Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 20, 1923, Image 3

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Teuorvaiic; Wald
"Bellefonte, Pa., April 20, 1923.
Country Correspondence
items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
Comrade Charles Smith transacted
business at State College on Friday.
Mrs. J. G. Miller is well along the
way to recovery from a bad attack of
Miss Lizzie Stover, of State College,
spent the Sabbath with her parents in
the Glades.
Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Stover were en-
tertained at dinner on Sunday at the
A. L. Bowersox home.
Postmaster David Barr is now con-
valescing slowly and expects to be on
the job in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gearhart, of
State College, spent the latter end of
the week with relatives in town.
Rev. J. W. McAlarney is conducting
a series of evangelistic meetings at
the Franklinville Methodist church.
Samuel I. and J. M. Corl, of Pine
Hall, were through the valley on Mon-
day looking up some good farm stock.
Little Bobbie Glenn, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Glenn, is slowly recover-
ing from a serious attack of pneumo-
Grandmother O’Bryan, who has
been quite ill the past month, is now
much improved and able to walk about
the house.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kustaborder,
with their two interesting boys, spent
Sunday at the elder Kustaborder home
near town.
David H. Krebs has suffered a re-
lapse and his condition is now regard-
ed as quite serious by his attending
The snow that fell in this section on
Saturday accumulated to a depth of
eight inches, but most of it had disap-
peared by Monday night.
“The Deacon” is the name of a play
which will be given this (Friday)
evening in the Grange hall at Rock
Springs. Everybody is invited.
After spending the winter at the
Brockerhoff house, in Bellefonte, Mrs.
Cyrus Goss has returned here and
opened her home for the summer.
Fred Dale Osman has put aside his
saw and hatchet and signed up with
Oscar Whitmer as his assistant this
summer on his farm at White Hall,
Mrs. Aaron Thomas, of Centre Hall,
came up on Friday to see how farmer
H. V. Stevens is getting along with
his work on the Thomas farm at Erb-
Merchant Ed. C. Martz loaded a car
of potatoes at Pennsylvania Furnace
on Monday for which he paid 75 cents
a bushel. The tubers were shipped to
Mrs. J. Edward Decker, of Belle-
fonte, with her three ' interesting
youngsters, spent the Sabbath with
her mother, Mrs. Sue Peters, on east
Main street.
Thomas Glenn and wife, of State
College; William Glenn and wife and
Russell Shirk and wife, of Boalsburg,
were royally entertained at the W. H.
Glenn home on Sunday.
After spending the winter months
at the home of her son-in-law, W. H.
Glenn, on east Main street, Mrs. Nan-
nie Bailey left on Monday for her
farm home at White Hall.
Miss Anna Dale and Mrs. Alice Mc-
Girk left last Friday for Palm Beach,
Fla., to join the latter’s hsband, H. F.
McGirk, who went south some weeks
ago for the benefit of his health.
Pennsvalley Lodge No. 276, I. O. O.
F., will install the newly elected offi-
cers tomorrow (Saturday) evening. A
full turnout is desired. A luncheon
and smoker will follow the exercises.
Russell Port, a former Pine Grove
Mills lad, but who spent the past
twenty years out in the “wild and
woolly west,” has purchased the J. F.
Saucerman property at Rock Springs,
Tete he expects to locate permanent-
Mrs. Scott Bailey, of Altoona, spent
the latter end of the week calling on
old neighbors here and at State Col-
lege. She lived in this section until
four years ago, when she moved to
the Mountain city, and life there
seems to agree with her amazingly
Mr. Tohler, of the Y. M. C. A. ex-
tension department at State College,
visited our Sunday schools on Sunday
in the interest of the boy’s conference
to be held at State College for three
days, beginning today. The Presby-
terian Sunday school here will be rep-
resented by Donald Kepler and George
After spending two weeks under the
Copyright, 1921 by McClure Newspaper Syndicate
Samuel A. Homan returned home last
Friday, very much encouraged with
the fact that he will not lose the sight
of his right eye. In order to be near
his family physician he has taken
rooms at State College, making occa-
sional trips to his farm at Baileyville,
which is tenanted by Ernest Miller.
Our home talent play, “The Poor
Married Man,” was presented to a
crowded house on Saturday evening,
standing room being at a premium.
H. B. Ward had the entertainment in
charge and is to be congratulated up-
on its success, as the amateur actors
and actresses were enthusiastically
applauded. The receipts netted $122.-
00, which go to the treasury of the
Methodist church.
On Tuesday evening of last week a
large number of good hearted women,
carrying huge baskets of cake, freez-
ers of ice cream, etc., invaded the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Meyers,
on west Main street, as a surprise
birthday party for the lady of the
house. During the thirty-eight years
of their married life Mr. and Mrs.
Meyers have lived in this place and on
the farm at Meek’s church, retiring
twelve years ago. They have three
daughters and one son as well as six
grand-children. Mrs. Meyers receiv-
ed many beautiful presents as tokens
of the esteem in which she is held.
Israel Reitz, of Petersburg, spent
Monday night with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mothersbaugh
and family spent Saturday in Belle-
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer visited
their daughter, Mrs. Lee Brooks, near
Spring Mills, on Sunday.
The Boalsburg tavern has again
been opened to the public. The inter-
ior has been beautified by paper and
Paul Coxey, a Freshman at Penn
State, has been quite ill and was
brought to his home on Saturday
Harold Coxey, of Altoona, spent
some time in town last week, engaged
in wiring the R. B. Harrison home for
Drs. Dale, Grover Glenn and Foster,
of State College, and Dr. Longwell, of
Centre Hall, were in town profession-
ally this week.
Miss Anna Martz is visiting friends
in Florida. Mrs. H. F. McGirk and
Miss Anna Dale also went to Palm
Beach, where they will remain for an
indefinite time.
Mrs. A. J. Hazel spent several days
at Allentown, accompanying her
daughter, Mrs. Charles Maxwell, to
that place on her return to her home
near Albany, N. Y.
Mrs. R. B. Harrison, Squire John F.
Zechman and “Billy” Reish have been
quite ill during he past week. Sam-
uel Wagner and Elmer Houtz are
convalescing slowly.
The Ishler-Coxey family moved to
the Boal house, on Mountain street,
and will have the house they occu-
pied torn down and a new residence
built during the summer.
Phildel Rodgers departed on Mon-
day for Cripple Creek, Colorado.
Walter Lucas and John Fasic, of
Altoona, spent Monday at Runville.
W. T. Kunes, of Mill Hall, called at
ie home of Jacob Shirk, on Wednes-
Miss Clara Hall, of Dix Run, is vis-
iting at the home of her uncle, Michael
E. R. Hancock, of Philipsburg, spent
Thursday afternoon with his parents
in this place.
Mrs. Claude Lucas, of Snow Shoe,
spent Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Annie Lucas.
Mr. and Mrs. Green Heaton, of
Rockview, spent Monday at the home
of L. J. Heaton.
Mrs. Silas Emenhizer and little son,
of Snow Shoe, spent a few days last
week in this place.
Corbin McKinley, of Milesburg,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Boyd Johnson.
Mrs. Ida Witmer, of Wingate, spent
Tuesday afternoon at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Earl Kauffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hancock are vis-
iting at the home of Mrs. Hancock’s
sister, Mrs. Clara Leathers, at Union-
Miss Lucy Smoyer and Mrs. Dora
Rine, after spending a week with
friends in Bellefonte, came home last
Mrs. Mollie Shirk and Mrs. Jennie
Walker spent the week-end at Lock
Haven, at the home of Mrs. Shirk’s
daughter, Mrs. Thomas Hoover.
April is the Bud Month, With Nature
Most Active.
The name April comes from Aper-
ire, which means to open—and if you
will get out of doors during April you
will see the buds opening. It used to
be called the grass month, also, and it
might just as well be called that now,
for it is certainly a grassy month.
There is grass all summer, of
course, and it grows in other months
than April, but it is this month that
we notice the grass much more than at
other times. April is the first month
of the year where the grass every-
where in the fields and along the roads
ond streams becomes green and splen-
Each month in the year seemes to
be the most beautiful when it comes.
That is, there is such beauty in the
world all the time that a fellow can
sit down any time and say, “This is
the prettiest month of the year,” and
get away with it, as the boys say.
Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
care of a specialist in Philadelphia |
Mrs. Samuel Noll spent a few days
in Harrisburg last week.
Fred Roush, of Altoona, was a vis-
itor in our town recently.
Willis Markle is having his house
wired this week for electric light.
Mrs. Maurice Mulfinger and chil-
dren are visiting in Spring Mills.
Mrs. Mary Bolander, of Lancaster,
is visiting with grandmother Bilger.
Miss Georgianna Steel, of Niagara
Falls, is visiting here among friends.
Mrs. T. E. Langley, of Williams-
port, visited a few days last week with
Mrs. R. S. Melroy. :
Samuel Reish, who had been ser-
iously ill with pneumonia, is much
improved at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Frazier, of
Spring Mills, were Sunday visitors at
the home of D. F. Rimmey.
Mrs. John Noll was called to Wood-
lawn, last week, on account of the ser-
ious illness of her grand-son, Dean
Mr. W. A. Hoover's Sunday school
class was royally entertained last Fri-
day evening at the home of Miss Net-
tie Gill.
Miss Margaret Keller entertained a
number of friends at cards last Friday
evening. All report having a wonder-
ful time.
Mrs. John Herman very wisely or-
dered a good supply of choice fruit
trees, and is transforming each of her
vacant lots into orchards. She says if
the trees don’t produce in her time,
they will come in all right for the
coming generation.
Mrs. Mary Houser sold her home
adjacent to the William Ross farm, to
Mr. Ross, recently. Consideration
$1,000. Mr. Ross very kindly allows
Mrs. Houser to remain on the premis-
es for six months, or until she can se-
cure a place of residence. Billy’s hos-
pitality knows no bounds.
When the time sets in the average
society woman becomes excited and
fidgety about going to the sea shore.
She may not know what she wants to
go for, but she wants to go, and that
is enough for a woman to know. As
a rule, women are not philosophical;
but there must be an exception made
in favor of sea-shore philosophy. It
isn’t the cold, hard-lived philosophy of
the scientist, nor the radiant, high-
colored philosophy of the crank, but
plain natural philosophy, such as can
be found pure in children and women.
They want to do a thing because they
want to and ought to, and what they
ought to do is a duty, and duty is
right; therefore, if they want to go it
is their duty to go, and it is not right
to hinder them. The benefits arising
from a visit to the sea depends very
largely upon what you go for, or
whether you have any business there.
The mere fact that you are tired of
staying at home is not a sufficient rea-
son for going; neither is the fact that
your neighbor has gone a valid excuse
for you to shut up your house and
pack off for a month’s broiling and
steaming. Sick people should not go
to the sea-shore except on the advice
of competent physicians.
Left over from last week.
Mrs. William Boozer went to Ty-
rone on Tuesday to assist Roy Puff’s
in moving.
Miss Verna Frantz was married on
Saturday evening. Her husband is a
young man named Noll.
The Homan garage foundation is
being put in on the B. D. Brisbin lot,
recently purchased by Warren Homan.
Miss Grace Fye and Stewart Mus-
ser were married at the Lutheran par-
sonage on Sunday evening after the
preaching services. :
Mrs. W. A. Odenkirk returned from
Philadelphia last Saturday, after a
short visit at the home of John Au-
man, who resided in Centre Hall until
Miss Laura Runkle, who has not
been well for quite a while, left for the
Geisinger hospital on Wednesday
morning, for observation and possible
Mr. Runkle, the elderly gentleman
who has made his home with Mr. and
Mrs. Charley Fink for some time, died
on Sunday night, and was buried at
Tusseyville on Tuesday.
Last Saturday evening, Muth, the
younger of the E. E. Bailey boys, had
the misfortune to trip and fall hard
enough to break his arm. He was
hurried to the office of Dr. H. W.
Longwell, who reduced the fracture.
Mrs. Albert Mackey, who has been
ill the past week, is able to be around
Thelma, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Monteith, is spending
some time with her grandmother in
Services will be held in the Reform-
ed church on Sunday evening at sev-
en o'clock. Sunday school at 9:30 a.
m. Everybody is invited to attend.
Many of our people attended the re-
ceptions held in the Howard High
school building last Thursday and Fri-
day evenings. All who were in at-
tendance report a fine time.
Sunday visitors at the Harry Hoy
home were Mrs. John Hoy and chil-
dren, Stanford, Helen and Beatrice, of
Blanchard; while Rev. Gass was a call-
er at the Hoy home on Monday.
Mrs. Chester Neff, of Jacksonviile,
and Miss Ethel Neff, of Howard, have
returned home from a visit of several
days with Mr. and Mrs. James Decker,
in Lock Haven, Mrs. Decker being a
daughter of Mrs. Neff.
One day last week as E. E. Vonada,
who works on the farm for Henry
Kessinger, was on his way to the field
where he was engaged in plowing the
off side horse reared and bumped him
on the head and face as he sat on the
lead horse. He sustained several cuts
and bruises and was housed up several
days as the result of his injuries.
Sr ———p ——————
——Even if the Ruhr invasion has
been disappointing France is unable
to abandon the purpose that inspired
But Natives of Out-of-the-Wey Plasm
Have Their Own Idea of What
Is Beautiful.
Meyer Krupp of Seattle, veteren
trader of furs, who for 25 yeurs has
penetrated the out-of-the-way places
in the Orient, says that even in is
lands that are uncharted and virtu-!-
ly unknown the beauty of Americen
women is known. For, when trading
sable skins, the natives demand in re
turn pictures of pretty women. Mr.
Krupp takes on each trip hundreds of
photographs of women. He selects
the pictures at random.
One can never tell what the natives’
demands will be for women’s photo-
graphs, says Mr. Krupp, according 2
the Seattle Times. Blonds as a rule
are much desired. One well-known n.o-
tion-picture star, whose salary is re
puted to be equal to that of the Pres-
ident, members of his cabinet and the
director of the mint combined, would
no doubt be shocked if she knew the
lack of appreciation evidenced among
the natives of her much-heralded
beauty. The trader couldn't barter
away one dozen of her photographs
for the skin of an ordinary squirrel
trapped out of season, while on the
other hand an obscure member of &
film company’s extra crowd, a woman
who has never once figured in a “fade:
out,” is all the rage among fur hunt
ers. The traders and hunters talk
over her picture in terms of sable skins.
Alleged That Some People Can Pro.
duce Sparks That Will Light
the Gas.
Almost everyone is familiar with
what is known as static electricity.
One rubs the cat’s fur the wrong way,
and gets a little shock. The cat, how-
ever, must be a dry cat. Or one walks
across a carpeted floor on a dry win-
ter’s day and then touches a radiator
or some other metal object; whereup-
on there is a perceptible discharge
from the body. It is said that some
folks can light the gas in that way.
Anyhow, while sparks produced in
this manner are ordinarily harmless,
they are under some circumstances a
source of serious danger. They cause
a great many accidents in gasoline
distilleries, explosive factories, flour
mills, dry-cleaning establishments, cot-
ton-ging and threshing machines.
The National Association of Dyers
and Cleaners of the United States is
now undertaking an active campaign
to eliminate fires from this source.
Inasmuch as appreciable charges of
static electricity can be produced only
when the surrounding air is very dry,
the most effective prevention is to
dampen the atmosphere of factory
rooms by injecting steam.
Wealth in Maine Fur Trade.
“As for the fur trade in Maine, care
ful estimates place a money value of
a million on this business. To be
sure, this is through the figures report-
ed by the state game department. But
the official totals do not give the
catch on thousands of farms where
the boys do their own shooting and
trapping; nor do they include many
thousand dollars’ worth of furs
shipped directly out of the state with-
out check on them, says the Lewiston
Journal. Many a farm is worth far
more for the furs it bears than for
the garden stuff it raises. The state
is rich in skunks, for instance, which
is one of the most valuable “crops”
we have. Muskrats, though not so
plentiful, when dyed form the fash-
fonable “Hudson seal.” Minks and rac-
coons and weasels and foxes, with
other game, constitute the bulk of this
History Continuous,
There are, of ccurse, no beginnings
or ends in history. We may walk for
a few miles by the side of a river,
noting its shallows and its rapids, the |
gorges which confine it and the plains !
through which it meanders; but we
know that we have seen neither the be:
sinning nor the end of its course, that
the whole river has an unbroken con:
tinuity, and that sections, whether of
space or time, are purely arbitrary.
We are always sowing our future; we
are always reaping our past.—Dean
W. R. Inge, in “Outspoken Essays.”
Censure for Land Abuse.
In Sweden a farmer can be repri-
manded by the governor of a province
for abusing “mother earth.” More
than 1,100 cases of abusing farm land
have been dealt with. Corrective
measures are considered necessary
where land is found overgrown with
weeds, where a field yielded notably
less than the neighboring fields, wherc
the annual production decreased, «:
where grain had been disposed of un.
Is Your Blood Good
or Thin and Watery?
You can tell by the way you feel.
You need Hood’s Sarsaparilla to
make your blood rich, red and pure,
tingling with health for every organ.
You need it if weak and tired day
in and day out, if your appetite is
poor, sleep unrefreshing,—for hu-
mors, boils, eruptions, scrofula, rheu-
matism, headaches, nervous prostra-
tion. It is simply wonderful to give
strength to your whole body.
It is agreeable,
venient to take, an
tried and found-true formula.
leasant and con:
embodies a long- {
Baden Railroad Adopts Unique Sys-
tem to Avoid Complaints Made
by Passengers.
Late arrivals at the ticket windows
of railway stations in Baden hereafter
will ask the clerks at the windows in
vain the price of the tickets they buy,
writes a Berlin correspondent of the
New York Herald. Instead, they will
retire to the other side of the room,
where a large and complicated table
of rates Is posted. There, with pencil
spd paper, they will multiply the rate
they finally pick out from the mass
of figures by the number of kilometers
appearing upon the ticket they have
been given and pay accordingly at the
‘The railway officials announce that
when the price of a ticket is printed
it becomes obsolete within a few days
and passengers complain that they are
being overcharged and hold up traffic.
On the other hand, they add, the em-
ployees at the ticket windows cannot
be expected to keep up to date with
the prices of tickets to every place
along the line, so it is up to the pas-
sengers to do the figuring for them-
Explaining the “Planetesmal” Theory
The visiting star left behind a sun
surrounded by a vast revolving cloud
of matter that had been torn out of it.
In this cloud were millions of small
lumps of matter—called “planetes-
mals,” or baby planets. One of them, a
little larger than the others, be-
came the nucleus of our earth. It
picked up the smaller lumps that hap-
pened to be revolving about the sun in
the same general path, Think of a
molasses-coated baseball flying through
an endless swarm of gnats.
In the course of time—millions on
millions of years—the earth picked up
nearly all the baby planets within its
reach.—Popular Science Monthly.
Left Her Wondering.
I was cleaning house, and was wear-
ing an old dress. I went out the back
door to shake the last rug and no-
ticed a nicely dressed gentleman com-
ing up the drive. As it is quite a dis-
tance from the road to our house, I
decided I could tidy myself up a lit-
tle before he arrived. So I changed
my dress, brushed my hair and waited
for the doorbell to ring. But I waited |
in vain. When I looked out of the
window he had entirely disappeared.
I wonder if he had been frightened
away —Exchange.
Heat From Oil and Coal.
It is generally recognized that under
normal conditions 125 gallons of oil
will produce about the same amount
of utlizable heat as a ton of coal.
With gas oil at the present price of
eight cents a gallon, the relative ex-
penditures would be $12 for oil and
$14 for coal.
nc Ahk
There You Have It.
“Do vou know the difference be-
tween an artist and an architect?”
asked Billy's father. =
“Yes,” said the boy; “an artist
draws something that is, and an archi-
tect draws something that isn’t.”
Playing Safe.
“They kept bothering me for a
recipe,” yawned the prominent movie
actress, “so I finally gave them ore
for fresh huckleberry pie.”
“Why fresh huckleberry pie?”
“Nobody will be able to try it for
some months.”—Film Fun.
If Women Only Knew
What a Heap of Happiness it Would
Bring to Bellefonte Homes.
Hard to do housework with an ach-
ing back. 2
Brings you hours of misery at lei-
sure or at work.
If women only knew the cause—
Backache pains
weak kidneys,
'Twould save such needless woe.
Doan’s Kidney Pills are for weak
kidneys, So
Many residents of this vicinity en-
dorse them.
Mrs. Ralph Hassinger, Oak Hall,
Pa., says: “My kidneys troubled me
a great deal and my back was weak
and lame. I tired easily. Inflamma-
tion of the bladder was my worst trou-
ble and the action of my kidneys was
frequent and painful. I used Doan’s
Kidney Pills and they soon strength-
ened my back and regulated my kid-
neys, relieving the bladder trouble.”
60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 68-16
often come from
Fine Job Printing
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most sat-
isfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
Call on or communicate with this
office. !
jist dea gist for ©
he bi Gold tall
Be I etled. with Blue
ELINE WOODRING — Attorney-at-
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in
all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s
Exchange. b51-1y
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law,
N Practices in all the courts. Con-
sultation in English or German.
Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Bellefonte,
Pa. 40-22
trusted to his care.
High street.
ON b
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Office on second floor of
Temple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation in English and Ger-
man. Office in Crider’'s Exchange,
Bellefonte, Pa. 58-6
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
tention given all legal business en-
Offices—No. 6 East
—_— torney-at-Law
Crider’s Exch.
State College
Holmes Bldg.
Physician and
College, Centre
ce at his resi-
M. D,
Pa. Offi
¢ a 9 VN
BEFORE flour reaches you it
goes through several stages in
order to find its final form. Too
many people don’t bother them-
selves about what flour was, or
where it came from. We guar-
antee to you the history of our
flour. The finest wheat, purest
ingredients and clean milling
make its history.
Try our flour—you’ll like it
C. Y. Wagner Co., Inc.
6611-lyr BELLEFONTE, PA.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes Insurance Com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
The Preferred
th by accident,
of both feet,
of both hands,
of one hand and one foot,
of either hand,
of either foot,
10 eek, al disability,
P limit 26 pas
pavable quarterly if desired.
, over eighteen years of age
moral and physical condition may
under this policy.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur®
ance. ency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent”
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvanis
Agent, Bellefonte Pa.
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by buying poor
thin or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
High Street, 34-34-1y Bellefonte, Pav