pr— THLE pay Rh \ LE |) i ei RAY. 130 Fat { SYNOPSIS CHAPTER L—Arriving at the lonely e railroad station of El Cajon, New , Madeline Hammond, New York finds no one to meet her. While in waiting room a drunken cowboy en- asks she is married, and departs, ving her terrified, He returns with a est, who goes through some sort of ny, and the cowboy forces her to er 81." Asking her name and learning identity the cowboy seems dazed, In shooting scrape outside the room & can killed. “Bonita,” take his horse and escape, n conducts Madeline to Florence y, friend of her brother. R II.—Florence welcomes her, her story, and dismisses the cow- y, Gene Stewart. Next day Alfred ond, Madeline's brother, takes tewart to tack. Madeline exonerates of any wrong intent. CHAPTER IIl.—Alfred, scion of a igi family, had been dismissed from home because of his dissipation. Madeline sees that the West has re- deemed him. She meets Stillwell, Al's employer, typical western ranchman. Madeline learns Stewart has gone over the border. CHAPTER IV.—Danny Mains, one of Stillwell’s cowboys, has disappeared, with some of Stillwell's money. His fiends link his name with the girl Bo~ CHAPTER V.—Madeline gets a glimpse of life on a western ranch, CHAPTER VI.—Stewart’s horse comes to the ranch with a note on the saddle asking Madeline to accept the beautiful animal, With her brother's consent she does so, naming him “Majesty,” her own pet nickname. Madeline, independent] rich, arranges to buy Stillwell's ranc $d that of Don Carlos, a Mexican neigh- CHAPTER VIl.—Madeline feels she has found her right place, under the light of the western stars. CHAPTER VIII.—Learning Stewart had Joen hurt in a brawl at Chiricahua, and nowing her brother's fondness for him, Madeline visits him and persuades him to come to the ranch as the boss of her cowboys. CHAPTER IX.—Jim Nels, Nick Steele, and “Monty” Price are Madeline's chief riders. They have a feud with Don Car- los’ vaqueros, who are really guerrillas. Madeline pledges Stewart to see that peace is kept CHAPTER X.—Madeline and Florence, geturning home from Alfred's ranch, run into an ambush of vaqueros. Florence, knowing the Mexicans are after Made- line, decoys them away, and Madeline gets home safely but alone, CHAPTER XIl.—A raiding guerrilla band carries off Madeline. Stewart fol- lows alone. The leader is a man with whom Stewart had served in Mexico. He releases the girl, arranging for ransom. Returning home with Stewart, Madeline finds herself strangely stirred. CHAPTER = XII. — Madeline's sister Helen, with a party of eastern friends, arrives at the ranch, craving excitement. CHAPTER XIII.—For the guests’ enter- tainment a game of golf is arranged. Stewart interrupts the game, insisting the whole party return at once to the house. He tells Madeline her guests are not safe while the Mexican revolution is going on, and urges them to go up to the mountains out of danger. They de- cide to do so. CHAPTER XIV.—The guerrillas leave during the night, without making trouble, Madeline and her guests, with the cow- boys, go up to the mountains. CHAPTER XV.—Edith Wayne pleads with Madeline to return to the East, but she refuses. CHAPTER XVI Bonita. Having exhausted all the resources of the mountain, such that had interest for them, Madeline's guests settled quietly down for a rest, which Made- line knew would soon end in a desire for civilized comforts. They were al- most tired of roughing it. Helen's dis- content manifested itself in her re- mark, “I guess nothing is going to hap- pen, after all.” Madeline awaited their pleasure in regard to the breaking of camp; and meanwhile, as none of them cared for more exertion, she took her walks without them, sometimes accompanied py one of the cowboys, always by the stag-hounds. One day, while walking alone, before she realized it she had gone a long way down a dim trail winding among the rocks. It was the middle of a summer afternoon, and all about her were shadows of the crags crossing the sunlit patches. The quiet was undisturbed. She went on and on, not blind to the fact that she was per- aps going too far frcm camp, but risking it because she was sure of her way back, and enjoying the wild, sraggy recesses that were new to her., Finally she came out upon a bank that hroke abruptly into a beautiful littie glade. Here she sat dowr to rest be fore undertaking the return trip. Suddenly Russ, the keener of the stag-hounds, raised his head and growled. Madeline feared he might have scented a mountain-lion or wild- cat. She quieted him and carefully looked around. The little glade was open and grassy, with here a pine tree, there a boulder. The outlet seemed to go down into a wilderness of canyons and ridges. Looking in this direction, Madeline saw the slight, dark figure of a woman coming stealthily along un- der the pines. Madeline was amazed, then a little frightened, for stealthy walk from tree to tree was suggestive of secrecy, if nothing worse. Presently the woman was joined by a tall man who carried a package, which he gave to her. They came on up the glade and appeared to be talk- ing earnestly. In another moment The cowboy lets a ' that * WESTERN: RIVA | Madeline recognized Stewart. She had no greater feeling of surprise than had at first been hers. But for the next moment she scarcely thought at all —merely watched the couple approach- ing. In a flash came back her former curiosity as to Stewart's strange ab- sences from carp, and then with the return of her doubt of him the recog nition of the woman. The small, dark head, the brown face, the big eyes —Madeline now saw distinctly—be- longed to the Mexican girl Bonita. Stewart had met her there. This was the secret of his lonely trips, taken ever since he had come to work for Madeline. This secluded glade was a rendezvous. He had her hidden there. Quietly Madeline arose, with a ges- ture to the dogs, and went back along the trail toward camp. Succeeding her surprise was a feeling of sorrow that Stewart’s regeneration had not been complete. Sorrow gave place to in- sufferable distrust that while she had been romancing abeut this cowboy, dreaming of her good influence over him, he had been merely base. Some- how it stung her. Stewart had been nothing to her, she thought, yet she had been proud of him. She tried to revolve the thing, to be fair to him, when every instinctive tendency was to expel him, and all pertaining to him, from her thoughts. And her effort at sympathy, at extenuation failed utter ly before her pride. Exerting her will- power, she dismissed Stewart from her mind. Madeline did not think of him again till late that afternoon, when, as she was leaving her tent to join several of her guests, Stewart appeared suddenly in her path. “Miss Hammond, I saw your tracks down the trail,” he began, eagerly, but his tone was easy and natural. “I'm thinking—well, maybe you sure got the idea—" “I do not wish for an explanation,” interrupted Madeline. Stewart gave a slight start. His manner had a semblance of the old, cool audacity. As he looked down at her it subtly changed. What effrontery, Madeline thought, to face her before her guests with an explanation of his conduct! Suddenly she felt an inward flash of fire that was pain, so strange, so incomprehen- gible, that her mind whirled. Then an ger possessed her, not at Stewart, but at herself, that anything could rouse in her a raw emotion. He stood there, outwardly cool, serene, with level, haughty eyes upon Stewart; but in- wardly she was burning with rage and shame. “Im sure not going to have you think—" He began passionately, but he broke off, and a slow. dull crimson “What You Do or Think, Stewart, ls No Concern of Mine.” blotted over the healthy red-brown of his neck and cheeks. “What you do or think, Stewart, is no concern of mine.” “Miss—Miss Hammond! believe—" faltered Stewart. The crimson receded from his face, leaving it pale. His eyes were appeal ing. They had a kind of timid look that struck Madeline even in her an ger. There was something boyish about him then. He took a step for ward and reached out with his hand open-palmed in a gesture that was humble, yet held a certain dignity. “But listen. Never mind now what you—you think about me. There's 8 good reason—" “1 have no wish to hear your rea son.” “But you ought,” he persisted. “Sir!” Stewart underwent another! swift change. He started violently. A dark tide shaded his face and a glitter leaped to his eyes. He took tw strides—loomed over her. You don’t crcl —— An “I'm not thinking about myself,” he thundered. “Will you listen?” “No,” she replied; and there was freezing hauteur in her voice. With a slight gesture of dismissal, unmistak- able in its finality, she turned her back upon him. Then she joined her guests. Stewart stood perfectly motionless. Then slowly he began to lift his right hand in which he held his sombrero. He swept it up and up, high over his head. His tall form towered. With fierce suddenness he flung hls sombrero down. He leaped at his black horse and dragged him to where his saddle lay. With one pitch he tossed the saddle upon the horse’s back. His strong hand flashed at girths and straps. Every action was swift, de- cisive, fierce. Bounding for his bridle, which hung over a bush, he ran against a cowboy who awkwardly tried to avoid the onslaught. “Get out of my way!” he yelled. Then with the same savage haste he adjusted the bridle en his horse. “Mebbe you better hold on a min- pit, Gene, ole feller,” said Monty Price. “Monty, do you want me to brain you?” said Stewart, with the short, hard ring in his voice. “Now, considerin’ the high class of my brains, 1 oughter be real careful to keep 'em,” replied Monty. “You can betcher life, Gene, I ain't goin’ to git in front of you. But I jest says —Listen!” Stewart raised his dark face. Ev- erybody listened. And everybody heard the rapid beat of a horse's hoofs. The sun had set, but the park was light. Nels appeared down the trail, and his horse was running. In another moment he was in the circle. pulling his bay back to a sliding halt. He leaped off ahreast of Stewart. Madeline saw and felt a difference in Nels’ presence. “What's up, Gene?” sharply. Nels’ long arm shot out, and his hand fell upon Stewart, holding him down, “Shore I'm sorry,” sald Nels, slow- ly. “Then you was goin’ to hit the trail?” “I am going to. Let go, Nels.” “Shore you ain't goin’, Gene?” “Let go, d—n you!” cried Stewart, as he wrestled free. “What's wrong?” asked Nels, lifting his hand again, “Man! Don’t touch me!” Nels stepped back instantly. He seemed to become aware of Stewart's white, wild passion. Again Stewart moved to mount. “Nels, don’t make me forget we've heen friends,” he said. “Shore I ain’t fergettin’,” replied Nels. “An’ I resign my job right here an’ now!” His strange mounting cowboy. down from the stirrup. Then their | hard faces were still and cold while their eyes locked glances. Madeline was as inuch startled by Nels’ speech as Stewart. Quick to note a change in these men, she now sensed one that was unfathomable. “Resign?” questionel Stewart. “Shore. What'd you think I'd do un- der circumstances sich as has come up?’ “But see here, Nels, I won't stand for it.” “You're not my boss no more, an’ 1 ain't beholdin’ to Miss Hammond, peither. I'm my own boss, an’ I'll do | as I please. Sabe, senor?” Nels’ words were at variance with the meaning in his face. “Gene, you sent me on a little scout down in the mountains, didn’t you?” “Yes, 1 did,” replied Stewart, with a new sharpness in his voice. “Wal, shore you was so good an’ pight in your figgerin’, as opposed to mine, that I'm sick with admfrin’ of you. If you hedrm’t sent me—wal, I'm reckonin’ somethin’ might hev hap- pened. As it is we're shore up against a hell of a proposition!” ‘How significant was the effect of his words upon gll the cowboys! Stewart made a fierce and violent motion, ter- rible where his other motions had been but passionate. Monty leaped straight up into the air in a singular action as suggestive of surprise as it was of wild acceptance of menace. Like a stalking giant Nick Steele strode over to Nels and Stewart. The other cow- boys rose silently, without a word. Madeline and her guests, in a little group, watched and listened, unable to divine what all this strange talk and action meant. “Hold on, Nels, (hey don’t need to hear it,” said Stewart, hoarsely, as he waved a hand toward Madeline's silent group. " i “Wal, I'm sorry, put I reckon they'd as well know fust as last. Mebbe thet yearnin’ wish of Miss Helen's fer somethin’ to happen will come true. Shore I—" “Cut out the joshin’,” Monty's strident voice. It had as decided an effect as any preceding words or action. Perhaps it was the last thing needed to trans form these men, doing unaccustomed duty as escorts of beautiful women, to their natural state as men of the wild. “Tell us what's what,” sald Stewart, cool and grim. “Don Carlos an’ his guerrillas are campin’ on the trails thet lead up here. They've got them trails blocked. By tomorrer they'd hed us corralled. Mebbe they meant to surprise us. He's ot a lot of Greusers an’ outlaws. They're well armed. Now, what dc rhey mean? You-all can figger it out to suit yourselves. Mebbe the Don wants to pay a sociable call on our jadies. Mebbe his gang is some hun gry, as usual. Mebbe they want tc «teal a few hosses, or anythin’ they cau {ay hands on. Mebbe they mean wuss, t00. Now, my idea is this, an’ mebbe¢ it's wrong. I long since separate he queried, speech checked the | Stewart stepped | rang out i turned. from love with Greasers. Thet black- faced Don Carlos has got a deep game. Thet twe-bit of a revolution is hevin’ hard times. The rebels want Amer- ican intervention. They'd stretch any point to make trouble. We're only ten miles from the border. Suppose then guerrillas got our crowd across thet border? The United States cavalry would foller. You-all know what thet’ mean. Mebbe Don Carlos’ mind works thet way. Mebbe it don’t. I reckon we'll know soon. An’ now, Stewart, whatever the Don’s game 1s, shore you're the man to outfigger him. Meb- be it’s just as well you're good an’ mad about somethin’. An’ I'm going to resign my job because 1 want to feel unbeholdin’ to anybody. Shore it struck me long since thet the old days hed come back for a little spell, an’ there 1 was trailin’ a promise not to hurt any Greaser.” CHAPTER XVII Don Carlos. Stewart took Nels, Monty .nd Nick Steele aside out of earshot, and they evidently entered upon an earnest col- loony. Presently the other cowboys ~—= rqlled. They all talked more or ==, zt the deep voice of Stewart sdaeminated over the others. Then the consultation broke up, and the cowpugs scattered. “Rustle, you Stewart. The ensuing scene of action was not reassuring to Madeline and her friends. They were quiet, awaiting some one to tell them what to do. At the offset the cowboys appeared to have for- gotten Madeline. Some of them ran off into the woods, others into the open. grassy places, where they rounded up the horses and burros. Several cow- boys spread . tarpaulins upon the ground and began to select and roll small packs, evidently for hurried travel. Nels mounted his horse to ride down the trail. Monty and Nick Steele went off into the grove, leading their horses. Stewart climbed up a steep jumble of stone between two sections of low, cracked cliff back of the camp. Madeline’s friends all importuned her: Was there real danger? Were the guerrillas coming? Would a start be made at once for the ranch? Why had the cowboys suddenly become so different? Madeline answered as best she could; but her replies were only conjecture, and modified to allay the fears of her guests. Helen was in a white glow of excitement. Soon the cowboys appeared riding barebacked horses, driving in others and the burros. Some of these horses were taken away and evidently hidden in deep recesses between the crags. Indians!” ordered | The string of burros were packed and sent off down the trail in charge of a cowboy. Nick Steele and Monty re Then Stewart appeared, clambering down the break between the cliffs. His next move was to order all the baggage belonging to Madeline and her guests taken up the cliff. This was strenuous toil, requiring the need of lassoes to haul up the effects. “Get ready to climb,” said Stewart, turning to Madeline's party. “Where?” asked Helen. He waved his hand at the ascent to be made. Exclamations of dismay fol- lowed his gesture. “Mr, Stewart, is there danger?” asked Dorothy; and her voice trem- bled. This was the question Madeline had upon her lips to ask Stewart, but she could not speak it. “ao, there’s no danger,” replied Stewart, “but we're taking precautions we all agreed on as best.” Dorothy whispered that she believed Stewart lied. Castleton asked another question, and then Harvey followed suit. Mrs. Beck made a timid query. “Please keep quiet and do as you're told,” said Stewart, bluntly. At this juncture, when the last of the baggage was being hauled up the cliff, Monty approached Madeline and removed his sombrero. His black face seemed the same, yet this was a vastly changed Monty. ; “Miss Hammond, I'm givin’ notice I resign my job,” he sald. “Monty! What do you mean? What does Nels mean now, when danger threatens?” “We jest quit. That's all,” replied Monty, tersely. He was stern and somber; he could not stand still; his eyes roved everywhere. Castleton jumped up from the log where he had been sitting, and his face was very red. “Mr. Price, does all this blooming fuss mean we are to be robbed or at- tacked or abducted by a lot of raga- muffin guerrillas?” “You've called the bet.” Dorothy turned a very pale face toward Monty. “Mr. Price, you wouldn’t—you couldn’t desert us now? You and Mr. Nels—" “Desert you?” asked Monty, blankly. “Yes, desert us. Leave us when we may need you so much, with some thing dreadful coming.” Monty uttered a short, hard laugh as he bent a strange look upon the girl. “Me an’ Nels is purty izuch scared, an’ we're goin’ to slope. Miss Dor- othy, bein’ as we've rustled round so much, it sorta hurts us to see nice young girls dragged off by the hair.” Dorothy uttered a little cry and then pecame hysterical. Castleton for once was fully aroused. “By Gad! You and your partner are a couple of blooming cowards. Where now is that courage you boasted of 7” Monty's dark face expressed extreme sarcasm. “Dook, in my time I've seen some bright fellers, but you take the cake. It's most marvelous how bright you are. Figger'n’ me an’ Nels so correct. Say. Doox, if you don’t git rustlea ofl to Mexico an’ roped to a cactus bush you'll hev a swell story fer your Eng lish chums. Bah Jove! You'll teli ‘ew how you seen two old-time gun-men run iike scared jack-rabbits from a lot of Greasers. Like h—I1 you will!" “Monty, shut up!” yelled Stewart as he came hurriedly up. Tlien Monty slouched away, cursing to himself. Madeline and Helen, assisted by Castleton, worked over Dorothy, and with some difficulty quieted her Stewart passed several times without noticing them, and Monty, who had been so ridiculously eager to pay every little attention to Dorothy, did not see her at all. Rude it seemed; in Monty's case more than that, Madeline hardly knew what to make of it. Stewart directed cowboys to go tc he head of the open place in the clifl ig “By Gad! You and Your Partner Are a Couple of Blooming Cowards.” and let down lassoes. Then, with lit tle waste of words, he urged the women toward this rough ladder of stones. “We want to hide you,” he sald, when they demurred. “If the guer- rillas come we'll tell them you've all gone down to the ranch. If we have to fight you'll be safe up there.” Helen stepped boldly forward and let Stewart put the loop of a lasso round her and tighten it. He waved his hand to the cowboys above. “Just walk up, now,” he directed Helen. It proved to the watchers to be an easy, safe and rapid means of scaling the steep passage. The men climbed up without assistance. Edith Wayne and Madeline climbed last, and, once up, Madeline saw a narrow bench, thick with shrubs and overshadowed by huge, leaning crags, There were holes in the rock, and dark fissures leading back. It was a rough, wild place. Tarpaulins and bedding were then hauled up, and food and water. The cowboys spread comfortable beds in several of the caves, and told Made- line and her friends to be as quiet as possible, not to make a light, and to sleep dressed, ready for travel at a moment’s notice. Madeline deplored the discomfort and distress. but felt no real alurm. She was more inclined to evasive kind- ness here than to sincerity, for she had a decided uneasiness. The swift change in the manner and looks of her cowboys had been a shock to her. The last glance she had of Stewart's face, then stern, almost sad, and hag- gard with worry, remained to aug- ment her foreboding. Darkness appeared to drop swiftly down; the coyotes began their haunt- ing, mournful howls; the stars showed and grew brighter; the wind moaned through the tips of the pines. The cowboys below had built a fire, and the light from it rose in a huge, fan- shaped glow. Madeline peered down from the cliff. The distance was short, and occasionally she could distinguish a word spoken by the cowboys. They were unconcernedly cooking and eating. Presently Nick Steele silenced the campfire circle by raising a warning hand. The cowboys bent their heads, listening. Madeline listened with all her might. She heard one of the hounds whine, then the faint beat of horsé’s hoofs. The beat of hoofs grew louder, entered the grove, then the circle of light. The rider was Nels. He dismounted, and the sound of his low voice just reached Madeline. “Gene, it's Nels. Something doin.” Madeline heard one of the cowboys call, softly. “Send him over,” replied Stewart. Nels stalked away from the fire. “See here, Nels, the boys are all right, but I don’t want them to know everything about this mix-up,” said Stewart, as Nels came up. “Did you find the girl?” Madeline guessed that Stewart re- ferred to the Mexican girl Bonita, “No. But I met’—Madeline did not eatch the name—‘“an’ he was wild. He was with a forest-ranger. An’ they sald Pat Hawe had trailed her an’ was takin’ her down under arrest.” Stewart muttered deep under his breath, evidently cursing. “Wonder why he didn’t come on up here?” he queried, presently. “He can see a trail.” “Wal, Gene, Pat knowed you was here all right, fer thet ranger said Pat hed wind of the guerrillas, an’ Pat said If Don Carles didn’t kill you— which. he hoped he'd do—then it'd be time enough to put you in jail whea you come down.” “He's dead set to arrest me, Nels.” “An’ he'll do it. like the old lady who kept tavern out West. Gene. the reuson thet red-faced coyote didn’t traii you up here is because he's scared. He allus was scared of you. But I reckon he’s shore scared to death of me an’ Monty.” “Well, we'll take Pat in his turn. The thing now is, when will thst Greaser stalk us, and what'll we do when he comes?” “My boy, there’s only one way to handle a Greaser. 1 shore told you thet. He means rough toward us. He'll come smilin’ up, all soci’ble like, in- sinuatin’ an’ sweeter 'n a woman. But he’s treacherous; he’s wuss than an Indian. An’, Gene, we know for a positive fact how his gang hev been operatin’ between these hills an’ Agua Prieta. We know jest about what thet rebel war down there amounts to. It’s guerrilla war, an’ shore some har- vest time fer a lot of cheap thieves an” outcasts.” “Oh, you're right, Nels, I'm not dis- puting that,” replied Stewart. “If it wasn’t for Miss Hammond and the other women, I'd rather enjoy seeing you and Monty open up on that bunch. I'm thinkin’ I'd be glad to meet Don Carlos. But Miss Hammond! Why, Nels, such a woman as she Is would never recover from the sight of real gun-play, let alone any stunts with a rope. These easterh women are differ- ent. I'm not belittling our western women. It’s in the blood. Miss Ham- mond is—is—" “Shore she is,” interrupted Nels; “hut she’s got a d—n sight more spunk than you think she has, Gene Stewart. I'm no thick-skulled cow. I'd hate somethin’ powerful to hev Miss Ham- mond see any rough work, let alone me an’ Monty startin’ somethin’. An’ me an’ Monty’ll stick to you, Gene, as long as seems reasonable. Mind, ole feller, beggin’ your pardon, you're shore stuck on Miss Hammond, an’ overtender not to hurt her feelin’s or make her sick by lettin’ some blood. We're in bad here, an’ mebbe we’ll hev to fight. Sabe, senor? Wal, if we do you can Jest gamble thet Miss Hammond'll be game. An’ I'll bet you a million pesos thet if you got goin’ onct, an’ she seen you as I've seen you—wal, I know what she'd think of you. This old world ’ain’t changed much. Some women may be white-skinned an’ soft-eyed an’ sweet- voiced an’ high-souled, but they all like to see a man! Gene, here’s your game. Let Don Carlos come along. Be civil. If he an’ his gang are hungry, feed ‘em. Take even a little overbearin’ Greaser talk. Be blind if he wants his gang to steal somethin’. Let him think the women hev mosied down to the ranch. But if he says you're lyin’ —if he as much as looks round to see the women—iest jump him same as vou jumped Pat Hawe. Me an’ Monty’ll hang back fer thet, an’ if your strong bluff don’t go through, if the Don's gang even thinks of flashin’ guns, then we'll open up. An’ all I got to say is if them Greasers stand for real gun- play they'll be sure fust I ever seen.” “Nels, there are white men in that gang,” said Stewart. “Shore. But me an’ Monty'll be thinkin’ of thet. If they start any- thin’ it'll hev to be shore quick.” “All right, Nels, old friend, and thanks,” replied Stewart, Nels returned to the campfire, and Stewart resumed his silent guard. Madeline's guests sat talking in low voices until a late hour. The incident now began to take on the nature of Helen's long-yearned-for adventure. Some of the party even grew merry in a subdued way. Then, gradually, one by one they tired and went to bed. To keep from thinking of Stewart and the burning anger he had caused her to feel for herself, Madeline tried to keep her mind on other things. But thought of him recurred, and each time there was a hot commotion in her breast hard to stifle. Intelligent rea* soning seemed out of her power. In the daylight it had been possible for her to be oblivious to Stewart's deceit after the moment of its realization. At night, however, in the strange silence and hovering shadows of gloom, with the speaking stars seeming to call to her, with the moan of the wind in the pines, and the melancholy mourn of coyotes in the distance, she was not able to govern her thought and emo- tion. She had inadvertently heard Nels’ conversation with Stewart; she had listened, hoping to hear some good news or to hear the worst; she had learned both, and, moreover, enlighten- ment on one point of Stewart's com- plex motives. He wished to spare her any sight that might offend, frighten, or disgust her. Yet this Stewart, who showed a fineness of feeling that might have been wanting even in Boyd Har- vey, matntained a secret rendezvous with that pretty, abandoned Bonita. Here always the hot shame, like a live, stinging, internal fire, abruptly ended Madeline's thought. The hours wore on, and at length, as the stars began to pale and there was no sound whatever, she fell asleep. (To be continued). ———————————————————— Caterpillars’ Eyes In Odd Place. Caterpillars with eyes on their ab- domens, and male insects growing fe- male wings, have been raised by Ste- fan Kopec of the government insti- tute for agricultural research at Pu- lawz, Poland. He had removed the simple eyes and their surrounding tis- gue from. the heads of caterpillars and grafted them on the abdomens of these insects. The germs of these mature eyes developed normally, notwith- standing the absence of any junction with the nervous chain. He performed a similar operation and exchanged the wings of the male and female caterpillar moths. These wings continued. to develop, but re- tained the color and characteristics of the sex from which they had been taken, instead of showing the hue of the specimens on which they devel- oped.