LANES (Continued from last week). SYNOPSIS R L—Arriving at the lonely railroad station of El Cajon, New co, Madeline Hammond, New York finds no one to meet her. While in waiting room a drunken cowboy en- asks if she is married, and departs, ving her terrified, He returns with a est, who goes through some sort of ny, and the cowboy forces her to fd “SL.” Asking her name and learning identity the cowboy seems dazed. In shoo scrape outside ths room a can killed. The cowboy lets a 1, “Bonita,” take his horse and escape, en conducts Madeline to Florence y, friend of her brother. II.—Florence welcomes her, her story, and dismisses the cow- y, Gene Stewart. Next day Alfred ond, . Madeline's brother, takes wart to task. Madeline exonerates of any wrong intent. CHAPTER III.—Alfred, scion of a Foality family, had been dismissed from home because of his dissipation. Madeline sees that the West has re- deemed him. She meets Stillwell, Al's {ployer typical western ranchman. eline learns Stewart has gone over the border. CHAPTER IV.—Danny Mains, one of Stillwell’'s cowboys, has disappeared, with some of Stillwell’s money. His aenas link his name with the girl Bo- CHAPTER V.—Madeline gets a glim: of life on a western ranch, gligme CHAPTER VI.—Stewarc's horse comes fo the ranch with a note on the saddle asking Madeline to accept the beautiful animal. With her brother's consent she does so, naming him ‘‘Majesty,” her own pet nickname. Madeline, independently rich, arranges to buy Stillwell's ranch $e that of Don Carlos, a Mexican neigh- CHAPTER VII.—Madeline feels she has found her right place, under the light of the western stars. CHAPTER VIIl.—Learning Stewart had mn hurt in a brawl at Chiricahua, and owing her brother's fondness for him, Madeline visits him and persuades him to oome to the ranch as the boss of her cowboys. CHAPTER IX.—Jim Nels, Nick Steele and “Monty” Price are Madeline's chief riders. They have a feud with Don Car- los’ vaqueros, who are really guerrillas. Madeline pledges Stewart to see that peace is kept. CHAPTER X.—Madeline and Florence, turning home from Alfred's ranch, run to an ambush of vaqueros. Florence, owing the Mexicans are after Made- line, decoys them away, and Madeline gets home safely but alone, CHAPTER XI.—A raiding guerrilla d carries off Madeline. Stewart fol- s alone. The leader is a man with whom Stewart had served in Mexico. He releases the girl, arranging for ransom. Returning home with Stewart; Madeline finds herself strangely stirred. CHAPTER XII. — Madeline's sister Helen, with a party of eastern friends, arrives at the ranch, craving excitement. CHAPTER XIII.—For the guests’ enter- talnment a game of golf is arranged. Stewart Interrupts the game, insisting the whole party return at once to the house. He tells Madeline her guests are not safe while the Mexican revolution is going on, and urges them to go up to the mountains out of danger. They de- cide to do so. CHAPTER XIV.—The guerrillas leave uring the night, without making trouble. Madeline and her guests, with the cow- boys, go up to the mountains. CHAPTER XV.—Edith Wayne pleads with Madeline to return to the East, but she refuses. CHAPTER XVI.—Wandering in the mountains, Madeline sees Stewart with the girl Bonita, and comes to the worst conclusions. At camp Stewart offers to explain. Madeline will not listen. Stew- in a rage, starts to leave camp. Nels brings news that Don Carlos and his followers are coming. CHAPTER XVII.—The women are con- cealed, and the approach of the guerril- las awaited. They come, blustering, but Stewart's determined attitude cows them, and they leave hastily. The party at once begins its return to the ranch. CHAPTER XVIII The Sheriff of EI Cajon. About the middle of the forenoon of that day Madeline reached the ranch. Her guests had all arrived there late the night hefore, and want- ed only her presence and the assur- ance of her well-being to consider the last of the camping trip a rare adven- ture. They reported an arduous ride down the mountain, with only one in- cldent to lend excitement. On the descent they had fallen in with Sher- 1¥ Hawe and several of his deputies, who were considerably under the in- fence of drink and very greatly en- gaged by the escape of the Mexican ¢4 Bonita. Hawe had used insult- fag language to the ladies and, ac- @oeding to Ambrose, would have in- @mmvenienced the party on some pre- tat or other if he had not been @arply silenced by the cowboys. Madeline's guests were two days in recovering from the hard ride. On the third day ‘they leisurely began to prepare for departure. This period was doubly trying for Madeline. Her sister and friends were kindly and earnestly persistent in their entreaties that she go back East with them. She desired to go. It was not going that mattered; it was how and when and under what circumstances she was to return that roused in her disturbing emotion. Before she went Hast she wanted to have fixed in mind her fu- ture relation to the ranch and the West. When the crucial hour. arrived she found that the West had not claimed her yet. These old friends had warmed cold ties. It turned out, ho wer, that there need be no hurry aboe? making the decision. Madeline would have wel- comed any excuse to procrastinate; but, as it happened, a letter from Al- i rred made her departure out of the question for the present. He wrote that bis trip to California had been very profitable, that he had a proposi- tion for Madeline from a large cattie company, and, particularly, that he wanted to marry Florence soon after his arrival home and would bring a minister from Douglas for that pur- pose. : : Madeline went so far, however, 4s to promise Helen and her friends that she would go East soon, at the very latest by Thanksgiving. With that promise they were reluctantly content to say goodby to the ranch and to her. Helen's eyes had a sweet, grave, yet mocking light as she said: “Maj esty, bring Stewart with you when you come. He'll be the rage.” Madeline treated the remark with the same merry lightness with which it was received by the others; but after the train had pulled out and she was on her way home she remembered Helen’s words and looks with some- thing almost amounting to a shock. Any mention of Stewart, any thought of him, displeased her. “What did Helen mean?’ mused Madeline. And she pondered. That mocking light in Helen's eyes had been simply an ironical glint, a cyn- ical gleam from that worldly experi- ence so suspicious and tolerant in its wisdom. The sweet gravity of Helen's look had been a deeper and more sub- tle thing. Madeline wanted to under- stand it, to divine In it a new reia- tion between Helen and herself, some- thing fine and sisterly that might lead to love. The thought, however, re- volving around a strange suggestion of Stewart, was poisoned at its incep- tion, and she dismissed it. Upon the drive in to the ranch, as she was passing the lower lake, she saw Stewart walking listlessly along the shore. When he became aware of the approach of the car he sudden- ly awakened from his aimless saunter- ing and disappeared quickly in the shade of the shrubbery. This was not by any means the first time Madeline had seen him avoid a possible meeting with Her. pained her, though affording her a relief. She did not want to meet him face to face. It was annoying for her to guess that Stillwell had something to say in Stewart’s defense. The old cattleman was evidently distressed. Several times he had tried to open a conversa- tion with Madeline relating to Stew- art; she had evaded him until the last time, when his persistence had brought |. a cold and final refusal to hear an other word about the foreman. Still- well had been crushed. As days passed Stewart remained at the ranch without his old faithfulness to his work. Madeline was not moved to a kinder frame of mind to see him wandering dejectedly around. It hurt her, and because it hurt her she grew all the harder. A telegram from Douglas, heralding the coming of Alfred and a minister, put an end to Madeline's brooding, and she shared something of Florence Kingsley's excitement. The cowboys ‘were as eager and gossipy as girls. It was arranged to have the wedding ceremony performed in Madeline's great hall-chamber, and the dinner in the cool, flower-scented patio. Alfred and his minister arrived at the ranch in the big white car. They appeared considerably wind-blown. In fact, the minister was breathless, al- most sightless, and certainly hatless. Alfred, used as he was fo wind and speed, remarked that he did not won- der at Nels’ aversion to riding a fleet ing cannon-ball. The imperturbable Link took off his cap and goggles and, consulting his watch, made. his usual apologetic report to Madeline, ‘deplor: ing the fact that a teamster and a few stray cattle on the road had held him down to the manana time of only a mile a minute. Arrangements for the wedding brought Alfred’s delighted approval. When he had learned all Florence and Madeline would tell him he expressed a desire to have the cowboys attend; and then he went on to talk about California, where he was going to take Florence on a short trip. On the following day Alfred and Florence were married. Florence's sister and several friends from KEI Cajon were present, besides Madeline, Stillwell, and his men. It was Alfred's express wish that Stewart attend the ceremony. Madeline was amused when she noticed the painfully sup- pressed excitement of the cowboys. For them a wedding must have been an unusual and impressive event. She began to have a better understanding of the nature of it when they cast off restraint and pressed forward to kiss the bride. In all her life Madeline had never seen a bride kissed so much and so heartily, nor one so flushed and disheveled and bappy. This In- deed was .a joyful occasion. The dinner began quietly enough, with the cowboys divided between em- barrassment and voracious appetites Somehow the act had | that they evidently feared to indulge. Wine. however, loosened their tongues, .and when Stillwell got up to make the speech everyhody seemed to expect of him they greeted him with a roar. Stiliwell was now one huge, moun- tainous smile. He was so happy that I»e appeared on the verge of tears. He rambled on ecstatically till he came to raise his glass. An’ now, girls an’ hoys, let’s at} drink to the bride an’ groom; to their sincere an’ lastin’ love; to their hap- piness an’ prosperity; to their good health an’ long life. Let’s drink to the unitin’ of the Bast with the West. No man full of red blood an’ the reai breath of life could resist a Western girl an’ a good hoss an’ God's free hand—that open country out there. So we claim Al Hammond. an’ may we be true to him. An’, friends, I ink {t fittin’ that we drink to h% sister an’ to our hopes. Heah’s to the lady we hope to make our Majesty! Heah's to the man who'll come ridin’ out of the West, a fine, big-heartes man with a fast hoss an’ a strong rope, an’ may he win an’ hold her! come, friends, drink.” A heavy pound of horses’ hoofs ana a yell outside arrested Stillwell's voice and halted his hand in midair. The patio became as silent as an unoccupied room, Through the open doors and win- dows of Madeline’s chamber burst tie sounds of horses stamping to a halt, then harsh speech of men, and a low cry of a woman in pain. Rapid steps crossed the porch, en- tered Madeline’s room. Nels appeared in the doorway. Madeline was sur- . i He Was So Happy That He Appeared ' on the Verge of Tears. prised to see that he had not been at the dinner-table. She was dis- turbed at sight of his face. “Stewart, you're wanted outdoors,” called Nels, bluntly. “Monty, you slope out here with me. You, Nick, an’ Stillwell—I reckon the rest of you hed better shut the dors an’ stay in- side.” Nels disappeared. Quick as a cat Monty glided out. Madeline heard his soft, swift steps pass from her room into her office. He had left his guns there. Madeline trembled. She saw Stewart get up quietly and with- out any change of expression on his dark, sad face leave the patio. Nick Steele followed him. Stillwell dropped his wine-glass. As it broke, shivering the silence, hig huge smile vanished. His face set Into the old cragginess and the red slowly thickened into black. Stillwell went out and closed the door behind him. Then there was a blank silence. The enjoyment of the moment had been: rudely disrupted. Madeline gldnced down the lines of brown faces to see the pleasure fade into the old familiar hardness. . “What's wrong?’ asked Alfred, rath- er stupidly. The change of mood had been too rapid for him. Suddenly he awakened, thoroughly aroused at the interruption. “I'm going to see who's butted in here to spoil our din- ner,” he sald, and strode out. He returned before any one at the table had spoken or moved, and now the dull red of anger mottled his fore head. “It's the sheriff of El Cajon!” he exclaimed, contemptuously. “Pat Hawe with some of his touch dep- uties come to arrest Gene Stewart. They've got that poor little Mexican girl out there tied on a horse. Con- found that sheriff!” Madeline calmly rose from the table, eluding Florence's retreating hand, and started for the door. The cow- boys jumped up. Alfred barred her progress. va “Alfred, I am going out,” she said. “No, I guess not,” . he replied. “That's no place for you. Maybe there’ll be a fight. You can do noth- ing. You must not go.” “Perhaps I can prevent trouble” she replied. As she left the patio she was aware that Alfred, with Florence at his sde and the cowboys behind, were start- ing to follow her. When she got out of her room upon the porch she heard several men in loud, angry discussion. Then, at sight of Bonita helplessly .and cruelly bound upon a horse, pale and disheveled and suffering, Made- line experienced: the thrill that sight or mention of this girl always: gave her. breast—that live pain which ‘so shamed her. -But almost instantly, as a second glance showed an agony in Bonita’s face, her bruised arms where the rope bit deep into the flesh, her It ylelded to.a hot pang in her | little brown hands stained with blood, Madeline was overcome by pity for the unfortunate girl and a woman's righteous passion at such barbarous treatment of one of her own sex. The man holding the bridle of the herse on which Bonita had been bound was at once recognized by Madeline as the big-bodied, bullet-headed guer- rilla who had found the basket of wine in the spring at camp. Redder of face. blacker of beard, coarser of as- pect. evidently under the influence of liguor, he was as fierce-looking as a gorilla and as repulsive. Besides him there were three cther men present. all mounted on weary horses. The one in the foreground. gaunt, sharp- featured, red-eved, with a pointed heard, she recognized as the sheriff of E! Cajon. Stillwell saw Madeline. and. throw. ing up his hands, roared to be heard This quieted the gesticulating, quar reling men. “Wal now, Pat Howe, what’s drivin you like a locoed steer on the ram- page?” demanded Stillwell. “Keep in the traces, Bill,” repiled Hawe. “You savvy what I come fer. I've been bidin' my time. But I'm ready now. I'm hyar to arrest a crim- inal.” The huge frame of the old cattle man jerked as if he had been stabbed. His face turned purple. “What criminal?” hoarsely. The sheriff flicked his quirt against his dirty boot, and he twisted his thin lips into a leer. “Why, Bill, 1 knowed you hed a no- good outfit ridin’ this range; but I wasn’t wise thet you hed more’n one criminal.” “Cut that talk! Which cowboy are you wantin’ to arrest?” Hawe’s manner altered. “Gene Stewart,” he replied, curtly. “On what charge?” “Fer killin’ a Greaser one night last fall.” “So you're still harpin’ on that? Pat, you're on the wrong trail. You can't lay that killin’ onto Stewart. The -thing’s ancient by now. But if you insist on bringin’ him to court, let the. arrest go today—we're havin’ some fiesta hyar—an’ I'll fetch Gene in to El Cajon.” “Nope. I reckon I'll take him when I got the chance, before he slopes.” “I'm givin’ you my word,” thun- dered Stillwell. “l reckon I don’t hev to take your word, Bill, or anybody else's.” Stillwell’s great bulk quivered with his rage, yet he made a successful ef- fort to control it. “See hyar, Pat Hawe, I know what's reasonable. Law is law. But in this country there always has been an’ is now a safe an’ sane way to proceed with the law. Mebbe you've forgot that. I'm a-goin’ to give you a hunch. Pat, you're not overliked ‘in these parts. You've rid too much with a high hand. Some of your deals hev been shady, an’ don’t you overlook what I'm sayin’. But you're the sher- iff, an’ I'm respectin’ your office. I'm respectin’ it this much. If the milk of human decency is so soured in your breast that you can’t hev a kind feel- in’, then try to aveid the onpleasant- ness that'll result from any contrary move on your part today. Do you get that hunch?” “Stillwell, you're threatenin’ an of- ficer,” replied Hawe, angrily. “I come to arrest him, an’ I'm goin’ to.” “So that's your game!” shouted Stillwell. “We-all are glad to get you straight, Pat. Now listen, you cheap, red-eyed coyote of a sheriff! You don’t care how many enemies you make. You know you'll never get office again in this county. What do you care he shouted, now? It's amazin’ strange how earn- est you are to hunt down the man who killed that particular Greaser. 1 reckon there's been. some dozen - ot more killin’s of Greasers in the last ‘year. Why don’t you take to trailin’ some of them killin’s? I'll tell you why. You're afraid to go near the border. An’ your hate of Gene Stew- art makes you want to hound him an’ put him where he’s never been yet— in jail. You want to spite his friends. Wal, listen, you lean-jawed, skunk- bitten coyote! Go ahead an’ ry to arrest him!” Stillwell took one mighty stride off the porch. His last words had been cold. His rage appeared to have been “Senor Gene!” She Moaned. “Help Me! | So Seek.” transferred to Hawe. The sheriff had begun to' stuttér sand shake a lanky red hand at the cattleman when Stewart stepped out. “Here, you fellows, chance to say a word.” give me a a ——————————————— As Stewart appeared the Mexican girl suddenly seemed vitalized out of her stupor. She strained at her bonds. as if to lift her hands beseechingly. A flush animated her haggard face, and her big eyes lighted. “Senor Gene!” she mvaned. “Help me! 1 so seek. They beat me, rope me, ‘mos’ keel me. Oh, help me, Senor Gene!” “Shut up, er I'll gag vou,” said the man who held Bonita’s horse, “Muzzle her, Sneed, if she blabs again,” called Hawe. Madeline felt something tense aud strained working in the short silence Was it only a phase of her thrilling excitement? Her swift glance showed the faces of Ne!s and Monty and Nick te be brooding, cold, watchful. She wondered why Stewart did not look toward Bonita. He. too, was now dark-faced, cool, quiet, with something ominous about him. “Hawe, I'll submit to arrest without any fuss,” he said, slowly, “if youl take the ropes off that girl.” “Nope,” replied the sheriff. “She got away from me onct. She’s hawg- tied now, an’ she'll stay hawg-tiea." Madeline thought she saw Stewart give a slight start. But an unaccount- able dimness came over ner eyes, &t brief intervals . obscuring her keen sight. “All right, let’s hurry out of here.” said Stewart. “You've made annoy- ance enough. Ride down to the cor ral with me. I'll get my horse and go with you.” “Hold on!” yelled Hawe, as Stewart turned away. “Not so fast. Who's doin’ this? You'll ride one of iny pack-horses, an’ you'll go in irons.” “You want to handcuff me?” queried Stewart, with sudden swift start of passion. “Want to? Haw, haw! Nope, Stew- art, thet jest my way with hoss- thieves, raiders Greasers, murderers, an’ sich. See hyar, you Sneed, git off an’ put the irons on this man.” The guerrilla called Sneed slid off his horse and began to fumble in his saddle-bags. Stillwell was gazing at Stewart in a kind of imploring amaze. “Gene, you ain’t goin’ to stand fer them handcuffs?” he pleaded. “Yes,” replied the cowboy. “Bill, old friend, I'm an outsider here. There’s no call for Miss Hammond and —and her brother and Florence to be worried further about me. Their happy day has already been spoiled on my account. I want to get out quick.” “Wal, you might be too d—n consid- erate of Miss Hammond's sensitive feelin’s.” There was now no trace of the courteous, kindly old rancher. He looked harder than stone. “How about my feelin’s? I waut to know if you're goin’ to let this sneakin’ coyote, this last gasp of the old rum-guzzlin’ frontier sheriffs, put you in irons an’ hawg-tie you an’ drive you jail?” “Yes,” replied Stewart, steadily. “Wal, by Gawd! You, Gene Stew- art! What's come over you? Why, man, go in the house, an’ I'll 'tend to this feller. Then tomorrow you can ride in an’ give yourself up like a gentleman.” “No. I'll go. Thanks, Bill, for the way you and the boys would stick to me. Hurry, Hawe, before my mind changes.” His voice broke at last, betraying the wonderful control he had kept over his passions. As he ceased speaking he seemed suddenly to become spiritless. He dropped his head. : When the man Sneed came forward, jingling the iron fetters, Madeline's blood turned to fire. She would have forgiven Stewart then for lapsing into the kind of cowboy it had been her blind - and sickly - sentiment to abhor. This was a man’s West—a man’s game. At that moment, with her blood hot and racing, she would have gloried in the violence which she had so deplored: she would have welcomed the action that had characterized Stewart's treat- ment of Don Carlos; she had in her the sudden dawning temper of a wom- an who had been assimilating the life and nature around her and who would not have turned her eyes away from a harsh and bloody deed. ; But Stewart held forth his hands t: be manacled. Then Madeline heard her own voice burst out in a ringing, imperious “Wait!” Sneed dropped the manacles. Stew- art's face took on a chalky whiteness. Hawe, in a slow, stupid embarrass ment beyond his control, removed his sombrero in a respect that seemed wrenched from him. “Mr. Hawe, I can prove to you that Stewart was not concerned in any way whatever with the crime for which you vant to arrest him.” The sheriff's stare underwent a blink- ng change. He coughed, stammered, ind tried to speak. Manifestly, he had seen thrown completely off his bal- J:.ance. Astonishment slowly merged nto discomfiture. “It was absolutely impossible for stewart to have been connected with that assault,” went on Madeline, swift- y, “for he was with me in the waiting room of the station at the moment the 1ssault was made outside. The door was open. I heard the voices of quar- reling men. The language was Spanish. I heard a woman's voice mingling with the others. It, too, was Bpanish, and I could not understand. But the tone was beseeching. Then I heard footsteps on the gravel. Just putside the door then there were hoarse, furious voices, a scaffle, a muf- filed shot, a woman's cry, the thud of a falling body, and rapid footsteps of a man running away. Next, the girl Bonita staggered into the door. She was white, trembling, terror-stricken. She recognized Stewart, appealed to him. Stewart supported her and en- deavored to calm her. He asked her if Danny Mains had been shot, or if he had done the shooting. The gir} said no. She told Stewart that she had danced a little, flirted a little with vaqueros, and they had quarreled over her. Then Stewart took her outside and put her upon his horse. I saw tlie girl ride that horse down the street to disappear in the darkness.” While Madeline spoke another change appeared to be working in the man Hawe. His sharp features fixed in an axpression of craft. “Thet's mighty interestin’, Miss Ham- wond, 'most as Interestin’ as a story book,” he said. “Now, since you're sc obligin’ a witness, I'd sure like to put a question or two. What time did you arrive at El Cajon thet night?” “It was after eleven o’clock,” replied Madeline. “Nohody there to meet you?” “Won.” “The station agent an’ operator bath vone?” “Yes.” “How soon did this feller Stewart snow up?’ Hawe continued, with » wry smile. “Very soon after my arrival. I think —perhaps fifteen minutes, possibly = iittle more.” *“An’ what time was the Greaser shot?” queried Hawe, with his little eyes gleaming like coals. “Probably close to half past one. It was two o'clock when I looked at my watch at Florence Kingsley’s house. Directly after Stewart sent Bonita away he took me to Miss Kingsley's. So, allowing for the walk and a few minutes conversation with her, I can pretty definitely say the shooting took place at about half past one.” Stillwell heaved his big frame a step closer to the sheriff, “What 're you drivin’ at?” he roared, his face black again. “Evidence,” snapped Hawe. Madeline marveled at this interrup- tion; and as Stewart irresistibly drew her glance she saw him gray-faced as ashes, shaking, utterly unnerved. “lI thank you, Miss Hammond,” he said, huskily. “But you needn't answer any more of Hawe’s questions. ‘He's— he’s— It’s not necessary. I'll go with him now, under arrest. Bonita will} corroborate your testimony in court, and that will save me from this—this man’s spite.” Madeline, looking at Stewart, seeing a humility she at first took for cow- ardice, suddenly divined that it was not fear for himself which made him dread further disclosures of that night, but fear for her—fear of shame she might suffer through him. Pat Hawe cocked his head to one side, like a vulture about to strike with his beak, and cunningly eved Madeline. “Considered as testimony, what you've said is sure important an’ con- clusive. But I'm calculatin’ thet the court will want to hev explained why you stayed from eleven-thirty till one- thirty in thet waitin’ room alone with Stewart.” His deliberate speech met with what Madeline imagined a remarkable re- ception from Stewart, who gave a tiger- ish start; from Stillwell, whose big hands tore at the neck of his shirt, as if he was choking; from Alfred, who now strode hotly forward, to be stopped by the cold and silent Nels; from Monty Price, who uttered a vio- lent “Aw!” which was both a hiss and a roar. In the rush of her thought Madeline could not interpret the meaning of these things which seemed so strange at that moment.. But they were por- tentous. Even as she was forming a reply to Hawe's speech she felt a chilt creep over her. “Stewart detained me in the walt- Ing room,” she sald, clear-voiced as a bell. “But we were not alone—all the time.” For a moment the only sound follow- ing her words was a gasp from Stew- art. Hawe’s face became transformed with a hideous amaze and joy. “Detained?” he whispered, craning his lean and corded neck. “How's thet?” : “Stewart was drunk. He—" With sudden passionate gesture of despair Stewart appealed to her: “Oh, Miss Hammond, don’t! don't! dont?! . . .» Then he seemed to sink down, head lowered upon his breast, in utter shame. Stillwell’s great hand swept to the bowed shoulder, and he turned to Madeline. “Miss Majesty, I reckon you'd be wise to tell all,” sald the old castle man, gravely. “There ain't one of us who could misunderstand any motive or act of yours. Mebbe a stroke of lightnin’ might clear this murky air. Whatever Gene Stewart did that on- lucky night—you tell it.” (To be continued). Superintendents ‘to Meet at State College. The annual gathering of public school superintendents of the State, held in connection with the summer session of The Pennsylvania State College, will take place this year dur- ing the week of August 6 to 11. Ac- cording to dean Will Grant Chambers, of the college school of education, a greater attendance than ‘ever before is anticipated. There were 150 at the conference last year. State Superintendent A. S. Cook, of Maryland, and Dr. Lee L. Driver, head of the bureau of rural education of the Pennsylvania State Department of Public Instruction, will lead the conference and discussions, while Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, of Brooklyn, noted publicist and lecturer, will give a se- ries of lectures during the week. Oth- er members of the State Department of Public Instruction will discuss phases of school administration of in- terest to the superintendents. A con- ference for attendance officers under the direction ‘of W. S. Denison, director of the Atteridance Bureau of the State Department, will also be held during the same week.