Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 09, 1923, Image 4
ee Bemorai atc. . — "Bellefonte, Pa, March 9, 1923. P. GRAY MEEK, - ~- = Editor et Te Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further notice this paper will be furnished to sub- seribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - - Paid before expiration of year - 175 Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 Published weekly, every Friday morn- ing. Entered at the postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa., as second class mail matter. In ordering change of address always give the old as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be no- tified when a subscriber wishes the pa- per discontinued. In all such cases the subscription must be paid up to date of cancellation. A sample copy of the “Watchman” will be sent without cost to applicants. $1.50 Bellefonte Postoffice Has High Rating in Treasury Savings Certificates. The Bellefonte postoffice hit a high mark in handling the United States treasury savings certificates during 1922, according to advices received from the savings division, Third Fed- eral Reserve district. Of the estimat- ed total of $160,000,000 for the coun- try, Bellefonte is credited with more than $206,750, maturity value, treas- ury savings certificates placed in the hands of Centre countians. “This surely reflects the integrity and thrift of your people,” writes sav- ings director George E. Lloyd to post- master John L. Knisely and W. Harri- son Walker, assistant to director. “Thanks to such substantial and fru- gal communities as Bellefonte, this country has been able to cope with many financial difficulties and to maintain its credit at a high level For the five-year period from 1917 to 1922 the total United States govern- ment expenditures reached the amount of $49,000,000,000. This is more than double the total expenditures for the entire period from 1860 to 1916; yet we have been able to meet every obli- gation swiftly and honestly merely be- cause of the character and stability of our finance, business and citizenship.” More than half a billion dollars of 1918 war savings stamps have been recently retired by the Uunited States treasury. Of this amount, about $30,- 000,000 in stamps have been redeemed or exchanged in the Third district alone, and the Bellefonte postoffice re- deemed or exchanged stamps amount- ing to $104,010. Two distinct features are noted in this connection: First, the govern- ment paid the stampholders $5 spot cash for every stamp bought five years ago at the price of four dollars and a few odd cents; and secondly, the owners were given the privilege of ex- eee esses Fe eee eee eed KELSO.—Miss Louise M. Kelso, for three years a member of the board of instruction of the Bellefonte High school, died on Thursday of last week at the home of her brother, in Decatur, Ill., as the result of a tumor on the brain. Miss Kelso, who was instructor in history in the Bellefonte High school, was unable to return to Bellefonte at the opening of the public schools last September, owing to illness, but had recovered sufficiently to report for du- ty about October first. She taught three weeks but her health was so impaired that she was compelled to give up her work and was given a leave of ab- sence, Dr. Beach being secured as a substitute. - She went to Clifton Springs, New York, where she remain- ed until the latter part of December when she returned to her home in Wooster, Ohio, for Christmas. Her condition being little improved she was given a year’s leave of absence and Mr. Gilson secured to take her place. Early in February Miss Kelso went to Decatur, Ill, to visit her brother and while there her condition grew worse instead of better and her death followed last Thursday. During the three years she taught in Bellefonte she made many friends here, especially in her school work. Unusually proficient in her work and a young woman of most pleasing per- sarality and christian character she was loved and esteemed by all who were fortunate enough to know her, and her passing away is cause for sin- cere sorrow and regret. She is survived by her mother, one sister and three brothers, one of whom is a Presbyterian minister and anoth- er dean of a college in Wooster, Ohio. Burial was made at Decatur, Ill. i Il WERTS.—Last week the “Watch- man” published a notice of the death of the venerable .Philip Werts, at Houserville and the fact that his wife, Mrs. Catherine Werts, was also very ill. In fact her illness was more ser- ious than supposed at that time and she passed away at an early hour on Thursday morning. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Dale and was born in College township eighty-eight years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Werts spent sixty-five years of married life together and passed away within three days. In fact Mrs. Werts was so ill at the time that she did not know that her husband had preceded her to the Great Beyond. Their son John is her only surviving child. Mr. Werts’ funeral was to have been held on Thursday morning but owing to the death of his wife it was post- poned and a double funeral held at ten o'clock on Saturday morning. Rev. M. C. Piper had charge of the services and the remains of the venerable couple were buried in one grave in the Shiloh cemetery. il ll SMITH.—Allison O. Smith, former changing their 1918 stamps for new | judge of Clearfield county, died on treasury savings certificates in con- | Saturday evening following a linger- venient denominations of $25, $100 {ing illness with Bright’s disease. He and $1000, $20.50, $82 and $820, respectively. Thousands of owners have taken ad- vantage of the exchange feature and thousands of others have bought the certificates for cash, realizing their safety, convenience and benefit. . “There is a decided personal advan- tage in getting treasury savings cer- tificates as a means of investment,” states Director Lloyd. “Suppose an individual with an average income saves and invests $20.50 in a $25 treas- ury certificate each month. If he keeps this up for five years—the ma- turing date—he will have at the end of that time a steady income of $25 a month for the next five years.” Boy Scouts, Troop Ne. 1. The entire Troop is now enrolled as forest guides, the pins and certifi- cates being received at the last meet- ing. This implies the study of trees na- tive to Pennsylvania, and the protec- tion of them. A meeting of the troop conclave was held Tuesday evening at the parish house. Those present were troop officers, patrol leaders and as- sistants, as well as the scoutmaster and one of his assistant scoutmasters. A delicious supper was served after which troop business was brought up, and the meeting adjourned. The con- stitution is being amended so as to include more boys in the Troop. At the next meeting an auction will be held for the purpose of selling all scout uniform equipment which has been outgrown. This will make it possible for the Troop to be properly uniformed by Memorial day. ANDREW V., WETZEL, Ass't Scribe. Parent-Teachers Meeting. The next meeting of the Parent- Teacher’s association to be held on Monday evening, March 12th, in the High school auditorium, will be a unique program. An evening of so- cial frolic has been arranged for. Mrs. Krader will direct some social stunts, Mrs. Robert Walker will give a talk and demonstration on physical work, and other events not announced will take place. Full attendance is desir- ed. Refreshments will be served. ——The Bellefonte Central Railroad company last week put into service a heavy type freight engine, purchased from the Pennsylvania Railroad com- pany. The company’s old engine was too light for the heavy freight move- ment of lime and stone from the var- ious quarries in Buffalo Run valley. ——Awnings and Tents of all kinds. —The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 10-1t at a discount price of | was born in Montour county in 1857. He was educated at the Bloomsburg Normal school, the Pennsylvania State College, and the University of Penn- sylvania, graduating at the latter in- stitution in 1882. He began the prac- tice of law in Clearfield county in 1883 and formed a law partnership with Thomas H. Murray in 1894. He was elected judge in 1904 and served ten years. His wife, who was a daughter of the late Senator W. A, Wallace, ! died in 1918, but surviving him are one son and three daughters. Burial was made at Clearfield on Tuesday afternoon. I |] BRYAN.—James Monroe Bryan died at his home in Milesburg at 12:20 o'clock on Monday following an illness of some weeks with a complication of diseases. He was a son of John and Jane Bryan and was born at Curtin sixty-eight years ago. He married Miss Mary Krise who survives with the following children: Mrs. G. B. McCullough, of Howard; Latimer Bry- an, of Philipsburg; John, Wayne and Leonore, at home. He also leaves one brother and a sister, Roland Bryan, of Howard, and Mrs. Robert Saylor, of Tyrone. Rev. J. F. Andreas and Rev. M. C. Piper officiated at the funeral services, which were held at his late home at one o'clock yesterday after- noon, burial being made in the Curtin cemetery. ; i] Il HOUSER. — Grant Houser, for years a well known resident of Oak Hall, died on Monday morning of an affection of the heart, with which he had been afflicted for some months. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Houser and was born near Houser- ville sixty-two years ago. He was a life-long member of the Evangelical church and a good citizen. He mar- ried Miss Mary Williams, of Lemont, who survives, with two sons and one daughter. Funeral services were held at one o'clock yesterday afternoon, burial being made in the Houserville cemetery. Il Il GRAZIER.—Mrs. Adaline Grazier, widow of Henry Grazier, died on Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. C. Kustaborder, in Bellwood, following a brief illness with lobar pneumonia. She was a daughter of John and Ra- chel Hillard and was born in Halfmoon valley, Centre county, on January 31st, 1842, hence was past 81 years of age. Her husband died in 1889 but surviving her are three daughters. She also leaves one brother and a twin sister. Burial was made in the Lo- gan Valley cemetery on Sunday after- noon. HERKIMER.—Alfred Herkimer, a native of Bellefonte, died at his home in Ebensburg last Saturday evening. On Friday he worked as usual as a driver for a meat market in that town but late that night he was taken ser- iously ill and a physician summoned. For some time past he had been troub- led with an affection of the heart and his sudden serious illness was caused by the rupturing of a blood vessel. His death followed on Satur- day evening. Deceased was a son of Adam and Margaret Herkimer and was born at Houserville on March 3rd, 1863, hence was just sixty years old to the day. When a child the family came to Belle- fonte and he grew to manhood here. Leaving this place he went to Wil- liamsport where for a number of years he was employed by the Reading rail- road. Twenty years ago he went to Ebensburg and that had been his home ever since. His mother died on January 23rd, a little over six weeks ago, but surviv- ing him are one brother and two sis- ters, Jared Herkimer, of Salt Lake City, Utah; Mrs. C. L. Shields, of Wil- liamsport, and Mrs. Elsie Parker An- derson, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Shields was with her brother when he passed away. The remains were taken to Wil- liamsport where they were placed in a receiving vault until some future date when they will be buried beside the body of his mother. fl 1 SPITTLER.—Mrs. Elizabeth Spit- tler, widow of the late John Spittler, died at her home at Sandy Ridge last Saturday, following two week’s illness with the grip. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garland and was born in Bald Eagle valley seventy- four years ago. Mr. Spittler died three years ago but surviving her are three brothers and one sister, William Garland, of Philipsburg; James, Enos and Miss Mame, of Sandy Ridge. Burial was made at Sandy Ridge at 1:30 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon. 1 11 HENDERSON.—Edwin E. Hender- son, who a number of years ago owned and conducted the hotel at Howard, and previous to that time had been an engineer on the Bald Eagle Valley railroad, died at his home in Baker- ton, Cambria county, on Saturday, following an illness of some weeks with a complication of diseases, aged 69 years. He is survived by his wid- ow. Burial was made in the Grand- view cemetery, at Johnstown, on Tuesday morning. I Il TUTEN.—Miss Susan Tuten, a sis- ter of the late Edward T. Tuten, of Bellefonte, died at her home in Ayer, Mass., on February 22nd, aged eighty- six years. ten, died last October and her only immediate survivor is one sister, Miss Esther, of Dover, New Hampshire. Mrs. E. C. Tuten and son Tirrill went to Ayer for the funeral which was i held on February 24th. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Trainer Sarson, who has charge of the wrestling class, is much encour- aged with the progress some of the boys are making and is planning to meet the boys on the mat Friday evening from 7 to 8, as well as Mon- day evening from 7:30 to 8:30, classes to start this week. Among those in training are Bullock, Ichkowitz, Shultz, Little, Bailey, Searson, Sones and several new members are en- rolling. The first tournament will be held towards the latter part of March. HI-Y. CLUBS. A number of the student members met with men from State College Thursday evening at 6 o’clock for sup- per and conference relative to organ- izing chapters of the Hi-Y. clubs. The work will be promoted by State Col- lege students who have been officers in Hi-Y. clubs in their home towns. NEW GYM SCHEDULE, With the coming of spring and end- ing of the basket-ball season there will be a slight change in the gym- nasium schedule for the boys. On Tuesday and Friday afternoons coach Kimball, of the Academy track team, will train our boys for an in-door ath- letic meet to be held shortly. Boys will be graded in weight classes and compete for honors. Evangelical Church Appointments. The annual conference of the Unit- ed Evangelical church came to an end at York, on Tuesday, with the an- nouncement of the various appoint- ments. Those for Centre county are as follows: Bellefonte—Reed O. Steely. Howard—F. F. Mayer. Nittany—Jacob Lang. State College—Paul E. Keene. Sugar Valley—H. P. Maneval. Centre Hall—J. F. Bingman. Millheim—C. B. Snyder. Rebersburg—M. A. Herman. Spring Mills—E. E. Haney. Zion—A. J. Chamberlain. The Music Club. Do not forget the concert in the Presbyterian chapel Monday evening, March 12th, at 8:15 o'clock. Program, State College orchestra assisted by Mrs. Packenham, member of the Royal Academy of London, England, and Miss Mary Kestler, of Millheim. All are invited. A collection will he tak- en to defer current expenses. There will ‘be no meeting of the club on the following Friday evening. ——Awnings and Tents of all kinds. ! —The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 10-1t Her sister, Sarah T.;Tu-: Floyd Smith Electrocuted. Floyd E. Smith’s long drawn out fight for his life ended on Monday morning when he was sent to the death chair for the murder of his wife’s three weeks’ old child, a crime committed almost three years ago. Smith had virtually lived within the shadow of the chair for a year and five months, ever since he was brought to the death house from Bradford county on October 1st, 1921. At that time a respite was granted only a few hours before he was to have been sent to the chair, and ever since he has oc- cupied a cell in the death house and has seen and heard a number of con- demned men enter only to pass out by way of the electric chair. But through it all he never lost hope and always maintained confi dence in the belief that he would in some way escape treading the same path. Even as late as Sunday, when every known avenue of escape was closed, he still expressed a belief that something would happen to save his life, but such did not prove to be the case and on Monday morning he was compelled to pay the penalty exacted by law. Maintaining his innocence of inten- tional murder he went to the death chair with apparent composure. He was accompanied by the prison chap- lain, Rev. George L. Courtney and at 7:08 o'clock the first contact was made. Nine minutes later Smith was pronounced dead by Dr. Robert M. Campbell, the penitentiary physician. Smith was from Bradford county and the crime for which he was elec- trocuted was committed in April, 1920. He was tried, convicted and sentenc- ed to death in February, 1921, and the first date for his electrocution was October 3rd, 1921, Since that time he had been granted seven respites and his case was carried to the Su- preme court twice and been up before the board of pardons two times. Be- fore he was elected United States Sen- ator George Wharton Pepper was ac- tive in Smith’s behalf. SMITH’S FAREWELL LETTER. Smith, it is said, spent a good part of Sunday writing last letters to friends, one of which was to Rev. T. W. Young, who as chaplain of the pen- itentiary for many weeks while Smith was an inmate of the death house, vis- ited him almost daily and through his association had ample opportunity to judge of the man’s character. The letter follows: Rev. T. W. Young, Bellefonte. My Dear Brother, Mr. Young. Iam so sorry this will be my last letter I will ever write to you, but I am sure some day we will meet in that beauti- ful home God has prepared for us all that trust in Him. I am going to meet my God with a clear conscience, and I am sure I will soon meet my dear mother and wife and little baby girl, that is calling for me where all the good people go that trust and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done to save aa innocent man of intent murder from ! the electric chair. I am also sending you 2 little token to remember me by. It’s a picture of myself and my dear wife I will be with soon. Good bye till we meet again in Heaven. May God bless you, a prayer from a Brother, M., FLOYD SMITLI. P. S.—No, I never made any threat against my wife Ruth since I knew her; I have no cause to. Of Interest to County School Directors The directors of the various school districts in Centre county should be vitally interested in what is going on in Harrisburg in relation to the basis upon which it is proposed to place fu- ture distribution of State funds. At present the basis of distribution is on the population of the district. The fact that the sparsely populated rural districts have not, under this system, received as large a percentage. of money as the more densely populat- ed ones, when they actually needed it more, has appeared inequitable and it is now proposed to make the allot- ments on the basis of the assessed valuation of all property in the dis- trict. The modifications of the Edmonds act proposed would provide for five classes of school districts, instead of four, as at present. On the basis of the taxable valuation of each of the five classes of districts, computed on actual figures, the valuation per teach- er and the percentage of minimum salaries allowed by the State would be as follows: Per Cent. of minimum sala- Valuation per teacher ries allowed $50,000 or less - - - - - 60 $51,000 to $150,000 - - - 50 $151,000 to $200,000 - ~il. 40 $201,000 to $300,000 - - - - 30 $801,000 or above - mie - 20 ——When you come to Bellefonte this evening and tomorrow to see the big auto show don’t forget to visit the Scenic and see the wonderful motion pictures. Big programs will be on each evening with a matinee tomeor- row afternoon. Scenic pictures al- ways appeal to the motion picture fans, because they are especially se- lected by manager T. Clayton Brown on their merit alone, and are the best obtainable. Big Sale in Sinking Valley. On Tuesday, March 15th, C. M. Waple will offer at public sale on his farm in Sinking Valley, one mile from the trolley line, 6 big draft horses, 30 pure bred and grade cows and heifers, hogs, chickens, ducks, geese and guin- eas, farm machinery, wagons, har- rows, tools, harness, corn, seed oats and hay. Sale starts at 10 a. m. G C. Waite, auctioneer. 68-10-1t . Miscellaneous Business Transacted by : Borough Council. Seven members were present at the | regular meeting of borough council on Monday evening. A written state- ment was received from Leonard A. | Breon, of west Beaver street, stating : that complaint has been made about { him leaving his car stand on the street in front of his house, the complainant claiming that he blocked the roadway. Mr. Breon stated that the street is not the proper width and asked that it be made wider. The mater was refer- red to the Street committee. The Deitrick-Dunlap Cadillac com- pany presented a written permission from the Public Service Commission for the installation of a new tank and two gasoline pumps at their garage on the corner of Bishop and Allegheny streets. The matter was referred to the Street committee. The Street committee reported re- pairs to the Howard street sewer. The Water committee reported the collection of $20.00 on the 1921 water tax. The Fire and Police committee pre- sented the burgess’ check for $170.00 for license fees. The question of keeping vagrants over night was again brought up when Mr. Flack stated that the old lock-up could be re- paired at an estimated cost of $100. Reference to the auditor’s statement showed that it cost but $54.50 last year for the keeping of vagrants in the county jail, and after considerable discussion the Fire and Police commit- tee was authorized to use their judg- ment and keep such people wherever it was most economical. The Finance committee presented the report of the borough treasurer which showed a balance in bank on March 5th of $15,482.94. The treas- urer also asked for the renewal of eight notes totalling $34,630, which was authorized. The Special committee reported that burgess W. Harrison Walker and councilmen Thomas Hazel and Darius Waite attended the convention of bor- oughs held in Harrisburg two weeks ago, and Mr. Waite made a brief re- port of the work of the convention. the pumping station building at the big spring is badly in need of repairs and requested permission to get bids on the work and report at next meet- ing. They were instructed to do so. Mr. Flack reported that the Fire and Police committee had granted the Undine Fire company permission to take their steamer to Lock Haven to help pump water out of the flooded cellars. Mr. Flack also stated to council that the fire companies have each been paying a man five dollars a month to | keep the pumpers cleaned and in shape and they felt that council should bear this’ expense. A motion was passed accepting the responsibility. Mr. Em- erick stated that the pumpers have been in service a year and to keep | them in good condition the valves i should be ground and carbon cleaned ! off. Then followed a discussion as to where the work should be done and the matter was finally referred to the Fire and Police committee with power. Mr. Brouse reported that the Street committee recommended that the bill against James R. Hughes for paving on Pine street be receipted in cancel- lation of his bill for putting down sew- er on east Bishop street, and council so authorized. : Regarding the request of residents of east High street for a sewer up Cherry alley the borough manager stated that the distance is five hun- dred feet and the cost would be about $400. After a thorough discussion of the situation council decided that if all the residents interested would pay their property and the regular ten dol- lars tapping fee, which will cover about half the expense, council will put down the sewer, and the borough manager was instructed to so inform the applicants and get their signa- tures to an agreement. The expense will be only about one-fourth what it would cost each one to put down a cesspool. The auditor’s report for the year publication of same authorized. Bills to the amount of $2,407.26 were approved for payment after which council adjourned. Poultry Week in Centre County. The week of March 12th-17th will be poultry week for Centre county. Dur- ing this week the Centre county Farm Bureau will hold a series of seven poultry meetings in different sections of the county. At that time H. D. Monroe, poultry extension specialist, will discuss the many poultry prob- lems which face poultrymen at this time of year. One of the most im- portant - subjects, and one that all poultrymen are thinking about, is how to raise young chicks most suc- cessfully. Every one interested in poultry should make an effort to at- tend one of these meetings. The list of meetings with time and place fol- lows: Monday, March 12th, 8 p. m., in Grange hall, Stormstown. Tuesday, March 13th, 10 a. m., P. H. Luse, Centre Hall. Tuesday, March 13th, 8 p. m., school house, Pine Grove Mills. Wednesday, March 14th, 7:30 p. m, school house, Aaronsburg. Thursday, March 15th, 2 p. m, A. F. Showers, Unionville Thursday, March 15th, 7:30 p. m., in vo- cational school, Spring Mills, | Friday, March 16th, 7:30 p. m.,, Furnace school, Howard, The Water committee reported that, twenty-five cents per lineal foot of: 1922 was presented to council and | Engine 408 Jumped the Track. “Trains late” have grown to be an old song and story in Bellefonte so- that few people expect anything dif- ferent. Such was the condition last Saturday morning when all the trains. reached Bellefonte at or about ten o’clock. The morning train from Lock Haven to Tyrone was standing on the main line track waiting to get the transfer passengers, mail and express. from the Lewisburg train while the: train from Tyrone was waiting to get. onto the block. As the Lewisburg train hove in sight engineer William McCollum was: given the signal to come in, the: switch having been set for the eastern track, but the pony wheels on old 408. picked the switch and the ponderous pile of metal ran off the track at the: north end of the bridge over Spring creek. The train was stopped within eighty feet but the locomotive was so. completely derailed that it was neces- sary to call the P. & E. work train to Bellefonte to put it back on the track. It was almost four o’clock before the engine was replaced and the track put: in shape, and it was almost five when: the Lewisburg train, with another en-- gine sent here from Sunbury, pulled’ out on the return trip to Sunbury. For- tunately no person was hurt and the damage comparatively trivial. Old 408, however, was run back to Sun- bury light, as the engine was sent to the shop for some minor repairs. ly —————— Illustrated Lecture. Everybody who can do so should at-- tend the illustrated lecture to be giv- en this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock in the United Brethren church, by Captain 0. O. Wiard on “Black Traffic in White Girls.” Capt. Wiard' has had considerable experience as a. national detective and lecturer, and his appearance this evening should be: greeted by a large audience. While: the lecture will be free a silver offer- ing will be lifted. ——The annual meeting of stock-- holders of the Sutton-Abramsen Engi-- neering Co., will be held in the grand’ jury room in the court house, this: place, Monday evening, March 12th, at. 8:30 o’clock. ——A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Young, of Bellefonte, on: Tuesday. Mrs. Young, before her marriage, was Miss Vera Struble. ——The annual Easter market of the ladies of the Reformed church will be held on the Saturday before Easter.. CENTRE HALL. Missi Elizabeth Runkle is eritically ill at her home. ’ Mrs. William Boozer has been hous-- ed up all week suffering with grip. The lecture by Dr. George Bible, on: Saturday evening, was enjoyed by a good-sized audience. Miss Verna Rowe has been working in the Bell exchange at State College: for a week or more. Mrs. C. A. Smith was called to the: western part of the State to attend the funeral of her uncle. Miss Catherine Ruble spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Sallie: Ruble, returning to Altoona on Sun- day afternoon. Mrs. Kate Sanders arrived at the home of A. P. Krape one day this week, at which place she will make her home for the present. Mrs. Al. Spayd went to Williams- port on Tuesday to be with her daugh- ter, whose husband, Roy Dutrow, is in the hospital for treatment. Mrs. D. K. Keller, who was called to Freeport, Ill, by the sad death of her brother-in-law, Dr. Domer Smith, will remain for several weeks. The family of James Runkle is again afflicted, both Mr. and Mrs. Runkle being down with heavy colds, and Miss Laura with gall-stones, in addition to a severe cold. On Monday night, or early Tuesday morning a severe snow and wind storm struck our locality. After the taste of spring-like weather on Mon- day, it was not a very agreeable change. Mrs. S. H. Heckman and Miss Tace Kreamer, of Johnstown, daughters of H. W. Kreamer, arrived on Monday afternoon to assist in moving the Kreamers into the Bartholomew flat, on Tuesday. On Friday, Miss Mary Kennedy re- turned to her home west of town, after having spent several months with her sister, Mrs. E. L. Bartholo- mew, in Altoona. During the week she returned to Altoona to help the Bartholomews move into a new home recently purchased. ——Awnings and Tents of all kinds. —The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 10-1t reece fp fp nee Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief, Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief. All have their troubles. The rich man has nothing on the poor man when it comes to trouble. The doctor and lawyer, as well as the beggar man and thief have their troubles. They may differ somewhat, but trouble is trouble and why trouble trouble until trouble troubles you? But if you have trouble with your eyes I am at your service and can overcome eye trouble which will help you overcome all other trouble. No drops. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. Eva B. Roan, Optometrist. Li- censed by the State Board. Bellefonte every Wednesday after- noon, and Saturday 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Rooms 14 and 15 Temple Court building. State College every day except Saturday. Both phones. 68-1