Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 18, 1923, Image 3

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    Demorealic Wald,
Bellefonte, Pa., May 18, 1923.
Country Correspondence
ftems of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
Mrs. Fink, of Altoona, is visiting at
the home of J. W. Gill.
Mrs. Samuel Reish and Mrs. Ed
Houser spent Sunday among relatives
in Altoona.
Harry Shatzer, of Lewistown, spent
a few days last week at the home of
Thomas Williams.
Mrs. Harry Hagen and two children,
of Lewistown, visited among friends
and relatives here last week.
With the industry of the ant, and
the wisdom of the bee, you can pos-
sess the independence of the fire-fly.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corl and Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Harrison, of Boals-
burg, were visitors in our town Sun-
The baccalaureate sermon for the
graduates of the high school will be
given Sunday evening in the Metho-
dist church.
Miss Pauline Noll has resigned her
position as book-keeper at the Schlow
Quality Shop, to accept one with the
American Lime and Stone Co.
And for the most of us who have
work to do in the world, whether it is
small or great, the supreme need of
the hour is the duty of being true to
ourselves and of facing without weak-
ness the obligations of the task that
has been given us to do.
The venerable Mrs. Lego, mother of
Mrs. Frank Barnes, left Friday last
for an indefinite visit to her other
daughter, at Monument. It will no
doubt prove a very invigorating trip
for the good old lady as she has made
her home here for over a year and in
all that time was never out of the
township. Her many new-made
friends will miss her during her ab-
sence as she is a most agreeable and
interesting old lady.
The Whiterock quarries now have a
pay roll of one hundred and eighteen
employees, and are adding men daily;
they are negotiating for a bunch of
men who are expected to report for
duty the next ten days. To hold their
orders in check they should have at
least from 30 to 40 accessions. The
recent advance of wages to their men
is an incentive to bring outsiders here.
We are a happy and prosperous com-
munity now, but without Whiterock
we would rank with the dead letter
class. The firm is fair towards their
men in every particular, hence it is
that their employees are beginning to
appreciate them—as they should.
Fred Roush, of Altoona, and Miss
Anna Rimmey, of Pleasant Gap, skip-
ped down to Williamsport on Thurs-
day last and were married; they went
from there to Harrisburg and other
central Pennsylvania towns. They re-
turned to Pleasant Gap Friday even-
ing to the bride’s home, where a most
elaborate supper was served eighteen
imemdiate friends. The happy couple
anticipate making their future home
in Altoona. Our ‘Anna’s pleasant and
cheerful smile will surely be missed
in this community, inasmuch as she
had innumerable friends here. Every-
body hastens to offer their most sin-
cere congratulations and hearty good
wishes. May every year of their mar-
ried life find them happier than the
last. Te Mr. Roush, the writer would
say, that in your choice for a partner
of life, you have given evidence of the
possession of a sound judgment and
much good taste. If our beneficent
wishes were the only Toque
sure your happiness in the married
state, you would never have occasion
to regret the step you have recently
taken. Everybody here desires you
both to be surrounded with all the
blessings of this life. May God bless
you with His choicest blessings.
Mother’s day was appropriately ob-
served all over the country and was
duly appreciated by all participants.
Somebody has said that “a mother’s
love is the only virtue that did not suf-
fer by the fall of Adam.” Whether
Adam fell or not, it is quite clear that
the unselfish love of a good mother is
the crowning glory of the race. No
matter how long and how sorely it
may be tried, its arms are ever open
to receive the returning prodigal. One
faithful heart never loses its affection
for the wanderer who has strayed
from the fold. Adversity and sorrow
may come with all their terrible force,
but the motherly affection clings to
its ideal closely. We never see a good
old mother sitting in the arm chair
that we do not think of the storms
which have pelted in her cheerful face,
without souring it. Her smile is a
solace, her presence a benediction. We
rarely find a frail mother whose spir-
it has been worn threadbare and un-
lovely by trials that would have turn-
ed a dozen men into misanthropes and
demors. A sweet old mother is com-
mon. In exhaustless patience, hope,
faith and benevolence the mothers are
sure to lead. Also that their worth
too often is not fully known and prop-
erly appreciated until they have pass-
ed beyond reach! God bless the good
old mothers!
A lady friend of mine told me re-
cently, I married my “hubby” to re-
form him but I am now willing to ad-
mit I made a very serious mistake. Too
often girls marry men whom they ex-
pect to remodel and mend to suit their
taste. They will take a drunkard, or
a gambler, or a low bred scamp, know-
ing that he is such, fully understand-
ing that they cannot be happy with
him if he remains as he is. He prom-
ises to be a dutiful “hubby,” to do
whatever his “darling” asks; tells her
she has wondrous power over him for
good, and if she does not take pity
on him he will go headlong to ruin.
She feels as though he was clay in her
hands and is quite sure she can make
an honest, respectable man of him.
Nine times out of ten she had better
let him go to ruin. He is going any-
how, and there is no use in her taking
the plunge with him. The man who
will not reform and show works meet
for repentance before marriage will
not do so afterward, because there are
very few men who will do more for a
wife than they will do for a sweet-
heart. The woman who undertakes to
reform a man in order to get a hus-
band has undertaken a task that is
not successfully accomplished one
time in a thousand. In the first place
a man who needs to be reformed
before he is fit for a compan-
ion is lacking in some of the elements
which are necessary in the make-up of
even an average man. Frequently it
is just as impossible to supply these
elements as it is to replace a gouged
eye or a missing leg. Substitutes may
be devised that improve the appear-
ance, but they are insensible; My
friend admits that there is something
repellant about him; his touch is disa-
greeable, and his presence makes her
nervous. Hundreds are making this
injudicious mistake daily. What a
Miss Margaret Snyder spent the
week-end with friends in Bellefonte.
Prof. Kaufman returned to his home
in Trenton, N. J., on Friday morning.
Mrs. W. J. Wagner is entertaining
bor mother, Mrs. H. K. Hoy, of Belle-
John Stover, of Altoona, recently
spent a short time with friends in
Mrs. Hollister and children have re-
turned from a six week’s visit in Phil-
Frank Fisher and family, of Junia-
ta, were over Sunday visitors at the
Fisher home.
Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Mothersbaugh,
of Williamsport, visited friends in
town Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. William Meyer and S. R. Rish-
el visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Johnson on Sunday.
Matthew Goheen is having his home
on School street improved by a coat
of white paint with gray trimmings.
About forty ministers and delegates
attended the meeting of Susquehanna
Classis in session in the local Reform-
ed church from Monday until Thurs-
day evening. Tuesday evening the
visitors were given a reception. Quite
a number of people from nearby towns
attended some of the meetings.
America’s 12 Greatest Women are
Chosen by Voters’ League.
Washington.—Here are the twelve
greatest living American women, in
the opinion of a special committee of
the National League of Women Voters
Which was appointed to select such a
Jane Addams, philanthropist; Ce-
celia Beaux, painter; Carrie Chapman
Catt, politics; Anna Botsford Com-
stock, natural history; Minnie Madern
Fiske, stage; Louise Homer, music;
Julia Lathrop, child welfare; Florence
Rena Sabin, anatomy; M. Carey
Thomas, education; Martha van Rens-
selear, home economics; Edith Whar-
ton, literature, and Anna Jump Can-
non, astronomy.
In making public the names, the
committee declared it was “humanly
impossible” to know who the really
greatest women in the country were,
and that the selections had been made
on the basis of those who had contrib-
uted most in their fields to the better-
ment of the world.
The selections were made, it was
explained, at the request of Senorita
Mandujano, a Chilean delegate to the
Pan-American Conference of Women
in Baltimore a year ago, who desired
to write about the American women
for the women of South America.
Announcing Farmers’ Field Day.
The annual gathering of Pennsyl-
vania farmers at State College in
June will be centered this year in one
big day of activity on Thursday, June
14th, according to announcement re-
cently made. This is a departure
from the observance of Farmer’s week |
at the College held in June for a
number of years past, and is in keep-
ing with the desire of thousands of
farmers who now find it better to go
to State College for a short automo-
bile trip of one day’s stay rather than
for three or four days.
There will be a meeting for farmers
on the evening of June 13th at which
State Secretary of Agriculture Wil-
lits will speak, and all of the next day
will be devoted to the very important
demonstrations and tour of the college
farms and experiment plots, always a
big drawing card for the farmers.
Prizes for the junior judging cham-
pionship will be awarded on the even-
ing of the 14th.
Bears the signature of Chas, H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
George Crouse, who works at State
College, was home with his. wife over
Quite a number of our people at-
tended the motion picture show at Re-
bersburg on Saturday evening.
Supervisor Stover is giving special
attention to the repairing of the road
leading from our town to the pike.
Jacob Auman and family, of Mill
Hall, were over Sunday visitors at the
home of N. H. Shaffer, in this place.
Mrs. H. A. Detwiler and family ieft
for New York State, where they will
spend a week or two with children liv-
ing there.
J. Victor Brungart had a new porch
added to the east part of his Hill
Crest home, which adds considerable
to the looks of the place. Mr. Brun-
gart has been housed up the past week
with lumbago.
Allen Guisewite, of near Loganton,
was seen on our streets on Sunday
last. Mr. Guisewite formerly was ten-
ant on the T. D. Stover farm just east
of town. He tells us he had a case of
flu and somehow, cannot get back to
normal again.
George H. Smull was seen in town
one day recently and stated that he
would never move back to this town,
and that he hoped the lawyer who has
his matters in charge will have sale
of the property here and settle up the
estate of his mother.
Some weeks ago we wrote a little
article relative to the merging of the
Evangelical churches at Rebersburg
and the attendance at Sunday school.
We had hoped at that time that the
report of attendance would not grow
smaller, but larger in figures, and we
are pleased to report an attendance of
106 for May 13th.
We were recently asked why we do
not write items more regularly, by a
man who lives not far from the city
of Brotherly Love. He told us that
we could not imagine how much they
appreciated the news from their for-
mer home town. Well, we had to state
that we are a little neglectful in this
matter, but it shows what other peo-
ple expect of us and shows that the
private citizen ought to cooperate with
the publisher of a newspaper to make
it a success. I think most publishers
appreciate this but then you know the
writer is at a loss to know what to do
at times. If he writes the truth he is
criticized, if he misquotes something
by mistake, he is called a liar, if he
mentions nothing about the man who
thinks his name should appear in the
paper, he is partial, so we are at a
loss sometimes as to what to do. How-
ever, we are glad that while there are
those who snicker and frown at our
efforts there are also those who ap-
pradiare the good we do, be it little or
An interesting Mother’s day service
was held in the Evangelical church at
Rebersburg Sunday morning. The
fore part of the service was taken up
with recitations and songs by the chil-
dren, who rendered their parts admir-
ably. Especial mention is due the re-
cital given by Phyllis Tarbert, on the
carnation flower, a type of Mother. In
this recital the saying, that he who
does rot regard his mother is a curse,
was quoted twice. It was a fine reci-
tation, well delivered and contained a
lot of meaning. After the recitations
Rev. Herman gave a talk on Mother,
her influence in the home, her worth
to the family, and expressed the
thought that many have never thought
of or given much attention to, namely,
that the true worth of Mother in the
home is not realized by many until
she is removed from earth and away
from those she so tenderly cared for.
After all, is it not true that we, as
American people, do not fully appre-
ciate the duty we owe to each other,
be we christian or not. The minister
went on to say that Mother could
either be a boon or a curse to her fam-
ily, and explained in what way, which
has been proven by observation many
a time. What amused us most of all,
and is nothing but the iruth, was that
some women disregard the greatest
privilege given human beings, namely,
the privilege of motherhood, and in-
stead be leading around at the end of
a chain or string, a poodle dog, and in
conversation say, “come here, poodle,
to your mother; now be a nice boy,”
and “mother’s pet,” together with a
lot of other sayings which are not be-
coming and which the better class of
people laugh at. They even ruin their
health and shorten thei: lives. In gen-
eral it was a fine talk, and what we
take pride in is the fact that a minis-
ter of the gospel will tell the whole
truth, sparing nothing.
Stover and Meal Cheapest
Cattle Ration.
The annual steer feeding test at
The Pennsylvania State College re-
cently brought to a close after run-
ning 140 days, once more demonstrat-
ed that the most economical method
of fattening cattle under Pennsylva-
nia .conditions is to feed corn silage
generously with corn stover and cot-
tonseed meal.
The sixty two-year old steers on the
college test were divided into five lots
of twelve animals each. They were
fed various rations and watched close-
ly for weight gain and effect on the
separate kinds of feed.
The lot that made the most profit-
able gain received 46.6 pounds of corn
silage, 2.87 pounds of corn stover and
2.1 pounds of cottonseed meal. They
gained 2.03 pounds daily, at a cost of
$8.84 per hundredweight. They re-
turned a profit of $7.49 per head after
paying market prices for all feeds
The only other profitable method of
feeding was with a ration composed of
19.9 pounds corn silage, 12.5 pounds
shelled corn, 4.18 pounds corn stover
and 2.15 pounds cottonseed meal daily.
They made an average gain of 2.45
pounds, but at a cost of $11.65 per
hundredweight, making a profit of
$5.60 per head. Their finish was bet-
ter than that of the lot that did not
receive corn, bu was not great enough
to offset the cheaper gains of the oth-
er group.
————— ———————
—It is a good practice to give cas-
tor oil at the rate of one-half ounce to
each individual to all droopy birds
when they are removed from the flock. '
During the four months of the Care-
ful Crossing campaign, of the Penn-
sylvania Railroad company, June to
Sepember, inclusive, 1922, some in-
teresting figures compiled by the In-
surance Department, Philadelphia, are
shown as follows:
Checks of more than a 100,000 au-
tomobiles drivers show that the vast
majority roughly 97 per cent. are rea-
sonably careful and that the large
number of deaths and injuries which
occur on the streets and highways,
and particularly at railroad crossings,
are attributable to gross carelessness
—in many instances criminal careless-
ness—on the part of the other 3 per
cent. as will be shown by the examin-
ation of the record.
During these four months there were
682 crossing accidents on the P. R. R.
system, resulting in 90 fatalities and
150 injuries.
Seven deaths and seventeen injuries
were due to drivers attempting to beat
the train over the crossing.
Fourteen deaths and seven injuries
occurred at crossings where crossing
bells were ringing, indicating that a
train was approaching the crossing.
Five deaths and twenty-two injuries
occurred when the drivers disregarded
the watchmen’s warning signal. It is
no exaggeration to say that this form
of negligence is of a criminal nature.
Sixteen accidents were attributable
to defective brakes. Look them over
and keep them “just right.”
Seven accidents resulting in three
deaths and three injuries were due to
drivers being intoxicated.
Sixteen accidents resulting in six
deaths and twelve injuries were due to
stalling on tracks, an occurrence which
is most likely to happen to inexper-
ienced drivers.
Two hundred and eighty cases of
running through or into crossing
gates, but not into trains.
Seventy accidents resulting in four-
teen deaths and twenty-two injuries
caused by running into sides of trains.
Real Estate Transfers.
Moshannon National Bank to Harry
Acton, et ux, tract in Philipsburg;
Harry Acton, et ux, to Moshannon
National Bank, tract in Philipsburg;
Geo. W. Smith, et ux, to W. F.
Boch, tract in Haines township; $2,-
500. :
Annie E. Hazel to Chas. N. Barner,
et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $1,200.
Howard A. Moore to Abraham Web-
er, tract in Howard; $2,250.
Mrs. Eliza U. Dubbs to Walter
Tate, tract in Spring township; $350.
Louisa Gross, et al, to Mary E.
Yonsn tract in S. Philipsburg; $1,-
Sallie P. Bower, et bar, to Jennie S.
Sylvis, tract in Aaronsburg; $628.50.
George H. Showers, et ux, to I. B.
Hanselman, tract in Miles township;
Wm. E. Harshberger, et ux, to Al-
Is Your Blood Good
or Thin and Watery?
You can tell by the way you feel.
You need Hood’s Sarsaparilla to
make your blood rich, red and pure,
tingling with health for every organ.
You need it if weak and tired day
in ‘and day out, if your appetite is
poor, sleep unrefreshing,—for hu-
mors, boils, eruptions, scrofula, rheu-
matism, headaches, nervous prostra-
tion. It is simply wonderful to give
strength to your whole body.
It is agreeable, pleasant and con-
venient to take, and embodies a long-
tried and found-true formula. 67-34
len C. Witmer, tract in Benner town-
ship; $2,000.
John L. Holmes, et al, to Ray L.
Showers, tract in State College; $500.
Wm. A. Zeigler, et ux, to Harry C.
Zeigler, tract in Miles township; $1.
Susan B. Guiser to A. F. Hockman,
tract in Walker township; $2,000.
Wm. W. Vonada’s heirs to Wm. F.
Suman; tract in Gregg township; $1,-
C. G. Decker, et ux, to Arthur M.
Grove, tract in Gregg township; $3,-
John D. Miller, treasurer, to Com-
missioners of Centre county, tract in
Patton township; $8.67.
Emma A. Bullock to Robert Parks
Jr., tract in Snow Shoe; $1,400.
John Stover, et ux, to Jerome Spig-
elmyer, tract in Miles township; $100.
J. C. Spigelmyer to Chas. E. Smull,
tract in Miles township; $150.
James Rodgers, et ux, to James Ac-
ton, et ux, tractin Rush township;
Wm. Bowser to John Little, tract in
Philipsburg; $5,500.
Maria Swartz, et bar, to Andrew T.
Boggs, tract in Philipsburg; $3,500.
Wm. Mauer, et ux, to Veda Roth-
rock, et ux, tract in S. Philipsburg;
The Weary Way
Daily Becoming Less Wearisome to
Many in Bellefonte,
With a back that aches all day,
With rest disturbed at night,
Annoying urinary disorders,
Tis a weary way, indeed.
Doan’s Kidney Pills are especially
for kidney trouble.
Are endorsed by Bellefonte citizens.
Ask your neighbor!
Mrs. Howard Shuey, S. Water St.,
Bellefonte, says: “I had a severe at-
tack of kidney trouble. My back ach-
ed and pained so I couldn’t get a
night’s rest. My work tired me out
and I often had to neglect it. There
was a steady, dull aching over my kid-
neys and I was hardly ever free from
backaches and dizzy spells. My kid-
neys didn’t act right. I used Doan’s
Kidney Pills, from the Parrish drug
store and they helped me right away
by stopping the backaches and other
signs of kidney trouble.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. Shuey had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y 68-20
1 premm——
101 South Eleventh St.,
Have Your Diamends Reset in Platinum
Fine Job Printing
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Cay on or communicate with this
Ladies! Ask your Druggist for
Ohl.ches-ter 8 Diamond Bran
Pills in Red and Gold metallic
pe gf gh pie
no 's uu
years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
Royal Cords Rank First
Demand more
than justifies
this increased
Whenever you
have a chance to
buy a Clincher
Royal—take it.
Cel) Ee /
_United States Tires
) are Good Tires
ANNOUNCEMENT — There was a
shortage of Royal Cord Clincher Tires last
year. Production is doubled this year.
/ 0 7
P. H. McGarvey, - "
Blanchard Auto Service,
Breons Garage, - -
Stuck & Kline, - -
J. A. Confer & Son, -
- Bellefonte, Pa.
Blanchard, Pa.
- Millheim, Pa.
Pine Grove Mills, Pa.
- Snow Shoe, Pa.
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at-
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's
Exchange. 51-1y
N B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law.
sultation in English or German.
Practices in all the courts. Con-
Office in Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte,
a. 40-22
Law, , Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business en-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 East
High street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
business will receive
prompt attention. Office on second floor of
Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation in English and Ger-
man. Offi ,
Bellefonte, 5s 2 ce in Crider’s Exchabie
Bellefonte State College
Crider’'s Exch. 66-11 Holmes Bldg.
BS Shay, 2 D. Fuysician and
’ a e y
county, Pa. Ee te
dence, Office at his resi-
Re) fh
iv3 04
‘0009 YNOIJ $3IIN00Yd
THE wheat that goes through
our mill represents the finest,
golden grains that reach full,
mature growth. We buy it on
its assured merits of producing
a wholesome and nourishing
wheat flour. Our methods of
milling are perfect. The flour
we manufacture is flawless.
Try our flour—you’ll like it
C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc.
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes Insurance Com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
The Preferred
$5,000 death Dy accident,
5,000 loss of both feet,
5,000 loss of both hands,
5,000 loss of one hand and one foot,
2,500 loss of either hand,
2,000 loss of either foot,
loss of one eve
per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
per week, partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
maller amounts in proportion.
Any person, male of female, engaged in a
precerred occupation,
eeping, over eighteen years of age
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur®
ance Agen , the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent*
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
Agent, Bellefonte Pa.
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by buying poor
thin or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
High Street, 34-34-1y Bellefonte, Par