Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 06, 1923, Image 5

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Comprehensive Expression Concerning
One of the Greatest Problems
of Anthropology.
Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, the distinguished
American ethnologist, contributes to
the proceedings of the American Philc-
sophical society an Important paper
* on the peopling of Asia, which “consti-
tutes one of the greatest problems of
anthropology.” He concludes that the
cradle of humanity was essentially
southwestern Europe, with, later, the
Mediterranean basin, western Asia and
Africa. It is primarily from Europe
and secondarily from these regions
that the earth was peopled, and this
peopling was comparatively recent.
Early man was unable to people the
globe, owing to his insufficient effec-
tiveness, and until the end of glacial
times and his old stone culture he had
evidently all he could do to preserve
mere existence. Only an advance in
culture could enable him to control his
environment and secure a steady sur-
plus of births over deaths. The cause
of man’s peopling of the world was not
a mere wish to do so, but the necessity
arising from growing numbers and cor-
respondingly decreasing supply of food.
It was this which eventually led to ag-
riculture. This spreading over the globe
was conditioned by {hree great laws—
movement in the direction of least re-
sistance ; movement in the direction of
the greatest prospects; movement due
to a force from behind, or compulsion
—~Scientific American.
White Pine Blister Rust an Enemy t¢
Be Combated by the Entire
Civilized World.
Giant white pines in Switzerland
that in 118 years have fought their
way to a height of 130 feet and more
are being killed by white pine blister
rust, and no effort is being made to
control the spread of the disease, ac-
cording to Dr. Perley Spaulding of the
United States Department of Agricul-
ture, who recently returned from an
eight months’ study of rust conditions
in Europe. Doctor Spaulding, who
made the trip to determine the ex-
tent of damage done to old trees and
to seek any new points in the life his-
tory of the disease, says that the
white pine blister rust has been
known in Switzerland since 1854, but
that it has been only within the last
ten years that it has spread to such
a state of destructiveness. The ur-
gent necessity of co-operating in the
attempt to control the spread of the
disease in the United States, he says,
will be better realized and facilitated
by lumbermen throughout this coun-
try when it can be pointed out to them
that the disease affects old trees ar
easily as young seedlings,
set Kx
As Others See Us.
Our children probably give us the
truest glimpse of ourselves we ever
get. The other day May arranged her
entire family in a row in the big rocker.
There were assembled three rag dolls,
an unbreakable doll with a broken nose,
a drunken elephant and an armless
teddy bear. She placed herself before
them rigidly and wagged her finger up
and down.
“Don’ touch the baby's bottle. Don’
you dare,” she said In exaggerated
mimicry of me. “Did you hear mam-
ma?’ she exclaimed sharply. She
seized the elephant, spanked him
smartly and placed him back with a
decided thump.
“Dere, now young lady,” she said to
him severely. Then, after a moment's
silence, “Well, don’t cry. Mamma kiss
you, but you mus’ mind your mamma.”
Whereupon she took up the dis-
- graced elephant, kissed the injured
spot warmly and mothered him ten-
derly. Sie
I felt: humiliated, but was glad to
see she made it up with the disrepu-
table old thing.—Farm Life.
Honor System In Prisons.
One of Italian Premier Mussolini's
first actions on coming to power has
been the adoption for state prisons of
the “honor system” in vogue in Ore-
gon and other western American states
and which was once tried out at Sing
Mussolini is greatly impressed by
the success of the system as practiced
in America and has ordered that,
among other things, solitary confine-
ment be abolished in Italian peniten-
tiaries, and all prisoners be given a
chance to work on farms or in fac-
tories at stated wages.
These wages will be divided into
three parts, one of which goes to the
state, to form a fund for the better-
ment of prison conditions, a second
part to the party which suffered under
the crime for which the prisoner was
convicted, and the third part held in
trust by the authorities until the day
of the prisoner's discharge.
Italy is the first European country
to adopt the honor system.
Useful Radio Improvement.
A French trans-Atlantic steamship
company was the first to experiment
with the radiogonometer, invented by
Bellini and Tosi. By means of this
apparatus the direction of an invisible
vessel, sailing along a coast and emit-
ting wireless signals, can be deter-
mined from two stations on the shore,
and its course can be accurately
mapped. Conversely, a vessel fur
nished with a radlogonometer can de-
termine its place near a coast by ob-
serving the directions of the waves
coming from two wireless stations on
the shore, and can thus make its way
in a fog, when the coast lights are in-
visible.—~Washington Star.
Man Who Placed His Arm Around His
Fiancee in Theater Brought
Instantly to Book.
Love in a picture theater in Newark
[s not a bed of roses, as Peter Cate-
nacci, twenty-two years old, found the
other night when he put his arm over
the shoulder of his fiancee at the
show in a movie theater.
John J. Hickey, special officer in the
theater, suddenly saw the young couple
in that affectionate position, and was
“Take your arm off that girl!” he
shouted, so loudly that everyone in
the house turned from the screen to
the loving young couple.
“This girl is my flancee, and I have
my arm around her, because I love
her,” replied the unabashed Catenacci.
“So long as she doesn’t object I don’t
see what business it is of yeurs.”
“It is against the law to make love
in a theater,” declared the special offi-
cer. :
“I'm not making love to you,” was
Catenacel’s rejoinder, “so why should
you object?”
This piece of logic so infuriated the
conscientious preserver of law and or-
der in the theater that he arrested the
young man. Acting Police Judge
Guthrie freed Catenacecl, declaring he
felt incompetent to decide of what
“making love” consists.—Fromn a New
York Letter in the Pittsburgh Dis-
How Chinese Boys Make Money When
the Fish Are Known to Be in
the Hatching Season.
Earning pocket-money by selling
ampty eggshells is how many Chinese
boys add to their savings during the
fish-hatching season.
Fish hatching in China is often con-
ducted with the aid of a hen. First, the
fish spawn is collected from the wa-
ter. A quantity is placed In each egg-
shell, the open end of which is sealed
with a special kind of wax. This done,
the eggs are placed under sitting hens.
After the third or fourth day each
egg is tested. If the hatching is com-
plete the shells are broken, and the
spawn {is emptied into water and
placed in the sun's powerful rays.
Soon the little fish are strong
enough to be moved. Their next home
is in water a few degrees colder, and
this lowering of temperature goes on
until they can stand the cold water of
the lakes and streams.
The Chinese boy, Ly selling empty
eggshells, earns more money during
the hatching season than at any other
time of the year.
, Gave His Son Hard Jobs.
P. D. Armour, founder of Armour &
_Co., liked to pose as a rich man, it is |
said. He fiked the feel of money and
to give it away. He had 100 $1 bills
put on his desk each morning, and
before nightfall he usually managed
to get rid of them.
His son, J. Ogden Armour, has said
that he had no more choice in becom-
ing the head of Armour & Co. then
the prince of Wales in becoming the
king of England.
“To get the right kind of men we
begin early,” J. Ogden Armour said
about hiring office boys than about
anything else connected with the busi-
ness. For the office boys of today
will become our department managers
tomorrow.” "
His father having antipathy for
“soft” young men, put “J. 0.” in every
hard job. He has served in every de-
partment both at the stock yards and
in the office.
Eat Less, Live Longer.
The great majority of human ills
arise from overeating and lack of ex-
ercise and fresh alr, according to Jack
Taylor, the “scholar gypsy,” who
reached New York on his way to south-
ern California by way of the Atlantic
coast states, Florida, Louisiana, Texas
and Arizona, walking and camping all
the way.
Mr. Taylor, who is sixty-nine years
old, said that tén years ago he was a
commercial traveler whom the physi-
cians had given only a few months to
live. He determined to revolutionize
his habits, gathered together a camp-
ing outfit, and since that time has con-
fined himself to a diet of raw eggs and
corn meal, chocolate, raisins, rye bread
and molasses. Since he began his new
life he has walked 8,000 miles, lying
in the open and camping under the
stars. The average human being, he
says, eats far more than he should.
She Kept It Going.
Emphasizing the virtue of persist-
ence, Mrs. Kathleen Norris says, as
quoted in the Boston Advertiser:
“When my husband was a magazine
editor In 1910, a certain battered and
travel-worn story, a ngvelette, came
to his office and was immediately re-
jected. Two years later, when he was
on another magazine, the story re-
appeared. It was unchanged, the same
little child story of optimism and
hope. This second magazine pald a
small sum for it, and it was serial-
ized.”—From the Outlook,
Invention to Prevent Speeding.
In Rome the narrow streets and
steep hills render motoring rather pre-
carlous at best and there is no room
for the speed maniac. An automatie
regulator which will limit the speed
within the city proper is being seri-
ously considered. This invention de-
pends on a type of governor and is the
result of the inventive labors of
Messrs, Fragano aad Villa.—Sclentifie
“We are more particular '
Real Estate Transfers.
Mary C. Sliker to J. Raymond
Winn, tract in Boggs township;
Annie M. Lord to Henry A. White,
tract in Centre Hall; $1,700.
E. B. Gilpatrick, et ux, to C. D.
Dutcher, tract in Philipsburg; $3,900.
J. B. Hartsock, et al, to J. S. Bush,
tract in Spring township; $600.
Philipsburg Coal and Land Co., to
Andy Mozik Sr., tract in Rush town-
ship; $100. :
Philipsburg Coal and Land Co., to
Andy Mozik Jr., tract in Rush town-
ship; $100.
William Billett, et ux, to Russell
Miller, tract in Spring township; $200.
Nancy Confer, et al, to Toner R.
Robb, tract in Curtin; $150.
Jacob Mann’s Admr., to Nathaniel
Pletcher, tract in Curtin township;
$105. s
Wm. J. Rapsey, et ux, to John A.
Erb, tract in Philipsburg; $4,500.
Adam Moyer’s Exr., to John A. Erb,
tract in Philipsburg; $3,700.
Lloyd Walker, et ux, to Boyd N.
Johnson, tract in Boggs township;
Sue Dannley, et al, to Samuel E.
Martz, tract in Ferguson township;
Geo. W. Keister, et ux, to Frank W.
Keister, tract in Haines township;
! $12,500.
Geo. B. Thompson, et ux, to Theo-
dore Davis Boal, tract in Patton town-
ship; $1,000.
Square and Compass Assn., of State
College to Beta Alumni Assn. of Sig-
ma Phi Sigma Fraternity, tract in
College township; $3,000.
Henry R. Potter, et ux, to Joshua
T. Potter, tract in Harris township;
Joseph H. Hoy, et ux, to John J.
Snyder, tract in Ferguson township;
Nancy A. Uhl to Minnie R. Long,
tract in Spring township; $1.
J. C. Kerstetter, et ux, to Fred Ben-
der, tract in Miles township; $300.
Amanda T. Miller, et al, to Peter
Lyons, tract in Bellefonte; $248.
E. C. Musser, et ux, to M. B. Mus-
ser, tract in Ferguson township; $12,-
J. Frank Ross, et ux, to Charles D.
Bartholomew, tract in Gregg town-
ship; $1.
Shuman Zimmerman’s heirs to
Charles D. Bartholomew, tract in
Walker township; $8,500.
Louise A. W. Russell’s Exr’s. to El-
mer E. Roller, tract in Unionville;
Louise M. Gill to Sarah C. Hawkins,
tract in Philipsburg; $5,600.
I. G. Gordon Foster, et al, to C. O,
Broome, tract in State College; $2,-
Matilda W. Lieb, et al, to Malcolm
C. Young, tract in Bellefonte; $425.
| Calvin Rishel, et ux, to Ira G. Ha-
: zel, tract in Miles township; $130.
| Sarah Conner’s Exrs., et ux, to H,
ship; $5,800.
Calvin Rishel, et ux, to Reuben G.
' Rishel, tract in Miles township; $130.
Ellen J. Confer, et bar, to Homer B.
! Walker, et ux, tract in Boggs town-
ship; $6,000.
i David Dale, Exr., to Ernest John-
' son, tract in Lemont; $3,000.
| Benjamin Limbert’s Exrs., to Mrs.
‘ Blanche Rishel, tract in Madisonburg;
Harry Dukeman, sheriff, to O.J.
Harm, tract in Snow Shoe township;
' $1,325.
| Mrs. Agnes C. Coldren to Mrs. Ce-
| celia Strunk, et bar, tract in Spring
i township; $3,300.
! Dr. Jd. R. G. Allison, et ux, to Ly-
{ man L. Smith, tract in Centre Hall;
' $3,050.
| Truffles are subterranean vegetables
and are an expensive luxury and are
'used for gravies and for flavoring
food. They form the chief ingredi-
| ent of rich meat sauces, pates, ete.;
{in a quantity by themselves are. con-
sidered highly indigestible. The black
is the best known variety and is
! found beneath the trees of oak forests
| in southern France, where it is hunt-
ed by trained Spanish poodles who
have an exceedingly keen sense of
smell. Truffles decompose very easily,
giving off a very offensive, nauseat-
ing odor. Hotel chefs sometimes serve
them with geese livers and with tur-
XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa-
E mentary upon the estate of Sarah
E. Wieland, late of Patton town-
ship, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing them-
selves indebted to said estate are requested
to make prompt payment, and those having
claims against the same must present them,
duly authenticated, for settlement.
DAVID F. KAPP, Executor,
W. Harrison Walker, State College, Pa,
Attorney. 68-9-6t
Pure Bred, Registered
For Sale Black Percheron Stallions
Charles Pink Prince, No. 163730. Foal-
ed April 28, 1917. Grand Champion Clear-
field county fair 1922,
. Universe II—No. 159386. I'oaled April
13, 1919. The sire of this horse is an im-
ported prize winning fellow. Dam, Pink
Princess, whose mother was an Interna-
tional Champion.
Universe ITI—Not registered as yet. Full
brother of the above horse. ¥oaled March
27, 1922,
Another yearling stallion equally well
bred as above horses. Same sire.
Well worth your time to see these horses
if interested in.good stock. Prices reason-
able, We have too many.
Golden Rod Farm, Woodland Road,
Clearfield, Pa.
H & C Phone 385-W. On main state high-
way 3 miles east of Clearfield 68-14-3t
| H. Mark, et ux, tract in Miles town- kay orice.
| they contain no sugar. Truales eaten |:
We are authorized to announce thai E.
R. Taylor, of Bellefonte, will be a candi-
date for Sheriff of Centre county, subject
to the decision of the Democratic voters
as expressed at the primaries to be held
on Tuesday, September 18th, 1923.
We are authorized to announce that F.
S. Ocker, of Miles township, will be a can-
didate for the nomination of Register of
Centre county, subject to the decision of
the Democratic voters as expressed at the
pigaries on Tuesday, September 18th,
We are authorized to announce that
Lyman L. Smith, of Centre Hall, will be a
candidate for the nomination for County
Treasurer, subject to the decision of the
Democratic voters at the primaries on
Tuesday, September 18th, 1923.
We are authorized to announce the name
of J. W. Yearick, of Marion township, as
a candidate for County Commissioner, sub-
ject to the decision of the Democratic vot-
ers as expressed at the primaries to be
held Tuesday, September 18th, 1923.
We are authorized to announce that John
S. Spearly, of Benner township, Centre
county, will be a candidate for the nomi-
nation for County Commissioner, subject
to the decision of the Democratic voters as
Tuesday, September 18th, 1923.
We are authorized to announce that Her-
bert H. Stover, of Miles township, will be a
candidate for County Auditor, subject to
the decision of the Democratic voters as
expressed at the general primaries on Sep-
tember 18th, 1923.
The “Watchman” is authorized to an-
nounce that Arthur C. Dale Esq., of Belle-
fonie borough, is a candidate for the nom-
ination for District Attorney of Centre
county, subject to the decision of the Re-
publican voters as expressed at the pri-
maries on Tuesday, September 18th, 1923.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
The Philipsburg Coal and Land Company
will be held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Phil-
adelphia, Penna., on Tuesday, May 8th,
1923, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. for the follow-
ing purposes, viz:
1. To elect six Directors.
2, To vote on an Amendment to By-
laws, Section VIII to strike out the word
“Secretary” in line two of said section and
to substitute therefor the word ‘Treas-
3. To transact all such other business as
may legally come before the meeting, in-
cluding the approval and ratification of all
action of the Board of Directors since the
last annual meeting of the Stockholders of
this Company.
N Franklin Auman vs. Collie Ginger-
ich Auman.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre
county. No. 107 December Term, 1922.
To Collie Gingerich Auman:
Whereas your husband, Thomas Frank-
lin Auman, has filed a libel in the Court of
Common Pleas of Centre county to No. 107
December Term, 1922, praying for a Di-
vorce against you. And now you are here-
by notified to appear on or before the first
Monday of April, 1923, to answer the com-
plaint of your husband, Thomas Franklin
Auman, and to show cause, if any you
have, why the said Thomas Franklin Au-
man should not be divorced from the bonds
of matrimony entered into with you, and
in default of such appearance you will be
liable to have a divorce granted in your
Sheriff's Office,
Bellefonte, Pa.,
March 3rd, 1923. 68-10-4t
101 South Eleventh St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
Costs no more than
ordinary Buttermilk
Is superior to ordinary
Buttermilk because of its
Delicious, Velvety Smooth-
‘ness, Appetizing, Creamy
.Richness; Uniformity, Puri-
‘ty, Keeping Qualities, Pal-
atable Flavor and High
Food Value.
Highly recommended by
physicians as a healthful bev-
erage and general conditioner.
Western Maryland Dairy
66-24-tf Bellefonte, Pa.
Caldwell & Son
Plumbing and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Full Line of Pipe and Fittings
Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings
Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly
expressed at the Primaries to be held |
OXS to sell vanilla after school. Send
for free sample bottle. Wakefield
Extract Co., Sanbornville, N. H,
XECUTOR’'S NOTICE.—Letters testa-
mentary upon the estate of Matilda
A. Dale, late of Bellefonte borough,
deceased, having been granted to the un-
dersigned, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate are requested to
make prompt payment, and those having
claims against the same must present them,
duly authenticated, for settlement.
Dr. DAVID DALE, Executor,
James C. Furst, Bellefonte, Pa.
Attorney. 68-10-6t
W. L. FOSTER, President
same thing is
good service
our business
CAPITAL $125,000.00
The Business Man
seeking an adequate banking con-
nection will find that the ample
capital and progressive but con-
servative management of this
bank will meet his every require-
In Your Business
experience is
Your experience in your business
makes it possible for you to give
The First National Bank of State College
State College, Pennsylvania
-—Subsecribe for the “Watchman.”
Laborers for Construction Work
At 40c. per hour.
Ten hours a day. Good long job.
The Viscose Co.,
68-10-tf LEWISTOWN, PA.
DAVID F. KAPP, Cashier. |
invaluable. The
true in our business.
at small cost. In
the same fact holds
SURPLUS $125,000.00
Week-Ahead Program
Cut this eut and save fer reference.
with a melodrama twist.
a certain time. Eva Novak as the
ic effects, with awe-inspiring glac
time. Also, Federated Comedies.
and Night):
Skillful directing.
shine Comedy.
Beautiful and
an inborn timidity which amounts
penings he conquers it.
up next week.
tion story of a boy bound out.
Something true to life.
the last episode of “AROUND THE WORLD IN 18 DAYS.”
WILLIAM RUSSELL in “A GREAT NIGHT,” is a pleasing farce comedy
He inherits fortune on condition he marry by
gril will please all. Also, Snub Pollard
ALMA RUBENS in “VALLEY OF SILENT MAN,” a seven reel thrilling
“melodrama of the Canadian Northwest, with the human appeal.
: The scen-
iers, snow-laden scenery, are very good.
Also, Pathe News and Harold Lloyd Comedy.
AN ALL STAR—“THE LOVES OF PHAROH,” a most beautiful spectac-
i ular picture of Egypt in the days of Pharoh.
Big settings. Skillful produc-
Interesting story of a beautiful slave who was made Queen by Pha-
| roh, and over whom war was declared.
A very pleasing picture at this
BARBARA LaMAR in “TRIFLING WOMEN,” an eight reel tragic story
of a Parisian Sorceress told by a French novelist to his frivolous daughter.
A father and son both caught in the same vampire net.
An excellent cast.
artistic settings. Also, a two reel Sum-
HOOT GIBSON in “KINDLED COURAGE,” is a story of a man who has
almost to cowardice. After several hap-
Also, interesting next to
See the wind-
HE BOND BOY,” is a seven reel produc-
Mary Alden and Mary Thurman are alse
Also, 2 reel St. John Comedy.
On Saturday, April 14, William Farnum will be the attraction in “WITHOUT
Large shipment just
Onion Sets 15¢. Ib.
Sellers’ Kitchen Cabinets
The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
Landreth’s Seeds
in—Vegetable, Flower
and Lawn Grass Seeds.
Narcissus Bulbs, 2 for 15c.
Get Your Supply Early
The best servant in your house
White Enamel $59 and $82
Oak $72 and $85