Demonic atom INK SLINGS. —Almost we started to tell you how many days until Christmas and advise you to do your shopping early. The Washington correspondents got a smile out of President Coolidge the other day, which is regarded as a great achievement. ———The telephone strike in Boston accomplished one important result. It took “the line is busy” out of the exchange for a brief period. —Some churches seem to be so en- grossed in the business of looking for ‘new ministers that they just don’t have time to look for lost souls. —With thirty-four people after nine offices in Centre county we feel safe in predicting that at least twen- ty-five of our fellow citizens will suf- fer a bitter disappointment some time between now and November 7th. —This fellow Steinmetz, who is painting such rosy pictures of the pleasure of existence in the year 2023, ~would be much more appreciated if he were to tell us of something nice and soft that is likely to happen to those of us who have no expectation of ever seeing 2023. ,—The bar is up. No more can get in the race and from now until Septem- ber 18th there will be an awful lot of gas burnt and blowed on the highways and in the by ways of Centre county. To us the most interesting feature of this pre-primary contest is the effort of the gentlemen who believe there is nothing to the old idea that the two terms in county office is enough. Times are changing and bosses are looking cross-eyed at one another so that there’s no telling what might happen. —More power to the councilman from the South ward who made the motion and to the one from the West who seconded it, to table a proposed new “disorderly conduct” ‘ for the borough. Certainly there are enough general laws to cover any in- fraction that the proposed ordinance might be designed to curb and coun- cilmen, Assemblymen and Congress- men, everywhere, ought to set them- selves steadfastly against the prac- tice of multiplying enactments so many of which are never enforced. —Every American returning from Europe, whose opinion is entitled to any credence, has expressed the con- vietion that industrially Germany has appeared the most prosperous of all European countries. Yet, in the face of this reasonably good evidence of ‘prosperity she is tottering on the brink of utter economic destruction. It is hard to reconcile such conflicting conditions, unless she has come to the pass of many good husbands who can’t’ carry ‘in at the front door as much as their wives throw out at the back. —Unless something happens to avert it the hard coal miners are de- termined on ‘walking out September 1st. Elsewhere in this column we have expressed our opposition to a multiplicity of laws, but we withdraw enough of it to permit the urge that a law be passed making it a crime for a miner, or a plumber to strike at any time between September 1st and April 1st. And for an ice man or a pop mixer to strike any time between April 1st and October 1st. If we could only keep these contributors to our comfort busy when we really need their products the American nervous system wouldn’t be suffering like it is. —Evidently Philipsburg is more in- terested in Chautauqua gatherings than is Bellefonte. The session recent- ly closed in that place was a success and its return next year guaranteed. For the present, at least, it is dead in Bellefonte and in casting about for a cause as to the indifference shown here we can see no more outstanding one than the fact that the program offered Bellefonte never included a speaker of national reputation. Three or four years ago one was scheduled but later withdrawn. Had Mr. Bryan, for instance, been offered as a feature at any session the extra tickets sold would have been sufficient to have made up almost any deficit that oc- «curred. | —The entry of Senator Albert D. McDade into the race for the Republi- «can nomination for Superior Court judge has cast a monkey wrench into the organization machinery, if there be an organization any more in Pennsylvania. It was generally ac- «cepted that sitting Judge John J. Henderson, though quite an old man, should have no opposition for a re- nomination, but Senator McDade’s ac- tion has spoiled the plan and probably filled the minds of others with regret- ful thoughts. Judge Quigley, for in- stance, might very well and very hopefully have entered the race. Since going onto the bench in Centre coun- ty he has made a distinct impression and has become widely known throughout the State. Just before the close of his campaign in Centre coun- ty, in the fall of 1915, Judge Quigley publicly declared that he would not seek a second term on the local bench. Of course he has the privilege of changing his mind as te that, but should he not be elevated to a higher court before 1925 and decide to en- ter the race for re-election in Centre he will have opposition in his own party for the nomination, as Harry Keller is an avowed candidate and two other Republican attorneys have their lightning rods up. In fact there is going to be such a fight as would not have been witnessed had Judge Quigley come out for Superior court judge after McDade busted up the plan to let Henderson have it. ~ Demaeratic STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 68. Democratic Activity in Pennsylvania. The unusually ample political pages of the Philadelphia newspapers, last Sunday, afford unusually strong en- couragement to the Democratic voters of Pennsylvania. The political pages of our esteemed Philadelphia contem- poraries are interesting every Sunday for they serve to adivse the people, however remote from political centers ' of the party activities. In all of last : Sunday’s issues there were evidences of an aroused interest among the Democrats, not only in the local con- tests but in the State and National party developments. It is a trifle ear- ly for party activity and enthusiasm but it appears that in nearly every section of the State the Democrats are organizing. There has been no time in the past that the Republican majorities in Pennsylvania have expressed even ap- proximately the ratio of the Demo- cratic voters to the Republicans in Pennsylvania. Because of inefficient organization on the part of the Dem- ocrats great Republican majorities have been built up by fraudulent votes. For the reason that Democrat- ic organizations, local and general, lacked alertness thousands of Demo- crats refrained from voting. The Re- publican gains from one of these causes and the Democratic losses from : : the other have created the Republican , ordinance ! majorities. Outside of the negro vote the Democrats have been in majority in Pennsylvania at every election in recent years. For these reasons the signs of Dem- ocratic activity in all parts of the State are encouraging. The colored voters are no longer a solid force in the Republican party. If the Demo- crats are thoroughly organized, alert and active, the fraudulent voting can be stopped. This achieved it is not only possible but probable that the political majority will be with the Democrats this year. The contests are local. The only State candidates are for Judge of the Superior court and if the sitting judge, John J. Hen- derson, who is a candidate for re- election, is defeated for the nomina- tion, the Democratic candidate will be chosen. all get busy and help accomplish thiY result. ——The administration at Harris- burg has successfully “ducked” the first effort to test the validity of the “code,” but it will have to “come to the scratch” sooner or later. Charley Snyder is amazingly persistent as well as amusing. Farm Bloc Likely to Dissolve. If dependence is to be placed on gossip in the corridors at Washing- ton the so-called “farm bloc” which exercised great power in the last Congress will cut little, if any, figure during the next session. Nearly every concession made by the stal- warts to the agricultural interests seems to have taken the form of a “gold brick.” The tariff tax on wheat didn’t boost the price of wheat at all, but the tariff on every article the far- mer has to buy did increase the cost to him of such commodities. The natural consequence is that the far- mers are forced to the opinion that their representatives in both branches of Congress were hood-winked and the real interests of agriculture be- trayed. It may be said that the failure of the farm bloc to accomplish results is ascribable to the weaknesses of its leaders. Each tried to promote his own interests, regardless of the ef- fects upon the others, and in every instance these conflicts of interest led to jealousies. Senator Capper, of Kansas, spent all his energies upon the “grain futures” law, and that measure has proved a dismal failure. In fact it is widely believed among the extensive wheat growers that the decrease in the price of wheat is due to the operation of that law. It has put a restraint upon the purchase of wheat for speculative operations and left the stocks in the hands of the farmers with the result of a decrease in value. After all, the probable dissolution of the farm bloc is not to be greatly regretted. It was built on false pre- tenses by selfish men who hoped to acquire personal advantages out of it. No man of average intelligence ought to have been fooled by the tariff tax on wheat. Almost since “time out of mind” the price of wheat in this country has been fixed by the mar- kets abroad and the tariff tax could not possibly alter that state of af- fairs. Therefore a leadership so stu- pid as to accept an increase of taxes on everything the farmer used in con- sideration of a promise of no value of a tariff tax on wheat could hardly fail to disgust so intelligent a body of men as the American farmers. ——The appointment of Bascom Slemp as Secretary to the President indicates that Mr. Coolidge is devel- oping political finesse with surprising rapidity. There is no slump in Slemp. Politics and the Coal Troubles. The “hard-boiled” though recently organized partisans of President Coolidge are discovering and reveal- ing new virtues of their hero every day. It is now confidently announc- ed he has “revealed himself as a posi- tive force by his handling of the men- | acing anthracite coal situation during ‘his first week in the White House.” ‘What he has actually done to merit this eulogy is left to conjecture. So ‘far as the public is informed there has been no change in the anthracite coal situation within the period since President Coolidge has been in the White House. The newspapers have been publishing accounts of the activ- ities of the Republican members of the coal commission but say little of the President. Obviously this talk of a settlement of the anthracite coal trouble by the President is political propaganda. Like everybody else he views the men- ace of a coal strike as an impending calamity. Being a New Englander by birth it probably appears to him a greater danger than to those of us in other sections of the country who have become more or less familiar { with bituminous coal and other fuel substitutes for anthracite. But to all of us it is a matter of sufficient im- ‘ portance to create alarm. Mr. John Hays Hammond declares “it would be - suicidal for either side of the contro- ‘versy to take the responsibility for a hard coal strike.” Because of that fact the calamity may be averted. Months ago the menace was so ap- parent that President Harding ap- pointed the coal commission to devise means to avert it. The commission has labored with and on the problem for months and reported at great length but to little purpose. Then a conference between the representatives of the mine owners and the miners sat a couple of weeks and adjourned with- | out agreement. But there is a week i left in which to discuss the differen- ces and arrive at an understanding and if both sides are reasonable the desired result may be achieved. But the President of the United States can have little todo or say in the matter. If an agreement is reached it will be a victory of reason -rather than: of i: politics. the United States is entirely apropri- ate. Having already established re- lations with Turkey, conferring the similar honor on Mexico creates a tripple alliance outside of the League of Nations. Treasurer Snyder Defeated. State Treasurer Snyder has been disappointed, for the present at least, in his hope to force the constitution- ality of the Pinchot code to a judicial test. With that object in view he held up the salaries of certain employees who are serving under the code but whose salaries were provided for un- der the old system. The Attorney General invoked an old law which re- quires the Treasurer to aprove war- rants of the Auditor General or return them to that official with reason for disapproval. By that act the Gover- nor is made umpire to decide the dif- ferences between the fiscal officers, and of course he will decide upon pay- ment. He isn’t particular about a ' question of right or wrong. There is a widespread opinion among lawyers that the Pinchot code is in conflict with the constitution in various particulars. The Auditor General shares this opinion according to his published statements. It is al- so widely believed that payments of money out of the treasury where ap- propriations are in conflict with the constitution are illegal. The State Treasurer is thoroughly persuaded on that point. That being the case it was his duty to take steps that would set- tle the question. He thought it could be accomplished in the way he adopt- ed. The decision of the Dauphin county court adverse to his conten- tion defeats his purpose. The consti- tutionality of the code has not been passed on. But the State Treasurer has anoth- er chance and in the second attempt may fare better. The decision of the court is that he shall comply with the act of 1811 by returning the unpaid warrants and giving as his reasons for so doing his belief that the war- rants were issued in violation of the constitution and consequently invalid. Some eminent lawyers have expressed the opinion that such a response to the order of the court will compel an interpretation of the code with refer- ence to its validity. If that is true the test ought to be made, for paying money out of the treasury in viola- tion of law, even if it is under the sanction of a doubtful statute, is a dangerous thing. ——Mr. McAdoo thinks that a strong Democratic candidate “could sweep the country” and a good many Democrats think that Mr. McAdoo would be a “strong Democratic can- didate.” ——The recognition of Mexico by |; BELLEFONTE, PA., AUGUST 24. 1923. Good Roads Movement Threatened. During the campaign for Governor | last year voters of the State were admonished that the election of the Democratic candidate would put an end to road building in Pennsylvania. Everybody is in favor of good roads and it is not improbable that a good many voters were influenced to sup- port the Republican candidate on that ground. Now, according to published statements from Harrisburg, the road building program of the State High- way Department is likely to be de- feated because of the election of Gif- ford Pinchot. His veto of the omni- bus road bill is given as a reason for opposing the constitutional amend- ment providing for a $50,000,000 bond issue for road building and improve- ment. The vetoed bill provided for the construction of about seven hundred strips of roads in various sections of the State and was designed to take care of sections which had not had a fair share of the $50,000,000 which had been previously spent. It is said that voters of all parties in such lo- calities are organizing to oppose the new loan as an expression of their re- sentment. There is considerable op- position to the amendment aside from this unexpected development and the friends of the measure are alarmed. The stoppage of road construction would be a backward step. Pennsyl- vania has gained much from the geod roads constructed within the past few years and to stop the work now is in- conceivable. Another reason given for opposi- tion te the $50,000,000 bond issue for highway construction is that Gover- nor Pinchot has not shown a high ca- pacity for handling large sums of public money. Notwithstanding big cuts in appropriations for charity and other public institutions, and an ag- gregate in appropriations greatly in excess of previous years, the hospitals and other charities are threatened with starvation and people who figure closely in such matters are asking what has become of the money? The Governor doesn’t explain any of these things and the people are losing con- fice. It would be a great pity if construction Should fail on this account. ——The unfortunate accident which happened on the streets of Bellefonte on Saturday evening which resulted in the death of one man is just one more instance of how closely death lurks around the corner in streets densely parked with automobiles. That the unfortunate man contributed to his own death by going out into the street from between two cars makes the event no less sad, especial- ly for the widow and nine fatherless children, most of them without means of support. Eye witnesses to the tragedy absolve the driver of the car from all blame and the one fact that stands out most prominently in the unfortunate incident is that the ut- most care should be exercissed at all times by pedestrians in crossing the streets, especially when the thorough- fares are congested with parked cars and moving traffic. —Secretary Mellon is home from Europe and, necessarily, there is a flood of his impressions of what is wrong on the other side. The fact that no two of the returning observers have thus far given the same reason for the difficulties abroad leads us to reaffirm our previously expressed opinion that it is simple for this coun- try to pay serious heed to the man who undertakes in four weeks to solve a problem that Europe has been work- ing at for four years. ——The open season for reed and rail birds begins on September first, but as these game birds are very few and far between in this section of the State the announcement that hunters’ licenses are now available at the county treasurer’s office has not caus- ed any stampede of hunters in that direction. ——During the summer school ses- sions at The Pennsylvania State Col- lege, which closed last Saturday, stu- dents were in attendance from every county in the State. In number in at- tendance Allegheny led with 226 and Centre was second with 156. ——Secretary of the Treasury Mel- Jon has announced his intention to re- ‘main in the cabinet. Andy has never yet relinquished his grip on a big bunch of money. ——The Republican factions in Philadelphia are said to have har- monized. The lion is strutting around with the lamb in his belly. ——An encouraging development in the world of crime is revealed in the reports that bootleggers are begin- ning to kill each other. ——Both The Pennsylvania State College and Bellefonte Academy will open for the 1923-24 school year on Wednesday, September 12th. NO. 33. | Thirty-four Men, One Woman, After County O Offices. Tuesday was the last day for filing nomination papers for county and borough officers and just thirty-four men and one woman are after the nine county offices to be filled at the election in November. The only office in Centre county for which there is no Democratic aspirant is that of Dis- trict * Attorney, the only candidates being Arthur C. Dale and John G. Love, both Republicans. For Sheriff the Democratic voters can choose between E. R. Taylor, of Bellefonte, and Elmer Breon, of Ben- ner township, while the Republican aspirants are William H. Brown and Jacob S. Knisely, both of Bellefonte. For Prothonotary the ‘Democrats have one candidate in the person of S. Claude Herr, while Roy Wilkinson, the present incumbent, will be the only candidate on the Republican ticket. One Democrat, Forrest S. Ocker, of Bellefonte, has filed nomination pa- pers for Register while four Republi- cans are eager to get in the race against him, namely: Frank Sasser- man, who is after a third term; Thomas Morgan, G. W. Rees and Har- ry R. Rossman, all of Bellefonte. For Recorder the Democratic can- didates are D. Wagner Geiss, of Belle- fonte, and Sinie H. Hoy, of Benner township, while the Republican aspir- ants are Lloyd A. Stover, of Spring township, and Mrs. Rebecca C. Tuten, of Philipsburg. The office of County Treasurer is an appealing one, with two Democratic candidates, William A. Carson, of Haines township, and Lyman L. Smith, of Centre Hall. The Republi- can candidates are Ira G. Burket, of Stormstown; Edward J. Gehret and James Orvis Heverly, of Bellefonte. Eight men want to be County Com- missioner, the Democrats being Bur- dine Butler, of Howard; John 8S. Spearly of Benner township; James W. Swabb, of Harris township, and John W. Yearick, of Marion, the present incumbent. Republican as- pirants are Harry P. Austin and George H. Yarnell, both of whom are after a second erm; Jo John T. Bei, of Boggs township, and John A¥Way, of Halfmoon. Candidates for County Auditor are Herbert H. Stover, of Miles township; and Jonathan S. Condo, of Marion, both Democrats, and Robert D. Mus- ser, of Gregg township, and Samuel B. Holter, of Howard, Republicans. H. B. Shattuck, of State College, has filed papers on both the Demo- cratic and Republican slate as a can- didate for County Surveyor. In Bellefonte the only candidates for borough council are John S. Walk- er in the North ward; A. Fauble and Harry W. Flack, in the South ward, and John L. Dunlap i in the West ward. Dr. M. J. Locke is a candidate on both tickets to succeed himself as school director and M. T. Eisenhauer has filed nomination papers to succeed himself as borough auditor. Overseer of the Poor is the office with the greatest attraction, nine can- didates being in the field. Anna M. Badger and Frank Doll have filed both Democratic and Republican nomina- tion papers. William Rider, Thomas Howley and Frank Nelson have filed Democratic papers only, and Toner J. Aikey, Thomas Fleming, J. Augustus Emel and Alexander Morrison Repub- lican papers. All told over five hundred nomina- tion papers have been filed in the commissioner’s office. Some of the districts in the county are exceeding- ly well represented while others have but few candidates in the running. ————————— ’ Where the Pennsy’s Revenues Go. How a great corporation spends its revenues is always an interesting matter, but few realize what an enor- mously large relative proportion of them are expended in channels through which they filter right back into the public pocket. During the fiscal year just closed, for example, the Pennsylvania Rail- road company paid 51.41% of all its income in salaries and wages to its 220,000 employees. 17.07% went for supplies and materials. Coal for en- gines and other use took 7.29% and taxes in various forms required 4.54%. Losses and damages paid added another 6.41% and interest on the company’s funded debt was 7.72%. It will be seen from this that of all the millions and millions of dollars paid for transportation and freight to this great public utility its em- ployees and other necessary costs ab- sorbed 94.44% of every dollar, leav- ing only 5.56% as a possible dividend distribution to the people who fur- nish the money to keep it going. m—— A re ——— —Georgia having laid a minimum tax of a thousand dollars a day on opera companies appearing within the State, evidently wants to have a win- ter of discontent made glorious sum- mer through ears full of “No Bananas Today” and “Gallagher and Sheen.” SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Despite the dry season, John A. Mouk, of Florinel, Lancaster county, has remov- ed more than 1000 pounds of honey from thirty hives which his bees bad stored up since spring. One hive alone yielded 144 pounds of honey. —When' the’ barn of Arthur Campbell, at Gaines, was struck by lightning and fired, some brave volunteer rescued a calf and led it away and hitched it to a wire fence. A succeeding bolt hit the fence and electrocuted the beast. —S8ix members of the Thomas Goss fam- ily, of Derry township, on the eastern suburb of Lewistown, are ill with typhoid fever and under the care of Dr. J. A. C. Clarkson. The patients range in age from 26 to 12 years. Goss operates a dairy farm and must quit selling milk in Lew- istown. —Tearfully admitting to a coroner's jury that she had killed Nick Anser! after he had attacked her, Mrs. Margaret Mini- acci, of Johnsonburg, was vindicated for her actions when the coroner's jury brought in a verdict of self-defense. The woman is 20 years old and the mother of four children. —~Gilbert Livingstone, who escaped from the western penitentiary three years ago, after serving six weeks of a sentence of two to three years for a series of robber- ies in Altoona, has been recaptured and is again behind the bars. The arrest was made by New York police, who turned the fugitive over to the Pennsylvania author- ities. —The biggest civil suit ever filed in Ceentral Pennsylvania was started on Monday in the Northumberland county court, when F. P. Llewellyn, Shamokin millionaire, begun proceedings to recover $3,000,000 from the Philadelphia and Read- ing Coal and Iron company. Llewellyn as- serts that it took 1,500,000 tons of coal from a tract he controls. —The body of Mrs. Elsie Greenleaf, wife of a railroad conductor, was found float- ing in the Juniata river at Huntingdon on Saturday. The woman was to have been committed to a sanitorium that day. Dur- ing the night, she quietly left her home, went to the river bank, where she disrob- ed and then jumped in. She was suffer- ing from a nervous breakdown. —The position of dean of Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, made vacant by the resignation of Robert R. North, hag been filled by the election of Benjamin McClure, M. A. Mr. McClure has taught for two years in the University of Arizo- na and for three years in the University of Minnesota. Mr. North resigned in order to accept an educational post in China, where he is to become principal of a High school. —A home for aged women will eventu- ally be erected near the Gap, in Lancas- ter county, under the provisions of the will of Miss Jennie S. Potts. The farm of her late father, James Potts, will be the site for the home. The sum of $20,000 was left outright to various beneficiaries, while $70,000 was left in trust, the interest- to go to five beneficiaries, and on their death to be devoted to the charity she had long contemplated establishing. —Individual amounts aggregating $750 and ranging from this figure down to $50 have been given each employe of the for- mer Raystown Water Power company as benuses for each year the employee has “I, been in the service of ‘the company. The apportionment was made on the basis of $50 for each year the worker was employ- ed by the organization, and followed the merging of the Raystown Water Power company with the Penn Central company. —Mr. and Mrs. John Toman, natives of Hungary, announced the birth of a daugh- ter last Thursday at Robingdale, Cambria county. Mr. and Mrs. Toman have been married twenty-one years, and the baby born that day is their twenty-first. Mr. Toman is 51 years of age and his wife 38. Mrs. Toman wes 17 years old when she married. Mr. and Mrs. Toman are the parents of Mrs. John Kluek, who was married five years ago, and is the mother of five children. —Undertakers throughout the State are beeing informed by the Pennsylvania Fun- erral Directors’ association of a new rul- ing by the State Workmen’s Compensation Board to the effect that funeral directors are liable for accidents at funerals in which donated automobiles are involved. Additional insurance will be necessary in the future to cover these cars. It is cus- tomary for relatives and friends to allow their automobiles to be used for funerals. The compensation board contends that they are subject to the undertaker’s orders and he is responsible for accidents. —Mrs. Susan Smith, of Altoona, was 91 years old on Saturday. She had expect- ed to spend the day making an auto trip to her birthplace in Halfmoon valley, not far from Warriorsmark, but circumstances prevented. Her maiden name was Susan Funk and her husband was Allen D. Smith, to whom she was married in 1850. Mr. Smith was taken ill while in the Un- ion army and died in a Civil war hospital. Mrs. Smith comes from a family noted for longevity and says that right living and cheerfulness are large factors in attain- ing great age. She is a good conversa- tionalist and has many interesting stories to tell of early life in central Pennsylva- nia. —Commissions due tax collector O. S. Sutter, of the DuBois school district, for the 1922 duplicate, are being withheld un- til a complete list of the delinquents on that duplicate is submitted to the school board, and his salary for this year is be- ing held up until he reports a monthly list of the taxes that are paid, all in accord- ance with resolutions adopted by the Du- Bois school board. The action is the re- sult of a long-standing controversy over the collection of the 1922 taxes from wom- en citizens, 1800 of whom refused to pay the taxes. The collector has held up his reports in an effort to be lenient with the women and the action of the school board was taken as a step toward enforcing col- lection of the taxes. —Billie Delane his disappeared from the pretzel town of Lititz, Lancaster coun- ty, and so comes the revelation that Bil- lie is a woman. Billie was a familiar fig- ure in Lititz. Generally she dressed in breeches with leggins, wore short hair and seldom had a hat. Her parents lived on the Harry Rossman place, near Brunner- ville. Billie was supposed to be the 18 year old boy of the family, though in re- ality a woman of 21. She went by the name of William Delane, receiving mail under that signature, and signing the agreement sale of the farm under her male name. It is said she married a man of whom she was afraid, and disguissed herself so that he couldn’t follow her. Oa July 9th she became the mother of a child. + Her parents disappeared with her and the - baby.