Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 11, 1923, Image 4

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    Bellefonte, Pa, May 11 1923.
Ed or
To Correspondents.—NO communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—~Until further
notice this paper will be furnished to sub-
gcribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance
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Paid after expiration of year
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa., as second class mail matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be no-
tified when a subscriber wishes the pa-
per discontinued. In all such cases the
subscription must be paid up to date of
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
to Vote on Treasury
Borough Debt.
Philipsburg’s council and burgess
Todd are at loggerheads over a pro-
posal to increase the borough debt by
$30,000. The new obligation is to be
taken on for purposes of street pav-
ing and the ordinance has set Tues-
day, June 19th, as the date for a spe-
cial election to authorize or reject the
The burgess vetoed the resclution
of council on the ground that there
were other and much more needed im-
provements imperative and that the
one proposed was too restricted to
serve any great purpose for the town
as a whole. Council passed the meas-
ure over his veto by a vote of 8 to 1
and it remains to be seen what the
voters of Philipsburg will say when
they get their chance to pass on it at
the polls on June 19th.
One point touched on by burgess
Todd in his veto message, seems to us
to have had considerable merit and
might well have been givén serious
consideration. We refer to the fact
that the paving proposed is for only
thirty-five feet in width. In these
days of motor transportation, and con-
gestion due to parking, thirty-five feet
looks very narrow, indeed for a city
street, unless the section is in a resi-
dential portion where traffic is light.
Philipsburg is at a disadvantage to-
day because of narrow streets. Front
street, her principal business thor-
oughfare, is congested all of the time
and we should think its condition,
which is irreparable of course, would
cause her council to ponder seriously
any paving program that might make
a recurrence of that municipal misfor-
tune possible.
Snow Shee Hangs up Another Record.
Snow Shoe has just ‘won the honor
of being the first town in Pennsylva-
nia to double its quota of contributions
to the State College emergency build-
ing fund. Just as Snow Shoe was the
first town in the State to go over the
top in the second Liberty loan drive
several years ago, this village of less
than 600 population has established
another enviable record.
“Jack” White, the State College
professor of agronomy who conducts
the college experiments on the Snow
Shoe experiment farm, visited the
town for the third time last week and
received additional pledges that bring
the town total up to the sum of $4007.
He had set the quota at $2,000 and
many weeks ago had secured that
amount. He then went after the
State record and got it. Only thirty
people were solicited but twenty-seven
of them gave pledges averaging al-
most $150 each.
If the residents of a city like Read-
ing gave in proportion, “Jack” says
that the $2,000,000 college campaign
would go over the top without difficul-
ty. Every employee in the offices of
the railroad and all those in the offices
of the Lehigh Valley Coal company
contributed to the fund. The Cherry
Run Coal company, owned by the Kel-
ley brothers, not only contributed
handsomely to the fund but gave
“Jack” the glad news that they would
give the College a twenty-year lease
on the land occupied by the College
experiment plots, paying the taxes on
the property. The plots occupy a nine
acre tract. The Moravian Coal Co.,
also contributed handsomely.
Snow Shoe’s record of support for
Penn State is all the more remarka-
ble when it is realized that there is
only one State College alumnus in the
district. Still more remarkable is the
fact that the total raised for the col-
lege fund in Snow Shoe now exceeds
the total amount contributed by res-
idents of twenty-nine Pennsylvania
counties. Centre county still leads all
other counties in the State with a to-
tal of $108,000 pledged. Bellefonte
has raised $8731 towards it quota of
$10,000. The fund has reached the
$1,225,000 mark.
———The big club house of the Phil-
ipsburg Country club, in Rush town-
ship, which is being erected by the
Bellefonte Lumber company, is fast
nearing completion and will be ready
for occupancy by the middle of the
summer. . The building is 56x82 feet
in size, two stories high and a commo-
dious basement. On the south side of
the house is an inclosed porch 16x56
feet which will be heated with steam
in winter time. The basement con-
tains shower and locker rooms for
men and women.
Ladies’ Phoenix and Holeproof
silk hose, $2.50 grade at $1.85, Friday
and Saturday only.—Sim, the Cloth-
HEISLER. — Charles
died at his home on south Thomas
street shortly after eight o'clock ou
Saturday evening, following an ili-
ness of more than five years with
asthma and other complications, al-
though he had only been confined to
his home the past few months.
He was born in Mt. Holly, N. J., in
1850, hence was in his seventy-third
year. His boyhood life was spent in
the town of his birth but when he
grew to manhood he went to Philadel-
phia where he remained a few years,
coming to Bellefonte in 1874 as a
stone cutter in the marble yard then
conducted by a Mr. Williams. Sev-
eral years later he purchased the yard
and conducted it himself. In course
of time the confinement began to im-
pair his health and he sold his busi-
ness and thereafter devoted his time
to stone cutting, at which he was an
expert. Six years or more ago his
health failed and since that time his
activities had been devoted chiefly to
the real estate business. Several
years ago he was appointed a tipstaff
in the Centre county court by Judge
Quigley, a position he filled until his
death. He was a member of the Lo-
gan fire company for many years.
In October, 1874, six months after
coming to Bellefonte, he married Miss
Clara S. Bartley, of Bellefonte. Three
children were the result of their un-
ion, Lorie, killed in an accident at the
age of fourteen years; George, who
died when four years old, and Frank,
who lived but six months, so that his
only survivor is his wife.
Funeral services were held at his
late home at two o’clock on Tuesday
afternoon by Rev. E. E. McKelvey,
after which burial was made in the
Union cemetery.
Il I
HECKMAN.—Mrs. Susan Reeser
Heckman, widow of the late Daniel
Heckman, of Bellefonte, who at one
time filled the office of County Com-
missioner in Centre county, died last
Friday at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Calvin G. Spicher, at Wilkins-
burg, as the result of a stroke of par-
alysis sustained the Tuesday previous.
Her maiden name was Susan Reeser
and she was born in Pennsvalley sev-
enty-two years ago. After her mar-
riage to Mr. Heckman they located on
a farm in Buffalo Run valley where
they lived until Mr. Heckman’s elec-
tion as County Commissioner some
twenty years or more ago, when they
moved to Bellefonte. Mr. Heckman
died about seven years ago and two
years later Mrs. Heckman gave up
housekeeping and since that time had
been making her home with her
daughter most of the time, spendirg
a portion of the summer in Bellefonte.
She was a life-long member of the Re-
formed church and during her active
life always a regular attendant.
Her survivors include one daughter,
Mrs. Spicher, of Wilkinsburg; three
step-children, Miss Della Heckman, of
Wilkinsburg; Mrs. Joseph W. Beezer
and Clayton Heckman, of Bellefonte,
a foster daughter, Mrs. Minnie Cole
Kirk, of Bellefonte, whom she raised
from childhood; two brothers and one
sister, William Reeser, of Bucyrus,
Ohio; George, of Windber, and Mrs.
W. S. Scholl, of Bellefonte.
The remains were brought to Belle-
fonte on the Pennsylvania-Lehigh
train on Monday afternoon and taken
direct to the Union cemetery for bur-
ial, Rev. Dr. Ambrose M. Schmidt of-
ROYER.—Ernest H. Royer died on
Tuesday at the home of his parents, |
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Royer, at Blooms-
dorf, as the result of c\ ailment diag-
nosed as sleeping sickness. The young
man was in his third year as a stu-
dent at Penn State and became ill dur-
ing the Easter vacation of last year.
Failing to respond to the treatment of
local physicians he was taken to the
Jefferson hospital, Philadelphia, where
he spent some weeks, and where his
ailment was diagnosed as sleeping
cickness. He was finally taken home
and though everything possible was
done he gradually grew worse and
had been confined to bed since Febru-
ary of this year.
A son of Elmer E. and Annie Bloom
Royer he was born at Pine Hall on
September 12th, 1898, hence was in
his twenty-fifth year. He was an hon-
or graduate of the State College High
school and later entered State College.
He also stood high in his class at the
institution and had made quite a rec-
ord in athletics during his three years
of College life. He was a member of
the Lutheran Sunday school and an
exceedingly bright and intelligent
young man.
In addition to his parents he is sur-
vived by one sister and three brothers,
Carrie, John, Harry and Wilson, ail
at home. Funeral services were held
at two o’clock on Thursday afternoon
by Rev. J. E. English, after which
burial was made in the Pine Hall cem-
It i
HALE.—Mrs. Ann Graham Hale,
widow of W. W. Hale, late of Philips-
burg, died at her apartments at the
Nittany Inn, State College, on Tues-
day morning. She was a daughter of
William C. and Caroline Ellmaker
Patterson and was born in Philadel-
phia on September 11th, 1838, hence
was in her eighty-fifth year. Surviv-
ing her are two daughters, Caroline
Patterson Hale and Maude Louise
Hale, of State College, and one son,
Hugh E. Hale, of New York. The re-
mains were taken to Reading where
private funeral services were held and
burial made yesterday.
Many of the “Watchman” readers
who did not know Mrs. Hale will have
a sense of sorrow at the passing when
they realize that she was the author
of the. lovely little stories of youth
that appeared in this paper several
years ago.
M. Heisler
KREBS.—David Henry Krebs, a
well known farmer and highly respect-
ed citizen of College township, died
at his home near State College at two
o’clock on Sunday afternoon. Dur-
ing the hot weather of last summer he
was a victim of heat prostration which
resulted in complications from which
he never recovered and which finally
caused his death. ’
He was a son of Henry and Mollie
Duck Krebs and was born at White
Hall on New Year’s day, 1861, hence
was in his sixty-third year. He work-
ed on the farm during the summer
and attended the public school in win-
ter time. In 1891 he married Miss
Maria C. Corl, a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Corl and they started their
married life on the farm. Eleven
years ago he sold his stock and farm
implements and since then had been
one of Mr. Goodling’s assistants on
the College farms. He was a life-
long member, of the Reformed church
and a good citizen in every way.
Surviving him are his wife and two
sons, Clayton and Alvin, both at home.
He also leaves one sister and a broth-
er, Mrs. Lizzie Smith, of Jeannette,
and F. B. Krebs, of State College.
Funeral services were: held in the
Pine Hall church at ten o’clock on
Wednesday morning by Rev. S. C.
Stover, after which burial was made in
the Pine Hall cemetery.
Il I
ZIMMERMAN.—Van Roy Zimmer-
man died at the home of his brother, :
A. L. Zimmerman, in Altoona, at 3:20 |
o’clock on Monday morning, following
an illness of four months with a com-
plication of diseases. He was a son
of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Zimmer-
man and was born at Westover over
twenty-five years ago. A number of
years ago the family moved to Union-
ville, this county, and after living
there several years deceased went to
Altoona and got employment with the
Pennsylvania railroad company. A
year later he entered State College
where he spent two years. Last sum-
mer he again went to work for the
railroad company in Altoona, contin-
uing in its employ until overtaken by
He is survived by his father, living
at Unionville, two brothers and one
sister, A. R. Zimmerman, of Altoona;
H. E., of Edmiston, N. Y., and Mrs.
Charles Kerlin, of Tyrone. Burial was
made in the Rose Hill cemetery, Al-
toona, on Wosssniay atiesnoen,
BAIR.—George Adams Bair died at
his home in Altoona on Saturday
afternoon following an illness of a
number of weeks. He was a son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bair, and was born
at Rebersburg, Centre county,
April 18th, 1869, hence was 54 years
and 17 days old. For a number of
years he lived in Williamsport where
he was employed by the Philadelphia
and Reading railroad company. He
never married but is survived by ¥
father, living at Rebersburg; ohe
brother, William H. Bair, at whose |
home he died, and two sisters living
in Missouri. Burial was made in Rose
Hill cemetery, Altoona, on Tuesday
it J!
COBLE.—Harry Coble, a brother of
Mrs. Anna Burris, of Centre Hall, died
at his home in Altoona on Tuesday
afternoon as the result of hemor-
rhages. He was a native of Hunting-
don county and was fifty-five years
old. Burial will be made at Williams-
burg this (Friday) afternoon.
Groves — Brady. — A ten o'clock
wedding in the Presbyterian church,
Bellefonte, last Thursday night, was
that of Herbert B. Groves, of St. Au- | Griesemer, H. H. Rupp, M. A. Kieffer and | success.
gustine, Fla., and Miss Margaret Bra-
dy, of Fleming, the ceremony being | :
performed by the pastor, Rev. David . Devotional Services by Rev. Roy Moorhead. |
R. Evans, in the presence of a few in-
timate friends of the bride.
dy, whose parents died when she was
quite small, is in all intents and pur-
poses a foster daughter of the late
Mrs. Hannah Thompson, of Fleming,
who raised her from infancy, educated
her and gave her the only home she
ever knew. For several years past
she has spent her winters in Florida
and it was at St. Augustine that she !
met Mr. Groves, who is a practicing
attorney in that city, a member of the
bar of the Fourth Judicial circuit of
Florida. The young couple will make
their home in St. Augustine.
Messner — Rimmey. — William J.
Messner, of Jersey Shore, and Miss
Ruth Rimmey, a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Rimmey, of State Col-
lege, were married on Thursday of
last week at the parsonage of the
Evangelical church at Sonestown, by
the pastor, Rev. Charles S. Messner,
a cousin of the bridegroom. Mr. and
Mrs. Messner will make their home
in Jersey Shore.
The Academy Minstrels Next Week.
Between forty and fifty Academy
students, seven students of the Belle-
fonte High school, a male quartette
of well known musical geniuses of the
town with several specialists will ap-
pear in the Bellefonte Academy min-
strels which will be staged at the op-
era house two nights next week, May
17th and 18th. The entire program of
songs, jokes and specialties will be
new and up to date. While the pro-
gram will not be quite as long this
year as formerly there will be two
hours of convulsive amusement.
The big parade at five o’clock on
Thursday evening will be led by Wetz-
ler’s band, of Milesburg. Don’t miss
this free exhibition. The receipts from
the minstrels this year will be devot-
ed to the expense of extending the
borough water to the swimming pool
on Hughes field.
————————— tt ee ese
—Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
on |
Foreign Missionary Society to Meet
in Bellefonte Next Week.
The forty-first annual meeting of
the Woman’s Foreign Missionary soci-
ety of the Williamsport district, Cen-
tral Pennsylvania conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church, will be
held in the Bellefonte Methodist
chureh on Tuesday and Wednesday of
next week, May 15th and 16th. The
program for the meeting is as follows:
Miss Blanche Shuler, Presiding.
Scripture Reference—Ezekiel 1:21,
Devotional Song Service,
Prayer Mrs. Grace Keefer
Appointment of Committees.
Our Literature Mrs. T. P. S. Wilson
Address Miss Illingworth
How Not to do It.
Elementary Schools
Miss Catherine Maxwell
Children’s Hour.
Pledges for children's life membership
of ten dollars will be asked for.
6:00 P. M.
Young People’s Rally and Supper.
9:80. P.M,
Bellefonte Missionary Union in Charge.
! Prayer - - Mrs. A. M. Schmidt
Music—=Solo - Mrs. J. A. Fitzpatrick
Greetings - - Rev. E. E. McKelvey
i Response - - Mrs. D. R. Evans
| Music—Violin Solo Mrs. Louis Schad
| Pageant-——From Greenland’s Icy
i Mountains Directed by Mrs. R. O. Steely
Address—Burma Miss C. Illingworth
Hymn No. 654.
Jenediction Rev. G.
Devotional Service Mrs. Alexander Scott
Report of District Corresponding
Secretary - Miss Blanche Shuler
Report of District Supt. of Young
People’s Work Miss Miriam Gouldy
Department Work. .
Christian Stewardship Mrs. Alexander Scott
Extension Mrs. Charles Lehman
Publicity Mrs. M. 8S. Derstine
Interdenominational Mrs, Clarence Peaslee
Field Support Mrs. T® D. S. Bordner
Report of District Treasurer
Miss Louise Clinger
Ladies’ Chorus
3. Smith
Roll Call.
L-M.Ntary Miss Lulu Rubright
Making the Wheels Go Miss C. Maxwell
Election of Officers.
Report of Committees.
League of Intercessors Mrs. M. S. Derstine
Noontide Prayer Mrs. M. B. Rich
West Susquehanna Classis at Boals-
burg Next Week. ~
The sixty-seventh annual session of
. the West Susquehanna Classis of the
Reformed church will convene at
Boalsburg next Monday evening, May
| 14h, and continue in session until the
! Tharsday following.
The sessions will open with a pre-
‘paratory service in the Reformed
| church at 7:45 p. m., after which they
Iwill be continued as per the following
, program:
{Altar Services—Rev. J. S. Hollenbach and
i Zev, W. A. McClellan,
g sermon ‘by Rev, W. E. Harr, re-
_tiring president. .
i Organization of Classis.
| Address—Bethany Orphans’ Home—Rev,
W. F. Moore, D. D.
Address of Welcome—Mr.
TUESDAY, MAY 15—8.45 A. M.
Services—Rev. W. C. Slough
Rev. R. Ira Gass.
Communion Address—Rev. Frederick A.
: tupley, D. D.
Evening Session—7:45 P. M.
Altar Services—Rev. E. H. Zechman
Rev. H. A. Hartman.
Address by Rev. C. B. Schneder,
| Shamokin, Pa.
{ 9:30 p. m.—Reception for members of the
Classis by St. John's Reformed congrega-
tion. Rev. W. C. Rittenhouse will preside
"and Dr. A. M. Schmidt, and Revs, J. F. B.
H. M. Hoster-
Altar and
D.. D
' HK. H. Romig will speak.
| WEDNESDAY, MAY 16—8:45 A. M.
| Evening Session—7:45 P. M.
Miss Bra- 1 Altar Services—Rev. W. W. Clouser and |
Rev. R. F. Gass.
Address by a Foreign Missionary.
i The Classis has an enrollment of 29
‘ministers who serve 63 congregations
with 6344 members. Last year these
| congregations contributed $30,656 for
"benevolent work and $48,832 for con-
‘gregational purposes.
——— A mn.
Clearfield County Child Kiiled by
| State College Motorist.
| Annie Lorraine Freeman, five year
jold daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van
| Freeman, of, Stronach, near Grampian,
I Clearfield county, was almost instant-
‘1y killed last Friday afternoon by be-
‘ing hit by a seven passenger Cadillac
| car driven by Charles H. Tressler, of
| State College. Eye witnesses of the
accident exonerated the driver from
‘all blame.
He was on his way home from a trip
to Brookville, Jefferson county, and
iin the vicinity of Stronach the little
Freeman girl ran out from be-
hind a rural mail carrier's car
right in front of Tressler’s car.
The latter was going only at a
moderate speed and swerved his
car as quickly as possible but the
fender of the car struck the child on
the head, crushing her skull. Mr.
Tressler stopped his car within thirty
feet and assisted in carrying the lit-
tle one to the home of her parents,
some two hundred feet distant, but
she died before the house was reached.
Mr. Tressler promptly gave himself
up to the authorities but after a com-
plete examination into the facts sur-
rounding the accident, he was exoner-
ated from all responsibility and allow-
led to proceed on his way. Notwith-
| standing this fact he was greatly dis-
| tressed over the unfortunate affair.
———The Main show proved too much
of an atraction on Monday evening for
the members of Bellefonte borough
council as not enough of them could
ibe found to make a quorum, so no
‘meeting was held.
Next Sunday will be Mother’s day.
A day apart from all others than
Christmas, that those who sense the
wonders of a mother’s love must con-
secrate to the sweetest memories or
devotion to the woman who bore them.
A mother has been the inspiration
of all the progress of the world, Read
the tributes Washington, Lincoln,
Grant and Cleveland paid to their
mothers and their's were no different
in wondrous love than yours have been
or are to you.
“Bred in those domestic and inde-
pendent habits which graced Virginia
matrons in the old days of Virginia,
this lady, by the death of her husband,
became involved in the cares of a
young family at a period when those
cares seem more especially to claim
the aid and control of the stronger
sex. It was left for this eminent wom-
an, by a method the most rare, by an
education and discipline the most pe-
culiar and imposing, to form in the
youth-time of her son those great and
essential qualities which gave lustre
to the glories of his after-life. If
Church Services Next Sunday.
“We aim to serve.”
Lord’s day services: 9:45 Bible
school with classes for all ages. Spe-
cial classes for adults at the same
hour as the main school. 10:45 morn-
ing worship; sermon theme, “Burning
the Briar Fields.” There will also be
a message for the junior congregation.
3 p. m. Junior Christian Endeavor so-
ciety meeting in the church auditor-
ium. 6:30 p. m. senior Christian En-
deavor Society meeting in the church
auditorium. Leader, Sarah Smith.
7:30 p. m. evening worship; sermon
theme, “The One Altogether Lovely.”
The preacher for the day will be Rev.
Thomas Young.
Mid-week service of Bible study and
prayer every Wednesday evening at
7:30. Study the 18th chapter of the
Book of Acts for May 16th. Seats are
all free. Acousticon service. All are
David R. Evans, M. A., Minister.
the school savored more of the Spar-
‘tan than Persian character, it was a |
{fitter school to form a hero, destined
to be the ornament of the age in which |
he flourished and a standard of excel-
lence for ages yet to come. i
| “The home of Mrs. Washington, of
Services for Sunday, May 13th:
Salem—Sunday school 9:30. Regu-
lar services 10:30.
Millheim—Sunday school 9:30; C. E..
6:30; regular services 7:30.
This is Mother's day, so we want
Lo E {the mothers and the child :
(which she was always mistress, was a | children to be
i pattern of order. There the levity and P resent, The sermon will be in keep-
indulgence common to youth were |
tempered by a deference and well- |
iregulated restraint, which while it
‘any rational enjoyment used in the |
spring-time of life, prescribed those :
enjoyments within the bounds of mod- |
eration and propriety. Thus the chief |
was taught the duty of obedience,’
‘which prepared him to command. Stiil
the mother held in reserve an author- |
ity which never departed from her
even when her son had become the
‘most illustrious of men. It seemed to |
say ‘I am your mother, the being who !
gave you life, the guide who directed
your steps when you needed a guar-
dian; my maternal affection drew
j forth your love; my authority con-
strained your spirit; whatever may be
your success or your renown next to |
your God your reverence is due to
| “Nor did the chief dissent from
these truths, but to the last moments
of his venerable parents, yielded to
her will the most dutiful and implicit
, obedience, and felt for her person and
‘character the highest respect and the
'most enthusiastic attachment.”
Lincoln said, “All I am or can be I
owe to my angel Mother.”
i “Grant’s love for his family was one
i of the strongest and most attractive
| traits of his character. He never
failed to appreciate the worth of his
{mother’s love, patience and wisdom
{during his early years at Georgetown.
i “When she died in 1883, at Jersey
Heights, N. J., the General, when at
the funeral said to Dr. Howard Hen-
jderson, her pastor:
i “‘In the remarks which you make
'speak of her only as a pure-minded,
'simple-hearted earnest, = Methodist
Christian. = Make no refererice to me
las she gained nothing by any position
IL have filled or honors that may have
‘been paid me. I owe all this and all
{I am to her earnest, modest and sin-
I cere piety.’ ”
| On the eve of his election to the
i Governorship of New York State in
11882, Grover Cleveland thus wrote to
his brother:
| “I have just voted and I sit here in
‘the office alone. If mother were alive,
{I should be writing to her, and I feel
‘as if it were time for me to write to
‘some one who will believe what I
write * * * = Tghall have no idea
(of re-election or of any high prefer-
(ment in my head, but be very thank-
{ful and happy if I serve one term as
the people’s Governor. Do you know
i that if mother were alive I should feel
so much safer. I have always thought
(her prayers had much to do with my
I shall expect you to help
me in that way.”
is Taxed in Chicago |
| Chicago Heights is a suburb of Chi-
‘cago. It is a corporate municipality,
"however, with a population of 19,000
and lays its own local taxes. And a
perusal of the Star, of that city, in
which a list of the objects taxable is
published, convinces us that the Belle-
fonte councilmen would be drawn and
quartered if they were even to dream
of doing what those of Chicago
Heights do. Merle M. Wetzel, a son of
the late Oscar Wetzel, of this place,
who is with the Public Service compa-
ny, of Northern Illinois, writes in
wonderment as to what his old home
town merchants would do if they had
to pay taxes like these.
| Everything
Each pleasure automobile - $ 5.00
1 ton truck - - - - 20.00
3 ton truck - - - - - 30.00
1 horse - - - - - 5.00
2 horses - - - - - 7.50
Jewelers, over two men - - 50.00
Meat markets - - - - 35.00
Bakeries - - - - - 50.00
Junk yards - - - - - 100.00
Coal yards - - - - - 100.00
Coffee Houses - - - - 200.00
Ice cream cones - - - - 50.00
Theatres - - - - - 500.00
Circus per day - - - - 100.00
Ice cream parlors, 8 to 24 chairs 85.00
Electrical signs - - - - 5.00
5 feet signs - - - - 4.00
Hotels - - - - - 75.00
Rooming Houses - - 15.00 to 65.00
Pool rooms - - - - 150.00
Soft drink parlors - - - 200.00
and so on down the line of every thing
in or about the town.
All these taxes are laid in addition
to the county and state levies and
Merle is right when he says:
“Wouldn’t they raise Cain if anything
like this was to be done in Belle-
fonte 2”
Marriage Licenses.
Herbert B. Groves, St. Augustine,
Florida, and Margaret Brady, Flem-
suppressed nor condemned |
ing with the occasion.
Catechise on Saturday afternoon at.
1:30, at the parsonage.
Rev. John S. Hollenbach, Pastor.
“The Friendly Church.”
Sunday after Ascension. Sunday
school 9:30 a. m. with contest for
highest percentage class attendance.
Last Sunday eighty-nine per cent. of
the number enrolled in the school was
present, Morning worship 10:45
“Ideal Womanhood.” A sermon ap-
propriate to Mother’s day. Junior
church 2 DP. m. Vesper service 7:30,
“The White Flower of Motherhood.”
Organ recital by George A. Johnston
7:30 to 7:45. Visitors are always wel-
Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister
Mother’s day services will be held
next Sunday morning at 10:45. A
special service with appropriate
hymns and recitations will be used.
Evening service with sermon at 7:30.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and C. E.
meeting at 6:45 p. m.
Ambrose M. Schmidt, D.D., Minister,
Our motto: Every member at wor-
ship; every member at study; every
member at work.
Early watch at 6:30 by the Epworth
League. A Mother's day sermon at
10:45; special music. The daughters
will give each mother a token of love.
The older mothers who wish to at-
tend will be brought by cars, if word
1s sent. Children baptized at this
hour. Juniors 2:30; young people's
service at 7:30. The Epworth League:
‘will. observe their anniversary by giv-
ing a special program. The new offi-
cers will be installed.
Monday night, teacher training,
7:30. Tuesday night Bible study and
prayer, 7:30. .
The Woman’s Foreign Missionary
isociety of the Williamsport district
will hold their convention
church May 15th and 16th.
E. E. McKelvey, Pastor.
Services for the week beginning
May 13. Sunday in the Octave of the
Ascension, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist;
9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a. m. Mat-
tins and sermon, “About the Lord's
Ascension.” 2:30 p. m. sacrament of
confirmation and sermon by the Rt.
Rev. Bishop Darlington, of Harris-
burg. 7:30 p. m. evensong. Thurs-
day, 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Visit-
ors always welcome.
Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector.
Divine worship 10:30 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Class meeting 9 a. m. Sunday
school 9:30 a. m.; Mission band 2 p.
m.; Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.
This is Mother’s day and in the morn-
ing the pastor will speak on “The
Motherhood of Hannah, and the Child-
hood of Samuel.” Everybody wel-
in this
Reed O. Steely, Minister.
Christian Science Society, Furst
building, High street, Sunday service
11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet-
ing at 8 o’clock. To these meetings
all are welcome. An all day free
reading room is open to the public
every day. Here the Bible and Chris-
tian Science literature may be read,
borrowed or purchased.
——Martha van Rensselaer, head of
the home economics department of
Cornell University, who has been
chosen by the Voter’s League, as one
of America’s twelve greatest women,
is a niece of Miss Sara Owen, of How-
ard street. Miss van Renssalaer has
frequently visited with her aunts in
Bellefonte, and is well known to some
of our residents.
It Takes a Judge to Point Out the
Shortcomings of an Attorney.
A certain attorney had a case in
court which required the reading of
considerable manuscript. He kept
holding it farther and farther away.
The Judge, noticing his effort to get
the proper focus said, “Mr. Attorney,
if you can’t afford glasses get a pair
of tongs. They'll help some.”
I fit the attorney now he can
clearly at any distance.
If you are in the same boat consult
Dr. Eva B. Roan, Optometrist.
censed by the State Board.
Bellefonte every Wednesday after-
noon, and Saturday 9 a. m. to 4:30 p.
ing, Pa.
Maleolm S. Bathurst and Sarah S.
1 + 1
Shultz, Mileshurg.
m. Rooms 14 and 15 Temple Court
State College every day except
Saturday. Both phones. 68-1