Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 03, 1923, Image 3

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    Demon fac.
Bellefonte, Pa., August 3, 1923.
Country Correspondence
ftems of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
The Petersburg ball team will play
our champions tomorrow afternoon.
Our high constable, H. M. Walker,
recently invested in a Star automobile.
Dr. C. T. Aikens, of Selinsgrove,
was a guest over Sunday at the E. C.
Musser home.
Just 1683. automobiles and 43 mo-
torcycles passed through town on Sun-
Edgar C. Bowersox, of Philadelphia,
spent several days in the valley the
latter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McCormick, of
Circleville, were recent callers at the
Elmer C. Musser home.
W. E. Johnson is having a concrete
pavement put down in front of his res-
idence on east Main street.
Oscar B. Krebs and wife and H. M.
Krebs and wife, of Altoona, spent
Sunday among friends here.
Elizabeth Archey, who has been af-
flicted with an attack of diphtheria, is
now regarded as out of danger.
A farewell dance was given on Mon-
day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Coxey,
who are moving to State College.
Fred Wagner has been given the
contract to paint the buildings on the
Mrs. Olewine farm on the Branch.
W. H. Cramer, of East Altoona, and
Collins Grove, of Pleasant Gap, greet-
ed their old chums here on Monday.
Miss Lizzie Thompson, of State Col-
lege, is spending this week at the
home of her brother, W. F. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston-
baugh, daughter and son-in-law, were
visitors at the W. A. Collins home on
Miss Mary Gardner, of the Glades,
accompanied her brother, Robert
Gardner and wife, to their home in
John Quinn had the misfortune to
lose one of his best horses, last Thurs-
dav night, as the result of an attack
of the colic.
Mrs. Emma Moore, of State College,
was here for the installation of Rev.
John S. English, as pastor of the
Lutheran church.
Farmer Joseph T. Fleming under-
went an operation, in the Huntingdon
hospital, last Thursday evening, and
is now recovering.
The Methodist congregation is plan-
ning some improvements to their
church property, which will include a
coat of fresh paint.
John C. Dunlap, of Cherrytree, was
an over Sunday visitor with his moth-
er, Mrs. S. A. Dunlap. He was ac-
companied by his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn were sum-
moned to Lewistown this week owing
to the serious illness of their daugh-
ter-in-law, Mrs. Roy Gates.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Decker with
their daughter and husband, motored
up from Spring township and spent
Sunday with grandmother O’Bryan.
Owing to the scarcity of farm help
Frank Swabb has decided to quit
farming next spring and Miss Olive
Mitchell is offering her farm for sale.
The Johnson string band gave a
concert on Monday evening and the
following evening the Citizens band
gave us some of their delightful mu-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Little and baby
daughter Helen, of Tyrone, motored
down on Sunday and were guests for
supper at the Fred Fry home at Fair-
W. S. Ward, of Baileyville, went to
Harrisburg on Tuesday to be present
at the funeral on Wednesday of his
cousin, Mr. Paulsbury, a retired rail-
J. C. McClosky and two sons, of
Clearfield, were callers at the home of
the Ward sisters last Friday, taking
home with them Mr. MecCloskey’s
mother for a several week’s visit.
The public is asked to keep in mind
the harvest home picnic to be held at
Pine Hall on August 11th, under the
auspices of the Lutheran church. The
Citizens band will furnish the music.
Dr. DeVoe Meade, head of the ani-
mal husbandry department at the
Maryland Agricultural College, with
his wife and two sons, are guests at
the Kepler home. The doctor will al-
so visit his alma mater, Cornell Uni-
versity, at Ithaca, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Mayer and Mr. and
Mrs. Schover, of Chester, Pa., spent a
day at the St. Elmo the early part of
the week. Leaving on Tuesday morn-
ing they went to the D. W. Miller
camp at Old Monroe furnace, where
they spent a jolly day or two before
returning home.
The official installation of Rev. John
S. English, as pastor of the Lutheran
church, took place at 10:30 o’clock last
Sunday. Dr. Charles T. Aikens
preached the sermon and delivered the
charge to the pastor. In the evening
Rev. Wilson Potter Ard preached and
delivered the charge to the congrega-
Russell Miller, of Wooster, Ohio, is
spending his vacation at the home of
his uncle, J. G. Miller. The young
man graduated at State College in
1922 in the agricultural chemistry
course, and during the past year has
held a position at Wooster. He will
go from here to Ithaca, N. Y., to ac-
cept a position in Cornell University.
While out in the foothills of Tussey
mountain, a few days ago, on the hunt
for woodchucks, George Burwell shot
a big rattlesnake. He then looked
around for its mate, which he had lit-
tle trouble in finding, but instead of
killing it he captured it alive and
brought it home. The snake, which is
on exhibition in the window of Reed’s
restaurant, is over three feet long and
has ten rattles and a button.
William Stover, of Howard, made a
brief call on his friend, Thomas Hull.
Mrs. Ella Irey and grandson, Sum-
ner Irey, of Danville, are guests of
Mrs. Irey’s brother, Dr. C. S. Musser.
Mrs. Walter C. Orwig and daughter
Olive, of Northumberland, are guests
of Mrs. Orwig’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Bright.
Mr. and Mrs. James Roush and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Wolfe have as
guests Mr. and Mrs. Tobias and
daughter, of Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Guerney Wert and
four children, of Philadelphia, have
been guests of Mr. Wert’s mother,
Mrs. J. J. Fiedler, on Front street.
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Cunning-
ham spent the week-end in Riverside,
where they attended the sale of house-
hold goods and house, at Mrs. Cun-
ningham’s home.
In last week’s locals we forgot to
mention that Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
Mensch and children, of Altoona, spent
Sunday at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mensch, and Mr.
and Mrs. Stover, in Millheim.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stover have as
guests their daughters, Mrs. William
C. Mingle and daughter Ruth, and
Miss Mae Stover, of Akron, Ohio; Mrs.
Henry Mingle and two small sons, also
of Akron, are guests of Mr. Mingle’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mingle.
Visitors at the Reformed parsonage
on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
Hollenbach, Clyde and Roy Hollen-
bach, of Middleburg, R. D.; Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Hollenbach, Carrie Hollen-
bach, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knause
and Ray Knause, of Kratzerville.
They attended the services at Aarons-
burg on Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burd, of Akron,
Ohio, after’ spending ten days with
Mr. Burd’s brother Sumner and fami-
ly at their home east of town, return-
ed home Monday. Mr. Burd was born
in this valley and lived here until
some years ago he went west and has
settled in Akron. Mrs. Burd also
claims this as her old home, she being
Elizabeth Holloway, daughter of
Joseph Holloway, deceased, who was a
brother of our fellow townsman,
James Holloway, with whom the Burd
family also spent some time, Mr. Burd
being a nephew of the Holloways.
Thomas Poorman has bought a new
W. T. Kunes, of Mill Hall, spent
Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Elias Hancock.
Quite a number of people from this
place attended the funeral of Mrs.
George Holt on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Poorman and
two children, of Bellefonte, spent Sun-
day afternoon at the home of D. F.
Mrs. Bruce Price and son Carl, of
Mount Union, and Mrs. Edwin Swank,
of New Millport, visited their sister,
Mrs. G. A. Sparks, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James McCliney and
two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Budd
Walker and two children, Mr. and
Mrs. Toner Furl and daughter, and
Jacob McClincy autoed to Winburne
on Sunday and visited at the home of
Mrs. Sallie Holt.
Edward Coakley and son Raymond,
of Yarnell; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodgers
and two children, of Tyrone; Mrs. Ida
Witmer, of Wingate; Mrs. Clara Hea-
ton, of Clearfield; Mrs. Ellis Resides
and two children, of Milesburg, and
Mrs. G. W. Heaton and daughter, of
Altoona, visited on Sunday at the
home of L. J. Heaton.
Willard Weaver spent Sunday with
friends in Lock Haven. :
Carl Martin and father, of State
College, were callers among friends
here on Sunday. ”
Miss Hazel Dietz, of Blanchard,
was an over Sunday guest at the
home of her friend, Pearl Weaver.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keifer and son
Leslie, of Flemington, were Saturday
callers at the William Weaver home.
Mrs. Mabel Peck and daughter Fre-
da were over Sunday guests at the
home of Mrs. Peck’s sister, Mrs. Har-
ry Hoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stamm and
daughter, Mary Catherine, of Altoo-
na, were brief visitors among friends
in this place last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Yearick, of
Williamsport, were over Sunday visit-
ors at the George Ertley home, and
visited other friends while in town.
Visitors at the George Ertley home
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Daily and a lady friend, of Altoona;
Miss Jeannette Winkleman, and Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Yearick, of Williams-
port, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kling,
of Juniata.
———— re ———————
Miss Dorothy Lowder is spending
her vacation with relatives in Altoona.
Grant Kline is a victim of blood
poisoning, but at this writing is slow-
ly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gramley, of Al-
toona, were week-end guests at the R.
C. Lowder home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peters and fami-
ly were callers among friends at Pine
Grove Mills on Sunday.
Miss Mary Struble returned to
Bellefonte, after having spent a few
days at the Gilliland home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rishel, of
Wilkes-Barre, motored through town
Sunday, stopping a short time to greet
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wagner and
son, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting
for some time at Mr. Wagner’s paren-
tal home at this place.
Alvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Reitz, had the misfortune to fall on a
sharp stone while playing, and receiv-
ed a deep cut on his leg.
their many friends. Mr. Rishell was a
former resident of this place, leaving
here several years ago for Wilkes-Bar-
re, where he is holding down a good
William Bohn returned home Satur-
day, after having spent a week at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Russell
Mayes, at Lock Haven. Mr. Bohn’s
health is little improved.
Mr. and Mrs. William Houser and
son William, accompanied by George
Markle and Mrs. Mae Baylets, motor-
ed to Womelsdorf and visited Mrs.
Bayletts’ two small sons, who are in
the orphans’ home at that place.
Mrs. W. E. Homan and son Paul
departed on Friday for Akron, Ohio,
where they will be guests of her sis-
ter, Mrs. John Drighton, for a short
time. During her absence her mother,
Mrs. Sunday, is assisting at the Ho-
man home.
Ignorance of “open warfare” tactics,
lack of training in scout and Indian
methods of fighting, for which Ameri-
can soldiers were supposed to be fa-
mous, resulted in the death of 50 per
cent. of the American soldiers killed
in the great war. This announcement
is credited to Major-General George
H. Harriers, at a banquet recently in
the west. Harriers is at present com-
mander in chief of the Military Order
of the world war.
General Harriers hunted up infor-
mation from officers of all the allied
nations taking part in the war. He
quoted one case where a regiment in
the Argonne which received 400 re-
placements to fill the ranks to war
strength of about 3,700. This was at
9 o’clock the night before an advance
was to be made. From then until day-
light the time was taken assigning the
half-taked newcomers to rifles, ma-
chine gun and mopping-up units. With
the morning came the advance. After
two days of hard fighting it was found
that 81 per cent. of the regiment’s
killed and wounded were of the 400
replacements—which was a needless
waste of human lives.
The French soldiers were aghast at
the American casualty list. The Brit-
ish commented quietly and regretful-
ly. General Harriers stated that many
enemy officers praised the energy and
aggressiveness of the American attack
but all asked: “Where was the indi-
vidual technique? Great numbers of
your soldiers perished because their
unbridled spirit took them into situa-
tions where they could only be defeat-
ed. Mass formation—group attacks—
in the face of machine gun fire could
not possibly succeed.” Not only in the
enlisted personnel were the huge cas-
ualties but also many capable officers
“went west” while trying to correct
the errors of the untried who were
facing the enemy for the first time.
Untrained officers went the same way
because they had little more than the
book-learning. With the American
army there was fine spirit in abun-
dance, but courage could not substi-
tute for severe and prolonged instruc-
tion. The Americans, filled with con-
fidence, aggressiveness—and with su-
per-courage were flung raw from the
streets of our cities and towns into
the battle against an enemy who
makes every young man take two
years’ military training.
The lesson taught goes well toward
forming an argument for compulsory
training for the American youth. It
would seem that peace lies only in the
preparation for war. It has been said
no one slaps Jack Dempsey on the face
because he is prepared and it could be
applied equally as well to this country
were we to follow the course prescrib-
ed by well known army officers who
know from actual experience.
Late news about concer may do
much good, if it turns out to be true.
The world has been puzzled by the
spread and origin of cancer, rapidly
taking first place among diseases that
kill human beings. Now Dr. Bazvin,
a French scientist, declares that fleas,
jumping from dogs and cats, transmit
the cancer germ to human beings. It
has long been known that children’s
diseases are spread by dogs and cats
—cats especially. As long as cats are
children’s playthings, say the doctors,
it will be impossible to wipe out diph-
theria, scarlet fever and other child
diseases. That has not had much ef-
fect on those who admire the dog and
cat. But cancer is a terrible disease,
it kills with slow torture, and is hope-
less when beyond the reach of surge-
ry, and it kills adults. If men and
women believed that the pet may be
carrying fleas perhaps borrowed from
other cats and dogs, and ready to
transmit cancer, the pet will seem less
desirable and common sense will gain.
re seme eet
——“You’re managing to wake up
earlier these mornings.”
“Yes. I’ve just bought a parrot.”
“Instead of an alarm clock?”
“1 already had an alarm clock, but
I got so I didn’t pay any attention to
it. Now I hang the parrot’s cage in
my room and put the alarm clock un-
der it.” When the alarm goes off it
——The “Watchman” gives all the | startles the parrot, and what the bird
news while it is news.
says is enough to wake anybody.”
Detroit, Mich., Luly 30.—A total of
1,050,185 automotive products were
built by the various divisions of the
Ford Motor company during the first
six months of the present year, ac-
cording to figures just compiled.
The output for the half year was as
Ford cars and trucks, domestic and
foreign, 941,245; Canada 46,871, Ford-
oe Jractors, 58,5657 and Lincoln cars
_A new monthly record for produc-
tion was established by the Domestic
assembly plants in June with a total
of 175,040 Ford cars and trucks, ex-
ceeding the output of May by nearly
New production marks have been
set up almost daily since January, but
there hasn’t been a time when manu-
facture even approximated the de-
With production increasing in an
endeavor to meet the demand, it is ex-
pected that the company will finish
the year with a total approximating
1,800,000 Ford cars and trucks for do-
mestic use alone.
This is the opinion expressed by of-
ficials in view of the present prosper-
ous conditions, the increasing number
of orders and the outlook for even bet-
ter times prevailing during the com-
ing months.
In bringing up production, efforts
all along have been devoted to build-
ing better. As a result many im-
provements have been made and
though Ford cars and trucks are today
at the lowest price level in the histo-
ry of the company they are of higher
quality and present a greater value to
the purchaser than ever before.
The demand for Ford trucks and
Light Delivery cars is particularly op-
timistic since it reflects the attitude
of business men, as well as farmers,
toward expansion and greater efficien-
cy. Sales of Ford trucks are more
than double those of last year, which
indicates the extent of the general
For months Ford dealers have had
no stocks on hand, buyers absorbing
the cars and trucks as rapidly as they
are turned out of assembly plants.
With this condition continuing produc-
tion is certain to remain at capacity
to aid dealers in making deliveries as
quickly as possible.
Penn State Graduate School Crowded.
A total if 64 men and women are
enrolled in the graduate school of The
Pennsylvania State College this sum-
mer, taking courses leading to advanc-
ed degrees according to information
just given out by Dean Frank D. Kern.
Of this number, 47 are men and 17
women. No less than 41 have regis-
tered for the first time this summer,
the majority being faculty members
or college graduates who are teaching
in Pennsylvania. The graduate school
was established about a year ago and
is taxed to the utmost to give the in-
struction that is now being requested.
To Complete Oiling Earlier Next
" “Intimation that in 1924 the Depart-
ment of Highways will complete its
oiling schedule in June, rather than in
July, is contained in a letter to De-
partment engineers from William H.
you buy permanence :
Connell, deputy secretary of high-
Mr. Connell early this season di-
rected the Department’s maintenance
forces to complete the oiling sched-
ule by July 1, declaring he saw no rea-
son why the traveling public should be
inconvenienced throughout the entire
summer and fall by the presence on
the roads of distributing crews. The
Department by July 1 completed 500
more miles of oil than was original-
ly intended.
i ——— A ————
From Department of Agriculture report
covering a period of thirty years, 2s
compiled by the Secretary, Henry C.
The statement is very significant.
During the past thirty years the Re-
publican party has been in control of
our national affairs, a greater part of
the time. The figures show that only
in two years, under Republican admin-
istration, has the farmer’s dollar pur-
chased a hundred cents in value.
1893 ..c.cercsornnse 7—Democratic
I%65¢ ............... 85—Democratic
A805 Lee. 85—Democratic
1896 ...........0v, 81—Democratic
A807... cians 86—Republican
ISOS... ode videnni, 88—Republican
A800 teens 83—Republican
A900... sicivvss cn svnive 86—Republican
90). Loves onenienoiis 92—Republican
02 ....... i000 95—Republican
1903 88—Republican
1904 93—Republican
1905 90—Republican
1906 88—Republican
1907 90—Republican
1908 93—Republican
1909 100—Republican
1910 96—Republican
1911 97—Republican
1912 101—Republican
1913 100—Democratic
1914 105—Democratic
1915 103—Democratic
1916 97—Democratic
1917 107—Democratic
1918 112—Democratic
1919 covreeensvnions 112—Democratic
19200 Lc. sss onus 96—Democratic
1021... ocr sans 84—Republican
JOD raises, §9—Republican
(The report includes food and farm
products, with all other products).
Remember that at present, the far-
mer’s dollar, measured in other than
farm products, is only 59.9 cents.
Matches and Toothpicks Made of
Airplane Lumber.
The vast lumber piles of white pine,
hemlock and spruce airplane stock cut
and seasoned during the war but which
was not used, is now being turned in-
to toothpicks and matches.
This valuable wood, famous for its
straight, tough fiber, has suddenly
leaped into demand, and eleven match
factories have been established in the
northwest the last six months. Two
mills are working the easy-splitting
hemlock into polished toothpicks.
— “Now,” said the professor in the
medical college, “if a person in good
health, but who imagined himself
sick, Should send for you; what would
“I” said the student, “would ‘give
him something to make him sick and
then administer an antidote.”
in the end.
seen the
building —
by followin,
methods o
brands of material.
COSTS but little more at
the start than temporary
construction. Over a period EZ
of years it means dollars in [NJ 4
your pocket—for the upkeep F- &
on temporary building
more than the building itself
Your building material dealer has
wth of permanent
done much himself
to help it. You can save money
his advice as to
construction and
at Philadelphia in both directions.
Asbury Park
) and (———
~~ Camp Meeting
$13.79 Round Trip from Bellefonte
Proportionate Fares from Other Near-by Points
Tickets good going on regular trains August 23 and returning on all regular
trains, except limited trains, until September 7, inclusive.
Pennsylvania Railroad System
The Standard Railroad of the World
y Thursday
| August, 23
Stop-off allowed
ELINE WOODRING — Attorney-at-
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices In
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. 51-1y
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law.
Practices in ali the courts. Con-
sultation in English or German.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte,
Pa. 40-22
J Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business en-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 East
High street. 37-44
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Office on second floor of
Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation a 2oglish 22d Ger-
man. ce in 4 an,
Bellefonte, Pa. gs i= 35.8
Crider's Exch. State College
66-11 Holmes Bldg.
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
dence. 35-41
a— —
WE feel convinced from our
customers’ experiences that our
flour will meet with the same
favor from you that it has es-
tablished with them. If care-
ful selection of grain and in-
gredients and expert milling
under sanitary conditions
avails, then our flour is best.
Try our flour—you’ll like it
C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc.
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes Insurance Com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Insurance. )
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State Collega
Get Protection.
The following Lines of
Insurance are written
in my Agency
(All Kinds)
(Including Inspection)
When you want any kind of
a Bond come and see me.
Don’t ask friends. They
don’t want to go on your
Bond. I will.
Bell 174-M Temple Court ,
Commercial BELLEFONTE, PA.
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by buying poor
thin or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
High Street, 384-34-1y Bellefonte, Pa.