Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 01, 1923, Image 1

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; ' —A Memorial day. without a thun-
der ‘storm was unusual.
~~ —TIt is June. Brides, roses and
sweet girl graduates have come into
their own.
~~ —The coming hatch of moths will
have an awful time digesting some of
the things the ladies called furs last
_ winter.
. ~—The big reason that a dollar
+ doesn’t go as far now as it once did
is because it has so many more roads
to travel.
; Boycotting sugar is a poor
remedy for a national evil but it serv-
ed its purpose of diverting the at-
tention from the tariff tax as the real
—If President Harding does half
of what he says he is going to do for
Alaska he’ll have no time for the May-
flower or the golf sticks during the
rest of his term.
— Almost we're afraid to refer to
the delightfully seasonable weather
we have been having for fear Old
Probs gets mad again and sends along
a few more frosts.
—G@Give an eighteen year old boy a
Ford, a flapper and a night out and
you have placed in jeopardy the lives
of all the other persons who happen
to travel the same road.
—The head of an average sized
family spends as much in maintenance
of his car, furnishing fares for the
movies and buying new phonograph
records, as his pap spent in paying
for the old homestead and rearing the
whole flock.
The government is still under
obligations, under the Pittman law,
to buy 5000 ounces of silver bullion
at one dollar an ounce, but as the mar-
ket price is considerably less there
is not likely to be much trouble in
getting the goods.
—The Governor has signed the Wil-
liams bill which will require the State
to reimburse certain, school districts
for the cost of transportation of such
pupils as are required to attend
schools in other districts for the pur-
pose of better classification.
—The correspondence war that is
now being waged by the national
chairmen of the Democratic and Re-
publican parties may not meet with
the approval of the rank and file of
the latter army but it can’t fail to im-
press them with the fact that their
generals are all out of harmony on the
matter of strategy for the next cam-
r. “Russell H. Conwell has told
tist convention that the world
reached the peak of its ‘civiliza-
_tién. Certainly the mad scramble for
“money, the predominanc
nical in modern education and the
popular indifference to the fine arts
and literature would indicate that we
are laying a poor foundation on which
future generations are to build.
—A great lamentation comes from
London because American tourists are
returning home before the season is
over. Probably they are, but they are
doing so only because of the extortion-
ate prices charged Americans on the
other side. We are the geese that lay
the golden eggs, all right enough, and
Europe shouldn’t register a wail be-
cause of the results of her foolish at-
tempts to kill us.
— Secretary of Labor Davis told the
graduating class of the Sharon High
school “that the man with the flannel
shirt is the man who is getting the
money.” We all know who the Secre-
tary means, of course, but he isn’t
“the man with the flannel shirt.”
There ain’t no such animal any more.
He started gettin’ the money away
back in 1916 and’s been wearing silk
shirts ever since. :
—Judged from the long list of fatal
accidents reported in yesterday’s met-
ropolitan papers a lot of people did
their best to make Memorial day
memorable for friends of the depart-
ed. We know we're a bit behind the
times in our conception of the spirit
of Memorial day. To us it has always
seemed one set apart for reverential
observance. The modern idea of ball
games, dancing, and joy riding is run-
ning rampant and death grins at the
mad orgies of jazz crazed humanity
for he knows that with each holiday
excess more graves will be on the hill-
sides for the next Memorial day.
—_Ttalian ships are required by law
to carry liquors for their crews and
passengers, but as they are not now
allowed to bring it inside the three
mile limit while touching at the ports
of this country international compli-
cations are likely to arise unless there
is some modification of our own ruling
with regard to ships. The prohibition
question aside, our right to take such
a position as would either require
Ttaly to change her law in this regard
or keep her ships out of our ports is
very questionable. If the shoe were
on the other foot we fancy Uncle Sam
would make an awful fuss about it.
—Henry Ford is just now very
much talked of as a Presidential pos-
sibility and, to say the least, the lead-
ers of both parties are viewing it with
alarm. Nobody knows just what
Henry's politics are and we doubt if
he does himself. However that may
be, he is a potential figure in the bus-
iness world, owes nothing to the “big
interests” and at his present rate of.
production will have a Ford for every
voter in the land by 1924. He doesn’t
deny being a receptive candidate and
if the West and the South should per-
suade him to run there will be more
Lizzies ‘at the polls than there ever
have been before.
e of the tech-|
TE es ily
" VOL. 6S.
Cost of Schools in Centre.
In its Sunday issue the Philadelphia
Public Ledger boastfully compares
the cost of public school education of
that city with that of other cities, in-
cluding New York, Chicago and small-
er towns. The educational standard
in Philadelphia is on a high plane, our |
esteemed contemporary justly de- |
clares, and the cost is much less per
pupil, than that in other towns. In
Philadelphia, for example, it costs
ninety-seven dollars and thirty cents
a year for each pupil, while in New
York, Chicago and the other cities
mentioned the expense is considerably
above a hundred dollars for the serv-
ice. In the city of Harrisburg, this
State, the cost amounts to one hun-
dred and four dollars, nearly seven
dollars more.
In ordinary circumstances this
would afford a proper reason for con-
gratulating the city of Philadelphia.
The cost of education per pupil in a
community is measured by the amount
of taxes paid for school purposes by
the people in addition to the bonus
paid out of the State treasury, as com-
pared with the school population. In
Philadelphia the taxation for school
purposes is by levy on the real estate,
the millage being fixed by the school |
authorities, and may not exceed six
mills on the dollar. Outside of Phila- |
delphia and Pittsburgh the tax levy
for schools may run to twenty mills
in second class districts and twenty-
five in third class districts. And in
addition there may be levied and col-
lected a personal tax of not less than |
one nor more than five dollars.
The Tax Mess Still Muddled.
The Legislature having taken a re-
cess of ten days or more on Thursday
of last week the work of cleaning up
the tax mess has made no progress
since our last issue. During the pre-
vious week-end Governor Pinchot got
hold of the noses of the Representa-
tives and temporarily forced them to
relinquish their purpose to prevent
additional taxation. In accordance
with his plan the votes defeating sev-
‘eral tax schemes were reconsidered
and measures placed on the calendar
‘capable of producing the twenty mil-
lions of dollars which Pinchot imag- |
ines will put him into the Presidential
race. But the recess falsely ascribed
to respect for war heroes was taken to
give further opportunity for forcing.
Auditor General Lewis has shown
by actual figures that no additional
taxes are needed to meet the obliga-
tions of the State if taken in a busi-
ness way. There are “lapsed” appro-
priations sufficient to meet all de-
mands, if proper retrenchments are
made in administration and proper
methods are adopted in the collections.
That being true the levy of additional
taxes is a crime against the people of
Pennsylvania. The administrators of
the government have a right to levy
sufficient taxes to meet the actual ex-
penses. The levy of burdens to pay
‘for joy riding or ambitious projects
is robbery, plain and simple. Every
Senator and Representative should be
held to strict account for his part in
The Democrats in the General As-
Mr. Ford’s Ambitions Unimportant.
over Mr. Henry Ford’s ambitions.
It is said that he is already the rich-
est man in the world and itis al-
together probable that he will contin-
ue to accumulate funds and acquire
that. He gains his wealth honestly.
Nobody accuses him of cheating and
he neither boosts prices nor cuts wag-
es to increase profits.
just cause of complaint against wealth
‘ so acquired. It gratifies the pos-
sessor and injures no one.
ter of fact Mr. Ford’s vast and rapid
; accumulations have helped rather than
money wisely and to good purpose.
Whether Mr. Ford is a candidate for
President of the United States or not
is a matter of little importance. No-
body knows much about his party af-
filiations. He had been a Republican
! for many years but it is not likely that
| he will be considered by the conven-
tion of that party next year. Mr.
Harding has a mortgage on that nom-
| ination at that time, and he is certain
i to foreclose. The party is controlled
| by special interests which are not
(friendly to Mr. Ford. For that rea-
| son, with all his money, he could not
| buy the Republican nomination away
| from Harding who has served the in-
| terests to the full measure of his op-
portunities. Besides. Mr. Ford quit
~that party a few years ago.
+ It may be added with absolute con-
| fidence that Mr. Ford is even less like-
| sembly have fully met their obliga- ly to be nominated by the Democratic
In view of the facts the low cost of tions to the people thus far in this | National convention next year. Dem-
education in Philadelphia is more a | matter. If John A. MecSparran had | ocratic nominations for President have
cause of shame than pride. In Belle- |
fonte the millage is twenty-one and |
the personal tax two dollars and fifty
cents on every man and woman resi-
dent in the borough. In other words, |
owing to the stupidity or something
worse of the Representatives in the
Legislature for the second and third
class school districts the citizens and
residents outside of Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh are taxed to pay the edu-
cational expenses of those cities. Per-
sonal tax
would come out of the pockets of
politicians, as the poll taxes are
drawn, to qualify the illiterates to
vote. {
= Ste i
— Meantime aged persons should |
not place much hope in the pension
bill recently approved by the Govern-
or. It will take every cent of the
$25,000 appropriation to organize the
bureau and maintain it two years.
Moving Cause of the Trip.
Tomorrow or some other day in the
near future Senator Pepper and Sen-
ator Reed will set out on their pro-
posed and much talked about pilgrim-
age through Pennsylvania. The actu-
al purpose of this trip has not yet
been fully revealed, though it has been
the subject of considerable specula-
tion. The Senators declare it is for
the purpose of “getting acquainted
with the people,” but that has only
excited credulity. One element of
their party ventures the opinion that
their purpose is to organize opposition
to the renomination of Harding, which
sounds sensible, and another group is
persuaded that the object is to shake
Pinchot’s strangle hold on the confi-
dence of the farmers in the State.
Either of these reasons might justi-
fy the expense and labor of an auto-
mobile trip throughout the State if it
were not for the intruding proclivities
of the others. Senators Pepper and
Reed were not widely known in Penn-
sylvania before Sproul catapulted
them into the lime light, and if they
hope to continue in public life it may
be necessary for them to worm their
way into the affections of a wider cir-
cle. 3ut considerable time will elapse
befo. 2 their terms expire and it is not
usual for politicians to “gush” before
they have to. It is also true that
President Harding gave them ample
cause for a vigorous kick in some of
the appointments he has made since
their elevation to the Senate. But he
has since reconciled them on this
point, according to gossip.
As to the third reason for their ex-
tended, and let us hope enjoyable,
journey over the fair and fertile sur-
face of the State, there is wisdom as
well as plausibility in the conjecture.
Governor Pinchot has certainly got
the old machine “in chancery,” and un-
less he is shaken off or knocked out in
the near future he will clean up that
festering mess in much shorter time
and better shape than he has done
with the other evils he promised dur-
ing the campaign of last fall to dis-
pose of. Taking one consideration
with another, and analyzing the three
reasons for the approaching Senator-
ial trip, we are inclined to believe
that the extinction of Pinchot is re-
ally and truly the moving cause.
A — A ———————
——Dr. Finnegan’s term of office
has expired but the people are not
informed as to whether or not that
ends Finneganism in the State.
sare not levied in those | The question will be up for considera-
he OE that ‘paym enti tion nextiwe ek. w adhe Ae he
the ed, and we hope there will be no rec-
been elected Governor last fall the
mess would have been far advanced in
the process of «cleaning up and there
would have been no demand for in-
creased taxation. No will-o-the-wisp
in the form of ambition for higher
honors would have beguiled him from
his promise to retrench and improve
the public service. No Democratic
Senator or Representative should aid
the present Governor to burden the
people for his own aggrandizement.
reancy on the Democratic side.
The Governor's visit to the
Eastern penitentiary, after the ex-
posure, didn’t contribute much to the
cause of reform but it got the front
page all right.
Misdirected Indignation.
Senator Fess, of Ohio, is highly in-
! dignant because General Hines, the
new director of the Veterans’ bureau
of the government, recently declared
that “the bureau will no longer be run
under the dictation of political pull,
and that cases fathered by Congress-
men will hereafter have the same stat-
us as any other cases, on their mer-
its.” Senator Fess, who was for some
time chairman of the Republican Con-
gressional campaign committee, im-
agines that is the worst form of here-
sy. “Bureaucratic government has
reached the limit,” he writes. “Any
suggestion that the decrees of Con- |
gress will be ignored will have but one *
result. This government is not owned
by the bureaus.”
There is nothing in the statement of
Director Hines to justify the inter-
pretation of Senator Fess. Director
Hines didn’t even insinuate that “the
decrees of Congress will be ignored.”
But the decrees of Congress are not
expressed by Congressional spoils-
mongers speaking through the depart-
ments of the government. They are
declared through the regular channels
of legislation, by means of bills or
resolutions considered and adopted.
Spoilsmongers simply prevent the pur-
poses o’ Congress by corrupting the
bureaus and other executive agencies
in order to procure favors for de-
pendent followers. Senator Fess is a
past master in this nefarious and de-
moralizing work.
Obviously Director Hines has spok-
en on the subject in the interest of
the veterans. Senator Fess has re-
plied in the language of the “scurvy
politician.” But he has not terrorized
the director of the Veteran’s bureau
or the veterans. According to a Wash-
ington correspondent an organ of the
soldiers has. informed Senator Fess
that the Veterans’ bureau “is not own-
ed by politicians. We have had one
political administration under Colonel
Forbes, and the abuses which grew
up, the millions which were squander-
ed, the thousands of worthy veterans
that were mishandled, is scandal
enough of that kind.” It is the pur-
pose of General Hines to correct that
evil and threats will not divert him
from that purpose.
The radio craze may work harm
here and there, but the fact that it
keeps men, women and children at
home nights is no cause of complaint.
——What France really needs in
the Ruhr Valley is a few strike break-
ers and plenty of patience.
| never been, and are not now, subjects
of barter and trade. The possession
| of wealth is a negligible element in
| the selection of Democratic candidates
for President. Fitness is the first
consideration and will continue to be
in the future. Neither Grover Cleve-
land nor Woodrow Wilson was rich
but they were marvelously fit. Mas-
ters of the science of government they
were capable of solving foreign or
domestic problems promptly and just-
he Democratic candidate next
§ Barbi
! ——Because of the recent uncover-
.ing of scandalous conditions in the
eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia
one of the leading papers of that city
proceeded to knock every penal insti-
tution in the State, and particularly
the new western penitentiary at Rock-
! view, principally because ample cell
{ blocks have not been completed there
i to house all the vicious and degener-
ate inmates who were responsible for
the scandal in the eastern institution.
The editor of the paper in question
overlooks the fact that while the ulti-
mate aim of the Rockview penitentia-
ry is an institution to take care of all
offenders in the State, its primary ob-
ject at its inception was a model pris-
on farm where men who have not fall-
en into the last stages of dishonor and
disrepute could be given an opportu-
nity to serve their sentence at manu-
al labor in the open air and sunlight,
and not in steel and concrete cell
——It has been many years since
the Bellefonte postoffice was closed as
tight on a legal holiday as it was on
Wednesday; and it was not in accord-
ance with the wish of postmaster
' John L. Knisely but because of orders
from the department in the interest
| of economy. Heretofore there has al-
ways been a morning delivery by car-
riers and a later delivery of mail
{ through the carrier’s window. But on
| Wednesday the carriers did not re-
port for duty because the department
desired to economize to the extent of
| the half day’s pay allowed carriers
| for part time on legal holidays. Tru-
ly there's a “mess” in Washington that
' needs cleaning up as bad as the
| “mess” in Harrisburg.
——Farmers and market men will
be interested in learing that the Leg-
i islature has passed a bill, which has
been signed by the Governor, chang-
ling the weight of the standard bush-
' el measurements of the following arti-
‘cles of wvroduce: Tomatoes, 56
i pounds instead of 60; apples 48 in-
| stead of 45; turnips, 56 instead of 60;
{ peas in the pod, 28 instead of 56;
| cranberries, 32 instead of 40; barley,
48 instead of 47, and cucumbers, 48
! instead of 50.
——Prime Minister Baldwin, of
Great Britain, is managing three
offices and his predecessor in office
broke down trying to run one.
——The new law requiring motor
owners to acquire a “title” to their
machines is a sly process of extract-
ing money from their pockets.
I —————— i ———
——Even cold weather in Spring
has its compensations. It delayed the
coming of the flies.
A A A Pr pS saline.
——All the stores and business
places in Bellefonte observed Memor-
ial day.
There is no |
There is no necessity for worrying Irom the New York World.
Ford's Presidential Prospects.
Senator Harrison, of Mississippi,
believes that if Henry Ford entered
the primaries as a Democratic candi-
date for President he would sweep
| nearly all the Southern States, Alaba-
ma excepted. “Mr. Ford is strong in
other forms of wealth as long as he | the South,” continues Senator Harri-
lives. But there is no great harm in | son, “because of his espousal of Mus-
cle Shoals, and this has given him
much strength among the farmers of
the country.” :
This seems a strange reason to
nominate a man for Presidemt—that
| if the government will spend millions
of dollars in developing a great wa-
As a mat- |
ter power he will take it off the gov-
| ernment’s hands for a hundred years.
Nevertheless, we are not disposed to
harmed the world. He has used his
quarrel with Senator Harrison's con-
| clusions.
There is unquestionably a great deal
of Henry Ford Presidential semtiment
throughout the South and Middle
West. Mr. Ford is economically un-
sound in all the different ways that
appeal to the American farmer who is
in debt, and he is industriallyi efficient
in all the different ways in which the
average man thinks that government
could be managed. Wealth is no po-
litical handicap in Mr. Ford’s. case.
Although he has more money than
anybody else, the fact that none of it
has been tainted by Wall Stfeet is a
certificate of purity. The West would
never dream of describing Henry Ford
as a “plute,” to use its own eXpressive
abbreviation, although he could buy
and sell half of the Wall Street
“plutes” whose money is regarded be-
yond the Mississippi as the fountain-
head of all iniquity.
Back of the Ford political myth is a
notion too, that somehow he would
manage, if he were President, to run
the government in the same way that
he runs the Ford factory, with quan-
tity production, big wages for every-
body, large profits to be invested in
further production, and steadily re-
duced prices to the consumer. How
Mr. Ford would overcome the various
obstacles of a Constitution framed by
men who knew nothing about quanti-
ty production and were highly suspi-
cious of centralized power is aot clear
to his political admirers, but in such
matters of detail they are ready to re-
ly on faith.
I: is Jot ya to ask for a bill of
particulars in discussin Benry Ford
as Presidential Bai rion orilie. shp-
porters are not concer#iéd Hs a
ulars. They know he is very success-
ful in material achievement and that
he has been the architect of his own
enormous fortune. They know that
he quarrels with banks and dislikes
Wall Street. They know that he has
no affiliation with the mill-run of
American millionaires and that he is
not a partisan in the sense in which
that term is commonly used. He is
not identified with the organization of
either party and has only contempt
for politics as a game. They look up-
on him as the economic apothesis of
the comomn man, and they would be
glad to see him make over the govern-
ment of the United States in his im-
age. After he had tried it, the picture
might not seem so alluring, but hope
springs eternal in the breast of the
farmer who cannot pay his debts; oth-
erwise the American people might
Although the World would consider
Mr. Ford’s nomination and election to
the Presidency as a national calamity,
it is one of those calamities that are
always within the range of possibility.
It is not wise to treat his tentative
candidacy contemptuously; and the
East, which is prone to political mis-
takes, could make no greater blunder.
There is a state of mind in the coun-
try which has to be reckoned with, and
among its possibilities is Henry Ford
as a candidate for President.
To be sure Mr. Ford stoutly insists
that he is not seeking the nomination,
but that means nothing. A Methodist
pastor from Detroit, writing in the
Outlook, reports that “if America
wants Henry Ford it will have to draft
him,” but there is no hint that Mr.
Ford is the kind of man who would try
to evade the draft on the pretext that
he was engaged in essential industry.
A Step Backward.
From the Harrisburg Patriot.
The attempt to abolish personal reg-
istration in Harrisburg and other
third class cities, as Senator Schantzs’
bill proposes to do, can be regarded
only as a step backward in election
procedure. It is difficult to interpret
any such legislation as anything but
an encouragement to loose and evil
In a city the size of Harrisburg and
many other cities of its classification,
the need for identifying the voters
through personal registration is ob-
vious. In smaller communities where
every voter in the precinct is known
by every other voter, the likelihood of
impersonation to vote is not so strong,
but in the congested districts that can-
not be said.
Personal registration was invoked
to prevent “repeating,” the voting of
an ineligible on the name of a bona
fide voter. This method perhaps has
not been a hundred per cent. effective,
but it has helped and it ought not be
abandoned, unless something better is
proposed and guaranteed.
When the Russian Wolf Will Howl.
From the Altoona Tribune.
Wait till the Russians and Armen-
ians hear that Americans gave $30,-
000,000 to home charities last year.
— A ————————
—Subscribe for the “Watchman,”
—James D. Larrimer, aged 43 years, was
shot and killed at Charleroi .bout midnight
Saturday night when he was discovered in
the Furman Ray grocery store by Marion
Ray, son of the owner.
—Franklin P. Van Horn, who drove an
ax into his foot forty years ago, died at
Sunbury on Saturday, from blood poison-
ing as the result of the accident. He was
sixty-seven years old and is survived by a
widow and four daughters.
—Learning to ride a bicycle on the edge
of a slate quarry at Slatedale, near Allen-
-{ town, on Saturday, Stuart, 16 year old son
of James A. Weiss, of that place, lost con-
trol of the wheel and plunged 100 feet to
his death. His father looked on, unable to
save his boy. 3
—Miss Maggie Welsh, Pottstown school
teacher, was amazed to discover that dur-
ing Saturday night some thief had dug up
three big grape vines at her home. The
thief took roots, branches and all, not leav-
ing a trace behind. He was evidently pre-
paring for a good supply of grapes next
—Loys Frabel, the 6 year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Frabel, of Lock Haven,
died at the Lock Haven hospital Sunday
night from burns which she received when
she upset a can of heating mixture over
her dress. She was enveloped in’ flames
and was seriously burned before aid could
reach her. Uh. dee. gr :
—Considerable © mystery “surroufids the
finding of Orville Spiker, 38" years old, of
Pottsville, unconscioils, floating ina tank
about two-thirds filled With ‘Water dn’ Sat
urday night at the Standard ‘steel works
at Burnham. It is believed that he got in-
to the tank to take a nap before water was
turned in. i
—A cntract was let last week, to cA: Eis |
Anderson & Bros., Ine., of Altoona, iby thés
Pennsylvania Railroad compaty, for the
building of a new reservoir on Tipton ran,
ten miles east of Altoona. It will have a
capacity of 250,000,000 gallons, cost upward
of $1,000,000 and the breast of the dam will
be 475 feet long and sixty-eight feet high.
—~Charles Donnelly, aged 50 years, for-
mer chief of Allegheny county detectives,
was found dead on Sunday afternoon in
the doorway of a business building in low-
er Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. His identity
was not discovered until the body had been
removed to the morgue. Mr. Donnelly was
a graduate of Princeton University and
starred on the football team. The cause
of his sudden death has not been determin-
ed and an autopsy will be performed.
—A Harrisburg firm dealing in burglar
alarms displayed prominently in its win-
dow an advertising sign containing the
warning, “Stop Thief.” A thief obeyed the
warning literally last Wednesday and did
stop. When he resumed his stroll, the
firm was minus about $2000 worth of foun-
tain pens and other merchandise, and the
thief has probably not stoped since, as no
trace of him has been obtained.
—Police chief J. H. Conway, of Malvern,
must stand trial at eriminal court, in Ches-
ter county on a charge of first-degree mur-
der in the death of William Mitchell, a ne-
gro school boy, last April 29th, on the
street, while he was on his way to a rails
road station to meet his mother, because
of a verdict of a jury Deputy Coroner Pat-
rick, of ‘West Chester, which investigated
the death and rendered a verdict accusing
the officer of doing the shooting.
—A jury in the Blair county court last
week returned a verdict in favor of Charles
C. Bowers against the First National Bank
of Claysburg, in Blair county, to recover
$600 in United States bonds and $100 in
United States saving stamps stolen from
his box when the bank was burglarized on
December 9th, 1921. The jury awarded
him the full amount of his claim with in-
terest. It is said that approximately $18,-
000 worth of bonds and other securities
were stolen from the safety deposit boxes
at the time that have never been recover-
ed. »
—Christ Kelley, of Oaks, Pa., was taken
from a box car in a Pennsylvania freight
train at Lewistown last Wednesday, hys-
terical and almost dead from exhaustion.
The car was loaded with “dry” hides and
sealed in Philadelphia the Saturday
afternoon previous and the seals were
broken to liberate him. Kelley says he
was drinking with friends and crawled in-
to the car to take a nap. He awoke to
find the car moving, The crew heard his
cries, but lacked authority to break the
seals until reaching Lewistown. He was
sentenced to twenty days.
—School boards in Easton and vicinity
seem to be having trouble with their tax-
es. At a recent meeting of the Easton
board action was taken increasing the
school tax rate on property from 13 mills
to 15 mills and doubling the per capita
tax on individuals, making it $2. At a
meeting of the Bangor board announce-
ment was made that fully 1500 women in
that town had not paid their per capita
tax, and it was decided that suits should
be started against them by the school so-
licitor. Their names will be placed on the
minutes of the board and published once
a week for three weeks.
—Lloyd Buckwalter, 20 years old, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Buckwalter, of Inter-
course, Lancaster county, was electrocuted
on Monday morning at the substation of
the Intercourse Electric company at Para-
dise. Buckwalter was installing lightning
arresters. He was standing on the ground
reaching up with a screwdriver when one
hand came in contact with a switch carry-
ing 2300 volts. He was hurled back into
the arms of fellow-workmen, Enos Hos-
tetter and William Citzman, of Inter-
course. He lived twenty minutes, drawing
his last breath just as the physician, Dr.
L. M. Bryson, of Paradise, arrived. Dr. G.
W. H. Frew, of Paradise, deputy coroner,
conducted an investigation, declaring death
was accidental.
—Fishing without permission in the
Great Ceasetown dam of the Spring Brook
Water company, near Wilkes-Barre, three
men became trapped in the mud and
drowned early Sunday morning. The
dead men are: August Walters, aged 43;
William Walters, 18, a son, and Andrew
Yoscavite ager 39 years, a boarder in the
Walters’ family. The three men and Al-
bert Walters, aged 14, were fishing with a
forty-foot seine. The elder Walters wad-
ed out in the big reservoir and suddenly
disappeared. The other two waded in to
rescue him and they, too, disappeared. Al-
bert Walters then ran for aid and met a
patrol of the water company, who rushed
to the scene and after several hours’ search
found the bodies of the three men standing
upright in the water about six feet apart.
All had been trapped in a mass of sticky
mud which held them a foot under the sur-