Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 03, 1923, Image 5
BIRTHS. Anderson—On July 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, of Spring town- ship, a son. Poorman—On July 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poorman, of Spring town- ship, a son, William Henry Jr. Munroe—On July 6, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Munroe, of State College, a daugh- ter, Henrietta. Corman—On July 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Corman, of Spring town- ship, a daughter, Berenice Irene. Presl—On April 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Presl, of Bellefonte, a daugh- ter, Eva. Delallo—On July 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Delallo, of Bellefonte, a daughter. Watson—On July 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Watson, of Milesburg, a son, Austin Taylor Jr. Foust—On July 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Foust, of Tyrone, a son, Theodore Jr. Wian—On July 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wian, of Bellefonte, a daughter, Betty Adeline. Larimer—On July 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Furey Larimer, of Belle- fonte, a son, Richard Furey. Boal—On July 8, to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Boal, of Bellefonte, a son, Harry Dean. Moerschbacher—On July 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Moerschbacher, of Bellefonte, a daughter. Smith—On July 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Albert Smith, of Bellefonte, a son, Jay Albert Jr. Yearick—On July 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Yearick, of Nittany, a daughter, June Astral. Miller—On July 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Miller, of Spring township, a son, Walter LeRoy. Wells—On July 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wells, of Pleasant Gap, a son, Richard Guy. Solt—On July 22, to Mr. and Mrs. William Solt, of Bellefonte, a son, Martin Luther. Broomquest—On July 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Broomquest, of Belle- fonte, a daughter. Yarnell—On July 27, to Mr. and Mrs. George F. Yarnell, of Mingoville, a daughter, Della Louise. Eskman—On July 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Eskman, of Bellefonte, a son. - Marriage Licenses. Harry R. Jordan, Woodland, and Mary N. Barnyak, Moshannon. LeRoy Smith, Jersey Shore, Lottie May Mincer, Mt. Eagle. James H. Musser, Aaronsburg, and Margaret M. Snavely, Spring Mills. and PLEASANT GAP. Minnie eGntzel, of Philipsburg, is visiting at the Charley Bilger home. Joe Huntsinger, of Pottstown, is visiting with Miss Anna Mae Lambert. “Abner Musser, wife and three chil- dren, of Pitcairn, are visiting in our town. Miss Thelma Wallace, of Pitcairn, is spending a few days with Beatrice Noll. Helen Glasgow, of Centre Hall, spent the week-end with Miss Marga- ret Keller. Miss Jennie Zeigler, of Madison- burg, spent the week-end with Miss Helen Gettig. Mrs. Ray Melroy is visiting this week in Williamsport, in the Dr. Langley family. Miss Bess Eckenroth, who had been spending the summer in California, returned home Sunday. The huge cherry crop harvest is over; blackberries are now attracting the attention of the pickers. The blackberries are finely developed and the yield is a very prolific one. T. E. Jodon, our cattle buyer, is again busy buying cattle. He has about 25 head in his spacious pasture grounds and more coming in daily. Tommy is partial to the handling of choice blooded stock, however, he turns down nothing that is marketa- ble. Mr. Jodon disposed of a car load of choice cattle Monday last. Qur farmers are agreeably surpris- ed since our thresherman, Collins Baumgardner started in on his thresh- ing tour. Wheat is yielding far above the average; the wheat heads are much larger than usual and exceeding- ly well filled. This is good news for our farmers, as under existing circum- stances they need all they can get. Adrian Primrose and daughter Ol- ive, of New York, are visiting George Harrison, of Bellefonte, and the fam- ily of W. A. Hoover, of our village. Mr. Primrose is a manufacturer of vi- olins, while his daughter is a superb manipulator of the piano, her quali- fications in that line being unexcelled; both have made many friends during their brief sojourn here. Some of our office seekers are mak- ing frequent inquiries as to how many registered women voters we have in Spring township. I am in possession only of the number that were entitled to vote at the time of their first vote, as follows: South precinct, 245; North Precinet, 191; West, 168; a to- tal of 604. A svfficiency to cut quite a figure if all would vote. However, not one-fourth voted; and the vote has been falling off annually. Now that they are obliged to pay taxes same as men they may recuperate and declare themselves. PINE GROVE MENTION. Miss Margaret Robinson, of Altoo- na, is visiting at her parental home here. Miss Edith Sankey, of Centre Hall, is visiting at the Charles Smith home in this place. Mrs. Emma Saunderly and her twin sister, Mrs. McCartney, both of Altoo- na, spent Sunday at the home of their nephew, Hon. J. Will Kepler, in" this place. . 4A Word was received here yesterday morning that Elmer Barr, who was taken to the Geisinger hospital, in Danville, ten days ago, underwent an operation on Wednesday afternoon and so far as results were concerned it seemed very satisfactory. His sis- ) ter Sallie and Mrs. Minnie Goss are with him. The anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Susan Goss was celebrated at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elsie Corl, on the old Goss homestead, with a din- ner yesterday, to which many of her relatives were invited. BOALSBURG. Alvin Johnstonbaugh recently pur- chased a new Ford runabout. Mrs. Anne Patterson, who had been quite ill, is slightly improved. Mr. Floray purchased the late John Charles’ property at public sale on Saturday, the price being $2,025. Mrs. Leonidas Mothersbaugh and Mrs. Susan Keller spent part of last week with friends at State College. Rev. William Wagner and A. W. Dale visited Wallace White, who is confined to his home near Linden Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brooks and daughter Evelyn, of Spring Mills, were visitors at the home of Jacob Meyer, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reitz, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reitz and Fred Reitz vis- ited at the home of P. B. Jordan, at Colyer, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Owens and Reuben Kaup, of Bellefonte, and Ja- cob Kaup, of Wilkinsburg, were in town on Sunday evening. Misses Gladys and Mary Hazel re- turned home after a visit of several weeks with their sister, Mrs. Charles Maxwell, near Albany, N. Y. College to Train Men for Cow Testing Work. Because of the great shortage of men trained for cow testing associa- tion work, the dairy department of The Pennsylvania State College will give a short course of six days begin- ning August 13th, to train men for the positions now open. The only quali- fications for entrance regu:ired by the college officials are accuracy with fig- ures, practical dairy experience, hon- esty, and good judgment. Testing associations in fifteen coun- ties of Pennsylvania are organized and ready to begin the testing work as soon as capable men can be secur- ed. A number of other counties plan to start associations in the near fu- ture. The counties in which associa- tions are already organized are: Cen- tre, Potter, Clarion, Bedford, York, Lawrence, Monroe, Bucks, Erie, Craw- ford, Huntingdon, Bradford, Clear- field, Lehigh and Perry. “Officers of associations are offering from $75 to $100 a month and board for good testers, and several large as- sociations will pay more,” says C. R. Gearhart in commenting on the short- age. ——About the only way to recon- cile State Treasurer Snyder to the new conditions at Harrisburg is to let him in on the patronage. . Real Estate Transfers. . James Eckenroth, et ux, to Harry E. Eckenroth, tract in Spring town- ship; $1,500. Philipsburg Coal & Land Co. to James L. Dixon, tract in Rush town- ship; $100. Philipsburg Coal & Land Co. to John A. Dixon, tract in Rush town- ship; $100. Philipsburg Coal & Land Co. to Thomas C. Lingle, tract in Rush town- ship; $100. Wheyland David’s heirs to George W. Emenhizer, tract in Curtin town- ship; $1. George W. Emenhizer, et ux, to Floy T. Woomer, tract in Curtin town- ship; $700. Toner K. Dunlap, et ux, to H. B. Wagner, tract in State College; $600. John Brandt, et ux, to William Kreamer, tract in Penn township; $5. Katherine Lewis to Orvis Fleck, et ux, tract in Philipsburg; $4,700. John A. Erb to John Sikes Jr., tract in Philipsburg; $90. J. D. Neidigh, et ux, to Reed R. Randolph, et ux, tract in Ferguson township; $600. ; Orvis Fleck, et ux, to Ray A. Brag- onier, tract in Philipsburg; $4,500. Mary Ellen Hess’ heirs to Nellie R. Segner, tract in Harris township; $1. Miss Ida Hess to Nellie R. Segner, tract in Harris township; $1. Rachel I. Segner to Neilie R. Seg- ner, et bar, tract in Harris township; Sarah E. Wieland’s Exr’s to Kathe- rine J. Lauck, tract in Patton town- ship; $1,520. James E. Zeigler, et ux, to D. Wal- lace Bartges, tract in Millheim; $2,- Jacob Sharer, et al,” to Pomona Grange No. 13, tract in Potter town- ship; $1. Charles D. Bartholomew to Eliza J. Stump, tract in Centre Hall; $175. John J. Arney to Reformed and Lutheran cemetery association, tract in Centre Hall; $1,700. Joseph Mayko, et ux, to Joseph My- ko, tract in Rush township; $150. James A. Wert, et al, to Sarah J. Bohn, tract in Harris township; $1. James A. Wert to John B. Wert, tract in Potter township, $2,000. James A. Wert, et al, to Claude E. Wert, tract in Potter township; $2,000. James A. Wert, et al to David S. Wert, tract in Haines township; $4,- Andrew Yaresynski, et ux, to Ma- ry Yaresynski, tract in Clearfield county; $800. Ida Miller, et bar, to O. M. Zonge, tract in Spring township; $1. Ada M. Bullock, et bar, to William W. Knox, tract in State College; $6,000. Anne T. H. Henszey, et bar, to Ir- ving Hansen, tract in State College; ‘$9,500. W. H. Limbert, et ux, to Sarah Vo- nada, tract in; Miles township; $5,900. Howard Canning company to Wil- liam H. Thompson, tract in Howard township; $159. James 1. Thompson, Exr., to Joseph I. Weaver, tract in State College; $1. CENTRE HALL. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Goodhart, on Monday. Ellen Gilliland, of State College, has been spending the week at the Mrs. Margaret Smith home. Mrs. J. C. Harper and daughter, Miss Helen, of Bellefonte, are visit- ing at the George Emerick home. Mrs. H. W. Kreamer and Mrs. Jen- nie Sandoe spent Thursday at the home of N. M. Miller, at Potters Mills. Mrs. Ellen Miller and Miss Caroline McCloskey, of Potters Mills, spent Several days at the Bartholomew ome, W. A. Sandoe, recently transferred from the Pittsburgh offices of the P. R. R. Co., to Philadelphia, spent Sun- day in Centre Hall. Mrs. W. B. Garis is entertaining two of her grand-children, Miss Grace Garis, of Altoona, and Miss Olive Mowery, of Burnham. Dr. and Mrs. Longwell expect to spend several weeks visiting their home people in northern Pennsylvania and the New England States. Mr. Smithgall, of Franklin, came to Centre Hall on Wednesday evening to join his family, who are visiting Mrs. Smithgall’s grandmother, Mrs. Susan Spangler. Mrs. Ruth Thomas Reitz is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Margaret Thom- as. Later Prof. Reitz will spend some time here. At present he is doing work in a summer session of college. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Lansberry spent Sunday with Mrs. Lansberry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. They now live in Nerthumberland. They came by auto and brought with them the Misses May and Romie POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce that E. R. Taylor, of Bellefonte, will be a candi- date for Sheriff of Centre county, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters as expressed at the primaries to be held on Tuesday, September 18th, 1923. FOR REGISTER. We are authorized to announce that F. S. Ocker, of Bellefonte, formerly of Miles township, will be a candidate for the nom- ination of Register of Centre county, sub- ject to the decision of the Democratic vot- ers as expressed at the primaries on Tues- day, September 18th, 1923. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. We are authorized to announce that Her- bert H. Stover, of Miles township, will be a candidate for County Auditor, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters as expressed at the general primaries on Sep- tember 18th, 1923. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. The “Watchman” is authorized to an- nounce that Arthur C. Dale Esq., of Belle- fonte borough, is a cundidate for the nom- ination for District Attorney of Centre county, subject to the decision of the Re- publican voters as expressed at the pri- maries on Tuesday, September 18th, 1923. COUNTY TREASURER. We are authorized to announce that Lyman L. Smith, of Centre Hall, will be a candidate for the nomination for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters at the primaries on ; Tuesday, September 18th, 1923. , ‘We are authorized to announce the name of Edward J. Gehret, of Bellefonte bor- ough, as a candidate for the nomination for Treasurer of Centre county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters as expressed at the primaries on Tuesday, September 18th, 1923. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce that John S. Spearly, of Benner township, Centre county, will be a candidate for the nomi- nation for County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters as expressed at the Primaries to be held Tuesday, September 18th, 1923. ‘We 1re authorized to announce the name of James W. Swabb, of Harris township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, sub- ject to the decision of the Democratic vot- ers as expressed at the primaries to be held Tuesday, September 18th, 1923. ‘We are authorized to announce the name of John T. Harnish, of Wingate, Boggs township, as a candidate for County Com- missioner, subject to the decision of the Republican voters as expressed at the pri- maries to be held Tuesday, September 18th, 1923. We are authorized to announce the name of J. W. Yearick, of Marion township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, sub- ject to the decision of the Democratic vot- ers as expressed at the primaries to be held Tuesday, September 18th, 1923, FOR OVERSEER OF POOR. ‘We are authorized to announce the name of Frank Doll, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for Overseer of the Poor on both the Dem- ocratic and Republican tickets, subject to the decision of the voters of Bellefonte as expressed at the primaries on September 18th, 1923. FOR RECORDER. We are authorized to announce the name of Sinie H. Hoy, of Benner township, as a candidate for the office of Recorder subject to the decision of the Democratic voters as expressed at the primaries to be held Sep- tember 18th, 1923. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters testa- mentary upon the estate of Jared Harper, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased, having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to mdke prompt payment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. MARY ELLEN HARPER, Bellefonte, Pa. JOHN WETZEL HARPER, Gettig & Bower, Schenectady, N. Y. 68-30-6t Attorneys Executors. RUSTEE'S PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county for the payment of debt, the undersigned: trustee of the estate of John A. Witmer, absent and unheard from person, who resided in Bellefonte borough, Centre county, Penn- sylvania, has sold to Josiah Zeigler, the undersigned, one-half interest in and t all that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground situate in the borough of Bellefonte, county of Centre, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of lot No. 27 in Reynolds Addition to Belle- fonte borough on the eastern side of Rey- nolds Avenue, thence along the southern line of said lot No. 27 conveyed by W. Fred Reynolds to 8. H. Williams in an easterly direction 100 feet more or less to Logan Branch of Spring creek; thence in a southerly direction along the course of said Logan Branch 40 feet more or less to line of lot No. 29; thence in a westerly direction along line of lot No. 20 100 feet mere or less to Reynolds Avenue; thence in a northerly direction along Reynolds Avenue 40 feet to the place of beginning. At private sale for the price or sum of $950.00 in cash and a return of said sale | will be made to the Court on Monday, the 24th day of September, 1923, and if no exceptions will be filed to said return within four days after confirmation Ni 8i, said sale will ‘be confirmed absolute, and a deed will be delivered by the trustee to the purchaser in accordance with the de- cree of said Court. BENJAMIN H. SHAFFER, Trustee of the estate of John A. Witmer, absent and unheard from person, 68-29-3t Bellefonte, Pa. o| Smith, who had spent two weeks with them. On their return they took with them Bruce and Verna Smith for a two week’s visit. A — A ————————— —For all the news you should read the “Watchman.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ANTED: Salesmen and saleswomen to sell high class restricted resi- dential property at State College, Penna. No better proposition has ever been offered. Sold on easy terms. In- quire State Realty Company, 224 E. College Ave, State College, Penna. Eell ’phone 256. Preferable call in person. 30-4t EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is hereby giv- en that the petition of Nathan Ich- kowitz and Betsey Ichkowitz has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, to No. 87 September Term, 1923, for the purpose of changing their names from Nathan Ichkowitz and Betsey Ichkowitz to NATHAN KOFMAN and BETSEY KOFMAN, and that a hear- ing in said matter will be held on the FIRST day of October, A. D., 1923, at ten o'clock a. m., at the court house, in the Borough of Bellefonte, County of Centre and State of Pennsylvania. NATHAN ICHKOWITZ. 68-29-8t BETSEY ICHKOWITZ. E-ADVERTISEMENT. — PROPOSAL FOR REMOVAL, TRANSPORT- ING, CLEANING AND PAINT- ING AND REPLACING OF IRON BRIDGE, AND FOR BUILDING ONE BRIDGE ABUTMENT. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned up to 11 o'clock a. m. on Sat- urday, August 11, 1923, at the office of the Commissioners of Centre county, Belle- fonte, Pa., as follows: FIRST. For the removal of a certain iron bridge across Spring creek, in Benner township, Centre county, upon lands of the Western Penitentiary, and transporting the same to Bald Eagle creek, immediately south of Snow Shoe Intersection station, in Boggs township, said county, and for cleaning the same with wire brushes, giv- ing it two coats of graphite paint, and for re-assembling said bridge and placing the same upon abutments across said Bald Eagle creek. SECOND. For building a new concrete and stone abutment with wing walls, on the south side of said Bald Eagle creek, upon which the above mentioned bridge may be placed. The bids will be publicly opened imme- diately at the above stated hour. All of the work to be performed accor- ding to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Commissioners. Copies of the plans and specifications may be secured from the office of the Com- missioners upon payment of $5.00. A certified check for $200.00 must accom- pany each bid, subject to the usual rules of forfeiture. The undersigned reserve the right to re- ject any or all bids. The Supervisors of Boggs township will pay all the expenses connected with the contract covering the first paragraph hereof. HARRY P. AUSTIN, GEO. H. YARNELL, JOHN W. YEARICK, Commissioners of Centre County. Attest: W. C. Armstrong, Clerk. G. P. HEVERLY, HARRY ROCKEY, JOHN WATSON, 68-29-3t Supervisors of Boggs Township. Bac-te-lac Costs no more than i. ordinary Buttermilk Is superior to ordinary Buttermilk because of its Delicious, Velvety Smooth- ness, Appetizing, Creamy Richness, Uniformity, Puri- ty, Keeping Qualities, Pal- atable Flavor and High Food Value. SPLENDID RESULTS IN COOKING and BAKING BAC-TE-LAC Highly recommended by physicians as a healthful bev- erage and general conditioner. SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY Western Maryland Dairy 66-24-tf Bellefonte, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE CHEAP.—A Horton Hand- Power Washer. Only used a few times.—Rev. D. R. EVANS, Spring street, Bellefonte. 68-29- WANTED! Laborers for Construction Work At 45c. per hour. Good long job, The Viscose Co., 68-10-tf LEWISTOWN, PA, Ten hours a day. :| Farmers, Take Notice I will insure your crops against Fire and Lightning for 6 months at $1 per hundred. JOHN M. KEICHLINE, 68-28-4t* BELLEFONTE, PA. IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 101 South Eleventh St., PHILADELPHIA. Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum , 64-34-tf EXCLUSIVE EMBLEM JEWELRY Fulda louie on delivery. 68-29-2t Coal Notice Owing to the difficulty in secur- ing coal under present conditions, beginning August 1st All Sales will be on a Strictly Cash Basis payable at time order is placed, or We trust all our customers will co-operate with us in our effort to secure a good quality of coal at the lowest possible price. $ Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co. fortunate. 61-46 Did you Heed our Warning ? NOTHER Company promising big returns has failed, inflicting serious loss on many innocent holders of its stock. Any investment worth considering is worth talking to your banker about. times a way of putting his finger on a weak spot that you did not see. People who con- sulted us about this particular Company are The First National Bank Bellefonte, Pa. He has some- College. real estate, this is your opportunity. Beaver Lawn which is now being offered to the public at very interesting prices and on easy terms, Mr. Business Man—Here is a proposition which is worthy of your investigation. Mr. Home-Builder—Investigate : consider the educational advantages; consider the proposition from EVERY ANGLE. If you Investigate, you will Invest . . . . . . Houses For Sale STATE REALTY COMPANY Bell Phone 256 224 E. College Avenue, STATE COLLEGE, PA. Coupon Acres of ( EVERY DEED Diamonds! Start a Bank Account with Mother Earth No Better Bank was Ever Known No better real estate was ever offered than Beaver Lawn Home Sites and Business Locations in State College, Pa., the town where fortunes have been and will be made in Real Estate. This is the first announcement to the public of Beaver Lawn—joining College Avenue, in the Borough of State If interested in one of the safest and best investments in a high class restricted Phone us, write us—or better still, come and see AND TITLE GUARANTEED ) Address Address to State Realty Company, State College, Pa. Gentlemen : Iam interested in Real State College. Kindly furnish infor- > mation, without any obligation on my part. i :