Bellefonte, Pa., March 30, 1923. BEER SIT, Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. SMULLTON. Our town was made lively Sunday by the buzz of the automobiles as they passed through. Charles Beck left for Wilkes-Barre, where he will spend the summer work- ing at the carpenter trade. Charles Page vacated the house of W. M. Bierly here, and moved to Re- bersburg, Tuesday, March 20th. Charles Brungart was home from Renovo, spending Sunday with his family, returning Monday noon. Auditors Gramley and Stover were in Bellefonte Monday, March 19th, to complete their work as auditors on the accounts of Centre county for the year 1922. The sick of our town have all re- covered sufficiently to resume their daily tasks. We understand that most of the ailments were not grip, but mild cases of influenza. A little boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Winters last Fri- day morning, early, and advised them that he intended to stay in their home in the future, to which all agreed. While returning from the sale of Charles Zimmerman, Friday last, the top of J. V. Brungart’s car was torn off by a severe wind storm. Mr. Brun- gart made the balance of the trip home with the top down. Herbert Stover is adding to the the printing part of his shop, having just received a new Chandler & Price printing press and his present quar- ters are almost too small to accommo- date his ever increasing trade along this line. W. B. Crebs, who tenanted C. H. Smull’s farm, a short distance west of town for quite a number of years, va- cated same last Thursday, moving his belongings to near Selinsgrove, where he purchased a farm of his own. We did not like to lose him from our midst, for he was a good neighbor. The United Evangelical and the As- sociation churches united on Sunday, March 18th, at Rebersburg, and open- ed with a Sunday school enrollment of 93. Sunday, the 25th, there were in attendance at Sunday school 99 persons. All indications point to an attendance of 125 in the near future. Good spirit prevailed at both gather- ings and our prediction is that it will soon be one of the largest Sunday schools of the valley. It is said that “in union there is strength,” and it made a very deep impression on us when we saw the old spirit of fellow- ship renewed in such a Christ-like manner. - May the work never cease to grow in interest and the spirit now existing never die out, is the wish of the writer. JACKSONVILLE. Lee Orr and Lester Bartley are both sporting new Ford runabouts. Mr. and Mrs. Sorghum, of Flem- ington, were Sunday visitors at the William Weaver home. Callers at the Weaver home on Sun- day included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty, William and Reed Deitz. Mrs. George Ertley returned home last week after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Bai- ley. Friends here were sorry to hear of the accident last Wednesday which resulted in the death of George Fultz, of Axe Mann. The family was quite well known in this vicinity, as they lived here two years ago. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Fultz was Miss Mackey, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mackey, of this place. She and her three young children have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. ? ; Mrs. Irvin Weaver, who has been on the sick list for some time, will likely be taken to the Lock Haven hospital for a minor operation. Mrs. Harry Hoy, who has been threatened with “pneumonia, is now improving; Mr. Hoy, who has been suffering with a bad attack of influenza for several weeks, is slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Harter and son Charles, Mrs. Ella Deitz, Mrs. Joseph Neff, Mrs. Mary Stoner and Mrs. J. J. Vo- nada are all recovering from grip at- tacks. —Get your job work dome here. HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS f ev ONE THING ‘BOUT ME EN DE OLE OMAN ~ US SHO |S GREEABLE -- WEN ONE UV US GITS MAD, TOTHER ALLUZ GITS MAD, Too! Copyright, 1921 by McClure Newspaper Syndicate BOALSBURG. meee. Rev. and Mrs. William Wagner spent last week at Pleasant Gap. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer trans- Seiad business in Bellefonte on Thurs- ay. . Rev. S. C. Stover conducted services in the Reformed church at Centre Hall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Korman and children spent Sunday at the D. M. Snyder home. Frank Keller, of State College, rep- resenting the Dollings Co., was in town on Friday. Mrs. Angeline Bottorf and daugh- ter, Miss Ella, were guests at the George Fisher home on Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Keller, of Linden Hall, and son Harry, of Rockview, spent Sunday at the home of Jacob Meyer. Misses Ellen and Cathryn Dale ac- companied by their brother, C. G. Dale, of Houserville, spent Monday in Bellefonte. The sick, Samuel Wagner, Robert Bailey, George Shugert and Oscar Smith, are all improving, although yet confined to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goheen and Misses Anna, Mary and Nora B. Go- heen, of Rock Springs, attended the sale at the L. D. Goheen home on Sat- urday. Mrs. Robert Reitz and son Henry and Misses Dorothy and Hester Lone- barger enjoyed a hike to Stone Valley, and a week-end visit with friends near Petersburg. Shannon Boozer, was in town on Tuesday, coming for the handsome new passenger bus built at the Wieland-Gingrich shop for S. W. Smith, of Centre Hall. While making some repairs on the Boalsburg electric line Charles Faxon received a severe shock and suffered burns on his hand and foot. We are glad to know the injuries are heal- ing nicely under the care of Dr. Woods. RUNVILLE. Mrs. Fred Witherite gave a quilting party at her home, last Wednesday. Mrs. Michael Witherite is spending a week with her son at Osceola Mills. Clair Witherite, of Altoona, sment Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Edward Walker. Frank Brooks, of Pleasant Gap, called at the home of L. J. Heaton last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Annie Lucas and three grand- children are visiting with Mrs. Lucas’ son, Claude, at Snow Shoe. : Philip Confer moved from the El- len Bierley house at Moose Run, to the Lucy Smoyer house in this place. The flower mission society will hold a chicken and noodle supper, Saturday evening, April 7th, in the band hall. Ice cream and cake will be served. Those from a distance who attend- ed Mrs. Fetzer’s funeral on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson, a son and daughter, of Wallaceton; E. R. Lucas, of Altoona, and Mrs. Frank Garrett, of Philadelphia. Rev. G. A. Sparks, pastor of the Runville United Brethren church, made a ten day’s trip to Baltimore and Washington, D. C., visiting brothers and sisters in and near Baltimore, and his son Hayden, in Washington. He enjoyed the trip, returning home last Saturday. New Issue of Postage Stamps. The Postoffice Department is print- ing an entire new issue of postage stamps, some of which have already been put in circulation in the larger offices. On the smaller denominations appear vignettes of prominent people while the larger denominations con- tain pictures of scenes and places, as follows: The 1 cent stamp a vignette of Ben- jamin Franklin. The 2 cent stamp George Washing- ton. The 3 cent Abraham Lincoln. The 4 cent Martha Washington. The 5 cent Theodore Roosevelt. The 6 cent James Garfield. The 9 cent Thomas Jefferson. The 10 cent James Monroe. The 11 cent Rutherford B. Hayes. The 10 cent ‘special delivery a mo- tor cycle. : The 15 cent the Statue of Liberty. The 25 cent, a new denomination, the Niagara Falls. The 50 cent, the Arlington Memor- ial at Washington. The $1.00 stamp, the Lincoln Me- morial at Washington. George T. Bush, of Bellefonte, who has been a member of the American Philatelic Society since 1886, and who already has a collection of 20,000 va- rieties of stamps, has started making a collection of the new issue. In this connection Mr. Bush states that the rarest stamps are those issued be- tween 1840 and 1872, some specimens of issue between those dates being worth as high as $5,000. Any per- son in possession of old letters dating back to that period should examine the stamps carefully before destroy- ing same. Cemeteries May be Closed on Sundays. Recommendation that cemeteries be closed to funerals on Sunday has been made to trustees of all burial grounds in Akron, Ohio, by the Summit county Ministerial association. Resolutions protesting against the practice of permitting funerals on the Sabbath were unanimously adopted. CASTORIA Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher. Ia use for over thirty years, and The Kind You Have Always Bought. of Centre Hall, A POOR BOY Was Frank W. Woolworth, the In- genius Clerk, the Great Merchant. “If you wish to make money, make a little at a time and make it often,” was the motto in which Frank W. Woolworth, the originator of the great chain of Woolworth stores, be- lieved. “Not many people wish to buy fif- ty thousand dollar necklaces, but al- most every person really wishes to get rid of five and ten cent pieces,” is another motto to which Mr. Wool- worth subscribes. _ Because he believed in such prin- ciples of business Frank Woolworth, who had no better opportunities than they, built the most princely of busi- ness buildings, a Broadway tower that rivals the celebrated towers of Europe. : The nimble penny is a better guide to fortune than is the elusive twenty- dollar gold piece. In his boyhood days Frank Wool- worth went about barefooted, took care of cows and horses, and knew what it was to put hay back into the dusty haymows. When the little dis- trict school was open he went to it and learned to add and multiply. Then he went to a little commercial college and learned something about book-keeping. With this background of information he looked for a job and found one in a sort of a general | store where he tied neat bundles and was polite to nervous ladies. So far, he was quite an ordinary young man, but at the age of 26 he had an idea; he put together in one part of the! store a lot of odds and ends, put a sign up saying that a customer could have any article there for five cents —and waited to see what would hap- | pen. That seedling idea grew into the great chain of Woolworth stores, into the palatial Woolworth building ' in New York, and into millions of dollars. It is a good thing to plant real | ideas. The people flocked so fast to that five-cent counter that the young man borrowed about three hundred dollars and started a five-cent store in Utica, N.Y. He made a little] money, paid his debt, and opened another store in Pennsylvania. Then | he simply kept on doing the same’ thing over and over, that is, making money, building new stores, making more money and building more stores. At the same time he kept trying to | sell better goods, and to make better bargains. Then he drew to himself | a coterie of bright men and taught them how to sow ideas. When he died he was one of the richest men, and he had established a great busi- | ness that is a public benefit. | Some Cow. It was the custom of a certain dea- con, when dining at the home of one of his best friends, to drink a glass of milk, as a prelude to his dinner. One day when the minister was sched- uled to appear, instead of the rich, foamy glass of milk, his friend placed beside his plate a glass of milk punch. After blessing, the deacon seized his glass and drank it to the last drop and then exclaimed as he closed his eyes and smacked his lips, a cow!” i ples of his solicitude. “Oh, what Grangers to Dormitory. A large residence hall for women | students to cost approximately $250, 000, will be erected next year by the Pennsylvania State Grange on the campus of The Pennsylvania State College. Immediate steps are to be taken that will allow every one of the more than a thousand Grange organi- zations of the State to participate in this movement which has been decided upon by a special committee appointed at the last Grange convention at Wil- liamsport. There are over 100,000 Grangers in the State and it is hoped | to have the entire fund in hand by April, 1924, so that construction on the Grange memorial can be started at that time. During a visit to the college Yost | week members of the committee | learned that two girls were refused admission last fall for every one that | was admitted largely because of lim- | ited dormitory facilities. They had | been empowered by the State Grange organization to select the type of building and immediately determined | that the Grange would supply the head-house of a projected group of residences for women students. The committee is composed of P. H. Dew- | ey, Gaines, chairman; M. B. Orr, Mer- | cer, Mrs. Howard VanKirk, Washing- ton; Mrs. Louise Piollet, Wysox, and R. G. Bressler, of the agricultural school faculty. | | Obliging Waitress. It was obvious that they were fond of each other. He was very solicit ous for her comfort. “Will this table suit you? Will you sit here or there? Is that chair quite comfortable? Shall I ask for a cushion? were sam- | The waitress brought tea, but for- got the teaspoon. He noticed it at once. have a spoon?” he asked. The waitress couldn’t help it. “Cer- | tainly, sir,” she said. “As soon as 1 have cleared this tray away you will have the room to yourselves!” “Can we They Look Alike. Bartender after serving patron with glass of near-beer, looks out of win- dow: “Looks like rain, don’t it?” Patron: “Yes, but it tastes a little like beer.” ‘ HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. The Economy of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Appeals to every family in these days. From no other medicine can you get so much real medicinal effect as from this. It is a highly concentrated extract of several valuable medicinal ingredients, pure and wholesome. The dose is small, only a teaspoonful three times a day. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is a wonderful tonite medicine for the blood, stom- ach, liver and kidneys, prompt in giv- ing relief. Itis pleasant to take, agreeable to the stomach, gives a thrill of new life. Why not try it? ; and their families. Give State College Girls’ | American Legion Sunday Urged. as New Observance. American Legion chaplains in sev- eral States have issued appeals to le- gion posts and to pastors of churches to arrange services on Sunday, April 8, to be attended by members of posts in a body and by former service men In cities where services are held week-day noons, ap- peal is made that services be held on Friday, April 6. One aim is to create, if possible, an American Legion Sunday that shall not interfere with Memorial Sunday, whether dates be those of the north or of the south. The date suggested is the Sunday falling nearest to April 6, the date of the declaration -of war by the United States against Ger- many. ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. ! b51-1y B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law. Practices in all the courts. Con- sultation in English or German. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Belleronte, Pa, 40-! J Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at- tention given all legal business en- trusted to his care. Offices—No. & ast High street. ee and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Office on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law. Cousnlistion 2 Baglin and Ger- an. c ! Bellefonte, Pa. ea ers Een KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- — Attorney-at-Law naw coms , ——— MEDICAL. PHYSICIANS. . R. R. L. CAPERS, A Useful Pain rE ——— Bellefonte PATH, State Coll Bellefonte People Should Heed Its | Crider’s Exch. 66-11 Holmes Bldg: Warning. 3 GLENN, = D., Physician and Have you a sharp pain or a dull DE Fr ache across the small of your back? | dence. 35-41 Do you realize that it’s often a timely sign of kidney weakness? Prompt treatment is a safeguard against more serious kidney troubles. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Profit by a Bellefonte resident’s experience. Mrs. Mary Lose, 212 E. Bishop St, says: “A few years ago my kidneys became affected and I suffered awful- ly. I was hardly ever free from dis- tressing backaches. I was so misera- ble I could scarcely keep going to do my housework. I also had spells of dizziness and frequent headaches. My kidneys acted irregularly. Doan’s Kidney Pills purchased at the Mott Drug Co., were not long in bringing yelief. I have depended on Doan’s ever since when I have had an attack and I know they are reliable.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Lose had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 68-13 Fine Job Printing o—A SPECIALTY—o AT THR WATCHMAN OFFICE. There 1s no atyle of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the finest BOOK WORK that we can not do in the most sat- isfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Ca) on or communicate with this office. sa CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMON! les! Ask yourl o Flic 1s Hod and Gold boxes; sealed -with She. Riches, Drasgist “Aiiin ONLONES TER 8 OND BRAND PILLS, for 85 known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable 67-35 — a —— SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE St STS ———— Nash Leads the World in Motor Car Values New Touring Model Six Cylinders Seven Passengers $1390 f. 0. b. factory Five Disc Wheels and Nash Self- Mounting Carrier, $25 additional Come fe or a ride! Take a test-ride, today, in this new Nash Six Touring Car, for seven. It’s a wonderful “buy” for the larger family, or those who ride with friends. You'll be instantly won to the even and generous power of its newly refined motor. You'll appreciate the great savings effected in gas and oil. And you'll notice, besides, a score of other important developments. Drop in now. FOURS and SIXES / Prices range from $915 to $2190, f. 0.b. factory WION GARAGE, - - Bellefonte Pa. WILLIS E WION, Proprietor. az) . Cmm———_ sal 0 Pry LT TOE FE RSS oR ER EXT] W RECS hE ; NG CAE N CR N A ) 3 SHR URES Na id 4) oo 3 ON “I'M AS PROUD AS PROUD CAN BE” crows the rooster. And right he is. See what a fine speci- men of a bird he is. That’s be- cause he is fed with C. Y. Wag- ner & Co. Inc. chicken feed. Our feed makes healthy poul- try. Means dollars in your bank. Try our feed for your birds and you’ll use no other brand. “Quality talks” C. Y. Wagner (o., Inc. 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law went into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Com- pulsory. We specialize in plac- ing such insurance. We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates. It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance. JOHN F. GRAY & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College The Preferred Accident Insurance THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY BENEFITS: $5,000 death Jy accident, 5,000 loss of both feet, 5,000 loss of both hands, 5,000 loss of one hand and one foot, 2,500 loss of either hand, 2,000 loss of either foot, 630 loss of one eve 25 per week, total disability, (limit 52 weeks) 10 per week, partial disability, . | (limit 26 weeks) : "PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, pavable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts in proportion. Any person, male or female, engaged in a preferred occupation, ding house, eeping, over eighteen years of age good moral and physical condition may ure under this policv. Fire Insurance 1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur” ance cy, the strongest and Most Ex tensive Line of Solid Companies rep: ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania H. E. FENLON, 50-21. Agent, Bellefonte fa. Get the Best Meats You save nothing by buying poor thin or gristly meats. I use only the LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the freshest, choicest, best blood and mus- cle making Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than the poorer meats are elsewhere. I always have —DRESSED POULTRY— Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP P. L. BEEZER, High Street, 34-34-1y Bellefonte, Pa