Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 27, 1923, Image 3

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    Bellefonte, Pa., July 27, 1923.
Country Correspondence
ftems of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
J. A. Fortney, of Bellwood, spent
Sunday with his family.
W. K. Goss, of Tyrone, spent last
week among friends in this section.
Mrs. Emanuel Peters was a State
College visitor several days last week.
Mrs. Rebecca Davis is suffering with
a sprained ankle, as the result of a
Elmer Barr went to the Danville
hospital, Monday, for medical treat-
Mrs. Harry Wagner, of Oak Hall,
has been visiting friends in town this
Miss Lulu Stover, of Altoona, is
spending a month among relatives in
the valley.
Mrs. Barbara Gates spent Saturday
evening with the Goheen sisters, at
Rock Springs.
The Centre and Branch school build-
ings are being refreshed with a new
coat of paint.
The Lucas sisters of Tyrone, were
callers at the Dannley home on Satur-
day afternoon.
The hum of the steam thresher is
now being heard on all sides, hulling
out the golden grain.
Allen Burwell and sister Dorothy,
of Tyrone, are here for a visit at the
parental Burwell home.
Miss Edith Dale, of Bellefonte,
spent the early part of the week with
relatives on the Branch.
Mr. and Mrs. David Clyde Krebs, of
State College, spent the Sabbath
among relatives in town.
Prof. Beninger, wife and family,
were callers at the Methodist parson-
age on Sunday afternoon.
T. G. Crownover, of Huntingdon,
was here last week looking over his
lumber job just west of town.
Misses Sue and Sadie Dannley spent
last week among relatives at Mill-
heim, and enjoyed the trip very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schruders, of Ty-
rone, motored to Pennsylvania Fur-
nace and spent Sunday at the Charles
Gates home.
Prof. M. E. Heberling and family
motored to Stonevalley and spent Sun-
day at the Henninger home at Mec-
Alevy’s Fort.
Mrs. Mary Martz, who has been
quite ill all winter, was able to come
to town on Saturday, very much im-
proved in health.
Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Campbell, of
Fairbrook, tried out their new Dodge
sedan by coming to town on a shop-
ping trip Saturday evening.
Our popular poultryman, W. R.
Dale, is shy his faithful watch dog,
which was shot by some unknown per-
son the early part of the week.
Miss Eliza Campbell, of the Buck-
eye State, is spending her annual va-
cation with her uncles and aunts at the
McCracken home in the Glades.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf, of Salona,
spent Saturday in town and took home
with them grandmother Rachel Wil-
son. who will make them an extended
visit. ;
The F. W. Archey home at Penn-
sylvania Furnace is under quarantine,
owing to the illness of Miss Catherine
with diphtheria, though her condition
is not serious.
Prof. Rhinehart and wife spent the
first day of the week among their
many friends in town. Mrs. Rhine-
hart before her marriage was Miss
Rose McCormick, of Hublersburg.
Our ball team won new honors on
Saturday by defeating the Baileyville
team 7 to 4. The same evening the
married men of Baileyville played the
Tadpole team but were defeated 5 to 3.
Mrs. Belle Kimport, of Boalsburg,
and Mrs. Lizzie Mallory, of Altoona,
spent Wednesday with relatives in the
valley, Charley Corl, of Boalsburg,
showing them around in his new King
While Mrs. Mary Johnson was on a
visit to her son, A. C. Johnson, near
Madisonburg, she fell down the cellar
stairs tearing the ligaments in her
ankle and sustaining a number of bad
body bruises.
Squire James W. Swabb, one of Har-
ris township’s rock-ribbed Democrats,
was here last week looking up his
chances for the nomination for Coun-
ty Commissioner. Mr. Swabb’s de-
mocracy cannot be challenged by any-
body and should he be nominated he
will make a strong candidate.
Dr. Frank Bailey and lady friend,
Miss Grace Jenkins, came up from
Copyright, 192] by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.
| Milton last week and spent a few days
at the Bailey homestead. The doctor
tried his hand at pitching wheat and
Picking cherries and was equal to both
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, of
New Castle, stopped here last week on
their way to Asbury Park by automo-
bile. They were accompanied by Mrs.
G. W. Ward and two daughters, Mrs.
W. W. Woomer and Mrs. Bert Miller,
of Bellefonte.
The services of Mrs. Condo have
been secured to take care of Mrs.
Mary Brouse, who is suffering with a
fractured hip at her home in this
place. As soon as she is able to stand
the trip she will be taken to the home
of her son, W. H. Brouse, at Boals-
Our town is now shy a good butch-
er, Paul Coxey having moved his
block and equipment to State College,
a better field of operations. In the
meantime butcher Ishler, of Boals-
burg, is keeping us supplied with fresh
meat by making two trips a week
through here.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Tomlinson have
as a guest Mr. Tomlinson’s sister-in-
law, Mrs. Harry Tomlinson, of near
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mingle spent the
week-end with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Mec-
Cormick, of Potters Mills.
Mrs. N. W. Sample, of 432 north
Charlotte street, Lancaster, is spend-
ing some time in Centre county as the
Foes of Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Hollen-
Mrs. William Haines, who had been
a surgical patient in the Bellefonte
hospital for some weeks, was brought
home last Wednesday and is getting
along very well. Her many friends
hope to see her about as usual.
During the past week Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Hull entertained the follow-
ing guests: Mr. Hull’s niece, Mrs.
Helen Holder and small son, John
Robert, and Mrs. Hull’s sister-in-law,
Mrs. T. C. Bell and daughter Ione, of
C. C. Mussina and a party of
friends, including his son Ralph, of
Williamsport, motored to town Sun-
day. Mr. Mussina’s parents are bur-
ied in the Reformed cemetery, there-
fore they come frequently to visit the
graves of their dead.
The Rev. John S. Hollenbach return-
ed from Lancaster on Friday evening.
The summer school of theology which
he attended there, was a decided suc-
cess. Mr. Hollenbach received a schol-
arship to attend this school from the
rural church work commission of the
Reformed church. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. King spent Sun-
day with their son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Henry, of
Milroy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Acker
and two children also spent the day
with their cousin, Roland Kramer and
family, of Milroy. The two families
motored to Milroy in Mr. Acker’s car,
returning home the same day.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stover, of Ak-
ron, Ohio, are guests of Mr. Stover’s
sister, Mrs. C. G. Bright. The Stovers
were residents of this place for many
years, this having been Mr. Stover’s
birth place. Miss
brother David and sister Olive, of
Northumberland, are guests of their
grandparents, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Stover.
The Boal troop returned from Mt.
Gretna on Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher, of
Suni spent Sunday at the Fisher
Miss Martha Houtz, who has been
employed in Pittsburgh for several
months, returned home Friday.
Dr. and Mrs. George C. Hall, of
Wilmington, Del., arrived in town on
Wednesday for their annual summer
Messrs. Foster and Grant Charles
will hold public sale of their deceased
parents’ property, on Saturday after-
Mr. and Mrs. John Lonebarger and
six children, of Akron, Ohio, spent
part of last week with relatives in this
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuhn, post-
master Jacob Meyer, and James Reed
accompanied Frank Fisher on a motor
trip to Williamsport last Friday.
Mrs. John Garbrick, of Bellefonte,
brought her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K.
K. Keller, of Pleasant Gap, to visit
Mr. Keller's sister, Mrs. Leonidas
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mothersbaugh
and son Charles, of State College,
were in town recently, driving a new
Studebaker touring car. They are
making preparations for a motor trip
to Freeport, Ill., and other western
J. O. McClincy has bought a new
Star car.
E. R. Lucas, of Altoona, spent Sun-
day at the home of L, J. Heaton.
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hancock is vis-
iting at Fleming, at the: Leathers
Carl Poorman, of Johnstown, visited
his sister, Mrs. Earl Kauffman, last
Mrs. Annie Lucas is spending a few
days at Snow Shoe with her sister,
Mrs. Ellen Shank.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Poorman spent
Sunday at Yarnell, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Fetzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spond, of Avis,
spent Saturday night at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Poorman.
Miss Pauline Lucas and her little
sister Madge, of Snow Shoe, visited
among friends here the past week.
Mrs. Clair Poorman, with her two
children, of Hornell, N. Y., is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walk-
Miss Edna Rodgers, who is attend-
ing school at Lock Haven, spent Sun-
day with her mother, Mrs. Alice Rod-
Mrs, John Furl and son Richard
spent Wednesday at Flemington, at
| the home of her aunt,
Florence Orwig,|J
Mrs. Edward Leach and two sons,
of Wilkes-Barre, were guests of her
sister, Miss Carrie Beck.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Orndorf last week.
Mother and child are getting along
J. Victor Brungart, whose mother
had a stroke of apoplexy some days
ago, tells us her condition is not en-
John W. Yearick, County Commis-
sioner, of near Jacksonville, passed
through our town Monday and stopped
off for a chat with H. H. Stover.
Herbert H. Stover just recently had
a shipment of a few cars of anthracite | C
coal, which he had no trouble in sell-
ing; in fact this particular coal is
much in demand. He expects to have
several more cars in soon.
All aboard for the community pic-
nic to be held in H. H. Royer’s grove,
east of this place, Saturday. Take a
day off and meet your friends at the
picnic. It will make you feel ten
years younger to get away from your
every day toil and enjoy a day of rec-
The sale of the real estate and per-
sonal property of George H. Smull
and Louisa Smull, deceased, was well
attended Saturday last, and every-
thing was sold, the sale lasting until
almost 6 o’clock in the evening. The
homestead was bought by S. A. Bier-
ly at a consideration of $485.00.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Struble, son
and daughter, of Cogan Station, mo-
tored to this place Saturday of last
week, guests of the lady’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Amos Fell. They were
sporting a brand new Ford touring
car, which was driven by their son
Glenn; returning to their home Mon-
day noon. We are always glad to see
them, for the arrival of old acquain-
tances brings new life and ambition
to us.
Mrs. E. C. Radel and daughter El-
eanor spent Tuesday at the N. B.
Martz home.
Mrs. Harry Wagner is visiting this
week with her mother, Mrs. Sue Pe-
ters, at Pine Grove Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sunday and Mrs.
Annie Snyder, of Tadpole, spent Sun-
day at the W. E. Homan home.
Mrs. Helen Ream, of the Branch,
was a guest at the home of her sister,
Mrs. R. J. Lowder, last Thursday.
William Bohn, who was forced to
discontinue his duties with the Oak
Hall Lime and Stone company, is little
Mr. and Mrs. John Gramley and
Misses Dona and Grace Gramley, all
of Altoona, were callers at the R. C.
Lowder home recently.
After the strong Oak Hall baseball
team had defeated the Linden Hall
team, Tuesday evening, by the score
of 11-5, the Lemont nine failed to ap-
pear Thursday evening and thereby
forfeited the game by a score of 9-0.
WEST. ii i
Frederick A. Reimer, of Newark, N.
., in commenting on modern road
building says, “Highway construction
development in the east has lagged far
behind the west in one important fea-
ture. Old methods, which have given
generally good results, seem to have
created a conservatism in the east
which has resulted in letting ‘good
enough’ be the determining factor in
road building, so that the use of stan-
dard specifications and plans has been
followed from year to year with no
radical changes. :
“A study of western methods re-
veals the fact that during the past ten
years, great strides have been made
in road foundation work, which, al-
though considered a radical departure
in its inception, has proved eminently
successful. The west has extensively
used in only a few widely separated
as ‘Black Base’ or asphalt concrete,
upward of fifteen million square yards
having already been laid and proved
successful. East of the Mississippi,
foundations of this type have been
used in only a few widely separated
places. Today, however, eastern con-
servatism and skepticism have been
largely overcome and there is a con-
stantly growing demand for informa-
tion concerning the many advantages
of ‘Black Base,” many places having
already specified this type of con-
struction in the work for 1923.
“The non-rigidity of ‘Black Base’
renders it practically immune to dis-
integration and destruction from
shock-impact of vehicular units.”—
The Manufacturer.
Student Campers Turn Down Fried
Rattle Snake.
Fried rattle snake is usually a
tempting dish at the summer camp for
students in the forestry department of
The Pennsylvania State College. But
the Freshmen campers have turned it
down. ! :
Professor J. A. Ferguson, head of
the department, is especially fond of
fried rattler and served a big one a
few days ago at the camp in Stone
Valley, Huntingdon county, ‘not far
from the college., The boys said no,
and Ferguson and the camp cook dis-
posed of the, to them, tempting mor-
sel. They claim that its flavor is sim-
ilar to that of eel meat.
The seventeen Freshmen still have
another week or so in camp, and on a
visit to the College Professor Fergu-
son said that he ‘would give them
another trial. It is said that the Soph-
omore campers in Warren county have
tried the experience with no bad ef-
fects, having been initiated to the de-
partment tradition last year. These
Penn State student campers usually
have a collection of rattlers, copper-
heads and other specimens of wild
life as a collection of pets to show
the many camp visitors.
——Victory medals apparently have
no claimants among America’s soldier
boys, for the War Department finds
it has a surplus of 2,119,000. Con-
gres authorized that the medals be is-
sued to every American soldier of the
Mrs. Clara | world war. It has taken five years to
distribute 1,223,000 of the decorations.
. Names of 84,324 heroes who died
In the world war today repose in a
vault in the Allied Memorial Center in
Oakland, California. The memorial, a
majestic monument of steel and stone,
was erected on the banks of Lake Mer-
ritt, in the heart of Oakland for the
purpose of holding the names of every
Allied soldier, sailor or nurse killed in
the world war.
Dr. LeRoy F. Herrick, of Oakland,
who erected and maintains the me-
morial at his own expense, states that
In time he hopes to have the names of
every participant of the world war in
the huge vault of the Allied Memorial
Dr. Herrick stated that the Cana-
dian authorities had a complete list of
the soldier and sailor dead in his hands
on July 1, and the names were depos-
ited on July 4, with proper patriotic
services. This, the memorial found-
er stated, was a departure from the
usual method of depositing the names.
“I planned and since 1919 have car-
ried out my plan of holding patriotic
services for the depositing of names
on each Memorial day and each Arm-
istice day,” said Dr. Herrick, “how-
ever, I did not want to keep the entire
Canadian list out of the vault until
next November 11, and I broke the
rule of procedure this once.
“I do not know how long it is going
to take me to get the names of the
1,500,000 soldier dead of France. The
French war authorities have not fin-
ished compiling its list. I expect to
have the Australian and New Zealand
lists in time for next Armistice day,
but I do not know how long it will
take to get complete lists from Eng-
land, Belgium, Italy and other Allies.
“The names in the vault today are
all American, with the exception of
145 of Brazil’s war dead.”
The monument has the portraits of
Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and
Wilson carved on the four sides, and
is topped by an eagle. Dr. Herrick, a
local physician for the last 30 years,
Yas bom in Wellington, Maine, in
Rural Applicants First to be Admit-
ted at Penn State.
The first girl and first boy to be
granted admission to next year’s
Freshman class at State College both
hail from rural counties. Registrar W.
S. Hoffman has announced that Miss
Marie Hood, of Saltsburg, Indiana
county, is the first girl, and G. J. Bair,
of Emporium, Cameron county, the
first boy.
——“John,” said the teacher, “if
coal is selling at $6 a ton and you pay
your dealer $24, how many tons will
he bring you?”
“A little over three tons, ma’am,”
returned Johnny, promptly.
“Why Johhny that isn’t right,” cor-
rected the teacher.
“Na, ma’am, I know it ain’t,” said
Johnny, “but they all do it.”
That Morning Lameness
If you are lame every morning, and
suffer urinary ills, there must be a
cause. Often it’s weak kidneys. To
strengthen the weakened kidneys and
avert more serious troubles, use
Doan’s Kidney Pills. You can rely on
Bellefonte testimony.
Mrs. H. W. Johnson, Valentine St.,
Bellefonte, says: “I have used Doan’s
Kidney Pills whenever my kidneys
troubled me. I had attacks with my
kidneys and felt so miserable with
backache I could hardly get up on my
feet. Mornings when I came down
stairs I was so lame I couldn’t raise
my feet to go up the steps again. My
kidneys were disordered and annoyed
me a great deal. Doan’s Kidney Pills
from Runkle’s drug store soon put an
end to my suffering and rid me of the
aches and pains. I depend on Doan’s
now when my kidneys get out of or-
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. Johnson had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 68-29
World's Fastest train Averages 61
Miles Per Hour.
The fastest train in the world is now
running between London and Swin-
don, a distance of 77% miles, which it
covers in 75 minutes, traveling at the
rate of 61.8 miles an hour.
This is one of the five trains an-
nounced in the summer schedules of
the English railroads, that will make
better than a mile a minute on regular
runs. The longest run is between
London and Bath, 106 7-8 miles, which
i made at the rate of 61.1 miles an
Fine Job Printing
There 1s no atyle of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
‘that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
Another feature of the summer pace,
i gh is that Sally Bon-sied TE a
rains are run between London and all
the important cities and summer re- CHICHESTER S PILLS
sorts in England, which are designed Zadicet Rak your bragelitis
to allow the worker to live at the sea- Pills tester objamond Brand
side and continue to work in London. boxss, sealed with Blue Ribb:
XS, bbon,
‘ake no other. Bu
Bren Ask for ON. ER §
known as Best, Safest, Plain
——The “Watchman” gives all the
news while it is news.
Here is a chance for you to get started
toward greater profits—or to build up a
business of your own—and it costs only
$5 to make the start.
Everywhere, Ford One-ton Trucks and
Light Delivery Cars are saving more than
this every. year for their users. So, as soon
as your truck starts running it will quickly
take care of 8, prrcluse price and add
new profits as w
It will widen the area in which you can do
business, enlarge the number of customers
you can serve—and keep your delivery costs
down to the lowest point.
Start now toward the ownership of a Ford
Truck or Light Delivery Car—use the
S$ 00 Under the terms of this
* Plan, we deposit this
Enrolls money in a local bank at
You interest. Fach week you
add a little more — this also draws
interest. And in a short time the
truck is yours to use. Come in and
let us give you full particulars. /
Bellefonte, Pa.
> . ~ State College, Pa.
== hey jv
|g: & 8 are 3 &.
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at-
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’'s
Exchange. b1-1y
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law.
Practices in all the courts. Con-
sultation in English or German.
Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belletohis
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business en-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 East
High street. 57-44
J M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Office on second floor of
Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation in English and Ger-
man. Office in Crider’s Exchange,
Bellefonte, Pa.
State Coll
Crider’s Exch. Eoege
Holmes Bldg.
8S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at resi-
dence. 35-41
when you educate her to our
feed! It is rich in nutriment
for her, and will mean more
milk each day for you. It will
cost you no more than you have
been paying before; and it will
bring you cash returns. Listen
to our little songster!
“Quality talks”
C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc.
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes Insurance Com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State Colleges
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by buying poor
thin or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
4 men am
sm ET—————
Get Protection.
The following Lines of
Insurance are written
in my Agency
(All Kinds)
(Including Inspection)
When you want any kind of
a Bond come and see me.
Don’t ask friends. They
don’t want to go on your
Bond. I will.
Bell 174-M Temple Court
Commercial BELLEFONTE, PA.
High Street. 34-34-1y Bellefonte, Pas