Deuorvaic Wada, Bellefonte, Pa., April 20, 1923. A TALE OF TOBACCO. By L. A. Miller. Why do people smoke? Because they want to. This is prob- ably as satisfactory an answer as can be given to this oft repeated question. Why did they ever begin to smoke? It would be more interesting to trace—the habit to its origin, but un- fortunately there are no very reliable records from which to gather the de- sired information. Will they ever quit? find out. However, the strong, very strong, probabilities are that men will smoke as long as tobacco grows on the face of the earth, or until some- thing better has been discovered. To- bacco is a queer sort of weed anyway. The first account given of it was in 1560, when Jean Nicot found it in Por- tugal and sent seeds to France. He described it as possessing wonderful medical properties. The active prin- ciple of the plant was called nicotine, from the name of the discoverer. His researches showed that it had been known and used in Portugal for about forty years, to promote relation of the muscles and to soothe pain. The fumes of it were used for these purposes as well as decoctions and ap- plications of the leaf. At the time Ni- cot discovered it the Portugese were becoming quite fond of it and almost every house contained a tobago—a reed pipe—in which the dried leaf was smoked. The natives called it a so- lace and resorted to it for relief from every form of ill. - If a man ate too much he smoked, if he was hungry he smoked, if in pain he smoked, smoked when he was glad, and smoked when he was sad. ; Catherine de Medici got a whiff of it in 1572. It had such a queting ef- fect on her conscience that she clung to it, calling it herb de la reine. Soothing as it was it could not drown the recollections of the part she play- ed in the St. Bartholomew massacre, or in the removal of her husbands and son when they stood between her and the throne. The culture of tobacco spread so rapidly over Europe and Asia that it was only a few years after its discov- ery until it was known and used in all parts of the civilized world. It is so easily acclimated that there is no dif- ficulty in raising it anywhere, from Canada to the Equator. In 1660 a law was passed in England restricting its production to a very small quantity, for medical purposes only. This law still remains in force. The early set- tlers of Virginia devoted their atten- tion so exclusively to raising it that as early as 1616 a law was enacted pro- viding that food crops should not be neglected in its favor. The active principle of tobacco, a volatile alka- loid, was first obtained and described by Vanquelin in 1809. Its vapor is so powerful that one drop- of the alkaloid. evaporated .in a. room will render the atmosphere deadly poisonous. It is indeed a most potent poison, one drop of it being sufficient to kill a dog almost instant- ly. It has frequently been used in criminal poisoning, the case of Bar- come being one of the most noted. Orfilo, a chemist of high standing, found that it preserves animal tissues from decomposition, but it is so much more expensive than arsenic and has such an offensive odor that it will never be used very extensively for this purpose. He fixes the proportion of alkaloid in Havanna tobacco at two per cent.; Maryland from 2 to 3, and Virginia from 6 to 9. : A peculiarity about tobacco is that its quality depends almost entirely on the character of the ground in which it grows. That grown on the western portion of the Island of Cuba is far superior to that grown in the eastern section. There is a marked difference in that raised on different plantations in the same section and even In dif- ferent parts of the same plantation. Havana seed planted in the Connecti- cut valley produces an entirely differ- ent quality, the leaf being remarkably thin and silky and almost devoid of the aroma peculiar to the Cuban pro- duct. In Virginia the seed produces a leaf so rich in nicotine that it is entirely unfit for cigars, but especially well adapted for chewing and smoking to- bacco. Maryland, Ohio and Kentucky each produce very different qualities, all of which find special uses. The Connceticut leaf makes the fin- est wrappers for cigars, and is ship- ped in large quantities to Havana for that purpose. Cigars were not known until about 1815. Previous to that time pipes were used exclusively. Chewing had then been in vogue to a limited extent for some time, while snuffing dates back almost as far as smoking. : The first package sent to Catherine de Medici was in a fine powder. She found that in smelling it, in the box, affected her similarly to smoking, which led her to filling one of her smelling bottles with the dust. Her courtiers adopted the habit of snufting small portions of it up their nostril. As the precious stuff became more plentiful the snuffing habit became more general, until at last a man or woman was not considered as being in proper form unless he or she snuf- fed. The custom became so common in England that a snuff-box was no long- er an insignia of rank. Then it was that the law prohibiting the culture of the plant, except for medicine, was passed. About the same time a heavy tariff was placed on the important ar- ticle, thereby practically placing it beyond the reach of the common herd and giving royalty a complete monop- oly. Since it first began to be used as a luxuiy, there have been conflicting opinions in regard to its effects. The Romish church once forbade its use, and the Church of England declaimed against it. The Wesleys opposed it hotly, and at one time it was consid- ered so unclean as to unfit men for menibership in the Methodist church. Baptists and Presbyferian ministers preached against it, and societies were organized to oppose the spread of the habit, but all to no purpose. Parents disowned and disinherited No fellow can a their children because they used it, and husbands divorced their wives on account of their having contracted the habit of smoking. It is singular that when women grt into the habit of smoking a pipe, they prefer a strong one. There are few men who have nerve enough to smoke a pipe such as a woman likes when she has become a confirmed smoker. When they first begin puffing cigars they prefer them very mild, but it is not long until they want them black and strong, and lots of them. The first chew or first cigar, is al- ways long remembered, for they al- most invariably produce a sickness only parallel to that of the sea-sick- ness, and, like the latter, the victim is not at all frightened, but wants to} die, or at least does not care whether he lives or not. As soon as the at- tack is over, however, he'is ready to try it again. By patience and persist- ence the nauseating effects are over- come, and the deathly sickness gives place to delightful sensations. The pipe is less popular among ladies in this country now than it was fifty years ago. In the southern States, however, the women of the middle and lower classes nearly all either smoke or rub snuff, and not a few do both. Storekeepers in many parts of the south buy snuff by the barrel, and keep it under the counter with their stock of sugar and coffee. The excessive use of tobacco in any form cannot help being more or less harmful. That it deranges the stom- ach is evident from the number of well defined cases of delirium tremens caused by it, to say nothing of various other nervous phencmena. The moderate use of it, while rarely ever beneficial, may not be positively harmful. The most that can be said in its favor is that it affords a great deal of satisfaction to those who have become used to it. On the other hand, smoking fouls the breath, injures the sense of taste, vitiates the atmosphere of a room, and entails unnecessary ex- pense. Chewing is more filthy than smoking, but not as expensive. Phy- sicians are not agreed as to which is the more harmful. rt A ees. Sure to Succeed. Original men are not content to be governed by tradition; they think for themselves, and the result is often that they succeed where others fail. Now a certain photographer never says to a woman customer, “Look pleasant, madam, if you please.” He knows a formula infinitely better than that. In the most natural manner in the world he remarks: “It is unnecessary to ask you to look pleasant; I am sure you could not look otherwise.” Then click goes the camera and the result is never in doubt.—Philadelphia Ledger. Ask for 590,000 Seedlings. Moie than 590,000 forest tree seed- ER BR RCT This number is 150,000 more than were requested in 1922 and greatly exceed- Bee number for any year since 1916. Tempting Fruit Blossoms. “Consider the farmer,” is a message to the town and city dwellers of Cen- tre county, coming from the county Farm Bureau office. Hundreds of dol- lars of damage is caused each spring through unintentional acts of auto- ists and hikers who like to get out into the country on a day’s outing in the spring of the year. A spray of apple, peach or cherry blossoms, to be used as a house deco- ration in the city home, is a great temptation to a motorist passing a tree in full bloom and out of sight of the farm house. Those tempted are likely to overlook the fact that hun- dreds of others on the same day might be struck with the same fancy. The Farm Bureau office points out that the farmer has a hard enough time these days making ends meet with his pruning and spraying of fruit trees, picking and packing the fruit and marketing it. The armful of blos- soms carried off by an auto party may , mean a bushel or two of apples lost to | the grower; a group of boys can | thoughtlessly lose him a bushel of | peaches, and a crate of cherries may i be represented in the armfulls of blos- soms that cannot be resisted by a, group of young men and women hik- ers. Spring time in the country is a good time to observe the “Golden Rule,” says the State College agricul- tural extension representative. Honey Crop Could be Increased Ten- Fold. “It is conservative to estimate tnat the honey crop of Pennsylvania could be increased ten-fold. The State has too many bee-keepers and too few honey producers,” says Professor N. E. Phillips, extension bee specialist at The Pennsylvania State College. Through too frequent instances of poor management, he claims that the true value of honey production on 2 commerical scale has not been real- ized. A survey of the State shows that the honey crop is greatly lessen- ed each year, chiefly due to bee dis- eases, inadequate winter protection, no attempt at swarm control and the use of scrub stock of bees or those of in- ferior breeding. Proper care and management of bees now owned by Pennsylvania bee- keepers would do much to improve conditions. The State College exten- sion program for bee culture aims at the bee man’s problems and also to in- terest more bee-keepers in commercial honey production. Professor Phillips makes his headquarters at State Col- lege, Pa., and between visits to the lings were applied for through the Johnstown office of the forestry de- | partment for planting this spring. | various counties for demonstration work, answers bee questions for the many who seek this information. Man’s Best Friends. PROTECT the birds That eat the insects That destroy the forests That preserve the waters That fill the reservoirs That irrigate the lands That produce the crops That supply the markets That previde the foods That nourish the people Who make the laws. —OQOur Dumb Animals. Real Estate Transfers. W. Frank Weaver, et ux, to Hugh G. Crumlish, et ux, tract in Spring township; $3,100. W. C. Krader, trustee, to Wm. W. Vonada, tract in Gregg township; $75. Sarah Sprankle’s heirs to Emma Sahaeh tract in Spring township; Cambria Steel Co. to Johnstown Reatly Co., tract in State of Pa.; $100. Adam Grenoble’s Exrs. to G. B. Bitner, tract in Gregg township; $900. D. B. Brisbin, et al, to Warren A. Homan, tract in Centre Hall; $3,750. W. R. Gardner’s Exrs. to Lloyd W. Bechdel, tract in Howard; $5,250. Darius W. Cole, et ux, to Emma Sern tract in Spring township; . Esther M. Sheiffer to Miles IL Bressler, tract in Gregg township; $1,500. George W. Miller to William C. | Martin, tract in Spring township; $1,- 800. Arthur B. Lee, et ux, to Arthur M. Sev, tract in Gregg township; $4,- T. A. Womelsdorf, Atty., to Emma M. Buckwalter, tract in Rush town- ship; $150. Sadie Myrtle Kennedy, et bar, to John H. Garland, et ux, tract in Rush township; $3,000. A. A. Frank, et ux, to C. G. Hassin- ger, tract in Millheim; $790. J. D. Irish, et al, to Michael Mc- Cartney, tract in Rush township; $30. _ Flora Roach to Wm. Roach, tract in Rush township; $10. Rebecca Smith, et al, to John C. Smith, tract in Gregg township; $1. Esther M. Sheiffer to Harry A. Cor- man, tract in Gregg township; $110. But We Have to Have It. From the Kansas City Star. The Irish people are reported to be disturbed over the prospect that the Free State government will cost about 30 per cent. more than government as part of the United Kingdom. They may be disturbed. But there is no reason for them to be surprised. The rest of the world long ago discovered that governments come high. A sus- picion is arising that they come a good deal higher than they are worth. —Get your job work done here. i i | | Large Size Shoes for Large Women We can fit the very largest foot with Stylish Shoes and give comfort. Yeager’s Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN BELLEFONTE, PA. Bush Arcade Building 58-27 IN —_. NUMBER OF BELLTELEPHONES IN PENNSYLVANIA = 1919-1922 Pi353:1 rr mara va {: ; Wy. ‘4 HN a SEVENTY THOUSAND NEW TELEPHONES WILL BE ADDED TO THE BELL SYSTEM PENNSYLVANIA THIS YEAR ArT the beginning of the year there were more than three-quarters of a million Bell telephones in the state. Every new telephone new wire, new central office equipment, new switchboard facilities. And new efforts on twenty thousand Bell Telephone people, who build, maintain, and operate the system. Seventy thousand new telephones in one |} year is the essential part of our program to keep pace with Pennsylvania’s tele- phone needs. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA C. W. Heilhecker added requires the part of the Local Manager Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. Lyon & Co. visit to our store will convince you that we have on display an array of Spring Styles that will please and delight the Woman or Miss who is in quest of a Spring Coat, Suit, Cape, Dress or Blouse, at attractively low prices. ~ Lyon & Co. New Line of Sweaters and Scarfs just arrived—a beautiful combination of colorings in Silk and Wool. Hosiery Attention, Kiddies-----The new hot weather Socks are now on display—all colors, all lengths, in plain and fancy. Ladies Silk Hose in all colors. Carpets and Draperies Make your Spring house-cleaning easy and your home attractive by buying your Carpets, Rugs, Draperies and Curtains here. Prices to suit all economical buy- ers. - Shoes We have Shoes to suit everybody— Mens Fine Dress Shoes Mens Working Shoes Ladies Dress Shoes Ladies Oxfords Ladies 1 and 2-Strap Oxfords Childrens Shoes—in All Colors Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.