Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 20, 1923, Image 7
Brunei atc Bellefonte, Pa., July 20, 1923. “COME CLEAN.” When the game is on and your friends about, And you could put your rival out, By a trick that’s mean, but wouldn't be seen; Come clean, my lad, come clean! When exams are called and you want to | pass, And you know how you could lead your class, But the plan’s not square—you know its mean; Come clean, my lad, come clean! With the boss away you've a chance to shirk, Not lose your pay—not have to work, He'll neither fire you nor vent his spleen; Come clean, my lad, come clean! ‘When you're all alone with no one about, And not a soul would find it out, You're tempted to do a thing that’s mean: Come clean, my lad, come clean! For home awaits, and a girl that’s true, And church and State have need of you, They must have your best—on you they lean; Come clean, my lad, come clean! —M. D. Cracket. HOW POVERTY MAY BE A CRIME. By L. A. Miller. A young man of a disgruntled dis- position complained to me a few days ago saying he could not understand why he was compelled to go about with an empty pocket, while others always seemed to have an abundance of money. Probably he had exper- ienced the inconvenience of an empty pocket so often that he regarded it as much a crime to carry one as if it were a concealed weapon. The poor man is disposed to look upon himself when his pocket is empty, and he im- agines that everybody else is looking down too, and slighting him because of his poverty, when the fact is no one else may know his distress, and Toul not look down upon him if they id. Some persons, however, cannot di- gest poverty, and it lays upon the mind like an indigested dinner on the stomach, ferments and sours the stom- ach, ferments and sours the mind, dwarfs the aspirations of the soul, renders speech acrid and gives to thought a murky tinge. They see all the bright things: of life through a cloud, hear only the mournful echo of its sweetest sounds, and tastes its bread as though each bite contained a pill. It is a fact, however, that a man feels awfully lonesome with an emp- ty pocket to keep him company. There may be jovial companions all around, bright skies above and verdant earth below, yet he feels lonely. The songs of the birds make him sad, the con- tented kine renders him envious and the sight of money arouses a spirit of covetousness within him. A Phil- adelphia drummer once found himself in Kansas City, Kansas, with $7.50 in his pocket. The firm with which he expected to do business had given their orders to the fellow who had preceded him a day or two, conse- quently he had no orders to draw against. There he was, thirteen hun- dred miles from home, as good as broke. He felt sure that the hotel keeper was watching his every step, and that the boy at the cigar case had been warned not to give him a “nickle smoke” until he first showed the nick- le, and that his single acquaintance in the city was shunning him for fear of being asked for a loan. He even im- agined that the idle negroes knew his condition and would not bother them- selves to ask him for a “bit of luck.” Probably there was not a more miser- able man in Kansas City; but having a streak of philosophy in his make-up he realized that he was on the road to a suicide’s grave, and by a strong ef- fort of mind turned aside. When a man gets into such a fix as this he needs to keep cool and be brave; not pompous and defiant, but steady in nerve and determined in pur- pose. He will have to take chances and run great risks of being defeated, but nothing stands him in better hand than steady nerves. “Where there is a will there is a way,” is a truism that is often laughed at, but it is right. The philosophical chap, if he has com- plete control of his nerves, will get out of almost any snap he may get into. He never curses his own luck nor really envies those in better condition than he, but quietly sets to calculating how they got there and how he miss- ed it. The result is that he not only discovers where he made his mistakes, but strikes leads that promise to car- ry him out of the slough. To sit down and berate fortune for her freaks is worse than idly waiting for something to turn up. It doesn’t offend fortune at least but it unfits the growler for taking advantage of the tips that the fickle goddess gives him. Persons of fretful, peevish dispositions never get into easy circumstances. They may collect a large pile, but they worry as much after getting it as before. It is not a sin to be poor. However, it may be a sin to think it is, and to so live as if it were. In the estimation of the philosopher, true riches consist in contentment, not in dollars and dimes. To be satisfied that he has done his part well, that he has fulfilled his contract, and that he is enjoying the natural results of his labor, ought to afford to almost any man a reasonable degree of content- ment. His labor may not always be as well rewarded as he thinks it ought, but it is not his fault. While he should be contented he ought never to be sat- isfied until he has reached a point from which he can command full and fair remuneration. The growler never attains this point. It is out of his reach as long as he sits on his haunches waiting to be taken by the ears -and lifted into a comfortable -place. Those who -are hustling for themselves make a step- ping block of him and possibly walk into the very place he wanted. Is it right for one to use another for such a purpose? It certainly is, providing the under one only lacks the nerve and enterprise to make a determined ef- fort to get up himself. If he is heav- ily handicapped it is not rihgt. The pocket that is empty because its possessor is lazy, dissipated or reckless, is a crime against humanity. Its emptiness entails misery, suffer- ing and inconvenience upon those who are in no way responsible for its con- dition. Thus it becomes a crime. All cannot be wealthy any more than all can be tall. Some will be short and some will be dwarfs. It may, therefore, be expected that some will be poor, not for a lack of a desire to be well off, or of effect to be so, but merely because they have not the ability to earn and save sufficient to tide them over seasons of enforced idleness. There is no sin in poverty like this, but there is, and of the rank- est order, in the poverty caused by wasting hard earned money in drink- ing, gambling, and over-indulgence of any kind. How is it that the great majority of our millionaires are the sons of poor parents? There was Russell Sage, who spent his early days as an er- rand boy in a Troy grocery. He got the greater portion of his learning by studying at night. Having no expec- tations from his father, he set out to make his own way, and he made it. Russell Sage is but a specimen of all our wealthy men, including the elder Bennett, Astor, Peabody, Vanderbilt, Stewart, and a host of others. They went at it philosophically, followed a settled course and achieved success. True, they possessed special faculties, but with them all they had to exercise common sense. Their for- tunes were not thrust upon them, but they grew from small beginnings. What they did was to nourish and cultivate them. A majority of those who are continually growling about the rich growing richer and the poor growing poorer, wouldn't keep a for- tune if they had it. Their habits would make a pauper of Henry Ford and convert Rockerfeller into a tramp. They are negative to wealth, there- fore scatter it instead of husbanding it. Even if they had a million they would die sooner and be worse off in the end. If our working people were to study philosophy more and sociai- ism less, put more pennies into the savings bank and fewer into saloon tills, and desire contentment rather than wealth, they would find that the life of a laborer is not such a hard life after all. In many instances it has proven to be a much happier life than that enjoyed by the wealtry. There are so few who are able to re- sist the temptation that wealth brings before them. It is certainly a mistaken idea that an empty pocket is the worst of crimes, in the sénse that the poor are looked down upon as much as if they had committed some offense. Some people may look down upon them but they are shoddy all through, and not worthy of notice. ISSUES WARNING AGAINST MOSQUITOES; MANY VARIE- TIES. ‘Theré are as thany varieties of fos" quitoes as there are kinds of dogs and their bites are not to be scorned. Dr. W. C. Miller, chief of the division of public health, Department of Health, points out in urging that now is the time to prevent a plague of the in- sects, if such preventions have not been made. Dr. Miller has classified the varieties into three general divi- sions, comparing them to airedales, greyhounds and curs. : “The ‘airedale’ and ‘greyhound’ va- rieties are known scientifically as stegomyia and anopheles,” Dr. Miller said. “They are the aristocrats of mosquitodom and hold themselves aloof from the common herd. The for- mer is striped like a tiger and carries yellow fever, while the latter stands on its head and is the distributor of malaria. The Culex, which includes gnats, are the gangsters and belong to the common cur variety. Their chief aim in life appears to be to an- noy people on hot summer nights.” The general habits of all mosqui- toes are practically the same, Dr. Miller declared. However, the female of the species is more deadly than the male, for besides laying about 150 eggs at a time and attending to the raising of her family, she is the “blood sucker,” the male living upon fruit juices. “The females require a feed of blood before their eggs will mature,” Dr. Miller said. “This is true re- gardless of variety. So far as the tigerstriped yellow fever transmitting mosquito is concerned the people of Pennsylvania have little care, and even the malaria ‘drummer’ is a tour- ist rather than a regular resident.” “People everywhere are against mosquitoes regardless of race, color, previous condition of servitude or any particular attainments which may distinguish them,” declared Dr. Mil- ler. “Because their breeding habit is an open secret, mosquito birth control becomes easy. They do not travel long distances as a rule, so that if a neighborhood is cleared it will, under average circumstances, be free from mosquitoes during the season. It re- quires a very small amount of water to make ideal home conditions for a large family of wrigglers, which later turn into mosquitoes. An upturned tin can in a back yard, a sagging roof tter, a depression left by a horse’s oof, a little water in a ditch, or water left in a cuspidor, flower vase, pitcher or basin will serve the purpose. “The remedy, of course, is to have no vessels around containing water, and to drain all ditches and pools. If the pools are too large to drain, a thin coating of oil, which spreads it- self evenly over the top, will destroy mosquito larvae. Certain breeds of minnows have been recommended to destroy the mosquito larvae in the streams. This method has not proven very satisfactory, because in fresh, flowing streams the larvae will not hatch, and in the dull, sluggish streams, which are favorable to mos- quito propagation, minnows will not live. - Draining and oiling is the whole solution. Mosquitoes do not hatch ‘in tall, damp grasses and bushes, al- though they often hide in such places during the day.” —Get your job work done here. _. Secretary Wright, of the Depart-| - cretary Wright, on Et tA reyou ‘still Tooking for that hon- FLASH SIGNALS AT GRADE CROSSINGS. Harrisburg.—Representatives of nu- merous railroad corporations in Penn- sylvania contemplate the erection of illuminated flash-signals at grade crossings. A few years ago the Public Service Commission suggested that the De- partment of Highways co-operate with the railroads of Pennsylvania in the erection of advance warning signs at grade crossings. Signs erected as re- sult of that co-operation have been of great value, but because of increased traffic on primary highways it is the thought of the Department that ad- ditional safety measures should be taken as soon as possible at import- ant grade crossings. The Depart- ment of Highways has been investi- gating various flashing devices which work continuously day and night. Two of the signals will be necessary at each grade crossing. Deputy Sec- retary Connell in a recent letter to the heads of all railroad corporations sug- gested that before July 10 these com- panies advise whether or not they will co-operate to the extent of paying fif- ty per cent. of the initial cost of the flash-signals, with the understanding that maintenance after erection will be by the Department. : The proposed signal automatically flashes a red light day and night, and gives warning of the proximity of a dangerous crossing at a grade. : The Department of Highways is about to begin the erection of the State line markers on all State High- ways which intersect the boundary lines of Pennsylvania. These mark- ers are to be of white reinforced con- crete. They are triangular in form and the monument will be bisected by the State line. Each will bear the name of Pennsylvania and the adjoin- ing State. J Paul D. Wright, Secretary of High- ways, has directed that on the Mary- land-Pennsylvania border the mark- ers, in addition to the words “Penn- sylvania” and “Maryland,” bear the inscription, “Mason and Dixon Line.” This is the most famous boundary line in America. ; It was suggested to Mr. Wright re- cently that the marker at the extreme southwestern border of Pennsylvania bear a plate telling the story of how the West Virginia Panhandle was cre- ated. When Charles Mason and Jer- emiah Dixon were running the orig- inal line in 1763-1768 their instruc- tions were to carry the survey all the way to the Ohio river. Frequently they encountered bands of Indians who attempted to divert them, with the suggestion that the surveyors were exceeding the charter grant. Eventually at a point west of what is now the hamlet of Garrison, Greene county, the surveying party found its path entirely blocked by a large body of Indians, the leader of which declar- ed Mason and Dixon would not be per- mitted to proceed to the Ohio river as was their original intention. Conse- quently, the surveyors turned north at that point and ran what is now the western boundary of Pennsylvania. The narrow strip between that boun- dary and the Ohio river eventually be- gan the West Virginia Panhandle. ment of Highways has written a let- ter to all contractors engaged in State Highway construction, notifying them that the Department’s policy here- after will be rigidly to enforce the clause in contracts relating to the time limit for the work, and penalties will be enforced where construction is unnecessarily delayed. “A survey of the situation,” Mr.- Wright said in his letter, “convinces the Department there is considerable justification in the complaint of high- way users that too much time is tak- en by some contractors to complete the jobs. We feel it a duty to the pub- lic to see that there are no unnecessa- ry delays in prosecuting contract work. Hereafter the time limit will be rigidly enforced.” . ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” INSECT PESTS CAUSING GREAT- EST DAMAGE IN YEARS. day.” Right now the farmers of Pennsyl- vania are experiencing one of the worst general attacks by injurious in- sect pests that they have ever been forced to contend with. Of the 100, 000 different kinds of insect pests known in the State, there are a dozen or more that are eating their way to- wards millions of dollar’s worth of fruit and farm crop losses. The at- tack is general throughout the State, except for some points where damage control is possible, in some instances where the usual methods advocated by the State College extension service are followed. The situation is summed up by Prof. H. E. Hodgkiss, extension insect specialist at State College. Aphids have already stung about one-third of the apple crop in the fruit sections. Cabbage magots have done quite a bit of damage to early cabbage plants. The seed corn mag- got has been found in Greene county. The corn root web-worm is the worst pest of corn this year and is found generally throughout the State. Late cultivating and poison bran mash are advised for its control. The Colorado potato beetle is worse this year than in the past five. Flea beetles, especially the “pale striped flea beetle,” are also causing: damage to potatoes, and it is about time for aphids and leaf hoppers to show up on potatoes. They are expected to be bad in sections this year and it is ad- visable to watch for them. Plants should be sprayed, even if only a few appear, using nicotine in the Bordeaux for the lice. Asparagus beetles are also proving to be very dangerous and should be attacked with arsenate of lead and either as a spray or a dust. The codling moth is coming late this year and the second brood may be controlled by the midsummer spray which this year may be as late as the first ten days in August. Bud moths and leaf rollers were bad last fall and give indications that they will cause damage this fall. Lead arsenate is advised as a control measure. In the southern counties this should be ap- plied about the middle of September. Hessian fly has already made itself apparent and much wheat is down as a result. Late planting in the fall is the prime factor in the control this year. Locusts have been damaging in the Central Pennsylvania counties and peach borers will be active during the summer. P. D. B. applied between September 10 and Octover 15 routes the borers. The aggoumois grain moth is not the least of the pests that Pennsylva- nia farmers are bothered with, and grain fumigation demonstrations by State College specialists will start July 18th. Early threshing and fumi- gation with carbon bisulphide is ad- vocated. ——The “Watchman” gives all the news while it is news. Looking for an Honest Man. est man?” asked the stranger. “I am,” replied Diogenes. “Can you help me find him?” “No, I can’t do that, but I can quote you a very low price on oil for your lantern, provided you buy it in large quantities. You will probably need at least ten barrels.” Goitre Removed Syracuse Lady Tells How She Was Saved an Operation. Mrs. Hattie Church, 215 Putnam Street, Syracuse, N. Y., says she will tell or write how she was saved an operation with Sor- bol Quadruple, a colorless liniment. Get free information at Parrish’s drug store, all drug stores, or write Box 358, Mechanicsburg, Ohio. 68-28 last year. Lar / 7 Everywhere -Royal Cords United States Tires are Good Tires E growing number of Royal Cord Clinchers you see on the roads gives an idea of how many car owners there are who want the best tire money can buy. There weren’t nearenough Clincher Royals to go around This year —even with the production more than doub- led—you can best be sure of them by taking them at the hor =] = J pr =k pos Gey = 4 URN Gh K i EN Lo P. H. McGARVEY, - BLANCHARD AUTO BREONS GARANGE, - STUCK & KLINE, - - J. A. CONFER & SON, - C. J. McQUIGG, - - UY Where to buy USTI SERVICE, - - - Bellefonte, Pa. Blanchard, Pa. - - = Millheim, Pa. - Pine Grove Mills, Pa. Snow Shoe, Pa. Unionville, Pa. “Some little bug will get you some Ic 7) -— Logica ath [i F Leg FR R Ee -— REA $298 $298 : Big Reduction ein Ladies Oxfords 1 We have placed on sale about one thousand pairs of Ladies Low Shoes at $2.98. These shoes comprise all the White Canvas and White Buck Oxfords we have in the store, also Tan and Black Vici Kid Oxfords and Strap Pumps—all with Rubber Heels. ELL I on : Ey The reason for this reduction is the in SASS i lateness of the Spring season, and we i fa must move them at a loss. Ie fi If you are in Need of Shoes of this Kind Oc FL Oc UE i Come to Yeager’s $2.98 Sale 2 : ; Yeager's Shoe Store Bh i; - [ THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN 0 Bush Arcade Building BELLEFONTE, PA. a 58-27 SRR LR Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. Lyon & Co. ~ Lyon & Co. Specials For Week Ends EEE We are Going to Have these Special Sales Every Week End Friday and Saturday All Summer Goods now at. cost, and less, which means four months wear this season. Watch our Store and don’t; miss the many Big Money-Saving Merchandise Sales WE STILL HAVE OUR 99c¢. Bargain Table Lyon & Co. wo Lyon & Co.