sunday morning, for a motor trip to Maine and other points in New Eng- land. Rev. Stover is recovering from his recent automobile accident and ex- pects to conduct the regular service HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS [some FoLks SAYES MONEY CAINT MAKE You HAPPY, BUT JES° WAIT TWELL | SOMEBODY PAY You | BACK A DOLLAH WHUT 1 You AIN' NEVUH SPEC’ 7. gre Copiight, 1021 bY McClure Newspaper Syndicate, in the Reformed church, Sunday morning, at 10:30. : Mrs. Emma Stamm, after a few month’s visit among friends about town, has gone to the home of her son, C. L. Stamm, at Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Dale, of Pleasant Gap, and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Musser, of Bellefonte, were visitors at the Austin Dale home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stuart and daughter Elizabeth, of Crafton, and Miss Amanda Mothersbaugh arrived in town on Saturday to be with Le- onidas Mothersbaugh, who has been quite ill for the past week. AARONSBURG. Mr. McCord, of Harrisburg, was a dinner guest of J. P. Condo on Sat- urday. Miss Lizzie Yarger and friend, Miss Esther Duffey, of State College, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stover. Mr. and Mrs, John Haines and Miss Amanda Haines entertained their niece, Mrs. Keller, and small daugh- ter, of Pleasant Gap. Miss Marian C. Stover, after spend- ing her two week’s vacation at her home in this place, returned to Har- risburg on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Eisenhauer and two children, of Bellefonte, spent Sunday with Mr. Eisenhauer’s moth- er, Mrs. Alice Eisenhauer. ‘Mrs. Lauderbach and three chil- dren, of Jersey Shore, are guests of Mrs. Lauderbach’s mether, Mrs. Mary Breon, and aunt, Mrs. Jennie Guise- wite. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Swarm and two daughters, Margaret and Mary, of Olean, N. Y., have been guests of Mrs. Swarm’s aged mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Limbert. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hines, of Chi- cago, Ill, are guests of Mr. Hines’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hines, of Fiedler, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaver, of this place. The Misses Lois and Margaret Cun- ningham, after attending the Normal school, returned home from Lock Ha- ven Friday. They will remain home | for a short time when Miss Lois will go to Hatboro, Pa., where she will teach during the coming term of , school. | Mr. and Mrs. George S. Cunning- ham entertained the following guests lon Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. George W. | Cotner and daughters, Daisy, Mary | and Betty, and sons, Donald and Rus- | sell, of Danville; Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. | Mattern and son Bobby, of Washing- ton, D. C. Mrs. Hattie Grenninger, who has been quite ill during the past two | weeks, is in a very serious condition | and few hopes for her recovery are entertaind. Mrs. Samul Boyer is al- so seriously ill and has been confined to bed for several weeks. No im- | provement in her condition. Rev. and Mrs. John J. Weaver, of | Everett, motored down from Altoona | Saturday to attend the Sunday school i picnic. They made the drive of sev- | enty-one miles in time for dinner. It | has been about three years since Rev. | Weaver left this town, where he was | pastor of the Lutheran charge. Their many friends were glad to have them more among them. While in { town they were the guests of Mr. and Irs. Andrew S. Musser. Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Bartlett and three children, Eleanor, Alice and Judson, of Woodbridge, N. J., were guests, Thursday night and part of Friday, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hull. The Bartletts were called to Lewis- burg by the death of Mrs. Bartlett’s aunt. From this place they went to Wellsboro, where they visited Mr. Bartlett’s sister. It is five years since they left this place, where for sev- eral years Mr. Bartlett was principal of the schools. once OAK HALL. Misses Emeline and Virginia Hess, of Shingletown, were guests at the L. K. Dale home recently. Miss Nellie Wagner is spending several weeks at State College, as- sisting at the Henry Homan home. J. J. Tressler and son William and Miss Zora Rupp attended the business men’s picnic at Hecla Park, Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Walker, of Bellwood, were guests at the A. C. Potors home for several days, recent- y. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Etters and son George motored to Altoona, Wed- nesday, and spent the day very pleas- antly. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reish and family visited, Sunday, at the home of Mr. Reish’s sister, Mrs. George Sharer, at Centre Hall. Edward Zong had the misfortune, recently, to injure one foot very pain- fully by accidentally dropping a steel rail upon it. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rhodes and children, Irene and Fred, spent the week-end at the home of their daugh- ter, Mrs. George Harshbarger, at Buffalo Run. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mayes, of Mil- ton, spent several days with relatives at this place. They were called to Centre county on account of the death of Mr. Mayes’ father. Miss Mae Houser, accompanied her brother George and family to Akron, Ohio, Sunday, where they expect to visit a week at the home of Mrs. Houser’s sister, Mrs. Guy Springer. Quite a crowd of people from var- ious parts of the county assembled at the W. A. Ferree home last Thursday and enjoyed thoroughly the picnic held by the League of Women Voters. Residents of this vicinity who at- tended the Centre county ‘Pomona Grange, at Centre Hall, last Satur- day were, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Dale, Mrs. Elmer Evey, Mrs. Elmer Campbell and Mrs. Forrest Evey. ——Queen Alexandra, in her thoughtfulness for birds, has a tree at Sandringham on which in cold weath- er nuts, fruits, and odd scraps of food acceptable to birds are tied to the branches. ! Sr ———— A ————————— ~The “Watchman” gives all the news while it is news. JACKSONVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. George Ertley. visited at the Earl Yearick home on Sunday. Mrs. Leon Monteith has been spend- ing a short vacation with friends in Unionville this week. : Miss Ida Butler and Miss Iva Kes- singer, of Howard, were visitors at the home of their friend, Mrs. Joseph Neff. Harvest home services will be held in the Reformed church here next Sunday, at 10:30 a. m. Everybody is cordially invited to attend and partic- ipate in this annual ceremony. Miles Bartley is sporting a new Ford roadster, and right now we will say that the time of “Dobbin” in this valley is surely a thing of the past, as there is not one young man who does not either own a car or have one at his command. Miss Elnora Weight, Miss Ethel Neff and Miss Rhea Kling, the three young ladies who took the summer course for teachers at the Lock Ha- ven State Normal school, returned to their respective homes here last week, at the close of the session. i The Ladies Aid society of the Re- formed church at Jacksonville will hold a festival on Saturday evening, in Meadow Brook park. A good band is expected to be present and various amusements will be on the ground. Proceeds will be used to remodel the church. Clifford Peck returned to his home in Bellwood, after spending a week at the home of his uncle, Harry Hoy, and visiting points of interest in Cen- tre county. Mr. Peck is an expert electrical engineer and while here spent a day on the streets of Belle- fonte and vicinity. He seemed well pleased with the way nature has been preserved in and near the county seat. farewell party was held at the Joseph Neff home last Friday even- ing for Miss Jennie Neff, of State Col- lege, who spent her summer vacation at the Neff home. About forty per- sons gatherred to bid farewell to the girl who touched their hearts. Miss Neff is a fine young lady and an ex- pert dancer. As a fargwell feature she danced in an evening gown of blue batiste and black velvet with sil- ‘ver and pearl bead trimming. Her specialty is French dances. The even- ing was spent in playing games of all sorts until eleven o’clock when refreshments were served to the many guests who shortly returned to their respective homes, hoping to spend next summer as happily as this. Those present were: Mary Garrett, Mary Bartley, Helen and Rhea Kling, Sarah and Helen Vonada, Elnora and Mary Weight, Florence Neff, Hazel Dietz, Pearl Weaver, Willard Markle, Dean Stevenson, William Watkins, Henry and John Vonada, Ray Dietz, Miles Bartley, Harold Betz, Floyd Yearick, Guyer Ertley, Deimer Ert- | ley, Christ Heaton, Leon Aley, Ray- Ben Vonada, Melvin Dixson, Calvin Robb, Clarence and George Weight, Willard Hoy, Clifford Peck, Mrs. William Weaver, Mrs. Mary Dietz, Josephine Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neff and Misses Jennie and Margaret Neff. Miss Neff will return to her home at State College next week. mond Harter, BOALSBURG. Left over from last week. Misses Mary and Rachel Segner en- joyed a trip to Lewistown on Monday. Mrs. Caroline Geary, of Centre Hall, visited her sister, Mrs. William Meyer. Mrs. J. R. Harter and son, and Miss Francis Harter, of State College, were in town Friday. Rev. S. C. Stover is confined to his home, nursing the bruises received in his recent automobile accident. Mrs. Rudy and grand-daughter, of Huntingdon, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hosterman. Miss Flora Snyder visited her sis- ter, Mrs. James Houtz, at Lemont, from Friday until Sunday evening. Quite a number of people from town spent Thursday (Reformed day) at Lakemont Park, Altoona, the trip being made in a Boal-Corl bus. Mrs. Ellen Stuart, of State College, visited friends in town last week and was a guest of honor at a dinner at the tavern, Mrs. E. E. Stewart being hostess. Dr. William Woods and sister, Mrs. Irvin Johnson, and Miss: Mary John- son, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Morrow, at Arch Springs. Mrs. Elizabeth Felty Passmore, of Harrisburg, visited friends in town on Saturday while en route to Shingle- town for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Ernest Hess. Mrs. Mary Hoy is visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Wagner, at the Lutheran parsonage. Rev. and Mrs. Ely and children, of Turbotsville, were also guests at the parsonage last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Devine and son Kenneth, of Buffalo, N. Y., are visit- ing the former’s sister, Mrs. Robert Reitz. Mrs. Lillian Devine, of State College, was also a visitor at the Reitz home on Sunday. Acid Phosphate Proves Best Wheat Fertilizer. That acid phosphate should be the main fertilizer used for wheat in Pennsylvania is the conclusion reach- ed by crop specialists at The Penn- sylvania State College as a result of experiments and farm tests. Wheat growers of the State are finding that on fertile soils or manur- ed fields, applications of from 200 to 300 pounds * give excellent results. When financial conditions forbid the use of more than 200 pounds of com- mercial fertilizer per acre, the best results have been obtained with the phosphate alone. “On soils of medium to low fertil- ity where no manure is used, we are finding that mixed fertilizers, either factory or home-mixed, are giving the best yields of wheat,” says F. D. Gardner, head of the agronomy de- partment at State College. “From 300 to 400 pounds of 2-12-2 or 2-12-4 has been the best application judging by results.” er Tee eee timer Wheat Fed to Poultry Brings Profit- able Price. At least one hundred farmers of Pennsylvania have found a means of disposing of wheat at the profitable price of $1.70 per bushel. It is by feeding wheat to the farm flock. Fig- ures obtained by the poultry special- ists of The Pennsylvania State Col- lege from more than 100 poultry men show that wheat brought $1.70 per bushel, corn $1.60 and oats 80 cents when fed to poultry and marketed in the form of eggs. On the average these farm hens produced 144 eggs apiece per year which were sold for an average price of 35 cents a dozen. Labor, taxes, in- surance, repairs, interest and all oth- er expenses were deducted before the returns on the grain were figured. The ration used on farms was one of the three suggested by the poultry extension specialists at State College. The scratch wos made up of 250 pounds of cracked corn, 150 pounds of wheat, and 100 pounds of oats. For a mash, 100 pounds of meat scrap, 200 poynds of wheat, and 100 pounds of corn were ground together. Ford World’s Richest Man. According to a Detroit dispatch Henry Ford celebrated his 60th birth- day recently. Twenty years ago, on his fortieth birthday, he was a poor man. He had just quit a job with the Detroit Edi- son company, where he had worked for seven years, to organize the Ford Motor company. While he was working as a master mechanic, in the Edison Electric Pow- er plant, carrying his dinner pail to MEDICAL. The Weary Way Daily Becoming Less Wearisome to Many in Bellefonte. With a back that aches all day, With rest disturbed at night, Annoying urinary disorders, ’Tis a weary way, indeed. Doan’s Kidney Pills are especially for kidney trouble. Are endorsed by zens. Ask your neighbor! Mrs. Howard Shuey, S. Water St., Bellefonte, says: “I had a severe at- tack of kidney trouble. My back ach- ed and pained so I couldn’t get a night’s- rest. My work tired me out and I often had to neglect it. There was a steady, dull aching over my kidneys and I was hardly ever free from headaches and dizzy spells. My kidneys didn’t act right. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills from the Parrish drug store and they helped me right away by stopping. the backaches and other signs of kidney trouble.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Shuey had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 68-33 Bellefonte citi- work and drawing a salary of $125 a month, Ford was spending his nights and holidays working on his “horse- less carriage.” Today he is the world’s richest man, with a personal fortune of $750,000,- 000 and head of the world’s largest automobile industry capitalized at $100,000,000. Ford acknowledges that had it not been for the devotion and faith of his wife, he could not have succeeded. Ford was born on a farm in Green- field, Michigan. Young husband—Are my eggs done yet, my darling? His bride (in tears)—Oh, Jack! I have boiled them for an hour and they are not soft yet. Caldwell & Son BELLEFONTE, PA. Plumbing and Heating By Hot Water Vapor Steam Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fittings AND MILL SUPPLIES ALL SIZES OF Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished. 66-15-tt Fine Job Printing o—A SPECIALTY—o AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. There is no atyle of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. cal on or communicate with this office. CHICHESTER S PILLS § JIE DIAMOND BRAND. 5 Ladies! Ask your Dre for- Chi.ches-ter 8 Diamond Bran Pills in Red and Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue R! Father starts it—mother finds she can add a little—even the kiddies will contribute their pennies and in a surprisingly short time, the whole family is enjoying the pleasures of owning a Ford. Here is how you can do it through the Bring the first $5 in to us. Enroll under the terms of the new, easy way tobuy a Ford. Select the car i want. e will deposit your money in a local ank, at interest. Add a little each week. You will be surprised at the rate the money piles up when everyone is plus interest paid ‘Soon the payments, helping. by ly will make the car yours. Come in—let us give you full particulars. BEATTY MOTOR COMPANY, Bellefonte, Pa. STATE COLLEGE MOTOR Co., State College, Pa. ATTORNEY'S-AT-LAW. ma ELINE _WOODRING — Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices is all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 51-1y N B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law. sultation in English or German. Practices in all the courts. Cone Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa. 40-22 KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at tention given all legal business en- trusted to his care. Offices—No. § East High street. 37-44 J M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Office on second floor of Temple Court. 40-3-1y G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law. Consultation in English and Ger- man. Offic ) Bellefonte, Pa. 21a Crider's Exchange PHYSICIANS. R. R. L. CAPERS, OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte Crider’s Exch. S. GLENN, Surgeon, county, dence. State Colle 66-11 Holmes Bice M. D.,, Physician and State College, Centre Pa. Office at his resi- 35-41 SowmcTTAR SINGS TWO BAGS OF STOCK EFFICIENCY Two bags of our good stock feed will go far and produce better and longer-lived animals. Your animals will be worth more in the market, also, if fed our goods regularly. As a matter of business you should try our feed. It’s economical as well as efficient. “Quality talks” C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc. 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Com- pulsory. We specialize in plac- ing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to “your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College wcummsme. The following Lines of Insurance are written in my Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE (All Kinds) B (Including Inspection) Fire! PLATE GLASS Get Protection. BURGLARY ® OILER LIABILITY a Bond come and see me. don’t want to go on your Commercial BELLEFONTE, PA. 56-21 COMPENSATION ACCIDENT and HEALTH . EVERY POLICY GUARANTEES YOU PROTECTION When you want any kind of Don’t ask friends. They Bond. I will. H. E. FENLON Bell 174-M Temple Court Get the Best Meats (5 S50 NOISE BY busiug Doe LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the freshest, choicest, best blood and mus- cle making Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than the poorer meats are elsewhere. I always have —DRESSED POULTRY— Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want, TRY MY SHOP P. L. BEEZER, High Street. 84-34-1y Bellefonte, Pa