EE Bellefonte, Pa., January 19, 1923. NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND TOUNTY. — Calvin Struble is reported to be very ill at his home at State College. Don’t forget the cafeteria sup- per at the Presbyterian chapel, Tues- day, January 23rd. — Mrs. H. C. Valentine is offer- ‘ing for sale her home on west Curtin street. See advertisement elsewhere in this issue. —Be good to yourself and family by attending the Scouts’ cafeteria on Tuesday evening next, at the Pres- byterian chapel. —— Ash Wednesday this year falls on the 14th of February with Easter on the first of April, which would in- dicate an early spring. ——Are you going to the Scouts’ cafeteria next Tuesday? Oh, boy! The best of home-made eats, low prices, and good orchestra music while you eat. In the make up of the standing committees in the House at Harris- burg Thomas B. Beaver, member from Centre county, was made chairman of the committee on game. ——William C. Moore, of Altoona, has made application for a certificate of public convenience to operate auto trucks between Altoona and Belle- fonte and Altoona and Centre Hall. The jury commissioners have about completed their work of filling the jury wheel with the names of the! men and women who will be called up- on to do jury duty during the year 1923. A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peters, of Ferguson township, early in the week, making a family of three girls and two boys. ‘The new arvival has been named Ar- thur Jr. ——When Mrs. Samuel Showers va- cates the Mingle property on north Spring street and moves into the Pres- byterian manse, Mrs. George Williams will -occupy half of the first floor of the latter place. In a collision of two sledloads of coasters at the junction of Lamb and Spring streets, Saturday evening, Eleanor Barnhart, daughter of Mr and Mrs. James K. Barnhart, was in- Jjured, though not very seriously. ——A cafeteria supper will be given at the Presbyterian chapel by the aothers of the Boy Scouts on Tues- day next, January 23vd, beginning at 5:30 p. m. The public is cordially in- vited. Good food. Reasonable prices. ~The cafeteria supper next Tues- day 18" for the benefit of the Boy Scouts; a patriotic, character-building and citizen-making organization, char- tered by Congress. The proceeds will Je apptied—tu- the troop’s camping FUNG te pag mi -—=S3plendid new dark green ve- dour pew -cushiops were last week placed in St. John’s Lutheran church at a cbst of $500.0 These cushions add greatly to the interior finish of the «church, and were secured largely through the efforts of the Ladies’ Aid society. There will be four eclipses dur- ing 1923. A partial eciipsé® 9f the moon on March 2, visible here; an an- mular eclipse of the sun March 16-17, invisible here; parish, amoon August 26, visi total eclipse of the s ptember 10th, visible here as a partial eclipse. ~Thermometers in lefonte on Wednesday 1 ing registered from four degrees fapore do i “zero, while some places in t ty re- ported four below. One thing is cer- tain, it was the kind of weather that makes ice and that is what dealers in the natural commodity want just now. On Sunday morning Mrs. Sa- linda Shutt Jeft her home on east Howard street to go to thé’ Reforméd «church and had not gone two. squares |, when she slipged ‘and fell on’ the icy pavement, sustaining, injuries which resulted in her removal to the Belle- fonte hospital for treatment. At this writing she ‘is getting along ps: well -as can be expected, . —— "Bellefonte *has” *been in‘- the ‘throes of real winter weather this week but movie fans hye found the Scenic a comfortable place in which ‘to spend an hour or two every even- ing. It is not only a place sof-comfort’ ‘but the only place in Bellefonte offer- .ing good entertainment every even- Jing in the week. When in doubt as to wsvhere to go try the Scenic. bor 71 Announcements have been re- Fhe wld) Bellefonte Merchants Petition Council for Relief from Outside Hawkers. Only six members were present at the regular meeting of borough coun- cil on Monday evening. Messrs. Wal- ter C. Cohen and W. Frank Crawford, representing the Associated Business Men of Bellefonte, were present and requested council to take some action which would afford the merchants of the town protection against the itin- erant hawkers of merchandise who periodically visit Bellefonte and sell their wares without giving any re- turns to the borough. They maintain- ed that the merchants of the town, who pay taxes and always contribute to every public spirited movement, are entitled to protection; especially when they have for sale just as good, if not better, merchandise than the itiner- ant hawker, and at just as reasonable a figure. The committee was inform- ed that there is an ordinance covering the matter which prevides a license fee of not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00 for any person coming into the borough to sell anything in competition to the regular merchants of the town, which, if enforced, should afford ample protection. The matter, however, was referred to the Fire and Police committee and borough solicit- or for proper investigation and re- port. The Street committee reported the street force engaged in clearing the streets of snow. The Water committee reported the collection of $25.50 on the 1921 water duplicate. The Fire and Police committee rec- ommended the election of the follow- ing men as official drivers for the pumpers: For the Logans, J. R. Storch, Ellis Hines, G. Max Gamble and Homer P. Barnes. For the Un- dines, George Carpeneto, - Charles Saxion, Ralph Moerschbacher and Basil Doll. The recommendation was accepted and approved by council. The committee also recommended the re- election of Robert E. Kline as chief fire marshall for the ensuing year, giving as the reason the very excel- lent report submitted to council at the last meeting of the work of the de- partment during the year 1922. The committee’s recommendation was ac- cepted and Mr. Kline was re-elected without a dissenting vote. Mr. Cunningham called attention to the fact that according to the fire mar- shall’s report the borough now has an ample supply of fire hose in good con- dition and he introduced a motion, which was passed, requesting the. sec- retary of council to notify the fire marshall to see that the hose is prop- erly dried in the towers, after use, be- fore being stored in the pumpers, as it is the only proper way to preserve them against unnecessary deteriora- tion. The Finance committee requested the renewal of a note for $3,000, which was authorized. President Walker reappointed Dr. David Dale as a member of the board of health for a term of five years. He also appointed A. Miles Barr as au- ditor for the Pruner orphanage fund. Bills to the amount of $1238.94 were approved for payment after which council adjourned. Local High School Loses to Lock Haven. On Friday night tie local High school basket ball team suffered its second defeat of the season at the nds of the Lock Haven High school, n the latter's floor, by the score of 39 to 21. The score does not do jus- tice to the team’s playing, as they held their opponents at half time to 13 to 11, and the middle of the second half saw Lock Haven with only four points in the lead. At this point, how- ever, Coffee, the six feet two Lock Haven centre, started, dropping them through the net after many ineffectu- al previous attempts to score. This handicap height, combined with a Wretched, example of officiating by the referee, proved too strong a combina- ition for. the good passing and fighting spirit of the local team to overcome. The beys are : determined that they will make the return game here the occasion for administering to Lock Haven a sound defeat-and at the same time, show. them how to give a team a square deal: oe This (Friday) night, at 8:15, Mt. Union, two years’ League champions, will be in action onthe Y. M. C. A floor. et PHIL emt Club Elects Officers. —t at At the annual meeting of the Cen- tre Hills Country club, at State Col- Country «ceived in Bellefonte of the marriage . of Paul Chase, of Erie, and Miss Ruth’ tCumningham, of Lancaster, both being «well known here. Miss Cunningham has been for two seasons milliner for Miss M. C. Snyder, while Mr. Chase, a graduate of the Davy Tree, Surgery school, spent much of the past two summers here jn, the: interest. of his, work, though Fé has located in Belle- Fonte and is now a member of the Pot- ‘ter-Hoy hardware force, in the freight department. - The Bellefonte Lodge of Elks will have the.campliment of a fratepe ng wisit on Sunday afternoon of the Grand Exalted Ruler-of the State ot. ganization, J. Edgar Masters, “o Charleroi; ex-Governor John K. Ten- mer, a past Exalted Ruler, and Mr. Schrader, of Pittsburgh, who will xome to Bellefonte on the Pennsylva- nia-Lehigh train: and’ rémain until evening when ‘they will go by auto- mobile fo Williamsport to be present at, the.dedication.on. Monday of a, ney. etme lege, - held ' Tuesday, - January 10th, Charles W. Stoddart was re-elected | president. Other elections were: 4 L vice president, R. I. Webber; secreta- ry, AiR. Warneck; treasurer, Claude Decker; directors, E. C.” Woodruff and L. BE. Kidder. Hold-over directors are 'G."C. Glenn, S. K. Hostetter, D. F. Kapp-and G. Z. Stover. _ The president reported that the ‘nine-hole golf \eourse was practically completed and will be open for play in the early spring. The club house will be ready in April. The club has nine- ty-four active members, who have taken over $9,400 worth of debenture hands and $29,500 worth of mortgage Yonds> The by-laws were cha. ed to raise #1 tie active membership limit from 100 to 150. The annual dues for active members are $50. New members will pay an initiation fee vf $50. Non-res- ident members pay annual dues of 5 and an initiation fee pf §25. Per- sons whose place~of residence is-out- side of Centre and its adjoining coun- ties are eligible for non:resident mem: Flks home in that city. bership. — The Thimble Bee of the Re- | formed church will meet this (Fri- | day) afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jacob F. Hoy, on south Thomas street. ; The election of officers will take place ' and a full attendance is desired. i | — The bill of fare at the cafeteria ‘supper at the Presbyterian chapel, Tuesday evening next, for the benefit | of the Boy Scouts, will include cream- ‘ed chicken, roast beef, roast pork, meat loaf, scalloped potatoes, macaro- ni, baked beans, cottage cheese, sal- ads of various kinds, brown bread and rolls, pie, cake, ice cream, coffee and cocoa. Home made candies will also be on sale. ——Sunday’s deep snow put a stag- nation on the aerial mail at the Belle- fonte field. The plane from New York came in on time and landed in the snow but could not get up speed enough through the snow to take off. The result was the Emerick Motor Bus company snow plow was requisitioned and a runway opened the length of the field, so that it was noontime on Mon- day when the plane got away on its western trip. A supposedly weather-wise man living in the north tier counties on Saturday predicted thirty-one more snows this winter, and on Sunday we got one of them about a foot deep. The State Highway Department and the Emerick Motor Bus company put their snowplows in commission and opened the main roads to State Col- iege and Lock Haven so that travel was delayed very little. Fortunately the snowfall was not accompanied with high windstorms and there was no drifting. The members of Mrs. Reiter's Sunday cchool class of the Bellefonte Methodist church now have their name quilt and cushion ready for sale. The articles will be on exhibition in the vestibule of the church on Sunday and on Monday they will be taken to the Bellefonte Hardware company’s store where they will be displayed in the window until Saturday night, Jan- uary 27th. Bids for the articles will be taken during the week at the store and both the quilt and the cushion will go to the highest bidder at the closing of the store Saturday night, January 27th. At the annual congregational meeting held in St. John’s Reformed church, Friday evening, January 12th, ‘Harry Keller Esq. and E. E. Ardery were elected elders, and N. E. Robb, Harry Badger and H. E. Clevenstine were elected deacons, each to serve two years. For an unexpired term of one year, Jacob F. Hoy was elected deacon. The treasurer’s reports show- ed all bills paid and a balance in the several treasurer’s hands. This did not include an unpaid balance of $175.- 00 on the new electric lamps, etc., late- ly installed in the church. This bal- ance was subscribed by the members, last Sunday. — In refusing a license to Earl Kline, for the Garman house last week, Judge Quigley will keep Belle- fonte dry so far as public drinking places are concerned. He also refused three in Philipsburg and held under advisement one in Philipsburg and one in Rush township. Only six li- censes were granted, one in Millheim, one retail and one brewer’s license in Philipsburg, two in Snow Shoe town- ship and one in Casanova. When Judge Quigley went on the bench in 1916 there were twenty-eight licensed liquor places in Centre county, four of them in Bellefonte. Of course the war time legislation had a lot to do with wiping out the drinking places and the result is that now there are only six legalized places in the whole county. St. John’s Lutheran Brother- hood will entertain the Presbyterian Brotheihood this (Friday) evening starting with supper at 6:45 in the social room of the church. The Luth- eran Sunday school orchestra will be on hand, while special vocal numbers have been arranged. The principal speaker of the evening will be Dr. A. B. Van Ormer, of Huntingdon, and his subject is “What is a Man Good For?” Dr. Van Ormer is one of the leading Lutheran ministers in Cen- tral Pennsylvania and for a number of years was pastor of the Second Lutheran church in Altoona, but at present is holding the chair of phil- osophy at Juniata College. He has been on the lecture and Chautauqua platform for many seasons and is a speaker of eloquence and great ability. -==Roy :Clements, who works at the Wion:garage, had a miraculous es- cape on Monday evening and though he | suffered slight injuries and his Ford touring car was badly wrecked heoig ‘alive and able to testify that the precautionary sign of “stop, look and: listen’ is ‘not always a guarantee agdinst danger at'a railroad crossing. Mro