Beweaif Wada Bellefonte, Pa., July 27, 1923. THINGS SEEN IN SOUTH AMERI- CAN CITIES. The harbor of Rio de Janeiro is the most beautiful harbor in the world. It should be called rintous Rio, riot- ous because of the super-brilliance of its beauty. Such gaunt shoulders of mountains which form a great back- ground for this harbor; such glorious coloring of the many type buildings of the city; such varied shipping rest- ing at the docks and at anchor, make a :sight which is not to be found any- where else in the world. The arched ‘ways of the Riviera, backed as they are by the Italian Alps, have a beau- ty all their own; and the approach to Bombay, studded as it is with a mul- titude of palm-bedecked islands, is unique; and Hongkong, with its cur- jous city built half way up the sides of a stark mountain, likewise holds a place that is absolutely its own. But Rio is the mistress of all of them, the most queenly harbor in the whole world. The city itself is exceedingly fascinating. There is no city in the world where there is a sharper mix- ture of population than in Rio—pure whites from every country in Europe and from North America, and every possible shade of mixture of Negro and white and Indian and white. It is -a magic city. There is a luxuriant fo- liage and likewise a luxuriance of hu- manity. URUGUAY. "The Uruguay proudly boasts that it is the most progressive republic in the world and is absolutely certain that the only bit of the world worthy of being called “God’s country” is the Uruguay, and Montevideo is its great «city, and a great city it is in very truth. It is. very European in all its «characteristics; suggests very strik- ingly the cities of southern France. Many sections of it remind one forci- bly of Marseilles. It has a magnifi- cent water frontage and along the shore drive the elite of Montevideo and the Uruguay are found, evening iby evening, as the sun is about to sink {to repose. The thought life of Uruguay has been very largely liberalized. Reli- giously there are a host of liberals; politically liberality of thought is «commonly found. Fascinating experi- | ments in political life are going on «down there. There is a vigor in Mon- tevideo, a courageousness of outlook which stimulate the beholder. Buenos Aires is the great metropo- lis of the South American continent. Buenos Aires is the Paris of America. It is not so much like Paris as it is Paris. Its open cafes are crowded exactly as they are in the French cap- ital and precisely the same people are seated in front of these innumerable cafes as are seated in Paris. The boulevards are the same boulevards; the same shops and stores are found along the highways. It is a very gay city, is Buenos Aires. The most prosperous business in Buenos Aires is that of the shoe shin- ers. Everybody that makes any kind of pretense of respectability of life has his shoes shined in this great city. Incidentally, nobody shines their own shoes, but unshined shoes would be an oddity on the boulevards or streets of this metropolis. Government buildings are such as to inspire confidence in the future of this amazing Argentine, and oh, what a land is this Argentine anyway! With its almost uncounted miles of alfalfa, such as Iowa and Nebraska at their best seldom know; with its miles and miles of corn fields that the best of our corn belt cannot beat; with its miles and miles of waving yellow wheat; and further westward its hun- dreds and thousands and millions of extraordinary cattle and sheep—what a land, this Argentine! How rich in all the possibilities of a marvelous fu- ture. The hour is not so far off when the handful of millions that now make up the Argentine will have developed into such a population as the United States of North America has at the present time. “THE LOS ANGELES OF THE SOUTH.” Over the Andes is Chile, and in Chile is Santiago, and Santiago is the center of one of the most glorious bits of this whole earth’s surface. If I were a resident of Los Angeles, Cal., I should keep a jealous eye on Santi- ago de Chile, for all the glorious ad- vantages that make Los Angeles a veritable city of the angels Santiago also possesses, and in this city, some- ‘what backward perchance after the ibrilliant gayety of Buenos Aires, there «can be found a type of life which will appeal to any thoughtful student of the human heart. Chile is fortunate in that it has a president now in con- “trol of the direction of its affairs who is a man of superlative courage. Pres- ident Alexandre is giving himself with a tenacity and a certain rigidity of resolution to bringing Chile to a high- «er place among the nations of the ‘world, and the new emphasis which is ‘being placed on primary education means a new day in the life of the en- tire nation within a single generation. He is a bold prophet who dares proph- esy the limits of advancement to be made by this extraordinarily beautiful country in the next fifty years. When one reaches Peru the imag- ination is touched. This is one of the most ancient of all the lands of the South. In Lima is to be found the University of San Marco, the oldest university in all the western world. One scarcely reaches the outskirts of the modern city before evidences of the ancient builders are to be found, and less than a hundred miles away from the city there are easily discern- ible to the naked eye the remnants of “a civilization that is now dead. Peru fascinates and Lima, its capital, will hold the attention of any thoughtful man. One may worry a little because at the present moment Peru has not yet been liberalized. The shroud of Roman Catholicism is still between its ‘people and the white sunlight of lib- eralized thought and endeavor, Again we see a very strange amalgam of the races of mankind and again we wonder what is being wrought out of ‘these strange and to us sometimes in- congruous mixtures. Back in the hills from Lima is a race of original meet Peruvians. These are the mountain folk, small of stature, compact of frame, bodies inured to the bearing of enormous burdens, possessing a cer- tain physical courage which has come down to them through untold genera- tions of men and women who fought bare-handed against the powers of na- ture. In the hills there is a greater liberality of thought and it is not in- conceivable that the ultimate salva- tion of Peru will come through the life service of those who unafraid have seen the face of God from the hills around Huancayo.—By Titus Lowe. ISSUES RULES ¥OR PARKING. Harrisburg.—Parking of vehicles of all descriptions on the improved section of any Pennsylvania highway is forbidden in a rule just promulgated by Paul D. Wright, Secretary of High- ways. The highway secretary also directs that hereafter no vehicle may be stop- ped at the foot of the hill, at.the crest of a hill, or on any portion of a curve. The new rule, formulated by Mr. Wright under State laws which em- power him to make rules and regula- tions governing the use of highways, is intended to keep all thoroughfares clear for two-way traffic. The rule is as follows: : Attention of users of highways is called to numerous ‘accidents which occur as the result of carelessness on the part of drivers, especially in the parking of vehicles; and it is hereby directed that hereafter no vehicle may be stopped at the crest of a hill, at the bottom of a hill, or any portion of a curve. On many Pennsylvania highways there are dance pavilions, picnicking places and eating stands; and it is hereby directed that hereafter no ve- hicle may be parked or stopped on the improvd portion of a highway in the vicinity of these places. In all cases where a driver of a mo- tor or other vehicle comes to a stop upon a public highway and desires to remain there he should remove his ve- hicle from the improved section of the roadway. Under no circumstances may a vehicle be parked with four wheels on the improved section of the highway. Under no circumstances may vehi- cles be congregated along public high- ways to such an extent that the regu- lar and orderly passage of twoway traffic is hindered. Attention of man- agers of baseball parks, amusement places, camp sites, eating places and resorts of various natures is called to this provision. From this date highways must be kept clear for the passage of all vehi- cles. All persons are warned not to vio- late the above rule under penalty pre- scribed in said acts, viz: fine of not less than $10, nor more than $25 for each and every offense. The attention of all users of high- ways is called to the third para- graph in Section 25 of the act of June 30. 1919, which is as follows: The operator of any motor vehicle overtaking another vehicle shall pass such vehicle on the left, but shall not attempt-to pass any such vehicle at intersecting highways, or at a sharp turn or curve or on approaching the crest of a hill where a full view of the highway ahead for a distance of two hundred feet is obstructed. The penalty for a violation of this provision of the act in question is a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $25, for each and every offense, or, in case of non-payment of such fine, to undergo imrrisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding five days. WHEN THE TIMBER SUPPLY OF THIS COUNTRY IS GONE WHERE WILL WE TURN? Starting with the great forests of New England, we have seen the lum- ber industry pushed westward and southward as the forests of the East were exhausted of merchantable saw timber. Pennsylvania, which but a generation ago, was one of the large timber-exporting States in the Union, now pays a freight bill of $20,000,000 on the forest products needed to sup- ply the demands of its people. When the merchantable timber of this country is gone, where will we turn? To Europe? Most emphatic- ally no! Europe has no more than she herself needs. Her forests were exhausted generations ago. Shall we turn to Siberia? Yes, but in a very limited degree, since most of the Si- berian softwood forests are inaccessi- ble. Shall we turn to the tropics? Yes, for hardwood, which cannot be classed as structural and all-purpose woods; first, because of high costs, and second, because of the nature of the wood. Then where will the United States get its timber when its own forests are no longer able to supply the de- mands? The answer is—nowhere! Nowhere in the world are there enough softwood forests to supply the needs of the United States and the other countries with which we will come in contact as active competitors bidding for the world’s timber supply. No, the importing bubble has been burst by a careful analysis of the facts. The practical thing to do is to use wisely the remaining forests of the United States, and to grow a new timber crop, so that we shall not be forced to seek beyond our shores the timber we need to carry on our agri-' culture, to build our homes, to print our newspapers and periodicals, to run our factories, and to give employ- ment to more than 1,000,000 of our citizens. A — 47. The Fish Law. Twelve black bass may be taken in a day. They must be nine inches long. The size limit on pike, is twelve inch- > and twenty-five may be taken in a ay. ; Sunfish, perch and catfish may be caught now, as there is no closed sea- son on them. Trout is still in season. They may be taken until July 31. The season for frogs has opened. The limit is twenty-five in a day and fifty in a season. The law prohibits the once common practice of hunting them at night with the use of lights which blind them. There are plenty of frogs in the Juniata and its tribu- taries.—Tyrone Times. Dr. H. A. CUPPY, OF LITITZ, GIVES HIS OPINION OF GER- MANY, FOLLOWING AN EX- TENDED VISIT TO THAT COUN- TRY. Industrialists are the controlling power in Germany. There is less pov- erty in German cities than there is in New York, Chicago and other Ameri- can cities. The financial powers of Germany are determined not to pay the war debt. The German govern- ment will go into bankru, icy. These and many other startling statements were made by Hazlitt A. Cuppy, former editor and owner of Public Opinion, in the eourse of an interview with a Star-Bulletin repor- ter. Cuppy, who is considered an au- thority on international affairs and who has made a close study of Euro- pean problems, is now in Honolulu on the last leg of a trip around the world. During his recent visit in Germany Cuppy spent months among the Ger- man people, being able through his fluency in speaking the language, to mix with the wealthy as well as the common people and ‘exchange views with them. As a result of his mi- nute study of the situation Cuppy is satisfied that Germany will never pay her war debt. He is equally satisfied that there is now a plan, as well or- ganized and as thoroughly broadcast by propaganda as were the prepara- tions for the world war, to spread the belief throughout the world that pov- erty reigns in Germany—that Germa- ny’s treasury was depleted by the re- cent war and that industrial condi- tions there are on the verge of a com- plete downfall. Reports circulated through the press of the world to the effect that the socialists are gaining power in Germany and that the government is in the hands, or almost in the hands of the socialists, are untrue, Cuppy says. The scheme is to lead the world to be- lieve that riches of Germany have been wasted away until it is impos- sible for the government to attempt to pay the war debt, go into bank- ruptey and then start anew, he be- lieves. . “While it is true that the German government is growing poorer and poorer, the people of Germany are daily growing wealthier,” Cuppy said. “] saw less evidence of poverty in Germany than in any of the other sev- enteen or eighteen countries which I have visited. In fact I saw more pov- erty in East Side, New York, and Chi- cago than in Germany. There are classes in Germany, it is true, which are in desperate circumstances owing to the almost complete submersion of the mark, but these are made up of that class which, before the war, de- | rived their living from fixed incomes on investments, and the lower sala- | safely. ried people. When people had invest- ments which before the war realized a hundrd thousand or two hundred thousand marks annual: income they were wealthy indeed. Today when that income is no larger they find themselves in very straightened cir- cumstances. “On the other hand, the farmer, the | manufacturer and the laborer are | wealthy. I never in my life saw so much travel among the people as I saw in Germany. Every train is crowded to the overflow point. On many cars people were standing on the platforms, being unable to get in- to the cars.” The manner in which government owned industries are being conducted shows conclusively that the German government has no intention of econ- omizing in order to raise money to pay the war debt, Cuppy says. He pointed out that travel is less than a cent a mile on the government own- ed railroads and that he could send letters to the United States from Germany cheaper than he could send them from any other country. Manufacturers are leaving their money deposited in banks in foreign countries rather than bring it into Germany, where they would be re- quired to pay a tax on it, he said. In- dustrialists on several occasions be- came confidential with the American newspaper man and practically ad- mitted that these conditions existed in Germany because they are wanted there. In England the feeling of the peo- | i ple in favor of releasing Germany from payment of the war debt has been caused by large investments in the mark. Almost every man, woman or child in England that had $100 to invest purchased German marks, Cup- py explained. Now that the mark has gone so low those who invested in them are willing to do anything to help Germany bring the mark back to par, and are willing to go so far as to cancel the war debt if this will bring the desired results. The bankrupting of Germany is a deliberate process in Cuppy’s opinion. The railroads are carrying passengers at less than operating expense, the postal service is carrying mail at less than cost. In every way the govern- ment is getting deeper and deeper in- to debt. Cuppy says that everywhere one goes in Germany he hears the re- mark “how poor we are,” and yet the fare at the tables is fit for royalty and the dresses splendid. It is a huge in- ternational deceit, he says.—Lititz Record. NEW SEEDING SUFFERS IN MANY LOCALITIES. Reports are coming from sections of the State where the drought has been severe that the young clover in wheat stubbbles are nearly all dead. In many cases, farmers report that there ap- pears to be little or no timothy to help out the scarcity of clover. Although Jate rains may bring on enough clover to make at least partial stand in some fields, indications point to a short clover crop next year with no clover sod to plow the following year. This situation, unless reme- died, will prove a serious handicap to the farmer. “A clover crop may still be secured for next year if labor and time are available to prepare the seed bed,” says J. B. R. Dickey, extension special- ist at State College. “Before prepar- ing to re-seed, examine the present stand carefully and be sure that all chances for the germination of the seed has passed.” In stony, weedy or very hard wheat stubble, plowing, followed by several harrowings, is advised. The soil should be given plenty of time to set- tle to make a firm seed bed an inch or so deep. This leaves the lime and fer- tilizer where applied for wheat, on the surface to be used by the clover. The stubble on the top of the ground provides valuable protection. The time for re-seeding, according to Dickey, depends on the locality and moisture conditions. In the southern part of the State, seeding made by the 15th or 20th of August should be large enough to go through winter Farther north, ten days to two weeks earlier is advised. Mois- ture is an important factor and sow- ing on dry soil is never advisable. When clover and timothy are sown without a nurse crop, experience has shown that plenty of seed should be used. Twenty to twenty-five pounds of mixed seed will not be too much. Several hundred pounds of acid phos- phate or mixed fertilizer will be a great aid to the summer seeding, Dickey states. He believes that clo- ver sown this summer on a well pre- pared seed bed at the right time Fou give a very good crop of clean ay. Complete Electrification of U. S. Planned. Detailed plans for the complete electrification of the United States, worked out in the form of an atlas by Frank G. Baum, on engineer of San Francisco, were recently exhibited at the convention of the National Elec- tric Light Association in New York. The most striking feature of the plans, which are the result of twenty years’ work, was a map showing a system of 220,000-volt transmission | lines covering the entire country and placed with reference to existing transmission lines, water-power, in- dustrial centers and railroad lines. Early Potato Crop a Failure. . The early potato crop of Pennsyl- vania is practically a failure. This is especially true of the Cobbler varie- ties in the eastern section where heavy losses resulted from a lack of moisture. The late crop of tubers shows promise and is a good stand in mose sections. of a Meal road’s Dining-Car Service. vania Railroad dining car. carte features. orders. cost of dining-car service. . Street Station, Philadelphia. nianizan2nini=ania N= Ma le Ma laa Mia Ne Mal Te Mie] le Ue let lead len] Ue] ted The Luxury a Dining Car. sevice Good food, well cooked and served in an attractive manner are recognized features of Pennsylvania Rail- $1.00 One-Dollar Meals $1.00 One dollar will buy a lunch or a dinner on a Pennsyl- Four “special combinations” are provided on each luncheon and dinner menu in addition to the usual a la Over one hundred different combinations are used and changes are made every week in order to af- ford a variety of choice. Each “special combination” con- sists of meat, fowl or fish, two vegetables, rolls and cof- fee, tea or milk. The portions are ample for one person and are served on separate dishes the same as a la carte This service not only meets the desires and conven- iences of railroad travelers, but also effects a reduction in dining-car prices notwithstanding the continuing high Persons interested in the cost of serving meals in dining cars should read the pamphlet—“Food at 50 Miles an Hour Costs”—reprinted from The Nation’s Business. Copies of this pamphlet may be had, free of cost, by writing to D. N. Bell, Passenger Traffic Manager, Broad ~ Pennsylvania Railroad System THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORLD The Hall Mark in [==—tsnmu) W. L. FOSTER, President eee eee eI eee ee ee ee) CAPITAL $125,000.00 State College, Pennsylvania 68-10 GG DAVID F. KAPP, Cashler. To Care for Depositors in the most considerate, most competent manner, is our constant study. Stability, Security and Service is our every thought, which is necessary to every individual of integrity and thrift in this commun- ity, and we have no hesitancy in inviting the busi- ness of all those who value these features. The Bank of Personal Service The First National Bank of State College SURPLUS $125,000.00 Lc smi == = Lene es ena e— EULER RUE ELE EUS CLC = vast Rea bf S ctf Deep Van Vell Ved Df ih Merl ad) ae Watch, Diamond, or Set of Silverware, purchas- ed on our Easy Payment Plan enables all to own these arti- cles in a way that does not add hardship to the pocket- book. We will be glad to serve you. A EUELUELUELUEL RUSE URLUELUELUEUSELUS I2niani2ni=2nianiar SNCS US NUS US He Hei Lar CL F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Pa. 3 Big Specials One Week Only Starting Saturday July 28 oo Sofa SAS SAE SERS ENE EEE ea ly Any Walkover Shoe in the store at $5.45 Valnes from $7.00 to $12.00 Any Straw Hat in the store $1.35 Values from $2.50 to $3.50 Mens Nainsook Athletic Union Suits 65 cts. Regular Dollar Quality One Week Only It’s at, Fauble’s A. Fauble EL A A A A ES MNES RSA Esa i ESR — FS! | 1 == Soa, Uo Hi RY