‘business of his own. Mrs. Weaver, ‘ness, has resigned her position there ~to care for their home on Ridge street. “will open the home season on Beaver “field tomorrow afternoon when the! Dems. | Bellefonte, Pa., April 6, 1923. NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND NQUNTY. | — Mrs. D. G. Bush is again crit- jcally ill at her apartments In the Bush Arcade. — Dr. J. M. Brockerhoff has in- vested in a new Lincoln Sedan car and W. J. Emerick is driving a new Hud- son town car. —D. Wagner Geiss has moved his livery banr from the Brockerhoff sta- bles into the Edward Haupt barn on Thomas street. o —H. J. Griffith, of Bellefonte, and Howard A. Moore, of Howard, have recently been appointed notaries pub- lic by Governor Pinchot. — Mr. and Mrs. A. Linn McGin- ley Jr. are receiving congratulations on the birth of their first child, Jean- nette R., who was born at the Belle- fonte hospital, Monday morning. — Six Rhode Island red hens be- longing to Rev. John S. Hollenbach, of Aaronsburg, laid 142 eggs during the month of March, which was almost 24 eggs per hen for the month, or a little in excess of 76 per cent. —J. O. Heverley is moving his auto supply store into his new build- ing this week and in the near future will begin work on tearing down the old building on the corner in antici- pation of erecting thereon the other unit of his new building. The new. Community bank, at Port Matilda, will open for business cn Saturday of next week with Fred- erick J. O’Conner as cashier. The other officers of the bank will be W. S. Crain, president; O. D. Eberts, vice president, and E. T. Spotts, secretary. — Quite a number of the combi- nation lock boxes in the Bellefonte postoffice have become so badly worn that the combination does not work freely and the doors of a number of them have been taken off and sent back to the factory to have key locks put on. — Faster on Sunday established a record as the coldest first of April known for many years in this section. One man in Bellefonte reported zero weather by his thermometer while several instruments in various sec- ‘tions of the town registered two de- grees above. . ——The Philipsburg High school basket ball team won the Mountain League pennant by. defeating the Mt. Union team, at Tyrone, last Thurs- day night, by the score of 22 to 18. Five car loads of Philipsburgers went to Tyrone on a special train to root for their team. ——K. B. Lucas, Mrs. Aaron J. Hall and daughter Ethel were all more or less injured in an auto wreek last Saturday when Mr. Lucas’ car went over an embankment near the Under- wood farm above Unionville, while the trio were on their way to Bellefonte. The machine was considerably dam- aged. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Genua are very happy because a little daughter has come to bless their home. She is to be named Vincenza Filomena. The child was born at the home of her mother’s parents in Lock Haven, on March 21st and will come to make her home in Bellefonte just as soon as possible. ——The continued cold weather has kept the gardener out of his garden, but it does not keep the movie fan from going to the Scenic to see the motion pictures. Are you among the number? If not you are missing some very interesting pictures, as something worth seeing is to be found on every evening’s program. Watch the list as published in this paper every week. Miss Jennie Morgan is recover- ing so rapidly from her recent illness that her arrangements now are for resuming all work at her shop, Mon- day. Long periods of sickness have caused much irregularity in Miss Mor- gan’s business, which it is hoped her former patrons will overlook. En- gagements for shampooing and man- icuring can be made with Miss Mor- gan for any time next week. ——After an illness of five years, George J. Weaver's health has so greatly improved that he is able to re- turn to his work as a painter and pa- per hanger and is now associated with Rash Williams, who has established a who worked at the match factory for four years, during Mr. Weaver’s ill- The State College baseball team ‘Susquehanna University nine will be their opponents. The team returned’ this week from its first southern trip, | on which it won three games and lost two, Georgia Tech being the aggrega- tion that downed the Nittany lions two games in succession. They were the first two games played by the State team, which may account for their defeat. The rummage sale for the Bellefonte hospital will this year be held on Tuesday, May 1st, at the Un- dine fire company building. Spring housecleaning time is about due and everybody in Bellefonte should make a collection of garments, furniture or anything else they can spare and send them to the Undine building. Stuff can be sent there at any time and it will be properly cared for until the day of sale, May first. WILL THE “MISSING LINK” BE BUILT? — Rumor that Railroad will be Built Through State College to Fairbrook. While no definite announcement has been made by any one in a position to speak with authority surface indica-' , tions point to the fact that some fine morning in the not very distant fu- ‘ture the people of State College will awaken to the fact that their dream | of many years is about to be realized by the building of a railroad through or close by that town. It is a well known fact that a corps of railroad engineers spent some time in that section last fall making sur- veys from Lemont to Fairbrook but the men engaged in the work were not in a position to give out any in- formation. Recent orders issued by the Pennsylvania Railroad company have resulted in the abandonment of that portion of the Lewisburg and Ty- rone railroad between Fairbrook and Scotia, trains from Tyrone running only as far as Fairbrook, while work has already been begun on tearing up the track on the abandoned portion. This has again given rise to the ru- mor that the near future will witness the construction of the missing link on the Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad, or a line from Fairbrook through, or close by, State College to connect with the Lewisburg division at or near Le- mont. This would give a through line from Tyrone to Montandon, which would be a few miles shorter than the present road by way of Bellefonte. Another argument that is advanced as favorable to the building of the missing link is that the road would then afford a better outlet for the product of the limestone operations which will undoubtedly be developed in the neighborhood of Coburn within the next few years. It will be recall- ed that about a year ago the Midvale Steel company, through Robert F. Hunter, bought thousands of acres of limestone land between Coburn and Millheim, and down as far as Aarons- burg. The recent absorption of the Midvale Steel Co. and the Cambria Iron and Steel company by the Bethle- hem Steel company naturally means that the latter company will acquire title to the limestone tracts in lower Pennsvalley. Its: original purchase was for the purpose of assuring the Cambria Iron and Steel company an ample supply of limestone for furnace flux for years to come, inasmuch as the end of their present .petential supply is already in sight. When the time comes to de- velop the limestone industry in lower Pennsvalley, which it is claimed will be in the next two or three years, it is only natural that the companies interested will figure on the shortest possible railroad haul, and it is a good guess that the Bethlehem interests will be a strong argument with the Pennsylvania Railroad company in in- fluencing the completion of the Lew- isburg and Tyrone railroad as orig- inally surveyed. Of course the oft- repeated arguments put forth by State College authorities for better railroad accommodations will undoubtedly have some weight, as the institution and the town have grown to a point where their claims are entitled to some con- sideration. Big Musical Concert for Benefit of Bellefonte Hospital. The Bellefonte choral society of fif- ty voices, under the direction of Mrs. R. Russell Blair, assisted by the ’Var- sity quartette and orchestra, of State College, will give a concert in the op- era house on Tuesday evening, April 17th, for the benefit of the Bellefonte hospital. This promises to be one of the best musicai entertainments of the season, and will be a treat for all mu- sic lovers, aside from the fact that it will be a benefit for the hospital. The best musical talent in Bellefonte will appear in the chorus, with splendid so- loists. The College quartette and or- chestra will alone be worth more than the price of admission. Watch for the ticket sellers and get your supply be- fore the house is sold out. Remember the date, Tuesday, April 17th. Among the Sick. The many friends of E. K. Stock, principal of the Bellefonte High school, who underwent an operation at the Bellefonte hospital on Wednes- day of last week and whose condition at that time was deemed extremely critical, will be glad to know that he is getting along so well that his chances for an early recovery are very good. Mrs. John Noll, who had been quite a sick woman, at her home on Bishop street, for a week or more, is now somewhat improved. Mrs. Milton Wieland, of Fairbrook, is a surgical patient in the Bellefonte hospital having been brought to that institution on Wednesday for an ab- dominal operation. Centre Hall Presbyterians. At a recent congregational meeting of the Centre Hall Presbyterian church George Emerick and G. O. Ben- ner were elected ruling elders and John Heckman and Charles Arney re- elected trustees for a term of three years. The financial report of Frank V. Goodhart showed that the church had contributed during the year $211 to general expenses; $350 to pastoral support and $355 to benevolence. The church has made a gain of fifty per cent. in membership in the past two years. —Sun-Maid seeded and seedless raisins, 1b. 14c., at Weaver's Pure Food Store. 14-1t ! used in the production of the picture { version of Robin Hood, with Douglas Fairbanks as the star, which will be shown at the Pastime theatre, State College, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week. Mat- 'inees at 2 o'clock and evening per- formances at 6 and 8:30. The admis- sion price will be 50 cents for adults and 25 for children, plus tax. ——The will of Mrs. Owen John- son, wife of the well known novelist, who died in New York on March 2nd, as filed in the surrogate’s court in New York city, leaves in trust a fund of $50,000 for her four step-children, Olivia, Katherine and Robert Under- wood Johnson, children of Mr. John- son to his first wife, and Owen Dennis de Lagarde Johnson, son of the novel- ist and his second wife, who was Miss Cecille de Lagarde, of Boalsburg. One-fifth of her estate was reserved for her husband and the balance held in trust for her own daughter, Patri- cia Sayre Johnson, who is less than a year old. The third Mrs. Johnson was a daughter of Frank V. Burton, a wealthy cotton goods manufacturer, of New York city. She and the nov- elist were married about two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Barn- hart, of Bellefonte, had the unique ex- perience, last Friday evening, of hear- ing their own son, Philip S. Barnhart, of Pittsfield, Mass., sing in a radio concert. Philip is the basso artist in the Pittsfield quartette, a musical or- ganization that has acquired quite a reputation in the Bay State. Last week he wrote a letter to his mother informing her that they had been in- vited to sing in a radio concert on Friday evening and suggested that they get in touch with a receiving set. Consequently they went to the Elec- tric Supply company store on High street, and it was there they had the pleasure of hearing their son sing. Notwithstanding the fact that more than five hundred miles intervened his voice sounded as natural and strong as if he were in an adjoining room. ——H. J. Thompson, of Curwens- ville, has been in town this week over- seeing the job of getting his new ten- ants properly located in the Hiller property, on High street, which he re- cently purchased. While some very decided improvements on the property are contemplated by Mr. Thompson nothing will be done in this direction for a year, at least. His tentative plans include the possible erection of a moving picture theatre in the rear of the present building, but more im- portant than that, the erection of a Store room between the present build- ing and the W. S. Katz property, to extend from the pavement line through to the alley, and to be two stories in height. This will make one of the largest store rooms in Belle- fonte and will be right in the business section of the town. No important changes are contemplated with the present property, as it will be used almost entirely for offices and resi- dential apartments. te fp pri ing of the trout fishing season is causing many a covetous glance to be cast on the numerous big trout in Spring creek opposite the “Watch- man” office and the Beatty garage. It is a well known fact that every season a raid is made on these big trout at night by some person or per- sons so far undetected, and as this is a closed portion of the stream game and fish wardens should exercise ex- tra precautions this year in protect- ing the fish. Two or three years ago many of the big trout were caught the night before the opening of the sea- son and it is a good guess that a net was used in taking them. These trout are one of the greatest attractions of Bellefonte, and while every legitimate sportsman will afford them all the protection possible there is some per- son who makes it a point to go after the trout whenever he deems it safe to do so, and this is the individual the officers should lay for. ——Bellefonte with a population of about four thousand has eight church- es, or an average of one to every five hundred people, including children. Most of them, of course, have ample room to accommodate their congrega- tions but such is not the case with the United Evangelical church. Its mem- bership has increased to that extent during the past few years that the congregation is compelled to provide more room. They have the money with which to make the improvements but are somewhat handicapped in the matter of space. As stated in this paper two weeks ago a committee of the board of trustees appeared before borough council relative to the pur- chase of a strip of land lying. on the west side of Logan’s branch. This acquisition is not desired for build- ing purposes but more as a matter of a protection to the church against the erection thereon of a building that might detract from a church proper- ty. The congregation’s plans include the erection of an addition on the ing to be used as a Sunday school room, and the enlargement of the present edifice by a small extension on the eastern side. Some of these improvements they hope to make this summer, but just how far they will | go depends on various circumstances. renty thousand people were ——The near approach of the open-. south side of the present church build- Judge Quigley Discharges Sankey Brothers from Jail and Re- mits Fine. After serving a little over a month of a nine month’s jail sentence im- posed by the court after being con- victed of assault and battery William and Guy Sankey, of Osceola Mills, were discharged yesterday morning by Judge Quigley and the fine of five “hundred dollars imposed on each one | at the time was remitted, but the men ! were required to pay the costs in the case, which amounted to a little over eighty dollars. The Sankey case, which was fully reported in the “Waichman” at the February term of court, dates back to the deer hunting season last fall, when the two men while hunting on leased lands in Rush and Taylor townships, were alleged to have attacked Ralph C. English, of Port Matilda, and Charles K. Nicholson, of Tarentum. In the mixup both gentlemen were badly beaten up, though Mr. English fared the worst. Action was brought against the Sankeys for assault and battery and wantonly pointing fire- arms. The jury acquitted them of the of guilty of assault and battery. In sentencing the men Judge Quigley made it clear that he did not counte- nance such unsportsman-like actions and imposed fines of $500 each and nine month’s imprisonment in the county jail. The sentence brought forth a flood of appeals to the court from residents of Osceola Mills asking that the sen- tence be set aside. Every appeal set forth that the Sankeys are good citi- zens and not given to the rough-house methods they were alleged to have employed against Messrs. English and Nicholson. One of the letters was from the Presbyterian minister of Osceola Mills, who aiso asked that the sentence be remitted. In discharging the men yesterday the court stated that he had learned some things he did not know at the time of the trial and for that reason felt the men had been sufficiently pun- ished. He advised them, however, to stay off of the leased grounds in the future and thus avoid any trouble, which they both agreed to do. Street Home Burned Out on Sunday Afternoon. Pine Shortly before three o’clock on Sun- day afternoon fire broke out in the double dwelling house of Mrs. Gamill Rice, on Pine street, and through a misunderstanding as to the location of the fire the flames had gained consid- erable headway by the time the fire- men arrived, and the result was the furniture. in one side of the house and Mr. and the other side. basement kitchen and was not discov- the first floor. The flames spread so rapidly that the Mrs. Gamill Rice! | family were unable to get any of their | i | | furniture or clothing out. The Harper Rice family got some of their furni- ! been with Mr. Parker's sisters for Easter. ture out of the first floor rooms but | Miss Annie Parker, who had been ill at the Mrs. | Shore, had become so much worse that it nothing from the second floor. Gamill Rice carried insurance on both | the house and her furniture, though Harper Rice family did not have any ! insurance. When the alarm was given the fire- | men were told it was Gamble Weiss’ | house on Penn street, and naturally went there. Finding no fire there they went to Gamble’s mill and it was there they learned the fire was on Pine street. This delay enabled the flames to get a good start and as the house was a frame structure it was impossible to save it. But the fire- men did good work and prevented the flames from breaking out and endan- gering the other properties in that locality. Y. W. C. A. Gymnasts Enthusiastic. The gymnastic class of the Y. W. C. A. is progressing rapidly and will soon start special work for its spring dem- onstration which will take place early in May. This class, with about twenty young women, has recently been reorganiz- ed, and is now being instructed in standardized gymnastic work as pre- scribed in college and Y. W. C. A. ed- ucational courses. This course consists of folk danc- ing, games, various forms of march- ing and calisthenics. These exercises are based on the anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the body. Eminent physical educators, doctors, teachers and gymnasts have spent years in sys- tematically arranging the exercises in- to a valuable scientific course of phys- ical training. A short physical examination is re- quired to ascertain each member's condition and fitness to take the course. Special exercises are given to correct faulty posture and orthopedic defects. The ultimate aim is health, and to develop the body harmoniously. The games and dancing afford real recreational as well as physical value. Another little son arrived in the home of Hon. and Mrs. Thomas Beaver, on Saturday, making two boys and two girls in their little family. The same day Mr. Beaver’s farmer had a new arrival in his family. ——Now that the flitting season is latter charge but brought in a verdict | Mrs. Gamill Rice and family lived ' yy over we hope everybody is comforta- bly located for another year, at least. i stone removed from his eye. house was completely gutted and the occupants saved very little of their! gone crushed for use Et LI LLL] SS rr ikl; Ad NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Mrs. Basil Mott left Monday for a visit at her former home in New York city. —Dr, J. J. Kilpatrick spent yesterday in Altoora in attendance at the State Dental conference. —Mrs. Nora Ferguson, of Bishop street, will leave this week to spend the remain- der of the month of April with friends in ! Mifflinburg. —Mrs. H. F. McGirk left the early part of the week to join Mr. McGirk in Florida, where they will be indefinitely, owing to Mr. MeGirk's ill health. —Mrs. Martin Hogan has returned to Fleming to open her home for the sum- mer. Mrs. Hogan had spent the winter with relatives in Tyrone. —H. A. McKee, of Wilkinsburg, has join- ed Mrs. McKee here to help in preparing for their sale of household goods, which will take place tomorrow. —Miss Lois Foreman came home from Hood College, last Wednesday night, to spend her Easter vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Foreman. —Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Keichline and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Meyer attended a big house party given by Mr. and Mrs. George Graham, at State College, on Monday even- ing. —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craft, their small son, and Miss Augustine Koontz drove to Johnstown for an Easter week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Otto and their family. —Mrs. M. A. Landsy left on Tuesday morning for a ten day’s visit at her home in Philadelphia. Mr. Landsy accompanied her to Tyrone and went on to Altoona on a business trip. —Miss Ida Greene spent a part of last week in Huntingdon, having gone over for the funearl of her cousin, Mrs. Concelius, who died Monday, of acute kidney trouble following an attack of the grip. —Mrs. Charles Cruse and her daughter, Miss Helen, went to Dayton, Ohio, a week ago, expecting to spend a part of the month as guests of Mrs. Cruse’s daughter, Mrs. Ezra Bimm and her husband. —The Misses Anne and Caroline Valen- tine, who have been in Bellefonte looking after their farm interests, anticipate sail- ing from New York on the 25th, for Paris, expecting to spend the summer in France. —DMiss Sara Furst, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William 8. Furst, of Overbrook, ac- companied her grandmother and aunt, Mrs. A. O. Furst and Mrs. Curtin, to Bellefonte, Tuesday, and is now their guest at their home on Linn street. i —John D. Meyer, of Tyrone, with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. David J. Meyer, and his aunt, Mrs. Amanda Lu- kenbach, stopped in Bellefonte a few min- utes on Sunday while on a motor trip over to Centre Hall to see the venerable H. W. Kreamer, whose death occurred on Sunday night. —Samuel A. Homan, who owns and lives on the Eyer’s farm, at Pennsylvania Fur- nace, and one of the best known farmers of west Ferguson township, was taken to Philadelphia on Wednesday, by Dr. Fos- ter, of State College, to have a piece of The accident Homan was having on his farm. —Mrs. J. L. Runkle, representing the omen’s Missionary society; Miss Olive Mitchell, of the young women’s society: occurred while Mr. Mrs. Harper Rice and son William in ' Miss Dorothy Mallory, of the Christian En- The fire originated | deavor society, and Miss Janet Potter, from an overheated stove pipe in the ! Synodical secretary, attended the annual meeting of the Women’s Missionary socie- ered until it had burned through to ty of the Huntingdon Presbytery held in the First Presbyterian church in Tyrone jon Tuesday and Wednesday. —Mrs. G. Ross Parker, of New Bruns- wick, N. J., arrived in Bellefonte Sunday night from Atlantic City, where she had was thought expedient to bring her home, consequently Mrs. Parker came on to open not enough to cover the loss, but the | {he house and make the necessary prepa. ration for their immediate return to Belle- fonte. —Miss Josephine White returned a week ago from a six week’s visit with her sis- ter, Mrs. Harlan W. Peabody, of Stroud, Okla., and has resumed her work with the American Lime and Stone Co. Miss White and her aunt, Miss Powell, have as guests Miss White's elder sister, Mrs. Hoopes and her small daughter, Charlotte Virginia Hoopes, of West Chester, who arrived in Bellefonte Thursday of last week to spend some time here. Mrs. Hoopes is better known perhaps, as Miss Marie White. —Emanuel Klepfer, a former resident of Coleville, arrived in Bellefonte Wednesday morning, from Hollywood, N. J., where he had been visiting with his daughter. Be- fore going to New Jersey, Mr. Klepfer had been with his son Alfred, near Doylestown, helping in the care of his son’s big con- servatories, which have proven such a suec- cessful business venture. Although having lived all his early life in this locality, Mr. Klepfer has not visited here for twenty years; his stay now, however, will be in- definite. —Mrs. Robert M. Beach and Miss Mary M. Blanchard left Monday morning for a ten day’s trip east. Mrs. Beach went as far as Harrisburg Menday, intending to spend a part of the week there with the legislative committee of the League of Women Voters. From Harrisburg Mrs. Beach will go to Bryn Mawr College for the two days’ course in civics offered the public by that institution, and then on to visit her aunt, Mrs. Morris, at Over- brook. Miss Blanchard’s visit to New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, is pure- ly a business trip. —Mrs. Theodore Gordon and her sister, Miss Sallie Graham arrived in Bellefonte early last week from Lewistown, where they have completed the settling up of the estate of their sister, the late Miss Mary Graham, by disposing of all her property. Both women will be here with their sis- ter, Mrs. J. C. Harper, until after the close of school, when Miss Graham, with her niece, Miss Helen Harper as her guest, will leave at once for Colorado. Miss Gra- ham expects to remain west indefinitely, with her younger sister, while Miss Har- per will spend the summer vacation with her aunt on the ranch. Lost.—Last Saturday afternoon, be- tween the 5 and 10 cent store and Linn St., black pigskin hand bag. Re- ward if returned to Mrs. David Dale, Bellefonte. 14-1t adi samen. For Sale.—Antique furniture. Call Febiger, Bell 6-M, State College 14-1t* Mrs. Ed. Sweitzer Injured in Auto Accident. Mrs. Edward Sweitzer, who makes her home with her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, out near the Titan Metal Co. plant, was hit by an automobile driven by A. R. MecNitt, last Saturday morning and knocked down on the state highway near her home, and at first believed to be ser- iously injured but such, fortunately did not prove to be the case and she is now recovering. Mrs. Sweitzer, who prior to her marriage was Miss Daisy Miller, had gone across the state road to talk to some friends in an automobile. Mr. McNitt was driving out the road and as he neared the Miller place Mrs. Sweitzer started to run across the road to her home. Seeing the ap- proaching machine she became bewil- dered with the result that she was struck a glancing blow and knocked down. Mr. McNitt stopped his machine as quickly -as possible and assisted in picking up the unfortunate woman, who was carried into the Miller home. Later she was sent to the hospital and though she was unconscious several hours she finally became rational and has since been steadily improving un- til at this writing she is considered out of danger. Hear Dr. Tomkins Tonight. As many of you know the Young People’s conference of the State Sun- day schools is in session here and will continue throughout today and tomor- Tow. Some of you may not know, how- ever, that the speakers who are on the program for the mass meeting in the Methodist church tonight are men of national reputation whom you should hear if you can find it possi- ble to be there. John Alexander is the superintend- ent of the young people’s work of the International association. Edward H. Bonsail Jr., holds the same position in the Pensylvania as- sociation, Dr. Floyd Tomkins, is rector of Ho- ly Trinity, the largest Episcopalian church in Philadelphia and one of the most notable of the clergy of the Episcopal church. Two hundred delegates are regis- tered for the conference which is prov- ing one of unusual interest. Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce to Visit Bellefonte. Railroad officials in Bellefonte have been advised that the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce will make a tour through the western part of the State the latter part of May and the tentative schedule now arranged pro- vides for a stop of one hour in Belle- fonte on Thursday, May 24th, from 12:30 to 1:30 o'clock. The special train will be made up of one combi- nation car, two dining cars, eight sleepers and an observation car, twelve in all. The party will leave Pittsburgh on May 21st, spending two days in eastern Ohio, northwestern Pennsylvania, and the southern part of New York State. The night of the 23rd will be spent in Williamsport, and the next day the train will visit Lock Haven, Bellefonte, Huntingdon and go through to Cumberland, Md. — lp —————————— Davidson—Markle.—Harold M. Da- vidson, of Wingate, and Miss Stella M. Markle, of Boalsburg, but who has been employed at the Bellefonte hos- pital, were married at seven o’clock last Saturday evening at the Reform- ed parsonage in Boalsburg by the pas- tor, Rev. S. C. Stover, the ring cere- mony being used. The young couple will make their home at Wingate. Byers—Galbraith.—Benjamin How- ard Byers, of State College, and Miss Ruth Galbraith, of Patton, were mar- ried at Hollidaysburg at three o’clock last Thursday afternoon, by Rev. Rob- ert C. Peters, of the Methodist church. The bridegroom is a student at the College and has planned to continue his studies. ————————————— Noll—Musser.—Paul Anthony Noll, of Philipsburg, and Miss Ellen Ruth Smith, of Spring Mills, were married in Clearfield last Saturday morning by Rev. E. V. Brown. They will re- side in Philipsburg. - mE eet Ss ——Charles Nelo, the shoemaker, recently purchased a motorcycle and last week took a run out to Pleasant Gap. He turned out to pass a milk truck and in trying to get back onto the road was thrown from his machine, sustaining a fractured right arm and two bad cuts on the head and face. He was taken to the Bellefonte hos- pital where the fracture was reduced and his injuries attended to. ——The Auxiliary of the American Legion will hold a dance at the armory Friday evening, April 20th. Benefit of American Legion. ——N. B. C. oyster and soda crack- ers, fresh and crisp, 1b. 12c., at Wea- ver’s Pure Food Store. 14-1t For Rent.—Two desirable rooms in Miss Jennie Morgan’s house, on Lo- gan street. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat - - - - - - $1.25 Rye - - « = - - - 80 Corn - - - - - - 70 Oats - - - - - - 43 Barley - - = - - - 60 Buckwheat - - - = - a5