Dewi Yiatcpan Bellefonte, Pa, July 13, 1923. = LEGION ADOPTS CODE COVER- ING RIGHT USE AND DISPLAY OF FLAG. “The code covering proper civilian usage of the American flag and con- duct in its presence was adopted at the concluding session of the confer- ence of national organizations called by the American Legion, and a per- manent committee was authorized to disseminate it throughout the coun- try. ¥ esolutions adopted recommended that each of the more than 60 organi- zations represented promote the study of the words.and music of “The Star Spangled Banner” and its teaching in schools and in juvenile organizations, as suggested to the conference by President Harding. State legislators also were asked to enact uniform laws requiring the display of the flag in and over all schools, parks and paygrounds, and over other public buildings. Considerable discussion over what was described as the unpatriotic atti- tude of a number of teachers and text books in public schools, resulted in adoption of another resolution de- manding that “all persons employed in a public capacity, national, state and municipal, whose compensation is paid from public funds, be required to pledge allegiance and support to the Constitution and respect for the flag of the United States.” Opposition was recorded to proposals to change the official dimensions of the flag. A proposal included in the report of the code committee that the proper salute to the flag by a woman be the military salute employed by soldiers in uniform was amended to read that her right hand be placed over her heart in paying respect to the em- blem. The code covers 15 rules for display of the flag and a list of 15 “things to avoid,” in addition to setting forth the proper use of bunting, the salutes and pledges to the flag, suggestions for state legislation, and a recom- mendation that the “Star Spangled Banner” be universally recognized as the national anthem. The rules adopted for displaying the flag follow: The flag should be displayed from sunrise to sunset only or between such hours as designated by proper author- ity on national and State holidays, and on historic and special occasions. The flag should always be hoisted briskly and lowered slowly and cere- moniously. When carried in a procession with another flag or flags the place of the flag of the United States is on the right, i. e., the flag’s own right, or when there is a line of other flags the flag of the United States may be in front of the center of that line. When displayed with another flag, against a wall from crossed staffs, the flag of tlie United States should be on the right, the flag’s own right, and its staff should be in front of the staff of the other flag. When a number of flags are group- ed and displayed from staffs the flag of the United States should be in the center or at the highest point of the group. When flags of States or cities or pennants of societies are flown on the same halyard with the flag of the United States, the flag of the United States must always be at the peak. When flown from adjacent staffs the flag of the Unitd States should be hoisted first. No flag or pennant should be placed above or to the right of the flag of the United States. “Do not use the flag as drapery, use bunting,” says one of the “don’ts” and others bar its use as covering for a ceiling, as part of a costume or athletic uniform, embroidered upon cushions or handkerchiefs, or printed on paper napkins or boxes. A section of the code dealing with the salute to the flag reads: “During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag, or when the flag is passing in parade or review, all persons present should stand at at- tention facing the flag. Men’s head dress should be removed with the right hand and held at the left shoul- der. Those present in uniform should salute with the right hand salute. Women should stand at attention, fac- ing the flag or as the flag is passing in parade should salute, by placing the right hand over the heart. If the national anthem is played and no flag is present all stand at attention when uncovered and salute at the first note of the anthem, retaining the position until the last note of the air is play- ed. If in civilian dress and covered, men should uncover and stand at at- tention, facing the music. Women stand at attention and salute.—EX. State Institutions Raise Forest Trees. During the past spring more than 950000 forest trees were distributed from the forest tree nurseries located at State institutions and operated in co-operation with the Department of Forests and Waters. The institutions that are growing these trees are the Allentown Homeopathic Hospital for Insane, Danville State Hospital for Insane, Huntingdon Reformatory, Harrisburg State Lunatic Asylum, Polk State Institution for Feeble- minded, Torrance State Hospital for Insane and Wernersville State Asy- . Tum for Chronic Insane. These nurseries at State institutions are a new line of co-operative work that was undertaken a few years ago. “They are now beginning to turn out a large number of seedlings and trans- plants for reforesting the idle lands of the State. According to Major Stuart, Secre- tary of Forests and Waters, these trees are being raised at a low cost and he hopes that the nurseries can be developed so that in a number of years all the forest trees required for planting in the State will be raised at the State institutions. The raising of these small forest trees is whole- some outdoor work for the inmates. It is difficult to think of any line of work that would be better for them and at the same time bring an in- come to the State that maintains them. - WORLD’S GREAT SUGAR BOWL. Cuba has been called the world’s great sugar bowl because it produces more sugar than any other country in the world. In a single year the output of Cuba’s sugar would make two piles larger and higher than the pyramid in Egypt which covers thir- teen acres of ground and is more than four hundred and fifty feet high. If it were all sent to New York in one shipment it would take twelve hun- dred ships to carry it. That Cuba is a rich country is shown by the fact that her exports amount to more than eight hundred and fifty million dollars per year. Perhaps no other city on earth has proportionate- ly as wealthy a population as Havana, the capital city, according to a noted author. There is one hotel in this city where the rate for room and bath without meals is $25 per day. Havana boasts of a club that has for- ty-three thousand members and its clubhouse cost nearly a million dol- lars. As sugar is king in Cuba it will be interesting to recount some thing re- garding its production. Sugar cane requires about eighteen months to mature, but it will produce a dozen crops per year without replanting. Think of only having to plough one crop of corn to get twelve crops! It grows as high as a man on horseback can reach. The crop is largely tended and drawn to market by oxen and they can live a good share of the year on leaves that are stripped from the cane. If we get a crop that is worth $50 per acre we are “going some,” but the Cuban sometimes gets $500 per acre for his. The harvest of sugar cane is during our winter months. In October the mills start grinding and for half a year they hardly stop. Cutters are in the fields and working with all their might, for they are “paid by the job.” The harder and faster they work the more they earn. After the cane is cut it is loaded on great, two- wheeled carts and sometimes it takes a dozen oxen to drag them from the fields to the mills, or to the cars, as the case may be. Some of these sugar mills are gi- gantic affairs. Cars loaded with cane are run into the mills and about all that is necessary to unload them is to press an clectric button. Endless belts carry the cane to the great crushers, the rollers of which are a dozen feet in diameter. The cane goes through so many of these rollers that when finished it is dry enough to burn—in fact, it is carried to the boilers by endless belts and burns like tinder generating steam enough to run the machinery. After the juice is pressed out of the cane it is strained and pumped mto great vats, and would you be- lieve it, a lot of whitewash is poured into it. When this is heated the lime neutralizes the acid and purifies the juice causing certain parts to settle to the bottom while the heat brings other impurities to the top as froth, | after which the clear juice is drawn off, put into evaporators and thus the process goes on until it is made into sugar and refined and made ready for market. After the sugar is bagged, strong, burly, Cuban negroes will pick up 2 bag that weighs two hundred and ‘seventy-five pounds and trot around with it easily, seemingly, as an ordi- dinary man will handle a fifty-pound sack of flour. Of course these men make good wages, but often they gamble it away or lose it by buying lottery tickets. While it is that al- ready the wealth of Cuba per capita is greater than any other country, yet there are vast stretches of this island as wild and unbroken as when Columbus discovered America. A Cuban forest is turned into a field, however, quicker than one would think it could be done. The weed cut- ters fell the trees big and little and beneath a tropical sun everything soon becomes dry as tinder. About March, fire is started, and enough heat to keep a city warm all winter goes up from this burning mass ev- ery day. The soil is so rich that it is not hard to get the sugar cane planted and growing in the district burned over.—Exchange. The Tractor Displaces Farming Meth- ods in Vogue Since Bible Times. Over in the Caucasus of Asia Minor the Fordson tractor is more than a power plant—it is a land redeemer and a life saver. There in the shadow of Mt. Ararat, famed resting place of Noah’s ark, it is the twentieth century missionary to the oldest land in the world and brings the most striking of all con- trasts between modern power faim- ing and the primitive methods in vogue for thousands of years. Introduced in the Caucasus a little more than a year ago by the Near East Relief, the tractor has revolu- tionized agriculture and, thanks to it, there is no famine this year. With the tractor and modern farm machinery the fields, heretofore only scratched with the historic stick and oxen teams, have been plowed deep and with less seed have yielded great- er crops than ever before. Hundreds of natives, too, have been released from farm work to enter industrial pursuits. A recent note from Brivan, Arme- nia, tells the story of tractor accom- plishments in striking figures: “Ten American tractors ploughed a thousand acres of land in eleven days,” the message said. “To accom- plish the same work jn the same time would have required 1,000 oxen and 500 men.” Under power farming the crops in the Caucasus have been 50 per cent. larger and one-third less seed has been used. Where Armenia only a short time ago, with eighty per cent. of its population engaged in agricul- ture, was only producing one-third of its cereal requirements, it is today producing about one-half with far less men employed in the work. With gasoline power, fed by the rich oil fields of Baku on the Caspian Sea and with modern machinery, the Caucasus promises to accomplish one of the most interesting agricultural developments in the history of the world. —————————— A e————————— ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” THE SMALL HIGH SCHOOL DIS- re APPEARING. Costs of education are mounting. A higher percentage of the population is being enrolled in High schools yearly. Each year more communities are de- manding opportunity for their chil- dren for a good high school training. The people are demanding that the high schools offer a wider range in courses of study so that the interests of students having other than college preparatory aims be met. Can we finance the program? We can through elimination of the small high school. We cannot if we attempt to maintain effective high schools for 15 or 20 pupils. Cities maintain effect- ive high schools at per pupil costs within reason, simply because they have large numbers of pupils. Union high schools in the west offer country children as good facilities for high school training as the best of our cities at reasonable per pupil costs be- cause schools serve large numbers of pupils. Many country high schools in the South are providing good facili- ties at a reasonable cost for the same reason. Where the small district attempts to support a high school for a few pu- pils the cost is prohibitive. Two high schools in a western State reported per pupil costs of over $1000 per year for 1921. The country cannot finance such a program as this. Careful or- ganization in the interest of economy as well as effectiveness is becoming more and more a necessity. Larger units of support must displace the small district high school. This month marks the closing of the school year 1922-23 although thous- ands of country schools ended their five, six or seven months’ terms ear- lier in the spring. How many chil- dren have enrolled in the public schools of the United States, city and country, since last September? The exact number cannot be stated now, but a conservative estimate places the grand total at 22,063,526. The enroll- ment in the public high schools is about 10.2 per cent. of this number, or 2,250,626, leaving 19,813,453 as the enrollment in public elementary schools. The estimated number in the eighth grade is 8.2 per cent. of this number or 1,624,703. It is fair to say that 80 per cent. of these pupils, 1,- 299,762, actually completed the work of the eighth grade and may now be classed as elementary school gradu- ates for this year. About 14.5 per cent. of the enrollment in public high schools will be found in the fourth year. For 1923 this number is esti- mated at 326,326. Approximately 70 per cent. of this number, or 228,428 are now going forth as high school graduates. The graduates of the three-year high schools will add at least 10,000 to this number. MANY FOREST TREES DISTRIB- UTED. During the past spring more than 350,000 forest trees were distributed from the forest tree nurseries located at State institutions and operated in co-operation with the Department of Forests and Waters. The institutions that are growing these trees are the Allentown Homeopathic hospital for msane, Danville State hospital for in- sane, Huntingdon Reformatory, Har- risburg State lunatic asylum, Polk State institution for feeble-minded, Torrance State hospital for insane, and Wernersville State asylum for chronic insane. These nurseries at State institutions are a new line of co-operative work that was undertaken a few years ago. They are now beginning to turn out a large number of seedlings and trans- plants for reforesting the idle lands of the State. According to Major Stuart, secre- tary of forests and waters, these trees are being raised at a low cost and he hopes that the nurseries can be developed so that in a number of years all the forest trees required for planting in the State will be raised at the State institutions. The raising of these small forest trees is whole- some outdoor work for the inmates. It is difficult to think of any line of work that would be better for them and at the same time bring an income to the State that maintains them. —Subsecribe for the “Watchman.” | became affected and I suffered awful- NEW LAWS BENEFIT FARMERS. The interests of farmers were well cared for by the State law making body in the session just closed, a re- sume of bills affecting them reveals. These measures ran the gamut from dogs to fences and embraces a wide |e variety of subjects. One of the hardest fought legisla- tive battles was over the Derrick bill prohibiting municipalities from adopt- ing daylight saving ordinances. The State grange, dairy interests and truck gardening organizations pre- sented a united front for passage of the bill. The measure finally was passad and signed by Governor Pin- chot. The farmers also were solidly be- hind the Jones bills, fixing a standard of butterfat for ice cream and pro- hibiting the sale of filled milk or filled milk products. Another milk bill pass- ed was the Smith skim milk act which defines condensed, concentrated and evaporated skimmed milk, and pre- scribes the content of total solids. It requires such milk to be sold in cer- tain sized cans and fixes the mini- mum size containers in which it may be sold and prescribed the method of labelling. In classifying legislation affecting agriculture, the department of agri- culture has enumerated among others the following measures: Reducing the registration fee on certain brands of commercial feeding stuffs from $25 to $6. The reduction applies to certain kinds of wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats and corn feed. Amending the dog laws by provid- ing that receipts from the enforce- ment of the law reverts to the bureau of animal industry to pay indemnities for livestock killed by dogs and to pay a certain portion of the indemnity of cattle tested under the accredited herd plan and killed as reactors in the tuberculin tests. Authorizing county commissioners to appropriate money from county funds for the purpose of controlling and suppressing dangerous and infec- tious diseases of livestock and poultry and dangerous plant diseases and in- sect pest in co-operation with the de- partment of agriculture. Authorizing county commissioners to make appropriations not exceeding $1500 in any one county to the coun- ty agricultural and horticultural so- cieties and associations. Providing for the construction of surface or under drains on land owned by others, by which a farmer may pe- tition the court of quarter sessions to view the drainage proposal and decide upon the necessity of an extension of the drain. The petitioner, in this case, pays all the costs and the dam- Joes done to the land not owned by | m. Amending the noxious weed law by | including chicory in the list of weeds | which must be cut before they seed. ! Regulating the sale of caustics and mineral and chemical salts by requir- MEDICAL. A Useful Pain Bellefonte People Should Heed Its Warning. Have you a sharp pain or a dull ache across the small of your back? Do you realize that it’s often a timely sign of kidney weakness? Prompt treatment is a safeguard against more serious kidney troubles. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Profit by a Bellefonte resident’s experience. Mrs. Mary Lose, 212 E. Bishop St., says: “A few years ago my kidneys ly. I was hardly ever free from dis- tressing backaches. I was so misera- ble I could scarcely keep going to do my housework. I also had spells of | dizziness and frequent headaches. My kidneys acted irregularly. Doan’s Kidney Pills purchased at the Mott Drug Co., were not long in bringing relief. I have depended on Doan’s ever since when I have had an attack and I know they are reliable.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Lose had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 68-27 Enjoy aVacation that, is Just a Little Different, .: service A Little Cruise through Historic Waters The Hall Mark ent. places of historic interest. =lELIELELEUEUELELELELELEL 1=2ni2n=2n2N2Ni= NSS Ne ad ad FERENT. en EUEUELUEUELELEUEUELUSEL Quaint! Restful! Appealing! Delightfnl! Leave business cares behind and for a day and two nights lose yourself in echoes of the past and restful delights of the pres- A trip of peculiar charm, from Baltimore, through the Chesa- peake Bay, the Potomac River, and their picturesque tributaries, on the well-appointed steamers of the Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic and the Maryland, Delaware and Virginia Railways. Comfortable State Rooms—Excellent Meals, Superior Service. An ideal vacation trip, novel and invting, along the shores of Maryland and down to old Virginia, passing the home of Pocahon- tas, the birthplace of Washington, and many other scenes and A brief pleasure trip, restful, refreshing, unique, novel, mod- est in cost and satisfying, BECAUSE IT IS JUST A LITTLE DIF- For descriptive literature, fares and detailed information, ad- dress R. H. Soulsby, General Passenger Agent, B. C. & A. Railway Co., Pier 1, Pratt Street, Baltimore, Md. The Pennsylvania Railroad supplies convenient train service and is the desirable route to and from Baltimore and Washington. For time tables and other information consult ticket agents. Pennsylvania Railroad System THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORLD =n El EUR EL EL EUS Ele El El El Cl El ElClUSlDUSLUSLSUSUS] 1=2n2n=n=2n2n=2n= naa MaMa la Ue Me Met lel el let lel Ue] Nasi led Us Ui ll ing their proper labelling as poisonous substances. Providing that $60,000 of the pro- ceeds derived from the sale of the property of the State livestock sani- tary board revert to the department of agriculture to help defray expens- S. Changing the legal bushel weights of apples from 45 to 48 pounds; bar- ley, from 47 to 48 pounds; cranber- ries, from 40 to 32 pounds; cucumbers, from 50 to 48 pounds; sun-shelled green peas, from 56 to 28 pounds, to- matoes from 60 to 56 pounds; turnips, from 60 to 56 pounds. Providing that land owners and the State pay the cost of fencing on a some m— Five Years Ago. Springfield Lady Restored to Good Health. 3c REMOVD GOITRE AT HOME fifty-fifty basis when damage is done by deer, and where the damage justi- fies such expenditure. For such pay- ment $10,000 is set aside from the game commissnon fund. Providing for the payment from the game commission fund for all dam- age done by bears to livestock, poul- try and bees up to the amount of $6,000. ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” EE Fine Job Printing 0—A SPECIALTY—o AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. en There is no atyle of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this NOTE: It would be illegal to publish ofiice, these statements if not true. Mrs. Frank Beard, 1610 Karr Street, EES Springfield, Ohio, says she is willing to CHICHESTER S PILLS write any one her full experience how Sorbol-Quadruple a stainless liniment, re- . Lak DIAMOND BRAND, moved her daughter's goitre. Chichester s Dia on rand Get further information from Parrish’s a SA 5 thon drug store, drug stores everywhere or g Drugs “Askin clit OE ER 0 write Sorbol Company. Mechanicsburg, years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable Ohio. 63-27 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ——— — ATRESIA & ESS TS Iara Watch, Diamond, or Set of Silverware, purchas- ed on our Easy Payment Plan enables all to own these arti- cles in a way that does not add hardship to the pocket- book. We will be glad to serve you. RRR F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists 64-22 tf: Bellefonte, Pa. Your Opportunity Tomorrow--- ~ Saturday July 14 We start the Greatest Sale of Mens and Boys Suits and Trousers Bellefonte has ever known. Suits that. were $20.00 now $15.00 Suits that, were 25.00 Suits that, were 30.00 Suits that, were 35.00 The saving is Big; 18.75 22.50 26.25 6 the goods are the Best—all our regular stock—nothing re- served. Don’t wait outside and wonder. Come in and look around—and pocket the saving that is really yours. A. Fauble