Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 30, 1923, Image 4

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"Bellefonte, Pa., March 30, 1923.
P. GRAY MEEK, - =~ -
To Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
notice this paper will be furnished to sub-
scribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance - -
Paid before expiration of year - 17
Paid after expiration of year - 2.00
Published weekly, every Friday morn-
ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa., as second class mail matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be no-
tified when a subscriber wishes the pa-
per discontinued. In all such cases the
subscription must be paid up to date of
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
——N. B. C. Oyster and Soda
Crackers, pound 12c., fresh and crisp,
at Weaver's Pure Food store. 13-1t
——The “Watchman” is in receipt
of the biennial report of the Hunting-
don reformatory and in it we find that
during the year 1921 Centre county is
credited with having had two inmates
at the institution for a total of 502
days at a cost of $225.90. During
1922 there were eight inmates from
the county, for a total of 1967 days at |
a cost of $826.14.
——J. W. Yiesley, for a number of
years an organizer for the P. O. S. of
A., and who has done some good work
in Bellefonte and Centre county, has
been chosen as organization manager
of the State Camp of the order in
Pennsylvania. During the past four
years he has been engaged in news-
paper and Chautauqua work but his
entire time in the future will be given
to the P. O. S. of A.
——March may not make its official
exit tomorrow exactly like a lion but
there has been enough of roarin’
i ed in Bellefonte of the death on March
around all week to resemble a cage.
full of the wild beasts, while for pure,
unadulterated arctic weather the week
has been about on a plane with mid-
winter, thermometers in Bellefonte
registering as low as six degrees
above zero yesterday morning. Ior-
liest of fruit
tunately not even the earliest o : | married Catherine Zimmerman, of
trees have made a showing of buds s
that the hard freeze has hardly re-,
sulted in any damage to the fruit crop.
——Mrs. James Toner, who occu-
pies apartments in the Snyder build-
ing on Bishop street, met with a very
serious accident on Wednesday that
might easily have been fatal. De-
scending the back stairway she slip-
ped on a lump of coal that turned and
threw her down the long flight to the
bottom where she struck her head and
shoulders against the door. While no
bones were broken she was so pain-
fully bruised and shocked that up to
yesterday afternoon she had not re-
© covered sufficiently to sit up.
—— Sunday will be Easter, and
naturally about nine-tenths of the
women are particularly concerned
about their new spring Lats and oth-
er finery. While it is yet a little ear-
ly to tell what the weather will be
like no unusual storms have so far
been predicted and it is to be hoped
the day will be warm and sunshiny.
While Easter comes quite early this
year it is not establishing a record
by any means. Two years ago it fell
on March 27th and later we had
enough cold weather to freeze all the
The earliest date on which
Faster can fall is March 22nd, but
-that is a very rare occurrence.
ee — A er —————————
Trout fishing season will not
open on April 15th this year, because
of the fact that the 15th falls on Sun-
day, but it is highly probable that
many fishermen will go to their fa-
vorite streams that night so as to be
on the ground bright and early on
Monday morning, the 16th. Inas-
much as the date is only a little over
two weeks away fishermen are get-
ting their rods and tackle in shape
and doubtless wondering if luck will
be with them on the opening day. Ow-
ing to the extremely low water in
many of the trout streams last fall
there is more or less speculation as to
the trout surviving the hard winter,
but it is quite probable that they
sought protection in the
waters of the larger streams and will
be about as plentiful as usual this
year. The only question will be find-
ing them, and then catching them
after they are located.
——Wednesday’s high wind was a
little too much for successful aviation.
The regular mail plane from Cleve- |
land was forced to land in the western
part of the State owing to the terrific
gale and in doing so the machine was
damaged, though the pilot escaped
injury. Another plane was dispatched
from the Cleveland field to fly light
through to New York, with orders to
stop in Bellefonte and take on the lo-
cal mail, but when the plane reached
here about 1:30 o’clock the wind was
so high that the pilot could not make
a landing. Twice he came dewn un-
til the landing gear of his machine
touched the ground but both times the
wind caught him and he was compel-
led to go up. Finally he signaled that
he had sufficient oil and gas to carry
him through and a return signal was
given to go ahead, which he did,
reaching the New York field safely
about half-past three o’clock.
MYERS.—John S. Myers died at
his home in Philipsburg on Tuesday
night of last week as the result of
general debility. He was a son of
Michael and Leah Stine Myers and
was born in Buffalo Run valley on
February 20th, 1834, making his age
89 years and 1 month. His early life
was spent on the farm but after lo-
cating in Philipsburg many years ago
he engaged in lumbering. °
In 1858 he married Miss Rachel
Williams, of Buffalo Run, who died
nine years ago. Surviving him, how-
ever, are the following children: Mrs.
William Whitten, John N. Myers, Mrs. |
George Miller and Irvin, all of Phil- |
ipsburg; Mrs. Paul Maguire, of Mor- |
risdale; George M. and William, of
Nant-y-Glo; Mrs. Edward Irvin, of |
MEYER.—Calvin N. Meyer died at ;
his home at Aaronsburg last Satur- |
day as the result of inflammatory '
rheumatism, aged fifty-eight years.
He was born and spent his life in low-
er Pennsvalley, where he had been en-
gaged in the lumber business for
many years. Surviving him are his
wife and one son, Lynn V. Meyer, a
student at Franklin and Marshall Col-
lege. He also leaves five brothers and
two sisters, William, of Loganton;;
Jacob, Philip, Cyrus, Thomas, Mrs. |
Lynn Korman and Mrs. Laura Bart- !
ges, all of Coburn. Burial was made
at Coburn on Wednesday.
il I
PURDUE.—The remains of Mrs. |
Mary Purdue, widow of William Pur- |
due, were brought to Bellefonte on !
Bellefonte Troops Commended.
Major H. L. Curtin, commanding
officer of the 52nd Machine Gun
squadron, troops composing which
are: Headquarters and headquarters
detachment and Troop B, Bellefonte;
Troop A, Boalsburg; Troop C, Lewis-
town, and medical detachment, Belle-
fonte and Lewistown, has received a
letter of commendation for the squad-
'ron’s high rating for the past year as
i given at the annual federal inspection. |
General Muir, commanding gener-
al, Third corps area, in a letter to the
Adjutant General, Pensylvania Na-
tional Guard, stated in part as fol-
lows: “Pleased to note the following
satisfactory conditions existing in the
organization: That the morale of the
Clarksburg, W. Va., and Mrs. Eva | the Pennsylvania-Lehigh train, Satur- | 078anization is very high. That the
James, of Youngstown, Ohio. He also | day afternoon, and taken direct to the squadron shows marked improvement ;
leaves three sisters and one brother,
Mrs. Ella Lucas, of Washington, D.
C.; Mrs. Rachel MecDivitt, of New Al-
Some of our foremost farmers have
begun plowing for their spring crops.
Charles Louck is having his home :
all done over inside and also wired for
electric light.
Earl Pfoust is the owner of a new
Star automobile which he is handling
very skillfully.
| A farewell party was given the Ir-
‘vin Walker family, west of town, last
Friday evening.
i Mrs. C. M. Dale, of the Branch, was
a welcome visitor among relatives in
town on Sunday.
Harold Glenn and John Bailey
transacted business at Shingletown
on Monday evening.
i Preaching services will be held in
the Presbyterian church at 7:30
o’clock Easter evening.
J. Shannon Osman has signed up
Meyer's cemetery for burial, Rev. | in almost every detail over last year’s 55 Mrs. Frances Knoche’s foreman on
George E. Smith officiating. Mus. |
Purdue was a native of Punxsutaw- |
inspection report.”
General Price, commanding officer
exandria; Mrs. Amanda Way, of Un- ney but after her marriage to Mr. °f the 28th Division, in a letter to Ma-
jonville, and William Myers, of Belle- | Purdue lived a few years at Coleville, Jor Curtin said in part: “These head-
fonte. His descendants also include
forty-two grand-children; thirty-six |
great grand-children, and three great,
great grand-children. Burial was |
made in the Philipsburg cemetery on
Friday afternoon. :
FETZER.—Mrs. Margaret Fetzer
died on Wednesday of last week at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Sallie
Friel, at Runville, following an illness
of two years with rheumatism and
other complications. Had she lived
until next September she would have
been seventy-five years old. Her sur-
vivors include one daughter, Mrs.
Julia Comford, living in New Jersey,
four sisters and two brothers, namely:
Mrs. Sallie Friel, Mrs. Jennie Walker,
Mrs. Jacob Shirk and John Johnson,
all of Runville; Mrs. Eliza Jodon, of
Akron, Ohio, and William Johnson, of
Wallaceton. Rev. J. C. Erb had
charge of the funeral services which
were held in the United Brethren
church at Runville at ten o’clock on
Saturday morning, burial being made
in the Advent cemetery. ;
TIBBENS.—Word has been receiv-
9th, at his home in Keezletown, Va.,
of William F. Tibbens, the cause of
death being uraemic poisoning. He
was a son of Samuel and Elizabeth
Tibbens and was born in Bellefonte
eighty-three years ago. Thirty-eight
years ago he went to Virginia and had
lived there ever since. In 1862 he
Centre county, who died over twenty
years ago but surviving him are three
children and the following brothers
and sisters: Henry Tibbens and Mrs.
Alice Showers, of Bellefonte; Mus.
Potter Tate, of Pleasant Gap; Dr. J.
E. Tibbens, of Beech Creek; Samuel
Her death occurred at Gary, Ind,
where she had lived for some years
with her two sons. |
Luncheon for Democratic Women.
United States Senator Carter
Glass, of Virginia, will be the princi-
pal speaker before the Democratic
women’s luncheon club on April 12th,
at 12:30 o’clock, at the Bellevue-Strat-
ford, Philadelphia. He will refer es-
pecially to the far reaching effects of
the Federal Reserve act with a special |
view to the economic situation of |
women. Dr. Manley O. Hudson, of |
the Harvard law school, will speak on
the League of Nations.
These luncheons, arranged by a,
group of independent Democratic :
women, have brought to Philadelphia |
many prominent speakers on subjects
pertinent to the party welfare. The
subjects have included what the Dem- |
ocratic party has accomplished for
agriculture, industry, economics, ete.
All the speechs are then printed in
pamphlet form and sent out to a sub- :
scribing membership. |
Several hundred men and women at-
tend the affairs each month. Tickets
are on sale at Conway’s ticket office
at the Bellevue. The officers of the or-
ganization are: Miss Ellen Gowen
Hood, chairman; Miss Marie Lansdale, °
vice chairman; Mrs. John F. Meigs,
treasurer; Mrs. Francis L. Patterson, !
Presbyterial Missionary Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Wom- |
en’s Presbyterial Missionary society '
in the Presbytery of Huntingdon, will |
be held in the First Presbyterian |
church, Tyrone, Tuesday and Wed- |
nesday, April 3rd and 4th, beginning
quarters concur in the remarks of the
commanding General, Third Corps
Area. The reports for 1923 show four
organizations rated as “very good,”
three organizations rated as “good.”
This is a very gratifying report.”
Ratings were given by the corps
area commander.
It is of interest to know that these
ratings are given, taking the regular
army as a standard and rating the Na-
tional Guard, which drills but once a
week, in comparing it with the regu-
lar army.
Boosting Horseshoe Trail.
Eighteen local enthusiasts attended
a meeting at the Bush house, last Fri- '
day evening, for the purpose of boost-
ing the Horseshoe trail. Every man
present signified his intention of be-
coming a member of the organization
and a move was inaugurated to in-
crease the membership in Centre coun-
ty. The membership fee is five dol-
lars and it is the aim of the local com-
mittee to secure at least fifty mem-
bers in this section. Inasmuch as the
State College, with Bellefonte one of
the pivotal points, motor enthusiasts
should not hesitate in enrolling as
A meeting of the association will be
held in Bellefonte on Friday, April |
138th, when the visitors will be the
guests of landlord Lewis Daggett, for
lunch at the Bush house. The mem-
; bers will likely motor to Bellefonte in '
| the morning and return home in the fore Jeg near the shoulder, and had to
The Boy Scouts.
Rehearsals for the Boy Scout min-
strels are now being held weekly, with
‘her farm at Circleville.
Mrs. Emma Hess, of Bellefonte, is
spending the week with her many
friends in this section.
Simon E. Ward and sister Rita mo-
tored to the Mountain city and spent
Sunday among relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Deitrick, of State !
College, were callers at the Mrs. Sue
Peters home last Saturday.
Mrs. George H. Woods attended the
funeral of her cousin, Mrs. George
Shiffer, at Sunbury, last week.
Merchant H. N. Musser, of Struble,
is planning to build several new hous-
es on Main street, in this place.
i! We are sorry to note the illness of
. comrade Joshua Williams, a Civil war
| veteran now past 84 years of age.
| The Rev. Harry Walker, of Bell-
, wood, was here, last Tuesday, to help
"with the work at his father’s sale.
| Mr and Mrs. Ellis Bierly, of State
College, motored to our town and
; lost most of the meat in his smoke
The A. S. Walker sale last Thursday
was only fairly well attended. The
high price for horses was $180 and
cows $102. The sale amounted to
$4800. The James Searson sale on
Saturday was the best held in this
section this spring. Over one thous-
and people were in attendance, and
though the sale began promptly at 9
o’clock auctioneer Hubler did not get
through until 5:30. And he worked
hard at that, as he sold 42 head of cat-
tle in 56 minutes and got $2004 for
the lot. One team of horses brought
$5560, a Holstein cow $100, and sheep
$17.00 a head. The sale amounted to
$8,000. At the Clyde Fishburn sale
at Pine Hall, on Tuesday, horses sold
up to $215 and the best cow brought
$210. The sale amounted to $5,000.
Sam Everhart’s sale on Monday
brought him $4,000. At the I. O.
Campbell sale last Friday forty brood
sows and forty shoats brought a total
of $2,033.
Rev. 8S. C. Stover, of Boalsburg, fill-
ed the Reformed pulpits last Sunday.
Miss Miriam Huyett is spending her
Easter vacation at the home of her
Miss Grace Ishler enjoyed a week's
vacation with her parents in this
Miss Margaret Emery visited her
sister, Mrs. Tom Foss, several days
last week.
Dr. and Mrs. G. I. Yearick, of Johns-
' town, motored to our town last Satur-
, day, returning home on Sunday.
Miss Sara Neff left on Wednesday
‘afternoon for New York, where she
will meet a school friend for a few
day’s visit.
i Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Smith, of Pitts-
burgh, arrived last Saturday to visit
with Mrs. Smith’s parents and friends
spent Sunday afternoon with friends. | until after Easter.
| . LeRoy Trostle is nursing a fractur- | parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Huyett.
ed arm sustained when his Ford car
kicked while in the act of cranking it.
| George McWilliams, Mrs. A. F.
; Louck, Harold Roan and Jerry Gar-
ner are included among the sick this
| Weeks,
{ Mrs. Bessie Fenstemacher, of New
Jersey, is making an extended visit at
"trail will pass through Bellefonte and the home of her father, Andrew J.
i James Fortney and sister motored
down Pennsvalley on Sunday and
spent the day at the Lee Markle
S. E. Goss, of Reading, spent the
| early part of the week with his moth-
er, Mrs. W. H. Goss, on west Main
On Tuesday morning one of Frank
oman’s best horses broke its right
be shot.
| Mrs. Emory Johnson returned home
on Monday from a visit with friends
i at Niles, Ohio, and is much improved
| in health.
t Paul McWilliams, with his son Paul,
i The borough schools were closed on
| Thursday and Friday and the pupils
! enjoyed the short Easter vacation.
H. W. Kreamer has been critically
ill for more than a week. His daugh-
ter, Mrs. S. H. Heckman, of Johns-
town, is here helping to care for him.
Mr. Kreamer’s condition was regard-
jed as so critical yesterday that his
| younger daughter, Miss Tace Krea-
: mer, of Johnstown, and his son Sam-
i uel, of Lewistown, both reached here
Thursday evening.
Harold Keller and Kryder Miller,
who are students at Franklin and
Marshall College, at Lancaster, ar-
rived home on Wednesday afternoon.
In attempting to cross from the train
to the other side of the tracks, Kry-
der was unfortunate enough to have
‘a foot caught and crushed. Dr. H. H.
Longwell rushed him to the Belle-
fonts hospital for the necessary treat-
Enforcement Bill Passed and Signed
i by Governor.
. Tibbens and Mrs. J. J. Noll, of Pea- | promptly at 2:30 p, m., Tuesday, .
a view of giving the performance the of Graysville, were here on a shop-
deeper !
| hod, Kan. Burial was meade at Kee=
zletown on March 12th, :
i ROW tire. Annie S. Brown,
widow of George Brown, died at her
home in Tyrone on Saturday morning,
following a year’s illness with a com-
| plication of diseases. She was born in
! Lewistown and was in her seventy-
' seventh year. She was married to
Mr. Brown fifty-five years ago and a!
large part of their married life was
spent at Yarnell, Centre county. Her
husband died in 1901 but surviving her
ave the following children: Farry
Brown, of Corning, N. Y.; William, of
Ligonier; Charles and Earl, of Yur-
nell; Mrs. Mary Shank, of Orviston; |
Mrs. Charles Philips and Mrs. George !
Naylor, of Tyrone. She also leaves
four brothers and two sisters, all in
| the west. Burial was made in the
Grandview cemetery, Tyrone, on Tues-
day afternoon. :
il i
| WIELAND.—Mryrs. Margaret Wie-
1 land, widow of Washington Wieland,
"and mother of Miss Sarah E. Wieland,
who died in Harrisburg about six
weeks ago while enroute to a hospital
lin Philadelphia, died at her home in
State College on March 18th, follow-
ing a brief illness with pneumonia.
She was eighty-two years of age and
is survived by the following children:
Robert, of San Diego, Cal.; Dr. George
R., of New Haven, Conn.;
; Paul W., Euretta and Helen, at home.
1 Funeral services were held at her late
home last Thursday afternoon by Rev.
tH. F. Babcock, of the Methodist
{ church, after which burial was made
{in the Boalsburg cemetery.
ll 1]
LEE.—Miss Sarah M. Lee died at
her home at Spring Mills on Monday,
: following an illness of two years. She
| ville fifty-nine years ago.
1 vived by her father,
Tusseyville yesterday.
LIMBERT.—Mrs. Jennie Limbert,
widow of Daniel Limbert, died at her
home at Madisenburg at noon on Wed-
nesday following an illness of some
weeks, aged sixty years. Her hus-
band died less than a month ago but
surviving her are three children,
Cleveland Limbert and Mrs. Mary
Koelee, of Altoona, and Kathryn, at
home. Burial will be made at Madi-
sonburg tomorrow.
{of Mrs. Jacob Smith, of Bellefonte,
| died at Akron, Ohio, on Tuesday of
last week. He was a native of Centre
county and was 70 years, 5 months
and 5 days old. A good part of his
life had been spent in Clearfield coun-
ty. Burial was made at Clearfield
last Friday afternoon.
Herman, !
4 il {
| WILSON.—E. S. Wilson, a brother
F “A strong program is being prepara
; ed. There will be good speakers: Miss
{ Streeter, from the Home Mission
| board; Mrs. Elmore, a missionary
from South America, and Miss Stein-
‘ metz, especially for young people.
There will be a young people’s ban-
iquet on Tuesday evening, with Mrs.
{ Harold Beringer, of Tyrone, “cheer
leader,” and forceful speakers.
There will be helpful conferences;
"an exhibit of overseas hospital sup-
. plies, and a popular meeting will be
| held on Tuesday evening, with a mis- |
' cionary address and an organ recital.
. The executive board will meet at 10:30
o'clock Tuesday morning.
Easter Dinner at the Bush House.
Easter dinner at the Bush house
will be served from 12:30 until 2 and
from 6 to 7:30.
The following menu will be served
at $1.00 per cover. You are requested
to make reservations early.
English Beef Broth with Barley
Queen Olives Hearts of Celery
Broiled Chesapeake Shad with Roe au cress
Roast Spring Lamb with Mint Sauce
Roast Ribs of prime Beef au jus
Stewed Native Chicken with Rice
Strawberry Shortcake, Whipped Cream
New Potatoes en Cream
New Cauliflower au Gratin
Combination Salad
Cocoanut Custard Pie Green Apple Fie
; Bush House Ice Cream
Assorted Cakes Cheese and Wafers
| Coffee :
! Big Barn Burned.
i The big barn in the farm of Delbert
! Confer, near Port Matilda, was buirn-
| ed to the ground on Monday morning,
| With several horses, cattle, pigs, some
i chickens, and a considerable quantity
oped in flames and it was impossible
{imals Mrs. Confer was painfully burn-
ed on her face and arms. While the
loss is considerable Mr. Confer had his
property partially insured.
——A freight wreck between Miles-
burg and Curtin, last Friday after-
noon, blocked the tracks for six or
train west being diverted from Sun-
bury to Lewistown and over the Mid-
dle division to Altoona.
The “mess at Harrisburg”
seems to have developed into a “con-
fusion worse confounded.”
——The early bird may get the
worm all right but the early bud gets
the frost.
f —Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
eight hours, the Lehigh-Pennsylvania |
, third week in April. Don’t forget the
, time, The troop meeting last Friday
was largely attended, some of the
| members passing tests.
! Mr. Walter Cohen has presented
the troop with five dozen scout hand-
kerchiefs, for which the members ¢x-
press their appreciation.
The basket ball team played the
| Spring Mills five, last Saturday, los-
“ing the game by the close score of 13
to 14.
The Scouts are now starting their
campaign to raise money for uniforms
and camping equipment. Any person
wishing odd jobs done should apply
| to the scout master.
More Entertainment Needed.
| The committees waiting on the good
peopie of Bellefonte to open their |
homes for the entertainment of the
delegates to the State Sunday school
young people’s conference and insti-
! tute to be held here next week are be-
ing well received. On account of some
homes having sickness it will be nec-
essary to have a larger list of homes
than was anticipated, and friends of
the work are asked to volunteer to .
take care of delegates for lodging
| lunch on Friday and Saturday. Two
hundred and fifty delegates are ex-
pected and registration will be con-
ducted through the Y. M. C. A. secre-
tary. Please respond to this appeal
i by call or post card, notifying of the
‘number you will accommodate.
: Donation to the Hospital.
| The Woman’s Guild of St. John’s
Episcopal church, of which Mrs.
| Charles R. Kurtz is president, has sent
was a daughter of John R. and Mary | of wheat, oats, corn, hay, straw and 2 donation of baby clothes to the
Bitner Lee and was born near Tussey- | many farming implements. Mrs. Con- | Bellefonte hospital which included the
She is sur- | fer was the only one at home when the 1ollowing articles: :
one sister, Mrs. | fire broke out and by the time help coats, 24 shirts, 26 bands, 6 shawls, 2
P. C. Bradford, of Lemont, and three | was summoned the barn was envel- kimonas, 2 pair of booties, 84 napkins,
brothers, Alfred R. Lee, of Boalshurg; | f
George B., of State College, and J. C., to save but a portion of the stock. In Pins, one pillow case and two dolls.
of Spring Mills. Burial was made at | her efforts to release some of the an- | Le hospital authorities announce re-
24 slips, 24 petti-
| 96 large safety pins, 84 small safety
! ceipt of same with many thanks.
i — reir Active —
——We have just received a very
: attractive little brochure, illustrative
i of “Camp Penacook,” a summer camp
| for boys located in the Sunapee re-
| gion of New Hampshire. Aside from
| the unusually picturesque surround-
‘ings and equipment of the camp it has
| interest to Centre countians because it
{is owned and conducted by R. B. Mat-
! tern, M. S., who was born and raised
| in Milesburg; having been a son of
the late Dr. Frank Mattern, of that
i place. Ever since his graduation
i from State, in 1893, Roy, as we knew
him, has been in educational work
| and is now of Secarborough school,
| Sarborough-on-Hundson, N. Y. “Camp
| Penacook” is limited to forty boys, is
| open from July 8rd to August 28th
| and is governed by a staff of ten spe-
i ANDREW WETZEL, Asst. Scribe. |
ping and business trip on Saturday |,
| afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fortney have
i completed their plans for a pleasure
trip to the city of Brotherly Love
next week.
Mrs. Margaret Cronemiller, of Pat-
, ton, is visiting her parents, Mr, and |
Mrs. J. H. Neidigh, and other rela-
tives in the valley.
' H. L. Dale, wife and two interest-
ing boys, Jack and Charles, of Belle-
fonte, spent the Sabbath at the Wil-
liam R. Dale home.
Mrs. N. E. Hess was taken to the
Bellefonte hospital on Tuesday for an
operation, and she is now getting
along as well as can be expected.
Mrs. H. A. McKee, of Pittsburgh,
accompanied by Mrs. Charles Segner,
of Boalsburg, were recent guests at
the Charles Smith home on west Main
Mrs. S. P. McWilliams, of Cannons-
burg, came here from Lancaster last
week and after spending several days
among relatives left for her home on
. Monday. hy
{ Mrs. S. A. Dunlap departed on Wed-
nesday for Twin Rocks to spend Eas-
| ter with her sons, John C. and Ran-
dall Dunlap, thriving young merch-'
ants of that town.
Holy Communion will be celebrated
in the Lutheran church at 10:30
New Green Peas Thursday and Friday nights and for o'clock on Sunday morning. A special
program of exercises for the children
has been arranged for the evening.
! Many friends and neighbors gath-
"ered at the Clyde Fishburn home at
Circleville, last Thursday evening to
tender the family a farewell prior to
: their leaving for their new home at
| State College.
i The members of the women’s bible
i class of the Reformed church will ren-
‘der a play entitled, “The Old Maid’s
| Clu ,” at Grange Arcadia, Centre
{ Hall, on Saturday evening, April Tih,
at 7:30 o'clock.
Our Methodist brethren are delighi-
ed over the return of their beloved
pastor, Rev. J. W. McAlarney. Both
he and his wife are held in high es-
| teem by everybody in this section, re-
gardless of church affiliations.
I Grover C. Corl, one of our well
known young farmers, was taken vio-
{lently ill last Thursday morning and
jrushed to the Bellefonte hospital,
! where an operation was performed the
| same evening. At this writing he is
, getting along nicely.
Homer Grubb, one of our success-
i ful farmers and stock raisers, last
‘week sold. his thirty-four head of
| steers to Philip Beezer, the butcher of
Bellefonte. The animals were bought
| as feeders, in Pittsburgh, and during
| the time Mr. Grubb had them in
| charge they made a gain of 400 lbs.
{to the steer, netting Mr. Grubb $36
an animal.
| Early Friday morning the smoke |
| house at the home of Charles Witmer, |
ion the Branch, caught fire and the |
| flames communicated to the wash-
house and also the barn. - Neighbors
| with buckets kept the fire in check un-
‘til the arrival of the fire company
from State College, when the flames
were soon extinguished. The damage
Harrisburg, March 27.—Under. the
piessure of threats, promises and in-
i timidations, reinforced by substantial
| support from Democratic members,
‘ the House this afternoon passed Gov-
“ernor Pinchot’s Prohibition Enforce-
iment bill by a scant majority. The
final vote was 107 to 100, the affirma-
tive ballots being two more than the:
required constitutional majority.
| The new era of prohibitior. in Penn-
‘ sylvania, which “dry” cohorts believe:
the measure guarantees, became op-
, erative at 9:15 tonight, when the Gov-
, ernor signed the bill. After signing it
he presented the pen to Mrs. Leal
Cobb Marion, who, as the dupe of Mrs.
! Pinchot, sent out the list of “pledges”
for the misnamed “dry” bill. Mrs.
{ Marion opposed the late United States
. Senator Penrose in his last campaign,
a fact which would indicate Republi-
cans throughout the State will deeply
appreciate the presentation by the
! Governor.
Adoption of the measure automatic-
ally abolished all licenses in the State
and removed all restrictions on the
sale of beverages containing: less than
one-half of 1 per cent, of alcohol. Un-
less subsequent legislation is enacted,
near beer may be sold in any estab-
lishment on any day of the week and
next door to a church or a school-
house if a dispenser selects a location
of that character.
When the vote was announced and it
was found the Governor had recruited
a sufficient number to put the measure
over, several hundred “drys” congre-
gated in the aisles and in the galleries
started an impromptu demonstration
that lasted for several minutes. Men
and women, chiefly the latter, joined
in shouting for this new victory for
the Anti-Saloon League, which backed
the Governor to the limit.
rr ———— A ne.
15,000 British Families May Migrate
to Brazil.
An endeavor may be made in the
near future to settle 15,000 British
families in Brazil. Walter Wysard,
of Pangbourne, Berkshire, has the
project in hand and is conferring with
the Brazilian government.
A million acres of agricultural land
have been purchased, and the mineral
wealth of the region is to be explored.
The settlers will be recruited from
world war veterans and will be assist-
ed to the extent of free passages, ag-
ricultural implements and the pur-
chase of land by installments out of
The Left Hind Foot of a Rabbit
Caught in the Dark of the Moon
Is claimed to have much influence
for good. If caught in a graveyard
its power to restore overtaxed eyes
which causes so many headaches we
! would have them on sale but knowing
it has no such power we advise prop-
| erly fitted spectacles.
1 will adivse you honestly.
No drops. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dr. Eva B. Roan, Optometrist. Li-
| censed by the State Board.
i Bellefonte every Wednesday after-
| noon, and Saturday 9 a. m. to 4:30 p.
{m. Rooms 14 and 15 Temple Court
State College every day
cialists in the line of boys recreation. was not very great, but Mr. Witmer Saturday. Both phones. 68-1