Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 13, 1923, Image 4
Bem alc ——————————————————————— Bellefonte, Pa., July 13, 1923. P. GRAY MEEK, Editor A EE BRE Te Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—~Until further motice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance Paid before expiration of year 1.75 Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morn- ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class mail matter. In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no-- tified when a subscriber wishes the pa- per discontinued. In all such cases the subscription must be paid up to date of cancellation. A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. m— $1.50 State Police Withdrawn from Rock- view Penitentiary. The last four members of the detail of state police who were sent to the Rockview penitentiary about the mid- dle of June after the escape of eight prisoners were withdrawn on July 2nd and returned to the troop station at Butler. Thirty-seven prisoners known to be ringleaders in fomenting trouble at the Rockview institution have been sent back to Pittsburgh under heavy guard and since their transfer every- thing has been quiet and orderly at Rockview. In the last issue of the “Watch- man” mention was made of the fact that two of the eight prisoners who escaped on June 17th and 19th had been recaptured, Edward Fiddell in Chicago and Robert Hill at Punxsu- tawney. On June 29th Clair Jamison and Arthur Price were captured at New Castle, Pa. The four prisoners were given an opportunity to plead guilty to the charge of escaping and appear before the Centre county court on Monday, July 2nd, for sentence but only one, Robert Hill, was willing to do so. Hill had been sent up from Jefferson coun- ty for from three to four years and his term would have expired next Janu- ary. He told the court that he had been coerced into escaping by other prisoners and Judge Quigley remand- ed him to the western penitentiary to serve out his original sentence and from two to four years additional. Fiddell, Jamison and Price refused to plead guilty and declared they would go to trial in the Centre county court on the charge. Fiddell, who is report- ed to have been a gunman in Chicago before his arrest and conviction of burglary in Cambria county, became unusually abusive and threatened to get even with: everybody when he gets out of the penitentiary. Greatest Methodist Outing in Penn- sylvania. For the twenty-ninth time the Methodists and their friends of Cen- tral Pennsylvania will meet at beau- tiful Lakemont Park, Altoona on July 26th. This annual picnic has been held for a quarter of a century and is without question the largest summer assemblage held under Methodist au- spices in the State of Pennsylvania. Its continued popularity and success is due to several causes. First it is central. Lakemont Park is easily ac- cessible. It is conveniently reached from north, east, south and west by good highways and by the various branches of the Pennsylvania railroad. Second, Lakemont Park is the most beautiful and best equipped park in central Pennsylvania. Third, a uni- formly high order of program has been presented each year. Some of the greatest leaders of the denomina- tion have provided information and. inspiration. This year will be no ex- ception. .The following program for this year’s gathering has already been an- nounced: Morning worship, sermon by Rev. John H. Daugherty, D. D., of Williamsport; afternoon rally, address by Rev. Daniel L. Marsh, D. D., of Pittsburgh; evening lecture by Rev. L. C. Murdock, D. D., of Philadelphia. Music of a high order is promised by the Fifth Avenue quartette and by the chorus of the Women’s League of Voters, of Altoona. Lakemont Park, with its ample accommodations and a program of such merit, will again at- tract thousands of Methodists and their friends to Altoona on July 26th. Important Meeting Friday Evening. All persons in this community who may be in any way interested in the Blanchard-Moshannon Mining Co., are invited to attend a final meeting in the dining room of the Brockerhoff house, on this (Friday) evening, at eight o'clock. This will be a public meeting and will be attended by the mining engineer of the company who will be prepared to give any infor- mation desired. It is the first and last opportunity for persons to en- gage allotments of the preferred stock, as the plant will be in opera- tion on a 100 per cent. production be- fore September 1st. It is quite prob- able the bulk of this stock will be al- lotted to Bellefonte. If you are inter- ested, come—this includes the ladies. 68-27-1t CHARLES R. KURTZ. iA tnt sit ——1It is our policy to sell all mer- chandise during the season for which it was purchased. It is good business for us, and a mighty good opportuni- ty for you to obtain high-grade men’s wear at very substantial savings.— Sim the Clothier. 27-1t MEEHAN.—The sudden death of | Mrs. Laura Strohm Meehan, wife of Martin F. Meehan, of New York city, will come as a shock to her many friends in Centre county. Mrs. Mee- han had been out on a shopping ex- pedition on the afternoon of July 6th and on returning to her apartment was seized with a heart attack that proved fatal her husband discovering her lifeless body when he returned home early in the evening. Mrs. Meehan was born at Centre Hill on September 8th, 1865, and was the youngest child in the family of Michael and Catherine Strohm. She was married to Mr. Meehan on May 4th, 1908, and the greater part of her life was spent in Philadelphia and New York. During the war she spent a year in the employ of the government, in the chemical warfare service, and after the armistice was given an honorable dis- charge from the United States army. She was one of a very few women in the country who could boast of this distinction. A woman thoroughly unselfish and of kindly impulses she never allowed an opportunity to do good pass her by, always ready to respond to a call for aid to the limit of her possibilities. It was this lovable trait of character which won the esteem of many en- dearing friends. The funeral, which was private, was held from the home of Mrs. M. E. Strohm, of Centre Hall, on the after- noon of July 9th, interment being made in the Centre Hall cemetery. Mrs. Meehan is survived by her hus- band, and by one sister, Mrs. Myra J. Kerr, of Ogden, Utah, as well as by several nephews and nieces. Among those present for the fun- eral were her husband, M. F. Meehan, of New York city; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Person, of Trenton, N. J.; Mrs. Am- mon Burkholder and daughter Marga- ret, of Phillipsburg, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Strohm, of Scranton, and Mrs. Elmer Williams and daughter, Laura Linn, of Chicago, Ill. Il Il REED.—Robert H. Reed, a life- long resident of Patton township, died at his home at Benore on Friday, June 29th, following an illness of some days with uraemic poisoning. He was a son of William and Ro- sanna Reed and was born in Patton township on April 26th, 1848, making his age 75 years, 2 months and 3 days. All his life was spent in the neighbor- hood of his birth. He was a member of the Methodist church, a good citi- zen and a loving husband. and father. On February 23rd, 1877, he married Miss Mary Catherine Kelly, who sur- vives with the following children: Clifford, of State College; Gray and Mrs. Alda B. Stuart, of Altoona; Mrs. Harry J. Markle, of State College; Mrs. William H. Galer, of Bellefonte; Robert and Adolph F., at home. He also, leaves two brothers, John T. Reed, of Rock Springs, and David, of Culver, Kan. Rev. Ramley, of the Methodist church, had charge. of the funeral scrvices which were held on July 2nd, burial being made in Gray’s cemetery. Il I! SHARP.—Mrs. Lavina Sharp, wid- ow of James Sharp, died at her home in Hublersburg on Monday evening, July 9th. Her death was caused by a general decline after suffering a frac- ture of the hip just about four months ago. Deceased was aged 83 years, 7 months and 22 days. She had been a consistent member of the Reformed church and a woman generally es- teemed by all who knew her. Inter- ment was made at Hublersburg yes- terday. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Mary Konkle, of Hub- lersburg; Mrs. Alice Porter, of Flem- ington; two daughters, Margaret, in Philadelphia, and Lavina, in Atlantic City; Charles, of Hublersburg, and one grand-son, James Stover, whose mother died when he was quite young and his grand-mother raised him with most devoted care. l i GALLAGHER.—Mrs. Sue Collins Gallagher died at her home in Nar- berth, near Philadelphia, on June 29th, following a prolonged illness with blood poisoning. She was a daughter of Peter and Sue Schoales Collins and was quite well known in Bellefonte through the residence here and at State College of her father’s family during the time that Mr. Col- lins was engaged in building the old Bellefonte furnace and the Bellefonte Central railroad. She married Mr. Gallagher eighteen years ago and he survives with one daughter, Josephine. Mrs. Gallagher was a consistent mem- ber of the Catholic church all her life. Burial was made in Philadelphia on July 2nd. 1 Il RIDER.—Samuel G. Rider, a native of west Ferguson township, died at his home at Manor Hill on Monday night following a lingering illness of sev- eral years. He was fifty-six years old and is survived by his wife, who be- fore her marriage was Miss Catherine Hartsock, and one son, John, at home. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Devore, of Warriorsmark, and Mrs. Rebecca Barr, of Gatesburg. Burial was made at Mooresville yesterday morning. il Il FORD.—Mrs. Herbert A. Ford, a native of Centre county, died at her home in Janesville, Wis., on June 23rd following an illness of almost two years. Her maiden name was Miss Bessie Wolfe and she was born in Snow Shoe in 1877. She married Mr. Ford in Chicago in 1899 and all their married life had been spentin Janes- ville. Her husband, three children and two brothers survive. Burial was made in Janesville. ALLPORT.—Mrs. Myrtle Allport, | widow of Andrew Allport, of Philips- burg, died at her home in Asheville, N. C.,, last Thursday. She was a daughter of John and Susanna Todd and the greater part of her early life was spent in Philipsburg. Her hus- band died a number of years ago but surviving her are two children, Her- bert Allport and Mrs. Bernard Elias, both «f Asheville. She also leaves three brothers and two sisters, John, Fred and Harry W. Todd, all of Phil- ipsburg; Mrs. L. E. Rupert, in Colo- rado, and Mrs. J. W. Faucette, in Asheville. Burial was made at Ashe- ville on Saturday. y Il DAUP.—Mrs. Jennie Daup, wife of Daniel Daup, died at her home in Centre Hall on Monday of last week following a brief illness with pneu- monia. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evans and was bern in Pot- ter township almost eighty years ago. Her only survivors are her husband, an adopted son, Daniel, at home, and one sister, Mrs. James B. Strohm, of Centre Hall. Burial was made at Cen- tre Hall last Wednesday morning. rm ——— Ap ————————— Pine Grove Mills Swept by Terrific Storm. Almost the worst storm that that community has ever experienced swept over the south-western section of the county on Tuesday afternoon, expend- ing the worst of its fury in and about Pine Grove Mills. The storm came in from the north and broke about three o’clock in the afternoon. It grew dark as night and a regular tornado of wind preceded a veritable water-spout. Small build- ings were unroofed, trees and fences laid flat, gardens ruined and on the Major Fry farm three large apple trees were blown down, one of them falling on and completely demolishing a hay rake that was being hauled into the shed. rr me mr ——Sim the Clothier announces a mid-season selling event in which every section of the store offers ex- traordinary values. Sale starts Fri- day, July 13th. 27-1t ——Wednesday’s rain, though a lit- tle hard on harvesting and hay mak- ing, was sufficient to soak the ground to garden depth, and will probably do more good than harm. ————— A ————— ——The Hughes swimming pool is proving a popular resort during the hot weather. Fresh water is running into the pool at all times which keeps it pure and makes it a delightful place for a refreshing plunge. The water at the deepest point is over six feet and its unusual size affords ample room for a good swim. ——When I say, REAL, HONES TO GOODNESS CLEARANCE SALE that’s just what I mean. I’ve marked prices on this Spring and Summer merchandise that will make it very much to your advantage to buy all the items of clothing and furnishings you will need for many months to come.— Sim the Clotiher. 27-1t ——The Fourth of July in Belle- fonte was an extremely quiet day. A large number of people journeyed to Hecla park and attended the Logan Fire company picnic while many oth- ers motored with their families to mountain resorts and spent the day. On the evening of the Fourth resi- dents of Linn and Curtin streets had their customary display of fireworks with various games and sports for the children. me ———p sh esa ——Mary crossed the mountain on Monday, July 2nd, and because it rained that day the wise ones declar- ed that rzin would fall every day for six weeks. Be that as it may the long dry spell’ in Centre county was most effectually broken on the night of July third with a succession of hard thunder storms. Enough rain fell to thoroughly soak the ground, and as a result gardens and farm crops took on a new lease of life. ——Marcus A. Newman, colored, was electrocuted at the Rockview pen- itentiary on Monday morning, July 2nd, for the murder of James L. Mec- Cullough, a railway mail clerk during a holdup and robbery of a mail car in the Pittsburgh yards in February, 1921. Newman was ‘attended to the chair by Rev. Father William J. King, of Pittsburgh. The remains were claimed by relatives and taken back to Allegheny county for burial. : rr ———— een ——LElizabeth A. Hugg, eighteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Toner A. Hugg, of Milesburg, scored a big beat over all her young friends on Friday, June 29th, by taking a trip in an airplane from Bellefonte to Du- Bois, with a stop in Clearfield en- route. The trip was made with pilot “Windy” Smith, who was on his way from the eastern part of the State to DuBois to give exhibitions as a part of the big Fourth of July demonstra- tion in that place. He was flying a T Standard machine which has cockpit room for two passengers in addition to the pilot. Smith was accompanied by his mechanician and spent the pre- vious night in Bellefonte. He offer- ed to take along to DuBois free any- body who would care to make the trip but every man who has always been anxious for a flight was “too busy” that day to go to DuBois. Finally Miss Hugg volunteered and when pilot Smith consented to take her lost no time in getting to the aviation field and mounting to the cockpit of the machine. She returned home by train the next day and avers that she en- joyed the flight very much. NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Jane and Anne Houseman, of Steelton, are with their grandmother, Mrs. Martin Fauble. —Edward Grauer was among the Belle- fonte boys home for a short Fourth of Ju- ly vacation. —Mrs. James K. Barnhart went to Punxsutawney last Saturday for an eight day’s visit with her home folks. —Mrs. David Haines and her grand- daughter, Miss Margaret, are visiting in McKeesport, guests of Mrs. Haines’ son, Charles G. Haines and his family. —Mrs. Kate Solt Walker, of Williams- port, has been visiting in Bellefonte with her brother, Cyrus Solt and his family, and with relatives throughout the county. —Miss Pearl Royer has as guests this week her brother, Carl Royer, wife and little boy, of Lancaster, N. Y., and her sister, Miss Linnie Royer, of Niagara Falls. —Mrs. Harry G. Hogentogler and daugh- ter Bertha of Harrisburg, motored to Bellefonte on Wednesday and will be week-end guests of Mrs. Hogentogler’s son. J. RR. Hogentogler and wife. —Mrs. George Harpster, of Thomas street, and her grand-son, Bruce Harpster, with Mrs. Fletcher and her son Julius, of Nittany, went up to Honesdale last week, for a visit with relatives in that place. —DMiss Margaret Brisbin will come here tomorrow to spend the summer vacation at the home of her uncle and aunt, Col. and Mrs. J. L. Spangler. Miss Brisbin is a yeoman at the Philadelphia navy yard. —Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allison, of New York city, and their family, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison and family, of Toron- to, Canada, are guests of Miss Mabel Alli- son at the Allison home in Spring Mills. —Mrs. Harold L. Ludwig spent several days early in the week with her mother, Mrs. D. I. Willard, having driven over from Lewistown Sunday with her brother Rob- ert Willard, for some’ of her things ‘not shipped before her recent marriage. —Mrs. Julia Powers Taylor, of Phila- delphia, was among the Fourth of July visitors to Bellefonte, having come up to spend a short time with her sisters, the Misses Anne and Eva Powers, at their home on Lamb street, where Miss Anne has been ill for a year. —Mrs. Edward Harper, her sister Mrs. Jack O'Connell, and Mrs. O’Connell’'s daughter, Miss Josephine Bently, will drive to Bellefonte from Cleveland next week, for a visit with Mrs. Harper's and Mrs. O'Connell's brother, H. C. Yea- ger and his family. On the return drive to Ohio Mrs. Yeager will be their guest, expecting to visit there and return home by train. Ludwig—Willard.—The marriage of Miss Frances E. Willard, daughter of Mrs. D. I. Willard, of Bellefonte, and Harold L. Ludwig, son of Mr. George W. Ludwig, of Titusville, tock place on Tuesday, July 3rd, at 12:30 o’clock, at the home of the bride’s mother on south Thomas street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wilson P. Ard and the bridal couple was attended by -| Miss Hazel Hurley and Ralph E. Lud- wig, a brother of the bridegroom. After the ceremony a wedding break- | fist was served and later the young couple left on a brief wedding trip after which they will take up their res- idence in Lewistown, where Mr. Lud- wig is employed in the office of the Standard Steel company. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Willard and is a graduate of the Bellefonte High school, class of 1917. Mr. Ludwig graduated at State College in 1921 in the industrial en- gineering course. He is a veteran of the world war. Guests at the wedding included Mrs. D. G. Whalley, of Home- stead; Mrs. R. E. Kirk and daughter, of Grindstone, and Ralph E. Ludwig, of State College. Heath—Van Dyke.— Announcement was made this week of the marriage on March 19th, 1923, of Dr. Forrest G. Heath, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Heath, of Statesville, North Carolina, and Miss Mary Hamilton Van Dyke, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George N. Van Dyke, of Wilkinsburg. The ceremony took place in the Sec- ond Presbyterian church at Butler, Pa., the Rev. C. M. Miller officiating. The bride, who is a grand-daughter of Hon. and Mrs. John Noll, of Belle- fonte, is very well known here. Her husband is a graduate of the Universi- ty of North Carolina and the Univer- sal Chiropractic College, of Pitts- burgh. They will make their home in Statesville, N. C. ——————{—————— Kelly—O’Neill.—Victor H. Kelly, son of H. P. Kelly, of Bellefonte, and Miss Mary O’Neill daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O’Neill, of Morrisdale, were married in St. Agnes Catholic church, at Morrisdale, on Wednesday morning, June 27th, by Rev. Father E. J. Fischer. Miss Mae Cane, of Pittsburgh, was the only attendant. The wedding march was played by Mrs. William Knapper, of Snow Shoe. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will make their home in Snow Shoe. Holiness Campmeeting. The fourth annual campmeeting of the Holiness church of Centre, Clear- field and Clinton counties opened at Howard yesterday and will continue until July 24th. A splendid corps of workers are in attendance including Rev. G. Arnold Hodgin, B. A., of Pas- adena, Cal.; Mrs. Hodgin, who has also had considerable experience in christian work; Rev. W. J. Crider, Rev. Carrie A. Ferguson, Rev. Floyd Baker, Rev. G. A. Scoombill, and Miss Florence Gardner. Services will be held during the day and in the even- ings. Entertainment may be had on the grounds. Sixteen members of the Ladies Aid society of the Reformed church were guests of Mrs. T. Clayton Brown, at a special business meeting held at her home on Spring street, Tuesday evening. Following the meeting and refreshments the women were Mrs. Brown's guests at the Scenic. | Miscellaneous Business Transacted by Borough Council. Just as the regular meeting of bor- ough council convened on the evening of July 2nd the secretary was called to the telephone by a Bellefonte wom- an who emphasized her faith in the borough finances by offering to loan i the borough $800. The secretary stat- er that he would inform the treasurer. The secretary informed council that he had received a bill for $40 for a red spot signal, and that the signal was at the freight depot. The signal had not been ordered and the secretary was instructed to so notify the shippers and return the bill. The Street committee reprted that $243.00 had been paid in for the sew- er on Pike alley and $8.00 collected for manure sold. The Water committee reported the receipt of $367.38 from James R. Hughes for water pipe to the swim- ming pool on Hughes field and $8.50 for water rentals. The Finance committee asked for the renewal of notes aggregating $33,500, which was authorized. Mr. Hazel again called attention to the unsanitary condition of Logan street owing to waste water being dis- charged into open gutters. Six hun- dred feet of sewer will be required to abate the nuisance. The matter was referred to the Street committee and borough manager. Mr. Cunningham reported one in- stance in Bellefonte of a man laying a pipe and hese to his home and using borough water without paying for it. He also recommended that cards be printed and supplied to plumbers on which to make returns of any and all new or additional water connections. The committee was authorized te have the cards printed. The secretary read for the first time an ordinance presented by the burgess and approved by the borough solicitor governing disorderly conduct, careless and reckless driving, providing for the parking of automobiles, etec., and stipulating a fine or jail sentence for offenders. Mr. Flack reported that Mr. Geis- inger had accepted the appointment as policeman and wanted a gray uniform, puttees, etc., but was of the opinion that the blue uniform should be ad- hered to. The matter was discussed from all angles and finally an aye and nay vote was taken which resulted in favor of the gray uniform and put- tees. Bills to the amount of $1620 were approved for payment. ——MAN—Here’s something you don’t want to miss. Starting Friday, July 13th, a REAL, HONEST TO GOODNESS SALE. Clothing, hats, shirts, furnishings.—Sim the Cloth- ier. : 27-1t — Scholarships have Been award- ed by the Department of Public In- struction to one High school gradu- ate in each county in the State, Miss Cora Foster, of State College, being the lucky student in Centre county. eg a ae I sell only dependable, well known lines of clothing, hats, shirts, furnishings, and that the merchandise placed, in this sale is from my regular stock, bought to sell at higher prices. —Sim the Clothier. 27-1t BOALSBURG. Ray Lucas, of Washington, D. C., is visiting his parents. Mrs. Albertson, of Philadelphia, is a guest at the home of William Sto- ver. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Felty, of Altoo- na, were recent visitors at the John Jacobs home. Fred Reits, with his daughter Al- ice, and mother, enjoyed a day’s visit in Lewistown. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher enter- tained a number of friends from Dan- ville over the week-end. Miss Mollie Hoffer, of State College, is spending some time at the home of Leonidas Mothersbaugh. ’Squire John F. Zechman and son, Prof. Cyril Zechman, have returned from a motor trip to Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coxey and children, of Altoona, spent part of last week among friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Dale, of Pleasant Gap, were visitors at the home of Austin Dale, recently. Misses Maude and Geraldine Houtz returned on Saturday from a visit with their sister in Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hosterman and sons, Charles and Frank, spent last Sunday with friends in Philipsburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Rupp, Miss Ruth Rupp and Musser Rupp, of State Col- lege, were visitors in town on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brown, of Yea- gertown, and Rev. and Mrs. Elmer F. Brown, of Sidman, spent Wednesday in town. Mrs. Jared Mayes, three daughters and son, and Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hosterman, of Milton, were visitors in town last week. Misses Gladys and Mary Hazel left on Wednesday morning for a visit with their sister, Mrs. Charles Max- well, near Albany, N. Y. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Reish was the victim of a Fourth of July accident, resulting in rather serious burns about the eyes. After a two week’s visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoster- man, Charles Hosterman went to De- troit, where he has secured a position. P. B. Lonebarger and daughters, Misses Dorothy, Hester and Lois, re- turned on Saturday evening from a ion Joys motor trip to Washington, D.C Prof. and Mrs. E. H. Meyer and daughters, Misses Elizabeth and Lo- raine, of Newark, N. J., arrived in their home on School street. town Sunday, to spend the summer at ! | Reed, Altoona. PLEASANT GAP. Miss Stella Gheen is visting with friends in Rauchtown. Elmer Kepler, of Pittsburgh, is vis- iting here with his mother. : Rea Florey is spending his two week’s vacation in Akron, Qhio. Elizabeth Tate, of Philadelphia, is visiting with relatives in this place. Miss Virginia McAllister, of Pit- cairn, is visiting with Miss Sarah Bil- ger. _ The P. O. S. of A. will hold a fes- tival in Noll’s grove, Saturday even- ing. Mrs. John Millward, of Osceola Mills, is visiting at the home of Frank Millward. . Miss Grace Corl, of Chicago, nm. is visiting here with her many friends and relatives. R. S. Melroy and wife are spending a few weeks with his parents, in White Haven. Mrs. William Bell and grand- daughter, of Coatesville, are visiting at the home of John Royer. Frank Armstrong and family, of Kansas City, arrived here last week to spend the summer in our town. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keller and daughter Betty, of Philadelphia, are spending their vacation here with their parents. Samuel Weaver, who had his leg broken while playing ball on Memorial day, was brought home from the hos- pital on Saturday. Miss Mildred Grove, of Bellefonte, daughter of Harry Grove, is making an indefinite visit with her grand- mother, Mrs. John Herman, at the Gap. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy and Mr. and Mrs. Byorkland, of Wilkinsburg, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerstetter. They enjoyed our moun- tain scenery immensely. Harold Kerstetter, carpenter, while working up near State College on a building, had the misfortune to cut a dep gash in his wrist. The doctor removed the stitches on Wednesday, and the patient is getting along nicely. Miss Emeline Noll returned to Phil- adelphia on Tuesday after spending her two week’s vacation here. She was accompanied as far at Harrisburg by the Misses Ethel and June Noll, who will spend a few weeks i nthe cap- ital city. W. D. Herman and wife motored to Berwick, last Wednesday, and spent the Fourth there. They were accom- panied home, Sunday, by Mrs. Her- man’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. McKechnie, who will spend a few weeks here. LEMONT. Philip Shuey went with the Knepp brothers to Detroit on Sunday. _Gilbrt Payne, of Columbus, Ohio, is visiting with his mother for a week. William Fogleman circulated among his many friends in these parts, a few days ago. Th cherry crop is the largest that we have had in these parts for.a good many years. John Stamm and family came down from Altoona and visited with friends until Sunday. The farmers are busy making hay and will soon be cutting the wheat, which is ripening. Mrs. Jacob Bottorf and Mrs. George C. Williams, have not improved in health in the least. Harry Kustaborder and George El- der are each building a garage, at Millbrook, and will soon be set up in business. The festival held by the young men’s class of the Houserville U. B. Sunday school, Saturday evening, was quite a success. Mr. Gulick, of Cumberland, Md.. came here Saturday to get his little daughter, who has been spending the summer at the home of Henry Knepp. John and Irvin Knepp spent a week at the home of their parents and re- turned to Detroit, Mich., on Sunday, where they are employed in the Stu- debaker shops. Dr. David Ludwig and family vis- ited at the home of his uncle, William Schenck, for a few days, and motored to his home in the western part of the State on Thursday. During Tuesday evening’s storm lightning struck a telephone pole and followed the wires into the house oc- cupied by Nelson Jones, on one of the College farms but did not do much damage. ——A regular meeting of the Aux- iliary of the American Legion will be held in the Legion rooms on Tuesday evening, July 17th. Some Folks Think the Counting of Sheep Will Put Them to Sleep. Counting all the sheep in the world will not bring repose if insomnia is caused by nervousness due to eye- strain. Reliable physicians will not pre- scribe medicine for sleeplessness un- til the patient has had his eyes exam- ined by a thorough optometrist. Eighty-five per cent. of all ailments are due to overtaxed nerves. Better have your eyes examined. Dr. Eva B. Roan, Optometrist. censed by the State Board. Bellefonte every Wednesday after- noon, and Saturday 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Rooms 14 and 15 Temple Court building. State College every day except Saturday. Both phones. 68-1 Li- Marriage Licenses. Robert Kay, Philipsburg, and Mary Dailey, Starford, Pa. Samuel E. Fowler Jr., Morrisdale, and Madge A. Bodley, Philipsburg. Harold L. Ludwig, Lewistown, and Frances E. Willard, Bellefonte. Thomas M. Newcome, Glen Hope, and Mary E. Vaux, Rush township. Thomas Edington and Cora Resides, Philipsburg. Joseph S. McKeown and Josephine R. Wise, Philipsburg. Anthony J. Kelley and Elizabeth A.