Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 23, 1923, Image 1

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—And this is spring.
—The new moon is lying too far
around to the north to make it safe
for you to shake your flannels—if you
wear ‘em.
—Those fifteen miners who present-
ed themselves to the sheriff of Somer-
set yesterday because they couldn’t
raise the bail that would give them
release until their trial for contempt,
next April, put that officer in a nasty
hole. His bastile would hold only five
more and there were fifteen in this
party. He just plumb refused to let
them in.
—Let’s get behind Billy Betts’ bill
to bond the State for eight million
dollars to make The Pennsylvania
State College what it ought to be.
We bonded her for fifty million for
joy riding. Why not bond her for
eight more to put sense enough into
the heads of coming generations to
understand that good roads are an ec-
onomie, not a frivolous, requisite of
—We fear the Governor is losing
too much power to make it on high.
He slipped back into second on Tues-
day when he acceded to the demand
for a change in his proposal of mak-
ing hospital appropriations in a lump
sum to the Welfare Department.
Don’t be surprised if he goes into low
in a week or so and finds his machine
struggling along with only two cylin-
ders hitting.
—The auditor’s statement of the
condition of Bellefonte has just been
made public. On the face of it we
appear to be in debt $78,911.73. That
isn’t so bad, especially when compari-
son with the last statement indicates
that we are going down—not up.
We're a couple of hundred iron men
better off in 1923 than we were in
1922, But how much of the $36,548.-
80 in delinquent taxes and paving as-
sessments counted as assets are good ?
Tell us that and we’ll tell you wheth-
er the auditor’s statement is a mere
book-keeping record or a statement of
—The lamented Roger Brouse had a
pet phrase to the effect that a man
ought to be one of two things: Either
a mouse or a long-tailed rat. The
news from Harrisburg indicates that
our Member, the Hon. Tom Beaver,
has stood up to be counted among the
long-tailed rats and, whether he is
right or wrong, in principle, we think
he should win the admiration of his
constituency for having had the cour-
age to move out of the ranks of the
pussey-footers and tell the Governor
that -he-isn’t-both- the -executive- and
legislative branches of the govern-
—The Philipsburg jingler, whose
rhyme,—not rhythm,—appears in
another column of this issue, has spik-
ed our guns completely. When we
look over the list of those who are
willing to immolate themselves on the
altar of public service to Centre coun-
ty we have to admit that the Centre
of the Republican universe seems to be
in Bellefonte. Of the ten candidates,
thus far announced, eight are from
Bellefonte and Spring township and
there are more to follow. All the Re-
publicans in the other sixty precinets
in the county are expected to do is
produce the votes. Their bosses in
Bellefonte can be relied on to supply
‘the men to be voted for.
—What right has the Legislature of
Pennsylvania or any other State to
make it unlawful for any community
to have daylight saving, if it wants to,
vet that is exactly what the Derrick
bill is designed to do. If Bellefonte
elects to start to work at six a. m. and
quit at 4 p. m. what business is it of
the people of Bedford? Daylight sav-
ing during the war brought more of
‘God’s sunlight into the faces of the
country’s toilers, brought more little
folks to know their fathers and
brought more happiness for homes
that have mighty little of it than any-
thing we ever knew of. Adopted as a
war measure it would have been con-
tinued as a peace practice had it not
been for the opposition of the farmers
and for the life of us we have never
been able to figure out how it enforced
half the inconvenience or loss on them
that it was declared to have done.
—The Pennsylvania Railroad Co.,
having issued orders to its trainmen
to eliminate all noises and rough
handling of sleeping cars, so that their |
occupants may be as little disturbed
as possible while trying to rest, has
done something constructive, recrea-
tively, for the night traveler. Before
the day we got curious to find out
whether two could really live cheaper
than one we admit having had some
experience in night traveling. In fact,
we recall one session of twenty-eight
successive nights in an upper. We've
been too cold, too hot, rolled clear out
into the aisle, worried about whether
the porter would call us in time for a
connection, had some of the hair we no
longer have scraped off on the parti-
_ tion panel by a rough engineer at a
division point and all the other tor-
ments that night rider’s pay for en-
during, but we don’t recall anything
that disturbed us half so much as the
fellow traveler in the next berth who
snored and snored and snored through
it all. Orders are orders, of course,
and the trainmen will do their best,
but there will be no joy in sleeping
cars on the Pennsy until the Pullman
conductor is authorized to apply mutes
or mufflers to them that lie on their
backs and forget that their adenoids
work while they sleep.
VOL. 68.
Feeble Scheme of the Machine.
The latest scheme of the Republican
machine to “outwit” the Governor
must have been conceived in the brain
Legislators are Indignant.
| A week ago the signs plainly indi-
| sated the passage of tlie Pinchot en-
| forcement bill in the House of Repre-
i The Hon. Tom Beaver Has a Run-in
With the Governor.
Big news is coming out of Harris-
i burg these days. Senators and Mem-
of a paster and folder, or some other | sentatives. It had passed the Senate 'bers are dropping the petticoats,
sub-cellar employee of the General 'by a surprisingly large majority and standing up on their hind feet and de-
Assembly. The plan is to take a re- | there was no perceptible reason to ex- iclaring that, notwithstanding the
cess when all legislation has been dis- | pect a reversal in the House. But sub- | Nineteenth amendment, they still wear
| posed of and reassemble to act on i sequent events have materially alter- the pants when it comes to legisla-
| measures that have been vetoed by the : ed the legislative horizon with respect tion.
{| Governor. An adjournment would
trol of legislation enacted within ten
| days of the date of final adjournment.
| A recess would place the Governor un-
der the necessity of returning the
legislation could be passed, ‘“objec-
tions of the Governor to the contrary
When the late Senator Boies Pen-
rose died obviously the brains of the
Republican machine “were interred
with his remains.” It was thought
that Mr. W. Harry Baker, who had so
long maintained intimate personal re-
lations with him, had acquired suffi-
cient understanding of his methods to
successfully administer his political
estate. A shadow of doubt was cast
over this illusion when Gifford Pin-
chot was allowed to buy a nomination
for Governor at a comparatively small
cost at the primaries, but the machine
victory in electing Baker for chair-
man sort of revived faith. Recent
| events, however, have completely dis-
machine to power. It is as dead as
the most ancient mummy in the mind
of the most enthusiastic necrologist.
Governor Pinchot has acquired a
“strangle hold” on the present Legis-
lature. Ignorant of the provisions of
the constitution and unfamiliar with
the practical work of the administra-
tion he messed things up woefully at
the start. But his wife seems to have
rescued him from the quagmire of
blunders into which he had plunged
and now he is safely seated on the
1 throne of authority and able to snap
his fingers at his opponents. He may
ty, because docal pride and conscious
i merit of some of the local charities
"will encourage Senators and Repre-
+ sentatives to rebellion. But under no
circumstances will any of his vetoes
be overcome. Two-thirds of the Gen-
eral Assembly will not antagonize him
on any question.
——The bill that was designed to
make a woman who fails to pay her
‘poll tax subject to a prison sentence
was defeated on third and final read-
ing in the Senate last week. Our
| Senator, William I. Betts, voted
, against it.
Small Progress in Cleaning.
| When Governor Pinchot somewhat .
| ostentatiously announced his budget
: to the General Assembly he positively
i and confidently asserted that no new
| taxation would be needed. He and
his educated figure man had deter-
mined to limit the disbursements of
the State government to about nine-
ty million of dollars for the biennium,
and existing laws would provide rev-
enues sufficient to pay that amount
i and discharge the deficit of fifty mil-
lions inherited from previous profli-
gate administrations. Of course he
contemplated the retention of the an-
thracite coal tax and all other levies
provided by the last Legislature. But
Joe Grundy was assured that his pet
| policy of letting manufacturers go
| free would be continued.
| The Legislature of 1921 appropriat-
ed $116,000,000, the largest sum in
| the history of the State. In addition
to that sum there was expended dur-
ing the two years some thirty or for-
ty millions which must be provided
for in appropriations this year. Since
the budget announcement it has been
discovered that a mistake of some-
| thing like $18,000,000 was made in the
estimate for school expenditures, and
that sum added to the total of the def-
icits will bring the requirements of
this Legislature in the matter of ap-
propriations up to the enormous ag-
gregate of about $140,000,000, with
the chances that some of the most
meritorious of the State institutions
will be left to suffer because of in-
sufficient funds.
This is “cleaning up the mess at
Harrisburg” with a vengeance. It is
the logical result, however, of elect-
ing a dreamer to the office of Gover-
nor, or allowing such a character to
buy the office with the view of promot-
ing his more or less absurd ambition
to be President of the United States.
Governor Pinchot will succeed, no
doubt, in forcing his enforcement leg-
i islation through the Legislature, and
| he may get most of his budget legis-
lation through. But he will not “clean
up the mess” and the State will be for-
tunate if it is not engulfed in a worse
mess at the end of his administration.
| But the people of Pennsylvania have
| Fade their bed and they must lie in
sipated even the hope of restoring the |
(to that subject. The publication by
"en of a list of members alleged to have
‘given pledges of support has created
such a volume of resentment as may
defeat the measure. On Monday
. pledge and will not vote for it.
| The State Council of Republican
| Women was organized by Mrs. Gifford
! Pinchot, presumably for the purpose
' of promoting the plans of the Gover-
nor. The list of members pledged to
‘support the enforcement legislation
‘was given to the head of the Council
‘by the Governor. In protesting
' against it Representative Haas, of Le-
‘high county, said “the person or per-
sons who told the Governor that I
‘would support this bill or any other
! special program, told a deliberate
‘ falsehood.” An impression is current
and increasing in volume, that nobody
. told the Governor that and that he in-
| vented the story not only with respect
‘to Mr. Haas but in relation to several
: other men in the published list.
The enforcement bill was received
"in the House on Monday evening and
' promptly referred to the committee on
Law and Order. It will be reported
without delay and take the regular
‘course. There will be no effort to
prolong the consideration or delay ac-
tion but it will be discussed fully and
‘freely. If the vote had been taken
last week the chances are it would |
have passed by a safe majority. Now
there is no certainty of that result.
Governor Pinchot expresses confi-
ence, but as a rule his estimates are
crude guesses and the indignation ex-
pressed at the misrepresentation of
pledges may 1
bill. The Governor dictates too much,
some Legislators say.
Senator W. I. Bets, on Monday
evening, introduced a bill providing
for a constitutional amendment au-
thorizing a bond issue for $8,000,000
to make necessary improvements and
erect much needed buildings at The
Pennsylvania State College.
Daugherty Speaks for Harding.
The statement of Attorney General
Daugherty to the effect that Warren
. Gamaliel will be 2 candidate for re-
i election may be taken as excathedra.
| Most people accepted the announce-
i ment of Senator Watson, of Indiana,
supported in some measure by Secre-
tary of Commerce Hoover and the ap-
pointment of Harry New as Postmas-
ter General removed any reasonable
doubts. The matter might well have
been left there so far as the public is
concerned. But Congressman Clyde
Kelley turned the joke of Pinchot’s
ambition into a serious proposition by
' suggesting our Governor as a suitable
figure for prohibitionists to rally
around, and that probably induced Mr.
' Daugherty to speak.
But even that will hardly account
for the manner in which the Attorney
General has spoken. “The President
will be a candidate. There will be no
other candidates for the nomination,”
he said, “except one, and he is always
{ a candidate.” Who that is is left to
conjecture. It might be LaFollette or
'it might be Senator Johnson, of Cal-
ifornia. Both of them were mention-
led in the convention that nominated
‘Harding in 1920, and Johnson still
thinks he was cheated out of the nom-
ination. But he has not always been
a candidate. In fact with that single
exception he has never been a candi-
date, so that Daugherty’s statement
doesn’t quite fit him. It is not easy to
see how it can be applied to LaFol-
lette, either.
Moreover Mr. Daugherty in his zeal ners. |
to promote Whe interests of Harding
adds: “The President will be renom-
inated and re-elected. The country
and the party will demand it.”
is certainly surprising. At least so
far as observation goes there has been
no very loud shouting for Harding
outside of the postmasters and reve-
‘cause the defeat ‘of the
This |
| For weeks there have been signs
| leave the Governor in absolute con- the State Council of Republican Wom- | that the worms would turn under the
' Pinchot heel and now they're doing it.
. Monday night they passed the anthra-
cite tax repealer bill and a regular re-
bellion broke out against the Gover-
measure with his objections within ten , evening three of the Representatives i nor’s prohibition enforcement act be-
days of the date he receives it and up- | claimed as committed to the bill de- cause women lobbyists first tried to
on reassembling after the recess the clared that they had not given such a vamp then scare the men into support
of it, Resentment against the tactics
i of Mrs. Leah Cobb Marion, president
of the State Council of Republican
Women, in attempting to stampede
: members of the House into voting for
| the Pinchot enforcer on the ground
; that they had “pledged” their support
in the campaign last fall.
There was talk of calling Mrs. Mar-
ion before the House to have her ex-
plain where she obtained the list of
“pledged” members, or at least have
her submit a statement defending her
position or revealing the source of her
information. Mrs. Gifford Pinchot,
wife of the Governor, has been drawn
into the controversy, and in some
quarters it is charged she is responsi-
ble for publication of the list and the
statement demanding that the law-
makers mentioned stand by their al-
leged campaign promises.
Indications that even Governor Pin-
chot has little faith in the genuine-
ness of the “pledges” were presented
when he sent for several members of
the House and endeavored to get flat
declarations that they would vote for
i the measure. Among those invited to
the sounding-out party were Repre-
and Representative Behney, of Leb-
anon. The names of both lawmakers
. appeared in the list of Mrs. Marion.
Both td ‘the Governor they made
bill, although the Centre courity Rep-
| resentative admitted he went along on
the proposition to “drive the saloons
out of the State.” Beaver is said to
have informed the Governor that from
the beginning he was opposed to the
provision of the bill authorizing
searching of private homes and, even
with this clause slightly modified, he
‘is not in sympathy with the measure.
| The Governor then said to him:
| “Don’t you think your promise to
help drive the saloons out of the State
helped to get you some votes in Cen-
tre county?”
“Maybe it did,” Beaver is said to
have responded, “but the fact is that
I carried the county and you didn’t.”
——The Hon. Thomas Beaver pre-
' sented the Bellefonte hospital appro-
| priation bill in the House last week
and it was immediately referred to the
committee on appropriations. The pre-
sentation of the bill was more or less
of a formality. If the Governor's
budget system is adopted the local in-
stitution will be cared for through the
Department of Public Welfare, but if
it should fail of passage the hospital’s
bill will be already in the hands of the
committee that would then have to act
on it.
——The country is waiting patient-
ly for a word from Senator Lodge on
the question of going into the Inter-'
national Court of Justice. Of course
that word will come, for Lodge can’t
live outside the favor of the President.
Sn — —————— !
——Those Chicagoans who are
about to invest $15,000,000 in the
building of a hotel must think that
the Volstead act will be repealed
sooner or later.
——FEvery little helps. By the de-
feat of the subsidy bill the tax payers
will save the hundred million dollars
a year it would have given to the ship
——Secretary Hoover wants gov-
ernment building operations held off
‘until next year so as to make pros-
nue officers who are in the enjoyment
of his official favors. Possibly this
' contingent constitutes the party, as
' Mr. Daugherty understands the mat-
ter, and certainly it will have a good
deal to do with the selection of the
candidate. But there is little avail-
able evidence that the country is Who seem to have nothing to do but
greatly concerned about the future of | talk politics.
| Warren Gamaliel.
——If the American Law Institute Tut was very weulthy, but it’s hard-
perity during the presidential cam-
paign. i
If some wise guy would suggest
to Germany that the way to resume
specie payments is “to resume,” he
might do a lot of good.
——One trouble with women in pol- |
itics is that there are so many women
———The indications are that King |
carries out its expressed purpose to ly fair to accuse him of having been a
“simplify justice” it will accomplish bootlegger.
a great and useful result. But it will
vastly diminish the revenue of the
| lawyers.
——Spring and the blizzard appear
to have come in on the same train.
sentative Beaver, of Centre county, |
NO. 12.
Sabotage in the Ruhr. a
From the Philadelphia Record.
A French troop train has been thrown
from the track, a bridge has been
blown up by dynamite, and telegraph
and telephone wires have been cut,
which it will require six months to re-
place. This is sabotage in its most
serious form. The authority in exist-
ence at the time and place has got to
punish this if it can.
But it was inevitable that the occu-
pation of the Ruhr by the French
should lead to serious sabotage. And
that sabotage will lead to severe pen-
alties and reprisals, and this in tw
will lead to more derailments and
more dynamite explosions and more
destruction of means of communica-
tion. It was because these things
would be inevitable that the friends of
France deplored the excursion into the
Germany must pay, but it has. paid
a good deal. There is grave doubt
whether it can, or will, pay 132,000,-
000,000 gold marks, and American and
English friends of France believed it
would be better to give Germany more
| time, and perhaps reduce the princi-
' pal, than to embark upon a military
adventure. The French government
may have had no purpose beyond put-
ting upon Germany pressure that
would force it to pay faster, but the
French people applauded the invasion
because they felt that it would lead to
the annexation of the left bank of the
Rhine. ‘
Of France's Allies, Italy &8. no
action. Great Britain proclaims its
neutrality and points to the wviola-
tion of the peace treaty by some of
the French operations east of the
. Rhine. Only Belgium has associated
| itself with Poe and Beleiom is on
. spicuously lacking in enthusiasm, has
' warned France not to think of anne
ing any territory, and in d
the Ruhr shall be evacuated pro
sively as Germany pays money. FP
sibly this explains why Germany,
arrears to other Allies, is punctual
paying 48,000,000 gold marks due
Belgium. fang i
Germany is waiting for se
to happen. The powerful Engli a-
bor party is demanding that the Brit-
{ish government oppose the Ruhr pro-
ceedings, and the Labor part
come into possession of the
ment-at any time. . Be
- something
ready warned France
that it may do that which will compel
England to withdraw from the conti-
nent, and that would dissolve the En-
This is precisely what Germany is
hoping for, and what Premier Law
may at any moment be compelled to
do. On the last vote that involved the
Ministry Mr. Law’s majority fell to
48. Three members of the govern-
, ment have been defeated in their con-
stituencies. Mr. Law is trying to
maintain himself between France on
one side and the Labor party, with a
good deal of the Liberal party, on the
other. He may at any time throw
France overboard to save himself.
That would be the moment for
which Germany is waiting. When that
comes there will be something worse
| than sabotage. Hence it is of the ut-
most importance to the peace of the
world to reach an adjustment. The
United States will do nothing because
the Administration is not interested in
anything that happens in Europe.
England has done nothing so far be-
cause Mr. Law is still clinging to the
Entente. Germany will make no di-
rect overtures. France will make no
overtures that are not direct. And
meanwhile acts of violence, shootings,
sabotage and reprisals are going on in
the Ruhr.
Hope for the Hardboiled.
From the New York Herald.
' The President has tenderly picked
Mondell out of the pile of discarded
Republican Representatives and de-
posited him in the office of the War
Finance Corporation as a director. If
such appointments must be, this one
was appropriate—a hang-over Con-
gressman sent to a hang-over bureau
of the government. :
Presently the War Finance Corpor-
ation will disappear, and then perhaps
a job elsewhere can be found for Mon-
dell. He has had the officeholding
habit for 35 years, and it is hard for
an addict like that to be reformed.
His grief at being turned down by
Wyoming may not be perfectly assaug-
ed by this new and compartively ob-
scure job, though he will get $12,000 in
the place of $7500, the wage of a Con-
gressman. Keeping him on the pay-
roll means much to a politician of the
Mondell type. And it will give hope
to other discarded politicians not yet
cared for.
And Now Japan.
From the Dearborn Independent.
Flapperism has invaded Japan. The
Herald of Asia is protesting against
this importation and complains that
some of their more light-minded girls
are trying to emulate this latest af-
fliction of a much-suffering civiliza-
tion. Bobbed hair, short skirts and
raucous-tongued pertness are conspic-
uous in the port cities of Japan as
well as Tokyo.
Subject Unimportant.
From the Boston Herald.
In learning that Senator Borah
spoke in our national chamber for two
hours and three minutes on the recog-
nition of Russia, will the Russians
learn also that any other theme would
have served his purpose quite as well ?
| tices to conceal the shortages.
—Elmer Groff, of Bareville, Lancaster
county, last week purchased at the pnblie
sale of the household effects of Mrs. Peter
‘Wenger an old chest. His bid was $14. On
getting the chest home he made an investi-
gation and found $25 hidden in one of the
—A message from Washington, D. C.,
announces the death in a hospital there of
Elizabeth King, 8 year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John King, of Reading. The
child was taken ill with sleeping sickness
a week ago while visiting relatives in
Knoxville, Va., and was then sent to the
—After withdrawing a sum of money cs-
timated at $9500 from a Bethlehem bank,
Mrs. Helen Gross, aged 24 years, wife of
Harry Goss, who conducts a store in that
city, left on Saturday for parts unknown.
She left a note telling her husband that she
of the property as he sees fi.
ville on Sunday night and were rewarded
The office of the Wade Mertz Coal compa-
ny was entered. There was no money in
the safe. The safe in the Bert Roberts’
store was mot locked, but the burglars
locked it in attempting to open it. They
then knocked off the combination and blew
the door off. They got 200 pennies.
—Mrs. Amelia Hahn Nichols, of Colum-
rine, Hahn, who is now about 21 years old
and whom the mother has not seen since
she was a child. After an estrangement
between Catherine’s mother and father,
James Hahn, the child was placed by the
father in the home for the friendless in
she was taken from the home and adopted
not know.
—‘‘Holy Moses, a royal flush,” exclaimed
Charles Haas as he sat in a poker game
at Pittsburgh, on Sunday. He had drawn
the jack and ten of spades. The ace, king
and queen he had held. Two other play-
ers thought his remark was a bluff and
prepared to cover his bets. Haas reached
for his chips, prepared to burden the ma-
hogany with the size of his wager. Be-
fore they were placed in the pot he fell
dead of a paralytic stroke. He had been
in apparently good health. .
—VFifteen state troopers under command
ville barracks, raided a cockpit near Sha-
mokin, on Saturday, and arrested 154 par-
ticipants and witnesses and confiscated
about thirty game chickens. Justice Hes-
lep transformed the cockpit into ‘a tem-
porary court, and one by one the prison-
ers were arraigned and each fined $10.
Twenty-six were without the necessary
funds and were sent to the county jail at
Sunbury to serve ten days, but at that the
harvest of fines totalled $1280.
—A coroner's jury in the office of depu-
ty coroner Charles Howell, of Pittston, has
placed responsibility for the death of Peter
Dominic and his children, Lucy and Louis,
upon the People’s Light company, of Pitts-
ton. The father and his two children died
from the effects of illuminating gas escap-
Be etn soot tou age
more than onee | in Town Ship “about a mouth ago.
Though the jury placed responsibility for
the tragedy on the company, it failed to
offer any recommendations to the district
attorney's office to prosecute.
—John E. DuBois, of DuBois, has added
another item to his long lict of public be-
nevolences. He has turned the spacious
DuBois fair grounds over to the American
Legion post for a period of three years,
The legionaires have already proved their
ability to handle large public events, and
have arranged for a big Fourth of July
celebration, as well as several other cele-
bration numbers for the coming summer.
Their biggest bet, however, is a revival of
the DuBois fair, upon the same basis that
made it the most important fair in that
section of the State a decade ago.
—John H. Miller, of Lewistown, better
known as the coal, lumber and iron king
of central Pennsylvania, is building him-
self a mausoleum on the Miller farm, lo-
cated one and one-half miles due east of
Lewistown. The spot is at the head of the
Lewistown Narrows, one of the most pic-
turesque in all central Pennsylvania. The
mausoleum will be 18 feet long by 10 feet
high, built of solid reinforced concrete cov-
ered by a foot of granite on which will be
erected a monument of granite 20 feet high.
The monument will stand in the center of
an acre of ground which will be used as
the family burying ground. The monu-
ment will cost $20,000.
—For half an hour early last Thursday
morning a burglar hid in the bedroom of
Peter G. Cameron, State Banking Commis-
sioner, at Harrisburg, while he slept and
Mrs. Cameron watched the intruder. Mrs.
Cameron was afraid to awaken her hus-
band for fear that he would try to cap-
ture the robber, unarmed. The burglar
was armed and stood in the corner appar-
ently under the belief that Mrs. Cameron
was not sleeping soundly. Mrs. Cameron
finally awakened her husband, remarking
that she was sick and in need of a doctor.
The burglar ran, pursued by the Banking
Commissioner, but made his escape. He
took a $200 necklace.
—C. H. Graff, second deputy Banking
Commissioner, on Thursday of last week
took charge of the Farmers-Mechanics
bank, at Honesdale, upon a report by
George W. Brown, banking examiner, that
he had discovered defalcations amounting
to $50,000, which, together with alleged bad
loans, he reported, would bring the total
loss to approximately $168,000. Warrants
were issued for the arrest of C. A. Emery,
cashier, who is charged with manipulating
notes, altering accounts and other prac-
The bank
was incorporated May 7th, 1907. It has a
capital stock of $75,000, surplus of $45,000,
undivided profits of $28,000, and more than
$800,000 deposits.
—Placing the safety of his father above
the value of his own life, Daniel Kerr,
aged 25 years, world war veteran, of Port-
age, took a death ride on a runaway mine
car Sunday noon in the Beachley No. 6
mine, rather than jump to safety. The
younger Kerr was bringing a trip down
the mine slope when a coupling parted and
his car started to dash down the grade.
Knowing his father, David Kerr, was at
the bottom of the slope, Daniel stuck to his
post in an effort to lessen the speed of the
runaway car. When the car crashed into
a pile of coal, young Kerr sustained inter-
nal injuries which resulted in his death an
hour later at his home. The father wit-
nessed the accident.
was leaving him and that he could dispose
—Burglars cracked two safes at Sharps-’
for their night’s work by getting only $2.
bia, Pa., is seeking her daughter, Cathe-
Reading. When Catherine was 3 years old .
by a family whose name the mother does \
of Lieutenant W. C. Snyder, of the Potts-