Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 13, 1923, Image 8

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Get Into the 1923 Class.
We could be harder up than we are, but we want to tell some
of our readers right here that if we were much more so we'd be
Pemorvatic Wala, |
= Bellefonte, Pa., April 13, 1923.
— Up to yesterday afternoon 1140
licenses had been issued to fishermen
- in this county.
The many friends of Mrs. G. W.
Rumberger will regret to learn of her
serious illness at her home in Union-
— Don’t forget that the Bellefonte
Academy minstrels are booked for
Thursday and Friday evenings, May
17th and 18th.
— Howard J. Thompson has taken
an option on the Garman opera house,
but so far has formulated no definite
plans should the deal be consummated.
—— The ladies of the Reformed
church will hold their deferred Easter
market tomorrow (Saturday), April
14th, in Spigelmyer’s store, beginning
at 10 a. m.
— There is no more delightful way
to spend an evening than at the Scen-
ic, watching the motion pictures. Big
features every week, all late releases.
Get the movie habit and see all the
good ones.
——The Catholic Daughters of
America will hold a dance in the Belle-
fonte armory this (Friday) evening.
Music by the Academy orchestra. Ad-
mission, 75 cents. Everybody wel-
come. Benefit of St. John’s orphan-
——In the opening baseball game
on Beaver field, State College, on Sat-
urday, the Penn State team defeated
the Susquehanna University nine by
the score of 2 to 1. It was a pitcher’s
battle from beginning to end, State
getting the best of it.
——The music of a brass band on
our streets would be welcome to many
an ear. We haven’t heard our Odd
Fellow friends for so long that we'd
be almost transported were we to hear
them tear off a few new ones some of
these pleasant evenings.
——The Woman’s club will hold a
food sale on Saturday, April 21st, at
two o'clock p. m., at the Bellefonte
Hardware company’s store. This will
be the first of a series to be held by
the club for the purpose of raising
money for various civic affairs.
——A forest fire in the Six Mile
run district of the ‘Allegheny moun-
tains, on Saturday, burned over an
area estimated at six thousand acres
before the flames were checked and
finally extinguished by fire fighters
from Philipsburg and Port Matlida.
——The Spencer Economy store ,
that has been conducted in the Bush
Arcade, this place, for several years,
was closed Wednesday evening. Bus-
iness was not sufficient to warrant
continuance of the store which was
owned by Williamsport clothing in- |
terests. :
——A special campus guide service ;
for visitors to The Pennsylvania State
- College is to be inaugurated for the
spring and summer season. Hundreds
of motorists visit the college each
year and special guides will be sup-
plied those who desire to tour the
large college plant.
——Don’t overlook the fact that
the rummage sale for the Bellefonte
hospital will this year be held at the
Undine fire company building on Tues-
day, May first. Please send anything
you may have to contribute to the Un-
dine building and it will be properly
cared for until day of sale.
——Musie lovers who enjoy hearing
George A. Johnston, the organist at
the Lutheran church, will be glad to
know that he will give a fifteen min-
ute recital of organ numbers from
7:30 to 7:45 each Sunday evening pre-
ceding the vesper service. His first
group will be played this Sunday.
——The Camp Fire girls, of Belle-
fonte, have arranged for the produc-
tion of “Springtime,” a fantasy of
mirth and music, in the opera house,
cn Wednesday and Thursday evenings,
May 9th and 10th. While the play
will be staged by the John B. Rogers
Producing company the cast will all
be home talent. The committee in
charge consists of Mrs. C. E. Will-
iams, Miss Rachel Lambert and Cecil
Walker. Rehearsals will begin on or
about April 26th.
-——On Sunday Edward C. Miller.
of Bellefonte, accompanied by his
mother and a lady friend from State
College, motored over to Philipsburg
and took a run out the state highway
toward Osceola Mills. In the neigh-
borhood of Midway park the Miller
«car was run into by a car driven by
“Walter Busko,.of Spike Island. Both
«cars were badly damaged and the two
“women slightly injured. Busko was
-accompanied by four men, all of whom
“were intoxicated, it is alleged. Four
«of the men ran away while one man
‘was taken into custody but later re-
——The Douglas Fairbanks produc-
tion of “Robin Hood,” which was
shown by Manager Baum at State
College, on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, fulfilled all expectations as
to the finish of the action and the
grandeur of the scenic investiture.
The days of the “Nickelodium” or five
cent movie passed long ago, but still
there are some who wonder why the
movie prices have jumped so. All
such folks need to know is that the
rental of a film like “Robin Hood”
costs eight hundred dollars, so that
when to this is added the overhead,
orchestra and other incidents to a
modern screen show there must be a
considerable box to make a feature
Public Service Commission Defines
Rights of Common Carriers and
Call and Demand Vehicles.
In a decision handed down on April
2nd, an official copy of which reached
Bellefonte this week, the Public Serv-
ice Commission has gone on record as
defining the rights and privileges of
automobiles and motor busses holding
certificates as common carriers and
those holding call and demand certifi-
cates. The decision was given in the
case of the complaint filed by the Em-
erick Motor Bus Co., of Bellefonte,
against Harry Roan, Charles Tressler,
Percival Rudy and Harry Resides, who
operate call and demand taxicab serv-
ice in State College and vicinity. The
complaint charged these men with im-
proper conduct and alleged that they
were operating contrary to the rules
and regulations of the Public Service
Commission, in that they were in the
habit of coming to Bellefonte, park-
ing their cars about the Pennsylvania
railroad station and carrying passen-
gers in competition with the Emerick
Motor company bus line on its regular
schedule, and soliciting passengers
contrary to the regulations of the
The report, decision and order hand-
ed down is quite lengthy and exceed-
ingly specific, especially defining the
rights, privileges and responsibilities
of the two classes of common carriers.
In the order the Commission directs
that Roan, Tressler, Rudy and Resides
forthwith cease and desist from op-
erating motor vehicles as common car-
riers for the transportation of pas-
sengers between the borough of State
College and the borough of Bellefonte;
providing, however, that the restrain-
ing order shall not apply when said
respondents, or any of them, are spe-
ially engaged to transport passengers
from State College to Bellefonte, and
shall not apply when said respondents,
or any of them, are specially called to
Bellefonte to transport particular
passengers from Bellefonte to State
The order further directs that the
State College taxicab men, their sev-
eral agents, servants and employees
shall forthwith cease and desist from
parking their cars at the Pennsylva-
nia railroad depot or other places in
the borough of Bellefonte, and prohib-
its them from soliciting persons for
transportation as common carriers.
In its decision of the case the Com-
mission stated that the call and de-
mand certificates were issued for
State College and vicinity, and did not
contemplate the carrying on of such
a business in the borough of Belle-
fonte which would be in direct compe-
tition with those persons who hold
call and demand certificates for Belle-
. fonte and vicinity. The Commission
| states that unless such rules and reg-
ulations are prescribed endless confu-
| sion would be created which would
cause difficulties in regulation of com-
mon carriers, and that the borough of
State College and the borough of
Bellefonte should be considered sepa-
rate communities which form a basic
area from which to operate. This de-
cision clearly defines the rights of the
various parties which have" been in
controversy for a long time.
The complaint, on the behalf of the
Emerick Motor Bus Co., was repre-
sented before the Commission by
James C. Furst Esq., while the re-
spondents were represented by J. Ken-
nedy Johnston Esq.
Port Matilda Will Have Fine New
As mentioned in the “Watchman”
last week Port Matilda’s new Commu-
nity bank will be opened for business
tomorrow, and that thriving town up
Bald Eagle valley will have an insti-
tution worthy of most any locality.
The bank will occupy its own new
building, a handsome two-story struec-
ture of gray brick. The banking room
occupies the most advantageous loca-
tion on the first floor. It is large, airy
and well lighted and, in addition to the
main room, includes a private office
for the cashier and another private of-
fice. The interior woodwork is of oak,
nicely finished. The bank equipment
is modern and up-to-date, with a time-
locking vault.
A commodious store room is also
located on the first floor of the build-
ing. The second floor has been con-
verted into two five-room flats for
residential purposes, both equipped
with modern conveniences. The board
of directors include some of the most
substantial citizens of that locality,
namely: W. Scott Crain, E. T. Spotts,
0. D. Eberts, Isaac Harpster, W. T.
Hoover and J. B. Miles. Fred O’Con-
ner will be the cashier in charge.
A New Serial for the “Watchman.”
Next week the “Watchman” will
start a new serial story. The one se-
lected will be Zane Grey’s “Under the
Light of Western Stars.” It is a
splendid story, one of Grey’s best, and
that is saying a lot for he writes many
of America’s best sellers. We have
taken the time to read a number of
novels lately with the purpose of se-
lecting one that would command the
interest of all classes of “Watchman”
readers and we think we have made
no mistake in choosing “Under the
Light of Western Stars.” It is found-
ed on fact, has some political signifi-
cance, lots of thrills and a very pret-
ty love story. Read the opening chap-
ters next week. We are sure you will
find a lot of intensely interesting mo-
film even pay its way.
ments while reading the new serial.
plumb busted.
Quite a few subscribers to the “Watchman” have inadvert-
ently fallen in arrears with the result that we'll soon have to try
paying our bills in Russian rubles or German marks unless they
come to the rescue soon.
Look at the label on this paper or on the wrapper in which
it is enclosed—if it comes to you in a single wrapper. There you
will see your own name, the month and the year to which your
subscription is paid. If it is not marked up to some time in ’23,
this year, wont you please make an effort to pay it up at once.
We are serious when we say that we need the money badly.
Your arrearage may be only a few dollars—a trifling sum, so you
think—and so it is, but when you stop to think that there may be
several hundred accounts on our list in the same condition you
will appreciate how much the receipt of them all would mean to
us and how little each item really means to its sender.
If you are not in it already won’t you please help us to get
every subscriber to the “Watchman” in the 1923 class at once by
sending whatever amount is necessary to bring you up to it.
Do it now, please. Don’t put it off until tomorrow.
—See our windows for the famous State Conference of Music Study
Clotheraft suits.—Sim, The Clothier. .
15-1t |
Nittany Valley Highway to be Oiled.
Limestone screenings are being dis-
tributed along the highway between
Bellefonte and Lock Haven prepara-
tory to oiling the road at once.
In keeping with the new policy of
the Highway Department, only one
side of the road will be oiled and
stoned at a time. After it has set
sufficiently to carry traffic without
consequent damage to motors and the
clothes of their occupants the other
side will be oiled and dressed with
——Beautiful cut flowers for every
occasion, at Weaver's Pure Food
Store. 15-1t
Training Camp Grounds Taken Over.
The Isett farm between Huntingdon
Furnace and Spruce Creek was offi-
cially taken over last week as the Mid-
State Sunday school training camp.
The improvements will include the
erection of a dam to furnish bathing
and boating; various amusements and
recreational features, tents, etc. The
camp will be equipped to entertain
one hundred and sixty young people,
Centre county’s allotment to be from
twenty to twenty-five girls. The di-
rectors of the association are plan-
ning to have the camp open by July
——If you did not receive a sam-
ple of our famous Clothcraft serge
suit at $27.00, phone or ask for one.
—Sim, The Clothier. 15-1%
A Bridge Tester.
Bright and early Monday morning
the Beatty Motor Co. started a truck
off for Mifflinburg that tested the car-
rying strength of small bridges along
the highway to that point.
It was a Fordson tractor converted
for use as a dinkey engine in hauling
and shifting small cars. It was mount-
ed on four standard railroad car
wheels and had been demonstrating
here in the quarries of the American
Lime and Stone Co., but there was a
sale for it in Mifflinburg so that it was
run onto a 13,000 lb. truck, which with
the Ford “contraption” weighing
12,000 lbs. made a total load for the
bridges en route of over twelve tons.
The New Laundry to Open Next
On Saturday, March 31st, James S.
Wilkie closed the deal whereby he
took over the entire interest of E. J.
Walker in the new steam laundry that
has been fitted up in the Miller garage
building, on south Water street, op-
posite the Big Spring.
Mr. Wilkie expects to open for bus-
iness on April 23rd. He will op-
erate under the name of the Model
laundry and will give it his personal
attention to the end that his patrons
will recieve most careful, courteous
and satisfactory service at all times.
The plant is new and modern in all
its equipment.
Horseshoe Trail Meeting at Bush
House Today.
Finding a horseshoe used to be con-
sidered good luck before the days of
the automobiles, and that is proba-
bly the reason why the Williamsport
to Cumberland highway has been
dubbed the Horseshoe Trail. Work
was begun on Monday of this week on
putting up the official markers along
the trail, big yellow horseshoes, and
information will probably be given at
a meeting of the association to be held
in Bellefonte today, when the visitors
will be the guests of landlord Lewis
Daggett, at the Bush house for lunch-
eon, as to how the work is proceeding.
One hundred or more enthusiasts are
expected to be in attendance.
Quite a number of local automibil-
ists have enrolled as members of the
association and the local committee
have hopes of eventually securing fifty
members. The membership fee is only
five dollars, so that it is not an ex-
pensive organization to get into.
Clubs at State College.
Amateur musicians from all over
Pennsylvania have been gathered at
State College this week; the occasion
being the annual convention of the
federation of Music Study clubs of the
In addition to the regular business
of the federation there have been con-
tests by the most promising amateurs,
instrumental and voice, for the honor
of representing Pennsylvania in the
contest of the national federation, at
Asheville, N. C., in June.
Miss Elizabeth Hood Latta, of Phil-
adelphia, president of the federation,
in her annual report stated that there
had been an increase of twenty-three
clubs during the year. Robert Broun,
of Pottsville, first vice president, ex-
plained the young artists’ contest,
which is being sponsored by the fed-
The convention opened on Tuesday
with a concert by the Penn State mu-
sical organization, in which the glee
club, quartet, mandolin club and or-
chestra participated. During the after-
noon the piano contest was held.
There were eight contestants among
whom was Miss Kessler, of Millheim,
and while she did not win the fact that
the contest was so close that the
judges decided it only with the great-
est difficulty, is evidence that she is
quite abreast of the best amateurs in
the State in her art. Miss Eleanor
Quinn won premier honors, which are
a prize of $100 and the honor of rep-
resenting Pennsylvania at the nation-
al convention.
On Wednesday the violin contest
was held. There were only three con-
testants, but it was a feast for lovers
of the stringed instruments. Greisha
Manatozitch, of Philadelphia, won it.
About two years ago he won the Zu-
belik prize of $1000.00 and his tri-
umph of Wednesday will give him the
chance 'of contesting in the national
convention where, if he should win, he
will be rewarded with a two year’s
course abroad and his musical career
financed by the Federation until he
has become established. :
Manatozitch is a Russian Jew, but
was born in this country to which his
parents came as emigrants.
Yesterday, all day, was devoted to
the voice contest. There were twen-
ty-five entrants, sopranos, contraltos,
basses and tenors. All sang the same
selections and as there were so many
of them it was an all day affair, the
result not having been announced up
to the hour of our going to press.
Among the vocal contestants was Miss
Himes, of Pittsburgh, who it will be re-
called sang here last fall under the
auspices of the local Music Study club.
She won the State contest, but failed
in the national. Her effort yesterday
was an attempt to get back for the
national prize.
The special entertainment of the
week was the recital, Wednesday even-
ing, by Madam Olga Zamaroff—pro-
nounced Za-Mar-off. In introducing
the noted artist Miss Hood called her
“certainly the most noted pianist in
the United States and, we think, in
the world.” Zamaroff played without
notes or program, announcing such
selections as she had the inspiration at
the moment to play.
She is wonderful, of course, and so
far beyond the comprehension of the
undeveloped musical soul that she
couldn’t hold a job for a week as pian-
ist at the Scenic.
Last evening Marguerite Sylva, so-
prano, and Mr. Armbruster, piano,
gave a recital using the duo-art piano.
The names of the artists are sufficient
to justify the statement that their’s,
like the performance of Zamaroff, was
an artistic triumph.
——The directors of the Farmer's
Mutual Fire Insurance Co., met in this
place, Monday morning. The new
board comprises George Mitchell,
Frank McFarlane, E. M. Huyett, R. H.
Reed, James E. Harter, J. T. Weaver,
J. R. Brungart, Frank M. Fisher, John
H. Beck, J. M. Campbell, E. J. Gentz-
el and Clarence A. Yerick. Col. Rey-
nolds has retired as a member and
Messrs. Harter, Weaver and Yerick
have been added.
—Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Miles, of
Fleming, were among the Saturday shop-
pers in town.
—Mrs. T. B. Budinger has returned to
her home in Snow Shoe after a winter
spent with her daughter, Mrs Robert Vor-
his, in Johnstown.
—Mrs. N. F. Wagner, who spent last
week in Bellefonte with her father and
brother, W. R. and Charles Brachbill, re-
turned to her home in Watsontown, Sat-
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charleston motor-
ed to Reynoldsville, last Friday, called
there by the illness of Mrs. Charleston’s
sister. They returned home on Sunday
—The Hon. A. G. Morris, president of the
board of the American Lime and Stone
Co., is in Philadelphia this week. He went
down on Monday to preside at a meeting
of the company officials.
—Mrs. Harry Garber, of College Point, IL.
I., was called to Bellefonte this week by
the death of her grandmother, Mrs. D. G.
Bush, and will remain here with her moth-
er, Mrs, Callaway, through April.
—Miss Lida Morris went out to Coshoc-
ton, Ohio, Saturday, to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Irvin, of Pittsburgh, who died
suddenly, last week, in New York, at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Cass.
—During the two days, Monday and
Tuesday, that Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, of
Centre Hall, was in attendance at the
Presbytery of Huntingdon, Mrs. Kirkpat-
rick, with her son John, spent the time at
State College with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Haugh.
—Harold Kirk left for Philipsburg on
Sunday afternoon, where he expects to en-
ter the plumbing business as an assistant
to his brother-in-law, Frank Cole, who has
the contract for the plumbing installation
in the remodeling of the Cottage State hos-
pital in that place.
—Mrs. Thomas Gramley, of Altoona, ac-
companied by her brother, Charles Kerlin,
of Minnesota, spent a few hours on Tues-
day at the home of Dr. M. A. Kirk, while
returning to Altoona from a visit with
Mrs. Gramley’s daughter, Mrs. J. Ross
Louder and family, at Oak Hall,
—After spending a part of the winter in
Bellefonte with her cousin, Mrs. E. H.
Richard, Miss Mame Hibbs returned to her
home in Norristown Thursday. Mr. and
Mrs. Richard are anticipating going east
next week for a visit with their niece, Mrs.
Wynn, in Philadelphia, who before her
marriage was Miss Margaret Aull.
—Among those who were in Bellefonte
last Saturday for the funeral of Mrs. Fer-
dinand D. Beezer, late of Philipsburg, were
her brother, Benjamin D. Beiderman, of
Cumberland, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hawkins, of Canton, Pa.; Mrs. John
Beezer, of Media; Mrs. Charles Burns, Miss
Emma Murray and Miss Margaret Burns,
all of Tyrone.
—The “Watchman” office was favored on
Monday afternoon with a visit from M. C.
Musser, a member of the big candy firm of
Musser & McClintick, of Tyrone. Mr. Mus-
ser is a native of Centre county, having
been born and raised on a farm in Fergu-
i son township but struck out for himself
} while a lad in his teens and the success he
, has attained since is due to his own hard
I work.
—“Watchman” office visitors on Tuesday
included Mr. and Mrs. George W. Riter
and daughter, of Adah, Fayette county,
who were here on a visit among their old
friends. Mr. Riter left Bellefonte twenty-
one vars ago but like every native of this
section he enjoys coming “back home” once
in awhile to see how the old place looks.
He is now employed at the Hartley mine
in Fayette county and has been pretty
busy all winter. :
—Levi A. Miller, the “Watchman’s” di-
versified correspondent at Pleasant Gap,
was in Bellefonte last Friday, having com-
pletely recovered from a serious attack of
the flu which kept him housed up a month
or more. After reading the proof of his
article on the liver, published on another
page of this paper, we have been con-
strained to wonder if his ailment wasn’t
the “bile a boilin’ in his system” that he
discusses in such a lucid manner.
—Mrs. John Smith and her brother, Jack
Decker Jr. arrived in Bellefonte Sunday,
from Lancaster, Jack returning at once to
the College, while Mrs. Smith is here for a
visit with her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Cassidy.
Both had been with their parents; Mrs.
Smith had gone over from Shamokin for
Easter, Jack joining her in Lancaster, at
the termination of a practical survey trip
of the engineering department at Penn
State, where he is a third year man
—Those from a distance in Bellefonte
Monday for the funeral of the late Mrs.
D. G. Bush included her sisters, Mrs.
Amanda Tomb ahd Mrs. H. L Moulton, and
Mr and Mrs. Greer Foresman, of Philadel-
phia; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Garber, of Col-
lege Point, L I.; Mrs Carrie Sides, her
daughter, Miss Jennie Sides, Mrs. Olivia
Nearing and Mrs. Adam Berger, of Jersey
Shore; Mrs. Strong, Miss Mary Simpson
and W. A. Simpson, of Lock Haven, and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson, of Le-
—Drs. W. S. and Nannie Glenn, of State
College, spent the past week in the west-
ern part of the State. Leaving here Thurs-
day, Dr. Will Glenn went right on to
Swissvale, where he has been visiting with
his eldest son, Olin and his family, while
Dr. Nannie Glenn, who is now only recov-
ering from a six week’s illness, stopped at
Latrobe to spend the time at her former
home. Their plans were for making the
return trip in their new Haines sedan.
Shortly before leaving Dr. Glenn had had
word from his second son, Harold, of his
advancement from the superintendency of
the coke furnace at Toledo, Ohio, te those
of Duluth, Minn.
—Mr. J. H. Weber, of Centre Hall, was
in town Saturday. Having expressed sur-
prise that he should be here so early—it
was just a bit after 8 o’clock—he said he
had driven over. The consequent inquiry
was as to the condition of the mountain
road and Mr. Weber informed us that
scraping had been started on it that morn-
ing. He said, however, that it was not so
bad. Sinceshaving so many improved high-
ways we are all inclined to grumble when
we strike a piece of road that some years
ago we might have regarded as being right
fair. Centre Hall is one of the few small
towns through which the motorist can
drive with pleasure. From one end to the
other it has as fine a roadway, with no
sunken or elevated crossings and its coun-
cil has finally succeeded in correcting the
spouty foundations that for years defied
all efforts to make that short piece at the
foot of the mountain durable.
—Mrs. Edward M. Gehret returned home
last Friday from a week's visit in At-
lantie City. Wea dh
—Ira D. Garman, of Philadelphia, will *
arrive here Sunday evening for a destruc-
tive (?) visit with the rout that infest
Logan's branch near the Garman ‘summer
home at Axe Mann. fer
—H. F. Spotts, of Fleming, was among
the visitors from over the county in Belle- |
fonte Tuesday; his time here being fully =
occupied with business matters both for -
himself and Mrs. Spotts.
—Mrs. George N. Van Dyke, who” had 3
been called here by the serious illness of /
her mother, Mrs. John Nqll, returned to
her home in Wilkinsburg yesterday after- :
noon. Mrs. Noll is much better... |
—Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz Houser, of. Houtz-
dale, and their small child, were overmight =
guests of Mr. Houser’s parents, Mr. and -
Mrs. William Houser, at their. home on
south Water street; their visit home in- -
cluding Thursday and Friday, , _. ool
—Miss Helen Eberhart returned Tuesday
to her work at Washington, DD. €, swhere :
she has been a registered nurse for a num- _
ber of years. Miss Eberhart had been in"
Bellefonte for a week, for an Easter visit
with her father, Harry Eberhart and the
family. 3 RB
—George H. Hazel, with Mrs. W. C. Cas-
sidy and Mrs. John Smith as motor guests,
drove to Altoona Wednesday, to spend the
day with Mr Hazel's daughter, Miss Thel-
ma, who is a patient in the Altoona hos-
pital, where she underwent a minor surgic-
al operation that same day.
—Ferguson Parker was a visitor in
Jellefonte for several days the early part
of the week, having come over from Bed-
ford Sunday. His mother, Mrs. G. Ross
Parker, who had been here looking after
the opening of the Parker house on How-
ard street, left Sunday morning to return
to her home at New Brunswick; the Misses
Parker arriving home late last week.
—Fred Lane, with the Bell Telephone Co. :
of Johnstown, and Elliott, who with his :
mother has been visiting with Mrs. Robert
H. Fay, at Santa Monica, Cal., are both in
Bellefonte, the former being called home °*
last week by the illness of his father, John
N. Lane, while Elliott arrived from his
visit to the coast, Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Lane is expected to return east early in
—S. 8S. Aplin, general secretary of the
Bellefonte Y. M. C. A., will leave today to
attend the fifty-fourth annual convention
of the State Y. M. C. A. to be held in In-
diana April 13th to 15th, inclusive, Im-
portant matters relative to the new nation-
al re-organization of the Y. M. C. A. work
in North America will be taken up and
matters vital to the welfare and influence
of the Association will be discussed.
—Miss Anna M. Miller, who had been
called to Salona two months ago, by illness
in the family, returned to Bellefonte Sun-
day and is again with Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes,
on Curtin street. Mrs. Edmund P. Hayes,
of Pittsburgh, has been with her mother-
in-law during Miss Mille’s absence and °
will continue her visit until Mrs Hayes
moves to the apartments now being made
ready for her in the Eagle block. Edmund
joined his wife here Saturday for an ever
Sunday visit back home.
J :
Goshorn—Steele.—A pretty house
wedding took place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Steele, at
Shirleysburg, on April 2nd, when their
daughter, Miss Eva Marie Steele, was
united in marriage to Rev. Chalmers
H. Goshorn, of Princeton. The cere-
mony, which took place at 11 o’clock
in the morning, was performed by
Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, of Centre
Hall, a cousin of the bride.
Mrs. J. Max Kirkpatrick, who is a
graduate of Dana’s musical institute,
played the “Venetian Love Song,” by
Nevin, followed by the wedding
march by deKoven, and during the
ring ceremony “Romance in A,” by
Lieurance, was played softly.
The bride wore a gown of ivory
satin and lace, with full court train,
the veil of tulle being surmounted
with lilies of the valley. The bridal
bouquet was of bride’s roses. A de-
lightful reception and luncheon fol-
lowed the ceremony.
Rev. Goshorn has accepted a call to
the Newton Hamilton Presbyterian
church and he and his bride will be at
home there about May 15th.
——Through the generosity of Hen-
ry M. Myers, who operates the bus
line betweeen State College and Ty-
rone, $250 has been added to the
State College emergency building
fund, which will help defray the ex-
pense of the erection of a dormitory
for women students. Before the Eas-
ter'vacation Mr. Myers announced
that he would donate to the college
building fund his entire receipts from
students going home for Easter on
Wednesday, March 28th. Naturally
many students took advantage of his
offer and the receipts amounted to the
above named sum, which has been
turned over to the College.
——Lilac and plum buds were out
pretty far Sunday night when the hard
freeze occurred but neither of them
look as though they had been serious-
ly damaged.
Rubin and Rubin Coming.
Rubin and Rubin, Harisburg’s lead-
ing eyesight specialists will be at the
Mott drug store, Bellefonte, on Thurs-
day, April 26th. Your eyes examined
free, and no drops used. Glasses
changed free of charge if not satis-
factory. Our large practice is your
protection. Good glasses fitted as low
as $2.00. 68-15-2t
——N. B. C. oyster and soda crack-
ers, fresh and crisp, lb. 12¢c., at Wea-
ver’s Pure Food Store. 15-1t
Bellefonte Grain Market,
Corrected Weekly by C. X. Wagner & Co.
Wheat = = = = = = §125
Rye - « = @ = - - 80
COPR im = i =m ‘wii (= Jq0
Oats « == =~ ‘= = y= 45
Barley - - = - - - 60
Buckwheat - - - = - a5
IHS Basu hs