Sawin INK SLINGS. ——Meantime we fell able to as- sure the public that the State Treas- ury will function even if the appro- priation for it is cut down to the bud- get figures. —From the digest of its annual re- port for 1922 we discover that the Y. M. C. A. got through last year with a loss of only $1499.49. That means that if all pledges were paid each man, woman and child in Bellefonte would have to give only 37% cents more during 1923 than they did in 1922 to make the Y. break even on December 31st, 1923. A wonderful work is being done there, people, let’s keep it going. —The American Law Institute, which has essayed the job of smooth- ing out and untangling the legal com- plexities which have developed during the last half century of American jurisprudence, has set a lot of good men to the job and Pennsylvania has reason to be proud that among the twenty-one big lawyers of the coun- try selected for it is our own former Attorney General, the Hon. Geo. E. Alter, of Pittsburgh and Centre coun- ty. —AIll honor to the Democratic mem- bers in the present Legislature. At a caucus Monday night they reaffirmed their determination to stand together against any general increase in taxa- tion, to vote to repeal the tax on an- thradite coal, to vote against any in- crease in the hunting license, to work to the end that the needs of The Penn- sylvania State College will be sup- plied. What a declaration of princi- ples and what a pity there are not enough Democrats in the Legislature to put them through. Read it over again, friends. Aren’t these Demo- crats standing for just what you hon- estly would like to have come to pass? —We really, up to this moment, have forgotten to note that Alba B. Johnson has become a trustee of Penn State. He-was elected last June, but because of our customary habit of never knowing that the train is ap- proaching until somebody says: “There she goes,” we should be for- given for waking up in March to what occurred when the brides were ripe last year. However, we like the selection of ‘Alb. He was. the presi- dent of the Baldwin locomotive works, he is a director of the Federal Reserve bank in Philadelphia and all like that. But Alb. became a big fellow in our estimation long before he was picked as a trustee for State, because he ‘stood up on his hind feet and told some sort of a Republicon society somewhere, three or four years ago, that the'tariff was a fake political is- sue and he would have none of it thereafter. We're for Alba. He’s an awful Republican but the future of our Alma-Mater is safe in the guid- ance of men who have the courage to declare such sane convictions as he has done. —After having gotten some kind of a new fan dangle of a school for chil- dren started in Harrisburg the first la- dy of the Commonwealth, probably better known as Mrs. Pinchot, has started out to help along with law en- forcement, so far as it applies to vi- olation of the Volstead act. The Gov- ernor’s Lady has already had an audi- ence with the President in which she urged woman’s availability and use- fulness as law enforcement officers. What we gather from her idea is something along the line of the posi- tion we have always taken on the question. She wants the women aroused and active, not to vamp the boot-leggers, but to bring to the fore the moral obligation of the individual in the matter of respect for law. Sev- eral years ago the Hon. Cephas Gram- ley, of Rebersburg, expressed his per- turbation of mind as to the attitude of the “Watchman” on the prohibition question. He was up in the air as to whether we were wet or dry. As a matter of fact we were as dry at that very moment as we are at this, but we answered the Hon. Cephas to the effect that, categorically, we endorsed the principle of Mr. Volstead—but with a reservation. The reservation was that, while we were trying to do, personally, what Kant—did you ever rub elbows with him—says a person must be to live a category, we actu- ally believed the prohibition question to be a moral, not a legislative issue. | Now Mrs. Pinchot comes to our res cue and proclaims—in a round-about way—to the sage of Miles township that there are other great minds run- ning in the same channel as our own. With the petticoats to hide behind, if necessary, we want to assert right here that no man-made law can make a wet man dry in principle, though it might in fact. Mrs. Pinchot is ap- proaching the problem in the right direction. She has raised the moral issue and in that is the crux of it all. If the morals of our citizens can be raised to the point where it sees the wisdom of obedience to law, no matter what the law may be, there will be no further enforcement problems to solve. Our own thought is this: That the whole system is contrary to the fundamental principles of the demo- cratic form of government and should never have come under legislative jurisdiction. If there had been tem- perance there would never have been prohibition ‘and temperance failure has been because man has drifted too far from the teachings of the Bible. We can’t legislate him back to it. It must be done in another way. or 3S 0) Ry ZT emacralic : SRO 4 ¢ STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. > NO. 9. VOL. 68. BELLEFONTE, PA., MARCH 2. 192¢ One New Tax Worth While. pressed purposes of the Democratic Senators and Representatives in the General Assembly as declared at a meeting in Harrisburg on Monday evening. The needs of State College are realized and that worthy institu- tion has their sympathy and support. A demand will be made for a decrease in the redundant force of employees of the State and the threatened at- tempt to increase the cost of hunters’ licenses will be resisted. The attempt to repeal the tax on anthracite coal will be pressed with all the vigor the minority commands, and generally speaking new taxation will be resist- ed. This is an admirable program and will unquestionably meet with public favor. One tax measure introduced in the House on Monday night appeals strongly to our approval. We refer to the bill read in place by Represen- tative Stark, of Wyoming county, which provides for a tax of four mills on manufacturing enterprises. Mr. Stark estimates that such a levy would yield something like $12,000,000 annually, the levy being on the actual! value of the stock. For a great many years the policy of the State has been to exempt manufacturing enterprises from taxation on the theory that pub- lic interests are conserved by thus en- couraging manufactures. But the fa- vor has been abused for many years. The enterprises have grown out of their infancy and are now probably as able to pay their way as any other business. This tax exemption of manufactures has been the source of much political corruption within the last quarter of a century. By means of a commercial treaty between the Pennsylvania Man- ufacturers’ association and the man- agers of the Republican machine the greater portion of the campaign cor- ruption fund has been raised. Mr. Joseph Grundy, president of the As- sociation, annually levies tribute on the manufacturers to the extent of a million or two dollars which is paid to the Republican machine in consid- eration of the exemption from taxes to the amount g$l ; leaving a profit to a ‘among the man- ufacturers of ten millions or more. It is time this should be stopped. ——John D. Sr., may be the money maker of the Rockerfeller family but John D. Jr., has the old man skinned a million ways in the matter of getting free publicity. Pinchot Still Silent on Ballot Frauds. The Legislature has been in session nine weeks, nearly half the length of the average session, and the Governor has not spoken a word in favor of leg- islation to protect the ballot from frauds. During the second week of the session several bills on the subject were introduced. Most of them had the sanction of the Governor’s friend, William Flynn, of Pittsburgh, who is as familiar with the art of stuffing ballot boxes as any man living. Ata committee meeting held during the third week of the session, proofs of electoral debauchery were presented so flagrant and rank that Senator Vare, a past master in such work, was disgusted. Former Senator Ed. Vare, the real politician of the Vare family, said in a speech delivered in the Senate dur- ing the J. K. Tener term as Governor, ‘ that Mr. Tener was elected by fraudu- lent votes cast in South Philadelphia. ' Former United States Marshal John | F. Short, has declared, in the Clear- , field Republican, that Martin Brum- 'baugh was elected by fraudulent ! votes. It has been frequently said 'and is commonly believed that Gover- { nor Sproul was elected by fraud and “some of the Republican leaders now say that Mr. Pinchot was both nomi- nated and elected by fraud. If these things are true and we have many reasons for believing they are, the question of corrective legislation is urgent and paramount. But Governor Pinchot appears to be oblivious of this great evil. He cer- tainly knows that the purity of the ballot is essential to good government. He must understand that cleaning up messes is of no avail so long as men are chosen to high offices by fraud., But he doesn’t seem to care whether elections are conducted fairly or fraudulently. Maybe that is the rea- son that Senator Max Leslie, of Pitts- burgh, and Senator Vare, of Philadel- phia, piled up fraudulent majorities in his favor in the face of his open state- ment that he would be against them in the event of his election. They de- pend upon local graft and a guarantee that their methods would not be in- Yorfersd with was abundant considera- ion. ——If the Senate refuses to seat that Texas claimant it will be safe to predict the early death of the Ku Klux Klan. We are in full accord with the ex- | ‘not official but it is true. oy ves Pinchot Will Win Out. The Prohibitionists of Pennsylvania and the admirers of Governor Pinchot, wet or dry, may safely divest them- selves of all fear of the failure of his legislative program so far as prohi- bition legislation is concerned. A con- siderable number of Senators and Representatives in the General As- sembly, and possibly a majority of them, are bitterly opposed to the pend- ing Pinchot enforcement bill. It may even be said that a good many of them actually despise Mr. Pinchot. But they will support and enact his legis- lative purposes on questions in which he is deeply interested. They are afraid to vote in opposition to any measure upon which he has set his heart, and his heart is in prohibition. At first it looked as if the Gover- nor intended to base his expectations of achievement upon the budget bill. That measure was so closely related to the operation of “cleaning' up the mess,” and his mind seemed to be so centered upon the fulfillment of that primary campaign promise, that he might easily have made it his object- ive. But the chances were against success in that event. The appeals of local charities offered avenues of es- cape from his control by Legislators unwilling to support his ambition. But prohibition has so secure a grip upon the public mind of Pennsylvania that any Senator or Representative outside of the big cities is doomed if he re- fuses to “go along.” Then the Governor has the patron- age whip in hand and in action. A Legislator who votes contrary to the | wishes of the administration on the prohibition question will be as wide- ly separated from the spoils counter as he could be if he were a pooh-bah in Egypt. And this fact is known to every Senator and Representative in .the body. Even before the election they were “polled” on this subject and the man who breaks his promise will be consigned to a political grave, unless his constituents can and will rescue him. Other disappointments may be overlooked and forgiven. But on this question the Governor is adamant and he will win for that reason. This js —Just to show how badly we guess at things, the very session of council over which we raved so, a week or more ago, because it was so olive- branchy, was actually punctuated by a near fight between two of the worthy solons. Pinchot and the Busy Bee. Political wiseacres in Philadelphia and Harrisburg imagine they see in recent incidents signs of a Presidential bee buzzing about the ears of our busy Governor. His open flirtation with the Prohibitionist leaders in Washington and throughout the coun- try, his appeal to the advocates of good roads as revealed in his call for a national conference of official road builders and his abnormal lust for publicity are jointly and severally tak- en to mean that he has been inoculat- ed with the virus that wrecked the ad- ministrations of Brumbaugh and Sproul. Possibly the wiseacres are right in this conjecture though the an- nouncement that Harding would like a second term is a disturbing element. It may easily be assumed that Mr. ' Pinchot has an ambition to be Presi- dent. He is immensely wealthy and the record of his primary campaign for Governor of Pennsylvania shows that he is “no piker.” The defeat of the long established and carefully trained Penrose machine was certainly a great achievement for a political amateur and might well inspire an ambition for other and greater con- quests: Besides it is fairly clear that the next Republican candidate for President will have to contribute gen- erously to the campaign slush fund. President Harding has sadly disap- pointed those who provided the mil- lions used to buy his election and they are not likely to invest freely in promises in the future. Party managers who are averse to heaping honors on Pinchot have been comforting themselves with the idea that the State organization is against his ambitious program and the histo- ry of politics shows that a candidate is almost hopelessly handicapped if he is opposed by his home party organi- aztion. His friends are not greatly discouraged on that account, however. They recall that Grover Cleveland was nominated by the Democratic conven- tion of 1884 though Tammany and the New York State organization were against him and to some extent be- | cause of that. “We love him because of his enemies” was a shibboleth of his friends and a tremendous help in the voting. Possibly Pinchot may profit in the same way. ——The Governor is opposed to new taxes, probably because Joe Grundy was taxed enough by the Pinchot cam- paign committee, Harding Facing About. Secretary of the State Hughes pays scant respect to the intelligence of Senators and Representatives in Con- gress. He assures them we may en- ter into the International Court of Justice, participate in its proceedings and become a part of its organization, without recognizing the League of Nations. Secretary Hughes leads himself to this surprising conclusion by stating “from its foundation this government has taken a leading part in promoting the judicial settlement of international disputes.” He quotes Secretary Hay’s recommendation ‘of the Geneva conference and the Hague tribunal and refers approvingly to the several conventions entered into dur- ing the Taft administration. These are potent reasons why we should be associated with the Interna- tional Court but in no respect prove that such membership is not an acknowledgement of the value or de- sirability of the League of Nations. The Court is an important feature of the League. Article XIV of the Cov- enant of the League provides for such a court and defines its purposes and jurisdiction. An American lawyer and jurist, Elihu Root, was a member of the League Commission which created the Court and another American jur- ist, John Bassett Moore, is and has been from the beginning a judge on the bench of the Court. The govern- , ment of the United States has not par- | ticipated in the proceedings of the , Court, however, because we were not in the League. The Democrats in Congress were justly elated when the President’s message and Secretary Hughes’ letter , were present.d on Saturday for the obvious reason that the incident clear- ly implied a recognition of the League of Nations and a complete acquies- cence in the policies of President Woodrow Wilson with respect to the settlement of questions growing out of the world war. The signs indicate that reason is returning at the seat of government at Washington and before another Congressional term is ended those bigoted party zealots who de- fi the ratification of the Versail- {Tew freaty will be hiding their heads ~ !in shame. Itisa most gratifying de- velopment of a righteous public sen- _timent in the country. top) S. Garman, of Tyrone, will complete eight years as postmaster at Tyrone tomorrow, which will be two | full terms, and being a good Democrat "he, of course, is not a candidate for | reappointment under this Harding Re- i publican administration. The leading candidate in the race for appointment, so far as can be learned is Fred Buck, who has been Mr. Garman’s assistant ; postmaster. Mr. Garman, by the way, is well satisfied to lay aside the cares of the office and can do so with the feeling that he has given Tyrone eight , years of satisfactory service. When he was appointed postmaster there , were but two free delivery carriers connected with the office. There are .now seven for Tyrone and five rural carriers. The business of the office has grown to the almost unbelievable sum of $60,000 a month, which makes Tyrone fourth in the State. Philadel- , phia ranks first, Pittsburgh second, Scranton third and Tyrone fourth. This unprecedented business is due to , a great extent to the Wilson Chem- ,ical Co., the postage bill of which in ‘one day this week was over $1,900. Mr. Garman introduced many features in the office at Tyrone that wonderful- ly improved the service and his aim at all times was to consider the best interests of the patrons. That is the , reason why he has been such a popu- | ral official. | , | ——Governor Pinchot’s new plan of distribution of State aid to the schools is theoretically very sound, but in | practice there is the possibility of a i flareback, If State funds should be ‘allotted on the basis of the assessed valuation of a district, instead of, as now, on the population, there is a | possibility that certain districts might encourage assessors to under-value so that more State aid could be secured. We all remember the days when in some districts the more the State al- lotted for the schools the more the district’s own millage dropped, thus defeating the purpose of State aid. It was to encourage better schools, but it didn’t accomplish that object until the teacher’s minimum salary bill was passed and foxy districts could no longer get away with the old game. ———————— A eses——— ——The Democratic candidate for President is certain to be elected next year, but that should not make the party leaders careless in the selection of a candidate. Look what has hap- pened to the Republicans who were | careless the last time. ——The ship subsidy bill has not been dead as long as King “Tut,” but it is quite as dead. Cheering Words for “Watchman” ; Workers. We would not be human if we did not react pleasantly to such expres- i sions of appreciation of the “Watch- man” as have come almost daily to this office. As we have often said before, . Centre county’s home newspaper is an institution.” It holds a unique : place in the homes of its readers. For . years before daily newspapers, tele- : phones and modern methods of broad- casting news were in such general use the “Watchman” was the only econ- i tact they had with the rest of the | county, State and nation. There are hundreds of names on our list that run back from generation to generation in the same families for | forty, fifty, sixty years. The man and ‘woman of middle age today recall their fathers and mothers, with a copy of the “Watchman” in hand and there "are lots of them who actually learned 'to read by puzzling over the paper ' after the older ones had perused it. Dependable, clean and presenting all the local news that is fit te print , we think the paper is improving with age. May be it is only the wish that is father to the thought. However that may be we are wonderfully pleas- ed when folks write us that they do | appreciate our efforts. : | From Centre Hall, last week, came 'a note from Mrs. Annie Homan, in ! which she said, though her family is ‘broken by the passing of her husband, he always read the “Watchman.” It was part of their home life together and it would seem as though it had been broken still more if the good, old ' paper were not a regular visitor there. | Thomas F. Gramley writes from ‘Juniata that the “Watchman” has been in his home for forty years and “more and he thinks it just as fresh and interesting today as it ever was. From away out in Peabody, Kansas, a veteran subscriber writes he enjoys the weekly visits of the “Watchman” just as much as ever. Mr. J. J. Noll is of the old Centre county family of ' that name and remarks that he is the last of the old cooper shop erowd who , took the “Watchman.” “The old coop- er shop” conveyed little to us because ~it was-gone long-before we happened ‘around here. It was an dndustry «in little Nittany Valley away back in the | early sixties, located on the Jackson- i ville road near the Harter and Tib- bens farms. There was a great crowd of workers there making meat vessels, cider barrels, etec., and in those days it was quite an enterprise in the county. Mattha Andrews was the foreman and with him were Mr. Noll, Andrew Har- ter, Dave Tanyer and Sam Hylands, all well known men in the valley in those days and all readers of the “Watchman.” te gin Save the Caloosahatchee! From the Milwaukee Journal. t The pork barrel, filled to the brim well packed and patted down, rolls triumphantly through the Senate, smashing the budget barrier. The “pork” is one of the items of the ar- my appropriation bill, which -other- wise has been trimmed to the bone. Budget estimates for the national de- fense were mercilessly slashed. What are such items as support of the na- tional guard, the officers’ reserve corps and civilian training among men who are hungry for “pork” anyway? So the “pork” is doubled—$56,000,- 000 instead of $27,000,000—while the budget estimates for national securi- ty are smashed. Senator Wadsworth warns that we no longer have a regu- lar army. It is a mere skeleton, brok- { en up into small units on garrison du- ty. And we have not even the hope _of the national guard and the reserve officers. Thousands of commissions of ! reserve officers .are to expire soon | with no provision made for their con- tinued support. But why talk of that when pork is the issue? | Senator Underwood starts the | “pork” on its final roll by blocking the move to cut the appropriation for riv- ers and harbors to the budget esti- mate. And most of the southern Dem- ocrats line up with him. The bill, aside from some improvements on the larger navigable rivers, is to improve a lot of creeks in the south that one never heard of and cannot pronounce the names when he sees them in print. But Underwood and the Democrats who lined up with him could not have saved “pork” alone. The Republicans are in control of the Senate. They were ready to share the responsibility. So the pork barrel rolls merrily on. If the Caloosahatchee in Florida and the Bigtombee creek in Mississippi, can get an appropriation, why the budget and the national defense can go hang! ——The coal commission was proba- 1 bly created for the purpose of con- cealing the profiteering of the coal barons. ——Sometimes we think that prob- ably the people of this State are de- pending on the Ruhr Valley coal mines | for fuel. ——Senator Lodge may yet return to the opinions he expressed with re- spect to a League of Nations in 1915. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. : —President Harding on Monday sent in the nomination of George B. Stevenson for postmaster at Lock Haven. —James C. Cassell, aged 61 years, a Nor- ristown jeweler, died at his home at Jef- fersonville while lying on a couch reading a paper. disease. —The 1922-23 trapping season came to a close on Wednesday, state game regula- tions setting the season during which fur- bearing animals—mink, muskrat, opossum, otter and skunk—may be taken, from No- vember 1 to the end of February. —~Clarence Burleigh, formerly district attorney of Allegheny county, solicitor for the city of Pittsburgh, and one of the most prominent members of the bar in Penn- sylvania, died on Sunday at Miami, Fla. following a brief illness from pneumonia. —Norman Stewart, 24 years old, of Lock Haven, went through the world war and wasn’t hurt. The other day while riding a trip of cars in a mine at Retort, he fell un- der the wheels. His head was crushed, and death ensued. He was a native of Lock Haven, where burial was made. —Three bandits early last Saturday robbed the Schwartz Motor company ga- rage at Hazleton of $60, after holding up Lester Flaim, the night man, and forcing him to open the safe. As they left they struck him on the head and escaped. Flaim staggered back to the office and tel- ephoned the police. —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morris, of Punx- sutawney, were awarded $2879 by the ver- dict of a Brookville jury, returned in their suit against the Jefferson Electric company to recover for the death of their son. The boy came into contact with a live wire of the defending company, when the wire broke after wearing against a tree. The death occurred two years ago and the suit had been fought through several terms of court. : —Williamsport can lay claim to one landlord who prefers tenants with chil- dren to the kind who want only those who own dogs in their houses. He is Wilson H. Kline, who owns an apartment house and six other dwellings, occupied by ten fami- lies, eight of whom have children in the houses owned by Kline, who whenever childless tenants complain about the chil- dren of neighbors, tells the former they can move at their own convenience. —Missing for forty-two years, steps were taken in court at Reading, on Mon- day, to have Moses Brumbach, of Sinking Springs, declared legally dead. He was 30 years of age and single when he disap- peared. A hearing will be held in April. He has a legacy of $1630 coming to him from the estate of Emeline Brumbach, and in addition had an interest in valuable real estate. William Diener, William G. Brum- baugh and Minnie McIntyre, first cousins, are the petitioners. —The will of Elizabeth R. Herr, which has just been admitted to probate at York, Pa., contains a $2,000 bequest to her chauf- feur, Paul L. Lau. Miss Herr held a mort- gage of $2,000 against a property held in Lau’s name. The will provides that her chauffeur be released of this debt. To the Rev. J. Ellis Bell, a former pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal chureh, in that place, which Miss Herr attended, she leaves $500. The Rev. Bell's wife is also bequeathed a similar sum... —Judge Charles B. Witmer in the United States court at Sunbury, last week, direct- ed the sale of the property of the United Telephone and Telegraph company to take place at Sunbury March 15. William B. ‘McCareb, of Lancaster, is the receiver. The sale. was ordered on petition of bond- holders of the company. The company op- erates in twelve counties in the State. It owns more than 2,200 miles of lines with 20,000 telephones in operation. It has been in the hands of the receiver for over eight years. The property is said to be worth $1,000,000. —Robert Gimmi, of Philadelphia, was sentenced last week to six months in the county prison for spanking his wife. He pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and battery, after his wife testified that he had thrown her across his knees and spanked her. “Your honor,” said Gimmi te Judge Barnett, “this lady, my wife, threw a cup of coffee in my face. That was all right. Then she threw a soft boiled egg at me and it landed in my eye. The latter, judge, aggravated me and I promptly put her over my knee and spanked her. I wanted justice for what she had done to me and I don’t think a little spanking harmed her.” —Anna Elizabeth McMillian, 15 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Me- Millian, of Yark, Pa., is seriously ill with black measles. The disease is rare and has not appeared in that locality in many vears. It is virulent and contageous. The child contracted the disease on February 15th. The discoloration began February 21st. Her body is now covered with black spots and chest, back and abdomen, while the hands, feet and soles are solid black, with the exception of distinct rings around the base of the fingers, which are white. The physicians are at a loss to account for the origin of the disease, which usually develops in the tropical climes. —With a heavy engine lying on his body and flames leaping from a burning bus, Clyde Mars, of Pine Grove, near Potts- ville, was burned to death Thursday night after a collision with a locomotive on the Philadelphia and Reading Railway at a Schuylkill Haven crossing, where no watchman is employed at that hour. Mars and two others were in the bus, which was overturned. The explosion caused it to burn rapidly, and Mars, being beneath it, could not be rescued. Roy Shollenberger and Curtis Moyer, the other passengers, were thrown ten yards and thereby escap- ed with their lives, although even at that distance the flames reached them and their bodies were slightly scorched. —Women prohibition agents would have to be able to play the role of “vamp” said Frederick C. Hazeltine, the new prohibi- tion chief for eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey in discussing Mrs. Gifford Pinchot’'s plan to have women agents assigned to rural districts. Mrs. Pinchot conferred recently with President Harding on the plan. “I approve of the idea,” Mr. Hazeltine said, “but I am afraid it would be hard to find the right kind of women to do the work. They would have to be “vampy” enough at times to ‘get the goods’ on: violators. They have to be ef- ficient. Also they would have to be: plucky. A woman might be efficient and get all kinds of evidence but go all to pieces in a raid. It, doesn’t do. to become hysterical at such times.” Death was due to organic heart