Bemorvaic Wado, Bellefonte, Pa., March 30, 1923. —_— MEA CULPA. By Susie M. Best. I dreamed I saw the Saviour climb Up Calvary! Up Calvary! I sorrowed, oh, I sorrowed sore, To see the heavy cross He bore; I cried; “Ah! Christ, and must it be!” He sighed, “This cross was made by thee!” I dreamed I saw the Saviour scourged Up Calvary! Up Calvary! I wept to see the drops of gore Ooze from the cruel thorns He wore; But lo, His voice! It called to me: “The sharpest thorn was set by thee!” I dreamed 7 saw the Saviour slain On Calvary! On Calvary! When through his hands the hard nails tore, My heart was pierced to the core; But hark! A whisper from the tree: “These spikes are but the sins of thee!” HOW THEY CELEBRATE EASTER IN SPAIN. “Yes I shall be home for Easter,” said the Spanish woman, and her eyes lighted up at the thought. “Have you never been in Seville during Holy Week? It is the most wonderful thing in the world, so different from anything else. To us, you know, Eas- ter means more than any other holi- day. We always associate it with the merriest times and the happiest hours; so much so, that any religious holiday { | of importance is called ‘pascuas,’ a | term originally applied to Easter only. “Perhaps our climate makes Easter time the most delightful of the year; perhaps our religious fervor; I don’t know. But it seems as though we used all our efforts to make Easter the most beautiful day in the year. Carnival time is happy and gay, but it is followed by Lent and all its fast- ing, and while we Spaniards are not always as devout as we might be, Lent does throw a certain damper on feasts and merriment. So that after strict observance of the rules of the church we need a reaction and get it Easter Sunday. “But Holy Week itself is wonderful. Seville changes from the frivolous city it usually is to a solemn, devout place, like a giddy young girl who has just entered a convent. All the gay colors are cast aside, and the women dress in black only. You might think it would be monotonous to see so many black clad figures, but it isn’t; it is imposing. “Spanish women have a way of wearing black which makes it the most fascinating color of all; it seems to bring out their best points as no oth- er shade does. Most of the women wear mantillas, black ones only, of course, some of rich silk lace and worth small fortunes; others of cheap imitation, perhaps, but worn with just as much piquancy and charm. Even in their most solemn moments, however, the women of Seville do not forget their flowers, and almost every person you meet has a carnation tuck- ed in among the folds of her mantilla, where it is lying against her smooth- ly combed black hair. “I often wonder whether any head- gear is as becoming as the mantilla. Gracefully draped, it enhances the beauty of any woman. The beautiful look more beautiful, while the less fortunate have their bad points soft- ened, as it were. On Holy Thursday, in Seville, you would think that most of the inhabitants were nuns, to judge by the black silhouettes you meet at every glance. That is the day when it is customary to visit the different churches, and it is also customary for every one to walk, even the very wealthy, leaving their carriages for the time being. “I remember as a child how I hated fine roadway built and maintained by | Holy Thursday. I was taken from one ! church to another until my feet ached from walking and my knees were sore from so much kneeling, for in Seville, as in other parts of Spain, the church- es are flagged with marble and there are no pews; in some there may be prayer stools, but in many there are only straw mats to kneel on, and it is far from comfortable. I was over- awed, I remember, when we entered the huge cathedral, all dark except for the hundreds of wax tapers and the maze of light at the altar. Thous- ands of pesetas are spent, they say, to make the ‘monument’ in the cathe- dral at Seville, and I don’t wonder, for it. is most beautiful. “Good Friday there is a procession, and a most curious one. Civil and clerical authorities head it slowly through the streets, giving almost every one a chance to wonder at the queer assembly of costumes and chai- acters. There is no attempt at ‘local color,’ if one might express it so; there is no attempt at portraying the Virgin, for instance, as she must have looked. She is garbed in a stiff court costume of the seventeenth century, of beautiful workmanship. “Enormous amounts of money have been spent on these costumes, in cost- ly lace and silks, in gold embroidery and gems. Great big tears roll down her cheeks and she holds a handker- chief of exquisite lace. It is almost impossible to imagine anything more different from how the Virgin really must have been. Then there come all sorts of queer figures, dwarfs and gi- ants, and between them monks and choir boys carrying religious relics. Pictures and images of different saints and Biblical scenes are represented. It is a procession which carries one back hundreds of years, a procession more suited to medieval times than to the present. Yet it causes inter- est every year. “After the strain of Lent and Holy week Sevillians cannot resist the temptation of making merry, and Eas- ter Sunday finds them prepared for every form of gayety. Then the so- called Ferias begin. Many of the best families in Seville put up tents in the outskirts of the city, where the ferias are held, and in these tents there is always plenty of dancing and music. and ready to enjoy every moment of the day. The black gowns are put hospial on Staten Island. visit will be ideal and not equaled any- Everybody is in good spirits aside and the multicolorrd mantones de Manila come to light—those vivid, wonderful shawls that seem to con- tain the essence of the Orient modified to the exotic demands of the Southern Spain. And flowers are sold in enor- mous quantities, and there is a laugh- ter on all lips. For when Easter has come, good days have come.” a — A —— PRESIDENT’S ALASKA VISIT. President Harding’s visit to Alas- ka next summer will be instructive and pleasant to him; it will benefit Mrs. Harding’s health, as well as de- light her, and will prove of advantage to the Northland. It will be the first trip of .a chief executive of the nation to the territory, a territory that in area is one-fifth as large as the Unit- ed States and that since its purchase in 1867 from Russia for $7,200,000, has yielded in minerals, sea products and furs a wealth of $1,100,000,000. At least twenty days, according to dispatches from Washington, D. C, will be allotted for the northern jour- ney. In that time, the presidential party could go by ship from here to Valdez and Seward, thence by auto- mobile over the Richardson Trail and Copper River Railroad to Cordova and thence by ship across the Gulf of Alaska and by way of the Inside Pas- sage to Seattle. The twenty-day per- iod would not necessitate undue haste. It would afford oportunity for inspec- tion of coastal waters and of exten- sive stretches of the interior and also permit of sojourns in the principal towns along the route of travel. At Valdez, the headquarters of the Third Judicial Division, the President can view the famous Valdez glacier, a barrier that checked but could not stop the stampede of a host of gold seek- ers. At Seward, named for Lincoln’s great Secretary of State, who nego- tiated the purchase of Alaska, the President will entrain on the Govern- ment Railroad, a broad-gauge, well ballasted system that extends 467 miles into the interior. He and his | party will travel in standard sleeping | cars and have the convenience of a! dining car. At Anchorage, the chief executive will be the guest of a town the government laid out and sdminis- tered during the building of the rail- road, and there are located the main shops and offices of the system. North- east of Anchorage, he will view the extensive Matanuska and Chickaloon coal fields. At Riley Creek, 347 miles north of Seward, his train will cross a steel and wood viaduct 90v feet in length. He will then be at the foot and in the shadow of Mount McKinley, the loftiest peak on the North Amer- ican continent. At Nenana, he will go over the Tanana on a mile bridge which cost $1,300,000 and the main steel span of which is exceeded in length by only one other in the world. At Fairbanks, terminal of the rail- road, the President will be at the cen- ter of the territory’s interior treasure vault. From there in automobiles he will traverse the Richardson Trail, ai the government. Leaving it near Chi- | tina, he will go on the Copper River Railroad, which serves the famous Kennicott region, to Cordova. There he will board ship for his cruise across the Gulf of Alaska and through the Inside Passage, whose scenic gran- deurs cannot be excelled by those of any waterway on the globe. He will visit Juneau, the capital, famed for its quartz mining, and Katchikan, the | home of salmon and halibut fleets. ! The President’s trip will be made in | the season of the year when the farm lands along the line of the railroad will be productive of berries and veg- etables and green with early growths of hay and grain. He will see wild flowers of innumerable kinds and of every hue, and in abundance on every plain and hillside. He will be inter- ested in the wild life. Whales will sport off the side of his ship, and sal- mon leap in quest of surface food. Birds and migratory fowl without number flock on the coast and inland. He will get glimpses of some of the animals of field and forest. The weather during the President’s where else. Long summer days, with no darkness and only half an hour of dusk—days without wind or rain and a warmth that never turns to uncom- fortable chilliness or intolerable heat. The President’s trip will advertise to the world Alaska as she really is, abounding in resources and opportu- nity, and not unseasonably cold nor covered with ice and snow. It will in- form the chief executive of northern conditions as nothing else can. He will return invigorated by his outing, and Mrs. Harding, no less than he, will be richer in health and strength. —~Seattle Daily Times. A ——— ss ———— Devour Their Relatives. The common pike, familiar to every fresh-water fisherman, is one of the most ruthless and cold-blooded fishes in existence. Most others of his predacious kind will eat dead meat, but the pike preys entirely upon living things and re- gales himself with a wide variety of animate tidbits, including fish, eels, rats, mice, ducklings, waterhens and frogs. Within a few weeks of hatching, ba- by pikes will eat minnows half again as large as themselves, having pre- viously eaten all their little brothers and sisters not so well developed as they. They have rapid digestion, which put a fine edge on their appetites, and it is not uncommon for them to devour two or three times their own weight in small fish in a single day. The pike does not often follow his prey, but follows the ambush method, lying in the reeds and darting out on any appetizing creature that happens along. ——LElectricity used in pneumonia cases has effected complete cures, it was learned at St. Mary’s hospital, at Hoboken, N. J., by Dr. Brozier, an X-ray specialist. It has been tried on twenty persons who had been given up for dead. Dr. H. E. Stewart, of Yale University, a well known instruc- tor there, developed the treatment and used it at the United Staes Marine The First of States’ New Buildings Contracted For. The contract for the construction of Varsity Hall, the first of ‘he $2,- 000,000 campaign buildings at Penn State, has been let and work is to start immediately, according to a recent an- nouncement made by the college offi- cials. It is planned to complete the building by late fall or in time for oc- cupancy during the second semester next year. The new building will serve as a dormitory and athletic training house and will replace the old frame Track House. It will accommodate over 75 men students and in addition will have special sleeping quarters for visiting athletic teams. Varsity Hall is one of the campaign buildings in which Hugo Bezdek, director of athletics, has been keenly interested, and he was all smiles when informed that construec- tion work was to begin almost imme- diately. The hall will serve as head-house to the men’s residence group on the west campus. The first residence units, funds for which were provided two years ago by the State Legislature, are now nearing completion and may be ready for occupancy in time for the summer session. The Varsity Hall contract has been awarded to F. L. Hoover and Sons, of Philadelphia. Of fireproof construction throughout, the new building will be of brick, steel eet and concrete. The architects are Day and Klauder, of Philadelphia, and the style of architecture will be an Amer- lcan adaptation of the Georgian. A red Colonial brick will be used, with a trim of Indiana limestone and Penn- sylvania bluestone. There will be a central unit four stories high, with two wings, each two stories in height. In addition to bedrooms and study rooms, the hall will contain a large trophy room, dining room, kitchen, living room, reading room, game rooms, a small office, conference rooms, sleeping quarters for visiting teams, and quarters for the chef. ——The “Watchman” gives all the news while it is news. Aristocratic Pushcart. When Mike Flannigan, the contrac- tor, got up in the world, his wife and daughters surrounded themselves with many comforts and household conven- iences. : One Sunday afternoon an old friend visited them and while he was there the maid wheeled into the room a ve- hicle containing light refreshments. “Phawt’s that thing, Mike?” asked the caller. “Why, that’s a tay-wagon,” replied Flannigan. “A tay-wagon, is ut?” rejoined the other. “Sure, I'd call it a pushcart that’s broke into sassiety.” Do YOU INCREASE Your cost of & emand that cannot ortland (ment N unprecedented demand for A Atlas exists right now — a e met unless the empty Atlas bags now in users’ hands are returned. In the course of a year close to $5,000,000.00 worth of bags are needed by Atlas. This would be a heavy burden on cement users if the bags were not returned and reused, so cutting down the number of new bags needed. Return your empty Atlas ba prompe) to your dealer. Help im, and help us, keep Portland Cement the cheapest of all manu- factured products. PORTLAND CEMENT] % PNY WY , CEMENT _ PREVI hs ““The Standard by which all other makes are measured” Home Building We have Helped a Number of People Buy Homes this Spring While it is usually better to borrow from Building Associations for this purpose, this cannot always be ar- ranged, and we are willing to consider proper applications. We are willing to do what we can in this way, for it is not only helpful work but is a sign of thrift and progress. The First National Bank 61-46 Bellefonte, Pa. All the remaining stock of Rogers @ Bro. ‘‘Star Brand” Knives, Forks and Spoons will be sold at, $2 per half dozen. These are the remaining articles of our sale. F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists 64-22 tf Bellefonte, Pa. Large Size Shoes for Large Women We can fit the very largest foot with Stylish Shoes and give comfort. Yeager's Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN 3 Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. Come to the “Watchman” office for sm High Class Job work. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. of Womens and Misses Suits, Wraps and Capes Every woman and Miss, who wants to be fashionably dressed, will not pass the real values we are showing. The best makes of Cleveland and New York are here at great price con- cessions. SEE OUR SPORT COATS AT $10.00. Our Tweed Suits in the mottled grey and tans, only $18.00. See our Tweed Suits, with matched Bloomers, only $25.00. Our Wraps and Capes are selling fast. New styles every week. Children’s Coats and Capes at special low prices, 0 0 0 80 2222022 PV VP VPP III IIIIIIoIIIIIoovo oT WNW OOOO IOI PPS WNT NNN NN NGG GD OG WO OOPS INSIPID ISIS SILKS. The new soft silks are here—Canton Crepe, Flat Crepe, Krinkle twist and the King Tut. in the paisely colorings, crepe de chene. Satin Crepe, - Egyptian designs, SI TS TT 0 LG AE RATINA. All the new plaid Ratina. Voiles in Orchid, Silver Grey, Apricot, Honey Dew, White and Tan. Eponge in all the new colors. RUGS, CURTAINS AND: DRAPERIES. Our spring line of Rugs, Curtains and Draperies is here. House cleaning and moving time make these necessary. Cretonne and Marquesette Draperies to match all colors. Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. FV VV VO OO OTT VOOR WNW WOON RPT A TT TT 0 i SE A SRT ST DT FV OV Ve VO OO VITO VOI POV OOO OOOO OOOO SR 0 I TT I 4 LL NGG WOOO POPPI SSDP PIP WAY ¥ WWW SWINGIN WAT WOW WIT GRINININIIS FW WWIII