Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 11, 1923, Image 3

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Bellefonte, Pa., May 11, 1923.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
By actual count on Sunday there
were 1800 automobiles passed through
our town.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Noll and Mrs.
J. Abner Noll are visiting this week
with friends in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Robb and daughter, Mrs. Har-
ry Barr, of Altoona, are visiting at
the home of Harry McClincy.
Miss Clara Smoyer, who has been
at the Cresson sanitorium for the past
year, is home on a short vacation and
we are glad to say very much improv-
ed in health.
“Come in and rest a bit-Tea House”
is the sign for the Mrs. Gough’s new
restaurant just established. Lunch-
es of every description are served.
We bespeak success for the new ven-
ture as Mrs. Gough is a scrupulously
cleanly, tidy woman and is an expert
Collins Baumgardner continues to
be chief cook and bottle-washer at his
home. A week ago he took Mrs.
Baumgardner to Tyrone to spend a
week with her daughter’s family. Sun-
day morning he left bright and early
to bring her home, but found her rath-
er ill to return, so she decided to stay
another week.
If a man’s wife is quick-tempered,
irritable or cranky, he ought to make
due allowance for it, remembering
that she, like himself, is but human.
She may be an angel in spirit, but
there are times in the lives of all
when the flesh steals a march on the
spirit. He probably makes allowance
for this when dealing with others, but
when he comes home it is forgotten.
How many there are who leave their
amiability at their office or place of
business, when they go home at night.
The farmers are surely a highly fa-
vored class. They can now borrow
from $500 to $25,000 from the Federal
Land bank, of Baltimore, at 5% per
cent. per annum and by 1 per
cent. on a loan of $1000 per annum
additional they have 33 years to
pay off loan, principal and interest. I
was just thinking that now, as usual,
on the approach of a Presidential elec-
tion the farmers are in evidence, since
they are a powerful factor in politics.
However, the proposition is a com-
mendable one and should aid material-
ly in advancing the interest of the
tillers of the soil.
The automobile industry is surely
making wonderful progress. We have
two well equipped garages, and it is
astounding the work they turn out
daily. Sommers and Jodon are locat-
ed at the forks of the road leading to
State College; the firm was establish-
ed two years ago; in addition to their
auto repair work they turned in and
wired our residences for electric light.
The auto repair work crowded them
so hard they finally had to abandon
the wiring of houses. The firm is
practical and capable hence have all
the work they can handle. Henry N oll
is the possessor of the extensive up-
to-date garage adjacent to the hotel
and postoffice. Henry's progress is
agreeably surprising all his friends;
he handles every machine on the mar-
ket but is a Ford enthusiast; what he
don’t know about the Ford is not
worth knowing. Mr. Noll, very wise-
ly, before embarking in business on
his own account procured a position
in a large Philadelphia auto establish-
ment; when through there he served
quite a while in an extensive factory
in Indiana; his final apprenticeship
found him in an up-to-date factory in
Michigan. A year ago he opened his
garage and owing to his close atten-
tion to business, he is quite proficient,
hence it is that he is over-taxed with
patronage and is often obliged to re-
main at his work until after midnight.
His success is assured.
Miss Madge Allison, of Howard,
spent Sunday with friends in this
Miss Jane Yearick, who has been
seriously ill with diphtheria, is now
slowly improving.
Do not forget the festival to be
held in this place on May 30th, Me-
morial day. A pleasant time is as-
sured all who may attend.
Willard Weaver and Christ Heaton
autoed to the latter’s home at Marsh
Creek, on Sunday, where they had din-
ner then continued their trip to Yar-
nell and home by way of Bellefonte.
Sunday guests at the William Wea-
Copyright, 192.1 by McClure Newspaper Syndicate,
ver home were Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
Sorghum and son Harold, with the lat-
ter’s wife and daughter Mildred and
son Sterling, and Miss Helen Reeder,
all of Flemington; Mrs. Maude Pletch-
er and baby, Misses Trenna and Hazel
Diese, and Reed Dietz, all of Blanch-
D. W. Meyer recently purchased a
new Chevrolet touring car.
Mrs. J. W. Keller, of Linden Hall, is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Beck, of Lock Haven,
Tuesday in town tuning pianos.
Workmen are preparing to give the
mile of state road in this section a top
Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Dale, of
Pleasant Gap, were recent visitors at
the home of A. W. Dale.
The Charles Segner family pur-
chased a piano through the Daniel
Koch agency, of Sunbury.
Mr. and Mrs. Fernow Russel, of
Lewistown, recently visited Mrs. Rus-
sel’s mother, Mrs. Ellen Young.
Mr. ayd Mrs. Heverley, of State
College, visited Mrs. Heverley’s moth-
er, Mrs. John Close, on Sunday.
Fred Reitz returned home on Satur-
day after attending an automobile
school in Detroit, Mich., for the past
six months.
The Susquehanna Classis of the Re-
formed church will open Manday even-
ing, May 14th, and continue until
Wednesday evening.
The body of Mrs. Alonza Rupp. of
Altoona, was brought to Boalsburg on
Wednesday for interment in the Re-
formed and Lutheran cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gimberling
and son Francis, of Selinsgrove, spent
the week-end at the home of Henry
Reitz, and were accompanied to their
home by Mrs. Reitz, who will visit
friends for a week.
Seven pupils composed the gradu-
ating class of the Boalsburg High
school. The commencement exercises
were held in the Reformed church, on
Wednesday evening. Prof. O. L.
Smith delivered the address and the
Bellefonte High school orchestra fur-
nished the music.
Mrs. B. F. Stover, who had been
quite ill some time ago and had im-
proved very much, has had a relapse.
Samuel Boyer, who does not improve
ing, fhongh not able to be about as
We regret to note the illness of Mrs.
Samuel Boyer, who doe snot improve
as rapidly as her family and friends
desire. Mrs. Mary Burd is able to be
about again, though she is not in her
former health.
C. W. Wolfe was taken to the Geis-
inger hospital, in Danville, during the
past week. Mrs. Wolfe reports his con-
dition no better. As yet there has
been no operation. Their friends hope
he may find relief and finally a per-
manent cure.
Henry Mowery recently spent a few
days in Altoona with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McVey. Mrs. Mowery had
been with her daughter, Mrs. McVey,
for several weeks. She returned home
with her husband. They motored down
in Mr. McVey’s sedan. Mrs. Mowery
returned home somewhat improved in
Mrs. U. R. Swengle, of Lewisburg,
was an over night guest of her friend,
Mrs. Catharine Phillips, Wednesday,
the 2nd. Mrs. Swengle had attended
the Woman’s Home and Foreign Mis-
sionary convention of West Susque-
hanna Classis held in Tylersville. Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Witmer, nephew and
niece of Mrs. Phillips, of Salem, also
Soon a few hours recently, with their
Mike Kauffman went to Pittsburgh
on Monday.
_W. T. Kunes, of Mill Hall, called on
i many friends in this place recent-
Miss Verda Sparks, of Altoona,
spent Saturday with her parents, Rev.
and Mrs. G. A. Sparks.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan R. Lucas spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lucas’
sister, Mrs. Mary Heaton.
Edward Lucas departed for Polk,
last Sunday, where he will visit his
daughter, Mrs. Joseph Grunlee.
Miss Byrd Walker, of Snow Shoe,
spent the fore part of last week with
her aunt, Mrs. Earl Kauffman.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hancock and two
daughters, of Philipsburg, visited at
the home of Mr. Elias Hancock, last
The Christian Endeavor society
will hold a rally in the United Breth-
ren church in this place, on the even-
ing of May 17th.
“An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a
Pound of Cure.”
A disturbance of the even balance of
health, which often occurs in these trying
days of reconstruction may cause serious
trouble. Nobody can be too careful to
keep the balance up.
When people begin to lose appetite, or
to get tired easily, the least imprudence
brings on sickness, weakness, or debility.
The system needs ‘a tonic, craves it, and
should not be denied it; and the best ton-
ic that many people recommend is Hood's
Sarsaparilla. What this medicine has done
in keeping healthy people healthy, in keep-
ing up the even balance of health, gives
it the same distinction as a preventive that
it enjoys as a cure. Its early use has il-
lustrated the wisdom of the old saying
that “a stitch in time saves nine.”
Preventive treatment now and then ealls
for the use of a good cathartic or laxative,
like Hood’s Pills, which are purely vege-
table and act quickly and thoroughly.
Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Russian Refugee Aids Penn State’
One of the most striking cases of
college loyalty and sacrifice has just
come to light in connection with the
Pennsylvania State College $2,000,000
building fund campaign, with the ar-
rival at headquariars of a pledge for
$200 from “Tommy” Srednik, gradu-
ate of the college in the class of 1912.
Srednik endured untold hardships
and privation as a Russian refugee
following the outbreak of the world
war, and broken in mind and body,
with his money gone, he was finally re-
turned to America through the Red
Cross. Arriving in this country, he
found that his wife and child had both
died the previous year of influenza.
Weak and penniless, he began the
battle for recovery and it is only re-
cently that he has been able to be
about, and it is said that he is still
out of regular employment. Yet he
has not only pledged generously to the
college campaign, but he is spending
three nights or more a week canvass-
ing alumni in Philadelphia and has al-
ready secured many pledges.
Self-Fed Pigs Gain Better Than
The self-feeding of pigs is prefera-
ble to hand-feeding, with respect to
weight gained and the low cost of
gain, according to a feeding experi-
ment conducted at The Pennsylvania
State College agricultural experiment
station. Two lots of fifteen pigs each
were fed for ninety-nine days, a ration
of corn meal, buckwheat middlings and
tankage, self-fed to one lot and hand-
fed to the other. The self-fed lot
gained 1.3 pounds per day at a cost
per hundred-weight gain of $5.74 and
returned above feed cost $7.41 per pig,
as against .88 pounds, $7.78 and $3.18
for the hand-fed lot. The pigs in the
self-fed lot showed a decided advan-
tage in thrift and quality during the
last half of the experiment.
Then He Traveled.
For hours they had been together on
her front porth. The moon cast its
tender gleam down on the young and
handsome couple who sat strangely for
apart. He sighed. She sighed. Fi-
“] wish I had money, dear,” he said.
“I'd travel.”
Impulsively she slipped her hand in-
to his; then, rising swiftly, she sped
in the house.
Aghast, he looked at his hand. In
his palm lay a nickel.—Lampoon.
Some Good Advice
Strengthened by Bellefonte Exper-
Kidney disease is too dangerous to
neglect. At the first sign of back-
ache, headache, dizziness or urinary
disorders, you should give the weak-
ened kidneys prompt attention. Eat
little meat, take things easier and use
a reliable kidney tonic. There’s no
other kidney medicine so well recom-
mended as Doan’s Kidney Pills. Belle-
fonte people rely on them. Here's one
of the many statements from Belle-
fonte people.
Mrs. Boyd Vonada, E. Bishop St.,
says: “Some time ago my kidneys
were in a weak condition. I could
hardly rest at night and during the
day when I was on my feet doing my
housework my back gave out and
ached so I often had to stop and rest.
I frequently had dizzy nervous head-
aches and my kidneys acted too often.
I used Doan’s Kidney Pills purchased
at the Mott Drug Co., and they just
suited my case. They rid me, of the
backaches, headaches and dizziness.
My kidneys were regulated and I felt
60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 68-19.
Fine Job Printing
There is no atyle of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
i) on or communicate with this
Pills In Hod and God mond
sealed with Blue Ribbon,
known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
$1.75 Altoona
$1.25 Tyrone
Sunday May 13th
Eastern Standard Time
Leaves Bellefonte 8.47 a.m. Return-
ing leaves Altoona 7.00 p. m., Tyrone
7.25 p.m.
Pennsylvania R. R. System
The Route of the Broadway Limited 17-3t
are your's dependable ?
VEN our shrewdest million. Ear
aires may have worthless 2 2)
stocks or bonds tucked away RY aE
somewhere — for all stocks
have a measure of chance in
their selection.
/ []
(ld TIE
ga 1 Ease
Fall 0
Types of construction are past the
guess stage. Your home or other
buildings can be dependable as-
sets, safe from fire or deteriora-
tion, if properly built.
Get your building material deal-
er’s advice. He knows building
and knows materials.
“She Standard by which all other makes are measured”
What is Credit?
t is Reputation derived from the confidence
of others ; reputation for honesty and sol-
vency, that makes it possible for one to borrow.
It is based on character, on truth, on the
keeping of promises.
Credit is the most valuable asset a business
man can have ; it supplies capital, it enlarges oppor-
tunity—the business of the world is done through its
Ee is
We are always ready to give credit
to proper applicants.
The First National Bank
Bellefonte, Pa.
KLINE _ WOODRING — Attorney-at-
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. b61-1y
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law.
Practices in all the courts. Con-
sultation in English or German.
Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Bellefonte,
Pa. 40-22
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business en-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 East
High street. 37-44
J + . KE — Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Office on second floor of
Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation in English and Ger-
man. @ffice in ’,
Bellefonr pa, ce Crider’s Exchange
Bellefonte State College
Crider’s Exch. 66-11 Holmes Bldg.
5 Spay, or D. [Physician and
3 ate
county, Pa. Se
detice. Office at his resi-
3 7),
Wn 10
(YSowcsYIR Sic)
YOU'LL never regret using
our flour. But you will regret
not having started to use it
sooner. Start today by put-
ting a bag where you can al-
ways get it at a moment’s no-
tice. You will find a new pleas-
ure attached to your baking.
Try our flour—youw’ll like it
C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc.
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
Keep your Price
Up your Sleeve
until you see the prices on our
sleeve tickets.
Don’t give us an idea of what you
can afford to pay—Ilet us show you
values that you won’t be able to
turn down.
Some stores operate like this:
They say—*‘about. what, price are you looking for ?’’—
when the truth is that, you are not, looking for any price
at, all—you’re looking for a pattern.
We don’t, ask you anything about, the price—we produce
the goods. We please you first, and we have yet. to
have a customer faint. when we name the figure.
“Value First” Suits, $25 to $40—in Norfolks or Plain Black Models—many
with two pairs of Pants.
.... raubles....
| This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes Insurance Com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
The Preferred
$5,000 death b;
5,000 loss of
th feet,
500 loss of either hand,
,000 loss of either foot,
r week, to 18a) »
pet imit 52 wi )
10 per week, partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
or smaller amounts in proportion.
hs male or female, engaged in a
referred occupation, including Hote)
g, over eighteen years of age
good moral and physical condition may
nsure under this policv.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur®
ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
Agent, Bellefonte Pa.
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by buying poor
thin or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
High Street. 34-34-1y Bellefonte, Pa